The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 20, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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    1 ri
! I
v.. J
J. Bayne reported that lie ran
j ta Men j at Commercial
I Stat streets yesterday. They
re uov U1
led Stolen
N. Hastings of 4345 North
iteenth street reported that
I 3 wheel was stolen ; from the
C-esori Electric depot yesterday,
li was ' a Cleveland. ; '
llie " 1923 Overland '
Has ' arrived.' Come In and
them. . Vict Brotaera. Adv.
' gj;i "Filedi' -'.-j ' ';-. ;v
T The - State d Bank ; ot ' Woodland
Med suit " Iti the " circuit court
yesterday fpr . ; collection " of. a
note for 285 against F. E. and
E. J5. Osorne, . If was given Oct
ober 27. 1921; according to the
complaint ; and has not been
Paid. V... r r. j; - r ,;.,
: j- - . f ' ." k 1 .... K
IfsmsUtcWng Reduced to Cc.
Klller'a ?Goodu Goods"
stitching parlors. Adv.
Two Fatalities Reported
Ont of ' a total ot 486 acci
dents reported for the week end
tig January , is to the state in
dustrial commission I two were
fatal. "- They were: ' Fred Bon
teiap, Estaeada,- head rigger,,' and
Albert! P. - Sandl, Rhea Siding,
rowerman. Of the total number
J Bacteria, Geology, Ethnology, ' the
Einstein theory, and the science
of health. It is the last-volume
of the set.
"The Gift of Paul Clermont."
reDOrted 4Si. , . irml.a! .Vauk . 1 V TIT. t .-
-rH;MO prOTlSlOnS OF. tnelvioaa will a. nan.l wlthl '"Hn Tlntyui" h. CU. VA
VnrVmam1 j v n.s v ii au aA 9 uouai rvv 90 j av IV v m -
-w.rv. aaau dqi v wcb will uo uoiu s taau i , . auub kj w wbcuiu ui wa e,av
v ub not elected to Epworth league at :30. ICarpenter.
wu uuuer me act : and eight
WawA . V ' .....
punuc utility corpor- Veterans to Install
""WUi uul uoject to the act. The Sons and Daughters ot
Vatanm will nnM Mnlm Inatlla.
v,WM,,s mnspecieo Ition of officers tonirht In Me-
by Phyllis Bot-
Cotinty clerk U. G. Bover. road rnnirV hn
master w. J.. Culver and County
commissioner T. J. Hunt visited a
WTewe' station yesterday to in- Word haa ben I recelred
apct me rauroaa crossing where Salem of the birth of a sort.
two men were killed last Sept- Frank Anderson Rhodes, to Mr.
emoer. There will be a nubile and Mrs. F. ! A. Rhodes. January
semce commission hearinr
the, deaths January 30.' :
on 1 17, r. Rhodes, who Is popu
larly known : aa "Dusty" I Rhodes,
formerly lived In Salem.
nnea S3 :
au"ui . whs arresieu ACKCrnun Kneo i
yesterday for Improper parking.! Suit was filed by the Business
He appeared before Judge Poul-J Men's Adjustment company yes-
son and was tlned S 5. teri-r in th ilnntleA s court
j against Delbert C. and Mary I Measurements,'
Ackerman. - It Is alleged that lory.
1 ;
"OTlngton'a Bank,' by Stanley
Weymanr i ' :
Rooks for Teacbera ; f
!TrainIng for effective study".
by F. W. Thomas. '
i The Rural Community," , by
In I Llewellyn MacGarr. ,
"Teaching; to Think," by Jul-
us Boraas.
"Elementary Industrial Arts,'
by Ij. Li. WInslow.
"Teaching in Rural Schools,'4
by T. Jy Woofter. ' .
Practical Problems of the
schools, by H. E, Walts.
"Teaching by Projects," by C.
