The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 23, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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VfcUSSY WILLOWS and violets
X lent a delightful spring-time
( ' atmosphere to - a ! pretty
luncheon given last 1 Wednesday
lor which ; Mrs William ,fBrown
was1 hostess. ' ' --u.' v-r
Mrs.. Frank Snedecor and Mrs.
Charles Gray were honor guests
for the occasion. , Covers for 12
were set at the charming luncheon
table. A r ,.vi
i .Mrs. Snedecor and Mrs. Gray
will leave late this week for sev
eral weeks in California and a
number of affaire hare been ar
ranged ia their honor during the
coming week. , ..
-.. 1 : , . ..
The ail veT tea which the, Am
erican War Mothers planned for
this week has been postponed un
til February, 6, according to Mrs.
John Carson president of the
local group of the organization.
' The . tea " will specially' honor
War mothers i tta' the ' legislature
and other, war. mothers' attending
i he legislature. ' The local women
are working toward the . endow
ment of an e service men's ward
In the new hospital. v
. Mrs. William Fleming Is spend
ing several months , with, her
daughter,. Miss Ruth Fleming,' in
Areata, Cal., Miss Fleming is
librarian at that' place.
. Mrs. Fleming has many friends
"in v Salem where- sho" hasj always
taken an active , fnterest in. social
affairs and church work; ' - 1 -,v
The members of '(he Fortnight
LMaalc -cloV pijticlpated in a de
lightful banquet st,, ihVrSpa i on
Saturday eyexJhg:. S ;. JPinfc carna
tions made an attractive' .'center
piece and dainty ' place cards ki
the club-coIcfrs,? pink, and -white,
marked the place of ' each guest.
Following theifllnne'r the members
of the club .formed a (linei party
at . the Oregon.- -; j - VaS-S;
I Those - easing he evening's
m erri.mGnt i ' Thelma-' Carey,
Liucile .Anderson. Nina Cole Eloise
Wwright, Vlda.Farrell, Edith Fan
ning, Mabel Dicks, Charlotte Mar
tin, rDorlce Phenicie, Fay iBartel.
Mable Dotson, , andt the club ad
visor, Miss fDotson.' ,3 - i
' Airs.' Edward Lamport Is spend
ing a short "time in California,
and will go , from there east ' for.
a several weeks" visit. '
i Mrs. John' J. Roberts will be
hostess for the, Thursday Bridge
dub at her 'home this week. ;
;'- - ' - j-. ;?:..-'0,':i
J The General Aid of the First
fcethodlst . church will .meet 'Wed
nesday at Ep worth hall.)
i. The Senior . King's Heralds -will
meet Friday evening with Mrs. A.
.A. Lee. Mothers of the. .girls
. will be ; guests for the evening.
iV4-:V-:. -;
(i. Mrs. Arthur J. Rahn will be
In charge of the music for- the
Salem Woman's club' dance February-,!
which is to, be a benefit
tor the proposed ..woman's . club
tuiiriing. ixt4k'-i'Xls t-Cr.vTf:
.Tbe . two committees which ere
working, together for. the affair
met yesterday to perfect .plans.
Chairmen of the ' committees are
Mrs. J. W.. Harbison , and rMs
Ilarry Hawkins. . . -, t
. ' -' ,:'"'!' '
Mrs. Ada , Wallace Unruh, ex
ecutive secretary in charge of the
campaign for the Children's Farm
home, will meet vrith ail women
1 interested , this afternoon ' The
meetmg- will be held t ,?:30 in
tae'. resbyterlafc '. church- -, plana
for .a campaign' will be discussed
f A htstiUh clinic will be held to
rn orrtm: under . the. .direction Jet
the v Marion, county health asso-
ff. Mothers are being asked to re
gister their children with Mrs. E.
E. FUhcf before - the bpcnlng1 Of
Jlhe linic alore thsn" (hchUdren
are now registered for the clinic
and more 'can be accommodated.
Mrs. Fiaber states.: r . i':--u:)r,,;
Considerable .interest 'hasr been
noticed bjr those In charge arid
many have: expressed; themselves
is pleased to have. the. clinic
Started " Safem "doctors" anil nur
ses will be in charge of the clinid
.! GKletif taaaa Brier4 !'
