The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 03, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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i ,
, Miss Marie Riley was hostess
, at a - Watch party Sunday . even
ring, December ' 31, 1922. - The
j guest k assembled at eight o'clock
land attended the, Oregon theatre.
Upon the guests return they were
served a . midnight luncheon.
Dancing and cards were the main
.features of the evening,
i The "party was chaperoned by
Mr. and Mrs. "Win. B. Young of
Dallas: ' .
I The guests who attended were
pisses Pauline Marna4h,' . Hazel
, George, Anita Kirk, Lorena Geer,
Dorelle1 'Anderson, , and hostess
Marie t Riley. . Messers. . Darwin
George ! ' Vernon r Perry,. Cecil
Thompson Stauley'Xanlaon. Lloyd
Schiiefef 3ohn R$l?y and Qarleu
Simpson. .,-.: . '"
!.:'" "t- -'V ' ;' '
Miss Delia Alicia RawSon, who
has been In the east- for several
years,4 is visiting with her par
ents, Mr. and- Mrs. A. H. Rawson.
tess .Friday evening at a party
honoring Miss Ruth Moore, who
was -home from her work at the
Oregon Agricultural college.
Games were 1 played during7 the
evening and a taffy pull added to
the : pleasure of the evening. ;
Prizes were awarded for pro
ficiency In the different , contests
enjoyed by the guests. Those win-
nlng favor ; In - this manner were
Mildred" , Jaeger. , Ruth Moore,
Dpris Neptune and Mrs. '"Helen
Persona. - ' ! ff ' " 1
Miss Brock, wan a??)-!. during
the veaing by her mother; Airsl
P. O. 'Brock. The guests Includ
ed Ruth Kulm. Ruth Moore, -Doris
k Neptune, Thelma Young,' Mrs;
Helen PersonB, Helen Moore, Gen
evieve Endlcott," Mrs. F. b. Brock,
Jr.; i MUaph Palmertohj - Mildred
.. :, jaeger.' . , v. .(.: ii
. ...
E. M. Scott and daughter. Miss
Marx Scott, '.have- been guests, of
Mr.- cotfs 7 brother, J; E. Scott;
in Salem for the holidays. New
Year's day another brother, F. L
Scott. -entertained lor. the , four
other Scott 'brothers at his home
near; .Salem. , Those present for
the. reunion Included Mr. and Mrs.
C. EL --Scott" of Portland, Mr. and
Mrs. J. IE. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. W.
E. Scott. iE. M. Scott and Mr. and
Mra.fF, lL Scott and Miss Mary
scott. , c . . . .
Ylra. .Panl Hauser and - Mrs.
Da1d. A- Wright were hostesses
last .Friday?, for the Past Matrons
, association, .of the (Eastern Star.
TheVia'rly was given at the Haus-
. er hime, " Members enjoying -the
holiday meeting included Mrs.
. Ida aabcoek,., Mrs. George - O.
BrowiA Mr$i George Burnett, Mrs;
Wlllia" Cherrington, Mrs. Alice
Coolldgt, Mrs.' F. N. Derby, Mrs.
; 'Ida Godfrey, Mrs. Samuel Gillette,
Mrsx Mary Johnson, Mrs. Joseph-
f lne LaFoTe,.Mra. William McCall,
Mrs. - Mlicoati Myers, Mrs! F; E.
Schaffer, V. M: Smith; Mrs. Carl-
i ton :Smith;tMrs: AL Stelner, Mrs.
Anios'VassMrsr Margaret Witch
en, Miss Minnie Moller, Mrs. Wil
liam Way will be-hostess for the
next meeting . of the association,
January 26, v -
. -' -i- ! -'. '
v It is customary for the women's
v Relief Cbrpa to1 hold ( a quarterly
birthday dinner, for its 1 members
and- the Grand Army. ' The last
of these dinners for the year 1922
" was held Saturday, at the McCor-
Heturn : Engagement
Starts Tomorrow
Popular Prices
i s -
! - Of all the juggling perform-':
: ances.the Indian rope trick is '
the most famous and most dis- '
cussed o any in tiie world. An
I " ordinary .fppe is thrown into" the
; air where : it stands rigid and
erects whfle,. an 7 Indian boy
.climbs' to the; top and down
again. ' The old Indian holds the ,
rope "witi- one hand, and laps it
gently with the other, when- 1 ,
collapses into ropelike flexibility
and -coils it round his "waist as :
before. This" trick . has aereoL
, . been erplained.V;
- -
i ;,v . ; Today 'j
Story Telling! section of
league. j :
Thurmlay s
Pi E. O., with Mrs. J. B.
