The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 26, 1923, Page 1, Image 1

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u s.! MHISP ' " - -I M A m w 9 w r wrr -v vts-rt , . I M 111 M W ft-M A ' ' 1 v 9-' m I ( -r . - - - - - - c , ' ' . i. . : I
i nn rn nnnninntf t?oitv u in state or "Sus- irt nnnim iiHrh with Fin of $35ois , .... .
J D LLb llillliylilii fli bUllLUUtU J"lf-B : W mfMM Wm
Joint Gdtornittee6n" Assess
ment and Taxation Be
gins Sessl6ns; With State
, Commission.
0k -
raasure -T Irt Greatest ' favor
1 Said to fie Personal In
; jcofne tax Bill -
Actual consideration of t tbe
three income tax bills Introduced
fa the legislature - will be jbgon
tfenday night when the Joint
committee on assessment and tax-
I ation -wili begihAaj series; efT ses
sions with. '.members of ;the state
tax - InTestikatiori 5 eonaniisslan'
Frank M.! Warrefti - cbalnaan of
tie state' audit commission, ahd
. Dr. Jamw Gilbert, head of. the e6
" enomicg: department of the Unif
tersity; of Oregon. '''' '
This was: doeided ata rofeellng
. of the committees tyeld last night
at which action was taken on sev-
- eral bills. referred to the houpd
7 Keeabey 11111 Tabfert
Representative . Keeney'a bill,
'. aimed to place hospitals .which
now escape taxation under the
plea of charitable purposes, was
tabled awaiting!" amendmenta by
its author. Representative Seat's
, bill to advancetbe date of pay
merit of taxes andTJrovId ' pre
mium for prompt payment,, was
maie A special order of buaintss
. f or .Monday night , and Represent.-
i tire Lewis' bill to put church
' " property back on the taxroll was
I tabled to permit Representative
"Shelton, ft;member Wof i the - com
i mlttee, tp draft a substitute bill.
I In brief the: three Income tax
! nreasures Introduced to date," and
they appear to be all that . will be
forthcoming at this session, pro
i tldff for a graduated Income tax
' under 'ihe Wheeler and Bennett
; bill! a f flat personal income , tax
under the bill introduced by the
- ! ; committee on assessment and tax
' stiah and a copy of the federal in
care tax measurer Introduced by
f Mclahan of Linn and modified to
f prCTid that a sum equal to one-f
v.a!f of the amount paid by tb.o
retired to pay an income tax un
der the, federal statutes shall b
' - paid Into the state treasury.
ltr.v,--i::lreat Tax liked v
.! Indication; are ; that the hll
i how. m greatest .f avor, la. the, pe
to&al Income' UX bill as propose
by the stat tax InTestigat Ion
. . commission arid Introduced by
; the committee on assessment and
taxation. -4 '- ; A
Business men, who feel that an
.income tax is probably scheduled
to be passed this session, are
01 tin per.p.l tacom. Ux act to
- the only . one of the three intto
duced that does not lit effect re-1
suit In double taxation through
tax on corporation arnings as j
such and again when distributed
to the individual beneficiaries.'
. This biir, reduced to its funda
mentals, provides a uniform; tax
of tour per cent on all Incomes in
excess, of the specified exemp
tions. In the ease of an Individ-,
- ual, unmarried, an exemption, of
$1000 la allowed. In the case of
! a head of a family or a married
Individual living with husband or
: wife, a personal; exemption k bf
; S1S00 is allowed but' a husband
and wlfo livlag together shall re
ceire but one personal exemption
j of $1$00 against thelf" aggregate
i net income. , In case they make
, separate returns, the personal cx--emptlon
of $1800 may be taken
by either of them or divided be
: tweea them. An additional ex
emption of $300 for ihdlvianil
(Continued on rage 4)
ORfeGON: , - Friday. " cloud
with occasional raln.v
(Thursday) i
raxSmum temperature,
illiauta temperature,
River, $.6, stationary.
Atmosphere; cloudy.' -
Vl!5d, SOUth.
PHOENIX. Ariz.., Jan. 25.
