Issued Dally Except Monday by; " - - '"riTIIK STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 ' 215 S.Commerclal St,, Salem, Oregon (Portland Oflico, 27. Board of Trade Building. Fhone Automatic -". . ' i 511-93' . . j ' BfKMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 'The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for publi cation of all news credited to it or not otherwise credited in this. paper .and also the local news published herein. R. J. Hendricks Stephen A. Stone Ralph Glover' ... Frank Jaskoskl . , . m . i TELEPHONES: ; Business Office, 23 Cirenlation Department, 6 8 3 ' Job Department, 583 . Society Editor, 10 j i Entered at the Postoff ice in Salem, Oregon, l as second class matter ; ; OUR FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE : '-. ' . , v f v .. . ,. ;. . ,-. I , v ,: ' f v ? A foreign service unsurpassed by any other nation is the object of a bill in Congress v i - - 1 A foreign service that will be our first line of i defense and our advance guard of commercial expansion. . It is the "dollar diplomacy" of the McKinley administra tion, with a college education;, organized; made effective. The bill reclassifies and reorganizes diplomatic and con sular offices. It puts the two services under one head and one roof the1 foreign service.' All below the grade of am- hoassador and minister are to be Jcnown as "foreign service j of fleers," from the entering Class 9 for young men, at $3,000, ! to Class l; at $9,000 per annum. ?; ':: i I." "x The measure proposes to -make the service sufficiently attractive to draw the best talent in this country to it as a permanent career ; to jnake it democratic ; to humanize it. The measure has the support of the President, the Sec f retary bf State, the United States Chamber of Commerce, ! and many other organizations. ! i - : ; The attitude of mind in' this country that has been dis posed to let foreign relations slide' is passing. , It will have well nigh disappeared a decade hence. . "We jnust not become internationalized; we cannot be come insulamed;" this sentiment is being expressed gener ally throughout the country now". And there is a growing knowledge of the fact that the danger of our country becom ing internationalized has not at any time been either real or imminent.. .. ..:-:- M - j-. . ' , The United States is approaching the tidal flood of com mercial competition. False lights and deluding buoys are on every hand to lure the Ship of State upon the rocks. The nets of international intriguers are spread to enmesh the propellers. I The "Red" rats (walk the hawsers whenever the good Ship docks. The pharos of amity and true cooperation "is occasionally discernible. The "Red", the wecker, and the . intrigant inuat be spotted. j The friend and ithe competitor should be signalled. A high-power foreign service is the . searchlight for the job. The bill presents specifications for the Twentieth Century; model. With a trained body of men ;;and .women for Qurrforeign service, co-ordinated anJ working an harimony, every American interest 1 in all the nooks and . corners of the world will have watchful care and there could be no greater, force for mutual understandings and peaceful solutions. . . j ! ' The "voters of Illinois hare, de feated 'the proposed new constitution."- It is mighty hard to change the constitution of. either a 'state or an Individual. - -If the flax industry at the pen itentiary Is developed- there, FUTURE DATES i ' JBBrr 5r Triday ElTia M. Owt, ' "national ewmmaoder at Amaricaa Lrgioa. ! - t h in Salem. , ' - j - , - . f y Jansary S Monday Inauguration of 'Governor-elect Walter M. Pierce.' Vj ; V, Jilurr ft. Moniay Lettnlntwrw met.. ; SCHOOTa ! 'b frrrirr j ' 6PORT3 Copyright, 1922, Associated Edit First Steps TUB ART OF (Mr. Harry Davenport, who has been an actor for more than ' fifty. : years. gives ; In : this article some pointers for the boy an.t girl Interested in amateur acting. Mr.":' Davenport is a .character actor, -and Is at. present taking tha part ot a minister in -"Thank U," ..ia comedy I now running in Chicago.) : r ; One of' the ; first thing i you should learn if you are. interest r ed in acting is how to makeup- Of course-the art of make-up Is different for -the stagets of big ( . a m a. a., . : i aV t ineaires oecause Or mo amuurj and red lights- used; .which 1 do j away with grease-paint; -' How I ever, for ordinary ' performances, L grease-paints ' are necessary. ! In making np the", girls