THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 3. 1923 "il Ilk 4 J 4 V ; . ; X 3 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Rate per word: Pa Insertion 4 2e 6c do Three insertion ... Om weak (sU insertions) On. month . 20 Bis months' contract, te ma. . 15a 13 month' contra, aer mo. 12c ailnimam for ny aetvrUsen.ent 25o - NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY , Wi II. Burghardt, Jr. Resident Agent 371 State St MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate T. K. FORD (Over Ladd & Bush Bank) NEW. TODAY OARAGE TO RENT, 1395 X. COTTAGE SAGGY BED SPRINGS CAUSE TIRED bx. lias. O. Bur-n, 17S . Com i, a - I em. .' WASTED TO TRADE krOOD OAK - land Six on a rood modern house and pay the difference. See Ben F. West j 370',, State. St. . i.oST LADY'S SILK UMBRELLA OS Commercial -street between Bush and t Oweris. evenint of Jan. 5th.. indei Jfi' please leave at Daue'a store. BLACK LEATHER HAND BAGS AlL going at cost. Max O. Buren, li : Coral. HAVE YOU A SUCCESSFUL' Busi ness! If so. properly protect it With sound fire insurance. We ie it, at LOW COST. 1 See us next time yiu insure. Standlev k Foley. Aft., Bush Hank bide. THE BIG SALE it , CANNERIES USE Rex Paste. You try it. Max O. Buren - 179 ' .Com' I. .:':!-! r ,' (, I JERSEY COW FOR SALE WILL BE fresh in a boat one week. Phone 62FJ2., i BABY CHIX EGGS FOR HATCHI from' special mated, heavy produc G Whit Leghorn. capital foil Farm. R. Woolery, 344 So. 25th Poultry St. Phone 798 W. ! - , , , .. if 12x5" LINOLEUM RUGS THIS EX- tra 'large sise, has been very ran 1 ! needed. Max O. Buren.. 179 X. Com MAX WANTED TO CUT WOOD . W. Denham, Turner. '-! ; ii - i WV J. MAYER liADIES" jTAILORIXf j rang coats, ana sun. noeom , jaror- f Dark Bldg.. Phone 692.'. 9k1 2 AX MINSTER RUGS. $35 AND U Max O. Buren .179 N. Com'l. TEXT FOB SALE AI-SO COT AXD 1 " J some nmp equipment;' tent 16x16, fln 1 est quality; near new, reasonable. Call 1168 N. 17th. . -: - I HARRY W. SCOTT I i Motorcycles 147 S. Com'l Strict Phone 68 - I i Best Grade Mill Wood Four ft. and 18-inch dry mill wood. ' Four ft. green mill wood. Prompt delivery and ressonable prices. Fred E. -Wells, 305. S. Church. Phone f - 1542. - ! - - OVAL PORTRAIT FRAMES 14x20 ' , with concave glass, $3S Max O. i 179 X. Com'l. Buren, ! Wood's Bargains 14 acres mostly in orchard and berries. modern house good barn, stock and tools, $4S00tJil cash or will exehshge for home in ,Salera. - 42 acres about 7 miles out, abonft 'aov acres in orchard : and berries, .nfw 8-room bouse, run ning water, Vcood road; owner going away f and wjll sacrifice at $200 per acre. Good aix room house, with bear ing fruit trees. $1700. "Want to buy j modern house about $404)0; also want a cloaa in lot.- ; - I " !'. -t.-v- ' P. L. WOOD j .841 State Street.- - - - TOR SALE -3-ROOM . HOUSE, PAYED street, $1175; $240 cash, balance time i Compton Real Estate I ' 409 State St. BOSTON X HAND BAGS GENUINE ; leather, $2.48 and up. Max O. Buren, i.-(ys i ' s .von I. (!-. I Best Buys. & Exchanges 164. acres Canada, improved, want Salem . acreage. . or- -residence, price $6000. 9-room owdera 1 residence In Winnebago, Minn. Want an orchard, acreage lor Sa llem residence. Price $650O . J SO acre, at city Want Salem residence . from $2000 to $4000.. . Price $4000. r 20-acre modern - country home. Want ! . acreage close .or residance to $4000, ; Price $8500, stock and equipment goes. Money to loan, houses to. rent : ... Socolofsky ,11 841 State n-.- EMPLOYMENT MAXB AND TBUALE, WANTED -.MEN AXD WOMEX TO Uka farm paper subscriptions. , A. good ! proposition to the. right people. Ad r dreaa (be Paeifia Jiomeatead. dtateamaa ( Bki, Salam. Ore. , PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL : : paper published. Free for stamp. Correspondent, Toledo, Ohio. FOR? SALE FARM PAPER 9 YOU WANT TO GET THB; BEST 'rm paper, send 15o to the Pacific i Homestead, 8alem, Oregon, for a three months trial subscription. - Meatior - - M ad. - - i PIAjroa USED CHtCKERIXO GRAND, in GOOD shape. Will give sous terms. HI Stiff rsraiturs Co. J POR SAL'S GOOD USED MAHOGANY . piano left as to sell. , Price $200. A terms. H. L. Stiff Furnituxa Co- Ms t . ais danartment I ' ' i ; FOR TRADE TWO j RHODE ISLAXD j Red roosters for two of a different i strata. Bouts 4i Box 13-D. j ; i t ' POULTRYlfEIr SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for snecial thrao months trial for the best sad oldmt Jnnrnal i' the west. The articles and advertise menu are of special interest to th k-.. ' Poultry breeders , of the Northwest XarlkwHl Pnaltr Jauh..! 911 n mereial street, Salasn. Oregon, woo FOR SALE KrCE t It" OLD FIT wood. Phone 77 F2. BEST GRADB MII.l, WOOD 4 KOOT A o"d 18-rach. Prompt deliverv. Reon i oblo price. '. Fred B. Wells. 