, Astasia. sal "vlf Ep
- 1 ; c!i? tb waUt tad wtitt.
. ni tAMtk, fr C. I' i'. ?
ltT"r 4mtn ef Wtit. wl mcimmt
- 7i S'9xl wWr arJ
f!;.. . ? ' - vnM.WW
General Aid of ; First Methodist
' church. - l '-: 1
Three Link clab In IOOF hall.
' Saturday v--..
DAR with Mrs. B. L. Steeves,
316 ; N. Church street.
.group from Independence
and Monmouth i formed a party
giting a delightful program for
the girls of the ; Industrial school
Saturday afternoon. Vocal num
bers were, given by Mrs.' J. C.
Landers ot the Monmouth Normal
school, accompanied by Mfss Kate
Houx. Readings and Inpersona
tions were given by" Miss Kath y
rlne Arbnthnot.- Instrumental se
lections by Miss Kate Houx.
: After the program the guests
were taken through the building
and later a 1 luncheon was pre
pared and served by the girls of
the school. , . ;
' Those ' included in the- party
were: Mrs. A. L. Thomas, Mrs.
O. D. Butler. Mrs. H. B. Fletcher,
Mrs. D. P. McCarthy, -Mrs. Cros
by. Davis, Mrs. Claude Skinner,
Mrs. J. C. Landers. Mrs. Crow,
Miss aKthyrine jArbuthnot, Miss
aKte . Houx. !
f ; : f-.- -
The Smith Hughes sewing class
will meet Taesday evening at the
Red Cross rooms, according to
Mrsi F.' ; E. Barker, who isl in
charge. Mrs. Barker went to Al
bany yesterday to organize a sim
ilar. class.. - f :- -
' Mrs. J. C. 5 Barker was hostess
last week at' a family reunion
tor her six s boys and two girls
and their families. All of the
family live in or near Salem and
have ; lived herer for s four years,
coming here from ! New L York. It
Is- considered especially remarka
ble .that the entire family are liv
ing so close together and that all
made the trip together from the
east and settled here so near to
gether. I -v: r-V:- -"
' The children I are Mrs. E. J.
Raymond, Mrs. ; Edith Claxton,
John, 4 Charles, William, Ernest.
Fred, and James Barker. . Seven
grandsons and six granddaughters
also reslde' .nere.- ? '-Mrs.' Barkers
has two great grandchildren.
The family Came, from England
in 1902 and Mr,.!Baker, the.fath-
Fer, died six years ago; Just a year
after he and; Mrs. aBrker cele
brated . their golden redding an
niversary. -
The Sweet Sixteen -Five Hun
dred ,'cJub was entertained Friday
evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin RookstoohS Guests
fori the evening' included Miss
Odille Persons, Mr. and Mrs. AI
Propp and Charles Elrey. Mr.
Propp won ' high score , for the
evening. 1 .:."
The members i of the club are
Mr. and 'Mrs. Dorsey 'Reeves, Mr.
and Mrs. Verne Shepherd, Mr. and
Mrs. vRaIph . Burroughs, Mr. and
Mrs. -G len - Nichols, Mr. and Mrs.
JoeO'Shea,.; Mr. and Mrs. Roy
McCallum, Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Frazier and Mr.! and Mrs. Rook
stooL ', ' ' ..-..-.i ! i. '.
' Mrs.; Jessie 3 McComb, head .of
thehome economics extension -department
at the Oregon Agricul
tural college, will address the
women of the Liberty school dis
trict Thursday of this week. A
horticultural , demonstration in
eluding- pruning demonstrations,
will be given at the sameV time by
a horticultural expert . from the
extension department..- ' -x b.
