The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 20, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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(Continued Irom page 1)
place hotels and restaurants un
der the state fire marshal's su
pervision which vat scheduled
to , be Introduced serecal days
ago, will probably be In shape
by llonday. , t ."
. Xlne tor. Third Beading w
Klne bills Tare ready for third
reading ' and final consideration
In the ' house of represeotatlTes
and i some i criticism '-'n has -been
heard because the house adjourn
ed ye'sterday afternoon to re
main 'away until Monday mora
les at 11 o'clock, which means
that virtually nothing will be
done untfl Monday afternoon at
2 o'clock. - 1
- Senate Goes J&asy .
; The Senate, during j the first
two weeks since s the legUlature
assembled, has been a very leis
urely body and has been la ad-Iciirnment-
most ' of the ' time.
- . a& a ' l11IQ
and jonijr una uuum , -
latter was the per ; diem and , measure, appropriating
25,000 whicli customarily -, s
passed -early la tthe. session so
the members may draw compen-
First of the i senate, bills to
pass the upper j body was Stray-
fcr's measure deaignaung ; r m
tUte highway .from ,the Idaho
line to the -Pacific ocean aa oia
Oreeon ' trail. It had ! no oppo
sition. Also unopposed waa the
Strayef bm,? whlch C has been
Tja'ssel by tie; acaiate,: placing the
ccmstri :tlon.of taafkjet roads .ex
clusively';; under;, the. jurisdiction
oil cothtr iouTtst -,Included
the bill Is' i provislon'-that mar
ket read' mqner. J t PPUed lby
county KsotyrtSi tok market roads
that 41so , j arei designated ' as
state fc?sh ways,, excepting the. Pa
cific . h'shway, hB: ;,West Side
Pacific t highway, the - Columbia
Piyer highwayapd , Mount Hood
loop-... rsr:'t '-':
Veapons prohibited , ,
Ujiother bill ' thiti Has passed
the senate: la thtf ; Eddy bill4 al
lowlngi a , salaried circuit court
reporter for Douglas "countyi and
another: Vis the Hare .bill author
izing circuit Judge's In the lth
Jnd'clal district, to call ; special
t,essfon3 of cour.r ':lv;
One? of the , law enforcement
program bllla passed ' yesterday.
This la- :the f Hall .bill miking
it a felony punishable by pen
itentiary sentence ' for a book
logger or moonshiner to j be arm
ed with a dangerous or ' deadly
V ftapon; " ' ,!:-' !' '
Another' bill that received un
animous: approval-, of the senate
was the Upton 'measure provid
ing that the ' Inheritance tax.
amounting to about 1200,000. on
the million-dollar '- estate of hte
late Judge Bernard ; Daly be per
m'tted. The ; reason ' for i this
was that the estate was left as
a . f und .tb.'pay for the education
in Oregon state ' Institutions ; ot
the needy boya and girls of Lake
county. ' "
The Moser b'U , providing for
a thorough teaching of the.con
Etltution. of the United State?
and Its history in the -public and
Private schools of' the state from
the eighth " grade on was en
thus'a:Jt!cally approved by ; the
senate!. - - : , ' f ' "v '
Many Educational Bills
.Amcj.tne b'.lis. Introduced sp
far in Tthe senate are five edu
cational x measures ; One te the
Moser: "b'U ; requiring instruction
in" the, federal ; constitution. an
other Is the Eddy b?n requiring
a , mor thorough groudwork in
fundamental education" and Am
ericanism, and a .third . by Dunn
v.-ould " require the ; transporta
tion of all . pupils living jnore
than threo miles from a school
house.? lt-would require the dis
trict. ; provide" the expense oj
the transportation, j and It- the
d'strict failed ta do so would
empower V the county" court to
" ' 1 V il.ii.i .
k n8v-ut ho5 of the Central Pacific properties
bavef been Passed by that p&JA congideratlon be given the
l ir-jr t. iu uisvxici ior iue violators of the probibition laws,
pose, if recommended. by the dis-J .The State Editorial" association
tvlct licjndry board. .Relat've to behind the bill Introduced! by
eitriet of lesslthan ' 1100,000 Senator Tooie which 'wotfld ide
.valuatlaaf the court; could Use away ; with voters' pamphlets, la
sts dlp'retton. about the v levy, sued previous to all elections', and
Tliis r.,i.&sure ria recommended substitute 'newspaper publicity" at
V? the.x2unty enyerlatendents ot a legally prescribed rate Inf their
l-i9 2- , place. .. tr:jx:
i mmm )mt Tiki.
