I r - : I MOVIE GOSSIP Elsie Ferguson in 4Outcast." - SiiirteyU lason in 'The New Teacaer." '.Vr, -H't - bl!;ii ' Hickman Bessey Stock com pany presents "Puttin It Over." Lois Wilson in "Broad Day light.' - ' -. ; i ;uani ; p. -Elsie Ferguson wan the first ae ' tress to portray the role-of"Mir-l Iain in. ,"0utcat Hubert Henry j Davlcs famous play, in the screen ! version c which she is at the Ore ? gon theater starting today. It was 1 lu 1914'that 'Miss Ferguson star- red frf'thtf play An, Miriam she is ; believed by many to have, scored f her. greatest Btage success, and a like' claim is now belnjr made f or the pieture. This ought to crcat ' special interest, for those who saw ! "Footlights," ."her last Its picture. STARTS TODAY '.I The story of what happened to a "high flyer. n nr T1 114 11 II II III , STARTS ; TODAY ( No screen star has ever ap ' proached the fearless, ap pealing: portrayal of a des- I . .' titute woman's 4 soul that Miss Ferjjuson 5 gives in I "Outcast." Her most popu-" lar stage play is by far her greatest Picture. Both her ragrs and shimmering: Paris gown the star is mag- : ; miicent. nmwk- Tii rrw lanmim j... . lr. , . ,- , , I ' ' " " THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON The stofy Is "Ja powerful one. and a glance at the cast indicates that the production has been im pressively done, She wanted an opportunity to aid the people of Xew York's slums, and it came to her. How she found love ; and adventure tnid t ho degradation nnd squalor is told in 'Th i NV;w Teacher," which conies to the liberty today. The 'fascinating 'Shirley Mason ia the star. j i The Hicknian Hesscy .Stork Co. opened their lth weekly engage ment at the Bligh theater last e've ning with one of the best comedy offerings they have given us yet. On the same program is an excepr t tonally good movie. It is '"Broad Daylight, a vivid story in strong tones of the underworld, written by Harvey Gates and George W. Pyper, both ex-newspapermen and crime investigators. Lois Wilson, m -a Jack Mulhall and Ralph Lewis have the leading roles. Cummlngs ha3 iwt acted upon the screen for over a year now. though be has been it one time vi e of th-most popular men in - fllmdom. "Ht played on the stage also with such stars as Lillian Kusscll and Henry Miller. This, same show will be here agalirlonight and tomorrow night. 1 Scenery never before .captured by a camera, is an added feature of "The Fox," Harry" Carey's Uni-versal-Jewel" piloted rama. which ia to have its local premier at the Bligh theater, beginning Friday. The dramatic story was Mimed near the spectacular Tainted Rocks'on the Mojave desert, i HEAD OF KKK IS AC- s CUSED OF SUPPRESSION (Continued from page 1) that night, but he saw him Ithe next morning, and having leearn ed of the kidnaping the night be fore at church, he had twitted Gray and had 1 expressed the hope that he was not a member of the hooded band. ; Gray, he saldr made no com ment, but stated that he was not held up on the highway as were many citizens, explaining that the kidnaping wan. over when he ar rived at the scene on his return to Bastrop. l .NEV CPRPORATIONS j The following art'cles of in corporation were filed yesterday; Bewley Creek Water company. Tillamook: incorporators, Karl H, Porter, Theodor R. Peterson, Hull Johnson, It. C. Neilson. W. L. Harmon; ! capitalization 51.000. " Oak Grove Mercantile com pany. Oak Grove; ' incorporators, Karl Skaggs, William Johnson, O. W. Barnett; capitalization, $15,600. j The Farm Utilities company ol Portland filed notice of In creaso" in capitalization from $10,000 to $25,000. Notice of dissolution was filed by the Taylor-A kers Printing company of Albany. Hickman Bcsscy ; Co. Presents "PUTTIN' IT OYER" rrs a . ; SCREAM STARTS TODAY iritis , f . it i: I I VETE MAKER -OPTIMISTIC Charlie Smith. Dispenser of Stomach Warmers, ? Be v lieves Business Better llot Chicken Tamales!" llow many of these red-hota does Charlie Smith. veterau tamalc-maker. sell In an evening from his copper stewm can there on the corner of Commrectal and State 1 i - He'd sell two times as many a the wildest tfreaiuor ever thought. . - Ou seems to almost never see anybody buy; but they do buy, from pSeven to 15 dozen cf a nighty On Saturday night, he ranout of goods, early