The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 21, 1923, Page 9, Image 9

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r 1
! Mrsl ; B." I. teevea" Will enter-
tain the DAR next Saturday and
4 at this meeting a . delegate -tb
the state - convention, will .' be
chosen. The convention' this Cyear
will be held in McJIlnnTliie. y ':
. . . .. . 'v'lv.-V
Mr. II. Ilartman ; will . leave
- thi3 week forLos Angeles ;where
Mr. Ilartman; wM:;join -her,' and
they will." re Plain ,:.forf-: J several
, wh. luw iiai iiBt uaa wii
la tbe east for teeveralw months.
i:'--:v---'V."-.:'" -. ';!.'?;- 5-i l;W-:.'
..''' Mr?, Sam Garraii ;c "jlebanon
j 1b among those' whoiar6 in Sa
lt lem for the legislative' tessions.
'Senator Garlaqd has served be
fore In tbe senate 'frqnihis . dis-
trict and Mrs. Garland !h many
friends here. ' She ,.'is a promi
nent s club woman vih-jiebanon.
i The newly rebuilt organ of the
t First: Methodist , church which
wilt' Ki ' nailv wlftlfii t wri .''Wcolra
H will beiise"dT:fpr the; first ' time
iv. 1'eDmary. , waen. me jan-a
Auxiliary ' will stfcfosdr a "concert
at the church'. '
' Prot T. S. Itoberta will nlay
at the concert . and ; other .local
artists and' "Organizations will
contribute numbers " to ? the pro
- gram. 1 , '-;.'...;:-- ...:
The - Auxiliary Is r pledged
in, y k, . uy
Cream Walnut JfiX&st .
25c Per Pound ? ; -v
Assorted Chocolates
40c Per Pound
Plain Ulixed ,,
ISc Per Pound
i I
V ill
: WE SUGGEST i , ; t
23a box 'Peppermint ; Drops ',.
2Zc Chocolate Drops- -25c
box Chocolate Covered v
Almonds; s
10c box Chocolate Covered .
Almonds. , -. ' .
10c box Opera Sticks!. .
1 I
I .
I , CI
'v. ::
? J
- ' f . . I s . -r- -
.;' - . ? . . - 4. :
,Clivj ua Commcfciiil "
S" t
-: Mra. Kttpert-Hughes, barself a poet and artist 6t much talent.,
proposes' an organization to establish a. basis of equal ownership of i
homes for wires -and husbands, rwhlca she says would rid the world ot '
jmqstof Jts. marital pnhapplcess. , , . '. ,j.r-t.i . . t :.
Phases of YWCAWoik Tptd By;; ; '
Member of Board. 6i 'Directors
i i i i i i in in ii i i . i
As we enterrrthe annual r cam
paign for the raising of funds for
the YWCA, - I think U would vbe
well to pause for a .few minutes
and consider just what this Young
Women's Christian association re
ally la. .1 wonder what each. one
of yoii wouldvsay,;were I to ask
yoaj'tor tell,:me,tv,iv-' v?v ' -To
many a girl big.clty,
it means a building hardly; moJ-e
building into which- 6hfr- has
never ventured and ' so she does
not know what treasures there. are
Inside, for--&er,f and ifor.'allothr
girls. To some" other girl the as
sociation means only a cafeteria,
because that is the . part - with
which she comes In. most contact.
Another girl thinks of the asso-
tiatfon tas oardln'g home,' be
casse' in it she has found a safe
and pleasant place to live while
she awayi from home. f
When you mention the -Yvoung
Women's Christian association- to
another?. jglrU ?Jmraedlately jhe
thinks t tho'gyoaasiuni and the
swimming ;pol, ; the -places-where
she nas found, rest for her . tired;
body and a chance to build up her
physical energy and Resistance she
ad much needs f o-jier
And the. strange .girl coming to
tow' thinks f rrst of : theJ.emplpy-!3
ment bureau because through that
she found her place in the city's
life Another girl thinks of the
friends she made in the associa-
contribute - ? 500 "to the v fund fdr
the boys' secretary at the YMUA,
and this IS one of , the waya la
which ;the money -will be,: raised.
The orgaa of the l?lrst Metho-1
dlst ; churclj will be one . of the
best joa, the coastjarhea thewad;
ditlons ' are made, ..Money . .was
contributed .by v the I church and
by a ' friend rbf Professor Robert
4, I- 4 (
j .lL'M- ii
! 4
tlon, at a time When life oeemed
a Aweary ItblngJ" becauseTot loneli
ness and hpmesickhss. ; -
1 Still another girl Oilnks ?of ; a
Bible class or a yesper-' service,
through wnicn sne got' a ,new un
derstanding of her religion aa a
thing -to f it the . needs Jot her ev
eryday life. Many'., girls . see In
the YWCA the Girl Reserve club
through which r they'., made their
friends in their younger day, and
which' helped fthem to'develop ln
trf the happiest most useful wo
manhood, striving to find the best
in life and to give it out to others."
