The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 25, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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    4 -
Ha Who Would Get. the Kernel Must First. Crack; (the Shell"-
Introducing to You the Live, Progressive Firm ahaedple?wiW ...
. :r , Make up the .BuMness InteVestaof ff1 i" f
...First Prize- Theatre, pasa valued SlS.Oo',1 donated Oregon
and Liberty theatres. i :;"u .f- ' I ,v s , :i j . -j i
Second Prize One dozen photographs, valued? tltj&, dfonkled
i by Qunnell Robb Studio. ' . ; , . i J Tj
Third Prize -Artistic picture, rained f 10.00, donate by Wi'" J.
..;Porter. , 'i v-r ---, .. .bu. .:-, t
Fourth; Prize Tonsorial treatment, consisting of Boncilla mas
sage,; Glover's Shampoo, hair cut, singe, shave, steam and ,
: - tonic, donated by Curley's Barber Shop., nri ; :
"... Following will be found - a
number of brief paragraphs
bringing- out a few of the dis
tinctive features or characteris
tic ot the city's institutions.
There Is query or two in each
paragraph. jTb the 'person "who
first an'vwr"ihetn nearest cor
rectly In detail wilt'be given the
prises -ied' bOTe.r';' Th 'next
nearest correct' answer is. to be"
given next ?h.oIce and so qnt. . ; 1
All answers must be neat and
legible. There J$ no guessing
about these; call In person or
on" the phone. ' 7 . -..-..- 1
Answers biv be sent by mail,
or; brought to this of flee : any
time before next Monday. 3fext .
JChuxsday tbAseaneJ,lo this: f ea-
ture wilt be published
so that ext week you will see
ttLe yoti xja2eoufc mistakes.
? .The -.comsetitlon -.. is pen! to
fc.erytuie xcefct .the, employes
ot tis.paper and their relatives.
AadresriA'Tho KdUo
r f Vtv T'emStatesbiaiu
U'ooritht"i923 y Claud 8. Mom.
J- vlt 1 IS-rviee to Its patron is the,
priUe-of . any- financial institution 1
;.and. 4a this respect, the Capital
T- National . Bank, offers something
exclusive. ; toot only do they offer
J: the people of Salem courteous and
. Intelligent banking service in both
bat they conduct the only; trust
1 department fo?be found in liar-
-4mm a..... m W & nsMi i
- -of M!uritiea with the state of Or&
' gon required of all trust compan
ies 'authorized ltd act as executors
..and administrators of estates, as
; ; well as-, guardians and receivers.
:"''' They are- in -ar position- lo iJud
: quickly for their bond-is alwajrs
on file and thki means the 'saving
ofUlme atd expense to their cli
ents. VThe officers of this insti-
iutioiT are prompt la transacting
" business and ey show a pe
i C-Sontl Interest Jn your affairs. In
fact." your affairs are handled as
Vca'refully a"thr"wn. ; .TPhey ae
-taabeT:iet the Fedeml ; Reserve
system and the trust department
i iai subject to both federal and state
, Examinations. In addition to what
. lias been meatloned this Institu
- tloa acta In many; other fiduciary
.-capacities and their operations are
, by no means small. jE7hen- wis
Tthis bank organizedT What bank is
t,he oldest National bank in Mar
.. ion countyt ! . .. F. V
V ( 1-ft) In ipWbasing Jewelry, the
.' buyer puts more faith In the seller
.than any . other commodity that
. men" buy . or sejlv rThls' article f is
v aboat & Jewelry store In Salem
that can always be depended upon
" Inthls respect. Their line of
I jewelry is ot such xaas that tha
quality Is apparent In every , ar
f tide. Mr. Pomeroy and Mr keene,
the proprietors; ot the store,, are
. official .watch Inspectors -for j the
- - Southera , - Pacific . railroad and
' when men can become of such
osefnlsess to tbetr community as
this, to Inspect', tie 'watch that
holds the safety of countless men,
; women and children In Its correct
i :ness, then why- should yon hesi
' tats taking their word when mak
t.fag; your purchase of Jewelry?
s- They also do fine watch and jew
v elry repairing.' and guarantee the
Job to be aatlaf actory. r Stop'", In
nnd; meet these prosperous . Jew
I elry merchants and let them show
( you through their Jewelry manu
.tXacturlng. department. i .They also
;." conduct one of the most complete
nntieal nfffeea to be found In Ra-
f Jem; the workbf examining eyes,
" grinding lenses and fitting glasses
- Is done by a registered bptomet
T rlst. Where la. this Jewelry! store
-located and bow long established?
(2) You owe It to yourself to find
out when It comes to getting de
C pendhble bicycle work, which shop
I Is thfe best In the city. The shop
4 we Introduce la this number; is the
,- largest exclusive bicycle dealer in
: Salem. ..This elxpert workmanship.