80S 8 Churaa. . Phone 1542. : - ( ! UISCZLSJUStEOVa FOR SALE BUCKEYE BROODER number 19. Fred Bahne, : Route 1. ASK J FOR OR i ESPRIT D' AMOUR Hygisnle- Toilet Requisites, at the Flower- ih' th Bottle Perfume Shop, 115 N. Liberty. r FOB 8ALR OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 aenta. bundle. Cireuiatioa department. "Oregog statesman. FOR SALE nSCKLLAXEOUS APPLES DELIVERED. SPITZEXBERO. Red Cheek Pippin, Gano, Voot River. ,J Varidelrpool. $1.0U per ltx ; ,t for $.85 5 for Ward K: Richard son. 2j3A5 Front. Phone 494. FOR SALE ONE MeOLAN'AH AN HiU egg size and one ljueeu 180 sue in cubators, also one 1 roal-oil chirk brooder. 50y size. Bliss W. Smith, Aumsville. Beautiful Oregon Rose and eleven other Oregon songs, together with a fine collection of patriotic songs, sacred songs and many old time favor Ites , ALL FOB 25s , (Special prices in quantity lots) Especially adaptable for school, commun ity t,t home singing. 8end for i Western Songster 76 pages, now' ia its third edition. . i Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY ' lift rt r'ommereiikl 8t 'Salem. O FOR RENT APAXTMEKTa APARTMENT FOR RENT. 891 NORTH Commercial. FOR RE XT NICELY FURNISHED apartments. Adults. Phone 1320J. FLATS FOH RENT FURNISHED FLAT AT . 664 Vu Ferry street. $50 a monsb. , Phone 23, or apply at Statesman busi ness office. HOUSES BUNGALOW FOR RENT. PHONE 205fiJ FOR RENT XEW. MODRKX, WELL furnished 5-room bungalow on puved .street; Inquire Mr. Stiff at Stiff's Furniture Store. FOR RENT 6-ROOM MODERN BUN galow and garage, partly furnished or unfurnished. Will Lase by year. 390 Hoyt Ave. South. FOR RENT WANTED CONGENIAL yonug couple to share five-room, thor- ouphly modern house. References re quired; correspondence invited. Address B-7i. BOOMS FOR RENT LARGE SLEEPING ROOM, ; clos in and reasonable; 2021J1 FOR RENT MODERN HEATED ROOM with good, home cooking. One block from capitol. Phone 1539. FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, furnace' heat; 475 8. Commer cial. Phoaj 1415. . ONE GOOD SLEEPING ROOM AND A two-room apartment in modern borne, one-half block from the jitney line T House number. 2361 Hasel Av. I Phone 1939-W. LOST AND FOUND FOUND FOUND LADY'S RINU. OWNER MAY have same' by railing at Statesman, identifying ring, and paying for adver ' tisement. LOST. LOST RED LEATHER PURSE. PHONE 1330J. WANTED KISCZLLAXEOUS WANTED OXB OR TWO-ROOM apartment by February st. Addresi "23," Statesman. WANTED FURXITCRB. TOOLS. ETC., Phono 511. . WANTED TO BUY HOUSEHOLD FUR, niture, tools. miscellaneous articles Phone 1448. WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS. MA chinery. stock, etc. Will buy for cash or sell on commission. Phone 511. Woodry. the auctioneer. WANTED EVERYTHING IN .HARD ware and furniture. Best prices paid " THH CAPITAL HARDWARK ' h FURNITURE CO. 285 N. Commercial St. . Phone 947 BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER AOOnONEEB OF PAKtf AN D PKK sonai property. O. Satterlee, 180 N Oommereial St.. room 21, over People's Cash Store. Residence phono 1211-J. Offieo phono 430.. i . . AUCTIONEER F, N. WOODRY; THE livestock, furniture, real estate, sue ' tioneer. Phone 511 for sale dates. Res." 1610 N. Summer. COU.J. B. GABLE AUCTION' EKR . farm and city sale. 160 S. High. . .Phone 1446. ' ACETYLENE WELDING IROX STEEL, BRASS. ALUMINUM - Briag the pieoea. Oxo-Gas Heating Co. 837 Court. ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS HUGH R. ROBERTSON CO. MEM ber American Institute of Accountants. , Accountants. Auditors. Income Tx Her - vice. Portland. Ore and Minneapolis. Minn. Address: 1517 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Ore. Auto Directory CAB WASHING EMMONS SPR AGUE C A RS WASH ' ed and polished. Oleson'a Auto ex change, 173 S. Liberty. AUTOMOBILES THE GOOD MAXWELL GINGRICH Motor Co.. 871 Court. ! AUTOMOBILE PAINTING AUTO OWNERS I LOOK I TIME TO have: that ear repainted. Come in and - look over our work. On account of the success of our Ford Special job. it will ' be continued. Reliance Auto Painting Co.. 219 State, cor. Front St.. second floor. Phone 937. : BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN . AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROU Lie shooting. 218 N. High, phono 203. R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES starter and generator work. 171 8 Commercial. PRESTO-LITE BATTERY 8ERVICE Station. Expert battery and electrical work. -Ferris .Bros. Phone 1803. 