Pollowtng; a conference with the
family' of George'1 St eyenson, Cor-
dner Pred d. Bolenjthi afternoon
cjrdfred i a Pnysician ; to assemble
a ellnlc of Phoenix physicians to
make an examination of Steven
don's body, which, 'members of-hts
fjamily claim is in state of sus
pended anamation, out wnicn two
physicians have, pronounced dead.
j Although doctors say Steven
son ,die4- Tuesday,, members of the
family. have refused to surrender
the body to an undertaker. ;
ZirriniermanLsi.Follett and
Taylor -Assail College
4 r Representatives :
Senators j Zimmerman, La Fol
lett and. Taylor of the senate side
of the joint ways and means com
mittee went to bat against repre
sentatives of Oregon Agricultural
College who appeared before the
committee last- night . in 'support,
of a requested appropriation of
$(2,600.76 to match government
money under the Smith-Lever act
and another of $7500 for rodent
extermination, both of these' un
der" the extension! service of- the
:Zlnl merman has' a penchant for
statistics, and though a graduate
of he college, took- great delight
in tantalizing the professors with
questions of statistical character.
La Follett and Taylor , appeared
to look upon . the Institution " as
an intruder upon the rights of the
taxpayers and minced no . words
in I their verbal assaults.
Silenced, ;Bat Hot tor Long
Previously the i national euard
requirements bad "been placed be
fore the, committee by Adjutant
General George A.' White, and the
general by some, brusque retort to
a remark of La Follett about high
taxes had succeeded In" silencing
the veteran senator, the first; man
who has been able to do so- this
session. For two hours there
after La Follett hadnt a word to
say on anything, but when the
OAC people began : talking about
county agents. Insects, club work,
tree diseases, fertilizer and do
mestic Bdence demonstrations,
matters became unbearable for
the 7: old senator and he pro
ceeded to tie into Paul W Maris
and Dean A. B. Cordley. two' fac
ulty members in the college dele
gation. The college had an ex
hibit of supporters that was ahead
of anything that: has yet appeared
before the committee.- It includ-
hltlM. t rem .U Mellon, of toe
state, and -was. reinforced by CL
E.;, crpence. master or ne state
grange; George Mansneid, presi
dent of the Oregon farm bureau.
and Mrs. Ida" Callahan, president
of. the State Federation of Worn-
(Continued on page 4) t
1 1H1TEE
Sonie one has been putting
of the legislature
To the effect that enough 'flax cannot le grown, in this
vicinity ta run 'the penitentiary flax plant, to the extent of
making twine; that fax growing' will ruinv the land, and such
Yon flax irrowers around
enmiErli flax ean be raised on
a gootl crop year, to make 100 tous of fiber; and this fiber made
...:ti 11 firj AAA t nuiunf rvrtooo
into BrlllC VWB ,. cf T,w,wrw, ni, j. i. .
lii9Ugh to runtwo'. penitentiaries like Oregon , and
a bier jotrnlns besides . ... v -
And. .you; know- ihat yon
supply 50 penitentiaries, land
if von could cret contracts for
1 Ad vou know a cron of
as much as a crop of potatoest or most any other vegetable or
grain crop.', ' ! L.. - , .; -
Yon know all this." r The legislators will believe you. It is
yonr duty to cpme and tell them. - . ; 4 ,
It is to vour interest. - ; --. v- ". -
' " You should take a few hours off , and. comeand, tell them
-and this means every flax grower' iri tills district' : Come and
put a quietus on this poison .propaganda. You can do it. It
,is your dstjy-The twine trust i3"wdrdajv'13c6Ulinas-
Attorney Genera Has Had
Sufficient Evidence Intro
duced to .Hold .Kluxers
' Responsible.
