The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 03, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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    : i
Year of Unprecedented Activity-Shown
in Statement
Given by Miss Case I -
' The annual report or the Sa
lem public library was presented
to the city council at the' annual
meeting last: night by the, li
brarian. Miss Flora Case.
! - The report as given is as
1 TThe library now contains i 7,
733 volumes; and 354 pamphlets
Of these 14,229 books and ; 316
pamphlets v are adult, while , 3,
604 books and 36 pamphlets are
la the children's department
During the year 1,318 titles were
cataloged, but the net total ad
ded was cut down by 430 with
drawals to an increase ! over last
year of only 898. If all of the
books that are , truly unfit for
nse had' been discarded the total
number j!V of withdrawals would
Iiave been J more than doubled
Every effort is made to prolong4hone and tne article that Is
.the: life of each book- to the ,ut
most limit, i In this effort one
i assistant' spends the- equivalent
of one day each week In repair
ing the ravages 'of time and use,
. The regular collection has been
supplemented, by 612 books' Uor
' rowed from the Oregon1: State
library and (39 from ! other -li-
bra ries. -1 i: - 1 " j
.', Service In The Homes
' "Books have been loaned for
come reading . during the year
to the number of 71.000, of
which 21.077- . were children's
; books. ; This is a decrease or
86 . from last year's circulation
J "The . fact i of the decrease, is
. howeverj not considered serious
. becausa ' ot the , abnormal gain
of 30 . per cent made j in 1921.
While 1922 has still j a- record
of 17 per cent advance over
1920. The causes for dropping
back can only be guessed. The
amount of unemployment, in the
city is considerably less this
year, and the improved finan
cial conditions - probably allow
greater expenditure t for recrea
tion In the homes. . That me
employment, situation j had an
effect may be Judged by the fact
tnat June,.; September and Oc
'V tober showed the greater de-'-
crease. Of; ; ; tha . causes within
the library, the , staff earnestly
trusts that tne individual efforts
' of its' members to render, ser
vice; are not? at fault . It is
tier that at certain hours of the
In t 4oran bodr if i y -1 will u
Trunk Prescription; in fact, it is
shame to ffw with inflmmtoTr4 ren"
nlir, sciatic or ny form of Thnnttm.
Tnnk' Pre:rrirftoa DOES NOT devrrtn
tb heart, it DOE8 NOT ruin th itom
ch. Eat ilL th meat aivd good food yo
with. It doa not contain anr harraal
drag or kiwrcotie t but positiTely ovJ
romtt rhenmatkm ini gout. ' : WlfAT
MORE O VO WAST t Ther U noth
ing better."' It I nlao an excellent I4ver
Medicine and the rreatext Uric Acid el
Tent known. Trnnk'a Prescription aells
for $1.75 or 2 for only $5.00 at Parry's
Droit Store, tha Bexall drumrUt. Salem.
Ore. : .
week,', the desk is too crowded
to y permit each patron to :.J re
ceive . as full . attention as - he
may require, j A handicap which
is ' recognized daily ; is that the
book stock is not adequate for
the demand;, patrons are com
pelled to buy or borrow else
where what the -; library cannot
afford : to supply.
"The , circulation tor the year
averages four ' per inhabitant
The American : Library associa
Hon standard ! for efficiency i is
a circulation of five volumes per
capita when jthe; support - is ill
per capita. Since Salem s per
capita support is about! 42 cents
the comparson is' not unfavor
able. If the books loaned to the
children through the schools I be
counted, the use of books in the
homes average : 5.3 per inhabit
ant. It is' of interest to com
pare the growth -of the,.; work Of
the library with - the growth ot
the ity.
"In the 10 , years between , the
census reports, 1910-1920, Salem
gained 25 per; cent in population.
In the last -10 years, 1912-1922,
the library 'has increased. Its cir
culation of books 50per cent.
V Reading Room Servfce '
"The circulation of books Is
not.V however.' a complete 'index
to their usefulness. The ques
tfon that is answered by tele-
read in. the reference room may
serve more significant purposes
Of these, no rncord is kept. The
attendance In the reading room
tor the year I as estimated each
day totals 32,140 adults and
19.110 children.
! ;"The -reading room work has
been greatly, relieved by tne de
velopment of j the university li
brary to" care for the students.
The ; students I use the room for
reading and reference purposes
rather than as a study hall as
was th case j in former years.
The rooms' are not often, over
crowded with readers and the
supervision ; has come to j require
far less" attention. While the li
brary always i welcomes ! oppor
tunities to bo ot service, and
while it 1 appreciates having had
the opportunity to help when
our university1 had need, the re
lief from this duly permits the
rendering of a more normal ser
vice to all patrons. . H
"The Increasing efficiency of
the university library may be a
factor not mentioned in the ' dis
cussion of the circulation for
the year.