.'combined I with.' reliable material
? ; and a square deal, should convince
you this is the! shop to come to
V when la need f cycle repairs. Jn
t addition to their splendid J repair
salesroom devoted exclusively - to
! . ' the ; ; sale of r bicycles in ; a wide
range ot models, such as the Day
ton and Columbia bicycles; The
proprietor has won for himself an
u enviable reputation due to the
fact that he gives bis patrons a
llequare deal at all times. The on-
er of this firm stands in the front
rank with those who are working
, .for a greater and bigger ity, and
ifi we knew of any : more popular
'person in your vicinity .we -would
- gladly tell yon. His name jia Lloyd
- K. Ramsden and his address is 387
T Court street, now. tell us the name
' of the three famous bicycle tires
fio sells. Whealjdid he establish
hjs ? business ,bere? . What -Is the
V rtlff a&ia KaVwaaJsA saio vtf k1 ATI
a Jobbing , wheel?,. .
(3) Most folks want. In fact need,
tome; article of furniture in their
homes, but-have been putting off
buying; It because Jhey could not
find what they wanted in the qual
ity they 'prof erred ( at the price
they could - afford to pay. f How
ever, tnls? barrier la removed at
the store of C. S. Hamilton. ' You
save money 4toth -in-the price you
pay and In the-JongJsTlce-you
receive from -your selections; . This
fnrnitnre ; man has a large stock
of furniture for parlor, bedroom
or kitchen, in; f act. he fis' . com
plete house furnisher. "They also
carry stoves and' ranges. . Right
now they have something special
to offer in-plpeless furnaces. Why
not take advantage" of their Jan
uary Clearance sale, their price
are far below. hormaL .. After you
have read th!s;go- to this furni
ture; store and ; have .them ; show
you over their large collection and
tell us the" first name of the pro
prietor and how long he has, been.
In business in Salem. Just men
tion, his I name to any housewife
in "the city and she is 'sure, to in
form you . tfiatr stieThas ' some ' of
his furniture in her home and it
gives -.bsolate satisfaction. . G4ra
us the address of the "store? What
is the 'special they are offering
in plpeless furnaces?."
; () Some mercantile establish
men ts have. the, faculty of becom-,
lng i wen'khown ' thTOugh the
class-and Quality of merchandise
they handle. This Is, indeed, true
of The' Man's Shop. ' Their stock
lives up np all that their name im
plies for at;this store you will find
a stock of "men's furnishings that
Us extraordinary'. Including shirts,
collar, ties,. underwear, hosiery,
batsV.capi And hundreds' of others:
lob aoitferons to mention. In other
worths, this Is the store for the gen
tlemenl heir'"present"offefirigs'of
men's . "Suits I and overcoats are
most appealing, especially so with
the cold ! weather . before us. If
you" afe ' contemplating the pur
chase of a . new, suit of overcoat,
we suggest that y6usro'pnn "at 416
State street anVvfckoer-Uretr
wonderful. ; values this " line"
When you have met4 the proprie
tors here you will agree that they
are progressive and energetic bus
iness merchants, always thlnkin g
of their customers firsts ii"are
tnese wen anowa ousiness. men
and when did they establish their
business here? What Hues of men's
elothes do they j seHJti-;-, j SA "
(5) Asa special introduction to
the motorists Of Salem the tire firm
at 205 North Commercial street
are" offering some wonderful val
ues' at prices that are right. .This
firm Is a. direct factory represen
tative for- Northern Oregon and
the tires go . direct . to . the user.
This eliminates excessive profits
Which are given to motorists.. In
Lthis wayyou save several dollars
ea.every .tire purchase as well as
on "tubes. ( This tire firm makes'.a,
feature ot. Hewitt tires and their
service is complete. Never hesi
tate tot. a minute to have ! these
people test . your tires for you as
it Is merely a part of their -service
to the people and is their pleasure.
They are offering their extraord
inary stock of tires at a marked it will be to your ad
vantage not to-: miss this oppor
tunity, to get at least an "extra."
After you "have calledvoiw these.
people, ten us ;the nania-: JJhe
company ; and why : they can sell
at such low prices?
(6) The success ot this pTogres
sive store has befcn buittupon their-
guarantee that prices must always 1
be the lowest consistent with quali
Ity. . :tThJa store ' has always given
its customers the benefit of mod
ern principles' In merchandising.
They carry a mosjLcomprehenftive 4,
line of staple and fancy groceries
as well s frniu and vegetables.
If you desire to know where the
grocery Is, ring 25. This estab
llshment ! at i 5 ; Court street," is
operated with a view to-supplying
the . needs of thebusir "heiaewlf -4
its -motto is, "3od-goods, -courteous
treatment- fair prices and
intelUgent service; His extens
ive;etock consists of fsnch staple
and popular lines as Preferred
Stock, Lfbby and Heinz. In fact.
If you are .wondering who keeps
it, when you are thinking of spe
cial groceries," you will find it
here. In connection with the gro
cery he $ also "'Carrie a- complete
line of vegetables, fruits and nuts.