. - - v - . . r r . i i
Facts that Daniel arid Rich
ard We'fe Placed in
Truck Established
BASTROP, ;La" Jan. 25. (By
the Associated Press,) The open
hearing here conducted , by the
state" of Louisiana into the oper
ations of masked men in the par
ish, '..which Attorney A. . V. Coco
has characterized as the "More
bouse atrocities, ended today af
ter having been In session con
tinually since January 5. S
Scores 'of witnesMS testified
concerning ' flbggln gs, . x deporta
tions, circulation of warnings by
a 'vigilahte committee, kfdhap
Ings and the v spiriting away of
Watt, Panlel and rT, P Richard on
August 24 cf whom no trace was
found until their bodies floated
to the surface from the depths of
Lake La Fourche on December
Masked Men , '
' The entire hearing revolved
around the "disappearance "of -Daniel
and Richard and - yirtnally
every witness war questioned con
cerning the circumstances, of their
disappearances 'J "
? Untli;today no witnesa had tes
tified' who had knowledge of - the
hooded bands . slhce they were
seen at Colllston near here on the
night of v August 24, when the
hooded captors released -three
( Other men taken with Daniel and
Richard and obtained a supply of
gasoline for their cars
Leon Jones ' of Moselle. - Miss.,
the only witnesa at the conclud
ing session, testified that his car,
was - disabled on the highway
about three-quarters of a mile
from Lake La Fourche "some
time in August,", and that during
the night one small touring tar,
and a truck containing masked
men and two. others who appeared
to be prisoners, passed them ,
bound toward! the 'lake. Some
time later I the cars returned from
the lake and he said there seem
ed to be: no prisoners.-; - -
, .Track. Identified ... , .i ,
It has; been,. estabUshedt, that
Daniel and - Richard .were placed
In a small truck at the scene of
the kidnaping and they were in
the truck; when the cavalcade
stopped at Collistqa. Jones, how
ever, could not say whether i it
was the night of August 24 that
he observed the truck and touring
car near the lake. ;
' The hearing adjourned about
1:25 a. m., today, but a few-minutes
prior to that time. Attorney
General Coco made a statement
to the court declaring that.,. evi
dence had been developed sUf tie
lent, to show, the Ku. KTux Klan
1 Contlaned on page J)
G&OWEBSl 1 1
out poison among 111 e members
-. , ,
Balem know better, , You know
300 aires of yotir" best land, in
j would produce enough Iflax to
on land within hauling tiistanQe,
it. at fair prices--
flax does not wear .out -the land
The "overhead" In the boot
legging business sometimes rum
into1 fabulous sums, according to
the experiences of an industrious
Portland -dispenser of the . pro
duct. Yesterday Eert Calvin,
charged . with unlawful posses
sion of 25 pfnts of the stuff,
was fined $100 "in the police
court and sentenced to 20 .days
In the city Jail. The Jail .sen
tence was later suspended on
condition that Calvin ""get out
of, the county and stay Out.'
r- The liquor salesman had just
$101. 7 When he left the police
court he had $1 with which to
begin; life over. But , the arm
of the law, was not yet through..
The Justice court by way 1 ot
completing' a perfect day brought
Charge against- him of unlawful
transportation of liquor. - lie
pleaded; guilty. The result was
a fine of $250. Calvin was just
$249 shy. He was given 30 days
in which to raise it. - ...
: The Portland bootlegger is now
under the custody '-of ; Don ? Miles,
Salem attorney. He has just
29 days in 'which to raise $249
outside of Marion county. .
Bill Introduced by Carsner
Asks for Economical Bus
iness Retrenchment -
Sweeping cuts in . salaries paid
to ft ate officials would be made
under" the terms ot. a- bill Intro
duced by: Representative C Cars
ner of Wheeler county.
The bill would provide reduc
tions in the salaries, of the gover
nor from $7500 to $5000; attor
ney general, from $4000 to "$3.-
000; corporation commissioner
from $3600 to $3000; state school
superintendent . from $4000 to
$3000; ;r clerk of the state land
board from $3000 to $2400, and
judges Of the circuit court in
Jlultnomah county amounting to
$500 per; year, .
, Other reductions in salaries fol
low .apoht.,tbe .game proportion.
Reflection of Conditions
"In submitting these bill? to
put salaries in - the state of Ore-
eon . back to where they ',w ere be
fore these abnormal advances
Were made. said Carsner "1 wish
to state that there is nothing of
a. personal nature, intended, neith
er, is there any desire to punish
anyone holding . office. . It is but
a reflection of the business and
economic conditions that exist
throughout Oregon, tor" It' is well
known, that every individual and
efery bttsi&ess lrm is taking tre
mehdduB losses and In 'private
bueiess aalafles .of mariagjefsahd
superintendents are everywhere
being cut to a' greater extent thin
provide fbr public officials In
these bills."
School Salaries Cut
The salaries of the following of
ficials are also ' Included among
those affected, with reductions in
each case as shown: Clerk of tbe
supreme court, $300Q to $2400;
president of OAC, $10,000 to
$5000; president of U. of O., $S,
000 to $5000; state highway en
gineer, $7200 to $4000; maximum
salaries of . professors, teachers
(Continued on page 2)
Klepper Measure Would
Make It Difficult for Some
; People to Marry -: -
A bill Introduced by Senator
Klepper yesterday; would require
that applicants for - marrlage. li
censes must file their written ap
plications with the ..county, clerk
at least CO days, before . the . Issu
ance of the license. ' ; The - idea
back of the bill is to prevent
hasty or not duly considered mar
riages. " , - r ..