41" Court, , -( TIRES AND ACCESSORIES ARMSTRONG TIRES BUILT AS YOU always wanted them.. Tompkins A . II ine. 219 N. Commercial. STORAGE-) GAS OIL. GUARANTEED repairing. - Universal Garage, 680 Capitol ) . USED PARTS 1-1 to 1-2 OFF. MIKE'S Auto wrecking House. 424 North Commercial. Phaae 523. ' STOBAOB STORAGE; 3.5o t MONTHLY. DEAD t storare $3 ni Monthly. Ferry St. Gar age, 544 Ferry. , BICYCLES. AND REPAIRING . LLOYD E, RAMSDEX DAYTON BICY clea and-, repsiriag. 887 Court. . - . HARRY' W. SCOTT "The Cycle Msn." 147 S. - ConTcaereia?.' - Phone 8. Read trie - Classified Adsl Auto Directory USED CARS WILL TRADE 1917 FRANKLIN CAR, coord tires, in good struspe' lor a good diamond. Address N orris, H. 1.. Mtiti Furnituie Co. S K ll CARS Bill OUT sold, or vol.1 on rnmmift sion. Duily or u.outtily .storage. Olesou'a Auto Kx4-baiie. RADIATOR u rBkijER HZ. PAIR a RADIATORS FENDERS, BODIES, made or repaired. J. C. bair. 349 Ferry. BUSINESS CARDS CARPET AND ROQ WEAVING CARPET AND RUG WEAVING Pnone before 9 a. m. 84 Fzl. CANDY SHOPS ACME CHOCOLATE 8HOP "JUST Candy." Strictly homemade. 121 S. Oommereial. CARPET AND FLUFF BUGS NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC WE NOW weave fluff rugs made out of old car pets, any length or width you desire. We also re-fit, re-sew and site carpets. Feather renovating and mattress steam ing and remaking. Salem Carpet Cleaning and Fluff Rug Works. Phone 1154 ELECTRICIANS SAI EM ELECTRIC CO Building. Phone 12O0. MASONIC ELECTRIO FIXTURE AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934. 222 X. Lib. rty. HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP ELEC trical machine rupairing, contracting. 337 Court. Phjue it. AJUHIE FLEEXER, ELECTRICIAN' House wiring by ho'.ir or contract. Estimates furniahed. Phone 9S0. 414 Court St . CHIMNEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPIXG FUR X ACE cleaning. F. Councilman. Phone 639. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. H. L. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 High St.; phone 283 CLEANERS AND DYERS SPICK W SPAN CLEANERS AND dyers. Iliona 195. DRUG STORES BREWER DRUO CO. 405 COURT Phwne 184 WM. XEIMEYER "JUST DRUOS.' 175 N. Commercial, phone 167. FINANCIAL j LOANS ON THE EASY i PAYMENT plan, can repay at any time without extra charge. 417 Oregon! Bldg. 20 YEAR FARM LOAN'S OX RURAL credit plan, pre payment provisions al lowed. We will finance you for a less rate of interest than any firm on tie coast. Private money to loan on either city or country property. R. W. Marsters 411 Oregon Building. MARION POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN association has money to loan at 6Vj W. D Smith, secretary-treasurer. 303 Salem Bank of Commerce. FARM LOANS 83 YEARS i 6 PER CENT 1 NO COMMISSION A. C. Bohrnstedt 407 kfatonia Temple, Salem. Ore. FTJRNA .3L JKAGROVB FOR FURNACES 198 S 12tb ItreeL - FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECES. Delivery O. F. Breithsupt. florist. 133 North- Liberty street. Phone 380 FURNITURE STORES G1KSE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture, for less -money. 878 Court Phone 464. , PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW and second hand furniture. 271 N. CommereiaL Ladies' Wearing ADDaref DRESSMAKING SPENCER CORSETS TO ORDER Dressmaking. Carrie 1 Fiaher. McCor nack Bldg. j HXMSTITCHIXQ S A L E M ELITE HEMSTITCHING, pleating, buttons, stamping and needle work. 320 Oregon Bldg. Phone 879 MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING, stamping buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler 'a store. Phone 117. HOTELS ! CAPITA! HOTEL CORNER, STATE and CommereiaL Phone 630 ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN, COSY; 50 op. 462 State. LADIES' TAILORING W. J. MAYER. HIGH CLASS LADIES' tailoring; long coats, suits and dresses. Room 7. McCormack Bids. Phone 692. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUXDRT COMPANY, 816 8. Liberty street. Phono 25. Oldest largort best. Established lftfl9. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt service. 1264 Broadway. Phone 165 YALE HAND LAUNDRY. 186 194 S. 12th St., now operating under new management. We make a specialty of band work on wool and silk fabrica. Also family washing, -rough, dry or wet. Cleaning and pressing. Tlione 8. SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND sells second-hand furniture. Tools an' junk. 320 N. Commercial. Phone 492 WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH tng and shoes. Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchange. - 842 N. Commercial Phone 1368- W, TRANSPORTATION PARKKB'8 STAGE I INES J. W. Parker. General Manaa-er I Central Stage Terminal Salem. Oregwi. o.t-E.M-oii. tttiOJ 1UV1SION Loaves Salem, Central Stage Terminal: 7 a. m 11 a. m.. 5 p. m Leaves Silverton. News Stand:. 8 a. m.. 1 n. an..' 6 a. m. .Selem-Iadependeoee-Monmouth Dv'flon: fLoevea Salem Central Stag Terminal : ?' 7 a. m., 9 a. m. , 1 1 o. m 8 p. m It. A 1 i Leaves Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 a. m.. I p. m.. 6:15 p. m. Leaves Independence, Beaver Hotel. 8:30 m. m, lO an.. 1:15 p. m. 4 p. as 6:30. We make connections as Salem to all parts of tho volley. Extra trips b appointment. - J. W. PARKER, General Manager, i , SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. refuse hi all kinds removed. Cesspools elesvaod. Phono 167 or 1595 W. . SODS' SCAVENGER SERVICE (SUO eeeeor so Neal Scavenger) Garbage and refna f all kinds removed by the month. . KaaaoaaUU rates. Phone : Office 829, residence 2054. BUSINESS CARDS TRANSFER HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO.22 State St. Phone W:i3. Distributing, forwarding and aiorage our specialty. Get our rst s WK MOVE. STORK AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Our speciality is plain sod furniture moving. We si. to make aountry trips. We bsndla the best coal and wood. Call on ua for price Wa give good lueaauro, good quality and irtKid service. Larmer Tranafer Co. Plfona :t 8TOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVFS REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, aire, 2d to 28 lucbea U.glt I'ainu, oils and varnishes, etc , logan berry and hop houks. Salem feuce and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Puuoa 124. MED1CAS MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 617 VV. MEN'S STORE ED. OHASTA1N CLOTHING CO. SUITS and overcoats. Use my stairs: II pays. 805 Stat St. MACHINE SHOP THE CROSS AUTOMATIC f.LECTHIC Steam boilers, vulcanizers and tube plates. Perry Q. Campbell, 317 N. Liberty. H. AND M. CO. SPECIALTY GRIND era and weldera. Automotive service. 4y0 Kerry. I'tiona 8C4. MUSICAL SALEM CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC All branches taught, diplomas granted, John R. Sites, director. 1237 Court Phon4 626 RAO AND JAZZ PIANO PLAYING 12 lessons gusranteed. Waterman System. P. B. Clark, mgr.. Mc-Cornack Bldg. ' MACHINISTS 1 WECHTER A SMITH MACHINISTS, engineers, welders. lleald cylinder grinding service. Pbone 562-345 Fer ry. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO-'- graphs, sewing mschines. sheet music, and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines. 432 State. Salem. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. , Leave orders Will's Musis Store JACK CLEMENT SALEM'S OLD piano tuner, is bark. Call, write or phone 1774, the Song Shop, opposite the Court Honse. NURSERIES COMPLETE' LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City Nur sery Co., 426 Oregon Bldg. Phone 75 PAPEBHANGINO A3D PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tiuting, etc. Reliable workman. PRINTING ROWLAND PRINTING CO, printing. Masonic Temple. JOB PLUMBING PLUMBING REPAIRING AXD COIL work. Phone 1397-J. Shop, 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. ' . PIANOS TRADE YOUR . OLD PIAXO FOR A new Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stlfi Furniture ' Co.. Musio Dept. SHERMAN. C 4.Y & CO.. PIANOS 8tenway. Duo-Art and others. Moore's Music House, 415 Court street and Masonic Temple. VARIETY STORES SALEM VARIETY STORE CHINA wsre, glsssware, toys, notions, and mil linery. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO. Office, 301 South Commercial St. Ten per cent discount on ' domestio flat rate paid in advance, Xo deductions for alnce or any cause uniet water is sLut off your premises. WOOD SAWING WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1131. ED. Sproed. LODGE DIRtCTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS Camp 5. Armory. First, third Mondays PROFESSIONAL CHIROPODISTS DR. S. F SCOTT. GRADUATE NA tional University Sciences, Chicago Masonic Temple. Phone 640. I CHIROPRACTORS DR. 8. R. SMITH. CHIROPRACTOR. 822 Oregon Bldg. Phonr 664. DR. LENA A. BOONE, CHIROPRACTOR 475 8. Commercial. Hoars 10 to 18: 1 to 8. Phono 1415. DRS. SCOTT A- SCOFIELD. P. S. C Chiropractors. 414-19 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 87; rea. 828-R. PBUQLE88 PHYSICIAN S MAGNETIC HEALING DR. A. L Fronts. Acute and chronic diseases. Phono 780. 