should t- use a lighter color than the boys. Boys musC guard Tagalnst using ' 1 too light a grease-paint Jin the flesh color. ' To make "wrinkles, UBe " " maroon-colored g r(e as e paint. Blend It f Into the flesh color, w that there is no har4 i line vbetweon the wrinkle and the flesh. . Always put lighter -j touch of grease-paint alongside ' i the wrinkle. ' j: '" jr : . ' . .V; Biena Colorf Carefully '' ilalf of th art of 1 make-up lis in the blending the "colors smoothly.. : Before putting on the make-up ' rub .the face . well all over with cold cream, using the hvy theatrical,' cream, which nn b bought at any drugstore. Then . wipe 'U - off with a oft, owel. Be careful nol to pui " Uo much rougerrhut spreaa n ......... .....Manager ...... .Managing Editor .............. .Cashier .......Manager Job Dept. as ' It should be developed, It Is capable of paying the whole expenses of the institution, with the working of not more than the ISO men who are now idle there besides paying a small wage for evryj worker at any task there from the sales of twines. There could also be de veloped there, with very small cost, the making of rugs, and the manufacturing of crash toweling for the . use of all the state In stitutions, and : with a surplus for ors Tlie Biggest Little in Acting MAKING UP over the cheeks evenly to give a glow. i i' In making up the eyes, just darken the lashes and put - a light line above and below, trie eye and a touch of rouge on the lids. ; Do - not carry the black grease-paint away up onto ' the lids. . ' ' ' i : .. j Make. Your Own Mustache J , If a .mustache is required in the make-up, try this, j- Get some crimped j hair - and comb it oot into aV comb the width of the mustache you ' want, Then take a pair of scissors and cut oft th back part against the comb, and the long hair will be on the other side. Slip I the hair right off the comb without dis turbing . it, which leaves you a perfectly- flat surface' on the- top parti;.". ' -: j ; -' : , , 5 To" attach tne. . mustacne, giue the fla aide r onto the side ot a piece of courtplaster, then moisten the sticky side and place it against your i upper 1 Up. Take a pair of scissors ; and trim your mustache - to the desired shape. ! THE SHORT STORY, JR. I DONALD 1IKLPS THE FAIRIES 'I - ronder." 1 Donald v- mufed softly to hUnseU." "I wonder: Maybe there arc fairies, after alii - Just because ho j one' ever saw one. that .doesn't prove any thing. No- one evor saw elec tricity eitheT. " And queer things do hamen. " Anyway, how - does mother always know just what to do and when to do it? She eays ..JlIANrSAl'JM. OREGON sale In the markets. And in time some of the lighter work ot mak ing rugs .and towelings, and other manu fact urea of flax fiber, might be transferred to the other insti tutions, . such as the one for ; the feeble minded, and the. state training (schools , for" loys and girls, and those for the deaf and the blind; and even to the state hospital. IT there is a way to secure the money for the cost of the machinery on state deben tures, the Industry ; at the peni tentiary will '-be capable of pay ing back all the cost, and inter est on the money. This has been the experience at the Stillwater 1 penitentiary in Minnesota, with the twine factory: there, making mostly binder twines, and secur ing the raw materials in Yucatan, Mexico, -and! in the .Philippines the sisal and the manila hemp. We' hear a lot about New Year's resolutions 'and nothing about Christmas resolutions. Yet most of us make more good resolutions in the days just after Christmas than at any other time in the year. i - .; j , "Next year," Everyman resolv es, "I'm gqing to start a Christ mas 'fund January T and keep plugging aWay at it all year. This thing of being unprepared and therefore $eing plunged a mile in debt by j Christmas,! has got to Stop." ' j ! ' "Next year." Everywoman vows, 'Tm going to start ' em broidering 'comeback gifts as soon as th winter ? white goods sales are over, so as not to be caught short again." .. f J " "Next year," Everymother sighs, "I'm going to see to It that the children are not allowed to eat such an awful mixture. This thing of having the doctor as the most ' Important Christmas guest is getting old." "Next year," Everygronch swears, "I'm going to get a sawed off shotgun and shoot every sin ner who tries to sneak In here and give the kids noise-making toys." . -j y ' , "Next year," Everydad. growls. "I'm not not going to be maced into giving