'1 V i- . .V t 1 . J'. f n. iRiYi- , TI70 SECTIONS 12 Pager V A ' IT. . ''yt , V'?- yv SALEM ORfcGON, SUNDkY MOltNING. JAXTARX ."1921 .vnrrr-second ear; .-it; ,t" I . , 1 , . . .. : ... i ;-. vims, i i . f r r . , f i v it i in :m i i , f I J A I L. I I J I M, PCI UK. ' 1 it .. -,;,. .--1 i I i.v.--;..NX.l 'LZ3 i .iii i I. : . i i r t i' ' 1 1 . !-.i;:.i".::EE!IOIiStT .: .Ell MSS VS England Believes France and Belgium May Have Already Disappeared ' Situation Critical. ITALY FRANTIC TO . - BRING ABOUT PEAC Believe Invaders Have Play- ea Losing uame uerr v - " many solidifies , r . r.v -l;ii ik ,r I rf I- t- r ''IXND6yJtlt;-0vV''(B, T11' Xssclitedf"PrfcBs)---The teii days or "military J occupation of ' the n'uhr" 'with , the a.Vpwed purpose of forcing Germany to -par long' de layed' reparations findi Europe dansreronsiywarm-ewlal.'eeo-nomic and Industrial abyss, OTer i the edge of which France and Bel gium with their, burden of warl I trappfcs adXittiarhaTe d.aapi 1 pea red according to the riew held in British eflicfal circles, f ' , - John Ball Alone EUsLI Jpli.a Cuil sits far to one b! - 3, immovable and almost unap- Iprcachable by the fourth member of the disrupted r allied t famjly, : It !y, , whose lierrous 'efforta to tt lag about Franco-German medl- ; at ion were features of today's de velopments Is- tHe European sltua tl a as viewed from London. : v & '', f - -.- - -, . f i no iiauan amoassaaOT who i ji. it returned troi Uonie has'Just . .a: proached -official' tlrcles here a . 1 broached the question of me- V v c tion which If the British Ini- tuted It might determine, the vir tual state of war in the llhlneland, t j the Mussolini emissary has re cti yed no encouragement. ' J i 4--' "V - i. . am Failure Invaders I British ofUcials- 'assert that e cry card the r Franco-Belgians I I .ve played in the Ithur has 'been a losing one, pointing out that the :: r'c ?ults thus far have oeen entirely ii ;ative, the only benefit tlng to Great Britain in increased coal oi Jers from "f Germany. At the sk :ae time It is : admitted ,; that ' tt ere is still a ery-.reniotep3i si . llity that the French may.be rf jlt. for if it Is'recalled'that Pref mier Poincare predicted ,that It possibly would be 'weeks before r writable results of the occupa tion i!!cy.-were evident.- DEUEVED KILLED N'an Who ' Shot Two to Dsath and Wounded An ; pther Said. Caught KLf PASO, Tex.i Jan! .2Uf.J-3t niaa believed io bo- W. :M.Vt"pra- tc a ? of Paris, Md o escaped . fit . :a a Southern Pacific' train neap Lanark, N. M., early today aficr shooting Harry Turner, El and Herbert E, Brown, In- di iola, Okla,, to death and ta-j ta. wounding P. O. Cochran. I'rason, Mo.i, was killed late to day5 near La Mesa N. M., by a PC - e headed by Sheriff Donic- faYi Rodriguez, or Lascruces. Me w3 practically without clothes whe n tilled, hating dlstfarQed" aU of his outer garments and shoes In his flight. . Officers expressed Mho belief that he was demented ' PIUS' NIECE DIES ' ROME, Jan.' 20. The death is announced of GHdal Par in, fav- orite' niece ot thei ' late Pope 1' Tius X THE WEATHER V OREGON:- Sunday, fair and .continued cold. LOCAL WEATHER 4 (Saturday) Maximum temperature, 46. I'lnimutu tehiperature, 38. Hirer, ll.a. feet; falling. JUinfall, none. Atmosphere, partly cloudy. VIM, north. ' arl T M It T7S - CONSIDERED ; HINDRANCE Label of One Young Mart on r Bluster Roll Contains Twenty-five Letters The long and short of ' the ," - - . . - .... war, so i far as tne. names oi Oregon " men who served ' In tne xallitary forces 1 are concerned, has been" discovered In the class ification of official war records which Is being constructed by George A. White, adjutant gen- cial of the states ' - The longest name on any unit muster roll contains 25 letters. The assembled hieroglyphics are Aiklbiades Stamatelopoules, ; 'the pronounciatlon of which at : roll call each morning during the war 'is' said to have" delayed the young "man's company in' report ing 'promptly for drill or 'battle. according to , the Aevents '"'of.' the day.: The first sergeant who "had the "shortest Oregon name on his book;,',ad;iitU to say on Mhls name which' vis that of J. Re. Mr. Stain, 'etc.,' was in'ducted jato ser vice from Klamath Falls "and served with the 63rd United States. Infantry. 