Calif otnikClab
Women Sponsor
Property Law
SACRAMENTO, Cal., Jan. 22,
(By the Associated Press)
'Amendment of the California civ
il code so as to place the wife on
an equal footing with the husband
In willing or inheriting' commun
ity1 property.' Is part of the 1923
;legislaMTe;Trogratti -sponsored by
the" 'California Federation . "of
f Women's rclubsi i
jCominunity property is that ac
quired by ejther, htaband or wife.
or ' both,' after marriage. As the.
stAtfc" law -now stands, the wife's
Interest rn commnnity holdings,
in; the. languagerof "the state su-
-preme court, ia a "mere expect
ancy." , In every- state where ..the
community property system . is' In
vogue, -the . wife has some 4esta
mentary i pbWer, .exrepfcia Calif or
nla. t,i--v'i" 'x ' ' " - ".ot-.j ?
, ,JJnder an amendment to be In
troduced; rby Senator Ed. P. Sam
ple of San Diego 'county,' and hiv
ing, the so ppprtbf..tbe California
Bar- association; ' a ; wife also
would have the right to win her
half of the -commanity . property,
and If the husband or wife dies
without 'a will, the entire com
munity property would ' pass to
the survivor. j
Through, its legislative depart
ment the federation is on the. alert
for any adverse! legislation con
cerning the Industrial Farm for
Women; and will fight any effort
to", have the; farm diverted to any
purpose other than for which' it
was 'established. It was said;
.1 Continuation fin- California - of
"home demonstration work," a
icoryjcp $PEroojf nyijjj
" nil 4 (1
t! S
. ji . - Ji
' V
I k ?s
i , x . 5 . j!
' Cradled In the bottom of the two gaunt bare steel and -wood building ways" ot the Brooklyn
, Navy Yard lay. the hulks of what were to have been th. biggest and best fighting machines of -the
' United States Navy, the South Dakota . and the Indiana, pictured once ; fa the imagination', of I the
yard as trim, steel gray mastiffs of the sea. They now lay there iri theix cradles which have proven,
their graves, huge hulls of heavy armor steel, a dutL rusty, reddish browjt in color., .With scrap steel
bringing the present market prices the Navy hopes to be able to break about even on the specific job
of scrapping!, lu the cost of steel and construction work already pu( into the two vessels will be
.'.- a total loss. Nearly. 15,000,000 worth of material and labor, is reptesented.H these now; useless hulls
, Very little in the way of salvagable equipment had been used or purchased. This exclusive photo-
j graph, taken by the Brooklyn Eagle, shows hulks of doomed battleships South Dakota -and Indian, j
nation-wide movement ot women's
clubs to have agent in every
county, is anotner ? oojecuve
the federation. ,. .... . j. .
:silverton:hews :
: ;
SILV.ERTON. Or..Jan. 21.
i Special to The.. Statesman.)
Trinity, congregation met and
surprised, - Mr.' and ' Mrs. Amos
Corhouse " at: their hew home on
Mill street Sunday, afternoon Im
mediately after services. The
members s; of . - the .congregation
first went' over to the Mill street
home and greeted the S Corhouse
fumily bringing -them back with
them' to ? the church basement
where a ? basket dinner ' was . en
joyed. ' The Affair" was In ' appre
ciation of - Mr. Corhouse's ser
vices as 'l nnaty trustee, a posi-
ttah he hasheld. -toryears, and
to which he ' was : recently l re
elected.'- ; 1 ' v J .
Mr.-1 and Mrs. 0.v K. Sebo are
spendrngthe week 'it . Portland
' Miss: Cora : Satern entertained
a few guests' at luncheon Sun-
' EInar Olsen of t' Hubbard spent
a few days at SUvertqa rlhcr last
of the week as guest of Mr.r and
Mrs. , Arthur ' Madsen. , "
Rev. and Mrs, .George Henrik
sen visited at Portland4 last week.
' Trinity Luther Leagued Is plan
ning a social lor Saturday, eve"
nlng. ' ' ; ,
Consolidation Asked v
in Pierce f Statenient
XJ v r : - ...1 ;
; A. nlea for such - consolidation
of state departments and Com
missions - as will give : the govern
or a firmer grip on .statfe governr
went Is made by Governor Pierce
in a statement issued yesterday.