What Is the name of this grocery
man? What well known brands
of coffee does he feature? When
was; this present business estab
lished? What la the slogan of this
rocery?, i-y y r
: (7) What is the name of the
sales agency In Salem that is well
known for the class ; of "servfee"
they give thai people as well as the
makes ot . cars they sell? They
are distributors of the well known
and well made Chevrolet. The
pew model! Chevrolet is a beauty
to, look.' upon, and ' thTs; Trn6trall,
they tare Jthe, same ;sure and de-,
pendab la. power 7 plant -iinder; the
hoodThe 1923.Medition! changed
everything but the.prlce. and many,
good advantages such as the' gas
tank' in Jhe 4-ear . wUh a; vacuum
feed; barrel headlights and a com
plete body , chAosfe, radiator and
hood Improvement. ' ? You must see
these new cars , to be able to ap
preciate them and the proprietor
of the Salem Automobile company
are ready to show yn and explain
the advantages of owning a Chev
rolet. These cars have broken
sales records, throughout, the
country. The proprietors of this
agency are well known :in North
ern Oregon and they are known1
to be pleasant to transact busi
ness with VcThey also have some
very good buys in second-hand
cars, if you are looking for oaej
seeiWhat they bare to offer; Now
tell, us the - names of these - proj
gressiveauto :mn and .give price
of Chevrolet Sedan delivered, ?'j (
(8) Few people, Indeed, realize
the absolute importance of a reli
able and dependable drug store in
their midst. However, there Js one
located in Salem that deserves spe
cial mention for the above reason.
They are all that reliability, de
pendability implies, and further
more, they -carry a large stock of
drags and sundries that toears
out the name and reputation. This
pharmacy is known for.service to
is patrons. Nothing that helps
you Is too much trouble for, them.
It, is upon this principle that Mr.
Riggs, thet proprietor of the Capi
tal Drug store has established his
business : and has attributed in a
large degree to his successr ..Tbls
store is also headquarters for Ko-
daks. they .have,: a deyelopiag ;and
printing service, that can . hardly
be. beat. . When you have met the
proprietor you -will have met a
progressive and energetic business
man always with a smile. What
make of well known and popular
candy does he sell? How-. Jong
does it require him to get your
films, developed and printed If
brought : in ' the store at 'eight
o'clock a. m.? What special lines
of remedies does he carry? ;
(9) . The most widely known and
recognized ;, decorations for. any
and al occasions are flowers. They
are. looked upon in this light in
ternationally and more can be said
with a small bunch of flowers
rthaa with a 'dozen telegrams or
other forms of communication.
"Say Jt with flowers" is a fitting
slogan '. for their, usefulness and
worth. ' The Clancey, Florist, Inc.,
has 'created t a -reputation .JToy it--sU.saJid-as-e
"'ojtxrowthwot d
bunch f rloiets;". r : It is .well . lo
cated at 125 North High street.
They carry a most complete line
of ' flowers, hanging baskets! and
plants for all occasions - and at
reasonable prices. Thl flower
Uho&J&ai adopted tbe above slogan
and are staunch advocates of It.
When you desire to remember
yonrself - to . a friend, this is ;the
place t6 come for they wfll make
np i a. beautiful 4 bouquet for .you;
The manager, nere'; likes Itlowers
himself, which is symbol 16; ot' his
happiness. His disposition is also,
like that of a flower-bright and
f nil of cheer. What Is the name
of the manager and what is the
phone number of the shop?, When
was the old business established?
How long have they Occupied their
"new location ? , i - t
(10) When caught in an emer
gency Isn't ft pleasing to know that
there Is a good substantial bakery
near where you can get bread and
fine pastry on very short' notice?
The people of Salem are indeed
blessed " w 1th having ' such "aa"'es-
tablishmcnt as the Peerless Bak
ery; - Most housewives find that in
the long run "if "is cheaper to buy
their bread-' and pastry than to go
to the trouble and expense of bak
ing themselves. Those of you who
bave'kno't learned thl are misaiB'S
avery strdng poihhe;syire1n
of reducing the high cost ot liv
ing. Tbe bakery-1 have in jnfnd
bakes every day and their products
are so well prepared and :. baked
that "one cannot " tell them from
home cooking. There ' is a right
way to' do everything and baking,
especially," -should bet done the
right way. The Peerless Bakery
does it the right way. ! This bak
ery- renowned tnSalem forthe
way they serve the people and the
quality of products they serve.
They use the purest Ingredients
in their products and the propri
etor assures you absolute satisfac
tion. Who' is the proprietor" of
thIsbakery??Whit inake of eifdV
do lhy feature? What does this
bakety serve outside of what Is
mentioned? fIIow are their prod
ucts baked? v .r "'
(IlV If you must knock, buy
your hammers from The Salem
Hardware , Company, Inc., ; as alt
their hardware stands hard wear
and their store is a home of better
things.' ' This Is the Winchester
Store of - Salem, which . means
quality goods. Their mill hard
ware is made of the 'most- care
fully selected material by the most
careful workmen. Poor tools are
a source of constant : annoyance
while good, ones are, a source of
daily pleasure.' . They sell the good
kind here. There are plenty -of
I places to buy hardware. . but- this
paace is a nine ainerent. They
are a 5 little particular about the
"kind of merchandise they sell. , In
addition to a general line of hard-
ware this is reauy tne eiecirica
store of Salem. Hunting season
Is ohan"da uH line" l Winches-
ter am munition is trna" oere
These, people have them. i.Theyf
also carry, safety - razors,, cutlery;
pocket knives, household needs,
and In fact, their store. is so weiif
stocked that enumerate " would
take many columns. The propri
etors hem guarantee'thelr goods
personally. Give the . iiames of
the men that are , proprietors of
this successful business, and how
long they have been established
In Salem. What make of quality
paints db they.feature? .