85-38- Breymaa Block. OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL CO. SUITE 301, Oregon Building. GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OP tical Co.. 325 State street, opposite Lsdd A Bush Bank. "Use Quality . Proven 8hnr-one." 1 NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic dUeases. 415 Oregon Bldg Phone lin. O8TEOPATHI0 PHYSICIANS DRS. WHITE AXD MARSHALL 208 U. 8. Bank Bldg. DR. FOSTER 404 OREGON BLDG Phones 756. 2024 J. DR. W. L. MERCER OSTEOPATHIA physician and surgeon. Kirksville graduate. 404-405 U. S. Xational Bank Bldg. Phone, office 919; rea. 614. r DR. JOHN L. LYNOH OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. 403-4(l Ore goo Bldg. Phonos, of He 1394; res 58-F5. BROKEN ARCHES AND OTHER De formities of the feet corrected without loss of time from your occupation Drs. White Marshall. C. 3. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE j REAL ESTATE HALES. TRADES, loans and rentals bv j M. J. Hunt Ladd t Bush Bldg. Look I Bent buy in -Salem S room plastered house, modern except basement ; good location east; close to car and paved atr-et; for $1800. 6 Rooms, modern; paved street and car. line. A bargain for $2600. 1 See ns for exchanges. Thomason . . 331 1 State Street. j REAL ESTATE FOR RENT TWO UNFURNISHED houses, dose in. For Sale Hev. n-room furniahed house, i :$36H) Seven room home $27f.O A be.-iutiful home $75ifl All very losn in. - Gertrude J. M, Page 4iU N. VL'ottajre St. Trading Specialty Portland inraiuo and -residence propert) in eachaas for farms, orrharda and laoda in the Valley. Come and see us. , we may duj you a eervica. The Fleming Realty Ct). 841 Slate St. ANDERSON A RUPERT (Successors to I.aflar A I INSURANCE REAL ESTATR BONDS. LOANS 40B 7 Oregon Bldg. Worth While A nice G room house in good condition, well located. Price only $1700, $500 cash, balance easy payments. See ns for bargains in houtica. Let us write your insurance. Mills & Copley 331 i State St.' Good Buys One-half aere irncts nar city. Price $0t)0 ; 5o down and $10 per month. sflllK) buys a new 4 rixini tiouae in King- wootl, two lots, easy. tfrms. Fine building site oo iFairmotint Hill. lOOxlSu feet. $260.. ' REAL ESTATE VXD FIRE 1 INSRAN H W. kH. Grabenhjorst &'Co. 1 275 Statu' St. ACT QUICK 10-ROOM APARTMENT house with i basement. Will net ovr 12 per cent, ciood reason for selling. I'rica $4250. Terms. W. G. Krueger Oregon Bids. Phone 217 5 room new bungalow, modern conveni ences, Jrinishetl in old ivory, karaage. $2800. ' 7-room house on Union street in two apartments, modern conveniences, one su!o wtll furnished. $'J7H. : ' 4 room ,new bungalow, very attractive." nuaeiuerit. aoii. Pettyjolin &, Mouser 216 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 534 i "TWO 1 , SPECIAL BARGAINS IX LOTS . IF SOLD IN 10 DAYS Beautiful jlarge lot, close in on State fctre -t olid iuxt a few blocka east r.f state house where lots are priced $1800 lo 2M1. But we ran kkII you this lot for $1200; abstract showing- a clear title, and another one, close in and a splendid J location for $7.10, terms. Also a snap In a lo room apartment hous-- six apartments, only three blocks from state house. Price $7O00, terma. For rent Modern 5-mom bungalow close in. for particulars call 6a Childs & Bechtel 540 State Street. FOR RENT FARMS FOR RENT 40 ACRES VERY BEST of river bottom land, about 12 aacres in cultivation; share rent. Balance rasny ciearea, rent tree tor clearing. Phone Salem 1141J, address John Rlioten, Dayton, Ore. T CLOSE IS UNSETTLED AGAIN Prices Average Slightly Low er Corn Looses But Oats Remain Unchanged CHICAGO.- Jan. 8. Wheat av eraged a little lower In price to day with many traders giving heed to an opinion from an. in fluential source that too much wheat was coming into sight to permit a bull market. The close was unsettled at the same as Sat urday's finish to 1-4 off; May $1.17 7-8 and July 1.10 5-8 to 1.10 3-4. Corn lost 1-8 to l-4c; oats were unchanged to a shade down and provisions .varying from 10 cents j decline to a like . ad vance. ! An increase of 9,909,000 bush els of wheat today in the United State visible supply, although about as generally i expected, served to emphasize the fact that domestic receipts of wheat in the west were nearly three times as large as that at the corresponding time a year ago and that the sea son was at hand for heavy Ar gentine offerings. Besides threat ened French occupation of the Ruhr was generally construed as a bearish factor. However, the market influence