A. McCurry. - :
Fundamentals of Educational
by C. A, Greg-
Dra. Helsley & Belsley
Practlclonera jot Osteopathy between October 10, j 1921 and! , Cbildren'a Books ;.-
and Electrionic : Reactions ol I Jrn 28. 1822 J. B. Graettlneerl "Deeds of Heroism and Brave-
Abrams at the Silverton Sanl-Isold eoods to the defendants! ry." incidents of the world war.
tarlum, Silferton. Oregon Adv. I aggregating $37.25, of whichlrelated by eye-wltneeses, edited
nothing was paid. The original I by E. A. Barron. It Is a booa
Son Rons Away I amount and 6 per cent interestiior omer reaaers as weu as ior
Mrs. W. P. Robertson ot Fifty-Us asked.
seventh and Freemont, Portland.
For school children. : Bates
very moderate. - j
'Tha Little Lady's Store '
ICiD Centex St. Cor. 12th
if bayinsr your R&rdw&re and
fniture at The Capital Hard
trsxe & Furniture CoJ, 285 Na
Ccmfnercial St. Fhone 947,
'' Diamonds, "Watchee,
r Jewelry and Silverware.
Phone 1255. " Salem, Oregon
Capital. Junk
; AH kinds of junk and
icccnd-hand coods. "We
pay full value. ,
215 Center Street
Fhcne 333
reported- that her son ran away Club Organized
from home In company with at -The Auburn Community club
lad by ;the name Of Sam Crank I w as organized Friday night at
yesterday, riding a National blcy.f Auburn, east ot Salem, with
ele. They, were reported in Ba-I slgned-up charter membership of
lem Sunday but left for Dallas! 28 and. many more in sight. ; Of
Monday.' Young ; Robertson was fleers were elected for the year
reported as about 5 feet 8 inches I were Koy tsiougett, ; presiaent;
lrt heighth, weighing 130 pounds! rs. w. sneea, vice presiaent.
and about 15 t years old. He nd Lloyd A. Lee secretary treas
was fair, blue eyed and had light urer. The r club plans to hold
hair. He carried a large scar on meetings on the firsthand third
th lAft kIHa of lila hfiart. Hef TTiaay nignts oi eaca rauma anu
was wearing leather leggings t Tite outsiae speaaers, wno Ueay spent
and a green cap. : 1 w,n help to make the series otcUy.
the high sohool age.
The Trail ot the Spanish
Horse," by James Wlllard
Schultz. ' '
"When I Was a Boy in Nor
way.' ; by Dr. John O. Hall, for
merly a ' professor at Willamette
IS at uir
Ice Cream Bill Discussed
and Officers Elected at ,
Two-Day Gathering I
E. C. Naftzger of 'Gervals was:
In the city yesterday. ; f ' : I
Dan Miller, resident ot Mac-:
yesterday - in the
permanent local benefit to all the
conlmunity. The meeting last
: I . .. . .. . will attend the m,K" was ne'a ,n "e wnoouiouae
funeral of Comrade J. P. Rob- "1 "
day. January 20, at-10 o'clock.
By order.
Adjutant. ,
AJbtert . Loughiidg)r
served after the close of the bus
iness Beasion. f
Visits From Tacoma I,
Paul Maag of' Tacoma Is pay
ing a brief visit to relatives and
friends in Salem. : He formerly
Income) Tax -Returns :l -
Deputy collectors from the In
will- be In .Marion county for resided in this city.
sometime' ' previous f to the final
time for filing . Income tax re
turns, according to word receiv
ed- from that 'Portland office.
the second alternate named by
PMmuinn,ii XT TT.wlov for
iney.wwt o .a omen, uvm West point mllitary academy
ruary iJ ro jisrea a, in oiaj
ton February 16 and 17, Silver
ton February! 19, 20, 21 and
Woodburn February 23 and
2 3.! - Those desiring Information
may secure It . ' from them at
these places and times If
sired. I r
A. C. Bohrnstedt and L. J. Cha-.
pin are leaving this morning for;
a several days land inspection
tour Into the Slletz basin. ' ' !