(12) The ever . increasing de
mand, for storage batteries in the
United SUtes has created a field
for the fly-by-night- manufacturer,
who give almost impossible gnar-
antees for the. life of 'the battery.-
Motorists have been attracted by
Hhe outlandish off ers and in sev-
eral cases have, been '.'stung." In
order to avoid this, ; It is always
best to put your money la a bat
tery "that carries a regular guar
antee and that is -wel) -known and
advertised. They have something
b,ack of them and the-guarantee is
valuable. One such , battery aS
this begins .and Tends "with "E."
The name Is known to all motor
ists -and the reputation of the bat
tery is all that could be asked for
a battery. The firm that handles
this battery in Salem conducts a
sales r and service' department at
177 .SOuth Commercial street, and
their ignition work is done right.
They -know all about: electricity
except what it is- This Is an tf-
flclal Bosch . service ' station" and
they also do expert electrical work
on all makes of cars. ' What' Is
their, price for a '.Bosch . battery.
ignition system fort Fords Tr.'VhtH
is the proprietor here?
(13) You'll describe Chiroprac
tic; adjustments; with rapturous
eloquence once that you have tried
them. . The writer, .like everyone;
at one time, was wise. Now-he is
the greatest one-man booster for
them In the world,"gl j&g mnW attentfion "and -Acdurtesfea aa
publicity than any1 other person
living. Still; we are not connect
ed with1 the profession' fn any way:
In writing up the people of Salem j
'MA k . . . . - ! 5 1
ii. wuum oe entirely "wrong on our
part hot to mention these ''Keep
Smiling" Chiropractors. Drs. Scott
& Scofleld in the National bank
building Will be found giving re
lief to patients dally. Their office
is Up-to-date with the latest chir
opractic, conveniences. it tjropln
and meet' these 'cheeVfhl men.
Modern science, recommends ' geU
tins away from the use of drugs
and the surgeon's knife. The
Chiropractor holds this . place In
the profession of 7 adjusting the
cauge.jand. making Jtppdssible ror
Nature to go on doing her part. In
other, words "helping Mother Na
ture." .What Is the phone number
of these leading chiropractors and.
how long has Dr. Scott been prac
ticing this profession?
(14) "Let electricity. Iielp with
the housework", is antiquated ad-
Icei for most qtf ps, ,but ,many
I housewives today are without an
electrical washing machine or per-
naps' a vacnum cleaner,' Hasten
the day when every housewife will
know the"Joy-.that cornea" from let
ting electricity wash and iron the
family's clothes, sew, clean house,
wash dishes, and attend, to Other
numerous burdensomsnties and
perhaps that is why the Halik'a
Electric Shop is. so Interested In
"the home electrical needs" to
buch; an, -extent that the name is
synonymous. Among their highly
recomme'nded , articles are ( Hot
Point appliances, electrical fix
tures,'.' guaranteed electric Irons
and In fact anything you might
need in this line Just now they
are "offerings Wonderful: bargains
in guaranteed irons. Stop in at
the display room at 337 Court
street and meet the proprietor
he Is f a 'human dynamic force,
whose' heart is filled with enthus
iasm and push. Then tell us their
psocial price for the guaranteed
etdCtrie irons, also - give - us the
name of . the proprietor. What
make vacuum cleaners does this
firm sell and what is the price?
.What make Of fixjjires do they
, (15) After the" sh,Vw dont fall
to stop In att the Gray; Belle and
try one or their delicious sundaes
or drinks.'- By the way. have you
tried;their "French pastry? Boy!
They-e a whiz! andou will agree
with me, once 'you try one. The
shop is beautifully decorated and
the tablfe service makes yon feel
comfortable. The whole atmos
phere here is one of cleanliness.
wbdIf ?you t-arei partafinr of a
lunch, you are given an added ap
petite upon entering. . The little
ladles that serve you treat you
with courtesy and you1 are made
to feel at home. So the next time
you attend a theatre be sure and
make the evening's pleasure com
plete by a vjslt; here. They also
sell candlesand their service Is a
wonder. The hew dlnjnxreomhat
Is operated In connection Vith thisT
establishment Is beautifully decor
ated and the food is served in ex
cellent style. This Is the place to
take your, mother, or. sweetheart
for a regular treat. How many
employees have they here? How
many tables are there In the new
dining room? c How many booths
are; there here? - . ;- ...:.yj.
(10) Pleasure of motoring is
increased if your car is in good
working condiUon. A decrease in
the i ills of your.- ear.- means in
creased pleasure for the party,,. It
is scarcely possible for you to en-
Joy "a trip Interrupted Ty all sorts
of ; breaks-downs. ; It isi advisable
therefore- t.hatt you have your car
looked over before "'starting on
your. trip. ,. And wnen -you nave
this ; work done be sure that the
mrtjr,4hat yo.u fireplace,1 are as
goodif not better than the ones
that you took Out. To insure your
self ' against replacing ;: Inferior
parts, buy them of W. E. Burns,
located at Ferry and High streets.