The government expresses the be
lief that his tax reduction meas
ures will bo introduced , this
week. . The statemeht was issued
In reply . to inquiries, , that are
said to be -coming, front; many
parts . of the state i as . to what
has been "done so far by the leg
islature- toward -a.. program of : tax
reduction ' and t more enuitabic
distribution of, the tax burden
Housir buxs
II. B. 116. bvv' Graham To
create a .malntetianrb and 5 better
ment account in ; the state high
war funds . and ' nroviding for
disposition Of motor vehicle fuel
taxes. "" t - ' '
. H.- B. 117, by,, joint ways and
means committee To appro
priate? funds to cover allowances
made, by the emergency, board.
H. B. 118; by -Melndl To pro
vide for liens upon livestock for
feeding Vor . watering the same
or turnisning ieea or wicr
therefore.', .
U. B. 119. . by Pierce To
amend section 42, chapter 153
general laws of Oregon for 1921,
relating to the Issuance of game
licenses. -- ' -
H, B. 120. by Balley-r-To re-
Quire the countyt assessor to list
all Chinese and; Japanese who
own, lease or 'operate real prop
erty In the State of Oregon.
H. B.121by Albert. Hunter
To repeal; section 66 2S Oregon
laws,' as amended by section 4.
chapter 311 general v ws of
Oregon to t 192 1 relating to the
Industrial accident funds.
Cut out this Slip, enclose with
Be and mall lt to Foley ACo.,
2835 Sheffield, Ave., Chicago. Ill
writing your name and addross
clearly. You Will receive In re
turn' a - trial package containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
for coughs, colds and croup; Fo
ley Kidney Pills for pains In sides
and back? rheumatism,; backache,
kidney and bladder ailments ;and
Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole
some and 'thoroughly ; cioanslng
cathartic for constipation, bilious
ness, v headaches, -and sluggish
Sold every where.r Ad v.
of battleships scrapped at
(Furnished ; by Oregon: Voter )
A iiihlspf (tiHpt nf all hi 11 f and
other measures that have beenj
Introduced In the legislature. so
far follows:.. -.
. Abstracts SB 48.
Agriculture HB 22.
; Aliens HJM 1; HB 34, 38, 47.
Americanization -SB '23, "IS;
Annexation, Cities HB 65. .
: "Appeals -HB 8, 9. .
Architects SB 44.
: Assessors HB 22.
Assessments, special SB 47. ,
Associations, Cooperative
8. ... . . " . .. .
Astoria HB 37.
Reavers-r SB; 42.
BHhd HB 14:
Bonds, school, waters district
Included HB 6, 56, 104; SM' 2;
HM 1. , . '
. Bonds,, tax' exempt SM' 2'. ' '
" 'Bonds, Imprbvements SB 47. '
-Bonds, Bridge HB 111.
'Bounties SB 46.
Bridges SB . 10. -
Bridges, districts HB j 111. .
- Cemeteries SB 45." j lJ
, Chaplains HB '27. .
- Child HB 81; SB 43.
Children crippled SB 43.
Churches HB 26. .... 1
Cities tax exemptions HB 26.
Cities, annexation HB 65. . .
Civil Service HB' 47.' . ,
Claims1 HB 99,; 114. . .
Colleges, courses S B. '20; HB
Colleges HB 25. v
1 Community Property HB 1, 2'.
: Compensation-v-HB ' 66.
Contracts HB 51.
i CohtrSctors; HB 38. v"r
Consolidation, state SJR 4;
SB 18, 27; HB 88.. .
Constitutional .Amendments
HJR 1. ' " ' - : ' - ' y"
Corporations HB 56.' !'
Counties; -purchases and con
tracts HB 39, 48.
Counties, bids HB 39.
; County, elections HB 45.
County officers HB 110.
County superintendents -. SB
Courts, circuit SB 14, 15.
Coorts. practice HB 5," 8,
57. 67. 68; SB 15.
r Crematories II B 26.
. Criminal SB 13.
Deaf HB 12.
, Dentistry HB 'U.
Dairy, bulls HB 31.
; Dogs HB 19.
' Eight-hour day HB 13.
Elections HU 10. 15. 18, '28.