4 Mri Re was one of . the. .early Oregon .volunteers. enlisting in September of 1317 at Thef Dalies and' serving in battle oversea 'with"5 the Fourth en gineers; -v "" ! : I "ill - ?; 4 '; -t-- The records of more than 34, 500 men have now heen set up. indexed , and ' verified by the ad J li tant " general." - Classifl cation of the records i for record and historical purposes vhaa just, be gun on this huge mass of "World war records, 1 1 $ r - , IS TiHILLII Crippled Montcllo About to Go Down With Crew f As Help Arrives NEW YORK,; Jan. 20. (By The Associated I ; Press.) The Giuseppe Verdi steamed into port today, two days late from Naples with the graphic details of the rescue of the crew' of the Italian freighter Montello, which suc cumbed to a mad mid-Atlantic storm last Wednesday. ; '".The rescued men, 33 in all, Were aboard, one of ; them in sick bay with a cracked skull an-smashedrkfeet. The others had fully - recovered. -OnJaiitftry' io.1: tho' M6ntcllo sailed from - Philadelphia for Marseilles, -her-wheat filled' holds pushing her far down into the water. Two days later about 400 miles north rbrBerffiTra'asHiB encountered, a Continued on P.ao. 8 -DLHIAL OF REID Estirtiated 10,000 Persons Crowd Church and. Cem etery to See Rites :u LOS ANGELES, Ja. 20. A throng estimated"? at KT.-OfO per sona, late todays filled tho First Congregational church here and overflowed upon the pavement in front; of the edifice while fuiier- ai services were - betng hold ' for Wallace Reld, popular actor who died in a Hollywood sanitarium Thursday as a result' of illness brouzht on. accord in 2- to rcla tives. by his struggle to quit the use of narcotics. All day a line of men, women and children, drawn from the ranks of f ilm worterspf Uni . fan s and admirers of : tha dead actor from every .; walk of - life, passed quietly before the bier where the body of rIte!d, attired Ih (brie of his favorite; tweed 'spdTt suits, l&y- In state.,; There was ;a vcrita1lo moMiit- lain of - flowers. Tne services consisted of a double t ribnte. the public servlcW t the 'church and private rights at the, ceme tery. Reld was 31 years of age and oho of the leaaing"Jfstbrsi ,of the screen." ' Il l i S.P;S mm HEfiOS REPDBT Dl!ngn"R Wall irsTdlnt Blank at Three " Men on Train All Are Instantly Killed; "i - - : IS UNDER DELUSfOH . HIS LIFE IS SOUGHT tenlafeTffdklis"' After Committinp Crime . Run Down by Posse T 7T3UJI TUCSON, Ariz., ..Jan.. ?0d The story of the shdoting to death of a southern racuic .company .01- ficial and two other passengers on 'a Sottthern . Pacific train .at Lanark. . N. ' M:, ' today la i told in a report submitted': to -.William Wilson, superintendent , of 'f the Tucson division ' of .the railroad here tonight. ' The Teport t which contains the stories of 'eye wlt- neeses,' was 'prepared" tinder . the direction of Trainmaster C. ."K, 2wlch..-..;;.f-:.-.,".i -il , ; , i Thb report aeclaree that . if." &pague; also a passenger :oa the train, shot and killed Harry turner of El Paso, livestock ag ent and traveling, freight, and pas senger agent Of the Southern Pa cific; Herbert E. Brown of Indi anola, Okla., and H. O. Cochran of Branson, Mo., and that Sprague later was tilled by "posse. : . -j. - y " ui f r - 'Actions Susplciooi j Testimony of S. A. Sloan of San Francisco and Glen C. Hewson of Tucson, contained in the report, was declared by railroad officials to' ; give a "complete narrative of the murders -.