The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 03, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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- J
t i
i ' -'. Vi
I i
i: i -
V !
' it ' '
1 -
par Stolen. ., - - , .
W. H. Warren, of.!" 476 State
street reported to the police last
4kt that his 1918 Chevrolet car
was stolen after he had parked It
la front of the Miller apartments.
; John Bayne of 414 .TBellevue
street, reported that ;Ja spotlight
had, been stolen from -" - his car Collision Reported-
Monday night:
were elected ; to serve on," by its general earmarks,
board of directors for three: years On Tuesday, since they $ hadn't
frpm January l: Charles S. Wei- been having t fire drill at the
ler, A. N. Moor es, George H. Gra- school for several days, the exec-
benhorst. The meeting adjourn- ntlve of fleers called for a fire test,
ed to meet January 9, 1923 at 5 It was raining cats and dogs, but
o'clock p. m. for the purpose of the big whistle "blew right ! into
passing on the official reports of I the heart of the rain, and the stu-
the secretary and -treasurer. ' dents scrambled out. into one of
f I the' most moisture-laden rains
i 1 fhat- 4ha oilDtiHn, Yi ,- recorded
Hi-grade ehjf ks.f for less
Needhams, 6 58 tate ' street. . Or-der.wly.Adr-'
fetf;;?-': .
Charles Denhem of 495 North! this year, t The whistle punk, in-
Commercial ;treet,l while driving I side and dry, kept both hands on
north, at High at State yesterday I the whistle rope and the children
al I collided with a, car driven by J. (came near getting drowned before
M. Rupert.. No damages were re-i some one got to him and choked
off the whistle.
Association, Elects- -:'
he" 4id"taeejUng-'-;pt-ihe
stockholders, of the Mutual Sav-
Parked Car Hit
W, D, Simpson . of 5 43 Center
street, while driving north
A Classified AO-
Will bring yon a buyer. Adv.
inn fiil TMnatiA;-r I Higlivtreet .v reported that
BirucK . a car. wnicn was paraeu
lem, was held at the office of the
secretary , ' December 30, at 5:30
p. m. . .The. repqrt of the business
tnr th TAr 1922 bain fir tptv natla.
factory. The following persons I Apples, $1 - peMrord
he I Attorneys Admitted-
Victor MV Place and Harold B.
regular meeting s date from. the
first Tuesday; of leach month , to
the fourth Thursday. The league
was to have had its monthly meet
ing at the Chamber of Commerce
last night but under the new plan
it will be postponed until Janu
ary 23. ;,j ' ' '
German Revival Meetings -
' Revival meetings conducted in Secretary of Interior Resigns
the- German language are .being
conducted - at .the Center street
Methodist churcn. Rev. J. J.
Nuseld Of Arlington, Or., is con
ducting the. meetings. The- ser
mon tonight will be on the text
"Son, Remember." f :
to Give Attention to
Private Business
WASHINGTON. Jan. 2. Secre
tary Fall of the Interior depart
ment will retire from office March
Unity Features Meetings - 14. It was announced today at ine
A snirit of unity and fellow- White House, to return to ine
ship featured the second union practice of law.and the conduct of
prayer meeting of Salem private business' affairs In New
churches . which was held last Mexico.
t.irh at Vint Hantfst chnrcn. I neBiaeni nsrajng, wno sis uui
Rev. B. E. Kirkpatrick was the yet prepared to name his succes-
.nv ti,. ovpnlnr The var- nor, was aeciarea.oy an auuuu.8
- w - - i . . i .
ous churches of Salem were well irauon- Poksiuii u
. . f i v-t" - " . . . .1 i.. flrnrr effort to retain tne caoinei
near the curb. Little damage Swasey were yesterday admitted arepresenxea P .' , . ,PA ,n1 to have ten-
. . I li.A n V P nw B- ov , n m . -a-w 1 I I I K IMIua I -------
e third dered - him, without avail, an ap
It will pointment to the supreme court
i was done.
I w n w v www -
by the supreme court to the prac- weather.! Rev.
