The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 20, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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bt tons rrciTAT
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Sour ' ....
To Aif yo Wt
bvAV Etcvrt
"But you Idov
' i-JV. trtt tT ;
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JLivE. vT 1
t I-.4i ; -'; ' .
Match Exciting One Phila
dslphian Tries for Knock-1
out in -Fifteenth' Round . !
YORK, .Jan, 13. Iw
Tendler. Philadelphia lightweight
wai, awarded the judges' decision1
tonlghl" over Pal Mora a of New,
Orleans 'in; a flashing ." 1 5-round,
battle atiWadtson .Square Garden.
Tendler entered the ring weighs
Ins i35.H;.a halt pound over the
lightweight limit;' -while Moran!
scaled; at' 134;' Yv.;.1 ? . V'J-M
Both fighters began cautiously
and there was little action in the,
first three rounds.-' Moran ont-t
boxed Tendlef." blocking the Phil-1
adelphlan's left hooks and shoot-t
ing ;ia 'a - - damaging " right that
brought a. flow of -'blood ', fromj
Tendler- month- 'jiota' : traded,
hard, punches, to the bead in the
second round' 'and In .the third;
Moran, staggered .Tendler" with
right : smash to , the chin. I- ; n
-- Moran Comes Back - ; ;;; L
taking be . aggressive In .the
fourth round. Tendler opened a
territfc assault that soon bad Mo
ran In dlatress. The Philadelphia
battler .pounded , bW opponent
about the ring in both the fourth
a n d i fth 'rounds, . opening cut
about-Moran 'a mouth and .nose
with ripping right and left hooks.
Moraif came back strong, however
in the sixth round. ' After weatb
erlneva''storiir of 'blows td: bead
and body, he swept Tendler al
most' of f ' bis feet .with a furious
two-fisted drive 1 and opened a
nasty, cut ; over Lew's ; right eye
with a loltingrlert smasn.
Teiidter missed " a number of
wild swing and both set a fttrt
ons pace in the seventh round;
lloraac sbodkf r Lew. i with a left
hook, iuthfl Jiead tin- tb? eighth,
but toward .the ? Vise ofc tke round
al sobbed, so md ierrliVUwdy pun-
. 1 "amen at the, nana oi me t-nu-
adeliblanf 3kirarJL., carried the
flht to bis opponent iff the ninth
and Jolted Tendler with. a smash
ing right, to the -chin. ":
: i... . t , Tenth la Gory
Both fought at a terrific- clip
In the- tenth - round. . Blood
i streaming from ' cuts on their
! faces as they battled toe to toe,
i Tendler drove Moran "about ?the
ring In the1 eleventh with ripping
leftr'and rights td the body but
J.Ioran rallied ' toward the close
and 'ppsned a fresh cut over Ten
der's left eye. They continued
their fast pace in the, twelfth, Mo
ran shaking Tendler with several
right swings after being Jolted
by the Philadelphian's southpaw
punches, r,;
Tendler bad Moran hanging on
in the 13th with a smashlrig at
tack to the body. The . referee
forced them to separate 2 when
they failed to stop fighting at the
end of the round.
Knockout Missed
Tendler administered t terrific
punishment to the southerner in
the 14th, rocking him with ter
rific blows to the head. Moran
fought back gamely under Tend
er's puni shins onslaught. V V
Tendler tried hard for a knock-,
out In the 15 th but Moran -managed
tOf weather, a , rain .of left
books to the head. , He caught
Tendler flush on the chin several
times with right 'swlngs.j ?
. Tendler pained blsvlctory after
oc of the bjdpdlest and mosfer
rlflc" fights staged In the garden
In some time.. The rugged, .shifty
southerner -stood .' up. under a
smashing attack from the. fourth
round to the last and ; although
apparently on the verge of a
knockout several times,. managed
to wither the atorm. . Moran
rallied after; each of Teridler's on
Blaughtyand stood and battled
toe totSS: yitfi: theTQaaker City
SOUthpaW. , j.-. if V .' ,; i iZ,'.e ' i.
. Falls at Kniockont '7-s;f
Tendler tad itoran fa eyldent
distress la! both the fourth - and
fifth rounds,1 but the Jatter; came
. back strong In the sixth; 'stagger
In r the P.hlladelphlan Uh; rights
to tta;jiVidVcuttlBk.hinv badly
abquttbe facev TV-IZ'tlT'
Teiwllet piled. UP- big argin
on points In the closing round.'