-f ?; Sloan, who , was seated in the ihnokirigr ';car 'chair 4mmei'ateiy opposite Sprague, prior to : the shooting, related : the actions of the demented man, of whom I he was ia fear S for 'sohio time, t '' A short time before the shooting, according to his account, Sloan went to the rear of the train to report to Conductor J. F. Wad dell that he feared the man might become, violently Insane at any moment. Waddell, according to his1 story, . mentioned the matter to Turner, who was seated in the ear and requested that he go tt the smoking' ear vand ,watch " "the insane , man until he completed taking"of a humber of tlckret; Would Leave Car ' Turner complied immediately, and accompanied Sloan to the smoking car where he seated hlmg'einw sears Trehind Sprague while .''Slbin re'ttrrned to a seat dptyosjte Sprague. ( j- r i "Thedemeafed-man, who had been addressing persons passing by in the; car with the request that he be permitted to return to his5 home in "Mobile to his wife and 'seven children, addressed, sj number 'of spniarts? to' garner J Sprague demanded "that he be per mitted to.lekvd the'; train, ; s!hd declared that""Turner;"hhd others in the train were trying to kill hlm,nd iiaofheenslnce the night before. "urner replied thai; he antl the Others were friends' and urged Sprague to be seated and await thes,dPprtnre-;ot;the train. Without ah further .'argument. Sprague. .who had had his hand In his p pdctet during the con versation, crew" an automatic re volver and fired at Turner, - the first "shotr directly thrOugJr" the heart, causing fcU instant, death. Fires Point Blank f : where two men were seated on atbenchrthe demented :an fired point blatik - at - Brown,';, killing him instantly and walked back to the other end of the car and fired third shot, 'killing instantly P. O. Cochran. Neither of the vic Hnis ; was give'n anj opportunity for resisting or flight, due to the unexpected manner In which the rassaurtiOccrted. A fpujth shot was fired through the ceiling of the rar fafter; which'"-, Spraguo Walked to - the ve'stibate and re loaded his gun. ifghtibs ftrt " -Mie train. Sprague'then Started Tlight across the desert, walking Jor a time and then breaking. Into a run. ; When .(Cqatlaufrl oa tsi 2). SA'ND, ffQOK : . RVX1FLEET 'SURPRISED Poriibllion Aifents Act as Customers and Tnke IFif i en CaW df Xiqudr JS'EW YORK, Jan. 20.- The big rum fleet of 18 vessels -lying oft Saady Hook had customers 'toh riiWht i I ' " ; ; . . ... -. , r! ! Jphn O. Appleby, zone chief ih charge of operations' against, rum runners' using the New York and New "Jersey coasts, announced that 'his ''men had captured i launch loaded with 1& cases Of Uquor off Lawrence, Long. Island j A smaller' launch, also . bef lleved to have been a rum runnerl made JlsVscaW "hesaid.. ,;.. I : .Three prohibition .enforcqraeni agents. cruising 4 aloiij- tho Long leland shore, , sighted the two launches almost simultaneouslyi They gave chase to the larger which was captured and let the omer one gots 7t 't Flyer Drops Three Hundred : Feet Into Sah Frandlsco I Bay Crew Drowned I 1"&XS FRANCISCO; Jan. 20.iEi C.; Da'vis, pllbt 'for a ominerclai aviation "' ' company' abd Wiiliain Trialip'e'r, "autbiriobrie mechanic ftil sfttdent ; "flier, .wef e : killed here today wh'n the alrplaoe Irt Which ;(hey werO f lyfnff plunged" 300 fee t ' Into San 'Francisco Ba near the Presidio military; reserf ation. ; - - I A k crew f roia CrissV field was dragging the bay-waters tonight; In an effort to 'recover the bodies, j' 1aTlar