The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 12, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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Proposed Law Would Make
ii tiara Tor Moonshiners
to Operate Stills
; Prohibition forces of the state
:e mumj t determined war
against th bootlegger and the
moonshiner through 1 legislation
introduced at this session of the
legislature. .; This takes shape
mainly in a bill Introduced in
the bouse yesterday which would
put the hand of the law upon
those violators of the prohibl
tion act with, a severity that
, should : be effective. C
The text of the bill follows:
-section 1. This entire act
shall be deemed an exercise ot
the polioe powers of the state
for the protection f- the public
health; peace, safety and morales,
and all of Its provisions shall
be . liberally construed for jthe
attainment of that purpose.
"Section 2. No mash, wort,
or ' wash, fit for distillation or
for the manufacture of spiritu
ous, malt, fermented alcohol er
other . Intoxicating liquors shall
, be made, 1 fermented, or pos-
sessed i within this state by any
perron not . duly j licensed under
the laws : of the United States
to manufacture alcohol for def
naturiation. .The burden of proof
; of . possession of such a licose
shall be upon the defendant'
"Section 3. No person ' shall
keep in his possession any ; still
worm, or still in any county ; in
this state ' without having first
' leglstered the same, . 'together
with a description ; of the par
tlcular premises where it is kept.
; with the county clerk of jsald
county. Such ' registration ' shall
bp In the form of a sworn dec
laration which shall include the
name,' age, residence, occupation
and postofflce address of the reg
lBtrant, a designation of . the
house number or other particu
lar description of the premises
t where such worm or still is to
, be kept, 1 sufficient for ready
; Identification, a statement of the
. kind and capacity 'of audi ..worm
or still. or both and of the pur
pose or purposes 'for which5" the
same ,will be ' used. Such regis-'
tratlon, shall be made in a book
kept specially for such registra-
5 tlon and . properly 'indexed, : and
shall be . signed and sworn to by
the registrant before the coun
ty clerk, and the registrant shall
: pay therefor a fee of $2 to the
county, clerk for the use of the
i county, which shall cover .' also
the cost of the duplicate copy
.' ' . hereinafter, mentioned. . If the
atilV .or- worm shall be removed
from the particular premises de-
'scribed in. said registration, then
, said registration shall become
void and ap imtrjdiate new
registration shall become 1 neces-
sary. ; The clerk shall issue to
the , registrant " a duplicate copy
of such t registration certified by
the clerk under his ? seal of. of
fice to be such, and. acknowledg
' ing payment of the legal ' fee
therefor, which' copy the regis
trant shall keep posted at all
; times in a conspicuous place n
the room or immediate ; location
where the registered " apparatus
shall be kept. This section shall
' not .apply to physicians, dentists,
t druggists or pharmacists regular-
. . . u.i . kni.
iy ;ticensea ana, praciicms
- respective , prof essionar" under Jthe
- "laws, of this' state, nor. to- hoa-
- 'pitals or Infirmaries' nor ato per
. sons conducting schools having
chemical or other laboratories
, requiring such distilling .apparal
tus, so far as the keeping . of
said apparatus byj tuck . persons
for use in connection, with '.their
said occupation is concerned.
"Section 4. No distillery shall
, be set up for operation in .this
: state lor the purpose of manufac
turing A intoxicating liquors for
beverage I purposes, nor: be used
in the manufacture thereof. Any
' device or any process i which
separates alcoholic spirits from
any fermented substance shall be
regarded as a distillery.
