The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 26, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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Suit Filed ' :
i f Suit was filed in the i ustlce
toort yesterday by Charles R. Ar
1 chera Implement company "against
Joe Max.- It is charged that be
tween .February 7 1922 and An
, gustiS, 1922 goods aggregating
! $23.23 were sold to the defendant
Which I were never paid for. Col
j lection" with 6 per cent interest is
'asked. :- :
A. , ! . - ' . ' V '
i- ' ' 'r- . " . ;-.
I Piano Bargain-- -: . ' , .
i Good 1450 piano, 138; 5
down, 1150 a week; a bargain.
TaKwan Piano store, 395 So. 12th
Ituy an .pverland - 1 i . ;
i ; A? realize the - difference
rvicfc Bros.-rAdv.
! legality Questioned-
Sait was 'brought by Emma M.
tVeltjer against A. I'. Welter ct'-al
jin tie circuit court yesterday,
jrhaHeriging the legality, of a deed
which jNickolas Welter, deceased,
(is said to have made. It is alleged
(hat Njckolas Welter did not have
lithe capacity to know what he was
going and that hence the deed
was fraudulent aad'vold. -
foe ;rardee ;t'4; . ; A- ;'!
: IBs i talents as the most versa
tile musician on the Pacific coast
re undisputed. At Dreamland
Saturday night. -Adv.
li'lJcense Issued ;,;''.
J j , A".-marriage; license .was. issued
I j In the county cleric's office yester
Ifay ito Frank Xf'Kluck and Jes
sie wae'"Beii."boja?jDr salem.
,4 - ' . ;-
, wo TAoetion Sales- - - -
Home furnishings Saturday
10 ai ra. and 1:30 p. m. Stiff's
Auction ' House, I corner Liberty
and :Court streets. Adv.
i,Pe(e" Olds - v ;;
! Came to us late this fall, a boy
i with lots of talents undeveloped
j tome hear him now and you will
j know: why the Serenaders -are fa
j mous for the developing of raw
i vnatcrial. At Dreamland Saturday
i Adv. .a- . ' '. " ' "
i (J)runk. Arrested . .
j - .Pj J. Barry' was arrested here
i yesterday .for ' being, drunk and
having liquor , in his possession.
He was fined $10. ;
Would Be , Appreciated
Your' patronage would be ap-
recated by the- First Congre-
gatioaal church -ladies at their
coold food sale tomorrow Adv.
'Dr. ii IL White , A
B0S!U. S. Bank Bldg, Ele
i tr&nic Reactions xt Abrams
4 -r ' J
Sleepers- - : ' i, - . .
The following m'en,' were given
bedi' here, last ".night: Frank Em
toett, . Frank -Lee and ,1 W. It.
Conldin. " -
Jack's Cafe
. Ifi3 S. Com; St- A good place to
eat. V Tables and counter. Adv.
ForJ school children. Rates
Very moderate. ' .
Hie , Little Ladr's Store
IOC 3 Center St. Cor. 12th
i SAVE $ S $
by buying yonr hardware arid
Jcritnre at The Capital Hard
ware & Furniture Co 285 No,
ffoasrcial St , Phone 947,
. H Diamonds, Watches, ,
Jewelry and Silverware.
ihcae 1255, Salem, Oregon
-leia Ambulance Service
Day r Night
Phone 666
f 173 S. Liberty St.
6alen - X'-Ore,'
Capital junk
iAH kinds of junk and5
Second-hand goods, We
F-y fun value.
213 tenter Street
Phone 398
' , 1 Established 1868 J
. . - j
General Hanking Business
. . . : t ' : '
Office Hours froa 10 a. o. to 3 p, sx :
Home: Cooking- : j i
a saie oi caKes pies, coo ties,
saiaas ana otner good things, will
be held on Saturday; beginning
at 10 o'clock; -at Welch Electric
Co.. store
at 379 I State street.
Accident : x ; F"' ! ' "; ' . -Knight
Pearcy 'of 237 State
street reported that while gofrig
west on State' street ; he as
struck by a man named Neimeyer
who was going south ion Liberty.