He carries at all times a most com-
prebnsive stock of parts "for all
makes of . cars," as well as large
stock ot Useful accessories. He Is
exclusive salea agents x for those
well known O, M. C. trucks. These
trucks have won their, reputation
by lessening" the cost: per mile for
transportation. '. After calling 422
on .the phone tell us who "Dan
Burns," is. What nationally known
bearings does Mr. Burns sell?,,, . r .
$ - ' ' .
, (17) Flowers are tne. most, be
fitting token of remembrance:, in
the world. "Say it with .flowers."
Tell of your love, thoughts ana ap
preciation. With, the present tel
egraph ' system, flowers - are deliv
ered to all parts of the world with
card attached within a few hours;
there is no reason why a birthday,
anniversary ' or ? Bon-Voyage . of
your friends" pr- relatives -should
pass without recognition- A firm"
in Salem 'that makes a feature of
this system of sending flowers is
located at 123 North Liberty
street... There are 2500 florists
throughout the - world belonging
to the F! T; D. of wh.lch this firm
Is-'a-member. Their collection of
flowers in their local - shop 'com
prises the rarest and choicest toi
be fOund1 in the entire state, ex
cepting none;' Just let them be in
season ' and this- firm- will have
them - in stpek, everything- in; the
Tloral kingdom v may' be- found
there, individuality, "briginaiity,
and color schetiie is-their slogan;
their shop fs the haven for flower
lovers, for there they always find
a hearty Welcome receiving; the
do the purchasers, i It is Worth:
your while to 'drop in and get .ac
quainted; they are known through
out the 'state, : Wbat'ls the make
of their delivery truck? What is
the name of this' flower - shop?
Where are' hey located What
does' F,1 T.1 D. stand tor? ' ?
(18) "Let's go to the movlest"
Thi exclamation often - shakes
away gloom and dullness, and you
gladly "Join the chappy; crowd ', for
you .know that .you are going to
see n regular show. By "movies"
the people of Salem mean the Ore
gon theatre. They: know that at
this playhouse they, will see the
best of screen offerings at prices
Consistent with conditions.' When'
at theatre day, in and day out gives
tye public the best, in surround
ings that ease land comfort Jibe
tired nerves, It is only reasonable
to expect that in return that thea
tre will always be crowded. " To
those few who have not as yet had
he pleasure of an entertainment
at this house, your tip Is this: Try
ft once and after that It Will be a
mfghty easy dose to repeat. The
manager of this house Is a genial,
easy going fellow and to know
him is to like him He Is always
alert and on the lookout for the
latest and best to offer to his pa
trons. He feels that he has a duty
to fulfill to the. people of Salem
and he is mighty sincere In his
fulfillments, What make of or
gan, do they have here .and how
does it compare, Vlth other organs
In the state?
;? (19) We want to tell you bout
one ot the most enterprising "au
tomobile .. accessory 'and sipply
stores in Salem. No other dealers
carry a larger and more complete
assortment of necessities" forlthe
motorists' in the entire city. 'Here
you will find . tires, wrenches.
bumpers, stop lights, and in fact,
anything that you could-possibly
need on a car.-., The stop nghts
are an absolute necessity on a car,
and no driver, is safe without bne!
If you haven't one, it is high Oiflfe
that you have one installed. ,The
price is very small, in comparison
with the chances you take. This
store comes very highly recom
mended. They are distributors in
Salem for the well known Fisk,
McClaren and Brunswick tires and
they operate a tire service depart
ment. Their store Is stocked with
the latest in auto accessories $nd
many newn contrivances recently
introduced In Salem will be found
here. The proprietors, Mr. smith
fend Mr. Wat kips, are always in
terested fn their patrons and they
tielp them all they can with their
motoring problems. Now telV us
their Special price for a Brunswick
tire, size 30 by V ? What na
tionally known carburetor do they
sell? Give name of gas they sell.
" (20) Here is a store that should
interest the ladies for It lis oner-
fkted by ladles for the ladles. First
I want to Introduce you to the
three popular . proprietors, first
- Locke who Is the successful
proprietor ot the millinery depart
ment; secondtelss Renska Swart,
the genial proprietorot the r6
Iaset Corset and Brassier, depart
ment, last but not least, M, Be
lott. who-attends to selling Blockl
Perfumes, Cosmetics o the better
kind. ,,These three merchants "oc
cupy the same store atj 115 North
Liberty street, jheyl divide the
overneaa . .expenses
down the expense oft
each one.
thus enabling them to
sell to the
greatly .re
ladies of Salem, at a
duced figure, at the same time.glv-
ing the best-of quality obtainable.
You will be: pleased la toeet these
congenial -ladies for. they are al
ways helping their, patrons to solve
the problems of dress.- This Is the
reason this-store has been" such a
marked - success. ; -After meetin g
these ladies tell us when they es
tablished their store here and give1
the phone" number of the store.