and just as he was starting home a man hailed him for a score more of the toothsome chickeny rolls. The people were out hunting tamales that night. He thought he'd have sold 200 if he had had them to sell, -which would have bewi a record. One other night however he sold 166. "1 used to sell tamales when the saloons were running:," he s&id. "Then the night crowds on the street used to buy pretty i well. When the drinking places closed I thought ;there'd be no more night crowds and I quit. But a few weeks ago ,1 thought Id try it once more and it has been a surprise to know that business is better than it ever was in the old days. '"The chickens cost 23 cents a pound, livewedght and they're leal chickens . too. I have the general cooking work done but 1 m the only one who knows the genuine tamale filling that makes m good. Anybody could cook chicken and corn meal to gether but there's something lacking If one hasn't the genuine fecret: The corn husks, come ir bales from the corn states of the Mississippi valley and they cost 26 cents a pound. If . i bady believes it's all clear gain and that the rain Is all. fun wh"n ou have to stand still i in it he's got two more guesses as different as lie can make 'cm , . "Hot chicken tamales!" BRUSH COLLEGE The parent teachers meeting will be held Friday night, .'Jan uary! 20. -v-,:.: iCt ' Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Pettya spent Friday, Saturday and Sun day in Portland with relatives. ;Mrs. Blodgett and Mrs. ttley are in I'ortlaud. Many Brush Collcgt people en joyed' the program at Schinidlers hall last Friday night. ' ! Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kepper ot Turuer spent Monday with their pareuts. Mr. and' Mrs. , W. M Kipper. f Catherine Singer Is "suffering with an attack of eczema and a severe cold. Kdna- Bliven started to school here1 last week. Mr. and Mrs. Crabtree of Stayton were Sunday visitors, at the It. A. Grote home. , Mr. and Mrs. L. Crawford of Salem were recent guests of Mrs. J. -U Oliver.'. . . . j ' -i" i, Miss Autonio Bayer is spend ing a few days in Portland. Mrs. Karl Harritt made a large oil painting, of Mrs. Hoag's father and prwented' it , to her. Mrs. Hoag, whose father died recently, is one ot ' the teachers in Brush 'College school. The picture is said to. reflect great credit ipon the artist., Mrs. C. C. Page was - an all day visitor at school last Thurs day. The school has extended ar invitation to others to do likewise: Ruth N'ewbill is able to be In 'school after, a week's illness. Mr. and , Mrs. George Shaffer of Salem visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Hades pek Sunday. ' L. Himmel Is visiting friends and relatives in Vancouve(r. Mr. and Mrs. F. C: Singer' vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Sadax of Liberty Sunday. i Maybell Bsrkvi-" of" SaTci spent the week eud , with Mildred Drake. Alex Muuaoft who,' Uvea cast of Salerii yisitcd at Ihe F. tW. Jkunson borne last wec-k.f 5 Ralph McCall of SaJonx is staying at the - Utlcy-Blodgett home. 1 Milo Bliime spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. J. L. Smith of Salem. j Mr. and Mrs. W. Poorman of Salem and Mr. and Mrs; ; Al Ste'ner aiid children irc din ner guests of Mr. and Mt. Wil liam Mean la-t Thursday cve niug. ' ; Cleo Sclicy of Salem was a guest of ; Bob Lehman (Sunday. Jefferson Holdup Men Taken in Portland Two men. who burglarized a Jefferson slore Friday night, were captured in Portland : yesterday and will be returned to Salem. The men gave their' names as Charles D. Morrow and.,. Lewis Havera.-v t, .--v The J. If. Rowland store was the one entered at Jefferson, It was said that little of value was W TIME I House bills Introduced ' yester day:. - . !. I IL. B. 122, by Le (by re quest) To amend section 57 2 H Oregon laws, relating to water light certificates. It. B. 133, by Huston -TO amend aecUon ,-2420. Oregon laws pertaining to , summons, how served and returned. II. n. 124, by ,4 Huston To amend section f4. Oregon laws, tinting lo who may bo served with summons. H. 11. 