A lllWIVUINt '
Arr CavO , ASM rv T
Voo IT i. aaT
t.W -enM iww.
t tone toxw;
feu MJ4f a tartlf,
9 4i"V 7
'Twmt fowt aa
YtowA ntM. admt
r a vrrrc Par vt
0 A MMi Ttt II IOC V
lost - rom wwjt o
JW Tut w WA
Nationality Census Asked
A b'll by Senator Clark would
require the school census taker
to ascertain the j nationality of
the parents of i. children and
whether . they . are : naturalized'. A
measure ; by Senator Farrell
would require a portion of the
school fund 'to be set' aside for
the education of , crippled chili
dren in. school districts
v The anti-sectarian ' garb bill
failed to bring a fight in the sen J
ate; when the education commit
tee yesterday decided not to bring
it but with a divided report. In
stead. : it will stay In committee
until Monday when It will appear
amended as demanded by the ma
jority of the committee, that Is
with the penalty Imposed upon
teachers eliminated, leaving the
penalty , applicable only to school
directors. ! ; - -1; '
Rettolation Brings Debate
! The, first; spirited argument In
the senate was over; the adoption
of r the Ellis senate memorial to
the interstate commerce commis
sion urging that In , the disposal
railway needs of Oregon. It was
adopted, i :.
Considerable importance Is ' at
tached to the Dennls-Rtner-Cor-bett
senate memorial to congress
urging federal legislation to pro
hibit the issuance of further tax
exempt 'securities. T ? ; ' - .
I Conference Invited
Representatives of the : legisla
tures of Washington JdahaandJ
California are invited to Salem, to
confer .with Oregon i legislators
relative ia Income tax"and"ia8
Una jUxIleglslatlon 'br' Jfi tenate
concurrent., resolution lto'dUced
tj''ddy and Flsk .andwhjfc&as
been. Adopted la both housy :
JWide, attention Is. belntflttract
ed by "Senator Zlmmennana con
current resolution f which.' would
require -all .bills for lntrpdtfctlon
In the. legislature to be filed with
the secretary of state at least 2
days before the legislature meetsj
except, budget bUls. Any others
to be. Introduced after tnej legis
lature convenes would, nejed tne
consent of four-fifths of the, mem
bers. , ', -. . . X, ,t .
: , Administration Measure - ,
; "Considered an administration
measure" is Senato Strayer joint
resolution which would make f the
state Irrigation and drainage 'se
curities commssloU , be composed
of the governor, the state treasu
rer a banker,, a lawyer and a far
mer. ,"' ,v! 'i:jjS fS-ff-
A ioi'nt memorial that Is of Im
portance is the Zimmerman meas
ure, urging, congress to "enact a
national. ;r"truth-in-fahricr!aw
requiring that cloth , be labeled
with the exact percentage of pure
virgin wool contained in its make
up. Vv --'"!":
-Among the important highway
bills reported favorably In the
senate is the "Eddy measure ;ral
lng from' ?250a;to $50,000 the
minimum cost of bridges 'which
require- the approval -of plans by
the state highway commission It
also fixes .$1500. Instead ; of ' 500
the amount above which", it is
necessary; to advertise for bids. .
I Consolidation , Hearing Monday i
The two! general consolidation
bills are now before the commit
tee on county and state officers,
the Halt bill and the; Jobnson
aQrkin bill. Their merits will
be discussed at a public hearing
In the senate chamber 'Monday
night at. S .o'clock. ' I ?&2fttZ.t
A , fight is expected: -over-." the
Clark bill In the senate tp; place
on the tax roll those , hospitals
that .exclude certain kinds of cases
and , certain physicians. . i
Much speculation Is beard, over
the - Hall bill, which would place
a tax of one-tenth of 1, percent
on the gross Income of public util
ities, the purpose being to make
the; public service commission a
seir-sustalnlng department: This
la an administration measure.
. Another (administration - meas
ure is- the Eddy bill that would
place with the state treasurer as
a law enforcement fund" to' be
used by the governor one-half the
proceeds" of r fines collected from
- . . - , ' . .. r -J
. AW
Tma1- ma
I'reuLfe MTHtwT. A
ia- tOVT A At.