of the proposed move on the part of France was largely nullified by word that the French government had under advisement an alternative choice outlined by Secretary Hughes. The onl ylmportant upturn of prices in the wlieat market took place shortly after the opening and appeared to be due chiefly to transient speculative buying based on estimates that 1, 000,000 bush els of wheat for shipment to Eu rope had been purchased in the Southwest during the last few days. A slights rally in the final trading was ascribed to reports of poor crop conditions in Kansas. Corn and oats were governed by the change in wheat. . Weakness of the hog market was reflected by lard values, but ribs advanced as a result of local buying. ;.;.. MISlKIXAXEOUS PORTLASvp, Ore., Jan. 8. Butter, ! prints extras 51c; cubes extras 47c; prime firsts 4 6c. Butterfati Portland delivery. Nov 1 sour fream, 52c. Potatoes! buying price, locals 5075c: Selling price 60 (Ti $1. HOPS , NEW! YORK,, Jan.; 8. Hop steady. state 1922. 20.24c; Pa cific ctiaAt 1922, 1418c; 1921, 12013c n VissassasaawatsaaWsl!iu'A SaWlji atfc aw h itS s a. A 4 wie A HUSBAHID ' Adele GarrUou) New I'liause of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER 206 WHAT MAJOR GRANTLANO DID FOR MADGE i , I spent a physically luxurious, but mentally uncomfortable aft ernoon in the hotel to which Major Grantland's chauffeur had directed me. The room to which the bell boy had escorted me, after I had registered and aked for a room with adjoining bath,' was unusu ally attractive,; with an immense window overlooking a winding avenue of long-leafed pines, which led down to the main road. Its. charm and restfulness soothed my jangled nerves, ' even as I looked at it. There is a sybarite strain in me which responds to the luxury and convenience of modern hotel ap pointments. I revelled in the hot bath, the icy needle shower, the softness and fleeciness of the covers, and the whiteness of the linens of the bed into which I crept after my- bath; to try to compose myself for" the nap I felt I sorely needed. But I soon found that though I co'uld .' rest luxuriously, sleep would not come to me. MaJ. Grantland's unexpected appear ance at the railroad station had complicated my problem for me. Was it indeed possible that my in tution at the railroad station had been correct, .and that he was also going North on, the Rich mond train? I had a sudden vis ion of Dicky',3 face if he should learn of this angle of my defi ance of his wishesJiL. regard to the northern trip,' ' My mental restlessness soon made repose impossible for me. I also became, conscious of the fact that I ,'had 1 eaten nothing since my hurried and rather frugal breakfast, I knew that I needed, hot food and drink if I were to face thte re?t of the day and what' it might bring me. Madge Luxuriates I stepped to the wall telephone and requested that a luncheon be sent up to my room in half an bour. Then! I dressed, arranged my hair, and put another small log upon the fire which, the at tendant had lighted it was al ready laid in the grate when he brought my bags to the room. A deft and courteous colored waiter brought my luncheon at the time I had specified, and I directed him to put the table in the large window enclosure. It is my theory that all dining ta bles, wherever possible, ought to be placed where the diners can look outdoors instead of at a wall. When I was finally, settled in front of .a perfectly cooked, perfectly served luncheon, 7 looked but upon the vista of long leafed pines', and was as content as I could possibly, tie under the circumstances .... I dismissed the waiter, and dis cussed my luncheon leisurely, pro longing the meal as much as I possibly could," for I knew that I had a tedious afternoon and eve ning in front of me, the. train North not leaving until 10 o'clock at night. But it finally came to an end, and when I telephoned for the waiter, I also ordered copies of the latest magazines and news papers to be sent to my room, hoping that along afternoon of reading woud keep my mind from the questions annoying me. Madge Makes a Break. I J' But the malignant little elves, they kept dancing in front of me until I was positively glad when a knock sounded on the door, and an attendant brought me Maj. Grantland's card. "Wrhere is Maj. Grantland?" I asked, as I read the card. "He am in de reception parlor, ma'am, on de second floor. Shall I show you where?" "If you please,' I responded, crossing his palm with the piece of silver he evidently expected. With a widely grinning ac knowledgement he led the way to the "reception parlor." which proved to be a small sitting room, cosey and .inviting. In flowered chintz draperies and furniture coverings. Maj. Grantland sprang to his feet as2 I entered, and drew a chair forward for me with a touch of awkardness which often invests his movements, remained standing lifter I had seated my sel. , "Did you find comfortable ac commodations?' 