The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 20, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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t irT,iS.;r?,:yv'--Si-sft-i .. . If . w
til- ' ' ; - 1 - - frrVv lif
S.-5S-:-: -y; ;:
a7v;j -iwk'sw rw- is v
Real Problem
Jfoe Santley and Ivy Sawyer in harmony over the kitchenette.
. , table as well as behind the footlights
U Those who have enjoyed the har
Jnony'of SanUey and Sawyer in the
Mnsie Box Revue , now learn that
tfcey art just as good a "team" at
Jiame ver the kitchen stove. I Joe
gantley believes 'that the days when
a woman's plac was supposed to be
In th kitchen ' are frone forever-
that Is.' unless her husband Is bt the
kltcheii with her. 3 " F
' The; Santleys are c mixing: . the fil
ling; for Vlrnla Sweet Potato Pie1
whlch'they unanimously vote to- be
Uielr favorite- dish. J Mrs; Santley
Xlvy Sawyer), has kindly volunteer
ed these directions: ' . ' , x ,
;v "I bake the sweet potatoes (some
flmea I boU tbem, and press
through a vegetable rieer. X cream
the , half -cupful o vegetable short
ening, which I prefer to lard, as the
former has no. "taste", and Is also
more easily digestible, beat1 ; In ,
teaspoonful salt and . 4 cup sugar,
Jen four egg yolks well beaten
i jplnt of the strained sweet potato,
cup milk, and Vt nutmeg grated.
The stiff beaten whites of four-eggs
are then beaten , In, . and the whole
light mass Is turned Into a pie plate
lined with pastry. '-) Tls I bake
until the pastry is well-looked and
the filling, puffy and firm In the
center. This makes a pie usually
larger than the wo of us can eat."
Proposal Submitted by '
North Canal Company
A contract for the-construction
J of the Powell Butte Irrigation
project," in Deschutes 'cbunty. has
5 been' submitted for; the consider
ation qf State Engineer .Percy a;
; Cupper. ;i;y!::::::y:ir-'
It is, proposed that the North
, Canal company, subsidiary of the
Warren- Constraction company,
will supply the necessary. storage
t water from its Crane Prairie res
ervoir for the ..irrigation of 13w
00ft. acre of land in-the Powell
4 Butte district. It also proposed
to construct the necessary works
to Ueliver the waters to the land
at. a. price of $75( an acre. The
company 'also agrees to .purchase
$60,000 additional bonds ia order
j. that the district -may he supplied
with funds for administrativ.and
Inslneering purposes-, l , :
All bonds are to be accepted
in payment by the North Canal
I company at 85 cents on the dol
lar, making a total estimated cost
to the district of approximately
80 an' acre," or approximatply
. $i;ooo,ooo., s w 5;; '2:
' The contract is contingent upon
"t the certification of the bonds by
the irrigation and drainage ee
y curitles commission, and ( .the
i agreement on the. part of ' the
1, state to pay Interest thereon for
1766k End
Fi ! hj, Saturday, Sunday
two and? one-half years.' It will
require an allotment of the water
from the Deschutes river for these
lands from the withdrawal made
by the state- a number of years
ago la. connection wlth its . In
vestigation of "the Deschutes' pro-
ject in cooperation with the Unit
ed States reclamation service.
The North Canal . company - was
represented by Oswald West and
its engineer, John Dubuis, and
the j district-, "was. represented by
Attorney N. G. Wallace of Prlne-
ville. The matter was taken un
der advisement, j '" ' "
The problem ' of using the left
over odds and ends of food after
ach meal is one which conforrts
t-very. hoiisewile and cook. Where
the family entertains consider-;
ably there is always more or less ;
expensive food material left over j
after a meal. It is undesirable
to serve this In the same way a
second time as it loses Its I at
tractiveness. ' 1
Hoasted or boiled fowl may be
used for salad, croquettes, loaves, i
and the like. If there Is but a
small amount of material 1 left
over,, then a Teclpe should be se
lected that calls for an amount
sufficient'-'to give flavor to the
dish, yetr is .appetizing and at
tractive. ' ;
Chicken for Luncheon This Is
a good luncheon dish, and also is
an economical way of using small
quantities, of left-overs. To pro
pare it, line small buttered dishes
with soft-boiled rice half an inch
in thickness. Fill the center with
cooked chicken finely minced,
delicately seasoned and slightly
made moist with cream sauce or
chicken gravy. ' Cover the top
with a layer of ' rice and bake in
a moderate oven for 15 minutes.