Am ja cwnw n
Psychiatric Clinic First of
Kind to Attempt to Handle
. Civic Problems .
CINCINNATI. Ohio, an. 19j-
The Cincinnati Central iPsychia
Cllnic, aald by physicians to be
the trlst of 1U kind in the coun
try to attempt to reduce ; crim
inality, will, be opened here soon.
it has been announced. The plan
of the institution, la to give the
youths of the city the. maximum
opportunity for ' normal : develop
ment through- co-ordination with
the courts, social agencies,- the
public schools, ; board of health.
vocational bureaus, and other In
stitutions In touch with, deficient
persons. , ' l ,: i, V
The clinic will be 'under the
superntendency ' of r Dr. Emerson
K." North, former superintendent
of the Longview Hospital for In
sane, at Cincinnati. s t i
' The aim of. the Clinic, accord
ing to Dr. North, will be to elim
inate dependents by prescribing
remedies to- fit the individual. T
' 1 Bef one- $rrivins at the remedical
point; Dr. North said, the indi
vidual will first be given a gen
eral -i examination: Then It will
be determined briefly if there are
eny menial; deficiencies. The case
will nxt be analysed, first to as
certain tn sociological ionditlons
of , the Individual, secondly to as.
certan completely1 Ills physical
stAte. Following this, the indi
vidual's . intellectual level will be
determined through the process
of the Simon" DImet test, outlined
to determine the intellectual cap
abilities and possibilities.
"' With these . records. Dr. Nortn
continued, the , case will be de
termined pn finally by the head
psychiatrist and I remedies pre
scribed.; These remedies, ; he said,
would ; vary from Institutional
treatment, to social readjustment
such as change In vocational
fields or a' change la home en
vironment. ' ; f
The clinic lr being financed by
the Cincinnati Community Chest.
Fifteen thousand 'dollars was ad
vanced for the . first six months
with ' the understanding that $30,-000-
be given for the year, it
Uncle Joe Cannon has gone back
to his stogie. It is hard for a kid
to break off. a bad habit. But it
is to be hoped that it will not be
come fastened on Uncle Joe. ;
i , . : : :
Garb Measure Will Be i
Ironed Out in Committee
' , V f ' - ' - :
The anti-sectarian ' garb bill
which' was slated to go before
the senate yesterday with a div
ided report, - has been - held up
until . Monday. - It is : understood
that the senate committee will
endeavor to .agree with ; Repres
entative Woodward, sponsor of
the ; measure, on amendments
that, ' will be I satisfactory f all
round." A majority - of the sen
ate committee favored elimina
ting the penalty of fine and im
prisonment; imposed by the bill
on teachers, and' a minority, fav
ored' allowing; the penalty' pro
vision to standi A
' """The Tidings Brought i to
Mary," "S eeret s, "Johannes
Kreisler," B b ot h Tarkington's
"Rose Briarf with Blllie Burke,
and "The Egotist are on view
and their fate rests with the more
or less fickle . public, n Both the
new musical plays, "The Clinging
Vine,"- and .'dory.., opened to
enthusiastic audiences. ' . ' :
Woald Aid Transportation
Local ' transportation develop
ment would be made possible un
der a bill ; by Hall providing for
the organization of municipal im
provement districts whereby such
districts could Issue bonds up to
$25,000 per mile of the prop osed
railway and it the road when
built but yielded a return of C
per cent or more the bonds to the
extent, of . $50,000 a mile could
be Issued.'"-.,"'. '-. ,
mmm,mmmmwmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmm .
Today only Bebe Daniels
In "Singed Wings." j i
Tomorrow "Pride ol Palo
; mar. . ,. :U,. ' ,. s t.V.X.
Tod a y only r" Heedless
Moths." ' "
Tomorrow Milton Sills- in
"The Forgotten Love."
Hippodrome - vaudeUe
Lester Cureo, In "The.
Avenger. ? "Buffalo Bl
1." '
In a letter to the Ofegon, a
correspondent asks . whether, In
"Singed Wings' Bebe Daniels Is
a moth, a butterfly or an angel T
Miss Daniels is neither. , She
is a beautiful cafe dancer, mem
ber of a once proud and jwealtby
Spanish family. The itltle of
"Singed Wings" (s taken from
scenes in . the picture where Miss
Daniels, clad in a moth costume,,
performs a "Moth Dance ." The
costume Is one of tbe most
unique and resplendent ever 'con
ceived for 'a motion picture.