12.".. by Cramer To regulate false representation re garding funds to pay wages and providing a penalty, therefor. II. II. 126. by Blowers To r strict the, use and possession of plslols and revolvers to bona fide, residents, defining such weapons, iprovidmg licenses .for carrying and sale by retail deal ers.' It H. n. 127. by Lackey To authorize school districts in counties bordering on the Oregon. state line and not having high schools to enter Into contracts with school districts having high schools outs'de of the state II. B. 128. by Senators Eddy, Hall. Magladry. 4ohnson. Staples and Mrs. Kinney and Representa tives Jones. Bennett. Hurd. Mott, Wheeler, Pierce, Fletcher' . and Wtataon To amend section 4a28 and 4535 Oregon laws relating to the construction of the Roose velt Coast Military hoghway.. II. B. 129, by Shelton To amend sections 5834, &840. &KiZ, 5854, 5855. and 5856, Oregon laws, relating to freight rates, etc. H; B. 130, by' Watson (by re quest) To provide for. the em ployment or assignment of coun sel for the conduct of legal bus iness of stata offices, boards, commissions or departments. H. B. 131. by Love joy To tegulate the conduct of collection agencies, bureaus or j offices. II. B. 132. by Graham To provide for re-Issuance of high way bonds for the construction of primary market roads, their betterment nd maintenance. II. B. 133. by Hard To des ignate the end of the Lewis A Clark trail at Seaside. II. B. 134, by Lee To pro vide an excise tax on the sale of distribution of gasoline, dis tillate, liberty fuel and other volatile aad Inflammable liquids used by motor vehicles. H. B. . 135, by Keeney To amend section 4999, Oregon lfcws, fixing dates for local and county teachers institutes. II. B. 136. by Jackson To provide for the office f state market agent and" prescribing his powers and duties. H. B. 137. by Ezell To amend sections 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, 11, and 23 chapter 265, general laws of Oregon, 1921, relating to school districts. . H. B. 238, by committee on assessment j and taxation To provide a uniform system of-accountancy for certain state of fices, boards, . commissions and departments, and certain political subdivisions. H. B. 139. by committee on, assessment and taxation To re quire each tax-levying body to provide for the mortization or retirement of all authorized bond issues of the political or municipal subdivisions represent ed by such body." , " H. B. 140, by committee on assessment and taxation To amend the' title and . sections 3 and 4 chapter 208, general laws of Oregon 1921. relatlnz to county tax supervision and con servation commissions. i H.' B. 141, by committee on assessment and ' tatation To amend sections 4187, 4226 and 4 287 Oregon laws, and to re peal section 4286, Oregon laws, and defining the powers of tix commissions. H. B. 142. by committee on as sessment and taxation Provid ing for the keeping of certain statistics by the secretary of state. H. B. 143. by committee on afcsessnvmt , and taxation To prohibit the expenditure of pub lic money for any specific pur pose In an amount greater than is estimated .and appropriated therefor In the budget. IT. H. 144. by committee on assessment and taxation To piovlde for the asnessment and taxation of forested lands. H., B. 145, by committee on assessment and taxation To provide for requiring true con sideration in all deeds. .11. B. 146. by the committee on assessment and taxation To amend sections 1193-95 and 1197, Oregon laws, pertaining to inheritance tax regulations. H. II." 117. by ' committee on aEsessment and taxation To provide for a flat rate state in come tax. H. B. 148. by Lovejoy To amend section 26. chapter 371. general laws of Oregon 1921, relating to ' registration and license lees and , taxes oh ve hicles. SENATE BILLS I . 8. B. 68, Clark J by request). To authorize the" state laud board to Indemnify persons, firms and corporations for losses sustained by the failure of title ef lands purchased from the state.