The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 24, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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    tttt Oregon statesman,' salem. .Oregon :
i : -it
-7 m ,
- ? :;n.n:nn. :tr: pre-.:- ,t - .
r " cooperating-la tha
F,r arrat?ne3t3 f or the Charity
S . till which will be aa event cf the
I eeriy jart ci nes.t'V'"' '
; Asians those' who are editing
;' ;,with .the -arrangement' "are lira.
tT r, ... r 3. ' ...-2.
j Larh:rdt, Mrs. . T. A. Llvesley,
I lira. TreJ TLl;I;.a and lira. John
' Jv euros'. " " ' " . '
; 1 , , - ;v.-v "
!',".U" I 'Jar.! Jl,two"years
id the " goal of the national
FEO Eisterho-"' which waf-foand-
red, 51. years I. sin layat the
now I, 10..J lit. rioajict college,
" Jowa7 Celebrating Founder's flay,
tha Ore -on FZO Sisterhood Mon-
day save It3 annual luncheon' at
,Een?ea hotel -t '-pay', '''homage to
! ;tha seven foundfra.; ."A-t ;i "7 j
few o California were represeht-
.. ed by the" ISO womea who attend
s ed r elUncheoaThe me'rab'
.'ilialod chapters present were
r greet ei by the .--state - president,
-.Mrs. 'Ule C. 3tent if Corvailii,
t. Mrs. Mary Legaa;-. to Tualatin,
it.. 13 'crt.:.:;r, - was one " of the
previa :..:t, tueeii.; '7- . ' ir;-.
i. " Jlrsw Dorothy Ecynour.'ctapter
;p; cf remt C rore, .p r c i ar c 1.. i
- g!3wi;x trihute to tLa aevea iotn
, ders which she read to, tha acserai-
1 rtLu9. -'Further tx.".ute3 to- these
I wemsn was a tons written- and
(i 1 ty i:rs..c. :r. i'. -:er-
-1 eca r.i.tus Ly sll prr nv also
the. Ur'-tlns tr-lllzt -lZ, Ctlshy,
l'presiicat cf Fortlani council, of
r tt. "r:xr. jco!itil-:s cerca.'
t ' ;
, :t.t!2r-h?r lean -.-fana.-
5 wt'.ch . t I f':"':!; 503
I gir'v I i.a, ' t ....... j" el' ; ti.oVs'to
W$2 o., . .It i.div.::. ?i-.frc-.-a
I I iur: f'T,3 -''lTei frra 'some
i :ter.c:.t cfstertaifltaer.t .cf tha f !s-
tervr 1 - v -"t . ra . v.'TLa
.'n:r'rn r'l'r. r'. 'Tt::': tha cr-
: f ..ictica Ldpcs.-to re-eit wlthia
Hi i t it two years has the eo-op-
, r:.tJ;a of all chapters la ,the
" ':U;Ittl Etates.' '. - ; .
.; .:a:.-a raeabera "-attending the
I 'a- :-::! 1 ,iaet were Mrs. E, ,E.
i''F..i -, n. :j: iinziTs. w.
i:. I ri, v.r.T.'. r:l3 and
' " ' - ' X' T-'-,' '
. I' :ir?. F ,7. Thc;'.-.psoa left early
. t! ' j veci :f iter, - D. C,
, " " 3 sh IT ? with 'her
d : ter, : .... i C. Kiltz,
"Jr., -nho v.. i 'Ui.ea , addanir 411
."a:; 1 la f
t;. . Irs "
-. v .
w . . - a w L -
i f : i. tat;..
I :: . Fr
' t i :t r
I i
e : Talen last
i ! ' ir-rlratfcn
. .h,tXal
I. :;r was hos-
u.l . 3 dinner
A . :ne3 c
: -cr t ' :. : have beg a
E" ::
I :-.
t: j :
"d i Er:ic::. r:atrons la
: J d . the Icet week for
hes . we;:i:- . .iledjsd. .a
'"ri "-"f raaic- for tbo"en
l i .d. ths' last r'-':t. pf
C. :"i
i -t: 3 i
1 hca tha success of
1 d: Tul. The
. r Ivea tl. ., ' -.".i t:j
. t : r'-
i - . . Jr.s I :-3 f r '
;i t at Fvpfl vn ! ' .
i 1
! : ' .
.'7 , i J . - 4
f I r
, ' -- - r . - . - i
I ' . I '
- '7 " O -
t r -wt
, , . N ,- '.edaelay
Daughters of., Veterans. ( . j.
Clvia Art. section o( Art League
j t library. .j,-.... ! .it (..' j,.