Aiu an a a&vA v vjyfi
American and Belgian An
thems Sung as St.Mihief
; Takes Departure ;
ANTWERP, Jan.' 25.-i(Py The
Associated , . Pi&ss.) Moving
slowly, down the river Scheldt ; to
night on the way home ahoard
the .American, transport St. Mlhiel
is the., last- contingent of the
troops" who represented the Unit
ed' States In the world war. s
The troops arrived this 'mbrn-
fng front , the Coblens - bridgehead
and embarked on th transport
which started her voyage for Sa
vannah at 5:20 o'clock this after
noon. ; .. -.1 '.);-. ,-.,'.'.:?"' , ;..-.'"':'. : -,
With soldiers lining .her rails
the tra&port : east i off ' her 'line
and the doughboys sang - farewell
songs and shouted ' greetings of
geodrbye, while groups - of friends
ashore, standing in the dim light
of -he arly -. ' darkness waved
thhli adleux.' : t
Good Will AccompanJee '
- Then the.; propellers1 of the St.
Mihiel began to ohurn the .waters.
the transport ; slowly; moving on
frer way toward the . flat low
lands of the Scheldt and Boon
was - lost to view at the royal
sluice still wending her way to
ward Flushing, which was- due
to be .reached about midnight!
From-Flushing the wide sea
opens the way. for home and the
signal bells will registers the call
."tull speed ahead.".
The formal ceremony of de
parture - - took place at 4:46
o'clock when a company of the
6th. Belgian infantry with its
band lined up alongside the St
rllhiel. The band "Played the
Eelg'an and the: American na
tlonal anthems. Minister of vvar
Deveze,, accompanied by General
Jacques, representing Ging Al
bert. and the burgomaster of Ant
werp;, tr.. Franz; Van Caelaret,
boarded the transports ' where
they were rooelved by the Captain
Of the St. MJhiel, with the Oliver;
Colonel Walter T. Bates of the
Eighth , infantry and the Ameri
can - consul: ' Georae S." Messer-
smith ':' Appropriate speeches
were exchanged ; in , the main cab
in of the vessel. In his address.
; DeVese expressed- Belgium's
devotion to the : United States.
The final ceremony was one
cf , many " attending ' the farewell
' (Continued on page 2)
"Cons" Plan Musical Com-
i edy for Coming, Month;
"' Invite Legislature ;
The annual legislative "Laugh
and Song Feit" will be glwsn
early next month by the prisoners
of the, Oregpn state penitentiary,
according, to ' plans now v under
way. , Rehearsals are how being
held and the "Prison Escape of
Musical" Energy" .will be given
February 113 and 14. ;
1 The show; this tim wilt include
a Chorus of 40 voices which it la
considered will be a special attraction.-
The: first night will be
"prisoners night" "and the other
two for the public. -
Two years ago the ' minstrel
show was - postponed nntil the
time the legislature was in ses
sion. Since' the regular annual
'Show was given lit December this
year another musical comedy will
be put on for their special, bene
fit. ; '
-. Rehearsals are now being held
and tickets will go on sale Febru
ary 9.' Jack Xittell, parole officer,
is business manager of the show
and tickets will be on ; sale at
Perry's drug store on South Com
merclal street. -.. - -
Organic Law of the State Too Easily Amended and now
i Filled With Legislative Matter, Declares Washington
! County; Senator Series of Consolidation Proposals
Ready to be Submitted.
A constitutional convention to be called in the year 1927
for a remaking of the Oregon organic laws into Workable
form is provided. for. in a joint resolution that" has been 'pre
pared by Senator W. G. Hare ; of Washington county ; and
which will be .introduced in the next day-or, two. It would
refer to the people the question of calling the convention.
This i3 'duly part of an elaborate program which .has
been prepared by the Washington .county: senator designed
to save, money to the taxpayers of Oregon and at" the same
time avoid tne creation of a super-government. The remain
der of the program is a series of bills calling for the consol
idation of various state departments and of f ices which would
have ;the effect of cutting down the number ' of salaried of
ficials and employes- . - - 11
Fine or Imprisonment Pen
alty if it is Not Posted !