formerly Was ah air mail pilot ahd during the war' was a lieutenaht" in' the army: He lived ,in Sari IFranelsco. . Trapper, it was said; lived in Spokane, Wash. The airplane's fair was caused .by1 an explosion in the 'fuselage, which tore, tho ' wings frbm . tbo machine.' The' men fell close to the JJlace where Lincoln "Beachey was killed '. when, his airplane fell during -the Panama-Pacific Expo sition in 19-15.' ; 'DLDT HOL5IES SIGNED i CHiCAGO,- Jan. 20liWlth vthe sisnlne of Howard "Dud" dent Ban Johnson of the Amert- cI"nT1eaWebnTghfcbnibRsfea"his sf af f " of um'pTrek'for ' the 192; season. Holmes officiated with success In the western league 'for the last two seasons. rJElV UCEfJSE TAX m CE PROPOSED C. G. Miller Would , Have Rate Depreciate as Car's v Years Lengthen C. G. Miller, of Salem, formef ly with the Marion . Automobile company, is interesting - blmscu in a proposed ' new schedule for automobile taxation that may get t into the. .legislature during the. coming (weck.jf It proposes raising the licenses generally, es pecially on new cars, to amount in fact to a property tax. These licenses will be reduced accord ing? to a specified rating, as the cart begins to grow whiskers and rheumatic of age, until' the "old bus? gets off for a price fairly well JttstI fled i t o its "decrepitude dr t last Its sworn; ago. UMr,. JMi Iter. has been going over the matter with a number oi local automobile ' men and 1 with legislators who ; have been sen iously studying - the auto tax agitation. Some form of : prop erty taxation. under any kind; of a name, is generally . recognized ar ' essential for any v equitable tax. and the Miller plan alms to inert this demand - by . Its higher tax for the brand new car and 'f Tib " "grafl u a ted ' let-do wn for find .' depreciation.' uwu N01tUSE;0: HEAD CAUSES '." fiRE TRAGEDY Man Hunts Fifteen Minutes For Alam Box Finally Runs" Across Policeman "LAWRENCE, Mass;, Jan. 2. Theories of Incendiarism ; in Con- I nedlon with the tenement house j.fire in which eight lives were lost i early today 'were dismissed later j when ther early spread of the flames was explained as due to the -fact that the man who dis covered, them ran, around for, 15 minutes trying to find the nearest alarm box., Owen Ferris, told state and local officials that he saw the fire In the coffee house on , the first floor "and tried to find'a box from which to pull the alarm; Ite .never did find it, he ssid and .he 'eventually, met a pitliccriian and told him.. .When the 'f irt Y a pparalus arrived the flahies Hid tun. Well through the fiveforV: bulldlngV t f L ;j L The "family , of' Angelo Degiorla Mrs. jBeglpria and , four chlld ren -was, ,wiped"out, by the fire, except for t the , father, who was on ; the .danger ; list at a hospital here tonight, "the "restilt of. Jump ing1 from the; third floor, The other .victims were Joseph. Reyees and hfs 'son Roman us anil Mrs. Mary Kelld. ' ' i t i - " ' flEIflfO GO OHI TRIAL Next Hemn ftirie' Killings Trial to Be February 1 2 t r-fRetry I Acquitted : v -t I if- , f ARIpN,;n J11-. Jan, 2 O.t liy pThe . Associated Press. )-r-Nine men will be tried on . charges of murder., in.; connection ..with the Herrtn mine killings at the next rlal in ; circuit court begia nine February ,12. It was an nounced, late .today by Assistant Attorney General C E. . Middle kauf f in a notice, sent to the at torneys of . the defense.' These nine : men will i be tried oaf a charge ; of having killed Antonio Molkovich of Erie, Pa.,' one ;oI the A .employes i of ' tbo. Lester fstrip mine, who. wera killed dur ing the rioting June 22, last, i fflR EAST MEET J increase Jn . General Tension I is NotedPersia Want-' ' :i : ed-atr Conference j-r . 