The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 24, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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    I G'.LE SPEAKS-..
; ManyilnterestihEffeuresM
, ; financial Standings
Are Onnted
Hon. Oenrge- ; f ove jojr. state
legislator from Portland, was the
hedlln(T at tha KlwanU club
luncheon oesday . noon. The
program" hadlfceen devoted, . by
orderv to the National Thrift week
campalgri, and Mr. .LoTeJoy. who
was national thrift chairman dor.
Ins the war, was, picked as about
the thriftiest speaker Id thewholn
west, . for , the occasion'. 'He was
also first president of the' Port
land KIwanIa club, and third In
ternational vice" president: nA
ctdentally.' he has Bold more than!
$8,000,000. worth of life lnsur
ance, : ' : . . '
: r The speaker quoted many InJ
terestlng figures on' financial
standings.' One table showed the
eaTloga bank '. accounts of the!
greater nations or " the world" inl
1914, Jast before 'the' war. when
I the .United States was . reputed 4a
j be the "most wasteful. ' ImprowH
dent nation In the world."' Switaj
erland had 554' depositors out of
every 1000; Denmark.' 44jd
-France, 346; Germany, 317; Ja-j
pan. 270;" Italy.- 220, and f the:
United States only $7. . " A ')
The entrance of the United!
States Into the war put stop toj
much of the old. wanton extrara-j
gance. The coming of the "babyf
bonds" In small units down ta
9100 gave many a chance to buyj
1 these permanent, - savings secnri-j
ties. The habit is persisting, the
speaker said; and the" nation l4
regaining its senses. He upheld
the Idea of vadget making as the
: proper ' and only! foundation ' tot
rational, planned savings.' ; I
; - Figures were also given, quoted
f quoted from f Babson's statistics
bureau, showing, wnat the wag
; earner er - Income-getter ; shoal
spend for the various items of h!
'L living. On. an Income of . $1500
E it gives 5 per cent for nccumulaj
j tlon, some form of permanent Inl
I vestment, including life insurance!
Tt would give $520 for food, $420
" for shelter, $200 rfor -cloUxee;
1 $210 ' fori operating . expenses,'
arid $75 for education and recret
; ation. ' The proportion ot. Insuri
ance and other permanent in vest j.
j meat should rise with every rising
( Income;; also .the cost Of clothes
f and education, . and. recreation j
bnt the others would; lower with
; every income Increase, f - ,
; - Babson, according to the speak,
f er, wouldn't, let any , man take a
ntckle.) flyer; In oil stock, gold
i mines, Palmlto del Verde, anyt
. thing but the soberefland drab
best of sure things, until the anr
'nual income reached $7500; then
he would let blm atart In , wltlk
r $400, or about 5; per cent of hli
total Income. A From $30,000 onj,
! he would tell him to "go it while
you're youngV and allow him t
; spend, 20 per, cent ot all. hla. In
come in riotous stocks;" but eve
then he'd have him invest 50 pei
cent in sure-thing, securities.: '
Delbert Moore, violinist. ; and
jMtsa Eugenia Myers. pianist, botl
from Willamette university, gavp
a delightful Instrumental nnm
: ber. The crowd tried to call them
! back, but they. were due. back a
f their , classes , and couldj not, re
1 I spond.
; Dr. Cirl Miller gave the attend
: ance prize for. the day, which was
drawn by R. A Mohney.
: (Continued from page 1)
; per-cent; i Lincoln 289, gain 50 j&
per 'cent; Park' 294, gain 40,8
I per cent; : Richmond ' 275, gain
f 4 1 per cent. ToUl registraticjn
3842, gain 34.5 per cent in five
:. ; years. , J -t '- r- . i -J
IU--'-. . Ptopkt. to Decide W
' H Tbe. definite plan for-bnlldUig
I f depends first .on the people1 aic-
ceptancei of the program and the
I voting of the bonds." "The board.