(21)" Few firms In Salem are
capable of bringing so much good
cheer to so large a number of peo
ple, especially the farmers, as this
firm. They have one of the best
and largest assortments of farm
ing implements, dairy supplies and'
machinery,; cream separators to be
found in this section. . They have
hundreds ot articles that cahnot
be found In another store in Sa,-
lem. -That's not Jail, you eahi go
In twenty miles of Salem and, you
won't be, able to .find such things
as . this particular-, .establishment
carries,-. This, - together with Ahe
service, rendered, assures you. of
absolute satisfaction. ; It Is not
our'- object to' tell 'you what the
out-of-the-ordinary firm sells, as it
would be too easy then for you to
answer the questions below. Upon
inquiries, in regard to the proprie
tor here, we . found him held fin
high esteem and enjoys the friend
ship and regard of all who have
any business, or social .relations
with him. He devotes his time
and , energies to his customers,
friends, city and county, and there
is no person; whose . efforts have
done more towards' helping the
farmer than Lot L.rPearce & Son
What, make ,of nationally known
plows does he sell?. When did he"
establish his business? . ; . v
(22) One thousandth of an Inch
does not seem much to many peo
ple but to the machine shop Ideat
ed "at 345 Ferry -street it TOeans
their business. ' ' Few people twill
be found that can 'turn a piece of
metal down to such small dimen
sions, but the proprietors of 'this
shop are well experienced and the
work they do is mbst exact. They
do all "kinds of nutomobiie repair
work and specialise on cylinder re
grinding. If your motor refuses
to work, as It should, ' haver the
cylinders re-ground and a new set
of pistons fitted, and. your car will
pull like new. " It Is only natural
that the cylinder wall to get out of
round with the thousands of times
per minute the. pistons' rub them
on (their up and down strokes and
the -only way to overcome this
wear is to have the' cylinders re
ground. You 4Will appreciate
knowing ; these ' expert mechanics
for their personalities Just naturally-make
friends. Who are these
mechanics and. what makeof over
size pistons do .they carry? -What
make of oversize rings? '
(23). Dldf:y,on.,ever.have a! fit?
Excuse the seemingly' impertinent
inquiry, bUt. you know ft Is made
from the shoeman's standpoint.
Here we Introduce a! welt knftwn
retail shoe establishment who can
throw, you into a "fit" that Will
please you. They can. fit any feet
that come along fit them In qual
ity, size and price. They carry
shoes for the entire family and
have been catering ' to "the Well
dressers of Salem for some. time.
The shoes they, sell to you- Will
give you ah easy passport Into
good society, or if you want hiking
shoes, they have the. sturdy -brand
to offer you.' In the' Ladies' .'de
partment will " be found anything
from a fancy dancing pump to
bedroom slippers. Suppose you call
at this exclusive shoe store at 125
North Commercial street and then
tell us the name of the exclusive
shoe shop. After ' yott have 1 met
the proprietor you will agree that
he Is a wide awake shoe main, In
terested in his pAtrohs tryiug-to
give everyone personal - service.
What special sale are they ; now
conducting? Give respective nanaes
of shoes old bjr this Store t for
tnenV womeh and children. ; ;
(2 4 ) Why shodid you pay. the
original high, prices for furniture
when you an get the same quality
in used furniture for' less than
half that pjlce a't 241 Nortn-Cdm-merfclal
street? , Vthe 'dther, fel
low pay the high price and you
sold "by the'Liberty Exchange car
ries prices' that are most unbe
lievable. In addition to all kfnrla
ot. household Turhltttre this 1 man
also carries new heatfers and rang
es, carpets, tools, in tact he sells
most everything. I The proprietor
has, been in this business for many,
years and when, he buys a piece of
tdrnitu,re he Repairs it and it Is as
good as new. If you have some
furniture that you wish to sell this
man. will .pay .the highest possible
price for It. Just let him! know
and be will call at your, house and
give you his price, then It is for
you to decide whether you wish to
accept his offer or not. He also
has a most complete assortment of
odds an ends as well as new goods.
He has many articles of hardware
that are as good as new, however,
the price of them is far below -the
new price; ; What is the proprie
tor's t flame? now long! estab
lished ? V..-i ;v;;.wi.a,.;V: --.
(25) The "What do you know
about Salem" feature would not
be complete . Without a test of
what yen know about Osteopathy.
Dr. I. C. Marshall says that 'Os
teopathy femphaslxes- the. struc
tural Integrity of bodv mbn.
ism .as the most Important single
ractor -for the . organism'4 : Well-
bei p g. y Jit is a system of - heal In g
which empha'sizes: 'first, thediag
nosls of dlieaieTby. physical, metlii
iods .. second, . the . ctreatment '-.of j
good habits, correct thinking and
clean .livlng;-tbfrd'the operktioh
of (mechanical and operative surg
ery, in setting fractures and dis
located bonesf, repairing lacera
tions,'; j-. and ' Teaiovlng abnormal
tissue growths dangeroiis to' or
ganic lire." Members of the os
teopathic i profession did heroic
Work-iduring the fla epidemic, sind
It was. then ' undeniably demon
strated t bat - 4be treatment was
successful where other' methods
proved- unavailing; And- despite
the most strenuons adverse criti
cism osteopathy Is comfnginto its
own-;' : thoe ho -have upheld its
standards have made a good fight.