a darned thing to peo ple I don't like. Just for family or social reasons." "Next year," Everysanta gasps, "I'm going to wear. f asbestos whis kers If I live." 1 ' 'And so on and on. We all make 'em. But they are like New Year's JresoluUonsmighty few bf us keep 'em. " ' '""' ' BUGGIES COMING BACK They are) making more buggies now than they were a year ago. It was thought that the sidebar buggy had gone into the discard and that its next appearance would be in! the American museum of antiquities. : The horse and buggy of the mid-Victorian days Paper in the World the 'fairies tell her, and I half believe they do." . v "Of .course there are fairies," Mrs. King told Donald. "There are always fairies in happy fam ilies:! j It's the fairies that tell you What ! to do to be happy, and how to make other people happy, which is all the same thing.'f DoUald looked serious. "But reall and truly now," he asked. didnTt you . make that candy that Bud and I found under out books last night?" I III "His! mother laughed, "JVell I may have helped the fairies," she admitted, -"but they jtold me where, to put It." ,':. Donald wished the fairies would help f him to do something nice for his mother. It hardly eeemod fair for them to give her all the. Ideas. "If i only had some money now," Ibe thought.' as he fell asleep, j"I could buy her a beau tlful new dress and 'hang it In her room, where it would sur prise' her. Or if I only knew how to cook I could( get dinner while she Is at club." Ho de cided there was very , little that be- could do. Of course he could polish her sho, but that was suchj a little thing she - probably would never notice" It. '5 -- "OhV'dear," sighed lionald. and It was then that he Urst cau.1it sight of the( lUtle fairy on the end of his b"!. "" " "You. -silly lfrtlevboy,n eald. ot bej often boulevards, but there, is still a ha'-o .of ro mance about the combination that time cannot wholly dispel. Most of the buggy and wagon builders went into the motor game early this century, but se me of them clung to the old lnc ustry and ! it now appears , that these survivors are doing an increased, business. In some of the eastern states notably Pennsylvania. Ohio, . and West Virginia, the buggy is stag ing a come-back, ilost of the rural roads, are merely of dirt construction and' there are a great many small hills. In wet weath er these conditions call rather for the horse and buggy than for the gasoline chariot. Likewise Dob bin starts easier than Henry on arfrosty morning, j So there is an increasing market for the old fas Wort dbuggy. It Is known that a vast number of farm wag ons are rtill being made and that there are almost as many horses In the country as there were ten years ago. Now the buggy is renewing its iouth. The baby buggy we always have with us. WOMAN' IX MANX'S SEAT The circumstance of a woman seeking a mants place is no new thing, but a Ftrange angle is giv en to it In Ct lea go. There the daughter of former Congressman Mason is being sor to the urged as a succes- ate Congressman Mann. -Mann's was a man's job. but it may be filled by a woman. The dd part of it Is that the wo n In the e se. Mrs. Winifred Ma.o$ Huck, ib already In cop- cress; She was rhosen to fill the by the death of vacancy caused her father, wha was a congrcss- tnan-at-large fronv the ; state ot Illinois. She merely for the was nominated short term, which expires -next jaarcn 4. , A man was chosen for the full term. But Mrs. Huck resides in the district which Mann so long represented and now has the Inside track as his successor. She has had Wash ington experience of many year's and the recent campaign give her valuable, publicity. She! may make the goal. ; CHANGE OF HEART Mussolini is not much of a-So cialist now. His former opinions seem to have been vastly' amend ed through circumstance. He is in mood for a dictatorship. It peems odd that when Socialists gather a little power they drift naturally Into autocraey, which is as far removed from true So cialism as night varies from day. Lenin was once a champion of equality and popular rights. Now he Is a dictator trying to make terms with capitalists'. , :v SINGS FOR SUPPER The new Russian basso Is said to the most formidable trench erman In opera. He stands six PLAT WORK Edited by John H. Millar pointing its finger right at him, "don't you know that all bg tnmgs are made up of little things?" J I ; uouaia was very much sur prised. He eat up in bed and rubbed his eyes. "You do the little