"Singed .Wings" will be seen at
the Oregon, today onlyi. Bebe
Daniels and Conrad Nael have
the' featured roles. : !
Simplicity is the entire key
note of Harold Lloyd's life and
of j his success. I ! I
- In the flush of his success,
following the stupendous triumph
of his first five-reel production,
"Grandma's Boy," Lldyd never
changed from the likable bay
be has always been. J This ; is
not the ranting of a press agent,
but the 'opinion of everyone who
has come in contact .recently
with "The Boy," as the come
dian Is known to all. j x Hv
Harold Lloyd Is just "Plain
Folk." : He lives in a house that
might be . rather disappointing
to those who, figure that all
movie stars live in castles.) It is
an unpretentious. Ivy-covered
bouse, and back of . It las a swim
ming pool that any of s would
build If . we had the money. His
automobiles are not ( flashy,
though they are expensive ones:
Harold Lloyd will be seen In
"Dr. Jack" - starting today at the
Grand theatre. An ; - orchestra
will give a musical Interpreta
Hidden away tn a remote spot
in the ' Sierra Madra mountains
in Southern California is a long
abandoned mine, . the secret en
trance shaft of which at the
bottom of a huge water wheel
that, furnishes the motive power
for an old grist mill.
It was at 'the bottom
of this
deserted mine . that the
thrilling scene was enacted 1 for
"The Lone Hand," the Unlver?
sal attraction; starring t "Hoot"
Gibson at the Bligh thea re next
Sunday. Battling against ja rush
ing torrent of water caused by
the opening of the floojd gates
of the mine, the hero risks his
!lfe to rescue the age4 owner
of -the mine trapped at jthe bot
tom of the shaft. .- - , i
, "The Lone Hand" , is Consider
ed by, critics .who have brevlew?j
ed the production to beT one . ot
the .finest things Glbsen has
done for . Universal. The sup
porting cast Is made up of an
assemblage .of well known play
ers including Marjorie jpaw in
the leading feminine rale, WIN
Ham Welsh, Helen Holmes, Jack
Pratt, , Jim l Corey, Hayden Ste
venson and , Robert) Kortman.
The story is from thej pen ot
Ralph Cummins and adapted to
the screen . by A. P. Ifounger.
Reaves. Eason directed.
: When we look at a statue or
a - painting representing, the fig
ure of a beautiful woman, what
' - 1
The life story of! Aud-Tey-
Munson, the most
beautiful of artists" mod
els. . Shows life among
- the artists.
... Also ,
Ruth Roland
; co&nNG.
Milton Sills m
- TH E
fascinates us more the idea be
hind the work of art or the face
and figure of the model her
self. 1
, This is the question that many
of . us are sometimes afraid to
ask ourselves as we pass through
an " art r gallery or view statuary
on some of our public buildings.
We all know what the answer
should , be. - The public should
admire ' the Idea of the artist's
creation, and - not . merely ' the
beauty of the model who "posed.
But human nature often tempts
us ta admire the body. and over
look the spirit ot a masterpiece,
especially. when the figure of the
statue or painting happens to be
that - of a rare beauty.
This ia really what .is brought
out in one of the . most unusual
motion pictures ever filmed. It
is; now famous the country over
an the only photoplay dealing
with' the intimate life in artists'
studios. 1
"Heedless Moths", today only
at the Liberty theatre. Is the
striking titta of this feature and
Audrey Monson, the girl ,who
posed for more paintings, draw
ings and statues than any living
beln, takes the leading- role.
A thrilling drama, admirably
presented, of Ta young; J Callfor
nian's fight against crafty and
unscrupulous interests in his na
tive state, is "The Pride of Pal
oraar" which comes to the Ore
gon" tomorrow, Frank Borzage,
ot "Humoresque" fame Is the
director, and heading the power
ful cast, which one looks for in
a story of this kind are Forrest
Stanley and Marjorie Daw.
' ; (Continued from page 1)
"Yes, T. J- Burnett."
i Threat Made
Other .testimony, regarded by
the state forces as' of vital im
portance to Its case was of fered
at i the forenoon session by Wil
liam J. McDonald, brother-in-law
of J. .L. Daniel. Mr. McDonald
declared that "Jap"; Jones men
tioned . frequently; In previous
testimony bad told him that the
"whole damned family" would be
"cleaned out" before the alleged
attempt to assassinate Dr. VU. M
McKoin, former mayor of Mer
Rouge was settled.