II ulshe"'Mbran,a severely
about tho body and tried hard for
a' knockout wiltf hla fambtts left;
but Moran refused to ttre ground
and f ought bacTr' gamely ;
:. , J- ' " ' ;
Crcgcn DcfcatSBearcats-;
J, iesh Beat Chemawa
EUGENE; Ore , JantilS, HOre
goh easily defeated the basketball
quintet from Willamette universi
ty iS'taSja a rather. slow, and
listless game in the-Eugene arm
ory tpiUgb, From ; the first the
visitors .were . completely., out
classed and although;- Latham,
Oregon's center ; wha has been
l;igh point man- in all the games
tbui4fir, experienced an off night,
hls.teact-' mates scoredx freely.
Zlaaerman of 'Oregon, wa high
; ;!.-: iaaa with 1 3 r tints. Patton,
: ar d, : starred .. tzr. the ' visitors.
r2lz3 Orezoa trsshineij snowed the
C-eaaw Indlacs under. In a pre-
r.-irsary cane 53 to 26, ;-';.': J
Yt-h j "'"'''
"Eebert Todd Lincoln, former Secretary of War and Minister to,1
GreaV'Bri tain, and the sole surviving son of . the preserver of thet
Union. - Mr. Lincoln has retired front business as welfcas from public
'life and now lives in seclusion In the national capital, 'having removed '
bis home tom Chicago several years ago. ;;-','tY? t " in ji 4 : t. ;
Local 'Boys :: Edge ;Th rough
174016 Contest is ;
: Hard Fought -
', : Salem HigfT xomea through Its
bitterest basketball test, the game
with Dallas, 'with flying colors
Last night the Salem boys won
from the Westslders. by a score
of 17 to IS in what the boys say
was one of the hardest games they
ever played." ;
Spectators! worked almost as
hard as did . the team in the.
thrilling combat. . - The score was
tied up to the' last- minute, when
Okerberg I for Salem had a free
throw and .made it. giving Salem
the needed point to win. t. .
'- There .were no substitutions on
either side. The ? teams played
through the gruelling match, with
out a change. Okerberg was con
siderably crippled; from- a recent
Injury and did not try his usual
Dig storing;, game. Tne two a
lem guards ' Lllllgren and Patter
son, played a : remarkable game.
keeping the Bellas score scattered
In spite of the Dallas speeds Wick
and Curtis1 were the two outstand
ing men fox; Dallas. - They had
four of their last; "year's fast
team, and play a . splendid team
game.- '."' " t "i c
. The- players and: their scoring
were; . .
Salem Fallin ( ) , Brown 6 ) ,
forwards: Okerberg (3) center;
Patterson, Lllllgren,' ; guards. , p
. Dallas A. Vath (2), Wick. (6),
forwards; W, Vath (4).. tenter;
Shriere,. .Curtis (4 ), , guards.
The game, was'refereed by Far
ley, of, Mt. Angel ; and f Hayes of
Dallas. t The locals spoke high
ly of the -officers. . -
" . Salem goes . next . week for .the
three-game series to Ashland 'and
Med ford, expecting to return to
Salem Sunday., These -games, are
outside the Salein "district and
would not ; count for or against
either team ' In the state tourna
ment. Salem,! -however, -figures
that . winning " the Dallas game
gives them the. district champion
ship and so a place In - the ; state
meet. .-. : . ; , .. .
(Continued from page 1) ' -
federal and local authorities.' ". -
:. r Secrecy-; Veil Drawn vK.
I, Concerted action ', by prohibi
tion enforcement authorities, fed
eral judicial forces the customs
service and the New York "police"
against rum law violators' .was
decided upon! at I the -two confer
ences.' . The first wks ' with ' cus
tom and port authorities, - the
second with representatives of the
federal prosecutors office and the
New York police department. !' : '
A veil of secrecy was thrown
around the conference early to
day between the customs and pro
hlbltion enforcement forces, ' t
f Reports current during the" day
that rum runners ' were planning
to visit tne! big ' liqnor fleet ' off
Sandy Hook: and make a dash for
iLone Island ports with whiskey
Long;-. Island porta wita wntsKe;
s i ,
-- -- . fc-uot-:-:
this evening had tailed to'-imate-
rlalize at -dusk and there were no
outward indications of a sortie,
according to a. dispatch' from, the
Jersey Highlands to ; the Associ
ated "PrSS. ,: - . VI..." - ! - . ' V r.-i.
Small Craft Seen
The coxrespondent reported; two
small, craft baa visited the fleet
during the "afternoon1 and return
ed riding deeper in the . water
than when they went out. Other
small' "boat's1 ; of the , fleet tied up
In the Shrewsbury river went out
for the first spins they had taken
since their rum. running activities
were checked last week, 'but none
went near the liquor fleet. '
Sllflll SEES
Independence Declared Win-
' ner in Match - Ruled ;
- 1 by. Technicality .