( and the ' commission . favor ten
tatively one or two wings to. the
hirh school. ,Tben new - units
in . each of the nresent school
properties as needed, with tfee
t view - of making - all ; these jot
strictly modem - construction.
, looking to the eventual wreck
in p- tt the nA bulldinrs and
the completion of the units jas
planned. rIost '4r iheroirrwocid-
n structures are fire traps, ujn-
Ranitary, poorly .llghted,r :Most
.r tbm arn ohl and have already
Dald for (themselves and ;are le
gally worn out, :r No new con
tt ruction wilt be favored, . save
tu beat and safest kind. ' -
A The committee will, plan . ,to
( carry the need;' of the school
i r.iBiiri:ciJUM j
c!rra it cut cxid y j -
f v. .
... . - . - .--'
expansion 1 program to the peo
ple just as quickly and as strong-l-AalWc'auvbe.done
so as to
ppj ready fcr thin year's work.
l'ot I mncli t other bunlneHS was
rtorie by the 'hoard though 'tmrno
iHcuBsinn was i had- on" the epi
demic problem. I The board pasB-i-d
a resolution 5 eriinoweridg"the
principals of the, various schools
to. issue-'certificates for va'eeina-
'". 'r Mwiniiii(iii lor, uineasi?
prevention and have these hon
ored by the school phyr.lrian un-
dr necessary or proper condi
tions. ; The board i believes that
there will'be some of the pres
ent epidemic threats prevalent
all winter and aims to guard as
far. a possible' against anything
like a general outbreak to close
the schools. '.'
y-r- v . j
' J Ktatisticfi Presented
Some interesting statistics were
preientedrompiled " by the Rose
burg schools, showing the 'valua
tion,, tax levy and total annual
budgets! for . a) number of Ithe
first class school districts in Ore
eon. It. was. shown that Salem,
with . more . than ; double the
school population of any other
district in . the state has a bud
get of less than Astoria, and an
annual, tax levy the lightest ot
the whole state.; only 10 mills.
The average for 23 first class
towns was 17-7 mills or almost
double that of Salem. Bend
pays 38.8 mills. Salem .pays
less for teachers' 1 salaries in
everything but j the superinten
dent and "special" maximum sal
ary, than' the 1 average for the
state; an average of about six
ptr 'cent below ? the mean for
the state. '' i
(Continued from page 1)
was being taken not to mislead
the Incomers. ' '
"If we give yon people all that
you are asking for, LaFollett in
terrupted, wej will have to ex
tend that black mark ' about 10
feet." ; '' i'! ' i'
( ,We are not going to brng in
more farmers, . but we a,re going
to help you who are here now."
Brewer, said. j.
: "Well, for God's sake , hurry
up," yelled LaFollette. ,
Medical School Argued '
.. .LaFollett assailed Senator Mos
er and Dr. R. F. Dillehunt of Port
land, when, they; made plea In be
half of the University of . Oregon
medical school in Portland, which
Is asking ; for $200,000. LaFol
lett ... insisted ; that V the school
should - be . abolished, for the rea
son that , no 'other state in the
northwest maintains.. a school of
the kind. Moser. and Dr. Dille
hunt invited the committee to vis
it, the school : next Saturday and
the. Invitation Was accepted with
all voting In favor except LaFol
lett and Taylor, j s : - "
Other departments appearing
last night and the amounts asked
wcrci ' -- ' v
State board of health, $80,000;
state board of forestry, $85,000;
Florence Crittendon home, $11.
000; Oregon Historical : society,
$20,000; state department of edu
cation, $77,l0,l7; state engin
eering department.' $6?,515,i state
dairy and food department, $56,-
'The committee did not go into
executive session to pass on " any
of the estimates. . t ' i
(Continued from page 1) '
suing the .ordinances the cemmis
sion "has abandoned the . legal
basis on which It was founded.