' ' ' ' George Ade's
4Back Home and
TI7ar1 iVIIlia TtBE
oy tne supreme cob io ia " , -7"-"n"r:-t" Vh thlra dered him, without avail, an ap-
tice of law in Oregon for a period I will speak tonjght at the third lntment to the BUpreine court
nf ninA mnntha on nrobation. iiotn uei's .. i . . ....
Ward It. Richardson, phone 494. are admitted on certificates from be held; at t on8T?J by the recent retirement of Jus-
Adv. f .'fJ L the state of Washington. tlonal church. The choir of the Jet 4. 1
r irsi uonsTTSBiiuaai cuunu m...
nla has been specializing in fruits
that can be advertised as quality
goods for a human market, .and a
practically monopolistic price can
be set on, them that the buyer
will pay. under any conditions.
f .Nobody can see the vital differ
ence 'between Oregon hay or
wheat, and hay or wheat from
other states. They feed it to-the
cows or other stock, anyhow, and
no brand worth the printing can
be affixed to it. But down in
California where wonderful wheat
fields once were produced, the
Wheat yield has !; now become al
most as extinct as the bar-tender
or the dodo. They have gone in
to fruits and other specialty pro
ducts-that can be advertised and
sold at high prices. The Califor
nia population gain in the last
decade was practically three times
the' gain of Oregon, which is the
smallest of the quartet of states.
California, Washington, Idaho and
Oregon. , j jr:.;--' : '
Professor Lewis, who is a
staunch friend of Oregon and a
capable judge of what .can and
does' make a good, state, has been
carryings on ' a series of 1 Oregon
articles in the ' American f ruit-
Investigation Begun
A general investigation cover-
Place is located at Brookings.
Or., and Mr. Swasey In Portland.
music for the
grower,' and' this new compilation
is expected to find, its way into
his columns for the benefit of the
webfoot state
The Oregon ! Growers have tak
n 1 Inn losarl nr n'l inn Iirpirnn
step was the condition of his own .... 'n.t!,finn tn
Isffafra an1 fnnV.nrrnnlnn to deny I . ... . . - , . .
nrnvr . Bellinirer. wno w. . A . 1 ' uii..c.
Report 1 4. Denied
Secretary Fall said later, that
the only impelling cause for- the;
r tie T mail sale reports that he had reslned to that will make the Oregon brands
)l ,W6 mail I""1 ..-, kin., no ominsAl fnr an 1 . ... .
furnish special
inert locomotives and cars of rail- I Bank Call' Mad
roads throughout the ' , United I ; Frank C. Bramwell, state su- Seals Asked For
States to ascertain the extent of J perintendeni of banks, has issued
shortage and other important I a can ior staiemenzs on mo cod-
m . . ; i ill L 11.. I.t 9 n , KnV. .. ,ln.'rtv I r riflt m fl fl1
iacis nas Deen iHBuiuica moiu-iwu ' ou corporauon, .or umi b; of tns Newhouse-Lewis work is
intersUto ! commerce commission, I at the close of badness on De- many seals (mailed out na tion existed between himself and expected to ge deeply into the
according to information received cember v27.- h neither been! returned nor para ,n the administration. . . bU8ine88 of the state, later
yesterday liy the state puou? ter-i r ; iior ana bi -" He win gotto nis cane rsucu lu this season
Vice commiS'iio:!. , Slinnnanan net urns inose navins, sutu WUUvU New Mexico upon leaving inis 01-
R. E. Shannahan, who spent seals either return them or maae fiCe and fcfter a short . vacation
Real Fire Test '. , i I several months as publicity, head 1 payment for tnem. - j resume the practice or law ana
i . -
ft - 1
j , 5 h
i v
' t
1 4
r; - V '
1 1 f l - - l - V
I t 1 A
important a call for statements on tho con- was in charga oi ine man accept a place as counsel for an . n,enlim Snmo
seals reports ,ftrnoratlon that anv frier I T .V:.! " T
" Cr 4 s
LL S ...... ...