'he asked soli citously. "Oh. wonderful!" I replied with genuine enthusiasm! "Thank you so much for directing me hero." "I am glad you like it." he said, "for I am afraid you will have a tedious wait . I know enough about1 railroading to re alize that the train tonight Is apt to be very late. However, I shall keep my man and car in atten dance at thei door here, and keep in constant touch with the rail road station, so that you will be spared the , uncomfortable wait there. I shall know within fif teen minutes of the real hour of ft IkA'rA.A.A. A-Caya, A i..K.t.K departure, and will see that you get over in plenty! of time. So do not get nervous if: you see other people hurrying about and very much upset." What inflnit.3 pains he was taking to save mo worry! The con trast of his solicitude to Dicky's boorishnes3 about; mjr departure loomed large before me: It made rny voice, I am afraid, -unusually soft and grateful as I looked up at him and -answered: - "Experience has taught1 me, Maj. Grantland, that It is impossi ble to be nervous when you have charge of things or to do any thing else but trust; you impli citly' j (Continued tomorrow) PRICES ARE DULL Traders, Hold Back to Await More Developments' In Foreign, Situation : " NEW YORK. Jan. 8. Price movements in today's dull' and ir regular stock market were unim pressive, traders generally adopt ing a hesitant attitude pending more definite developments In the foreign situation. Saturday's reaction coming somewhat as a surprise, induced further selling at today's opening,! but the offer ings were well absorbed1 and re sumption of special buying move ments in the . individual shares had a steadying effect on' the" rest of the list. I Chief interest in the financial market centered, in the weakness of French bonds and the further collapse in German marks, which finally sold as low as a penny a hundred," .compared with 1 1-2 cents a hundred'less than three weeks ago and 8 cents a hundred early ffist September. French francs, which were selling at 7.4 1 cents last . -Tuesday, dropped to 6.68. Crucible yielded 2 1-2 points to selling pressure In the first half hour, made up its loss and then dropped back to 67 7-8 where it was off 1 1-8 on the day. Ameri can and Baldwin locomotives were each off nearly two points Stuuebaker, . which fluctuated within a range of 2 points, ended 5-8 over Saturday's close. Oil shares also had their ups and downs. ; , , Rail shares lagged behind the rest of the list. - j Call money opened at 4 1-4 per cent, advanced, to, 4 1-2 and thence to five where It closed.1 The bulk of: the time money business was done on a 4 3-4 . per cent basis although, a few 45-day loans were placed at 4 1-2. Com mercial paper rates were inclined to ease, the majority of prime names, commanding 4 1-2 per cent. -. . ' . 5jfL; FRUIT NEW YORK. Jan. 8. Evapor ated apples dull; state 10 1-4 10 3-4c; prunes dull and easy; Californias 916 1-2cV Oregons 712 1-2cJ; apricots firm; choice 2425c: extra coice 2627c; fancy 290c. Peaches quiet; choice 12 1-2 14 l-4c; - extra choice 14 1-2 15 1-4c; fancy 161-2 18c. i - We are local agents for this great incubator, which combines more improve ments than other machines have made in the last ten years. It is certainly ' giving wonderful results and all that we isoh! last year cave great satisfaction.' The price Is Icms, than other Htandaid machines' and it is giving hotter rroults. Send for free catalogue. i . ! ' ' ' Remember, we "make you a delivered price, where there is no local agent. Poultry Supplies We handle the largest amount of poultry feeds and supplies of; any dealer In the valley and are prepared to quote the lowest prices. D.lMliite& Sons Phone 160 251 State St. Salem, Ore. ' K.tK GU paster Incubators Upper Willamette Conditions getter - EUGENE, Or., Jan. 8. Flood conditions In the iUpper Willa mette " valley j were j much better today than they had been Sat urday and Sunday.!, The Willa mette river, after having attain; ed a hetfeht of IX . feet Sunday had "fallen to less : than 12 feet trn.ghi ami the McKenzie rvrr and other streams- were corres 'poudingly low. Reports reached Kugon today of the destruction