. tier. ' . J. )
. Raphatarlan club, with Mrs.
Ronald Glover.
Friday '
Woman's Alliance of Unitarian
church, with Mrs. C- S. Ham
- ilton. ; j '; ;
Jason Lee West Circle, . JTrs.
" J. Clark, 1216 N. Comiuertial
Salem. Heights club at commun-'
; ity :hair. j.1.-; 7. f;, :.-. ; 1
Louella club,' with Mrs'. Donald
W. Riddle, f
Saturday - "
A. A. U. W.j In Chamber of
Commerce rooms. J
nack Hall, and all those having
blrthdys during the months of
andember. were seated at a birth
day table as honored guests. . The
center of the table was decorated
with three-tier birthday , cake
surrounded by holly presented by
Mrs.i Sarqfa Peterson, .president
of the Corps
In the afternoon every one en
Joyed, an old "fiashloned .Christ
mas with the singing of Christ
mas' carols, a Christmas tree-and
a merry time. Mr., Tf. Gl Harris
gave several ; vocal solors. Mrs.
Peterson and her assistants pres
fda over the Christmas tree and
each comradeattendlng1 recelveld
a package, front Santa" Ciausv. For-ty-flye
birthday cards ' were also
presented to ; those having birth
days during the past quarter.
. Mrs. Amos Yass was -pleasantly
surprised oh Saturday when
her brother and Bist era "came to
celebrate her f birthday. The
greatest surprise was the arrival
of twolarge birthday cakes by
mall fromher4slsters in. Kansas'.
taunt mi i. i
Mrs.; L. H. Lewis of Lyons Mr. I
a taV ' 1 f . . it - . I
.uu aim. ai iuur vuiier". oi Dal
las, Mrs. Melvln ! Cutler of Aber
deen, Wash., Mrs. Lillian Saund
er. Miss Julia I Iverson, . Clema
Saunder and Mr. and . Mrs. Actoa
Miss Marie Stringer and John
Henry Diets were married Satur
day evening at thfhrme of, Mr.
and Mrs." A. EJ Huckeatehu Mk
Esther Bell and Charles K. Den
hison were the attendants . and
Rev. H. D. Chambers officiated
at the ; marriage service.
Little Margaret Mary "Hucke
steln carried the ring in a great
pins: chrysanthemum. A dainty
supper was served in the dining
room of the HUckestein. home fol
lowing the wedding. Holiday
colors decorated the rooms. The
marriage perrice Was read while
the couple stood before a bower
of greens. ,' ; '
.Mrs. Diets is the daughter of
tbe late Mrs. Jda Muths and has
always lived in Salem. Mr. Diets
has lived in Port Angeles, Wash.,
where he is employed. They will
make their home there following
a snort wedding .trip.
The Piety! has post
poned-its meeting Tor tbT? wqok
ana win not meet , until next
month, when Mrs. E. T. Barnes
and Mrs. W. Kirk will be hostes
ses. ;." : .j ; i"-"V .-
- -The War Mothers postponed the
January meeting scheduled for
yesterday and will meet January
1U. -, ;, ; , - j j-.:-.' .... "
Miss Eva von Berg,, who has
been visiting with her sister, Mrs.
E. jC. Hickman, has returned to
home in Astoria,
Mrs. E. S. Hammond left yes-
teraay for Berkeley, Cal., accom
panying her son, - Wesley. Mrs.
Hammond will remain for two
months. 1 : i - . , i
j -. ;:; y.
The choir of St. Joseph's church
were guests last night of Rev. J.
juck at a dinner served in
the Peacock room of the' J Gray
iieue. covers were laid for 19
at jthe dinner. ,
- '.: v - ; .
- Miss Ada Leopold and Eugene
Hoefllag were, married Sundav at
the ; holme of the bride. Rev. R.
L.. Putnam Officiated.