' "Section . 5. No person shall
. manufacture or assist in the
manufacturing' of any -still or
stiilworm without first f having
qualified under the law of the
United . States siia manuf acturer
of stills and without paying the
, tax required by the laws of the
United States on the stills and
worms manufactured. Any per
son who converts or assists in
converting any Teasel, container,
. or (btber materials into a still or
Who converts any metal pipe in
to a atillworm or a condenser for
a still, shall be deemed a man
ufacturer tit stills. ' f
"Section 6. The certificate of
; the proper collector of internal
revenue with respect to any par
ticular still or distillery found
in this state, shall be competent
evidence of the ownership there
of. Section 7. Any mash, , : wort,
wash, or; distillery found in any
' or on. any premises or V within
. any enclosure shall In the case of
mash, wort, or wash be' deemfd
' prima' facie to ; have been made
and fermented by, and in ; the
cd bo of the distillery shall be
deemed prima facie to have been
ft, sn-i to be the property
sion of such house, ' premises or
enclosure, j
"bgcuon 8. All stills f and
stillworms! in this state and reg
istered as required . by the fed
eral law, j and also as required
oy this act, and all mash, wort
atd wash j fit 'for distillation or
for the ; manufacture ; of spiritu
ous; malt, fermented alcohol or
other intoxicating liquors, ( and
other materials or products used
in the operation of such stills
and any j and all products of
such stills are hereby declared
to be nuisances and shall be sub
ject to seizure whenever found
by any officer charged with the
enforcement of the law. - Such
officer shall destroy all ; such
masn, wort, materials ana proa
ucts. except such as he shall
deem necessary to preserve as
evidence, and shall seize, remove
and retain in his possession all
such stills, still caps, worms,
tubs, fermenters and other appli
ances and shall make return of
such , seizure to any magistrate
within whosa territory jurisdic
tion 'such seizure has been made
The officer making the seizure
shall safely keep the seized , prop
erty until f a . hearing , and dispose
of the same in accordance with
the . ; order of the court , then
made, stating in his return the
date and place of such seizure
the name or names of any .per
son or person in whose pos
session or : on whose premises the
said seized property was found
and "the namei of the owner n
he knowa or by diligent inquiry
has been i able to ascertain , tne
name and the fact that such
seizure nas betn made pursuant
to this act. The court to which
raid return is made shall have
jurisdiction J to try the question
as to whetherv said seized prop
erty was ! at the time or sam
K?rif Vent or used m
OVlHvt W
violation of this act. j
"Section 9. The court having
urisdlction ot said property so
seized, ..shall, in a summary man.
ner and without a jury, try the
question as to whether the prop
erty so seized' was at the time
of said seizure ; being kept or
used In violation of any of the
terms " of i this act. and as to
whether the said property, or any
part ' thereof, was being kept or
possessed! within the state ot
Oregon without having been reg
istered " as required by : the fed
eral Jaw and also as required
by this - act, and take such legal
evidence as may be offered in re
spect to said questions, and ' de
termine the ; same as in civil
cases. -f Notice of such seizure and
of the hearing shall be issued by
the "court and;; a , copy ; thereof
shall', be 1 given by the- officer
making the seizure to the person
of persons; who were , In posses
sion Of said seized property at
the time' of the seizure thereof.
and ; to the owner or ' owners
thereof, If they be known to the
officer ami be within the juris
diction of the court and can be
found; and he shall make , return
of such service) to the court; and
any sheriff may serve a copy of
such notice on any person with
in his county, but if it shall ap
pear that the name or names and
location of such persons or any
of them,' are not known to the
officer, and that such personal
service of notice has not been
made on any of said persons who
Is to be served therewith, then
said hearing shall be continued.
If necessary, "to a nev date and
two s weeks previous notice of
such hearing shall be given by
the 'court .by publication of a no
tice thereof in a newspaper of
general, circulation . published in
the county . In which said hear
ing Is to take place, directed, to
said . Interested person by their
name, if known, and to' all whom
It may j concern and describing
the property . seized ; that . same
has been seized pursuant to . this
act and I that a, hearing' will ; be
held before said court at a time
stated in said; notice to deter
mine whether said property, is
to be forfeited and ordered -to be
destroyed.' "
"Section 10. If no . person
shall appear at the time fixed
for the; hearing to claim said
property and defend in respect
thereto, or If the court - shall
find from a preponderance of the
testimony taken at the hearing
that the property so seized was
at the time of the seizure being
kept or possessed within the state
of . Oregon in ! violation - of any
ol the provisions 1 of this act, or
wlthoutl having1 been licensed or
registered as required by any
of the provisions of this jact, it
shall render" Judgment according
ly and order eaid seized property
to be destroyed, and "thereupon
the said property shall, under
the order of said court, be de
st royed j by the officer having
the same in charge, who shall
make and file a return to the.
court of the ;fact of such ue-
struction. ' '
Section 11. .whenever anyj
: a .ill- 1 II 1 . A a. ' . .