Superintendent Harwood Hall I for the Oregon Growers In their
of the Salem Indian school is not I Salem office Is back again for the
I exactly a joker, but when the hu-I winter. He was sent to Yamhill
morous thing happens ne recog- Muring the fruit, season, whoro be
was assistant superintendent in a
; plant that hasalready handled
more than 4.000 000 pounds oflu. 8
:runrs. He is back again in itfc
! the administration of business In
As a senator. Secretary Fall
was a personal inena ana bo-
SAVE $ $ $
..',-..... :
' Beatrice Joy
Richard Dix
. c, Irerle Rich . .
"Poverty of Riches
Sheet" Music free to
' .Every, Patron .
by buying your S
tiirmtiireai ineapiwunaro. thft iMA aaI elt 8ea80
ware & fiirmture jo., no.
Commercial St. Phone 947.
Lekal ' Blanks-
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on application.
adv. .
nr. B. IT. WUto
Announces :the Installation of
apparatus for the practice of elec
tronic reactions, as outlined anor elate of Mr. Harding before en
taught by Dt, Albert Abramsv 606 tering the administration. ! It was
National Bank bldg. Adv. understood when he accepted he
' portfolio that he might not serve
new glasses ourv-- i , i inrougnuui. ,iub o,umuoi.k.w " m... ru:, ; ru-.-.-.
Thn iiih work under he Idroucht and cattle market con-mtJW Lrlldll mail VyilUbtJIi
l I .. . . . . i r i it r I t-
Smlth-Haghes act which was ditions In the New Mexican tern- UampDeil OUGCeeuS I IYI,
iory wueru ui " Korno-nn nn Knnrri
i v ' Diamonds, . "Watches,
: Jwilrv and Silverware.
rt.. iokk o-i- 1 nor, board of directors Tuesday after
cuuue J.u.t v"v- h sobm nn.lKi Men's
stooped for Christmas win re
sume today, according; to Mrs
F. E. Baker, who Is in ? charge.! his attention. .
lie.vwere said to have a claim on
I Meeting Date Changed-
At a special meeting of their
New classes in all. of the ae-
will be Btarted this
week at the Red Cross rooms,
she ireports
Rnaltothall Men Banquet
The members of the Commer
Return , Engagement
"He Old Next"
Popular Prices'
Capital junk
All kinds of junk and
second-hand gopds. 'We
pay full value.
215 Center Street
' Phone 398
, 219 State St. ,
Cor. Front St Phone 937
ign. rfftcided to rhanze their cial basketball league
anetea in ma uw
the Spa last nightj by
Khiftine . Is Rumored
Tn office. Secretary Fall has . H. H. Corey was yesterday
taken a nersonal Interest in Alas-1 elected chairman. of the state pub.
kan anil western affairs witn uc service qommission wnen tne
which the inferior department I commission was reorganized:.
comes in direct contact and! has Thomas K. Campbell, who was
made several Inspection trips to elected commissioner last Novem- j
,a n-1 nOlntS in ine TuDUC uuiuam ui I uci , oouureu, uio uuvio, auu
i. t.4i.A intaraaU ! M KerHean. i whom he defeated.
mi iiiriiia lu .o.u. . : I . " . "
"wmiy - . ... j i., ... , v i
The nresiaent. it, was lnoicateo, igitagcouiinig&yui iverriBu
Battling terrific storms and the high &eaa and on the last lec
an eighty-one day voyage from Aximi on the Oold Coast of Africa, tie.
three masted schooner Rosa Fellka Was picked up In distress ty ina.
steamship President Garfield sixty miles east oNantttcket Ught. ' The
crew on board the schooner Rosa Felika, bound tor Boston. ras found
half starved. H. L. Luck, captains! the President Garfield. ;threwrut
a life boatito cart provisions across jto the crew of the schooner and
then dragged the craft all the way to Hobqken. hoto show the,
rescue crew bringing Rosa Fellka men aboard the President Garfield,
' ! ' 'I ' ' w.
yesterday i Governor - oicoii com
mended liim highly for the ser
vice he , lias given as a member
oit 'ihe commission. i -
Mr. Barratt ' was here yester
day and intimated whether no
leaves - the" commission ' imme-
diaUilydtpendedron-the-attitu d a
taken by Governor tilcott..-
Member bf Highway Com
mission; to Finish Out 01- 1
cott Administration
the YTfM7
C. A.
BARNES--Funeral services tor ent Including tnei coacn, v.