Minor i damage was done to the
Cooked Food .Salo . f ;
The women of the First Con?
grrgational - church will "hold a
cooked food sale- on Saturday,
January .27 at the store of the
Welch Elec. Co., 379 State street.
-4-Ady.v ' :-$vA ' ? i U: . .';. .:.
Auto Tops and Curtain
.To order, reas
onable '
f! 176 -
Anderson & Teed,
High. Adr.
Two Collide i I v
Floyd D. Moore of Dallas while
drlvln g south on High street yes
terday collided with R. A. Looney
.of 975 ;D street "who"Was" going
east on Chemeketa. M inor. dam
age was reported. r . "-.. .
Silver Bell Circle : -
Neighbors Of Woodcraft, will
hold a cooked food sale Saturday,
January 27, at Salem Hardware
store. Adv. f
Legal Blanks 'A h','
: Get them at The SUtesman of
fice, i Catalog on , aDnllcatlon.
Parked Car Hit j J
A. E. Rubenstein of 731 Haw
thorne avenue, Portland, reported
that while his car was parked in
front I of; Schaef era "confectionery
on Court street yesterday a car
pulled away and tore off his bum
per. j' ., .. J ;
Real Dance Mnsic ?
- By ;BIlly Webb's Dixieland or
chestra, Saturday - night, at tho
armory.' ? Follow? the crowd.
We Will SeU at Auction
On .Saturday, complete , f urn
i.hing3 for - several .homes. ; New
and used'! Two "sales
10 a. m. and 1:30 , p. m. Stiff's
Auction House, corner Court and
Liberty streets, Adv. f K
Strikes Car
v F.: jA. Thompson of route 3,
while, going south . " on North
Church dodged another car and
struck the curb near D street. Mi
nor damage was reported. : : '
Stiffs Auction Sal'
1 Auction sale at Stiff's Auction
house Saturday at lip.'m.- Adv.
Car Called For !
. Don Miles called for -the Ford
car which was being held at the
police department yesterday.
Webb's Dixieland Orchestra -V
Saturday night at 1 the armory,
Don't miss it. Adv. f r
A Classified Ad . ; :
, Will bring you a buyer. Adv.
Mayor Pla
Beautiful 800 'player piano,
$34S with bench and rolls; $10
down. ,$ 1.50 aC-week; a bargain.
stored 395 So. 12th. Adr.
Card of Tltanks . ;
, We. wish to thaakpur friends',
neighbors and all ihose who so
kindly 'assisted us at the death
! cur fin fixture '-ith
i car nd skilt There ia
. is art ia hanging elc-
tri fixture an veil a
i ia makinf them. W
will not only aell yoa
t the electric fixtur tat
j isstU it for 7u-
; The best for! the
money. . '
: ; FIssnsr Electric
, Company
Archie Tleenex .
Electrician .
414 Court St. Pbon 980
, v II
and funeral of our father; also
for the many neauiuui iiowera.
Mrs. Elvira . Gleeson and, family
Adr. ':'"" " '
Drs. HeLsley & Heisley.-
Practitioners of Osteopathy
and Electronic Reaction of
Abrams at the SilTerton Sani
tarium, Silverton, .Oregon Adv.
Billy Webb's Dixieland Orchestra
Which is 'making weekly visits
here on Saturday nights is stead
ily gaining in favor with the danc
ing fraternity, and last Saturday
night's ' crowd was loud In their
applause at a number of 'times.
Tfcey will be here again this Sat
urday with a variety of- dance
music that can't be excelled.
Italph Dougherty
The Brunswick record expert.
after hearing Ralph stated that
he had" never hearl his equal even
inMthe recording' laboratories. At
Dreamland Saturday. Adv.
The PwMle is Invited
To attend a free; .lecture- on
Christian , Science , by. "William D.