Health Clinic
Date is Set
The first health clinic of the
yar will be held January 24 in
Salem, accordinr to Mm Tnhn
Canron, president of i the Marion
County : Health' association. Clin
ics will be held each month in
the! different health f centern nf
the county each month. ., The oth
er health j centers where clinics
will be held are Silverton, Wood
burn, Jefferson," Mill City and
Stayton. : .:. f h-z.i'i j . ' ' i
The money . lo finance these
clinics comes from funds derived
rrom the sale of : Christmas seals,
which goes for the fight in the
state -against tuberculosis'. . v -
pates for future clinics -will '"be
announced later Mrs. 'Carson says,
as well as the places)-where these
will be held.5 .'.i, . . i i
While only fire centers will be
maintained th othera towns andinmtlgatfon.
, - -m
fa t$t. - ' v, V' ,. "'
!:;: lii
W ji
The bodies of Mrs. Ameflta
Cataldo, SO years old, and, her
9-year-old son, Frederick, each,
horribly mutilated, were found
in their apartment in Coney
Island, New York, by firemen
answering a still alarm. Adamo
Cataldo, husband of the slain
woman, sought by the police
as the slayer. j
districts in the county will be
taken care of through these cen
ters, Mrs. Carson states. f
Chemawa, Turner and Quinaby
will be taken care of In Salem,
according ta the . plans made.
Woodburn will take care of Hub
bard, Aurora, Donald, Brooks,' SC
Paul, McKee, St. Louis, . Gervals,
Fargo, Maconda: Silverton ) will
take care of those from Mt. Ah gel,
Scotts Mills, Monitor, PratUm,
MacLeay and Willard. Jefferson
Will draw from Marion and Sub
limity. Mill City will take care
of -Gates, Mehamai Detroit and
Niagara; Stayton, Aumsvllle, Sub
limity and West Stayton.
Partial Returns
Show Seal Sale
Netted $1171
Incomplete returns from i the
salerxfUChristmas seals in Mar-
Ion county totali$1171. The re
turn from the mail ; sales which
were in charge of Mrs. Grover C.
Bellinger were 1510. The county
saies amounted to $211. T I Mrs.
j onn Carson was in charge of
this and reports $80 from ! Sil
verton and $73 from Woodburn.
The booth sales Jn Falem totalled
$40,-according to Mrs. Fred H
Thompson, who was 'In charge.
Many who were sent seals' have
neither returned them nor sent
the money for them, .and those
Mn. charge are asking that these
be taken care of at once,' accord
ing to Mrs. Bellinger. The coun
ty returns are not complete yet.
according to Mrs. Carson, many of
the communities having made no
report to date, v "
The 'members! of the Salem
Woman s club was in general
charge of the sale of seals. s
pecialy within the Salem district.
Marlon county's returns last year
were more than $900 and those
Who have been in charge this
year expressed themselves' as
more than pleased with the great
er returns this. year.
The money obtained from the
sale Of the seals Is used in the
fight against tuberculosis in the
state while; Marlon county , has ho
county health nurse Its share will
be expended through the county
health association : formed! here
last fail.
Troops to Reinforce State
forces While Investi
gation Proceeds 1
BASTROP, La Jan. 2.-i-(By
The Associated Press.) Louis
iana s crack cavalry troop of j Jen
nings will reach here tomorrow
morning to reinforce the three
companies of State troops now
on duty here and at Mer Rouge
fn connection with the state's
Investigation into the death of
two men, victims of a robed
and masked mob. ', :i
-rikQ cavariy unit which ( saw
service overseas with the Rain
bow division may bo used in
rcunding up those persons -whom
the state will charge with 'com
plicity in the August kidnapping
and butchery of Watt Daniels
and Thomas Richards. Mer Ro
uge citizens, The roads at this
time are almost impassable .in
many places because of the sea
sonal ' rains and cavalry would
afford the most satisfactory
means of communications. L -
Kn Klux Klan investigators
wree secretly continuing thetr in-
v-efetiattoiiB in bA : in a nosltlon
to ; make an early report to their
chiefs regarding the merit of the
chargestliat - have been made
tnat klansmen were reepoasibie
for the Augustoutrages. ; The
Morehouse klan I has djeclalmea
all complicity in the affair and
has announced it woald welcome
do mm
Man Who Shot? Lewis Not
to Have Hearing , jn
State Supreme Court
Jim Brown,' who; was convicted
In the circuit court for Marlon
county on, a : charge .of assault
with Intent to, kill Archie. Lewis,
an . officer of the anti-Saloon
league, must do his hitch in theZZrV:i17r:.r;. II
state Denitentmrr.! .
ii. . j . .i
.. v - , i
yearsT but appealed to the su-
The sapremW court yesterday
uiBiuiseu ine aippeai on motion , pi
District Attoriley
I. Car
Brown is nokr at liberty under
bonds. of $3000,
He shot LeWIs
while a
of officers unpeH the leadership
of S. B. SandjLfer was arresting
him on the: highway south of Sa
(Continued from page 1)
around like human footballs. OnCe
at the door, Mr. Crawford un
locked it
Went inside. But
before he eouMclose it the Re
publicans Went . in too.'