Miss Kelllsi E.: Barnes will be Bonnet.
: a Coin Ton : 5 ' 1 - SO I V ' T 'V ' ' i
UC1U C b vwu-. " .
p.m. ' The " services under the More Show Reduction:
arrangements of 1 Webb J rr-Reductions in
was elected in the recall: election
lection of a successor to the re- last May. Employes of the de-
tiring secretary, whose resigns- partment presented jverngan
tion constitutes the second break witte a costly finger ring when he
within the administration's offic-j retiredL
ial family since Mr. Harding as;
sumed office, i Reports have been
W. B. Barratt, member of the
i ... - i-- .
state highway" commission, will
remain or the commission at
4east-7-until the expiration- ot
W. P. Ellis is retained as secre-1 Governor Qlcott's term of office,
tarr of the commission. land will participate In the meet
Another Man's Sight
May ; seem good tie
may see quite clearly by
straining his eyes but
the moment his attention
is diverted his eyes will ;
take a re3t with the Inev
itable result of imperfect
work. . Do you see how
closely skill or the4ack of
it depends upon the qual
ity of our. sight Do
you realize '
30 1-5 Oregon Bldg.
Oregon's Largest Optical
.''(, Institution .
Phone 239 for appointment
& I : Reductions in; office xpensSs
c I i- ...Ja I HUIlllA tll-l-IC iitcyvi w " v
Clough and conaucted by Rev. were shown in an county oinc current that a shifting of cabinet
Putman ot ; Salem will be hew when the county ouug. jaignrnfenls might result,
in the Baptist church. MisS proved last. Saturday. . In na- , posslbUities Mentioi
n.rnoa whn was 44 years old Idition to those menuonea
. v - . .. I . .Ani.
i. " anrrived hv ohe hrotner, snndav there were w
James Barnes of Salem
f Hunerintendent
GUNDERSON Peter j Gunderson county assessors ornca
. . . t -m.- - v.t v. at
passea away i ai -1 . . . ; : , i
524 South Fourteenth street, Urensc Issneo , -Kf, without any - transfer wunm in . Qramr ,aBo xomrnls- Yesterday
Jan. 1. 1923. at the age 01 Marriage license . T" Presiaenrs caoineu tu , i0.?p HoffvitaWaurerv Mrl Barr
n -Mr Rnnnerum is i n iha rmiowinz vesveruaj. v .rn senator wew or inaiana uu . - .. i 2 . .1.1.-1. ...ul: ,.
a jrc.. . l r i- w n.nii, 1 7. r , . t, ana Justices i wurneitcjouri 1 mucu ,u 6'"
survived by his widow, - Brotnerton ana . K.eiiogg 01 :,uu uu p? andnd Lf the 8Uoreme court, pires January 8 he will remain
TAoAnn jnrnn auuKm i aM . t urnnriAii rkr vvvnmmK. i - , - 1 . - .....
, "V .j,,iof IZ. l, . 1 Ti I Judge-TAMcBride- succeeded onthecommlssion
and Fina Edmondsat Republican house leader, all of a iir.ti LSior T annolnted
- , " j n nvrl iar I in 1 1 f-nM vvA(la I l UUhC aus uvvw-wh -'-'" -w-rw . : . . - " r
ana.buwaiu vnom-fui.reurv. Hm,..r -i ;r-: -J. i m i-,,nderRtnod that the res-
mnft nfMt. AnxeLr ' n(.rt March and Carmi ThomDSon I ' " 'v.: -- . 1 . : ; , , . . .
" 7 . 1 - : - - 1 r"- 1 rantinnir i nr i;nmmiHiunera
ot Ohio; who was the Republ can , . 2 , .. t4. Botll and! YeoS wiU be on the
cannmate ror governor 01 iuat New KeCOrQ tSiaDHSneQ. deBk-of Governor-elect - Pi
At the same time a number Of
t - J . W . .1. M nittntlllt. I
tlons in the offices 01 me cuuuy tration have been named since
of scnoois u,tarv Fall'R retirement came
under discussion, as possible ap
pointees for the interior "posj
without any - transfer (within the
Peter Gunderson, by five sons OI Salm;
and by six daughters. Body Cf McKee
at Webb & Clough's and fu- woodbnrn
neral announcements later. and Mary
Newton McCoy, who also was state highway com-
lMtiwt in th recall electlonhasrwiSBtonjnrflrusuia.raqa.;;;!