priTaie : cinea suaix give iu au
district! attorney or - sheriff, in
formation as to the location of
any mash, wort, wash or a still
or stiilworm, and an arrest shall
be made and a conviction secur
ed. ; there shall be taxed against
the " defendant a as ; part of the
costs and paid to the" person fur
nishing 6uch information a fee
a: t weniy-iive . i z ; aouars.
which ; shall 4 be paid out of the
county .treasury, as . any other
funds are paid,' nbon the cer-
or sheriff to whom the 'informa
tion was originally given. i i
"Section 12. If any person
shall be convicted of a f violation j
of this act, he shall be I punished
by a fine of not more than $3,
000 and by imprisonment in the
county Jail for not less ; than
todays and not more than one
year, or by a fine of not more
than $3,000 and by imprison
ment in tne penitentiary tor a
term of not less than one year
and not more than three years
"(b).; Courts of justice and
the peace and district courts
shall have jurisdiction concur
rent with the circuit court of
the cases of persons charged with
a first violation under ; this act,
but the courts of justice j of the
peace and district courts shall
have jurisdiction only to Impose
a sentence or a fine Of not
more than 13,000 and imprison
ment In the county jail for not
less than 30 days or more than
one year, provided however that
when any person is charged be
fore a justice of the peace or a
district court for a violation or
this act, the court shall upon
motion of the district attorney,
made any time 1e fore . trial act
as a committing magistrate . and
if possible cause is established,
hold such person to the grand
jury and the - circuit court shall
in all such cases have power to
impose the maximum penalty,
provided by1 this section, i .
(c). Any; person , found
guilty of a second or subsequent
offense of this act, shall be deem
ed guilty of a felony and ' shall
be punished by a fine of not
more than $3,000 or by imprison
ment in the penitentiary for a
term off not less than ; one year
ana not more than three: years
Dicken's "Oliver Twist" to
Be Shown for Teach-; :
ers and Ministers
Ministers, teachers, instructors
in schools and colleges and those
concerned In practically every
line of educational work, are
urged to attend the pre-view
showing j of "Oliver Twist," this
morning j at 11:00 o'clock, at the
Oregon theater. The invitations
were not sent out personally, but
Manager; Raleigh wishes to have
It understood as effective and as
whole-hearted as if he had gone
to every: guest with an engraved
card on a silver platter.
Mr. Raleigh, In general charge
of the Oregon, the Grand and the
Liberty -theaters, plans to bring to
Salem a class of plays that will
meet the most exacting require
ments ot the critics who have
questioned the quality : of the
movies, j '.''"-'','
Fine, clean plays will be feat
ured and the tendency, is Betting
strongly; towards better stuff all
the time.
Oliver Twist", the Charles
Dickens masterpiece, is presented
at this time, for a four days run,
beginning Saturday. It has
Jackie' Copgan, the wonderful boy
player as Oliver Twist, and ' Lon
Chaney las Old Pagin; 'with' a
strong cast all the way through. I
- (Continued from page 1)
But more than the excellence
It shall h .nfriM.n n'.ot too a8. represents the bet-
the complaint or indictment for ter Wea of P18 that are fine and
ft tponnd .iiwnnrf .iWtinnI clean J and. Manager Raleigh
of this : act, to .charge that the
defendant has been previously
convicted in a court of,' a vio-
ation of this . act, specifying1 the
date, but without . alleging any
further ' particulars . of such con
viction. A certified copy of the
record of the previous conviction
shall be prima) facie evidence to
establish . such prior conviction.
'When a defendant is charged
with a second or subsequent vio
lation under this act,' the jury
should in case It finds jthe de-
fendant guilty specify j in its
verdict whether the defendant
has been convicted of a prior vio
lation; and if the jury does not
find that the defendant has been
convicted - of ; a ' prior I violation,
the defendant shall . be punished
as for ; a first offense, i i "
'Section 13. It any provision
of this act shall be held void and
unconstitutional, nevertheless all
other parts of the ' same shall
continue in full force and effect.