: A hard-fought. basket-ball game
was played at Silverton . .Friday
night that looked almost like the
battle of the Argonne and every
body wearing khaki Instead of
part of them , In Hun rray. The
Silverton- and the American, legion
teems, were , the contenders, and
according, to the score ( book,, the
game was a' tie, ,22 to 22, when
the whistle . blew, T It .-appeared.
however, that the last scoring
point , a JKpal. ; thrown by Silver-
ion,,,was jnine . airwnen.tne
whistle started to .blow and the
referee refused to count it", thOugh
the scorekeeper did. The Sliver
ton team " was unwilling to ac
cept the "decision and a-long argu
meni'foTlbwed. It' is .understood
that the referee's decision ' will
stand, . giving1 . Independence ,the
victory by a hair-line verdict.
Preliminary to this game, the
Salem Eagles took, the Silverton
intermediates' Into amp 17 to 6.
The Salem lads have 'been going
fasU and winning against high
class competition ih' their age and
size and class. ; Their players and
scores are: Hansen- (6),- P. Glrod
(4), forwards; Paul Devers t),
center; L. Girod- (5),' Brock,
gnards Kibbeyr 4pare. r sThe Sil
verton players .were: Starr (4),
Bock (2) forward; Pawery, Ellis,
gvards; Gilkerson. centeY Ander
son, spare. v-
Adminstration Income ?
:. .Tax Bill Makes Debut
.The administration income tax
bill sponsored by Governor Walt
er ' M' Pierce and introduced by
A. K. McMtethan of Albany, ap-1
peared ; . in , the house yesterday.
The bill follows- the machin
ery and procedure of the federal
income ' tax regulations : and
would , require . that - a : certified
Copy , of the, annual federal, In
come tax statement be filed with
the state tax commission .which
shall be used to administer the
act in the; state..
' To raise state f trnds It Is -pro
posed to levy a . tax of 50 per
cent of . the federal tax on any
individual's or corporation's In
come. -. -. ' -- . "
The records would .be public
Jouly upon order of the governor.
i; V:r,
Problem of Vhat. to Do With
Excess Supply Worries W
' rr; Makers of Brew -i t
PARIS, Jan. 19. What France
should, do with her excess alcohol
has' become one of tne burning
ndustrial and national problems
in- the -republic. ; While France
has, no prohibition movement un
der way, she is seriously, troubled
by the economic aspect , of an ex
feess 'production of wine, and ."es
pecially;: alcohol. -- - . . i -,.
' A. senate, commission reported
recently on the problem It com
mented : on prohibition-'; In ' the
United States; pointed butv ;that
France's Hauor and vine" exports
had; been reduced by. such' prohi
bition,, and " then ;: made : the Hat
statement that there could be ho
question as to the desirability; in
France of 'reducing - the human
consumption of alcohol, that alco
hol today was a national danger
to Che republic. ; r. ; . . . ' . 1
Seeking" ways ; to - meet ;,the! ec-.
cnomic ; difficulties presented! by
the actual situation, .the commis
sion insisted 'that the surplus pro
ducton ; of alcohol be ' used na
tionally as a fuel by mixing- it
with benzine, ' gasoline and other
tike substances. . In ' proportions
ranging from ten per cent up
To; Run Factorlea
It Is proposed to run automo-1
.WWWM.v.aa I . MMlp ... f.
with this mixture, and at jthe j
same time save part of the money.'
now, spent abroad for coaL and,
other; fuels.," . Many experiments
hara been made, and large prises
offered, for the best .mixture.
: jThe ;: principal v; factors , , in c -jthe
alcohol problem are that there )s
possibly a smaller consumption of
alcohol t In drinking i becausd! of
Increased .prices and: that; France
produces far. more alcohol than
he can herself normally consume.
It , Is, argued that the human Con
sumption of $ aleohol may be fnr-Iher-
reduced it better uses f or.ithe
product are founds . . 'f r. ; -'A
; ; However, it is polhted-'xmt: that
nearly three-fourths: , jof . Franice.'s
population gains its livelihood di
rectly ? or indirectlrr through; aJcO-'
noi, wnetner the people are j en agriculture or in com
merce. . . , .-;- - ;;.;: ' 1 .