Kilpatrkk, C.t Ss. B., otv Detroit,
Mich:, meimber of tbe .Board of
Lectureship- of -Mother
chureh, The Firsts Church ot
Christ Scientists, In - ' Boston,
Mass., .at the Grand theatre,
Friday, , January . 2 6, ; 1 9 TZ , . at 8
o'clock p. m. Adv. .. . '; ' ,
IUrkenbackcr Car Here ' ?
!iJ. . A.; Bewlev of :D1alla:Jis in-
troducing. "tie Rtckjanbker car
tor the Salem ' intiiexinUt public.
Mr. Bewleywho i a-veran auto
man.v is verv '. fenlli nsIaBtia about
thp merits , of . the eii car and
predicts a wonaerrujfture lor
them. v
Bob Dickinson '
Sweet PaDa!!.! Soul stirrine.
heart sobbing violining. Bobby
isn't, a comer he's 'already
there I ! ! At 'Dreamland, ; Saturday
night. Adv. k V j
Win - Complete Church- r ' ;
The ' building committee of St.
Paul's church has decided to com
plete the new chnrch ''building.
Rev. H. D. Chambers, 560; Che
meketa street, would be . glad to
receive "bids" for carpenter work.
"Bumble Bee'rSpeagte
-'Our new drummer,, nicknamed
so because of his inability to sit
still. At Dreamland Saturday .
Adv. ,
Ministers Protest
4l A protest from Baptist pastors
of Portland was read before the
saaa'te yesterday against any leg'
isjation to tax , church, buildings
or the grounds on .which they
stand. 'The letter ; declares for
the principle ; of complete separ
ation of church and state and
navR t hat such leeislatlon would
militate against the building of
churches. .
Creamery Meet
The annual meeting: j of the
stockholders, of the Capital City
BROASCII Hattie Broasch died
at a local hospital, January 24
t j age 28 years. Remains were
; forwarded by Terwilliger Home
At 6 Glendaie, Cal.; where fnn-
-era! services will- be . held and
; burial take place. .'
CtJRRY Miss Winnifred Dixie
' Curry,' only daughter of George
Li. Curry of Linn county, f or-
j merlT of : 1 Portland, sister of
' Lester, Daniel, Ceofgeand Oii
Yer Curry, ail of Portland, and
i granddaughter ,or pionSi' Gov-
' ernor George Low Curry, died
at a local hospital Jacuary 23
'1923 at the ageipf 25jyears
Miss Curry was a teachetin the
Haysvllle - sihdbl. Funeral ser
vices will be. held in the Webb
& Clough chapel, January 26
1923 at 1:30 p. m.l Rev. Mill!
kin will conduct , the 'services.'
Interment will be in the IOOF
-cemetery. :..'
Funeral services for Annie G
Gillmore were held at the Webb
& Clough chapel, January, 25,
1923"at 3:30 p. m. with Rev. W.
W. Long officiating. The remains
will be shipped east today to Ma
rengo, 111. Mrs. Gillmore Is sur
vived by her widower, O. H. GUI
more, and by one son, Robert H,
Gillmore of Chicago, 111.
Webb & Clough
h- Leading Funeral
Expert Ernbahaers
Rigdon & Sorfs
' x Unequaled Service
Clancy, Florist,. Inc.
125 North High. Phone 381
fSay it with Flowers"
Cooperative creamery is to be;
held - today- at 1:00 o'clock, v. A
full report of the year's busi
ness is to be made, an election
of directors for the coming year
will be held, and general busi
ness of : the corporation will be
transacted. The, creamery has
plugged v inconspicuously but
busily along through the year.
and its business returns show a
fine return for their enthusiasm.
The figures wiTl be made, public
today. Prof. Hurd, of OAC, Is
to be one of the principal speak
ers at the : session.
Stiff Auction Sale '
Auction, sale at Stiffs Auction
house Saturday at 1 p. m. Adv.
Home Furnishings-
Furnishings of two homes will
be sold at auction. Saturday at 1
p. m. at Stif t's Auction house, cor
ner Liberty and Couct Sts. Adv.