Confessed Stickup Man
Is Held Here in Jail
Chief Birtchett is today -Jiold-
ng a man in the city jail who
has confessed to holdups In both
Portland and Seattle, i The man,
whose name is George L. Stewart
admitted noiding up severaiper
sons at the ; Pioneer 1 'i hoteP in
Seattle. On this job he realized
about $5. Later he admitted he
held up a place on Pine street in
ortland. . ; . ;
The robbery, cannot!, be con
firmed. Chief Birtchett Is hold
ing the man ; pending word, from
Seattle. ' ; : 5 - - '
hopes to have a full representa
tion to see it today, that .the edu
cators may judge for themselves
how far the movies have pro
gressed j from slap-stick or impos
sibilities, Into the realm of help
ful, beautiful life. i .1 i
off the. list of legal holidays.
A large lobby is expected to
flock here from Portland 4ver the
two ice cream bills that provide
for a higher percentage of milk-
fat than now required by law.
Leiws also has introduced a
bill to prohibit the Importation
of wines for sacramental purpo
tes, which will bring' in a group ot
protesting citizens and which will
doubtless tbe defeated. '
Free Text Books Proposed
Other Important measures in
the house are - the community
property bill introduced by' Mrs.
Simmons of .Multnomah, the free
text book bill of Representative
Woodward, a bill to empower the
governor to oust the edjutant gen
eral at will, and a measure to pre
vent the changing of political
party registration on clectionlday
or within 30 days prior to an elec
tion. " I '
The free text-book measure
will start a fight, ,
Feud Is Sensation
' In the house' a total of 43 bills,
have been Introduced and in the
senate 20 have come In. "
The primary sensation of the
week was the feud that arose be
tween Chairman Smith of the sen
ate ways and mean's committee
and Chairman Fletcher of the
house committee, causing them
to divorce each other and decide
to hold separate meetings during
the session except when hearings
are scheduled.
Contl Attributes Poor
Showing Made to Illness
CHICAGO, Jan. 11. Roger
Contl, French 18.2 balkline bil
liard champion, defeated . yester
day 1500 to 781 In the : final
block of his 1500-point pmatch
with . Jake Schaeffer, former
world's champion, today attribut
ed his ' poor showing to illness.
He' said he had been ill when he
arrived in Chicago for the match
at the
See our Ad. on. Pages a and 3,' second section, today's papei
: ; .
and was unable to ' sleep during
the three nights of play. Ob
servers said they; believed Contl
had not had ' time to get in form
for the Schaeffer match follow
ing his mtacb with Edouard Hore
mans In NewYork.
Cl L'J r-rs?a jrta M la '-'posses- uncate' p the ' district attorney
:;.".r ; : ' - J "l) -; ",". - ':CA: ' r--' ! '- .
Still Continues and Our
Patrons ate Getting
Better Values for
Less Money
" ' - ...-'j; ' J i-::- v .
36 inch Cotton Challies, yd . . . ... j. ...... .14c
36 inch Curtain Scrim, yd. . . . . ... . . . 1 . . . . .9c
60 inch Mercerized Table Damask, yd. . . . 1.59c
70 inch Mercerized Table Damask, yd. . . . . .88c
42 inch Wearwell Tubing, yd. . . ... . . . . . .38c
Wearwell Sheets 81x90, dach 1 ..... . ... . .$1.49
Amoskeag Ginghams, yd. . . ; . . . .16c and 19c
36 inch Silk Poplins yd.. . I J. . . . ... . . . ..... 88c
Boys P&rcale Blquses, each. . , . .. . . . . ... ..39c
45 inch all wool Storm Serge, yd. ...T.... .$1.48
36 inch all wool Storm Serge, yd. . . .... .. .$1J8
56 inch all wool French Serge, yd. '. . . . . . . . $1.98
Ladies? Washable Kid Gloves, pair .. .....$1.19
S. B. 17, Upton To remit' the
inheritance tax . upon a 'charitable
fund created by the will of Ber
nard Daly, deceased.
S. B. 18, Hall -General con
solidation bill. '
i S. B. 19, 1 Robertson Eliminat
ing the 5 per cent, penalty on de
linquent taxes after November 5.