; in Offices
A bill was Introduced In the
senate yesterday that, would make
It compulsory fox, any person con
ducting a x public office, place of
religious worship,, fraternal hall.
school, court house, shop, store,
mill or ether, place where men.
women or children are employed,
or who gather jjn bodies for labor
or worship to hate one or more
copies of the Lord' Prayer pbstf
ed where it may easily be seen
dfnd read. J i:.T-- '. -! -.: I -
The bill was introduced by Sen
ator La Follett at the request of
41 Protestant and Catholic min
isters, public officials and busi
ness men of Salem and vicinity.
It provides for. the appointment
of one commissioner without sal
ary to see to the printing of the
prayers. Printing would; be done
at state expense. : f
Failure to comply with the law
Is made a misdemeanor, punish
able by fine or imprisonment.!
Over the initials f - United
States Senator Authur Capper of
Kansas the following tribute to
Senator Charles L. McNary or
Oregon, appears In' Capper's
Weekly, published in Washington,
D. C: -
; One. of the soundest 'speeches
made during the .debate, on ihe
Borah amendment to the" naval
bill authorizing an international
economic coonference was made
by Senator Charles L. McNaryf of
Oregon, lr. McXary is a Senator
who does not, consume very much
time in the senate debates, ! but at
such times as ho has something
worth while to contribute to the
discussion. It would facilitate ihe
business of the senate if more sen
ators were like 'him j in this re
spect. I regard Senator, McNary
as one of the ; strongest and most
useful men in the senate. :
Yk Discussing : the proposed eco
nomic conference " authorised by
the Borah amendment, which was
withdrawn after assurance had
been given by! Republican senate
leaders that the president already
bad initiated a movement for such
a conference, Mr. McNary. voiced
the views of a number of senators
who. have felt ever .since the end
ing of the war that this -country
should not remain aloof .from
European affairs merely' because
it intends to adhere to its tradi
tional policy of noninterference la
European ' politics. Mr. McNary
made this point clear in. the fol
lowing language:. ' j.,-.-"In
my humble opinion, .the
amendment offered by "the able
senator from' Idaho (Mr. Borah)
is limited to operate only, in the
field ot international economics
and can: not be construed to im
ply any obligation calculated 'to
involve any aggressive .or- defen
IS. IffiE
" ; The Hare 'joint, resolution call
ing ff or ,v a constitutional conven
tion proposes that the question of
calling .the "convention 'be sub
mitted? fOfthe people at ,the next
genera election whlch'.will he' In
Noveinber , 1924 ; ! r . ; '.Is
V Representation Provided For
4, Each" c6untyr would "berepre
sentod in the constitutional ; con
vention in the same manner that
it is now represented in the bouse
of representatives. Delegates to
tbe convention ' would be . elected
at the regular election of, November,-.
1&26 and lb convention
would, be held, early Inli 1927.
Every moye would . be made Jn
regular, elections . and the people
would . not, be ,at the expense , of
voting . on the proposals at eostly
special, .elections. ;. The . idea In
this mainly would be that of giv
ing the people ample v time to con
sider and discuss all phases of the
proposal. - ' . ' . -.
Constitution. Faulty
The reasons for a proposed new
constitution of the state are set
forth in the; preamble to the res
olution which avers that a state
constitution ' should be a declara
tion of ' principles and contain the
fundamental laws granting and
limiting powers and authority of
departments and "officers of gov
ernment and fixing the rights of
the - people. . , "
U is pointed out that the fram-
ers of the original constitution of
Oregon at the time; of. its adop
tion' could noff anticipate and pro
vide for all of the conditions
(Continued on page 2)
sive military; action, or to entan
gle this nation In any political
maelstrom. The only charge laid
upon the conference Is the duty of
considering the economic prob
lems now confronting the world,
followed by the; expression of a
hope that some . undertaking or
arrangement may be reached pro
viding Tor the restoration of trade
ana the establishment of, the fi
nances of the world on a solid
The, value of such a conference
to the farmer was emphasized by
Senator McNary, j who 1 declared
that the "cruer and unfortunate
plight of the farmer is due to the
fact that he Is" smofiering In a
surplus of !i agricoltvral products.