PARIS. Jan. 23. -(By the As
sociated . Press.): The ' Paris , po
lice today conducted widespread
searches in,. an effort to uncover
the group of anarchists they be
lieve, responsible for tne amps
yesterday of Mari us ..Plateau,
leader of the royalist direct ac
tion; gangs, by, the girl anarchist,
Germaine Berthpn. -
'.v Hundred of policemen, acting
under 15 district chiefs searcnea
the : rooms of 2 2 persona known
to be active anarchists, and" the
nf f le at three t newspapers, , La
Fritermelle. Le Llbertaire., and
L'Unlon Anarchlste. , , .'
DUBSSELDORF. Jan. 23. -(By
the Associated Press) -The strike
today of the Thyssen workmen to
the number ot 65,000 is the most
effecUve blow yet struck hy the
Germans against Franco-Belgian
occupation. . In. contrast to the
miners strike, which appears to
he , a complete 1 failnre, and the
Walkout of , the raUwaymen, which
was localized. theTbyssen work
ers quU. solidly to a- man; they
gathered in' the streets .of . Ham
burn and Muelheim, singing pat-
j riotic songs in which I the s name
of -Frit Tsyssen. wnose menuon
In custody by the French was. the
cause of the strike, was substltut
ed for the. name ot the kaiser and
other former national .heroea. -j
The French Continue their re
pressive!', measures towards state,
officials ' refusing to obey, their
ordersi but appear to have .aban
doned the idea of placing the de
linquents in JaiL contenting them
selves with dismissal and expul
Sion. i 4'. :i l
. The expulsions of Count t" von
Roedern , from Co!ogne;.was car
ried out today by the French1 with
the authorization of the, British
authorities, despite the strong
. , . i 'I
. 1
r i
Ex-King Constantino . of-
, Greece died 'in Sicily His
death . was caused by a hemor
rhage of the brain, : ?
appeal for British protection fail
ed. -.. t - a i .
In the Rbineland measures tor
the collection of the coal tax and
taking over the state forests are'
proceeding slowly, in the face of,
the resistance ot German officials.
The customs employes '.at the
Mayence central station declined
to work under French i suoervis
Ion a'hd quit this moruing. ' Herr
Fedell-Below, the reich ' commis
sar: of forests' at Weisbaden, who
refused to turn over the records
to jtbe French, asserting that. the
Welsbaden forests did "not belobg
to the state but the municipality,
was dismissed from office .today
and expelled. , Hp is the third
reich official at Weisbaden to be
expelled in the past five dayu.
The switchmen and track walk
ers at the Meiderich : and ; Ober
hausen yards in the Belgian zone
of occupation also quit work this
Regi $1.00 :
All New Patterns
' Silk and
,r Knit Ties ; t
i AnniversaryJ ; J
. ... j
Fancy Wool : Sport
Sweaters -
Values to
$5.00 Wool
A -iA:y .
Gqod Patterns ,
At Heal Values
A Real
t i -r- '1 v . - -..... . j -
' Men's Dress Shirts
Values to
Good Patterns '
Good Materials
.-a I , r
if " . 1
I f ' l
.-. :: ....
II -:i 11
$!?15 ' Wra. X.ZoseL; : - Salem, Ore. , ( v - EUis'E?Cooley $185 ' U
' ;'":' . . : . Y'V ., 416 State St. i '' ' ' A ; A.' ' V--Js . .
I ".':' . , . . ; , : . . i . . - - : - 4 .
ir :
afternoon after damaging the
switch boxes. The train service.
llntheJlubr.ia . generally,, a JUUe
' r - . . . . .
below normal, nut nas jmiirurnM
slnt-e yesterday. Th output of
the coal mines is Increasing hour
ly, accord Inur, to t he French, and
a , personal - Inveatlgati'un seemed
to bear' out the statement that
there; was. a 20 per cent Improve
provenient in proluction abov
yesterday. . ' ,;' 'r ',"""; ' .