4 S. B. 29, Moser To require the
teaching orThe"constltution of the
United States in the public and
private schools of the state of
j .-.. ' v' '; ::.:' :o..:.r
(Continued from page 1)
erated that its course throughout
had been, and would continue to
be, dictated . by the friendliest
sentiments toward France as well
as the other allied powers. Should
the trend of events create new
situations where protection -of the
Just Interests of the United
at any point demanded a pa
alar course of action, it was
timated that the course to be
lowed ,would be decided upo
the light of concrete devi
ments. - - ' - .
authoritatively , today. Is to avoid
any action that might further tan
gle matters or lead to needless
misunderstandings. It was reit-
gome tod;:
Dr. Sch oil's Demonstrator from Chicago
will demonstrate the value of jnechan
ical appliances for tired, aching feet.
Today is the last d3y.
Demonstration and Examination
Salem's Leading Department Store
Enables those who desire to save money on good relia
able furniture a chance thai comes but seldom
Ex tra Special
$85 Reed. Davenport, for only ..$52.50
$40 Reed Chair for only ..--.....-..-$23.00
$50 Reed Rocker for only .. .. .... $37.50
$40 Reed Rockers for only .. ... v-..$23.00
$23 Reed Rocker for only.-.,.:-..$14.75
$23 Reed Chair, for only-.. . $14.75
$16 Reed Rockers, for only ...... J$11.85
$22.50 Reed Rockers, for only .$16.5
$45.00 Reed yelour covered chair, now
; ; ;.: ....v.. :.$3lC
$95 Reed Velour Covered Davenport,
$45 Reed Velour covered Rocker, now
$18.50 Reed Rocker, speciaL.
Ranges and Heaters
Regular $68.00 18-in. oven, full white ;
enamel, front nickel trimmed range,
, now -....-$50.00
Regular $85.00 range, a beauty for $65.00
Regular $168.00 South Bend Malleable
range, a splendid range for the farm
er's home, now .$115.00
Regular $22.00 heater, now ....:$16.95
Regular $27.50 wood and coal heater
, now .... :;-..... .. ..... $21.50
Regular $27.00 all cast heater, now $20.00
Regular $24.00 heater, large size, now
.... .,.......-----.--.---'--------$ 1875
Other heaters from $2.95 and up.
- now ...
i now ..
. now..:
now ..i u..
$45 9x12, Axininster jugs, now
4, -; JZZd.C
$35.00 9x12 Axfiinster rus,
1 " - $2G t
$3000 9x12 Tapestry rugs
.'--iw-,- ;t . . . go r
$25.00 9x12 Tapestry rugs'"
$12500 9xl2Twiitoriii-r
.. ...... 112.
$85.00 i 9x12 : rton Rugs,
. .. . 1 .$72.C
$65.00 9x12 Axminster rugs
i ... .... r...$54.C
$50.00 9x12 Axminster Tugs
.J......i.- ...$42
Living Room Furniture
Regular $185 three piece mahogany Suite ;
cane backs and arms J upholstered in
fine pattern ( velour taupe and blue; ex
tra special , . ........$158.50
Regular ' $110 Overstuffed velour Daven
, port in taupe and blue j special for only
Regular $55 Overstuffed chairs and
Rockers to match, upholstered in blue
and taupe velour, for only, each..$49.50
- Davenport Mahogany Specials
Regular $75.00 mahogany Davenport
Table now . ....$59.50
Regular $50.00 mahogany Davenport .
Table now .... $37.50
Keguiar $40.00 .mafiiogany Davenport
Table now
Regular $26.50 mahogany Da vennort
Table now ...... ..;..j...:.$22.50
$ r '
Andirons Screens
At greatly reduced prices. Owing to th:
lateness of these '.arrivals it becomes nee
essary to, move them quickly.
Regular $30 00 Andirons now ..
Regular $22.50 Brass Andirons
Regular $17.50 Brass Andirons
Regular $12.50 Brass Andiron3 ..$10.C
Regular $8.50 B. B. Irons ItS.!:
Regular $8.00 B. B. Andirons : $6:
Regular $6.50 Black Andirons S1.7
Regular $4.00 Black Andirons S3.2
Regular, $3.50 Black Andirons .u$2.C
Regular $12.50 Black and Brass Screens
Regular $11.00 Biacic Screens now $8.1
Regular $12.00 Fire Sets now. .$3.t
Regular $70 Fire Sets now J $5.f
Regular $6.00 Fire Sets now
.j' J