. .France, the report v showsj is
now producing an average of a
billion gallons, of wfnes- and alco
hol yearly, ' out of which is ; ob
tained an annual Internal revenue
oi about a billion francs; with ex.
port values of upwards of half a
billion francs yearly. ' 1
.; . .vjr.
Farm loans; at
. t. ..... , .1 ! ., J " 'i. ;' '- -(.' ' -.". " I .;
. m ' ' .'S..''"V' tT i ' . ! - V .'.V. .V - -
Can be paid at any interest date -No Commission
generadItnsukance ;! .
' - Oregon Building v
Wash vui? Bt
an 1- Eden VdiiniT f Macliirie k
t. v n r -.. - - . .... ' i.
PT. 1 . . -1 tt
Try this- out in your own .home without cost to you, and" if you
.are not delighted with thej result Tre will cheerfully remove the
Salem: Electric Co;
P.-S. BARTON; Prop. ; : '
, ' The t commission reached ' the
conclusion that' one. way' to reduce
drinking would be, "to increase the
taxes . on wines'- and liquors.
France' has been drinking more
and more, for a "hundred years,
because beverages,, were so cheap.
Fifty, years ago the daily per cap
ita 'consumption was one and one.
half" quarts, today; it Is' three
quarts: ' T " ' '
The final conclusion of , the
conclusion that: one way re
duce,', drinking: would be to . in
crease the . taxes on.-wines' and
liquors. ' France, has been drink
ing, more and. more,, for.., a. hun
dred . years, . 'because beverages
were so cheap, Fifty years ago
the. dajly, per capita consumptioc
was one ana one-nair " quaris, . io-
day It . Is three quarts. ; : , -i
The ' : final . conclusion of the
commission is that .France's 22.
000,000 gallons of 'pure; alcohol,
produced from grain, , beet sugar
and molasses, eehould fbe diverted
from certain" present useB, Includ
ing human; consumption, to gen
eral use' as a fuel. " , V r
; : X Continued .trpm page tl)
lem. .
- As ; a . result .of- the meeting
Hugh M. Rogers, . city- engineer,
Ray7L. Smith, rcUy attorney and
B. r b. Herricki county survey
or were'.. instructed to make a
detailed " Investigation Of terri
tory In need 'of drainage. ' This
report. . '. will 'be due in a few
days.;;. -;;. ';; " . !.;' :
According to a measure, pass
ed 1 several Tears aeo a munici
paf Corporation . may ; enter !
the organization of a'; drainage
. -w . - i Mr " w. w .
according to , the benefits derived
from;- the 'construction of such
a -district, v"-!
The matter of a drainage dls
trlct-- has been , of -keen interest
to - Salem citizens for many years
In i that . considerable damage in-
varlahly results to private prop
erty, in flood times. It is hoped
that'" work, on the. proposed,, pro
ject ' may commence in the - near
Bill Would Make Traffic :
-Appointments Promiscuous
. , The way ? would be opened for
the appointment of a)T taa.ny statp
traffic officers as the. secretary
of- state; deems necessary if a
biU introduced Sby Representative
Cqwgill ' .becomes a v law. . The
limit is now . six. at a maximum
salary "of 'llSQ. fi The i COwglll
bill would make the minimum
salary $125. and;-the maximum
- Classified Ads In The
Statesman Bring Resu Its
T .
Cll ';; V
v ' -S. . - 4
i. - -
s i " 1 - ; K"ne 1200
Consolidation Hearing -J
Scheduled Monday, Night
; Senator Garland, chairman ? of
the committee on county and
state officers, announced yester
day that a- public hearing On
the question of. ' ;: consolidation held in the senate cham
ber Monday night, at 8 ; o'clock.
The 'Hall bill nad" the Johnsoh
Carkin bill, -both. , "general state
governnVotajl : ' - - Teoirganlzatioh
measures r will "be : discussed. -.' ;
; . m - ;; , i7"-"
LOS ANGELES, " Jan. 19.
Walter Hajgen, Uritifh open golf
champion, and joe KIrkwood, for
mer. 1 Australian '-' champion an
holder oX' the Calif ornia-r. open
title, today ' defeated 'Gene Sara-
zen, national, open and profession."
al .'champion,: an"3 r Jock Hutchin
son former British ; open . cham
pion.. 3. and, 1 in an 18-hole match
at the MidwIckV Country club.
. ykat kftid of a Buttery is .