C a a eral Aid , of , B"lrst .... Methodist
Threa .Liak clna Ja iOOP.tall. 1
DAR with idra. ;B. IZ Steeyes,
were among, thoid pledging the
"money;re themaretves actirely fn-.
terested la other colleges and uni
versities la Oregon.; Mrs. George
T. .' Gerliager .'.is a regent f thie
University of .Oregon, t and others
cf the women are associated "with
Pacific nnirefslty and other instl;
tutlons of higher learning ia the
state, .i --. .a-.l . -..-
. . 1 : J." r..;,- ''i'j.
..The Phllatheas j met at the
home f :.Miss . Eva .Roberts . Mon
day evening. ,A, jbnslpess .meeting
was held. followed,, ly a short so
cial iioar. Officers for, the com
ing, year were elected as follows;
Frcsident, , Salome Socolofsky;
vico-president, , Violet j Welborne;
secretary, Rnth Tlbbltts; treasur
er, EvaKoberta.
Those preser.t. were;, calorie
Socolofsky, .Ruth !TtbbJtta,;,Grace
Fawk, hlrs. V. k Anderson. II rs.
Esily Holden, Mrs.: Frank .Stru
tla Violet and .Edith Welborne,
hlildred Trindle. JIIss;- ina Mc
Nary aid Eva .Roberts j
u. ;-..:)'-: t nrSj'i-VV
- . The Standard Bearers wiU-cn-tertaia
this evening at the home
ci .irs. A. a. es3.. Thi3, wjii be a
s;eeial anniversary c.tservance of
the founding of the orranization.
Uymeycr .will t'a: joint. hostesses
with ilrs.' Less. " . ' - . .
- Duncan Beaton of Bottineau,
N. D., has been visiting hts
brother-in-law, x TJaVId i Clark, but
recently "left for a; month's vlsit
in - Caltfornia. .a ''.'?v
; ; Recently lir; and :sMrs: Fred
Evendea gave the ' second 'of a
series ' of Tpartie-a. 7 '.F1ve"tabiefl'
of f 500" ,were,, played, j thp prizes
iroiag Jto Ilrs, Lynaa Slivrey and
LHand t Austlni"' The .hostess was
insisted : ln7serviag by .ilrs.. Ly
man ,SIiTley, . : . . ...
Wednesday tevenlag Dr. and
Mrs. J. L. -livrey entertained
the , i-enher of" ahelUfee
Klahschw Five', tables of 7&"
were . played- ' Prize were "won
fcy j Slaad. ,.Irs..,,L,; M. - Bitney.
The hostess was assisted by Mrs.
E..,G. .Emmett . and 7 Mrs. . J. .
teelhammer. Members present
wereh Mr." and Mrs. W. lttle
meier,hlr. and-lirs. J, M.-Poor-
man, Mr. and Mrs. H.; P. Idlllle,
Mr. "and Mrs. Eugene Courtney,
Mr., and 'Mrs. L, M. Bitney, Mr.
and Mrs. E. G, Emnjett. Mr. and
V. F-. h Stcelhamiaer, TProf. and
: Irs. Ba t torfisid.'tMrs.- asaa Liv
eatey. -7 Additional - guests ; were
Mr. , and . Mrs. Fred, Havermann
r.ud : Mrs: Walter Jqhnscn.. -,S'T.
?r1.-.Mr Don C. Cowles
.-: 5 s.:a Trt ' J.r ; l; rt for their
I :. . in Llvinpr-ton Tuesday.
. ...
IlrCT Cowka ,aad: ! sea' "".arrived
hfere" 3tt8t:tefo?erCKriit 7i"d
Don cane forIbis granifather'a
fanerai.. '" ." '
; Mrs. LwrA. Eeclctaan was hoBt-
ess to .the -1.3 r. I. y;LrfJe'clah.
There, were .'.three tables., " Re
freshments . were served. t . -, ' "
.. Mrs. J. P. Miller. Is in, Butte,
Mont., visiting ' her sister, Jars.
Slmonson.:. '
Five 'little Vslrls w'ere Invited
Wednesday, to" tLa home of Prof-
T ' "' .
I ? - .
. . -
: j,V .'. ' . ,. . rv- -i , i.
i -..Ttccs-.. unmatched
,le7. prices- embody .
, - ret d values " in tUo
1 -!Ittl3 vtcs thzt com-'.
item in pur Notion
"' PcsTtznsnV'lr -
.. .--'- . - f - -
' II 1. I 11 7- m ii 1 iT n' m'tr .11-1 in mi-Ti . inTll1
7 s rcrcalcs 1
- fcaQuailt;;-.;
' ' Ahisrican Caiatric Per-' t
" tH3 ' we-Inown Una -qua'.:ty;
wide rang' of -carefay
selected- pat-";:
terasj' H'ht and dark
oiors;width, SS,latisit
, . ... --'-- ' - y
. aij ,iur--.j
' a ii r
1 .
- ,N ',v i; -i 4. '
V, . i.', v , ' ,
: ; ' ",l " t ,':7;
ancnj fe aturfs. Some
jIiksin j Choice .