4 j; LiiwaAssptiii, jjian. - .iu. Auy me Associated ' Press. )-; As ' the Near East con terence 'approaches-what is expected to : be its final .chap-j icr, an aiaas oi reports ana coun-i terrreort8ltreJiln clrdlati6n, itr Qlcatthg an increaso"ih tile gen eral tension. !j . j' The Turks,' announced " today kha-tv the "British delegates had refused to entertain a suggestion Lhkt! the Mogul disputebe Jeft to the league of nations. The Brit ish replied with the remark that the Turks had : never advanced such a suggestion to -the JBrlush. ' Thet-e waji ahotjxer protest to he president of the conference it had not yct recelVecta'cbpy of tho ''. projected' treaty coneernliig ihn straits.! The soviet v foreign jmlnister, Tchitcherin. demands: a. copy immediately and declared the Russians must have ,-ltbree days to study it before discus- fIo in plenary session. ,'. 0 Vi The Assyfo-Chaldean;5 represen tatives have Issued a f lengthy In dictment of jPersia, accusing: that Country of torturing and massa creing Assyro-Chaldeans .and in sisting that Persiarshould be in vited to the conference to justify her acts. Persia recently protest ed because she tyad .not been in vited to senddelegates to the con ference..; . -' ; . ' ., '. . ; INVESTIGATION VRGKD , 4 WASHINGTOX," Jan. 20. ln Cstigatton by 'tho interstate com r.icrcc, commission of alleged fail ure i of ' railroad transportation lest year .in tho northwest Pa cific states ; was requested by tlie senate 'today in adopting a s se. resolution , by Senater; , rolndex " .Her, " Republican, Washington. ! ' ' .- : . .... . v t ..- - ." : . T fflfitt 11 fjight mm IDENTIFIED Youngest; Son of Captain Skipwith Said Member of Kidnaping Band; State Moving Fast. LICENSE TAG ON CAR GIVES KLUXER AWAY Klan Leader Seen in Consul tation by Another on Way to Attend Celebration . BASTROP, La., Jn.A 2 0. ( By The Associated Press Efforts of the, state Of Louisiana' through ah open hearing here to fix re sponsibUity for: the,' kidnaping on August 24 of Watt Daniel and T. P.1 Richard,' whose "mutilated bod ies .were discovered. December 22 in, Lake La FoarcL'e, moved tor ward today with unexpected ra- 'pldity. - . Three more. names wore. added to the.alleged roster of the mask ed band which made captives of Daniel and .Richard and the truck in which they .were whisked away "was Identified. - ' ' Young Skipwith Seen 'Smith Stevenson and' 'Oliver Skipwith, the latter the youngest son of Captain J. K. Skipwith, ad mitted leader pt ther : Ku Klux 'Klan in- Morehouse Parish, and a third mail - identified ( only . , as Blacksmith" Smith,' were de clared by Witnesses today to have been.; members., of Ihe kidnaping hand, and ;) the state put in evi dence a telegram from the state bureau of motor vehlcles at Baton Rouge,' giving the name , of the man registered as the .owner : of the truck. ,' i,u:.iV'- . The name of: Captain Skipwith also was connected with . the events when -one witness testified that he saw him at the fork of thef Monroo-Colllhston highway4 ihl conversation .with the hooded men. . :- . Truck Passes Witness The. captors and their prisoners were last seen at Qollinston. II. B.l Blankenship of Bastrop was the' witness .whose identifica tion of young Skipwith, Stevenson and. the truck created one of . the greatest sensations since the hear ing opened. Blankenship testified that in the late afternoon the hooded band" In "several automo biles and with Daniel, Richard .and three oXher prisoners were blindfolded "and, . with their hands tied behind their -Mcks, went by his home. The caravan, he said, passed within 15 feet of him.' The prisoners were aboard the truck. , He did not feeo, the license num bers of the truck or cars but having-been forv tome , time; familiar with cars of the kind ho 'observed the truck