of a number of county Bridges, and, a 1000-foot wooden span on, a road in the McKenzie river valley being washed down strram a quarter of a mile and another, a 50-foot span , on a slough near Eugene, having completely d's appeared. The Pacif'c highway Bcuth of- Eugene has been re stored to traffic but north of this city it -t Mocked by water in places and great holes in the surfacing- where tne water washed out the pavement. - The Hood in thej S'uslaw river in the western part of Lane ceunty was the worst in that stream for. manyj years. . The wtter was two feet deep "in the stores at Maple ton and sections or the Coos Bay branch of the Scuthern Pacific railway alons the r'ver were washed away. It tyas predicted that traffic on the branch will not be restored for a week. The city of Springfield has been without gas since Saturday jhight. the high water in the Wil lamette river having taken out the Jmain that leads to that city from the Eugene plant. The 'McKenzie highway Is bad ly damaged, according to reports (that reached the county .court today, and many j of the lesser reads, will require; thousands of dollars worth of repairs on ac count of the freehet, it was learned. 1 Both Piers of Santiam Bridge in Linn Gone ALBANY, Or., Jan. 8. Linn county has suffered heavily in the loss of bridges by flood. The bridge over the South Santiam river at Waterloo, one of the longest spans in the county is entirely out, and both piers down. The, main part of, the bridge is lodged against the Southern Pa cific railroad bridge at Lebanon, six miles down stream,. One sec tion of the covered bridge and the west approach of the county" bridge over the South Santiam at McDowell , creek are out. Scores of small bridges and culverts are washed out and many of the country roads are blocked. WHEAT LIVERPOOL. Jan. 8. Close: Wheat, March 9s, 9 5-8d. or 3-4(1 higher; May 9s, 7 l-2d or 1-2 higher. . I SALEM MARKETS Prices 'quoted ' ars wnoTesata and ai "prices received by farmers. N rrs prices ars riven except as noted. No. 1' wlieat $1.10 fNo 7 wheal $1.08. No. 8 Red wheat, sacked. $1.07. Cheet hay. t20. i Oat har 20ri 22. - Clover hay. baled. 3122. EGGS, BTTTTEB AND BUTTE XT AT Egr. wholesale. 880 . Creamery, butter o238e. Bntterfat, delivered, 52c 1 '" Milky $2.45 cwt. t - - .! POOXTRT Old roosters Se. Broilers 1 Se. . - . Hens. Iisrht. Its. Hens, heavy, lfte. PORK. MTJTTOH AXD BEX Hogs, top, 8Q9c. . Live hem, 9c. . Dressed hogs. 12 Q 12 H. Top vest." dressed, ll&lle. " - Top steers. 11 $12. , Cows. 7e. 1 : . FRUITS ' Bananas lie. Lemor.s vl0 10.50. . Navel oranires $3.50$? 4.75. California grapefruit. 4. 75(35.00. . Florida rrapefrnlt, $7Q8. Kmjjira irrapes 10a lb. '- Cranberries $2 box.. - Dstes. $4.75. Jap oranges $2 bundle. """ JTOTi r -r.. Walnuts; 20 lb, rnberte 0e la. "' ' Almonds 2. BrasU 16s lb. VEOETABZXa Cauliflower $2.25.. ; Lettuce. Imperial aVIIey. $5.25. Head lettuce. S4.25. Tomatoes $3.00. I Portland Baying Prices : -4 EOOS. POUXTKT AJTO ksXATS. BUTTERFAT STEADY j ' No, 1 chorning cream, 52W53o L e. b. Portland; ondergrades, 50fi)51e. EGOS UNSETTLED Current receipts 8234c; white hen-, neries, 36v38e delivered;-, pullets. 82 ii 33e; storsse 32 35c. LIVE POCLTRV NOMINAL (Less 'commission) Heavy hens. 22s lb.; do light, 13c; springs. l'OplUe: old roosters, 10c; ducks, whits Pekin, young. 1020c: dressed docks. 2021e; 1 tor keys. No. 1 dressed. 3638e; No. 2, 2 : it 2 He; do live, nominal; geese, 1510e; ds -pressed, 1921e. DRESSEO MEATS STEADY . (Less commission) Choice light bogs. 12fi)12V&: onders-rad. s. 1012o; toi grades 'veal, 12Vi3c; BDdsrgrsdes, 8 lie. . . ' HAY STEADY (Delivered Portland) Valley tlmothf $21 ton: Eastern Oregon timothy. 824; alfalfa, $21 ton; clover. $21 ton; straw, $9 too; srrain hay, $22 ton. GRAIN WEAK, LOWER Bid- prices (track Portland in car lots) Wheat options. $1.14 01.25; Baart of blaesteni, 81.44; oats, nominal; Kaatern yellow corn. $3.50(32; barley, nominal; millrun, nominal. FRUIT FRUIT 8TEADY Apples, 50c$l.f.O (aceordinf tA var iety.and pack): pears 60(3-7 5s bos.. . I VEGETABLES i- YEOETABLE8 STEADY 'Oregon potatoes, 50 62 60s cwt: Oreron cabbage, nominal; parsnips, $1.00 sack; carrots. $1 sack; onions. $1.75622 tat.: cauliflower. $1.501.75 dosen. WOO& f WOOL HIX)W , ITalf blcod and fine. 85 40e; three- eighths blood, 32CJ35c: qnart-r bleed, 80 (4! 32c; low quarter and braid. 2527 ; -matted or cotted wool, 22(3 25c. (NOTE Eastern Oregon. WsahinrU and Idaho ranch clips bring 2 to 8 eenta lass than vail- wool.) - HOPS QUIET " i HOPS 1021 crop, aouiaal; new crop. Q$ lav