4 4,, 53, 98, 17; SB 33, 34.
Elections, registration SB 3t.
Elections, national committee-'
HB 109. '
Fabrics SJM 2 .
I Federal . relations Wisconsin
rcbuiuiiuii. , .
Fish, commercial SB 3, 32,
35. 38; HB 84.
, Fishing SB 38.
I Game- HB 30, 91; SB 37, 42.
Gasoline-T-HB 85. 100.
Gross earnings SB 29. -
Health ' registration SB 41.
Health. teachers-HB 50.
H, igh schools, ' Instruction SB
Holiday HB 3, 110.
"Horticulture HB 22. 63;
Ice cream HB 21, 32.
' Immigration HJM 2.
j Improvement bonds SB 47.
' income tax SCR 4; HB' 937
108. . " , .
Inheritance tax SB 17.
' Insurance HB 78, 79. 83. 112.
'Irrigation district SJR 2. C;
SJM 1;HB 53. ; " ":
- Irrigation, assumed names SB
Juries -HB 2, 60.
Labor hours 11 B 13: HCR 4.
Legislation, expense SJlt 1;
sdn 2..C;1II 64. . .
Licenses SB 31. ..' I . t
;! Liens SB. 12, 26; HB ' 23, 41,
113. ; v . .-I
1 Lieutenant Governor I UK 24
Livestock HB 31, 52. 8. SO,'
?2;-f.B 26.1 ' . j
" Livestock, at large SB ."itf
MhrriageU-HB 46. 49.' '
rMiUfaryeode HB'2. , '
Milk HB I. . W,.v
Brooklyn navy yard.
r ; vehicles, -Trani hu-
Motor vehfcles. liens- hb 113,
Motor Transportation; SB 39.
Movies South Dakota; Res.
Municipal, including Imp. Dia-
Ltricts SB!39. '
Names, assumed SB 7.
. Name registration- SB V,
Narcotics HB 42.
.. National committee HB 109.
Non-support SB 13.
. Old Oregon Trail SB 1.
, X)regon System SB 33.
n Pawnbrokers SB 21. - v
Peddlers SB 31.
.Portrait, HCR 3.
Probate HB 1, 2, 36.-
Prohibition SB 16 30; HB 24,
58, .77; . SCR 3. , i
: Public Utilities Gross; Earnings
SB 29. ,
, RallroatLs,- crosilUEs HB 107. .
; v Railroads SM 1; Wisconsin
Res ; jrB 5 . SB 39. i j
-Railroads,: grosaearnings SB
29 ,;,--.., '.v-
- Rslief--HB 74 ' I .
Rents HB 41.
Roads, . state SB C, 22; HCR
2;.HB 35.
.Roads, designated- SB 1.
: j Roads bridges SB 10.,
RoadSf tractors SB. 22. ;
; Roads,, market SB 6; HB 35.
Roads, ' R. R. crossings HB
107.- - --iV .
' Sales, conditional H3 5f.
'- Salaries, county SB 5, 11;
HB-33, 115. . i
Salmon, SB 32, 35. J
... Schools, administrations - SB
20,M3r HB II, 12. 18. 43. f
. Schools, ' public; - districts an
20; HB 11,12, 14, 18, 43. 61p 62,
69; 7t. 71, 72, 73. 82. 87, 102.
15, 1725; SB 20 2325, 28. 4, 5.
..Schpols, text . books- HB 16.
. Schools, Union high districts
HB 61.
Schools, high school tuition
HB 62.
Signals HB 59.
. Soldiers HB 4. ,
State Officers HJR 2.
.' Sterilization SB 9. -
Taxation, administration SB
2,,17. 19. 24, 29; HB 26 40,
48. 54. 55, 76. 93; SCR 4; HR 9.
. Taxation, exemptions SB 24.
Taxation, miltage HB 4.
" Taxes, delinquent SB 19 ; HB
54. 55. ' . " ' ', ..' '
Tax, exemptions HB 26.,
Tax, income SCR 4; HB 108,
93." : , v, -; v
Tax, gross earnings SB 29. ' .
y Teachers, standards,' health
HB 25, 50. . 75. 80. ,
Text Books HB'l ; SB 23." '
Titles HB 103.