W, A. Taylor of Macleay iwa
In Salem for a short time , yesj
terday on business. : . f
Miss Dorothy Turner and' Mis
Cleone La Mar left last night tor
Corvallls. ,. . f
Jack Patton of , Macleay was
in the city . yesterday. ;
Claude Buchanan went to hia
home In Benton county last night;
Jimei Stfwart. former mem
Harold V. Millard of Salem v.. nf th hntitUk nt renrasenta
tives, was In Salem yesterday, re
turning to Corvallls lat night. i
Named for West Point
The Use of Money",
. especially for the use
u-i . ,
Legal Blanks
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on application. w war.
, U1VU VUiU , W O w
a book
of the
rarent to teach thrifty habits, by
E. A. Kirkpatrick.
"Introduction to World I Poli
tics," by Herbert Adams Gibbons,
author of "New Map of Europe,"
West Slem Service "
Sunday school services at 9:45 gathered
tendent, hopea to have a large
Established 18SS -" , r i
. ' General Banking Business
' Office Hours frora 10 a. ra. to 3 p. el,
The Friday evening card clu
met at the home ,, of Mr. . and
Mrs. Frank Fieber on January
12. Twenty-nine were present
Lunch was served, by the hostess.
F. Gilbert unfortnnatelr hurt
his hand while cutting wood, j
Mrs. . E. T. Chamberlain and
granddaughters, Ruth and Gar-
Saturday. Jt
Miss : Amanda Matthews spent
few days In Salem visiting
frienda. '. 5
Mrs. J.' Badllner' entertained
the Waldo Hill club last week
B. D. Wells. and M. Wells mpv
tored to Salem Wednesday. !
Mrs. i C. T. Gilbert entertained
the Community club on ' January
17. Visitors were : Mrs. C. ' A.
Robertson.) Funeral aervices I McCallister, Mrs. K. Berg, lift.
for the late John P. : Robertson I E. T. Chamberlain, Mrs. P. Goqd-
will be held today, Saturday, at in, Mrs. H. Keene, Mrs. W. How
10 a.m. from the Rlgdon mortu-led Mr J. Badllner and Stella
ary. interment i.o.o.r. cemetery, i cadllner. , i
F." Safeld from near ' Salem
Beutler. Funeral services ror I visited Charlea Noneman'a last
the. late Samuel Beutler will be j Sunday. '
. m j ' w ob.a .A I
neia Monuay, January -s, at i; Mr and Mrs. T. LIndken re-ti
p.m. from the Mennonite church (turned to Portland, after spend
"Practice" of Auto Suggestion
hv thA method nf Emile Coue. a
brief treatment ' of Cou's method
in personal interviews
and attendance upon his clinics
by C H. Brooks.
Outlines of Science," volume
4. by .J. . A. Thompson, i This
volume Includes the subjects:
at Pratum. Interment at: the
Pratum cemetery. The body is
I at the Rlgdon mortuary. '
And Damages Some Goods, the rest are as
- : good as new ' !
. XTJG ItJqvg Thorn v :;
ing a few weeks visiting their
daughter, Mrs. ' Charles Nona
man. ',. ; ' : ! '
C. A. Fieber and J. W. Fieber
drove to Salem Saturday. ; .j
The friends ot Mr. and Mrs
Pipe..- ' i ril , 4 "
Fittmjs A ' ; "y
Copper Boilers
. Hexary piston Saws
Bath Tubs
; Sinks
This is all high grade merchandise and will
be sold at a fraction of its worth
years; mother of Jamea O. Lup- ' ; Th.
r Vnnerai rvin win be hcme la8t Saturday evening. The
Monday. Jan. 22 at 10:0 tIme spent playing cards
at midnight. ' :
a.m. from , RlgCun'a . mortuary
Interment City View cemetery
! ; Several ! dairymen and dairy
cattle breeders from Salem at
tended the 30th annual meeting
of the Oregon State f Dairymen's
association - at Albany , Thursday
and Friday. ' The big annual ban
quet was held at the St. Francis
hotel Thursday night with 160
diners, the full capacity of the
house. Governor Pierce, himself
a stock breeder though he han
dles the beef and not the dairy
breeds, on his home ranch was
one of the guests, and made what
is referred to as a powerful ad
dress 1 on the question of bette
breeding, better marketing, bet
ter prosperity for the dairyman
and : for all' the producing branch
es of . state industry.