Miv. Crawford telephoned for
'pollce.'lna. few moments .Lieu
tenant Gegan aod his bomb squad
arrived and theRepublicans evac-
Hated. During the evacuation
Mrs. MacSwiney eavs she was
roughly handled. Stoei had ho
marks to ( prove it, . but ' she In
sisted she was a casualty and her
follpwers backed her claim
Giants Left on( Guard
Meanwhile Jthe. agents of the 1
building, who has accented rent
from . Mr, Crawford and so were
- 1
corapenea to reiuse cash brought
by Mrs. Gertrude Corless of the
Republicans, decided- the-crowd
on the tenth V floor was a fire
menace. Sergeant ' . iDouehertv..
head of thn' nnifnrm
n ' nnt rnm L il
asrreed. so evfv onn ,i0orJ'
out. But the j Republicans were
persistent. , Men and) women
some of them elderly women-
walked the ten flights of stairs
io get oacK into the, argument
when the elevators refused to
carry them.
Many of the visitors said they,
wanted something done about the
Irish Republic monds ther held.
They said they had beenjtold that
If. they would uphold thirepub
llc's consul in thee, office they
wouia get their money. But the
police said they knew
nO thine I
fA . one cepihnerce. pol Godleyirepresenting
va yicAea as i
guards by the Republicans-, was
w tne naiu
re State Inaide . I
About noon a delegation Of 12 I
irate Republicans Visited , Mavor J
,"yian. He told them possession
was nine points of the law. and 1
ne did not want to get mixed no
In the affair in anv war
" way.
lTBJll m tood aP
The Free Staters are Inside.
The Republicans are standing Just
outside the door,
Prisoner is Extradited
to Marysville, Caiif.
upyernor Olcott yesterday l
granted the extradition
Portland 'to Marysvllle. Calif- ofloltv thrnnirli vhU). hi. -iit.i. I
John H. Rutledge, who Is wanted
iur inai on a cnaree of "Danalne 1
worthless checks.
The specific I
v6o iur wnicn me requisition
was issued toy the governor of
uaiiiornia was that of oaasine a I
worthless check on the Bank of
"T, inenw. r. j. Tyr-
u arvey Kicnardson,
lm k "ae""ajiron marysvllle.
Will be in Custody of tha nrlnnnar
. - i
" "en 11 o icaTea. jroruand
Petzel Family Narrowlv
mmm . h 1
tiUctjje in ACCiaem Here
What wast considered a .mira-
cuious escape from death cc-
cured here Monday when ah I
ureguu i wacinc svntcii engine
running east! across North Com-
iunrciai screei sirucK and carrieai district and attacking assess-o-
a distance of 100- fet ah) meats levied by district as illegal
autstacbile drUen by C. A. . Pee 1
zsi. Although the car was , baa-1
Iy demolished the occupants,; Mrs.
C- A. Petzel and her son Joel
Petrel, j aged 14. escaped wita
oaly minor -scalp wounds - whili I
urace Petzel, aged
4, and her
father suffered practically.! no
injuries, ; i J
Only the - fact that. tUe carl
when hit, did not turn over -but I
lnitead was pushed aleni? tbe I
rack by the engine is held re4
sponsible ' for the fortunate es-1
cap. Had the car turned, overall
witnesses believe, the resuttlDooIey, appellant; appeal from
nigl-.t have been tragi?. ' , , j Union county; before. Jthe court
Tne accident occured aocut 4 1
o'clock yesterday moral iz.
T3ALLAS,;Tek,; Jan! 2,-f-A boys'
dormitorr at f Buckner's orphan
hbme, eight miles east of Dallas,
was destroyed by fire about mid
night tohlghtTwo hundred and
fifty-boy Inmates-of ' the" borne
were sleeping in the building but'
all were rescued. j r
Necessity of Regulation is
Pointed Out by Secretary
of Commerce Hoover
WASHINGTON, Jan. 2.--Con
trol established over the
bedlam filling the air from .21,
000 radio- "transmitting sta
tions" .Wmtftrv ITnnvul. Ko1.