The library has a patronage
of 9,043 mho have regisiereu
regularly since 1918. Thirty-
three persons: living outside the
city have j paid the dollar fee
for library privileges, and 11
visitors to j Salem now hold tem
porary cards. I These make a to
tal of 9,087 patrons.
! Children's Room
"The -children's department Is
, v. .f
t - :
- i , i
i v '41
- ,
,J - I
v: ' Aaa . f. c-x.y.
li I - i , - p h
I' s , 1 v 1 0 I
'a ' ' ' -J v W- ! :
!,,' - I ' -" Vi
. Photo shows Mr. Charles Vaillant at work tin hi4taboratory
ward. This martyr to science and progress, one of the bravest f
men in France, lies in a little white room in Lariboisiere Hos-
pttar In Paris. He is giving; ms lire oy incnes in oraer mat numamiy i
Bufferings may be minimized and the world made , healthier and hap
pier. Already armless, having submitted tofthlrteen oper .tions In what
seems to be a vain attempt to arrest the ravages of radiographic
cancer, he knows the next few months may bring either new amputa
tion and suffering, or even death. He has directed radiographic work
since 1895 at a maximum -lary of $800 yearly. i
of a collection
This is .now
a 'modest way.
nized . the need
of music to loari.
being realized In
A number of friends of the li
brary responded in a generous
manner to an appeal for gifts
of usable music. This collect
ion was Supplemented by 50
books purchased -by a - remainder
from a special fund. The collect
ion is now to be. cataloged and
placed on ' the shelves. , . T
K Gifts to Library ,j
f'A book or - a group of books
in i ,often received from some
home pr business houso, of Sa
lem, or from seme author or
publisher. An-ong such is the
recently, rece'vu.I History ol Ore
gon, the gitt of Judge Charles
Henry a Carey, the author, whic!
is proving to be invajluable fo?
constant usr. Such gifts, aru
truly aptrccin'.fd. ;
"It Is, however, amisfortunfi
being further developed " as ory that the library has never been
ganized in 1920 with the chll-itne mipient or a. Dequesi. 11
dren's Hbrar'an In charge. , As, is a singular tact, oo. ior many
yet the f children's ' :' patronage
lifts not required her undivided
attention ' excepting on Friday af
ternoons ' and f on Saturdays.
A story hour Is being con
ducted on Friday afternoons for
the smaller children and another
for all who wish to attend on
Saturday mornings. The total
attendance for the year has been
1212. whichy is an -average of
38 children each week. . ' '
"The library' has - long recog
libraries have large endowmerta
which' help largely in the maln
tenance or in purchase of speciai
collections. There Is no reason
to ; believe that ! Salem cltizenfl
are not concoxned for ' thetr
I'Hrarv. Tt wnu'd rpptti rather
that! this Cial it has not hr-ck
established." ) ; ?j
, Extension Work , Sj
"The pressure of routine wsri
has prevented the librarian frf"h
making' any fgnlficaht effortJ; to
; A Great Unloading: of Winter Stocks A Great
Money-Saving Opportiinity for Everybody in Salem
Marks the Last E)ay of this Happy Chance
to Save on Needed Articles
aavdrtise th possibilities of &err
v Icei which the library offers.
"Both" the Oregon Statesman
and" the Capital Journal liuve
been most courteous in printinif.
such material as there has bee a
time to prepare for their diiiy
issues.. The Salem : Electric comf
pany has given advantageous
window space to a bulletin board
which, announces new books re
ceived. . . ' 1
"The club looms In the bs
went h-ave baen jused 212 times
for : various meetings ot organt-
'y School -lcpiViiiipnt
g "The work of tbe scnooi de
partment is relcrded in a sop.
ajratc report submitted by the
sch-ol librarjau. - 1
Highland Branch Ldbrary. j
i "The branch library has loan;
ed, out 3,847 books and period
icals during this year. Its sup
ply consists almost wholly or
books sent out , by the public
library in travelling libraries
which remain about four months
Klnety-one books have been sent
th response to special request i.
The' collection numbers about
300 books at 'one time.
si Fifty-two children who were
not previously patrons have reg
istered for " library privileges
through the branch this year
Others have transferred . thetr
cards' from the main library for
use there, - "! I
The Highland Mother's clnb
continues ' to " pay the cost of
maintenance, although they find
It a burden difficult to? carry.