"'. Uut each of these things, or all
of t these things put . together do
not make a Young Women's Chris
tian association. : They only 4 are
the outward -manifestations of
something . bigger, greater, f and
deeper. Above everything else
the ) association Is , a spiritual
thihg, an association of living, vi
tal' personalities.- And when yon
see the letters YWC A, 1r hear, the
name spoken, immediately; there
should come to the mind a pic-,'
tare or hundreds and, thousands
of young women all over the world
who " are' ' associated together;
standing for the highest Ideals
of womanhood, for the 'building
of Christian',' characters, had tor
4 the maintaining of the dearest wo
manly standards. -They are the
Young Women's Christian associ
ation. '. .. s ;' " . '. ' ,
llf these 815,000 young women
should , "begin to inarch across a
stage tonight if we could see them
all, we should have to watch that
stage throughout the whole night
all day tomorrow, and tomorrow
night, -and the next "day and tire
next ight, aad for the week, and
they woold make a line strttchlng
from Tucson to Los. Angeles; What
a sight it would be. loo? Of we
would aee girls, from ' India and
Ceylon, from China? and Japan.
11'.: .i i:
sj a
1 4 i
,." - - ' " - -
: ; 1 " v'
Starts Jan. 22
from Boutlt "Ametlc"' affd "Africa,
Australia and Ke-Zeaia.-rroia
all ' tie 6BUI3 - la Eap
httzgizz ;iup the : ar-4roml fcoae.
the . 75,oao 'ttemberar ot r :
Boclatto la t2x Ualtd ,Stata.
Kot sly "Wul4 -yo ' 'StM
from eyery trace ; and clime, bat
girls representing' eTejry i cop djtlo
In, . lljte i roV if1T ylv iment
as 4 .occnJ I Girls. : f rptai ! rapr
t6res, stores aa -lauadrles, girls
troia kind! t) flceTgiifla from'
stbool and colleges; girii ti-eflai
bdtaea bl wealth, TKlrts rlthomt
homes, sgfrtt o Tfcttrk "14 tletr
pvn Scats' 4x&: gfrls rfe o Vorg la
the iioszss cf otaers. 'in '-(.
The utist fee makle that brtnga
together wa altitude-f gtrla.iilce
ttftt, rejrescating as tier xjr such
yaiylag conditions at life, ad tbat
magic . in , the belief tbat tha
Young Women'a Christian , associ
ation holds aometTng for acA ose
pf tbem: not the same tblags al'
ways f6r every ;glH, bat the. thing
that evetr girl needs most to help 1
her to 11t ter fit e tabre rprthlly.itesems iof Crgftt f Jonlpr ?nigH
v 1 It itxkf be 'recreation; l'r.ra7 be'
friends, it -may : be education, it
raay fee physical tralnfng, It' may
be 'Spiritual iaaiaistratlen. -it'? may
b ttuchr-a eoncreto - thing 'aa a
place where ahe aa rest and e
freh herself at the ooa i hoer, or
a Bwimming ool .in -Which she
can . throw off the wrearlaass - of
the day, , Whatever it la she eeeds,
the associations aim to give - it to
her, if H is humanly possible.
i r-'.riri tu? .!
i y uwjiu,M in Uiw ; fc
statesman Bnn ResaltS
1 i ,
k It
4 .
I : ,i
3 -
Ia the interests f Thrift weak.
Mrs. 'Alice; Dodd 7"or.- tTHlatnette
university PJke Uo the ' woman
aad girls' la the' reading room of J
tne x wua. Taarscay ooa os toe
subject - of .personal budgets and
personal vexpease,' ' ' '. -v '
-The . Trt X ''clW ' frill ? meet ; la
the , iYWCA club , rooms Tuesday
evening "with 'Dr. DwensAdalr es
the speaker trf the evening. :Dt.
Dwens'Aiair TrQl tell the 'girls
about the w4rk she' Is -dAlag.T and
Its oaanectlaa .itn ithe -aageaias
bill now'before the legislature, at
Oregon. ' All girls who are later
ested In this .diaausslDa' are - la
vjUd to be. gaeats f the ciub'fpr
the - evenln g. . ' Thi) " meeting ' Is ' to
be t "3 o'clock; . ' . "
The tllalTn '.Chte tioros .ibf ? Girl
school imet f or thWr regaiarinaet
iag'.Tnesdary -aftetaoan. The jpre
gtjua asafc ioTiawa: f ,
"Maaaers amt ccastoms f China'
: Mabel " Parrlsh. - .V:
Calbmbia,;South Amerla,,; . . ;
- t 'TJorothjrJHtttchin3n3. -. .