1 " lolQ e
ii iiii mm iiim rr n m ii w hi zm rt n a . Mnwi vvi ir.
i vvuimi.-
-.wr .r'L 'l1:
loee-Whita fedraJ 4-rt1n r1rtrn
atui .aPlnna n.hsr, ti,--.; -
cPmmttniafn also were
heard by the committee.
'The bill provide rhatthe com
merce 'department BMrthave
supervision over alt radio com-
munication assignine wave
lengths, approving apparatus, li
censing operators and otherwise
supervising wireless . communica
tion to bring order out, t the""' Brazier Small, adjutant; Ja-
present chaos of jazz bands, ser-JCOD Fuhrer. finance officer; Ir
mons, crop. reports, sporting ser-lw,n Iewis, chaplain; Albert J.
viceB, concerts and what-not run-
nig simultaneously on the same
Navy Enters Protnet i ,
Vigorous protest was made!
against the provision of the bill!
that stipulates that whenever ap-JDut there was a get-together -de
paratus is used for other thanDate over how 'to. make the Am
government .business it shall
come unaer supervision ol tbe
commerce department. The aavyl
represented by Rear Admiral
Ziegemeir, protested that, navy
operators, in many cases, would
have to obtain licenses from the
cmmerce department If this see-1
tion was retained. Secretary
Hoover 'told the committee -he
would confer with secretary Den-J
by In an effort to reach an accord
on that feature, but he insisted
that the navy should not be per-
initted unlimited privileges to the
I discomfiture' of other users- of
Broadcasters. Bother
h i tecretai
Secretary 5 Hoover said 569 1
fi oroaacasting stations were oper-
fat,nK and that the interference in I
iuw air came largely irom mem.
this Broadcasting problem, he
said, is undermifaiirg the useful
possibiiitles of the whole, art of
wireless. Thousands of requests,
he said, are arriving each month against practically- any or all
from all parts of the country comers. - "Baseball'' in. Its season
that some regulatory action be will follow with the full post en
taken. Some cities, he said, have dorsement. j . - ' '
as' many as twenty broadcasting Hereafter for the winter, at
stations, each interfering with lease, the legion Is to meet twice
tqe others. j . j
- :.; ; i-s I
K. ' Oregg, representing the
National RnHlrt nkmW nf fTnrrv.1
a : nnmoer nr raniA Tmnnrarinnft:
Hiram p Maiim
Of Hartford.1
representing the American Relay
lea cup 1 and rnnmantatf-rAn nf I
tftlpsrranh -nnrf tAlonhnno rnmnan.l
lea am-ped that tme, 1riii1atlnn enacted Immediately to
untanrle the altnaMoir- I
- : ",
V" ' " -
- . .
Stage Operator IS NOt v
Obligated tO City AISO
. An opinion of the supreme
court in the case of E. W. Dent; j
appellant, vs. Oregon City yes-1
terday holds! that the operator of
a motor bus or stage who has
IWwn ll0nnit hv ttiA 'tntlf ur. I a
vice eommlssfnn not rennirAd
may pass on their regular sched- J
nio- Tho imininn ,iton Ttvlto be Salem's miosts for a fsv
Justice McCourt,' reverses Judge
jj, u. Compbell of the lower court
for Clackamas county. In the
lno ruf n-n-itk
Lf1 vlolatinr en rdlanc naasL
by the , Oregon City councIL
other opinions were
. state of Oregon ts. Art Beesbn
.1 ' nmt.
aifciiaui, ayt'eu iiuui muiiuii
county; appeal from sentence im-
nosed f olio win er conviction on a
charge , of- selling intoxicating f
liquors. Opinion by Justice
1 7 -wwasaava aj wunivt
Rand: Judge D. R. Parker af
, Northern Pacific Railway com
pany et al. appellant, vs. Jahn
Day; Irrigation district et air ap-
peai - irom Morrow county: suit
attacking legality of irrigation
and void. Opinion by Justice
Brown. Judge Gilbert Wl Phelps
. H. 9. llnaon ts. Portland as
Southeastern Railway company.
appellants, Myler . Construction
company, . E. P. ' McMahon and
others; apea) , Irom Multnomah
county; suit In equity. Opinion
by Justice Bean. Decree of Judge
Robert S. Morrow modified in
that each party is to pay own
costs upon, appeaL ,
. State of Oregon vs. T. J.Keel-
en, jointly indicted witn u. J.
on a : prior, appeal. , Opinion ' by
Justice McBride. Judge
J. w. i
Knowles affirmed.