A memorial service for the 19
members of Sedgwick post, Who
have died since January 1, 192?,
will be held by the postinthelr
hall at the armory at 2 o'clock
Sunday, January 28. AH. auxil
iary organizations and the famil
ies of the departed comrades are
invited to attend. Official an
nouncement, i Albert Loughrldge,
Home Furnishings
".Furnishings of two homes will
be sold at auction Saturday at 1
p. m. at Stiff's Auction house, cor
ner Liberty and Court" Sts. Ad;
Hay Transferred '
Brigadier John Hay. of the Sal
vation army; who has been in
command of the Oregon division.
has received word of his transfer
to the district of Northern Call
fornia, with headquarters at Sac
ramento. He has been living at
Portland. and covered ( the state
from there. He goes to his new
field on .Tuesday. ,Hls successor
has not yet been named for the
Oregon district. Brigadier Hay
has many friends ; - in .Salem,
through his many .visits to thl
We Will Sell at Auction
rOn Saturday, complete furn
ishings for several homes. .New
and ! used furniture. "Two sales'
10 a. m. and 1:30 p. in. Stif rd
Auction House, corner'. Court" and
Liberty streets. Adv.
For Sale 1
Grocery stock and fixtures,
$1050. Long lease, living rooms
n a n r . il a
ioui ei.j jer uiuulu. rnuue os.
Adv. , 1 . j
Hemstitching , Reduced to 6c
Miller's "Good Goods" Hem
stitching parlors. Adv.
Col. Gowan Here-
Col. A. W. Gowan of Burns, is
a Salem visitor this week, looking
on while the legislature acts. He
used to sit in one of the walnut
The Sale
You Have Kefii
Suits Made to Measure
$25 to $45
Extra Pants
No need to wait longer
to get your new suit for
spring. . The new woofens
are here in (great variety.
All the new weaves and
colorings are being 'shown
now. :'.'..
1 1 The new style books ate
alo here, so you can make
no mistake. ; i
' Come in and make your
selection now and have your
measure taken.
chairs- himself, some years ago.
He started . in as- senator in the
early 'fiO's and kept it ud for sev
eral yearsl CbL Gowan is ; a vet
eran of the Army of the Potomac,
in the Civil war. He -commanded
a company in two of the Indian
wars in western Kansas, back in
the days vnen "bleeding Kansas"
was a fact and they couldn't deny
it. He came out -to Oregon while
Kansas was still bleeding, and has
long been one of the notable cit
izens of the state.
Still Bill Passes House
With Few . Dissenting .Votes
The so-called "still bill," in
troduced by a group of represen
tatives at the request of the anti
saloon league, passed the house
yesterday with only six dissenting
votes. : I ' . :
Most of : those who opposed the
bill explained that their opposi
tion was : directed toward that
eature of the bill which makes
possession; of a still or mash
prima facie evidence of guilt and
places the burden of proof on the
prisoner. The bill also makes a
second conviction a felony with
a, penitentiary sentence. .
A bill ' by Representative Miles
niiis acts at once
checks Colds in 1 Hours
liberty at Court St.
Phone 11 1
rlt AeSat MOacfooId tab tQaCocan ..
Bromide Tmine.OjiKktxt SafestA
p and woA dmcnddbk 55--,N: A
i headache aniMa-"""' U
Made of English nainsook
in :-excellent . wearing and
tubbing .quality. This num
ber at 95c will ' command
your jimmediate approval-
Three deferent distinctive
designs stamped ready to
work. This' 'is an annual
event here,, the cooperation
of the .Royal Society , makes
possible -the extreme value
giving at White Sale time.
Come early, see windows.
v" SoYAL sbIE
vara 2 aose covers
A white material resembllnr' the butchers'
linen in t texture, ! overweight teVen weave and
contains no starch. ? ?