Wherev Is Dr. Marshall's toff ice Ih
cated and of what school is he a
graduate r What -Is - hW phone
number r -.'. !vb?'" -zi -:-' ;''
' ' ( 2 6fhe"Fot-d organization Is
the greatest, distributing iorce' In
the world tn the; automobile 'in
flustfyl V It has'such; a. tremendoua
lead ihaC it goes forward' with! its
own momentum.1 The. Salem rep
resentative .of the . vast organization-
:The Talley , Motor Co-is-one
of the mo'st vigorous and effi
cient Ingredients of the ' mighty
Mechanism . that ' distributes tbe
Output of the great Ford plants
Fords, " Fordsons " and 'Llncolns.
The firm is more than a. mere
sales 4 enterprise- it Is a." great
public? service. ! If' strives 4 to do
the right thing, to 'please the "pub
lic' and satisfy its own conscience..
The publiels learning that -the
Ford service in jSaleni means effi
ciency and satisfaction. The 'sales
room is both 'uijBsuaTly capacious
and artistic. The. equipment' of
the shop Is. a- martel for Bmal
city. It is surprising, to see the
equipment, ; the ' tools, the - ma
chines designed to avoid lost mo
tion and insure - promptness.' Bys
tem Is everywhere obvious. '"It is
one of the links of. the huge ord
Chain which keeps' the cars on:the
road no 'nratteV in fhat part -of
the world they happen to be.' Vfhat
is the " location of this agency?
State the lowest and highest'prlces
Lof the cars sold (here.
(271 The city, that -cahnot
bodst having 'at least one 'novelty
variety. Store Is not considered a
city of 'first class. In this respect
Salem ; is. placed ahead, tor this
Variety: store I have ; In mind Is
a credit to Salem. ' When you; are
wo nd erng , wh o keeps At, what . Is
the name -of the store that comes
into your mind - so clearly j I'll
give " you, a : tip, they take thejr
name'; after the town. T'. Merchant
dise is a big problem. Just now,
but - by ' patronizing this store the
writer , will f insure j you - saving
that will in a short time meao a
great, deal, to you and your., f am-ily.-
uln this, well; equipped I store
thiey, cjarry la;. Complete - JSxt of J
chinaware the best, the market
affords. E They ; carry .'a- line of
Small ' notiohs. ; and ..a ' complete
line of school Supplies, also soaps,
hair nets, pins and. sporting goods.
When ' you ".have met . the proprietor-
this .progressive; store, you'll
agree thajt he works for Salem as
well, as-for business. Their: mot
to Is "Everything for Everybody."
Where located? Proprietor's full
name? When established ? ; How
Jong has the present owner occu
pied it? . r" ' 1
(28) "Take your time? when
looking for a plumber. ' It . you
didn't you :. may , wish you had.
Here la a plumber that is consid
ered an SttthOrity An ' the plumbs
ing and heating line. They Are
Salem's Heading plumbing 4,aiid1
heating , engineers and ' belohg t to
the business men who have al
ways given absolute - satisfaction:
Do vyou evert ham any 'plumbing
troubles? - -If so, keep the name of
Graber Brothers inl mind. -They
carry , a : large stock of plumbing
fixtures and supplies ' in stock as
well as coll and automatic Water
heaters. The repair department
is at your ' service in an - instant's
notice. . x. Fire department system
of ; quick service is t carried.; out
here. Garber Brothers are plumb
ers that will; not leave a Job until
they have- made, sure that - every
specification ; of their contract
has been carried out-and they al
ways have practical men. and nec
essary material to do the work la
the appointed time. You may get
wealth. by good fortune but i you
must earn your friends, as these
plumbers , have: done .by honesty
and workmanship. How long have
they been In ' this J business and
what plumbing fixtures do they
:'.-29) Built , to answer 'the call 4
of the long" alurfng road- to every
where. Off to the beconlng hills
and the lnnd of Over Yonder
where you look down the way you
have come, and the - whole wide
world stands still. Then home
aga'in acrors the valley In the dusk,
like a phantom - thing possessed,
with ; the - winter moonlight glist
ening on .the fenders - as if they
were wet--and a crlspness in tbe
air that sets ; the blood astir.
Thats' motoring In1 "a friendly
Ilupmobile. ; Nimble,'- snug, ham
mock swung, close to the skim
ming - road; this fascinating : car
glides lightly on its way. .Smooth
and sure -in - power a thrilling
something about the wheels an
easy; threading through' the traffic-press
-a compact carriage In
a crowded pocket at the city curb.