,' in your car. John '
; "I don't 'remember. DM - -;
had tt CAvtEL-iZiJ a ,
. ago and haven't tauled 'at- "
tt uncei"
. Camel Battery Solution , is a chemical discovery which takes the place cf
water, in storage batteries. When installed, it forms a heavy paste which
will not evaporate nor v spilL You . need never add i water, your battery .
terminals will not corrpde, and your battery will last longer and give better
satisfaction.' - Dischargiiig does not harm, and overcharging, is impccciblc -
-' - . - Briefly, this solution does three important things, any one of which saves r:ore than its small -cost.
They are these :;1 Prolongs tbe life of. a battery Eliminates danger of ruining tat- '
tery by neglect makes t practically "forget" proof. 3 Actually makes battery more eCcient
. ' if . ii 1 - .'. . 'Jl
.A NY authorized battery service station can install Camel BstterySoIution for you in
J 30 minutes. When CAMEL-ized. your battery is' just as eificient as the other parts
of your car and you pay no attention to it. Lengthens the. life of your battery at least
' 2 5 eliminates all danger of ruining your battery through neglect. Camel Battery
Solution does not harden 'or liquify it remains the consistency "of a heavy paste, is m
pei feet conductor and does everything thai water will do in your battery; but does it
more efficiently.; It entirely eliminates the washing effect of water upon the plates. .'..This
feature alone eummates a great deal
Salter cm M
It will mm tmM
lit mi IlilWllKl -T1-T
) W at W
' '
i ImportantisiS
- Wwnrhtlt laWw ,'w trttc S d
4 aaaaaMaaaaawStjwlBipaioaw
. 349 North Commercial
-.r.f V.-i - -' - '
a Immt nlbW MM knrl
V ) BttteryAtrer J
; : - r 1 . V ."
Idaho, Montana. and Gonza
vga Schedule Contests for
. May',, Nineteenth i
SPOKANE; Jan. 19
- -if -
gular-traek ;ahd . ' field-:meet,s be
tween . teams. L representing ? the
In Iversity- of Idaho, University- of
Montana, and Gonzaga "university
to be held in the Gonzaga sta
dium .here- May; 19, was"" announc
ed today by Coach Dorais of Gonzaga-
- ;t,v c ; :; ... ';!;'. '
' ' The full "program of track and
field events iregjilarly Included in
inter-collegiate -meeAs will consti
tute the program -of the triangu
lar Meet, .axcording to "Dorais.
i ftAtr '
ot wearing and prolongs the Me. of the
ty " ' sm prtBt
iitcmM.MickBMH A CAMLi r
M tlk lm ta backU.
r n .M MfMtitl, M
lple W tka KM. 8wm
Radio Users t
.Have Csmct Bstttry So-
hittoa installed la - roar
batteries. ; They will ba
' absolutely .noiseless and
'.you will have no acid-to
.spill ea clothes, farsi.
-tare or. carpets. : -v
Mary ka . k -.
! ink 'tUMf !.;
Installed in 30 MinutesAnT authorized
; CAMEL-izing Battery Station can. supply you
tf . ' ' . m. '- - ttsi. .' - j . Yi
CHEMICAL CO, 450 &urnstiSt,PoTdandtOre.
and Garage lien tFl
back tafcta. AJ war claim! . .-J m . i mlft . i . m
. . mwWMM SanaiiS laiiwi Ii a..- t -; j , r""
Acthorized CAMEL-izuig Station
The 'Gonzaga mentor added lt:f
the f meet "had "' received the tz
thusiastic approval of " Coac'a
Stewart of ., Montana and Coaci.
Matthews of Idaho. -"-.---'
! Coach Dorais also said' that
attempt would : be -made to bar 3
a special '100-yard dash betwtea
Charles Paddock - of the- Univer
sity of Southern California ' aai
ttenry- Williams ,of . the Spokat a
A. -A. C.'as an added attractic :i
for' the.. meet, provided Paddcck,
who is due Ho come to Pullrr.:a
for -the,.. Pacific- coast '-conference
me4ti one l week later can be ii
ducbd"tc'come to Sokane for sue!:.
.a.eonteHt..;;:";.,;.... ' :r. " 'Lj;. ':
Jr . .1!. . ..-.-'.: . -
: ;nve7knignts the road wer
given free cots at the police sta-j
tion last -night.- .They., were J.
Martini' J. C Marse, M. KobIr.?aa,
Frank Cftrrac to' and - Frank Wil
liams.': ;."' - i.;.;':" - ; ;"v; '
Read ?tha - Classified Adst
Atf car tirMf
CAMEL-hc Km en
famrrv, and rf
fKk Offlcl giacrvrf St
tuh u yiMs kumv .
wnt us (tvirtf m: oi
b jittery anJ wiU ;
uf vy Vcte itrLt. .
-- "
Salem, Oregon;
f "