Turn out on hot platters and
serve with sauce.
Chicken SlouldSs"
Soak one tablespoon granulat
ed gelatine In four tablespoons
cold chicken stock,; dissolve in
three-fourths cup hot chicken
stock. Set aside to chill; when
it begins to thicken, beat, using
an egg beater, until frothy; then
add one cup cream, beaten un
til stiff, and one cup cold chick
en, cut ; Into dice. Season, with
salt and pepper. 'Turn into small
cups, which have been wet 1 on
inside with cold water, and chill.
Southern Chicken on ToaHt
Cream two tablespoons butter
and add the yolks of three hard
boiled eggs rubbed to a paste.
Soak one-fourth of a cup of crack.
er crumbs -in one-fourth cup of
cold milk ! for 15 minutes, then
add to first mixture.. Pour Son
gradually one cup of hot .chicken
slock then add ; to first mixture.
Bring to a boil, add one cup of
cooked chicken diced; season and
serve on toast. "
Chicken Croquettes
; The following ' concerns have
tiled articles t of incorporation
with the state corporation depart
Aiaice one and one-half j cups
very thick white sauce.uslnig for
It one-thf rd " cup butter, one-half
cup flour, one-half teaspoon! salt,
one-fourth . teaspoon, whitaj. pep
per and one and one-hal cufis hot
iniik. Cook In double boiler un
til thick and smooth. Add one
beaten egg and two and one-half
cups chopped chicken aftejr re
moving from fire. Turn oit on
plates to cool; then shape IA cro
quettesj roll in fine crunibsi then
in beaten egg diluted? with) cold
water; and, again In, fine crumbs.
Fry In deep, hot fat; serveihot.
Chicken lxaf j
Mix one cup cooked chicken. !
Adverse Reports from Edu
cation Committee Results
in Postponement
An adverse report
education committee
house, submitted at '
from the
. of the
an unex-
chopped andy one cup cookei veal Pecte moment almost resulted
(or a mixture of lamb, veal ham;
etc.) Add one cup fines soft
bread crumbs, one teaspoon salt,
one-fourth :- teaspoon celery salt;
two teaspoons ohopped lpansley,
two well beaten eggs and one, cup
milk. Mix thoroughly and bake
for 30 minutes in a 'moderate
Jewelers Lien Measure
Goes Back to Committee
held in trust for the owner!
article. The measure Is particu
larly for the benefit of dountry
jewelers. Attorneys m the sen
ate were of" tho opinion that the
purpose could be covered by am
ending another statute. .
Senator Garland's foill giving
jewelers the right of len on
watches or other articles repaired;
by them, was re-referred? when
it came on for third reading. It
provides that after holding the
article for six months, i n6t paid
for the jeweler may, aftisr ad
vertising, have the article old by
public auction. The proceeds Of
the sale would go first to tae pay
ment of the expenses of thb sale;
second, to the discharge bf the
lien, and third, the balance, If .er education and a non-resident
any. to the county clerk, to be fee'' to be based on the actual
in the Indefinite postponement
of a group of four bills Intro
duced by Representative McMa
Uan, of Marion, providing . for
tuition fees , at, the state educa
tional institutions , to be charged
both resident and non-resident
students. , . t . ,
McMahan was not advised ot
the propose adverse report and
was not gtvn an opportunity to
appear before 1 the committee in
defense of the bills.
- When the house learned from
McMahan that efforts were be
ing made by representatives ot
the two institutions and himselt
tOj agree- on a compromise set
of bills, that body agreed to
place the bills on the table from
which they majf be taken at any
time for final action. t
McMahan's bills would require
the payment of a flat fee ot
$100 by. Oregon residents who
attend the state schools of high-
sity of Oregon and Oregon Ag
ricultural colleges.
? The'" bills" !- wIir " probably re-'
main on thev table until,, next
week and', any. substitute bills,
t.f agreed upon, will be Introduc
ed Monday. . .
Half Million in Bonds .
Are Sold by Commission
-- ,H:j-:w I. ! . '
The sstate high way commission
yesterday sold $50000 state
highway bonds to- Cyrus Pterce
& Co., of Portland at 101,1 3 1 ,
or a total premium ', of ; 5655.
Th bonds bear 4 ' 1-2 per coit
interest. - -- ' '.