Fine Kimball Piano Must bo Sold
Will accept terms-of $5 down,
$1.50 a iweek. This Kimball has
been used, but is in perfect condi
tion and we will accept it back in
trade any time in one year at
full price on a new piano. See
this piano today. . ...
Qeo. C. Will, 432 State Street
456Conrt St,
Tractorsh-SB " 22.' " ' ' '
Trespass SB 4 0. ' - "
Venue, '-Change, .of HB
Vital StatisUcs-iSB 41, ,
Wages--HBf94, '95.
Warehousing HB 96. . -i
Walhttts-i-HB 63. ,
.Water Districts HB -56.1
. Weeds HB 101.
Women. Juries HB ; 20.
Wool, Pure Fabric law SJM 2.
New, Ambulance Service
; Is Secured for Salem
. A new ambulance service for
Salem has just been announced by
the ' Oleson Garage, v173 South
Liberty.; street. , For. a long tima
there has been a great and insis
tent demand ' for , such a service,
to run, nighty and day. to care for
the sick ' and - Injured in and
around Salem. ,The really serious
ly ill patient who. has1 to climb In
to -and out of .an' ordinary car, in
getting, to or from the hospital,
has been in rather pitiful luck;
the. aggregate of neeoMass suffer
ing, especially in the cases of
severe fnuctures or injuries, -has
been an indictment of the whole
community. -The. new ambulance
has a comfortable cot,, and room
for two attendants besjdes the
driver; and is' available night or
day, by call to; phone. 6CC. The
first trip the new, nurey-wagon
made, was to Independence, for a
patient for one of the Salem, hos
pitals. Doctors and hospitals have
welcomed the installation of the
Dew service. -' ... .
Jute Mill Operations
Said not Paying State
WALLA-fyLA, Wash-4 Jaiu
2 2. J-ijte najf operations' a ahe
stat'e'peiiltentlaty dbwhot Justify
the expense ndv tfid 'tost of the
finished ar4flict .fs insufficient to
pay the maiitttenatuveof the men
incarcerated who are employed in
its manufacture, according to a
statement mado - today.- by Super
intendent John "W. Pace of the in
stitution. t - ,
Pace leaves here Monday night
to appear before the special leg
islative committee at Olympia on
Tuesday with a Complete indus
trial program for the penitentiary.
The -value - of "work" versus
"idleness" and the obligation of
society lo fit . the inmate - fdr "his
return to civilian, life are senti
mental points of Superintendent
Pace's program. Financial value
to the state in . the manufacture
of products for commercial use
is the basis of the. program.
Willamette YMCA Workers
, Put on , Stunts at Stayton
:.' V,: '' L..i-. ' -
A group of WVllamette YMCA
workers, under the leadership -ot
Clarence Oliver, went out to
Stayton Friday on ' a Y deputa
tion tour. The delegates includ
ed. Clarence, Oliver, George . Oli
ver. Ellsworth Anslow." Franklin
Taylor, Walter Keidiger George
Atkinson,,;. Leroy.. Hyatt, Paul
Johnson-and Lloyd Waltz.
They put on a varied pro
gram of religious, athletic and
social work. In. connection with
the local Hi-Y and othr Stay-
ton Y workers. They- played two
games of . basketball with, the
Stayton. senior -and junior school
teams, and- on -Saturday went
ran a big ' bike with a : Wiener
wurst roast as one of its-objec
tives. : The , Willamette Glee, club
sang ' there ,', Friday night, ; giving
what 'Stayton hearers said was
the best concert t the club i had
ever given there in . the series
ot years the boys have . been
making Stayton.
On " Saturday night there was
a big father-and-son banquet,
and Sunday was devoted en
tirely; to -rellghruk' Tvork iin the
various churches. A. boys meet
ing in the f afternoon, a union
young peoples.'. ' service in -, the
early evening, ; and a - . union
church . service--for '; the night.
romploted the .. week; !