This cover is hemmed, stamped v ready ! to
work. Very ; special. ; ,
;'Price95cf ,,"'v.r.iA
4 napkins to match, ; 30c -
Begin Home ! Se wing I(ow '
- Begin home sewing now; 'Nearly all-spriagi
materials -are now in stock 'and many old'
.prices still prevail. Today we received ;.our
new cretonnes 'and scrims. '
, Sheetings can be. bought now: for Jess
money , than they, can. InVanother-' month. (Im
ported ; cotton crepes are still 28c: yard. '
Everfast fabrics at 5.0c jard are. being' used
-extensively1 for house-dresses,- kiddies', cloths, .
etc. I . - ' 5
to increase the salary of the Co
lumbia county 'treasurer from
$1000 to $1200 a year was also
passed. ' " .
Under the prorisions of Rep-;
resentatlve Bennett's bill, passed
yesterday, 'purchasers of gasoline
or distillate for use in commercial
or : agricultural purposes . or ' any
other use except that of propell
ing motor vehicles on public high
ways may secure a refund from
the secretary of state of the two
cent tax imposed by the state.
We Cannot
Afford to Make
Cheap GFasses
S0l5 Oregon Bldg.
Oregon's Largest Optical
Institution j
Phone ,-239 for appointment!
Society Stamped
; y" ' :
i r . ' Y
In The-Subway Store ,
6,1 -A. ' clearance rof Hats that
I should be. ot great importance.,
to those needing a sport or': "'
i general utility hat.
Brushed wool, felts and vel
vets are al. well represented.,
'""''in" this-" showing. ome Yery J
: clever school hats in felt .-with
- -leatherette ; trimmings, are to . ,
be - found in the "loC' -: Values .-.
up to 5. Your choice of any
one at SI. . .-Subway,
mn'n nam
Vho economy 'iJIgKKS
It has -no eciual regard-.
less of the price you pay-
lt is usea Dy uie majority .ui
American housewives, fltsales .
are over one hundred and fifty
per cent greater than tbelhjesct ;
larcrest sellincr brand of baldnp:
powder. Buy it try
A pound can of -Calumet (Contains. .1 Vjjf..' T? ;.;
fall 16 ounces. Some balzins :pQsfi..-usr'rsr k
den come in 12 ounce instead $f .ZG .. S- ss ;
ounce cans. Be sure yoa: jzt &. -;...
pound wKen you want it ; . , , :.
- '' :
2.Z3" OIF
Stamped Govns
Pillow Caces eitid -
f . m - i-m . S ; -
. Begins Satiinky S roTclccIi
. J . ... .
We've 'just Received" a
big shipment of Royal
Society products direct
-To. thoroughly -acquaint
our patrons with this new
" and 'Comprehensive stock
we place three . numbers
Pillow cases,
. of good quality linen finished tubing., Staiap
ed ready to work.' Three designs. - Casus
u finished -plain, hemstitched and .hemstitched
"hem&T ' Specially . priced.
Price Plain j! $L25
Price 'Hemstitchqd .i$1.35
Price Hemstitched Hera ,$143
' . " ' -.. . . . -.;
, New Ratines ? 1;25 Yd. j "
Materials that drape will be most i In -de-.
mand this,, season. Our ratines are the best
the market affords, at prices that yon would
pay fpr ordinary, ratines. Such eolorr; as rose
orchid, china blue, . pink,, lemon yellow, tan-
gerlne and white are here in 36-inch widths,
v See them, today! Make your selections while
the . assortments are- yet complete. i ' ' '.
Don't waste expensive iinf
dients don't -worry about
results don't try to find a
leavenerlthat 'is as dependable,
;pure :and wholesome a3 ' .; ' ' "
- f
it -.useit
"Good Goods a Cost '
yYoM LessPcr s
t -
Hlable Cp'
,. ' . .. , -i -
, on special sale. sat- very
v . low prices: 'tiOHras, . iu- kJ
t V low Cases aail Card TaWe ,
; AH three. are' the : gen-
, nine Royal-Society brand
i and are guaranteed to-b
; good quality.'
Ml Ml"" 1 " ' '
t r !
( f
Pillow CQS
'42x36, regular size; niad:8
' I
V IS-. J ii J I
t ' . .''',--.-
: Choice
. Uctn Aii Sold ;
r . i .r j i . . .