closely in order that , he might; recoghl ze it if he ; saw It again . Asked is he searched for it later,, be replied that' "he had, and that because of various distin guishing marks, he had recog nized; it. - He said ,it , bore 1&22 Lou islaha 'license' tag No." 7 46 5T, Attorney General Coco then intro duced In evidence the telegram from Baton Rouge declaring, that car 74J857 fas 'registered in' the name, of Smith Stevcnbh. Elankeosbip was then asked if he had,Veof nlzcd any of 1 the .hooded men".. , ' '"Yes, I amf posUive; Oliver Skipwith and Smith Stevenson." x Smith , Itec-ognizrd ' The 'witness explained that he had identified Skipwith by the manner in which he ! was attired and added" that he was on the running board of one of the cars. 'close to me." Stevenson, he said, was driving the machine. "It was his car. and from his appearance I am sure it was him," Blanker ship testified. . ' ,. ; - . The. man identified as "Black smith Smith . was ' namfed as a member of the kidnaping partty by Mrs. B. ID.' Carlisle. After Mrs. Carlisle had tqld of Idenlify iug.T. Jeff Burnett, former More house -deputy sberifr, as having btfen the masked man who liber ated hor.liorsolfroui a tangle of severat tel(pl6ue"wlkcsat the scene of the wholesale holdup, she (Continued oa page 2). !. i - - - . . . .'... , -- t ,-t- - 3 r . - -t. ' . i -"- - ' ' -. '- II OSTPJfill German industrial leaders in the Ruhr to the number of 18 have been arrested for obstructing the occupation orders of the French. They, were sent to French ltary licadquar ters; at Mayence, where they probably will be placed on trial Monday. . ' j-'-:.v ''"'."-" "v: " . In consequence of this drastic action, the occupying au thorities are menaced with strikes 6f a far spreadins nature. These are not likely to be confined to the mine workere, but all classes in the Ruhr .valley may cease work in synpathj. Their feelino; already inflamed by the events of tha past week, the workers have beebme further incensed by the ar rest of i the Tnine directors: They declare -they will not con tinue work while the' directors are held. ' - CROWD CHEERS JURY HERDICT Indian's Child Dies Before Father Reaches Home Decision, "Popular." DALLAS,;. Ov Jan. 20."(Bpei ctal to The V Statesman.)- Dallas ct owds ' attending the' show at tbe Majestic; 4heatre last night cheered ...lustily: when -thVhews announcinc the verdict i tn; "the murder 4case""'b 'the. State , of Oregon vs. "Thillip Warren, .the Grahd Rohde . Indian tor Ihe al leged iaurtier jot rQienjO. "Price, a prohibition, agent, was'. " an nouncedV and -Hhrown'; .-on . the screen.' - 1 ', Baby Dies , " Only a small crowd' was la tho court roomv at s8 : 1 &,' when the f Jury filed in aad the ver dict;, was read by Judge Belt Warren, was . the : first man oh his .feet ahd shook"hands with the t jurymeh as they filed out1 of ; f.he,; jury box. They .lopied worn and" haggard and "most of them , left immediately' either tor their various hotocs Or" to. rooms in . the local hotel to rest their weary bodies. - , The"; facial expression of War ren was not changed -a particle when 'the" good news was. read but one .noted the ; pleased ex pression that , came i from his eyes and "they lighted up. ahd filled . with " tears asUhe shook hands with the jury, Judge 'Beit, his attorney Oscar Ilayter,. Dis trict ' Attorney J. ' X."- Helgerson and other occupants oi 1 'the court rOOmVV'rrt .' ;-U2'i-. -Mii ' Warren, left the court house immediately,, and , went ;, to "-. the rooms 'ot Ws' father and mother in the Dallas hotel. Ilia motheT has been ill for the last few days and was only able - to be .