?he public library has not been
financially, able to assume this
added " expense. . '
Maintenance ' j
"The work of J the '' public
library, has been carried, on at
a total expense for the! year of
tS, 154185. The city council ap
propriated $7,500 and '657.2
was collected from fines and
pay fiction. This Is an average
cost of 45 cents for each inhabi
tant.and 11 cents for each book
circulated. . ,, ' i
j ' ; Staff I
; "The. staff has suffered many
changes during the year. iM'ss
ttucile Crockett was promoted
from jthe children's department
to the school department In Sept
ember , Miss Gertrude Morton
having resigned because of ill
health. Miss Florence . Pettitt
Who supplied, for throe months
tnj." the School department replacj
e Miss Crockett ag cnuaren s
librarian, i
1 'The poiition of catalog and
reference assistant was estab
lished by combining the work of
three' part time assistants. Mrs.
Viola Patterson elected to nil
this position' September 15 re
signed and was replaced by Miss
Frances Allen on December 16.
Miss flelen Robe replaced Miss
Isabel Croisan who resigned Sep
tember 1. The library was for
tunate" in , finding people ' on the
Coast to fill the vacancies, for
the , salaries which , are- available
are not . sufficient to attract peo
ple to 'whom the location is
not k strong. Inducement.
: "The regular positions are now
filled, yet the assistance ren
dered is no.t sufficient for, satis
factory execution of thei work 6f
the library. That this situation
may not be solved by mere
change l organization is indi
cated by figures presented at the
annual mating of the American
Library, association when .'statis
tics fromj many libraries were
quoted to! prove that for ade
quate 'service !one - assistant is
circulated in a year. - By this
proportion 'our staff should: have
at least one added assistant. :
Board of Trustees ! ' t
VThe library was fortunate in
suffering .no changes in the
membership of ' the board of
trustees. President D. W. lEyre,
A. A. Leej- and Dr. H. H.- Olinger
whose terms expired in 1922
were all reappointed by the kind
consideration of the mayor and
the council. :
"It is with satisfaction that
the librarian presents this re
portl While - the need for bet
tert and "more extended work is
fully appreciated, the results are
presented without apology, when
the equipment in books and ser
vice are, considered. The work
Is accomplished only by j loyal
cooperation of the staff and tbe
unswerving support of the board
of trustees. The board ; give
gratuitously of their time and
thought to administer the: funds
which the city council is able
to appropriate for the work.
Stiff Company Acquires
New Site at Silverton
W.OODBURN. Or., Jan. 2. The
Woodburn Woman's club: will
meet Wednesday, January ;3, at
the home of Mrs. J. J. Hall. The
program will be in charge of
Mrs. O. C. -Weller,-chairman of
the music committee of the: club
Those home from O. A. C. for
the holiday vacation were ; Cecil
Scollard, Harold Olson. Lee ; Sims,
Harley Hughes, Homer Settle'
mler and George Folquet.
Mrs. .W. A. Chapman and son.
who left here November 29 to ac-
company the remains of: Mrs.
Celia E. Chapman j lo Candor, N,
y., lor interment, returned on
Christmas eve.
Syal Neighbors held a special
meeting on the evening of De
c ember 30.
Headquarters company gave a
dance at the armory New Year's
night. The O'Neil Joy Kings of
Seattle'i furnished the music. '
Mr. and .Mrs. John F. Steel
hammet entertained the - Kaffee
Klatsch Thursday evening,: Dec.
21, with the annual Christmas
tree.! Five tables of five hundred
were played, prizes going to Mrs.
F, W. Settlemier and H. TJ But-
terfield- The hostess was assist
ed in serving by her sons John F.
and Carl. -Next came the Christ
mas gifts and thetn music. It
was a very jolly evening. Mem
bers present were Mr. and Mrs.
F. W. Settlemier, , Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Powell. Mr. and Mrs. H. D.
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Bit-
ney, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Emmett,
Mr. and, Mrs. Eugene Courtney,
Dr. and ! Mrs. J. L. Shorey, Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Poorman. Mr. and
Mrs. H.' T Bufterfield and Mrs.
Susan Livesley. I Miss Watson'sl
house guest, Mrs.. Butterfield of
North Dakota, was art' additional
guest; also Mrs. Franc Dillon of
California a house guest of Mrs.
F. W. Settlemier.
Wednesdav. December 27. Mrs.
Fred Havemann entertained the
Ph jab Bridge club in honor r- of
Miss Frances! Heritage, who' as
sisted the hostess in serving. The
usual exchange at the end of the
eight meetings was held, and
each drew according to the klze
of her score, j The members presr
ent besides jthe hostess were Mrs.
H. M. Austin, Mrs. Walter John
son, Mrs. Leland Austin, Mrs. F.