.erved . chairman since tha re-Hhis weeii which is a special
call commission oreanized. I meeting. , , r , t j, - ;
mi,-,(,t nfHai wWA worn I Mr: Barxatfs resignation was
oitei In s November baeaoiscnt to Governor Olcott .Novem
their new terms of office today. 25, but was not read by tho
in.iniiui t a rhiircHniH governor bntil hi8 - return,: the
state superintendent of . schools; "rst or tnts weeK irom tne east
the i governor wrote
Barratt urging t that ius-
V .Y1
' !l r O I
v an
tr"s ,
( 3
Rigdon & Son's
" Unequaled Serrle
I Webb & Clough
Leading Fuceral
i Directors -t
Expert &nbabners
ou.un . - 1 I . . . . I :
Arthur E. Peterson, 823 Nortn state in ine iasi exiiuu.
rrommerclal street, reported a col
lision with George DecKer.oi
Woodburn on ! the highway yes-.
terday. Little damage was done.
j; r PERSONAL 'l
. -
Hir'of-Governor-elect Pierce
by BUSineSS Failures) When hq jtakes office, and Mr.
f 1 : f 1 uarratt sijwiu imeiy do wm
NEW YORKi Jan. 2.-Business them, sinee- that is said . ta be
failures in the. United "States es-Jthe desire of the twootber mem
tablished a new high record in 1 bers. j The new governor may
192:2. Bradstreetsreported today. Dame : thdir successors imme-
Last year's fallurestotaled 2,-diateiy
Clancy, Florist, Inc.
; : ::. '. It . -; s . r
1 25 North Hizh. : Phone 381
Say it with Flowcrs j
M. J. Lee, memberof the legis
lature from ! Clackamas county,
was in1 Salem last night. - i
Hal F. Wiggins, transportation
expert with the Salem Chamber
of Commerce, returned Tuesday
from Portland, where he had
spent a week working out some
Ttn h'ortant. knotty Droblems of
Yearholiday with his brother.
,4 00. the report showed 11.9 per
cent cmofcLJ nan xaax, ana xo
ner cent more than 1920. As
. ' Hv .!. compared with the boom
Statistics tO Be .Forwarded 1919, the,I22 failures were tour
In -his
letter to Mr. Barratt
Monthly; pain
jQeuralic, ci; C z
'and :' rheunr-tlc
pains, headache, backache 4;
jail other, aches. arciUiiick! re-
ilieved hy ''''(
J)nMicsAnti-I)ain LI!!.'
j Contain ; no - dangerous habit
forming" drugs. Why, don't yc3
'try" thefn? j ..
j ;, I; O Ask yeur . druggist '
Return Engagnient.
Starts Tomorrow
Popnlar Pliers
C. I. Lewis for Pub
licity Purposes '"-
ti mes as gtat. i Last year's lia
bilities, however, totalling, I 4 6,
955,633, were 14 per cent less
than In 1921 but 61 per cent
greater than those of 1 9 20 more
Established 1868
' ir r ! General Banking Baslnesi " i
Office Hoars from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
V: . -
" we pit In your cellar means
Just so. much comfort. Every
lump will be a heat producer,
, not a single piece ot slate or
' stone In the entire load. Why
. pay for the latter when for the
i same money you can get all
i coal by ordering beret . Also
! handle briquette and wood.
rnoNB oso ?
i " i ;
The Ame of Perfection in
the Stationery World
J. F. Tyler
157 8. tfmi'l
Phone U5
nt, mouy prowem. v. w ,s nreParing a series of .nd 81 ner cent inexcess of 1914
and spending me ew i . RtatiRti!al i,aiZi . i9M- futinrpn wr
v rn with Ihom In h A W i C J C ft 9 14S nrfiloll tnfilAll Kfi.3
' V DulMllll " . .i i-- .. :- . . .