The labor bureaus at Mnenstter
and Elberfeld are making efforts
to induce the miners to strike in
a body; If the industrial magnates
are sentenced tJa"' tomorrovr.
but .In Keueral the response to tli;eriinHtrong man of Vladivostok,
strike orders has not been as en-
i thuslast lc ' except ..In; the case Of
J'Thyssen plants, ' as might b f x
tiected from nouulations inl a. pat-
' riotic nrotest asalnst foreiKn m-
enpation. - '
. The French have not leen able
to despatch to France all the coal
requisitioned today anil there are
nearly , 30,000 tons of coal and
coke d u m ped nea r Lud w igshaf eri
awaiting French crews ' to take
the bare to Strasbourg.
; The Duesseldorf Nachrichten,
which was. suspended, will be
permitted to resume publication
on February, 1 provided the edi
tors enter Into an understanding
to refrain - from- printing - articles
criticising the French occupying
forces. -
. The absolute necessity to trans
port foodstuffs into the Ruhr to
feed their compatriots is the main
cause of, the failure of the rall
waymen's strike, as the French
permitted It to , be known that
complete isolation of the Ruhr
from the outside world would fol
low a general strike and the rail
roaders would be responsible for
famine and starvation. Up to the
present the French have requis
itioned no foodstuffs . and . have
forbidden the soldiers even to buy
provisions in the open market. .
I Bill Reported Favorably I
' . - -
"The Hall super-cabinet form ot
state administration bill will be
seported favorably by a majority
of the senate committee to whbjb
it was referred. Senator John
son. "Joint author of another, con
solidation bill with . Representa
tive Carkin, will file a minority
report dissenting from the opin
ion of the committee. ...The bill
was slightly amended In - the
committee. . - . , .'
$3.00 Men's
Flannel Pajamas :
Extra Heavy, Neat Patterns
. Anniversary Sale
$1.95 .
just a few days
... 'Mb
1 a f ty : A
A Lot of clever Overcoats in the right styles for now.
Sold regularly up $37.50... Special Anniversary Sale
Your choice of a wonderful value in Men's Overcoats.
They sold up to $25.00... Big warm coats... Anniversary
Sale - , '
' Right No WK s lne aPP'n time for you to practice economy and this is the place our
5"t M w t timeiy Anniversary Sale provides the opportunity. The - tremendous reductions
coupled, with the high quality of the merchandise .offered, makes it possible for you to dress better
. at real economy, f '
vLepNoihing Prevent You From Attending This Great Event
- , , . r 1 ; .
Piimoria Leader Can Carry
With Ease Load of 120
Pounds up Gang Plank v
VLADIVOSTOK, Siberia. .Ian.
2H Nlklfa Denisenko, the cham-
a former longshoreman, who is
credited with the ability to" carry
with ease a load of 120 iteunds
up the gangway of a ship, is the
new president of the Prlmoria
sovjet. " Ills vice presidents are
Constantino Psbenltsln and Theo
dore Tretiakoff. and the secretary
Nicholas Cuslithln. a printer's as-sb-tant.
Prtisldent Denlsenko, in
an interview with the Associated
Pfess, explained the aims lot the
new soviet. He said; . ; !
Ijoran Conditions Vary
"In the Prlmoria, owing to lo
cal i conditions, there is at pres-
Lent a slieht divergence from the
normal constitution in force in
the Russian Social Federated so
viet republic, which gives certain
perrons the opportunity et , say
ing that the government here is
CloSCetl Air Passages Open at
Once Xostrils Cleared .
' If your nostrils are clogged and
your head stuffed because of ca
tarrh or a cold, get Ely's Cream
Balm at .any drug . store. Apply a
little of this pure; antiseptic, germ
destroying cream into, your nos
trils and let it penetrate through
every ir passage of your head
and membranes. -A Instant , relief. ?
1 How good it feels. Your head
is clear. Your nostrils are open.
You breathe v freely. No more,
hawking or snuffling.. Head colds
and catarrh yield like magfe.