..... - . ,
4The, commission announced the
purchase of 13 acres ' near Cascade-
Locks 4rom . 'the Oregon
Washington Railroad Naviga
tion company to 7 be used for!
public park purposes. . Tb sura
of $10SQ was . paid for the tract.
The commission,' voted to limit
traffic on the state" highway bo-
tween Albany and 'Corvallis to
trucks " of not more , than : one
and one-half tons carrying ca
pacity.' ''. j
A request of . the Oregon-Cal-ifornia
Power company to stretch
a power line 'between '"'Grants
Pass and Wilderville on the
Grants- Pass-Crescent City high
way was granted." "" , ' ;
. i i
Our idea of some job is that of
Major - General, , Allen and the
chaplains of the American army
at Coblenz, trying to straighten
out the, love affairs of the sailors
and frauleins.
of the
. cqst of
maintaining the Univer-
Bootleggers Prohibitecl
from joting Smoke Wagons!
. " - j - .
, It Is made a felony, punishable
by imprisonment in the pienlten
tlary for a person to have la dan
gerous : or deadly weapon f onbr
about his person when engaged
in making or possessing j intoxi
cating liquor by, a bill passed by
the senate yesterday. It Was in
troduced by Hall. - i
"Was very bad with s LaGrippe
and had a severe cough. Tried
Foley's Honey and Tar and H
stopped my coagh and I got better,"-
writes jMrs., Mary kisby,
Spokane, Washington. Cought
resulting from LaGrippe, Influ
enza, Bronchitis, : v"hoppinj
Cough, Asthma and Spasmodic
Croup are quickly relieved "witk
Foley's Honey land Tar. Contain!
no opiates ingredients -printed
on. the .wrapper. Largest selling
cough medlcinej in the World. Re-,
fuse substitutes. Insist on ' Fo
ley's Honey and Tar. Sold every
where. Adv. T ''' ,
r Cream Walnut Fudge
; V 25c Per Pound
' .- '
- Assorted Chocolates- -
' 40- Per Pound i- r
' ":'' ;." '.;'''' ' v rV..(.4t
I Plain Mixed
18c Per Pound V
Asia Salep corporation. Port
land; incorporators, Aj B. Cut
ler. Ira DawBonJ Albert von der
Werth; . , capitalization, I $10,000;
general merchandise. - r ,
; Coos; County! Land & Invest
ment company, Coqullle; , incor
porators Robert I H. Creager, G.
A. Gage, J. E. Perrott; capitali
sation $5000; real estate. ,
, Checker Taxi company. Port
land: incorporators Albert Gru
man, Harry J. Kinney, Emmett
Coleman; capitalization : $5000,
Densem x Drug j company, Port
land: incomoratbrs. J. G... Den
sem. Ll' Densemi J.. J. , Densem;
capitalization $5000. .
Hansen, 4 Hammond & uust.
Portland; incorporators, ; R.
Hammond, Ly WJ Hansen, Franks
lin F.;Korell; capitalization, $85,-
000; englrieerins and contract
ames A. C. & Co., Port-
Incorporators, James A. C.
Tait, Robert L. Sabin, Jr., Homer
D. Angell; capitalization,
000 ; ' manufacturing and dealing
In bulldlng: materials, -''-j .
I ; 'The Coast Auto . Signal com
pany," Pendleton; r Incorporators,
Fvyn. Riley, Ej Ii. Riley, wiinam
Wilkinson, vGeotf ge E. Mason, Ma
son L. Thompsom J. W. Maloneyr
capitalization $50 00. v i "
Resolutions Of dissolution have
been filed by the Oak Leaf farm
of Orenco and the Pacific Pencil
Manufacturing company ; of Port
land.. '
The Cannon Beach Amusement
company has decreased ! its capi
tal from" $23,000Uo $10.0""-
i ' 1 1 Hi l t f, a i
J5c box Peppermint Drops
23c Chocolate Drops.- f
55c box Chocolate Covered
. Almonds.' .
10c box Chocolate Covered
' Almonds. ' ,
10c box Opera Sticks. , .
' Jan
Baked by experts in their line under sanitary conditions and in
v . Revolving Electric Ovens :.