r.. xx. iru ",v" what California Is doing In the nr rni f the liabilities. The
Beach, Calif., has been Ing of advertl8inK her farm and nnmher in business in the xoun
this week with relatives In Salem. orchard products. The Berleff is try was 2.074,614, a gain of 1.2
HeeipecuwienTerriu. to go back to Prof. C. ;I. Lewis, per cent over ! 192 1.
nome, auer a onei irip w formerly of the Oregon Growers,
land. now of the American Fruit Grow-
A. W. Norblad of; Astoria, for- er of Chicago.
mer state ' senator from Clatsop j The -figures show. In graphic
county, was in Salem yesterdayjf J form, the appropriations spent by
W H n,,ntf nf (hi) atati hlPTl- I .v. .natnv nfataa ' InrlnHliner
TV. . ' . .J vr. - . - j VUT3 1UUI ncDICIU OU"l.v. uf ... ..... v. CT
way commission, was In Salebc California and Oregon for adrr
yesterday. ''"Hi tlsing. The proportionate popu la
Prof. Lestle Sparks of Wash- tion gain for the past decade J is
ington junior high school return- shown on one slide; the percent
ed Tuesday from a holiday -'vliit age production, both .gain and
ddwn at his home, in Bandon, OSBf Qf the various . principal
Coos county. r " .'-':
; Prof. George B. Lamb, super
intendent of schools for Tilla
mook county, is a visitor in Sa-
croos. and various other interest
ing facts about tne business ot the
whole Pacific coast.
It is shown that while Oregon
leYn this week, the guest of D.'L. (has been gaining. steadily in hay
Shrode of Yew Park, f T land some other cheap, bulk pro
ducts' that call tor dirt-cheap
transnortatlon or practical bank-
I HOTEL ARRIVALS ! : I; Uruptcy for the producer. Calif pr-
r MARION Ed. Bergstrom. Mc-1 ley. J, H. Scott, Portland, s
Kinnville; M. W. Frank, Clee- . BLIGH James S. Gleason.
land; B. S. Isddy. Roseburg. Jerry Vlck, L. S. Lach, U I B.
Vera " and ; Helen' Wohlheten, Zieman, I, N. Nobte, H.' Hall,
Woodburn; Miss 1 Dyrma Price, F. . L. Ilartman, Oliandis. jO.
W. F, Jeffries, Roseburg; II. S. Sbansbarg, S. A. Mack. : K.
T. Holden. Eugene; J. II. Lyons, I Novak ; F. W. Milne,- Portland;
N E. Jackson. W. H; Davie, 1 B. Irons, Morristown, 8. u.l V-
Smith. G. E. Winter, D. W. Lon
oers,: D, H. Diamond, '.M. New
man, E. S. Farmand. ll. S. West,
roke, C P. Ross, Mr. and ; Mrs.
W. , R. . Hughes, John B. Bit
t Jn g, M. ' D. Owens, F. S. : West,
Mr. and Mrs. ; 1. W. Dicken-
son. .u. Alieanoti,' cnanra.
.J'rtJ. P. Kerth.
H.: Perkins,. Junction , City; Mike
Firt,-.M111 City; F. E.. McKee,
Tacoma. , ,
TERMINAL J. H. Zell. Port
land; A. H. Whitaker, R- M.
Whitaker, Lot, Angeles; , O. . L.
Waterman,' , Grande i Ronde; ; O.
Matten, San Francisco; : A.
Taylor, Los ; Angeles.
Ain't It Awful ?
The wayne feels when
he is suffering from a
cough And then again,
ain't it funny why bo many
people will just keep on
coughing when a bottle of
onr 'cough syrup will relieve
In the first
day used.
135 it. Commercial
Phone 197
Try , Your Penslar tjtore
'Flrst' t
A Jubilee of Great Value
OUR Great Sale offers a wondefiil op
portunity to replenish 'your wardrobe
at prices lower than you?U see agaih in
many a day. '" ' :!
See the beautiful Party Frocks, Af
ternoon Dresses and Suits they're here
aplenty in attractrverancty.
U. . G. :SIrlpley Co.