General Goes Steerage
r VICTORIAi BJ C. Jan. 1 2.
General Alexander Ivanoff. one of
the military leaders of the Rus
sian : monarchial regime, was re
ported to be a steerage passenger
on: the Japanese liner Iyd Marn, !
dia here today from tha Far East.
Officers Take Positions With
CeremonyNational Conl
mander is Coming
Capital post, American - legion,
last night held its first full ritual
Installation of' officers. Hereto
fore no formality has attended the
. A Z . .
turning over or the qmceB,; nut
last night they put on: the whole
i . . .
on wmn i wrv c h. wit Ilr
Carleton Smith as installing pffi-
cer, assisted" by Dr. C.?B. O'KelH.'
They had 150 members and guests
trh . vltnAfla tha fiavamAnv. an1 In
joln. In takIng anew the i oath Of
allegiance : to Old Olory and i to
the United States of America.
Bpirited Dise
The Cfilcers installed were:
George , Griffith, -commander;
Millar. McGilchrlst, vice comman-
Anderson, quartermaster; C. B.
PNeIlfi sergeant-at-arms; Mort
PHkenon B. P. Pound, Harold
I Smith, j r M. Page and Walter
K?k executive committee.
There was no especial oratory,
jerican legion the living, exponent
I i . Americanism . mat ub irienas
want It to be. The legion plans
to go deeply Into many lines of
activity. Iti will work unceasing:
I ly for A public auditorium! and
communitywhail. .it plans, to take
an active lead in all the patriotic
I ceieDrations. tne American na-
Itidnal days, such as Independence
day and Armistice day L and Me
morlal dayTThe teaching of rev.
lerent, militant Americanism! was
proclaimed as the truest mission
of the order.
Athletics" Claim Interest
To keep up Its own interest, tbe
legion is going heavily into local
athletics. Legion - basketball,
baseball and football teams are to
be organized. Already the legion
inas apoui zv men1 practicing for
tbe basketball Bason. . Uniforms
and equipment are already or-
dered, and within 10 days the
team expects to be playing games
a month, instead of only once a
month as heretofore.
'Arnv 'Mnstni tlMWf
rv ..ji j
frved in the basement where an
Hr.fAi.Aitin v.tT
also added bv Bfdflv Ttlshnn nf
1M T.. R!mmAi nf.t?n.hnrr nnm.
-.t.. "
, f v r!S i i.
Uu ,f v.v "ini,af. i.
tti. i j i-V...
. ine worm
war. Tom in g ami avmv ,.
talners overseas. "Krmmell hap-
pened to drop into Saletm yester-
aay, ana turned out in force to
Join his friend Bishop in putting
on some of their real army stuff
for the program.
Owsley Tleceptiom Planned
The legion joins In urging that
representative crew of Salem
business and professional men
turn ont to thn liVldav nnnn Hln.
ner receDtlbn tr National rnm.
mander AIvln M, Owsley, who is
hours on Friday. The dinner will
have no Invitation list, being open
.for all comers. Commander Ows
ley will explain something of the
alms and achievements! of the
legion, some of which . are still
not generally understood.
Jf 1 5 1
- M. Sikorsld, has been re
placed as Chief of Staff of the
Polish army i by Marshal Pilsud
skL Sikorski has assumed the
Premiership, . and has ordered
arrests among Hallers men and,
the detention of CoL Modelski,:
formerly Heller's adjutant. Hal
ler, has been-empiicated in the'
assassination of President Naru
towics. Photo is of M. Sikorski. ,
'&k1 ,! ' i, 5:..;. n .if.)
1 IJ
j -i
McArthur; Says Butterfat Is
Lacking-Tod. MUch Froz
en Milk Used in Cream
PORTLAND. Jan. -'2 -ice cream
win !. lntm-Arf in a nrooosal to
,-M inii tbAt
u.iiu; 1rin--iktivii)ut first.Attsti be released, by th
of theThird - congressional dis -
trict. has written to members of
the legislature calling their at-
tntinn w h nail amoknt of
hnftorr.) trM amnnnt at
froxon' rriiiv 'lit riMtfon lee cMam.
as-compared with the Ice cream i
requirements of other States.