X. Bick, Mrs. L. M. Bitney, trs.
F. C. Poorman and Mrs. (John.
Hunt and Miss 1 Frances Heritage
of Portland was an additional
guest. ! I
Thursday afternoon Mrs. H. L.
Gill entertained St. Mary's guild.
It was a social meeting and with
the rooms prettily decorated for
Christmas and a beautiful tree in
the; ball, the guests felt! the true
Christmas spirit. The hostess was
assisted by her daughter .JMrs. H.
M. ; Austin, Mrs. H. D. Miller and
Miss Hazel Bitney. The members
present were Mrs. K. V. Nicklan,
Mrs. Frank Wolf, Mrs. F. C. Poor
man. Mrs. Keith Powell, Mrs. O.
K.- Wolf, Mrs. Fred Havermann,
JVIrs. E. G. Emmett, Mrs. H. D.
Miller, Mrs. John Nolan. Mrs. t.
A. Beckman, Mrs. E. W. Bitney,
Mrs. Blaine McCord, Mrs. Don
Cowles of Livingston, Mont., and
Miss- Hazel Bitney of Portland. "
Thursday evening Mrs. P. Love
was hostess to the members of
the P. E. O. club. Tfyey had a
Christmas tree and a very) jolly
time. . - .
The Daughters ot Isabella gave
a dance In the armory Thursday
evening which was beautifully de
corated in batten' and evergreens;
looking like a snow house decor
ated' with the green and shaded
lights, making a beautiful place.
Those attending report a fine
time. j
Friday afternoon Mrs. H. T.
Butterfield entertained in honor
of her house guest, Miss Watson
Of North Dakota. Five tables of
five-hundred were played, Mrsu
Wayne -Gill receiving the prize.
Thehostess was assisted in serv
ing by her ' t&o small-sons and
Mrs. Shriber. '
SILVERTON, Or., Jan. ; 2.
(Special to The Statesman.)
II. L. Stiff & Co.fhave purchased
the store building on the corner
of First and Main streets. This
company is planning to remodel
the buildSne ' and then move Its
stock from the.' Pettyjohn build
ing on South Water street to
the newly purchased . property.
The plans for1! remodeling call
for a plate glass front both on
Main . street'T and First ' t street
facings. Tki entrance will be
changed from Maini- street to the
, corner. ... j L . .
It is understood! that ; George
Landon . who I now occupies the
store has another location In
view alt Silverton.
One of the saddest features ol
the life of Mrs. Ilohenzollern Is
(the fact that j she must listen to
me reaaing oi mse memoir. . -
Return .Engagement
v .-: 'f....--i , .i ' i-
HtnftH Tomorrow
Popular ' Priced
Distinguished Service
Medal Awarded Pearce
SEATTLE. Jan. 2. Colonel
Earl D'A. Pearce, professor of
military science at the University
of Washington, has been award
ed the distinguished service med
al -for conduct in the St. Mihiel
salient in jthe World war, the uni
versity was today notified by the
adjutant f general of the army.
Colonel Pearce organized the 319
field artillery brigade at Camp
Gordon; Ga In 1917, and later
commanded the 157th field artil
neceseary 'fpr every 15,000 books lery "brigade. V . " '
- : vwMofr I, 1
" ft ft
HE SOLUTION of your clothes prdb-
1 lem is easy; i Buy! the clothes that last the
ongest, wear the best, look correct; 'Get the most
:i -y:'- ' : -I- I " .v : 'j -. !V:,i..:.:L-i :.'J
for your money, but pay enough1 to ge;t good qual
ity. The solution is Kppenheimerl Goo
! $35, $40, $45. Others
. it...
$25, $30
-, ) . , I '- ' - ' : -:
the house of Kuppenheimer
Good Clothes
Our entire stock of high grade merchandise offered to the public
at prices that are in many cases below present wholesale cost
36 inch' Cotton 'ChalHes, yard I
60 inch mercerized Table Damask, yard ;
36 inch Curtain Scrim, yard ..:
42 inch Wearwell Pillow Tabing, yard
36 inch Silk Poplins, yard ............J..LilI
Ladies' Kid Gloves, grey, black or white, pair ..
Ladies' Flannel Night j Gowns, leach
Children's black ribbed Hose for Boys and Girls,
27 inch Ginghams, yard ...
Boys' Percale Blouses, each .
, Boys' Overalls pair ...... ....
Pequbt sheets 81x90, each .
Mohawk Sheets, 82x90, each
- - 38c
.. -,98c and $1.2S
pair .............. 15c
..: i6c
-: 79c
i..: 51.59
Commercial and Court Streets
; ClosfagrOoi Sale ;
I : '
" i