.of Selection '
" "TT.e alendex. faiss or
woman will appear' to
advantage in the far
models and others will
- ftrrreciate tha'tle-erw '
Iztny cect , of , the
straight I ,Ua
Color 1. flarfV , '
Xi ' i 4 .
. Out New Ye2r.df.Hl!iv f-'-" ' jr-' . .
- s?rc23:3 ia iisrivnUed in.Virl- : - k ?V 7 4 i
; - .cty ,&d cu-lityvalua' end "- -Vr.i
:, -(ri:dded!;: ;U2rlvalIcd is t5 V IX'V T
; tratc ere representative cr ' --V'i'yjl - f A'
t , ther.ccIarcCered at 'thla. "''vaA'vUl 1
tfiju.r?.. , ,7,; :rff.. , .1. - . M ,;
, of e-brt-iJ",: . - li'i J r -
ery, smart beaded de- ' " V 7JjjJ "l u and clever ejects ' .-1 r I C2" 'V
of.f.-ncv -braid. u c (l -" 7r i1' 1 .
' :. Fcr; XJczzzjx and rJcr. -cit-' -
7. V-
j .W' -i
7 N
7 7..7!r.i ; :r.tzrci
. ! c -sd w.Ja nil
. . fieir-s cf CrcjJ
. . za Zl:s.ta teaches t!
. 1 ' Y v- iA' , v f Tr.ou$utana
l (V'T j lL '" 'thc-d TafTeti Drc z.
V I ' -r V ; - tc::iiiyw fori.
' vi. .
f :
fv-aor F. E.Faian to help their
tluy dacshter; ictUhratahef iKZth
birthday. ; j - ; j... . . I f .:.
Prof, .and Mrs. F. -fi. - Fagan
entertained . the K grade . , school
teachers at dinner, at their. aonxe
Tnursday--'tenlng..V--r,.VlVr4iAttstIH' -:
Mrs.- Cook. who nas been vis
iting Mrs.; .Kftherine .powell at
the;.. home of VLt.' and Mrs.-Keith
Powell '.'lef t - Tuesday tor JCalJf or
" ; .
" Derp-rlrtent --.
H,-. f l .
j j.7 J - I
' ' - .7- J v
- .
models,. T : 1 1 1 IVx'W
L s y.; : . U
.'j 7
t s
7;. r::stu
V '-'. tc a Letter co 11 ec-
aMV it'M TU4U W
I J2 . -ij tre ia
1 , Li 1 ' I ' ' T -
1 - 1
. ... .... - . . ... ,
77 ff-
y - n 111 'IV ' .
hikdimi li t ,
- r7 cr- b- :e exwf
'.if fnl ia P.'.
et, 1 ivl(; ; eloflg-;
. 1. ti. JrU v ;a th'.r in-'1
; - ."5 mc2iJLtt!J3 ptn
cj tl.t a-d dignity, to
. . '' Cl
t i.iiv iy
t . a t. . . !. T!a 1;.
t 1 I.. ..ti tr t.:.h.jt.:. cr
!i c:7'; sLlir';s ta le;-ft and
: t:rz:ilzi tlJ lii'-ij. . Dia7
Mrs.. IL D. Miller Tuesday after
noon' tTho newwo,Elicers lot the
guild; j presided $r;. " theC: r J3rst
lime. jMrsv.If.. D. Gili was elect
ed !for.,presidafi . Mrs. or.'. K-
Wolf , sectetaryi andMrs. , H .M.,
1L P.'. Miller were 7 ho3ta; to the
5 0 0" ti club. - Five, tables , : were
played. '"Mrs.'-F." K.; Sanderson
and'"K3eith Powelf received 7 the
:V I Wis
' , V7 -V
- :jU . .; L -
--:;;'ic3:i;o?anr uderty, sAin:., Or. :
r - 1
t ; large
U.-I t- - 1 , g
J 4 i - . . v-.-x "".'-:-. i-;..'.;" -;r
; : . t&ort period of twcnty;yearSf is InditputiLI prdbf cf lie Liia cLliJt c. l.j fc
f AM-V- v are fcivtasAre you e?ijoya t? 1 .-.r.;v v .v,-1 ... . . . . '
' ' - - v . ' ""flw-i" - -' ' -7- - - n.c- ..-. : ... .
ui ' txauuiiTVULL iiuuuv u icy:
1 r j cdUlizatloa : in oitrj
; saas!s9-ur : prsse&tatlcku
4 i tvrzczjWQ rut cc-ccutrata ia va . .ra way-r tpca; J
-ciTriala 1L,w4 cf 'jroods.".