Iketprfiiikhaar. SUnirnl
' Ootnsai
itions. afc md deoendabte
I mill t'lmt Iml mtrL.fC. K
red box
portrait ,
Today is the Last Day of Thrift Week '
-1 .r ' - ' v - . ' " 5 ; "
Tliei prudrnt thHfler 'hUI require the bigrumt obtainable qaatify at .chonrM
prities. Jin will alnu xirt rourtwus, efficient sserVicey lie us help you make
lOSa a real thrift year la yuar grocery rcsqairemeats. ;- . r " --
Salem; Elks, Will Cheer
Past Exalted -Rulers
On Thursday " evening " Febru
ary 1 st, the Salem lodge ot Elks
will entertain the past e'xalted
rulers of their order, as theflr
special honor guests. There are
26 of the officers, who wili
be coming , in from 'every point
of j the compass, for a home-week
entertainment. The -local lodge
aims to make it such a reception
a.4 .will make" every visitor glad
that he ever was an Elk, and
especially that hn was an officer
of the Sal&m lodre. One of the
Valuable advice and informatioa for thd '
treatment ?of every form, of Piles is enclosed
. with each box of PAZO "OINTMENT. -v - - -
The remedy : is uatanteed; ' ft i j r
The price: of PAZQ dlNTMENT is 60c and
you can get it at any drug store. The advice
and lnforxnatioQ goes
Home Sewing Week
'A -a splendid opportunity is presented In our Yard Goods
department this, week to select neVr materials, for. spring sew
ing." Home sewing clubs are becoming increasingly, popular
eaeh year, due to the fact that a great saving irt money can
be effected, besides getting what -you' want (la Style t(s well
as pattern.. , . . , . j. .,.'.,,
-50c Yd.
-JSverfast tideless fabrics,
in all the ', hew. shades for
spring, arrived a few days
ago and are now ready for
selection.- This fabric is
guaranteed to be absolutely
... , . , , '
f as t. color. 36 Inches wide.
T-We advise early buying on Cotton Goods, as great
many lines of cotton products have been withdrawn- from
the markets. Sheeting in both pequot and pepperilt' also
muslins,": batistes, nainsooks, etc., are- here 'in plentiful
quantitiesr Buy them hbw! ' :': V "::" ':-' :r." .' :
V, H
attractions .will a lecture tz
Captain . Upton; ' one of the star
entertainers - on the Blltson . n
White ehia1ita,04)nal circuit; Ort
Upton tras,foh' the 'prograra .tor
the 1921 chautauqua in Ealea,
and made a fine hit with all who
heajd ,him.' He was an ' athletio
and ,'ehtertalnment 'Officer andt
coach during the war, . and serv
ed for a .While with the Spruce
division out of Portland.5
..., . -4ii.:v- .:,.''.";.! .7
The .National :- Woman's ' party
wants nioe'. equal right.' Search
us,, we have no more equal rights
about us
-Exehangej '
Vith it, ; , -: :( v'
20 to 63c Yd. V
rOur'.new Stock' of gtnghaiuk
Is . an added induijement ' for
''Make-Your Own''week ,Fin
Krenchglnghams,' zephyrs and
the iriore staple -weaves-can,
witb-.the aid vt (ho Deltor,' be
fashioned into, beautiful house
r treet frocks. You need not
be ah "experienced seamstress
in, applying theJ)eltor to. get
the: right ,hang of the, material.,
v CREPES ii$cYci; -
-r-A tit, totniiictft xane. o(. Jpaucs.
cotton crepes iweut) ualit caWrr'trt
her ready o. your .election. Tkis.
material id mitp4 tor Ha excellent tub ,
Mng quali tie..' i'or hoace 4rwtPa. kil
lie roDipcm. jcantauita, .aipliqvm :
work, rte. ' Uujr .(lua crepe Byw aud
aava money.
. i . ... . .
Satis lack Canton crepes will. li
abown thin apring-' ia brine, tine
nd timrr blun. Soft BiatcriaU are ra
quircd for the new drapow aud sot
-will imo. large askortmcnt at our
county. rfor
rhoe yaur material, boy Tour Vat--
irrum, -