" f Discuss Cream Bill
On Friday a spirited discussion
of the s Ice cream bill attracted
general attention. J. D. Mickel,
state food inspector, spoke in op
position to the proposed ; raising
of lr6 Ice cream fat standard as
proposed by a bill now In the
state j legislature, from 8 up . to
10 or even 14 per cent, which 13
the federal J standard. ! He held
that It is not the fat content that
gives aigestlblllty, good taste,
keeping quality or food value to
Ice cream, but the other milk
solids ; that are In normal Ice
cream. The convention, however.
voted by a big majority to de
mand the higher fat content, on
tne ground of Its creating a larg
er demand for their" dafry pro
ducts. " i
. " Scollard Speaks'-: ,
The noteworthy address of Frl-
uay was given by J. B. Scollard
of Chehalis, Wash., president of
the United Dairy associatien of
Washington. In spite of all the
assorted ailments and colics that
have decimated the cooperative
producers ranks throughout ; the
country., this Washington associ
ation last year did a business of
$7,500,000, or as much business
as all six of the recognized state
wide cooperatives of Oresron. in
eluding the Oregon Growers, and
tne wheat growers that handled
close to .5,000,000 bushels of
grain last year. Mr. Scollard has
a story that Is not surpassed. If
indeed It is equalled, by any sin
gle industrial cooperative devel
opment i even In California, and
his talk was listened to. with
breathless attention. :
Two of the charter members of
tne association, -men who helped
found It 30 years ago, were pres.
ent William Schulmerick of
HillBboro and Harry West of
Scappoose. f
Of fleers Elected
Officers elected for 192.3 are: J.
,van Kleek, Beaverton, presl
dentr Chester Mulkey. McMInn
vllle, first vice president; C. A.
Laughlln, i. Astoria, second vice
president; ; Prof. B. Brandt,
OAC,! secretary-treasurer. The
next annual meeting will be held
at HUIsboro. v
The council named : a legisla
tive committee of three, Repre
sentative Ed Cary of Yamhill
county. Carle Abrama of the Pa
clflc Homestead, and" Ed Schul
merich of Hillsboro, to act for
the council in demanding the pas
sage of the 14 per cent ice cream
bill; . also they will urge the pas
sage of an "anti-Hebe" bill, such
as is now, in the Wisconsin state
law and is now. as a bill before
the Washington legislature, pro
hibiting the use of any vegetable
oils In connection with dairy pro
ducts sold as such, and the use
of dairy products of any kind, in
tact or by name,, in ; connection
with vegetable oils, In the manu
facture of any food products to
be offered for sale.
atTlaftaiUriwllltaVTiini tfWMi-vw;(iwf.Hiy' ''xtvwrf4rv.TVM..; iv...
p ic::;.:i ' --''' ",,M.v ,: 1
hi. , 7":'$? k
: . ... ...
?3 r- ',,m- .- - v. ' 1 J,
ifL. . - J
Leavenworth died at his home,
1885 North Liberty street, Jan.
19, age llyears. Survived by
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
C. Leavenworth, and . three sis-
; ters, Martha S., Margaret J.
and Elizabeth C. Leavenworth,
all of Salem. Funeral, services
will be held in the Webb &
:- MONEY I 9 j
Cut out this slip, enclose with
5c and mail It to Foley; & Co
2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111.
writing your name t and "address
clearly. You will receive In ; re
turn a trial ' package contaiaing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
for1 coughs, colds and croup ;Fo-
lav VMnov TMIIa fnr natna in aldaa
on a 1 ... m
VJQUgn emiyei ai y. i . h-.i.. ,h4,,tn,-Hm . hacVarhfl
, w.m r. rcu.ulUu ... . Madder ailments: and
Foley Cathartic Tablets, a - whole
some ; and thoroughly . cleansing
cathartic for constipation, bilious
ness, headaches, and sluggish
bowels. . Sold everywhere. Adv.