things," the fairy advised him, "and the fairies will I take care bf the rest." . The next morning Donald was up bright and early. ; He .care fully turned back his bed to air. After; ho was dressed he straight, e ned, up the room-and put every thing in Its place. Then be fore he went downstairs he. made his bed. V Later in the morning his mother came up as usual to straighten ' up his room. . "Well, well,' she cried happily, - "the fairies have been at 'work in here. I've always wished they would start to work - in . your room." Donald laughed.' He was per fectly willing that the fairies should have the credit for do ing all the work. Jt it hadn't been for them he would newer have thought of doing the little things. " ;.;- :, H: k - " "." h : i PICTURE PUZZLE 1 WKat 4 American Poetaare these? Answer ti yesKrJay ': Wovdrow WU- ofii courtship- may seen-on our--mode M TTTi jo wmms ... . ;. i reetfour Inches In 'hi socks and his appetite is even more Impres sive, than i hls frame. Me will never sing without pay, but he ijbas sung for his supper. In Rus sia he would get 200.000 rubles for aX appearance, but the prico is not nearly as Impressive as it sounds. He would rather have had a ham and a dozen of fresh eggs. He has sung. for less than that. Now that. he is in America he gets both money and meals and plenty of both.' : 1 i THE CLOSED CAR v More than 60 per cent of the high-priced automobiles and 30 per cent of the Fords are now made in Inclosed styles. This means1 that the use of the buzz wagons for pleasure Is becoming year-round affair the world ovenjsven anocjyajnAl-Jtllzzar in j Montreal or St. ( Paul cannot keep all the folks at home. Even the humble plumber in Oregon now keeps twp cars -the open faced one for sunshiny use and the hunting case for night prowl Ing. ! First Christian Church Holds Annual Meeting !-.The annual meetins of the First Christian church was held tMonday following a; fellowship ainper , at noon. Reports from the various departments show in creases along all lines. A living link missionary. Miss . Hattie Mitchell, a member of the local church, went to Africa in Septem ber and ils now at work there, supported by' the congregation. New Bible school rooms have been added to the church' equipment. making the plant one of the very best for Bible school work. About $9875 was raised bv the church during the-year, nearly 1 2500 of the amount being given for mis sions and benevolences. More , than 80 were added to the membership during the year and more than 300 have been received during the present pas torate of J. J. Evans, covering a I period of little more than two years, j . W. O. Osborne, James Camp bell, John L. Rlggs ! and Adam Burns (were elected elders emrl tus. p. J. Hull and Barton Z. Riggs were elected to the active eldeshlp. Earle Brunk, 'Will McMorris and Dudley Taylor were ejected deacons. ( . j ' K . just now the congregation Is In an enlistment campaign under the leadership of the special aer-l vices of H. M. Barnett and J. Frank Harbison.; They are show ing themselves capable and ef- icient and conducting a spiritual Vnd . helpful campaign. The ihurch is expecting large results luring the next i few weeks. uuiiiUi' Your the events occur. a M,:1,,,, r,. ',:i.7 ,r,i':Ll,nilri'".-i.' L-1L ' .'Maw ' U" i m . . . . . .. .... i . . ' t aii WEDNESDAY MORNflNG;- JANUARY 3.' l923ll--- ' ' Jl VOCATION WORK ITifTEREST GROWS New Classes to Be Formed Advance Made Through out the btate i With the passing of the holiday season, renewed interest is being shown in the varios classes .or ganized in: vocational work in Salem and elsewhere. l . ' The various groups in sewing, dressmaking and millinery under the instruction of lira. P. E., Bar ker win meet as formerly in the Red Cross rooms on State street. Both day and evening classes will be conducted . and women wfshfnjr tflpenrolt shouttfTfpnlytifcaia,, once-to Mrs. Barker in order that the various groups may- be ar ranged to suit the time and con venience of those interested. The classes for the Aurora and South Salem Communities will also! reor ganize for advanced study. - In-order to meet the increased demand for similar classes else where. Director Elliott of the state board for vocational educa tion reports that arrangements are being completed to place ad ditional instructors in -the field who will organize and conduct such fcj asses in centers which, may be grouped In circuits, thus per mitting; he Instructor to conduct several ; classes