Than the
Bake -Rite
1 '-i '
457 State Street4
Phone 268
135 N. Liberty Street
Phone 991
I tii , jhe; Meat: JMarket where, you save : money and re
;ceive meats", of guaranteed Equality; all we. ask ia a
; chance '-td show-you.".- :--,-v ,'? , ':t -,
" . I'lease compare these prices with ' others before
I buying; this will (give- you some proof .we do save our
s customers money.
i Freshly churned guaranteedXreamery Butter,
Only, two pounds , to a customer r
Plenty of Liver, government inspected, lbA.......5c
Beef Hearts) MZlZZLZZZc
Fresti BrairisBeef brPork, It L3:.14c
Cppdpjing tend Beei Pot Roastund,' V -
Corn fed Pig Pork iasti:it:.l.i..20c
Tender lean meaty Pork Chops, only, lb. .i.-...28c
Sure see us for good meaty Spare - Ribs, " the
Grandpa kind
tdmm : . ma m
. . . .--
1 r '
IT- ll - - ? ?
Flour, Drifted Snow Flour
"Tested Every Hour'?
Barrel (4 bags) : .;$7.75
49 lb. bag V v .
Del Monte, guaranteed Fancy
-' - : -
. , i i
v Id I
Todav is the last day of our Special
' It you have been putting off or have- overlooked buying' your canned
"oods Dhone your order today, or better atill coma, In yourself and! see .our
display. We also have a .'very attractive soap, offer; which ;you should not
overlook. - i ! ' . . "
Comes only to those who adopt the CASH IDEA. " :; V
There is an independent feelmg enjoyed by thoe xensibla peo; (
pie who PAY AS THEY. GO not froni necessity-but frcai a senis
! SKAGGS Modern Method of selling for casfrIUTIOIlALLY V !
ADVERTISED FOOD PRODUCTS at a saving has beccne pop
ular with thosands who sincerely DESIRE TO SAE.. ' 7 (
5 lb. tin M. J, B. ..... . .$1.93 ;
3 lb. tin JL JiB.'i,.;..;.$.10 i'
1 lb. tin RLX Bi . .iL.... ...:42t '"
:TT I T- 7T- I '..
J Canned, Goods j y
4 cans Lilly Valley Sifted . t ,;
Peas '-- cqc I t
4 "cans 'Lillv Vaney fancv C. I i
..G,' Corn -....;...;Z79c t j
4 cans Lilly jalley Siring;
Beans ....AttSIc;
4 cans Lilly. Valley Wax -Beans
2 cans Hillsdale ZVz size
Pineapple '--pi. .:....5 8 c ;
5 cans Golden Iris Corn .:..73c;
4 cans Standard -Tomatoes
2Y2 size .....1 50c
3 cans No. 1 Baltimore :
Oystersbi .1:.... ,.7u..50c
3 cans Fancy R. R. Shrimp 50c
2 cans Eagle Chili Concarne 39c
2 cans Heinz Sphagetti - -;
(Tomato Sauce) :..35c
10 lb. tin White Karo i 65c
10 lb. tin Amber Karo .59c
10 lb. tin Skaggs pure cane 1
and Maple Syrup .... $1.49
Pure Vermont Maple Sap;
quart tins .;.......;..89c
. i , , 7 - r-J
9 lb. bag Rolled Oats ..... . 49c
9 lb. Pear Hominy ;.33c
9 lb. Pancake Flour ........ 65c
9 lb. bag Olympic Pancake
. Flour :... 69c
9 Ib.bag CornMeal L.. .......29c
t ButterCheese, Etc
;2 lbs. best Creamery Butter 98c
, aoz. f resn Kanch eggs bUc
I Fancy Tillamook Cheese lb. 35c
1 Fancy Brookfield Cheese,
Jb: : h.:;i....l 30c
3 lbs. Gemnut Butter siib-
stitute .... .... ......:69c
nsin fancy Swiss Cheese
lb. f.......;:..........39c
' Snowdrift
8 lb. tins $1.38
4 lb. tins 70c
Salad Oils
; The market is very firm on
all oils there has already been
one" advance. Buy the large",
size ana save. - s i r
CUnn Wpttnn OH I
Mi gaL Wesson Oil ....... . ..98c
Quart Wesson Oil;. . -..55c
GaL Mazola .Oil .$1.99
V2 gaL Mazola Oil .r...$ 1.02
Quart Mazola Oil . ,.J.:57c
r "
J ...
We are just receiving our first Southern California Oranges, and
while' the appearance is not as good as Northern oranges, the flavor , )
is very fine, with prices much lower. SEE OUR WINDOW, i , (
(sack sugar excepted), f i
No extra delivery charge on meat orders, with grocery orders. Fhcns ( i
C 0. D. brders 478:
W"! V-'"!.J-- U"JI U-"fc.
. ... ;.;