Webb & Clough
Leading Funeral
Expert Emhahners
402 1. Commercial
Phone 523
The House of Half a Million
and One Bargains . !
Rigdon & Son's
Unequalcd Service
Clancy, Florist, Inc. .:
125 North High. . Phone 381
"Say it with Flowers''
Chivalry and Honor
Proposed! in Mew
Chivalry and r: ancient 'hemour
is scheduled for a revival . In
Oregon under the - terms : of
bill Introduced by Represent
Uveai Lovejoy and 'A. K, MicMa-
han. Democrats. The bill would
provide for . the ' election - ef
committeeman -and a comtplttee-
woman from each political party:
as delegates ' to the national con
ventions of the parties.
The farmers of the country are
of the opinion i that borrowing
money ought to be. made .easier;
That Is a ' jpolntt on ' which ' about
everybody except 'those '-who have
the money will agree.
' . (Continued from page 1)
w 1
5", a
The first statue erected to Abraham Lincoln was known as the
Lot Flannery etatue and It stood in front of the District Court House
in Washington. For some reason It was removed, but so much ob
jection "was voiced that the District Committee in Congress ordered It
restored to its original site. Ceremonies attendant upon the restora
tion will probably beheld on February 12, Lincoln's Birthday.
11111 1111 111 11 ' -'1
To secure and perpetuate liens
upon motor vehicles for work? la
bor . and 'services performed ty
a driver ot motor vemciea. .
H. B. 114, Coin, McMahan of
Linn, and Sepator Garland To
provide payment to Robert Haya
from hatchery-fund, district No.
1, of $550.
IL B. 115, Clackamas county
delegation (by request) To re
duce the salaries of Clackamaa
county J officials 20 per cent, ef
fective January 1, 1924.
The' house' 5 ester day passed the
following bilis;
"II. B. 7, Graham of Washing
ton county. Intended' to, discour
age the promiscuous arresting of
motollsts by traffic officers work
ins .on a fee basis. This law
world rrohlDlt the splitting ot
,Pnes 4rlth the oTf leers., .;
- H.- B. 2 , BennettRepealing
the section of the Oregon law
which " requires assessors to com
pile a list of "the pVoperty and
classify It according to agricultu
ral or, horticultural purposes. Tha
lists have , been merely guess
work,- it was argued, and have
no value,' Tbir .elimination will
save approximately $20,000, it
was said. .; .
H. B. 31, Cary of Tamhill
Prohibiting the use of unregis
tered dairy bulls for breedlcs
purposes. , f '
only argument understood by the J
Germans. The allies . from the '
very beginning had been . forcible
in words but feeble in acts. The
Germans, who at first had no Idea,
of seeking to evade their, obliga
tions, were encouraged by the
mistaken moderation of the allied
and became bolder and bolder un
til now the ; climax had been
, A review of the whole history
of Europe 'since the armistice was
given by M, Barthou in support of
his . argument He laid stress on
each successive maneuver of the
Germans. '
"They - deny the evidence of
facts: and the precision of texts,"
M. Bathou declared. 'Because sol
diers protect ( the technical mis
sion, - engineers , and customs
agents, those who with appalling
cynicism violated .the neutrality
of Belgium now seek to shelter
memseivea- Demna tneir national
sovereignty. The sophisms -will
fall of their object..: They will not
prevent us from - executing in Its
entirety, with inflexible modera
tion, our l well-thought-out plan
providing for all contingencies.
"Germany must give way; we
will not. She has worn out our
patience We do not seek the
death of Germany, nor her ruin,
but we say that to live, France
must be paid."
II. B. 106, Cowgill Amending
section 53, chapter 371 laws of
1921"; relating to salaries of dep
uties policing, the public high
ways." ' t . ' - '
II. B. 107, Carkln and Cowgill
Amending section 5902 Oregon
laws, relating to railroad cross
ings.;. . : v: ':r.