Tacts Apoal J-ake Patagoala, ,
. -Virginia Billings." 1
Jth rplay;Tap ;BargUr," w
pelected' . as : the one wh Jch 'th,
corps" ; ill present, . and the ;date'
for tryouts was set 'for January
33, ; yiyginla PrickeU vras elected
secretary, out-teen, gtris attend-
ed.thelish:raTtWahdTiot luk
"supper JanBary S-17.
... '. .
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J J; net fcuy .tc cdpns.' W buy -
; - "
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f ,'. ' . II
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1. ;
5 ;
'The'gTrls "of Xhe'lIdlllhTey Tua-
lr ' hUk i-corps -CX 'Clrl mssrv s
am sat 'the ;TWCA -Ta&sdiiyreTOn
nlng, for their initiation meeting,
ThesfollowlagVK!'rIV.wJe5rB -Jaltiat-ed:
iCorii; Jfelspa. Gayoelle J?eck-
ette, Jlargaret - Morenoase,'.- Ava
taTtllA.Claadlha est, ; lluth
HaTerton, ' Eraa.sjmnioas, , xjora
Layman, -Thelma LaDuke, ' Zada
'Barns, "Meta . Richards. Lacilje
flhoten, 'Bealah Caller ;
- The; girls -Of the Cherokee eOrps'
of Salem t Heights made paper
fldwara at their - regalir meeting
Weincsdiy - aftercoop.. : , . ,
j Tesper'erviee Hl be held to
day at 4:80 at ' the association
room. - A11 womeh'.interested are
InTited,; .. v v,. .
. DALLA3, Qr, ?Xn. t Spe-.
fal ' to The statesman. )-r-. -W Ir-
Wla . -of .Independence this week
drew ;-one of the longest sentences
ever jKcted out -to a violator of
the TjrohlbltlOa laws fa hls ;u6anV
ty -When he : -was v sentenced - to
eerve seven months in the couaty
hasUle by 'Jastlce of the "Peace 'Ed,
P. Coad oa a bottles gicg eharge.'
'. Irwin, whoThas. heen in dhe
toils of the lawa the Same : kind
of s .chaTge-before whea lie 'was
arrested last; summer In a oabla
on -.TPe'dee creek la the 'western
part- ifef Polk, county; where,he had j
been-, manufacturing ' moonshine
lhjuor. was arrested la rlndepead
enee last Situ Way merhlog. ins
-mi ';. -'V V,: -
r "'' - ', ,. ... '
- r
. : - J .
1 tull Out:
Ir.! erected rcatIcr6,T .v.
-v"iT ... i S i a IF .i i i i
J3:&q Fapcr of : Interested
; ;? . V ' ItckdetQ i . ;;c -J :7;''
. V
' ............ fr
. '
f '
wile" was :alsb' taken TaTherilll
jcoBdncted-ty ix - fherJffi.; - - Crr.?kead.
De;-itIes-Cravta -G"" ica'and.
abont'200 fint bottles ' of " &odn
shine liquor; was : seized. Irwin
pleaded i-guiayX";roiltt9.
tore rJudge Coad and In -adiition
to - the - above : Jail aentaHCe 'was
flnedrin ;the aum of 5250. tMra.
Irwin pleaded not guilty and d
nianded a - Jury trial, frhlch rwill
be held, before Ju'dge .Coad 'iigxt
Thursday. January 2fc . i .
' Mrs. Irwin is the -mother ef
have. been taken by county
i iU
r-v - j .
Ih a Good Month fOr'LI.ilBS up tho Home!
'' '6'ito'terrtrilshv.Tronia Tieaiixig LatAd -woairfuliy i
creases the feeling of comforfaird cheer. .,- ; ' - ...
. rur.,lar4p3,ri'nge'ln .Hce'fr6niz'.3, to llS'tath.
i ,- -;.' f:' 'I.' " ' , ' . ' i
. ,A ,'Mi.-'iV .1. .' ....... , m . ' '-i
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Tils lo Livo'tl.. j' til. a
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3 i
(.- . . . - ,t r"" - '
Uls 'jCcaLlry,Vt3cli-; tl.xt
af'aatica'7s. fttpcriorto. v ""
.clients. Of course tLe l..
fcis followers - aro women. 1
lair-for'.tta !s'liatlea tt"
Ckarfsu'..'-, ' ; ". . .
offic-fKead . tn3 . -U. .1
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eu ,w ca rt