Consamers Fooled , - ; .
Oregon . consumers and dairy -
nien are getting the worst xf it-'
Air. jncArtnur writes xo legisia-
tors, -under, the present ice cream
law in our.sUte, wnereas tnetn -in-a jr . xvnn thA tihv-
uiauuiaci-urers oi . ico eaij,Bidia to leave tomorrow.
reaping large profiu, it is timei
for : the tee - cream manuiacturers
or.uregpn to give tne consumers
something better .than , frozen
inn, whu s mu BitKr "-
oring extract, j ir tne 10 percent
oasis is aaopiea ine nnuwu-
era: will '.be required to use about
in every loo .pounds or ice
.caiu. .. , ; . .ijt.iIM
Content Per Ctent " '
Oregon's butterfat content In
Ice "cream Is 8 per cent. 5"Th
average per centage f orIruit Ice
cream and for nut ice cream m
Oregon is percent. , . : ,
The Oregon legislature will be
asked to raise the per centage to
1 0 per cent - for plain : and 8 ', per
cent for fruit and nut ice cream.
Prior to the 19X9 . session of
of the " legislature , the " Oregon
ice cream law required ' 12 per
cent Jutterfat .The reduction. In
percentage was made on the plea
that it was a war measure to save
butterfat and i reduce' the content
in the Ice cream.
Northwest Canners Associa-
ter. Price Movement ,
H. H. Mumford, president of
the newly formed Loganberry
Growers association... .returned
late last night from a trip to I
Portland to meet with the North
west CannersYassociatlon. now In
Mr. Mumford announces
canners gave him
e sympa-l4
thetlc hearing when he asked to
present the case of the grower
who has been! going broke as fast
as the market would let him for
the past two years.' They gave
him the floor of their 'meeting 1
wnue he told or the growers I
plight,' of the movement started I
in the Liberty district to interest I
an Oregon in establishing a bet-
ter market for the logans and of
the progress- already made by the
growe ra and the cooperative as-
soclatlons. ,- . ... - , u :
The canners responded by Sp-1
pointing a committee of five ' of I
the big cannerymen of the
west to meet with the present
living price for berries. 7The can-
ners really named six men, so u
to be sure to have a full repres-
entation of five at the meellng.
They j Include Secretary MintoS.
bf the Northwest Cannera' asso-
ciation; -Mr. Judd of the Salem
Kings' Products company, W. G
Allen of Salem, representing, the
Hunt j Brothers' cannery; Frank
Gibson of the Producers' Canning
& Packing corporation of Salem,
Mr. Matthew. nf . twtaiwt or.
Mr. Clair. retn-Aonffn ha noitl
fornia Packing corporation.
dt Is not niMtPH tht nv J
early announcement can be made I
of a price for logans tor the com-f
ing season. JtJUt with producers!.
ana pacaers agreed that the, in
dustry Is doomed unless a fair
price j is paid, the growers now
anticipate a real boom In logahS
for the Willamette valley.
Proposed Contract Bill
May Not Be Favored
The- Assoc laied General
bill introduced -in th-i-.i-t
i rHrrnro rT KnviianJ win m
providing that for .11 county pub :
lie work or-count v snDDlles ex.
ceedlng a consideration of 250
bids must i be advertised for.
communications nave been re
ceived by the Marlon county court
relative to the proposed biIL It
probably will not be favored by
the Marlon county courts In this
county; with nearly 100 road dis
tricts, it Is said there would tie
much ; expense attached tn adver
tising; ror4 bids in au cases.
Read - the : Classified 'Ads.'
iniiiii ma
Physician, Wanted on Mur-
f der, Will go: Back to Louis-
BALTIMORE, Md.,. Jan. 2-
DrB.. M; McKoin . wanted la
Louisiana on a charge or murder
PB connection e.iaufuOU
Parish kidnapings. Is wllllog to
1 Baltimore court In whose custody
nowis. , ... - . J
- Governor' Ritchie . today wired
Governor Parker for auch release.