H. B. 108, McMahan of . Linn
To raise revenue by the levy and
collection of a tax on . Incomes.
It. B. 109, Lovejoy and McMa
han of Linn Amending : section
3969, Oregon laws," relative to the
election of national 'committee
men. - ' ,
II. B. ' 1 1 0, Melndl Permitting
Saturday half . holidays to county
employes "of Multnomah county,
- II. B. 1 1 1. Lackey To estab
lish Islands in navigable rivers as
(separate bridge districts, provide
for the building of bridges and
issuance. of bonds therefor..'.
H. B. 112. Lovejoy To provide
for the licensing of . noU-resident
brokers ' Of insurance.
' H. B. 113, McMahan of Linn
Theodore Kremer, king of the
melodramatlsts, Is dead.v His contemporaries-
were - Owen Davis,
Hal Reld (father Qf Wally Reid)
and Lincoln' J. Carter.' - Remem
ber "The Fatal Wedding." "..The
Queen of the Highbinders,'
Bertha, the ' Sewing- Machine
Girl," etc.? It Is among the
stories In showland that "Kremer
furnished the most of the brains
that masqueraded under the name
of "Clyde "F4tch and that h,
wrote entire "The Woman In the
' . . nrpencvw treatment .i
tveryDOdy wzzzs kLi
Glasses IUsht end
Vants Ttcp Pjrcz:lly
Some want Bome kind cf
glasses and some -encth-er.
But any kind must
fit not toolarse cr too
small. . We are wonderfully-
well able to supplj
what is wanted prcdiptly
and correctly. - , T -
801-5 Oregon Bids.
... Oregon's Largest Optical
Phone. 239 for appoiatne-t
As for "Rain," that unusual
play made from a short story 'by
Somerset Maugham, If is next to
Impossible to get seats, altogether
impossible at the box office, and
almost as bad as the speculator's.
Such is the way of a hit.
Billy Webb's Eight Piece Orchestra
At the Armory Tonight
abandon their work. - -
' The French today continued to
requistlon coal wherever thev
found It In cars or barges in the
occupied area. .
. Relchsbank to Reopen .
. Prompt action was taken today
to meet the situation created,. by
the closing- of the doors of Uie
Relchsbank in Dusseldorf and the
consequent shutting down of all
other banking Institutions In the
city. General Denvignes summon
ed Dr. Guppermann. director 'ot
the Relchsbank, and Issued an ul
timatum to areopen the bank to
morrow or spend the evening In
jail. Dr. jGoppermann agreed to
reopen 'the Institution, which will
resume : operations tomorrow
morning at 10 o'clock. It is prob
able that all the other banks will
follow the suit of the Relchsbank
as1 the reason given by them for
closing : today was failure of the
Relchsbank to deliver them cur-4
rency. " ' r: - ;-" " .r j
PARIS, Jan. 19. (By The Asso
ciated Press) Louis -Bathou,
president of the reparations com
mission,' tonight toefore a distin
guished audience, which included
4 Marshall Foch and Generals Fay-
olle. Gouraud and Mangln, deliv
ered al lecture on- "French rights
and German obligations. J
. Force, M. Bathcu said, was the
National: 'Tlirift
Carved in stone over the kitchen fireplace at Abbats
ford, the home of Sir Walter the' legend, "Waste ' r
not, want not. These few simple words contain in their
entirety , the secret of the spirit of order in the midst of
plenty. '
Saturday ,
January 17
January 18
January 19
January 20
January 21
January 22
January 23
Thrift Day
Budget Day .
Life Insurance Day '
Own Your Own Home Day
Share With Others :
Pay Bills Promptly ;
Make a Will
- Save a part of your income each xrionth and you will soon have a bank
balance. .... . ;
Our "Pay As You Go PIan" i3 in keeping with the above sound princi-,
pies. . -
w1 J
Quality 'Merchandise.':
Popular Pri::c.3