Don't stays stuffed np'choted up
and miserable. Relief In sure.-
Adv. .. ' v . '
Jtt. i
- , Regular $1 .75 Men's Wool : .
Shirts and Drawers
All Sizes A Fine Garment
A Real ISuy
- $115 Garment
left to supply your needs iri high grade
ishings at these great reductions
.... !. - I " . , i ' . . ill- . ......
Saturday January 27, Last Day
... 1 ' '
a military - dictatorship but in
fact there Is no mUitarydlcJator-
snin. ' mere is piny ' '"""'.'r1,
at a gew h ich is "cx m m on' In" Russia
tn parts of the country. which hare
been cleared (of the enemy, ' and
wbicb ia being r?anized? The
existence of the provincial mili
tary revolutionary committee , I
certainly not opposed to the ro
viet. ideal. 'All authority in ; the
hands ) of the workers'- as ; the
unanimous election, of a sovleJn
Vladivostok received the immedi-'
ate sanction of the -revolutionary
committee. ' '
"The continuation cf the 'pres
ent staff of affairs will:-rest en
nnr ability to" bring about order?
As soon as thU is" done and o
viets are , formed In the various
districts and provinces, the full
0 It It I MH 0 0 M 1 1 H
All Is
r t
j 1 4
itiiiitttiMitfaiiiiittiiiMiii .f ii i ii tt ii nimiityiittititiiniitttK
r. i. ...... j5f " " " ,..,., .i -
Values to $27.50 in Men's and Young Men's Suits, and
they are well tailored and have the fine woolens. Special
Anniversary gale " ' -y
$1 785
In one lot Suits that sold up to $38.50. The neatest and
cleverest patterns in the town. Special 1 or 'Anniversary;
Sale- 1 ' ,
JANUARY 21 1023 1
nnthnritr of the government will
be handed ovr to tbe4 aovlets by
the provincial t military revolu
tionary" all questions referring to the gov-
rnment la settled by tne provin
cial military - revolutionary, com
mittee.-The deputies are cnoseu
from the different unions In pro
portion to their numbers. . 1
"When a ' ma n git s so , mean he
cyarn't spena nieke wldont; fig
urin hit's fi" per cent oir a dol
lah,"' safJTCharcoal Eph. rttmln
ntlvelv. "he alnt provin nothln
t' nobody "ceptln he gwine 'Ifve
pore an' die rich." (Richmond
Times-Dispatch. )
H It 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 II 111 til 1
- Go
Suits of TncolineV Serges and Broad
cloth1 $l75 ' $14.75 and $19,75.V
4- HSc-i
Dresses of Pojret TvnR, Tricotbe and X
Commercial and
. $3.75, . . ... ;
Corduroy Pants?
- Light and Dark Colors
A. Real Buy
t $255
clothing and turn-
The mWrws who had engairfii
tnewcoakmias a tour -tf . r.
spectlon-.after she had kept te
a week' and found a' po!ii-uis
Ioc ked u p In the, pant ryf ..
How 'did this man get here?
she iisked severely, ' "''"
'.Vm. sure I . don't know." wa
the Jcool reply. He munt hate
beenj left over by tba last cook."
(Household.) i . !
. "What , more money! See hprc.
youug1 roan, what has become 'C
last .hundred I gave yoa ,
lers. joy ride or what?" ' "s
"No, dad I've been .vphVfng'
bridge wHh rootherr; : Bofctba
Transcript. ' ', '
1 M
and ore
Court Strecf
Shaw Knit
V'X Real Hose!
For Wear
.. . i . - '
. Anniversary.
. Boys Pullover
V Values .'to
O $4.Q0 -
Good Colors
$11.00 Oregon City
Large AssormenT .
. ' - - '. . ,
; Exira Values
& CO
A Real
. Men's Dress Shirts
Values !to $3.50
Some wonderful values
(protest I yon. Roedern, whose