Hi - acr csaitcpie, isaa cicnui;v . xyo a 'futc.
lV-GocJs,A7cc!SiM:ljLteroa.' itot! 1 Larb a Gl2-
', Per pcyTia I lew Ycrlk cf? r a!ic3:teasivo
;7,:rlari t crorido this Store and thz "70 ether Stoireaf
j in this , NationAVld Inatltatlac; ; v Ila Vlarjei new,-
1 t!;!i-rade itocL f rcih f cr ci'di oci SaTani
- lliese rVe7 will
Knuiuoaw wonuerrai
!o' 71
5: ill .0 (S -
. ' .
' . W Al J.- J . " ...
iio w mat acserves your
uiat win aave you tnany-a-JolRar7i Ever;
, anility .thit will Irive th? utrncct service ;
Reliable arid the ctvles are thbia-feo i
? dnaiijd., Come in and see.Tehat a little .
: .
7 i
, Display ;of 'Stylislr
' ? , For -T.liaaeft ianuAVoinen..''"V
v --Ilandsome, ' modish- coaU V. Ide'of itoocf. quality
Bolivia; with -luxurious for cbliariTof B'dck Ciiracul,
, - llaiichuriarj Volf and Beaveret 9. ihoaela also;
.havefur licnfls. : In style thess mcclell, erabo'd $ such
' : distinctive features as blocked c T-:cf 3 jniie'i.ndiyid
vual with artistic arrangemenL of q&tinz". pleats;'
1 roomy-sleeved models with thetrair, of rrie"li7rent ';
grace; slim silhouettes cleVerly de;; ib produce .
; denderizin.7 ejects. !,
'- . j ' Ltyic, vsaiity, low itvc
..7. . '
Colcn: Drown.
la 'serving' by her mother, Mrs.
1.7Jd. rEltaey.lMr. Keith POweU
anet Mrs, "i:urene Courtney. . , ?
- llr, and .Mr. ; Lymin t SUrrey
will, entertain i at , a. "50 0" table
bridge party :. at their home Tues
day ; evining. 77a- second 7 Prty
will be .given 'Friday.' night and
whr be ?a "500" party. 4
L,.l2slcan.crater3 are In big erup.
tion' Tb"j eltuatlo JKurope Is
- . M
f tluyin'r in Tery Iare cjukntUrea fir cur LuJreo of siJrU;
wr York .Duyinaf Xta7 should b given rt only the lowest
ortiera earrv.tut, also should be
U :ictzf Luriixz lietc Is
naerchki !a rlansu " to
diiri- j . ; I 23.' fa certain
:cot boiMtolcs! trut a pre-' .
. 4
S tsiM! -:
auenucn. it da a Tr ;ntn: ill
...Am. . . . . ..
7 f a'
. j
1 de
- . ill do!.
Kcli-f, jrr,'-; .
s - ' V
Four Edqoaticn "Bilfi .
, ' . - . - . .. .
7 .The- four education .bills Intro
dnced : by Representative ilclla
han of Marion, around which fcss
centered such a storm of contro
versy,' were- taken from the table
tdday and re-rererred to the com
mittee "': on assessment t nd ;c taxa
tion for amendment. . The; pur-
- Eiiyir.2:
, For Our
371 Stores
K n
xAssares :
v Lowest -
'7 - i.. .
j I
1 i -.'t- .
tcnJ;rcI the very chc
Altered by Ittzzrlr.i
;r;l,cira4ikLicI:crci.L,. j.
. " 7 '1 o
. ... . h , .... .iv.
thil.z ct
7..iiL - . :. '"
Uh r:'"iil ' ?rcouritockiybri can lJ; tvit.i
. rf - 7 "the greatest personal t-tl;..'ctiob.
-1 -
ii'oa .:3 cat-
. . ai-J noat; 'rt J Valza
...7.TLat Ara YTJet
j --i4f:'-7vci.; rcrl VT.
7 A Mrt tli& binSU:at' ia-'
tlsht jcLi irlicre it H.t-2d ta'
v'ecry. ar.i ectnfert-1:! V r!:
: bo . t . d w . ly 3.
j' -4. 1 T . CLirta that malra yea
K;er . r-' "it fcr t! r.. J
1J. .-y , ? r
t . .4 a
tnhtt. ;
was .to 'arrange f.; aa -
f:i;;;.j" ia , - 5 I
of the 6.. .ta torJ cuiriz
EI:-died. '-:vxrx:!in
; thht; ;fcC3 7t : r :r--fectsvl
in i.iicl
finish 'tontil it r:.n!is its
Vihe tcrt rr-" " '
In 17. :
-market ct i zi'lzz
. in'
it L
V..,.,. fc. .....
ver I. "Ii- ttn
tylcj.-V Triced - zo
. . .... a- ,
. Fcrcy c -
iMUbVAi a Jt
rive you- a
a. rr
nservxtive cut in cr
the rx. oft er f 7.
I !
L '
;.,J I
)( nt:r:::.3tejt..., .