Reliable and strong Id economical
service.. . Finished and appointed
In : exquisite care, -t!m Tf T.robn
Inspires a rertaln- USnlfi.-J. res
spet which e-Ven Hupmob'le owe.
tersf c4n71epriln. "."The Iu.IjC
Salem are very fortunate la ar
Ingr such. authorities on autcne
biles aa the Bert Ia Jones meter
Co, loeared- at State and Front
streets,-at the head of the Hup
mobile agency. Call oh these peo
ple and let them demonstrate the
wonderful4 qualities ; of this car,
then tell us' the price of the tour
ing car i
(20) It Is .a recognized fac'
that "Looka" go 'a long way 1
this" world in; the' social, as we;
as . the ' business side. ' A 'perse
engaged In the preserving of tool
'pertalnly"; deserves s tpecial liie:
Hon. "'The Mirittelld Beauty Pa;
lor in. the Terminal "Hotel'. Ball.:
Ih 'is- known, f or theT eiperf in
Ice tbjeyender thelf patroL.j. T.
shopVis, a'rflSUeairydecoratf i &
an "air; of. beauty Is had Imm'edf it
Iy; upon, .entering , the door." T:
welt , known ' MarlneUb jsytcn
practiced here" oy gfnadu-la c
erators'., Thlfi system is tbe i
"up-to-date 't and .all work In t
line .-, ta done t this patlor. T".
also carry a complete line c! r
iBellor;Prcpirationsl, 7':.
electrolysis, work' .and. perm
waving as well as make switc:
from combings and- have a
comprehensive line of hair l.
and ornaments. In- fact, yc : .
able Co get anything; In this I
at this parlor. If you are
to a reception or a. party j
sre ',at liberty to . go to t"
shop: and Just depend upon tl
for "your "looks', and rest as
that they will . do . work tha t i
be satisfactory' to -youi . ' You .
appreciate meeting the i rc r :
re'ss, ' Mrs. Irene Scott for ,
alwaysi'JovIal: and ready .
snille'for you. V. After 'tell!
cost'of -a manicure tfell to. 1
Mrs." Scott ' has", been 'CoL- t
workV-r .'u - ' . '
'(31) hxe of' the first ttjrr?
lfiarn, ,if you ewn an .euto j
know the vulcanizing fird M ?
city who- shouts,w"Doh't Jusl; i
tire, when worn out tley f
be- made better than new." ;f.
thfey a'eem to know what they i
talking about.. 'You" should c
suit with these 'doctors when y f
tires, get sick; for they surely I -the
dope, that Will cure. Y.
cannot v.bu.f help but like t
Balem Vulcanlxlng works. T:
are particularly . anxious to tl
their stock, of Goodrich and Vz
ed States Tires and Tubes, r
pie, going : here, are really pre
of. this firm and it Is all becat
they have and give what the c
tomers -w ant -:1"SatIsfactic
Bring one .t of , your. Jobs to ft
and be convinced of this and y
will be. a steady customer, 1.
proprietor here, always sees to
that - any . Job . that! leaves t la f
taMI&hment must po right and 1
this conscientious, work he 1
buUt :pp. a:-fine ;buslness..i( lie,
well Iknown throughout the ant
mobile. world, of Salem and aac
popular citizen, cannot be. fou:
here. . Who is., this, tire rnaa a
where is his shop located?
(32) There is. not mach Flc:
nre ln driving's ear that is fir.:
lng" on one or ' more yllndc
There is no pleasure in driving
car when -you cannot feel at.
lately -certain that it is ready
stand the trip you want to m:'
You've had . that feeling that
you get out of town somett
will , happen to it, haven't yc
Perhaps there la s3methicg t
lous the matte?. The valves x
need grinding;' maybe a -valve
leaking; maybe the carburt
needs adjusting, or there could
a hundred little things that n
attention. Let the II & 11 Cc
pany, Machine Shop at 4 S 0- Tc
Street put your car Ineondlt"
so that you can get the maxim
service and 100 per cent pleas
from ' It. 1 Along with the exr
4h to Repairing they also' cond
an- Industrial 'service' which
eludes the repairing of all k?.
ot ! mill machinery! "-: They ;m:
belt pulleys to order and -weld:
is one of their' specialties.1 '
ahy car- - owner if ' this tl.
knows Its' business and he
say, after you have tried the c
ers, take your car there and 5
will be convinced of their su;
lor workmanship. What are t
names of the mechanics emploj
In-rthls'Bhbpr' : i:S.::.z::.:T:::; , .
3Z) The! editor of "Wt
Who" has found a haberdast
in Salem that be is proud to rr.
Hon in this feature. It is w
known by the appropriate n-ot-ArvKrause,
and there Is x
a well dressed man in town t'
is "not familiar with him.
Is a; rmodern neat, trp-to-date t
gery ; shop With mothing but b'
class'-merchandlKe "to offer tt
patrons: He' always-makes e
that "his' is the test and. the t
Idg is J done 1 by an ,; experier
man who knows values and . qi
Ity When ' be- sees them. 'Thii
reallr Tub' Shop of New Idei
It" is for ; you' to meet the I
piietor and take advantage ot
long experience In the haberd.:
ery line. You will find hid
congenial, Whole hearted r
with a hearty and pleasant t
fbr you. : It isr a pleasure for I
to select a shirt' that will fit :
as -s If It . Were tailored to or'
and all of their goods are taile
to fit. Berg Hats are Just enz
hi main features and you etc
see some of the -new spring c
coats r he has in' stock. V.
make of hosiery does he Us.'
and where is this exclusive t
located? What Is the sic IT---
'Kingly Shirts carried exclu:!