- I : : ,- y - . . . S. B. - 69. Joseph- To amend HOUSE BILLS WEDNESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 24; 1923- PRESIDENT SAD RECOVERING FAST Cabinet Meeting Cancelled and No Definite Date ot; Return is Fixed WASHINGTON. Jan. 23 Pres Ident Harding declared by hl3 personal physician. Brigadier General C. K. Sawyer, virtually to. have recovered from the attack of grippe; which be contracted more than a. week ago, remained In 'seclusion today at the Whito Houee to rest. - " ' ' - . The usual Tuesday, cabinet meeting was cancelled as also was the scheduled meeting with newspaper correspondents. No of ficia Is papers were sent to the White House for presidential ac tion and no visitors were permit ted to s'ee Mr. Harding. it had been Indicated yesterday that the president would be back at his desk today, Mr. Sawyer said, however, that be could not tell at this time when the presi dent would be permitted to return to the executive offices. , The president, he explained has had no rest for more than a year and on account of the strain would naturally feel any after ef fects of the grippe. It Is Dr. Saw yer's desire that the president have as-much rest as possible for as long a time as his patience will permit. 1921. by providing that bail or bond In certain cases may be deposited with the court instead of with the city orrcounty treas- . S. B. 70, Corbett- To amend section 2743, Oregon laws,- defin. ing .securities' :to t Include ' those acceptable to the federal gov ernment for securing postal tsav ings deposits.' i; S. ill, Corbett Making se curities acceptable to state treas urer for deposits 3 In Oregon banks' to Include those accept tvble to government for security of postal savings.1 S. B. ,72," committee on ; as sessment and taxation Provid ing for Income' tax.! r S. B. 73, committee on as sessment .and taxation rOefining powers of state tax commission. S. B..; 74.. committee on as sessment, and taxation Provid ing for . assessment of deforested lands. , . . S. B. 75, convmittee on as sessment and taxation 'Requir ing statement of true considera tion in all deeds and other "con veyances. " S. B. 76; Multnomah delega--tlon To amend section 4365, Oregon . laws, making deeds on foreclosure on delinquent ' taxes. " S. B. 77, - Joseph Allowing circuit"1 Judges from outside points when assigned to work In Multnomah county $5 a day iu addition to regular ' salaries. REALTY EXCHANGE? Reported by Union Abstract Company W. B. Richardson and wife to J. E. Booker, land in claim 63-10-3. $2500. , . F. Cornell to Emmet M. McCoy, land In il-9-3-V $10. George W. Hubbs and wife to P. O. Bowman, lot 13, block H, N'prth Side addition to Silverton, $10. i.,rtV: -'. - '..-.'.,-..,., L. Qeeders to Maria PietrOk. IF BEGIN ON SALTS Says We . Must Keep . Feet Dry, Avoid Exposure, Eat" f , , No Hweets Stay off the damp 'ground, avoid exposure.. keep feet dry. eat no sweetsTof any kind tor a while, drink lots ot water and a bore all take a spoonfgul of 'Jad Salts toe casionally to help keep, down uric and toxie acids. ; : ..5 ; t .Rheumatism! is caused, by poi son toxins, called acids, which are generated in the ltowels and ab sorbed into the blood. It is the function of the kidneys to filter this acid from the blood and cast. it out in .the urine. The pores of the skin are also a means of free ing tire blood of this impurity. In damp and chilly, cold weather the skin pores are closed, thus forcing the kidneys to do double 'work ; they, become weak and sluggish and fail to eliminate this poion, which ; Irceps accumulating and circulating through the . system, eventually settling In ' the joint and muscles, causing stiffness, soreness and pain, called rheuma tism. :;.:- i' i ' ' . At the Thirst twinge" ot rheuma tism "get .from - any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts; put a tablcspoouful iu a glass of water and drink before breakfast each morning for a week .This ia helpful to neutralise acidity, re move body waste also to stimu late the kidneys, thus helping lo rid the blood of these rheumatic poisons. . ..... ; Jad Salts is inexpensive, and 13 'made from the acid ot grapes and lemon juice,, combined with 11th ia, and is used Mith excellent results by thousands of . Xolks who are RHEUMATIC lots 7 and 8; tlock 7, Holllster's addition to Stayton, $ 400. Ford W. Cox to T. N. Ide, lots and 2, block 11 Capitol Park addition to Salem, $1.: Minnie Av Cex et al -lo ?T. II, Ide, port of lots 1 and 2. block 11, Capitol Park addition to Sa lem, $10. . .; i ... . ' K. E, Sawyer and wife to T. H. Ide, part of lots 1 and z, block 1 1 j Capitol Park addition to Sa lem, $10. - -' , I -r. C Van Patten and wife to ,M. Christine Howe, lot S J block 17, Capitol Park addition to jSalem, $10. : "' . . - ! Motier Howe, and wife to C. L. Howe, lot 9. block 6, 1 Yew Park annex to Salem,' $10. j - ; - Thomas E. Lyons to Julia Ly ons, north half of lot7, McDon ald Fruit Farms, $10.; B. McRae and wife to A. L. Murphy, land In claim 10-9-1-W, $10. . . ' ' ..".' :- . A. W..BIxy to S. F.r Clodfelter. land in claim 17-8-3-W., $10. Q. W. Jenkins to B. B. Smith, lots 4 and S, block ! 