1 r .Uovernor Kitchie iniormea.
f Governor Parker that; the ,requi-
IpiUon papers already In his hand y
were, noi suincieai ,ioir mo . ,r-
lson.that the affidavits are maae
I on information rand ; belief and
1 not (hir inv one who had aay per-
J Bona! knowledge of the alleged,
j crim
Jf , Governor Parker Is wlllin
qOTernpr Rltcnle Bad ln hl9 ai8.
jf he ease comes to trial be-
fore Governor! Ritcnie the Mary-,
land - executive tolcL Governor
Parkw, that bis decisions accord-
lf wouM aga!ast granting
Wrn,ftlrt itw.. tiKi-'bnt that
- time In order to give
I t .. .v .l .v.
I tiinlty ' to submit competent aff I-
H"11?' ; i - 1
f Dr. McKoln. Governor Ritchie
f said, while inflating on his extra-
I dition - rights, f nevertheless .was
louite 'willing to return to Louls-
I iana velunUrily. 4ut ould not $o
f BO nntil released by the court.
Kendall Olcott's Choice ; :
For( Successor to Coke
1:1 Governor Olcott yesterday an-
fnounceid that; if - the United
States senate j conf irms the ,ap-
nolntmeat ; of ' judge John a.
Coke of ' Marshtield as United .
States district attorney before;
the governor retires lrom ottlce
he rill appoint John ' C. Kendall
of Marsh field to fcttcwed Judge'
Coke as 'circuit ; judge in that
d8trlt. - r.. . -t. -r
i. t 6
OTT VrTTrNt ' mTkmm - 'fAM - a
(Special to The Statesman.)- A
Buiuiiota ui jDUTpj iuu suiicso
ents returned to school Tuesday .
morning." Miss Xuln Goplerud
returned ; to college at Parkland, .
Wajtb. . - fimonr tbflM rritnr back '
ltft n a ft.. r .Mi fiorothv
Wnhh. vn vvin 'Oram r. Mia
It:i it t
er, .Victor Madseh, Miss . Ann Ho-;
bart,. . Theodore l .Itobart, Arthur; 5,
Toire and Elgin McCleary.
James Hollingswdrtn - of Port
land sneht the week-end at Sil-
- i . i..t
. ' .
,t'Mr- and Mrs. ; uari BChmedlcae
entertained a group of friends at
inelr home on Howell Prairie Sat
hrday. night, j ! ;
, : Miss LllHe Madsen, Miss Cora
Satern, Alvln Madsen and victor '
Madsen spent the week-end nt
Jefferson, -
; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Tinglestad
returned to Hood River the flrat
of th0 week after spending the
holidays with Silverton relatives,
Mr ntirtAta im ii, .
fyiL iinnr vi ...
r. ,,.i! j m
north-hhi,dreff went tft ,
ex-NrAi. 1 -
lX;irZl Z . -T1"ar
XZ'":. i -i MT'
t rlVi.J -Li 'o.' ,V. .
1. S lL t Bltsm 'lUB M
L'i Y m-S? "d
Mri: " .eyer i X h
uiareuiw siarne reiurned to
Portland (Monday) evening after
spending a short time with Sil-
Te?,n ?
Mr. and"- Mrs. -Walter Larson
entertained a group of ir lends at
dinner Monday evening;
" Miss Thea Jensen of Portlaha
Bni Sunday erton as the
guest of her mother.
-MIss Marion Chase has return-
a Irom n -holiday vacation
, , )
-j -
In -a recent! accounting to " the
heirs of H. P. Danks, the musical
composer,' ; whtt wrote the . music !
to "Silver Threads ' Amonr. h
Gold,'! U... appeared that from
1915 to 1920 the sales of that
old favorite were so-large that
theT BBt later alleged Buctase3 ,;
1- . ....ib(u6u wmieu ior
ty-eight. years ago, it remains as t
yuyuiMiuuir iB men: ir. indeed., .
,l na Bot Hsen ln favor.
gi lY"Bl
heart. And When Eben E. Rex-,
ford wrote the words In his-hum-"
ble Wisconsin j home little did he
think he was - contributing, so
much to the real music of the
country. Like the flavor of the
wild rose, the beauty , of such
compositions remain, forever.
tls Mrst. . Gaussln a. friend bf
yours?" - . , !..- .. : , '
VNo, she's a friend of my wife. '
"Isn't that thelsame thing?"
"Writ at all' I Ch. t- -
ii-T-M". . i w iccia rr
sorry for. my -wife.
. r ,.
i i
i ;
j1. J
!v." !;
t i
i i
t u
1 '
:;lf '