consecutively. information regarding uch plans may toe obtained by confer ring wflh.MiBs Louise Wood, Cor vallis, rwho i$ the' state supervisor of home economics for the state board. ll Van tbon Gets the Medal for Most Important Book CHICAGO Jan. The "Story lot , Mankind," by Hendrik Van iibon . has been voted ' the most Important book published in 1921 by the Children's Librarians section jfot the American Library association. jOut of 212 votes re ceived by the chairman of that section, Van Loon's book received 164 , with nd other book receiv ing more than 22. , . In accordance with the vote, Mr. Van Loon was awarded the John Newberymdal, the gift of Frederic C. ilelcher, by the Chil dren's Librarians section' at De troit. It fa J considered j probable that the medal will be i awarded annually in the future by this section.-1- ; . , I- - i . "-I Those whb are so ; ready to of their mind give others a piece seldom havs it to. spare, -The Lord knows j they need all j the mind; they have and it is of dubious quality at that. 7i J Seven The wearer of the ''seven league boots - could cover miles at a . step. But he didn't have a thing on you. : ' ' : i A glance through your paper and you jump from New York to San Francisco, Philadelphia to London, or from Montreal to iTini i v: i :.. ' L-a iL. .:..jj : Li ;i 1 . ; iuu luiun niiai guuig uu Turn to the advertising columns and you are transported to grocers, the clothiers, the music manufacturer, or talk with the maker of a new household appliance. Right in your own arm-chair, unhurried, unworried and out effort you can make your choice of good merchandise. , r . I : . I : Merchants and manufacturers who put advertisements in this paper are progressive, j They must give good value.; They know that advertising, by increasing the number of sales, will lower prices and give you more for your money. j ' - The advertisements are miles ahead of "seven league boots" Read them. ! . . . ... . .... 1 . ! ' ' ." : . . i " . . I .. . - I t H HERRIN MINE WAR CAbt ury wv. lflfJ!"'WKvTO-'"-'' - ....... .... ... ll if it iy niiiiif - LLLLI 1 V it z r rf '-ts IF x ' w 4 e,f4i - plctUre shows the court house at Marlon. IU.. where teirtlmonvls bein-nrSnnleaTn the first of the five. trials to determine the respon.I bnit? for the mine massacre at Herrin, 111-; some months ago. f The case , is tvDifild bvThe State prosecutor not'as a labor-capitai dispute but as ; nPi for the five miners held onicharges of murder assert thaV hired gunnien; provoked BIJS FOR BREAKFAST BITS FOR HREAaraai-r Some rain ; V" '- ' " " - w -w But the weather Is always fine And some bfus with webs on our feet who are loyal to the Mist- land land, think It Is also line when it is raining, l' i ..jj . V . The Salem district ' has tajken another world record' in a laying contest and is on the way toward copping brf a IcouplepioreV. Grot to do it, iri 'brder.te prove that we have the best poultry country on earth. " It is a fact," land Xl this thing keeps up for a while longer everybody " will know. It. Then the present poultry boom will ex pand and BurpriEo the natives. ".- "K - ' c Will the friends oI the Slogan editor please remember" thai he has got to prove this Is the best pear country in he :world, in the Statesman of tomorrow- Afid this is the last day for their, help. , "k , - j Some progress In the prepara tions matter. When the size; and the terms. get down to th ability of Germany to meet' .them, J the whole ii world will begin ' to I. bi stabilized.-' " " . f Japan has proved that ! she would rather keep a promise than a province'. - And. that raises her reputation- mightily . In the- estim-. ation of 'the' rest of, the - world r-j outside of soviet Russia. ' . j, '-I: : .- ...i-..-4-.ri.l:--f Just! when-people were feeling ' - .', ! J. if -" gue Jbea metis iuc yvuiiu uvcr as sooa as store; you visit the factory X?T. - - I TiTi - , lUi l:: W"? "rMau ' & . I f 'T4 the massacre; better toward! Germany, shebe gins ( exporting ; musical ;insfrut ments, "" - .! -s v. ' . ' ' "', MUllonalrs ! Gowen, , f. New York, i home again after mak- ' ing a trip iof . 42.000, . miles around the .world with; bis ,wlie and a party of friends .and ; he says that he would not'haVe missed it. foir $5,0Q9,OO0,. bjit that, he" would not do . It oyer again, forSOjoOO.'.OOOjH. ' J., (MtmiomrwA) sT headaches. Return Engagement' f ; -'THE OLD J l . Starte j Tomorrow , . : Popula jh4ces v VV the of a with" . 1 1 V. i I K k ,V ' ' ' " a , ' : '!'