(Continued, on page 2) 1 iBEir ARRESTED HERE Bad Check Artist .Taken by ' Salem Police Claims to Bq Army Deserter " v Frank Austin, or Gilbert Lyons as he later claimed' his , name - to me, was arrested by Officer Put nam Saturday night a she was preparing to leave for not "easier but safer clinmesl lie had on him about $73 in cash, which was just $2 less than the sum of three bo gus checks that he was alleged to have paassed on Safcm business men Saturday. The police were notified, and they set out to find the checker. There were two of the operatorst Lyons, aged about 38 years, and another, a younger man who had not yet been apprehended last night. Officer - Putnam was the one to find the check-passer and bring hm in. . ' : Lyons said last night that he is a deserted from the army at Van couver barracks. -The police ex pect to wire there for information this morning. An, army con rtni ar tial for desertion "might be life hter and more desirable than an inhos p! table Jurri on a bad-check charge, the police believe. " During the 10 days of occu pation about 100,000 .tons of requisitioned " coal " has been d 1 verted to Francey six coke ovens and; four mines, all state owned, haVe been taken over and about 10 ..billion 'marks ,ln customs 'ro celpfs' "and ."tax collections fcava been " requested, 'according to tua Ifrehch. , . v 1 , ' London r appears to be water ing the Ruhr proceedings anx iously, .but the spokesmen of ; the government are v not over Kin guine. . The question of medita tion: by .'Great, Britain, . as en geeted "by r the "Italian, ant::. -dor; In behalf cf. his country trs met. with no response.". - ESSEN,1 Jan; 20. (By : T h o Associated Press.) A grira r.a: a is" being played by the Trer. i and Germans along tte valle: 3 ot the Ruhr and the "n.i.'3. r r every; "turn - whereby - tho Fre: a and Belgian, occupation f ore 3 register, a tactical . or rnHUsry advantage theiGerman "rcsli-r.'.s carry out a new form of rasciva reelitance. - v ; , - ' - .The- "day ; was hectic witli a succession of arrests .of Lis! German industrial "and pcrul of ficials, . quickly " -folios e d .;WHl clock-like precision by prot?si strikes Of '- workers--who stncJ doggedly by "eBrlin's instruction! to aid in nowise the "invaders." - . All Banks Closed - The workers .counsclzdisciiss ed with Lord ilayor Luther the advisability oL calling out . some of " the five thousand postal tel egraph and telephone workers in a. general ' sympathetic strike, .but tb4. decision will 'not be announc ed until tomorrow. - A large" part of the forces- at the various mines whose directors 'were ar rested, f "responded almost": imme diatelywith protest i strike or strike - .ultimatums expiring early next week: French ""authorities sent additional troops .to guard the mines;" A- f 5 ' v ' Th.a people of -Es'sea awoke today to find all the private banks in the city closed because a patrol . had been placed over the Relchsbank ahd the . person nel ofi thlaS institution' refused to"" continue -.further duties., . Be sides a number of email con cerns there . are , 2 0 large private banks in Essen. . Businessmen anticipate a ser ious : stoppage of trade increases if ; the suspension of banking continues over , the coming week. COBLENZ,VJan. 20. (By The Associated Press.) Count von, Reedern, chief German represen tative in the Wiesbaden district, has been deported, to unoccupied Germany by the French. . He is charged with, refusing to obey the new, ordinances of the ihter- ( Continued on pars C) Are Yea n lis IJaLd For an Aulc:":"::? If so, why not look In '.' the" Statesman For ' . . Sale column By using such as tho .sample below you will 7 Bave much time and . ; money. ; - 1 - , 1921 HUPMOBILIJ DEMON strator for $890.! Will give a new guarantee you can't tell It from new. O. B. Gingrich Motor Co. ' ; SSMAX "WANT AL5" WILL BRING RF.StXTS USE THE21 EVERY V