A strong, brisk ; foreign market,
such as he Is entitled to enjoy,"
the senator continued "would lift
the farmer- from Impending ruin
to a position where he could meet
his obligations and , leave- him a
fair profit for his laborious work
and his investment.!1. '
, Senator. McNary. voiced another
view shared by senators who had
.supported the Lodge reservations
to the treaty of Versailles in the
hope that it would result in the
ratification of the treaty and not
in- its defeat by lis supposed Dem
ocratic' friends ",',.',
: Holding this view .Senator Mc
Nary said he could not persuade
himself-to oppose i any conference
looking to a better understanding
among the nations and to a res
toration of economic stability
among them. In this iriew, It may
be said a large majority, of his
colleagues on- the Bepubllcan side
of the Senate share, and whatever
steps President Harding and Sec
retary; Hughes. may take) to this
end will meet 'with their hearty
approval, - W - A C.
Demonstrations, of .Violent
Nature Reported When
Industrial Leaders Are
Tcutbn,Government Will R
sort to Any Means to
Expel Frenchmen
All., the elements usually
cited as'contributory causey cf
open; war lexlst in the ,ltu!;r.
valley.., "The, Geraan pcpuli
tiort, wrought up by, Ihe r;rt5
ente of the French . and llil
gians, their -hatred accentuat
ed by the arrest and coavlc
tion of ; the industrial 'leaders,
have carried - out -demonstrations
of a violent ' i nature at
various., centers of the Iliil.r
and; the' occupying .f6rces ha vo
placed Uheir ; machine;:.
75's "and ' weapons 'of .larjrr
calibre, at .statefjie pqiats for
the purpose, If necessary, cf
overcoming., resistance..1 that
appears to be no longer pas
sive, but "extremely 'active.....
The return of tPrii' ThvsKen ta
Duesselidorf ; and then " to" 'Hssea
was 'made the occasion of ro
markabte" T--demoBstratIoar' - la
Which French -cavd!ry and -foct
soldiers were " called lnr.o ' actios.
There r was come . tiring "' by (li
military,, although the Frenc?
&re under : orders not to us
their: rifles . unless attacked.
' ? Strike Almost " Complete
The; railroad strike is ,rcfKrte3
to be almost complete; the roaia
are tied ' up for tbe presen t and
traffic, of all kinds is in a state
of suspension. Meanwhile the
French are . sending into tr.a
Ruhr railwaymen and .workers
of all kinds and promise to have
the various public services in op
eration without great loss ot
time. . . -v :
M. Le Troeouer, the Frenca
minister of public works, and
General - Welgand, . Marshal
Foch's chief of staff, are on tha
spot and. military measures of
a sterner nature . are threatened
if the recalcitrant spirit ot tha
Germans continues. ; s
While M. Letrocquer declare!
at' Duesseldort that France U
here to stay until she gets com
plete satisfaction : from Ger
many;," Dr. He rm oa, the Germaa
minister .'of finance, in introduc
ing -the budget in the reichtasr
at ; Berlin announced that Ger
many was firmly; resolved, to re
sort to every means ,at her dis
posal to frustrate the aims ot
the policy of violence . which
was boing pursued' against her.
ESSEN Jan. 45.- (By ThO
Associated Press".) -Essen Is t.a
center of great agitation.' Thous
ands assembled";' at the " failroad
station and "also "in front 'of the
coal - syndicate officer - today ar.3
proclaimed Frltx f Thyssen as a
second Bismarck." ' Temporarily
at least 'the demonstrations were
confined - to thev." singing of pat
riotic songs "and the- shouting cS
"Hochs" Intermingled with
theta i of reprobation against tti
Wench. " l ;, " '' '
TWl Mood EvidVnt
The ,; populace, however; is la
a bad mood. ' and some small In
cident might sot off this powder
magazine. The French ' have
taken ' all .necessary ' measure for
stern "repression. . Batteries, o
75 s and 155's of the 33rd amy
corps surroundihgr ' the; city are
posted in ' commanding - posltious.
Essen bas been i divided into
Inviolable zones to the
artillery , because' of the preaer.c a
cf French officials artd ritizr :.s
in these particular sections.
; AH the rest of . the city 13
under the French guns. ' wtlca
are capable of "destroying it la
case of serious organized res! st
ance. V' -;,' ; ; ); ;.. :.
Great, crowds turned out this
afternoon , to ' greet Fritz Thy?"
and his fellow Industrial lead ?r.
found, igullty, 'and fined yrr:,--r ' .
-- (Continued on pa3 4)