McDonald ' said that after the
kidnaping I Jim Harp, in conver
sation with him at Harp's butch
er i shop at Bonita, said "they
should ,have bebn iktlled the
night they caught - Daniel. An
drews and Nellis on the Galion
read anq they wouldn't had any
more trouble with them." ,
i The Gallon road holdup occur-!
ed seyeral weks before August
24 and on this occasion the pris
oners were lectured and released.
; tr Teegerstrom Flees
k Several witnesses from the
Spiker neighborhood were ques
tioned regarding the : disappear
ance of Harold Teegerstrom.
time keeper at the plant, of the
Southern Carbon company -at
that place. Teegerstrom : left
December 29 and it was believed
he was kidnaped. Henry Jones,
one of today's witnesses, teetlfied
that ' the time keeper appeared
at his home two days ; later and
explained that ly was being
hounded by department of jus
tice! agents. He had r been called
from his bed the night of the
2?th, Jones said he told him and
upon going to, the yard, saw an
automobile with several men
about- it.. V Fearing an attack,
Teegerstrom fled. Jones said
he gavo Teegerstrom $40 and a
suit' of his clothes ln order that
he might change his appearance
and that he had not seen him
since. He loaned Teegerstrom
his; watch and this was .returned
to! him Beveral days later through
the mail In a package postmark
ed Monroe, La. , '
(Continued from page 1)
to advertise at once are:
Coos county Dike section
west of Coullle on Roosevelt
highway; 8.7 miles of grading. :
Curry county Port Orford
Sixes river section, 3.3 miles of
grading and .1 miles of surfac
ing. .. ', ; -
, Deschutes county Allen ranch
south section, eight miles of grad
ing. -,
Josephine county- Bear creek
section of Oregon Caves highway,
three miles of grading.
' Klamath ; county . Klamath
Falls - Keno section, one mile of
grading 'and surfacing. Hayde.n
creek-Jackson county line section
of Ashland-Klamath Falls high
way, 9.8 miles of surfacing.
l Morrow .county Heppner
Jones hill section - of 6regon
Washington highway, 10 miles of
surfacing. '
i Union county Approach em
bankments to Rbinehart over
cropfiing, .26 mile grading.
-' Wasco county Tygh grade
section of The Dalles-California
highway, 6 miles grading.. Tygh
valley section of The Dalles-California
highway, six miles grad
ing. 1. The .projects that the commission-
decided to hold over were: '
; CIats6p county Bridge over
Bear creek on ; Columbia River
highway near Svenson. ,
k DeBchutes county Redmond-.
Cline Falls section of McKenzie
highway,' five miles grading. Tu-malo-Defchutes
river -section of
Bend-Sisters, highway, 1.5 mile
grading and surfacing. ' Bridge
over North canal at the city lim
its of Bend on The Dalles-California
Jackson county Bridge over
Emigrant creek on Ashland-Klamath
Falls highway. s
r Jefferson county Bridge over
Hay and Willow creeks on The
Dalles-California highway.
Josephine county- Bridge over
Jump-Off Joe creek, on Pacific
Highway. .. '
I Klamath county - Bridge at
lower crossing of Klamath' river
on Klamath Falls-Ashland high
way. ;- ' ; -1XX:i:':':: 4-,-'
, Lane county Eugcne-Goshen
section of Pacific, highway, re
rurfacing and widening.
..Polk county Bridge oyer Bas
ket slough on West Side Pacific
highway near Rlckreall.' . ; ,
Umatilla county Bridge over
McKay, creek between Pendleton
and Pilot Rock.
Wheeler county Bridge over
Big reek at Mitchell, on Ochoco
highway.. " "' ' ' ' : " -
- ' -'
JANUARY 20, 1923
; At the Bligh
E DWARf".H00T" pl BSON
Also j
Other Good I
Pictorials '
7 Afc
'e' xv- , s iji i i i x
.: . ' y.((i wp'
i Matlnee, 2.
fili i- 'Mi V !I
Return Engagement at
Vith Orche
Theater Sunday
fr9i n An nftirni
AMD tUl 1 IV. AU 1 HI WJ LmL,
The romance of a Spanish dancer mi l
the llamlng lure of Iove-filled with
breathless climaxes and dazzlling eett
ItiR. If you want to collect a dazzle
or two come tonight, for that's mil.
- livening, .7
1 1