2, . Smith's addition to.. Jefferson, $10. - N. Glen and wife to Joseph, Barber, lots 1, 2, 3, 10, 11 and 12, hldck 10, rthoten's subdivis ion of blocks 8, 9,10, Nob Hill annex to Salem, $10. V S. . F. - Clodfelter to B Bixby, part of lots 1 and 2, block .11, Capital Park addition to Salem. $10. ; '"h ' 7 Truth-in-Fabric Measured Adopted in State Senate ' The senate yesterday adopted Senator Zimmerman's joint me morial to congressurglng passage of a pending oill known as the 'Tmth-in-Fabricr bill, - requiring that manufacturers j of woolen goods label them to show the ex act percentage of pure virgin wool contained In the goods." RIGHT Values You've For Years To tlie man wtiu appreciates the utmost 'in quality, t)1e a'uJ rompleitrw Tills sale with its fine selection of .mtrchan dlse at prices that are af f Iclcnt Inducement to bring big crowds. ' :- - v Underwear ' Merfs $2,00 Values s Men's heavy wool finish Union ally sizes, go at per suit. ...... $r.i9 Men's $1.75 Values ; Famous makes as . Chalmers. Haines, and Mesco, durby ribbed at " ...yy $1.19 Men' $4.00 Value Z0 percent wool union suits, famous Springtex make, perfect cut garment. Special at $2A9 : 100 Per Cent Wool Imow Gray, white and flesh 100 percent wool unions in all sizes. $5 values at Wright's All Wool i Union suits for men," $6.00 value; . all sizes, on sale per suit $4.39 . : ' In different shades and color combi nations, large shawl collars and V necks. On sale at . ; ; j ' Talk About Values! Read This Carefully All Wool Overcoats Values to $25.00. Sale Price - v;:' '-; . $9JS ! : : . : Men's all wool Ovcreoats, -famous Kangaroo and -. other makes In belted models. Every -.ono -good , in styles, perfect value and good In workmanship. Closing them, out at $9.73. Men's Gowns Of heavy-grade outing flannel; made with bilk frogs. Values to $2.50 on; sale at- - . - - "-, ,$U9 - y': f: . dating SkirU " ' . $2.25 values in men's heavy Outing Flannel Shirts, full cut and well made; on sale at . - : i v-"V? t..:i'::-yy.i$1.19' ' ' TiK!gn5griT Fin n?L" INDIAN SCHOOL REPORT IS -MADE (Continued from page 1) were found In a gratifying con ditlon of efficiency the school work going 'forward in an art-' inirable manner. McBrlde llali,--the g'rls dormltoryf - should be at once enlarged for the accomo dation of , 60 more pupils and the dormitory lor the. larger boys should also be Increased In ca pacity. The dormitory for the -yon nger boys is 'old Inconvenient ; and unsanUary and it Is recom-. mendftd that a new one be buUt promptly., " j - - ' ' "It I also earnestly recom mended that the ; eleventh .- and , twelfth1 grades be' "added to thi , c&iirse at the school, with , full vocational grades. The comrner. clal' course should be offered tor the boys and normal courses ad ded for the K girls. The older pupils should be encouraged to stay, at Chemawa and attend the high school and -college in the j neighboring city , of Salem. Tha government, can well afford to give these older boys and girls board and lodging. ; To what extent -the recommen dations of the board of Indian commissioners-may. be .acted up on remains to be seen. The. re-; peri goes: on . to recommend ap proximately the same course for the Haskell schoof In Kansas, which ' with Salem would give the whole 'Indian population of the country adequate facilities for higher; school work, one school In the southeast and the other at Salem. The reference to the Salem high school and to Willamette university are especially gratify ing to the people of Salem, as national recognition of superior merit..' ; NOW! i v Salts, : , Mayo, unions - . L -: Men's Sample lint High grade union-suits, very tinest wool textures, assorted sizes. All priced at Half Price Heavy Wool Sox : On Sale et, par 39c Big Lot Men's AU Wool Sweaters Cl3 ' m taken. . : '-tiW- fickspteTjOa, laws ot cPjeci to rbeumatiSRi. .Adv-'.: