The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 03, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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re. There! ahd - Eve
, ... :.- ..v S I-.: - !
' : -..i:.-----i :::-!:-. 'A- y S:- - - - : .':
One of Greatest Batsmen of
All Time Loved by
. ; Baseball World II1
NEW YORK, Jan. 2. Baseball
and other organizations in Great
er New York; were preparing to
night to pay homage fo the mem
ory of "Wee Willie": Keeler, one
of; the! greatest batsmen' of all
time, who died in Brooklyn r yes
terday lot heart disease after a
lingering illness, j j -'
.Officers of the. "three major
league, clubs 'here1, .the New York
Giants and Yankees and the
Brooklyn Nationals, besides Jolin
A. Heydler, president of this
National .League) planned to at
tend Keeler' funeral which -win
be held Thursday morning.
The Order' of Elks of which the
former Baltimore; Oriole star was
a member, announced that ritual
services would be Jield. tomorrow
- h if
'Keeler. was a j remarkable
player and a gentleman, both) on
the field and ;off," President
Heydler said tonight in paying
tribute to his memory. "He was
a credit to the game in every re
spect and those ! who knew him
feel real sorrow that he la gone."
i Keeler's good nature was'-i a
characteristic often noted.- Asked
one day. why he. smiled so much
he replied:
- "Because I get paid for Vlay
ing baseball." i T ' - i
Chicago Nationals Will v! ;
r Go to Catalina Island
! J
games j be-
CHICAGO. Jan. 2.
dates for exhibition
tween the .Chicago Nationals and
the Vernon and Los Angeles cjubs
v of the Pacific, Coast league were
announced by President -Vreck of
the Cubs tonight!. The Cubs will
play the Vernon club on March
10. II. 23 and 24,- and the Los
. Angeles team on March 16. 17. 18
and 25. In ' addition a second
team of the Cubs will play the
' Salt Lake team at Fresno, CaL
. ,vi-f- r;v;;;-:--.:::;-
.-. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 2.
TT'ter Hagen and Joe Kirk wood
were matched here today to play
Gene Sarazen and Jock Hutchin
son two 36-hoIe best ball golf
matches. The first 1 match will
beTplayed Thursday at the Lake
side course here and the second
Sunday at Sacramento.
,r. (Continued from page 1)
call a nightmare; before morning.
But it was dream-like while it
was being served and eaten. t .
- Membership Nearly All There
. "Almost the whole membership
of the Cherrian organization was
piesent. These i with - - a . few
guests, made close to 90 seated
at the tables. ' fit is tha ninth
annual high jinks since the or
ganization . was ' formed to boost
Salem and if it hasn't crowded
almost, a lifetime of civic '. activity-
into those nine years, the
calendar is a liar, . and . Truth
Itself would pick a1 blind man's
pokats. ; i , ki' ' v .. -- ',!:
-. One of the really; fine things
of the evening was the present-
' vJoe Moore la the Canadian speed
rfag on the steel blades and one of
the best fancy skaters In the world.
lie will be seen -In actio In the
taxes tats winter. -. .
4 ? -
atlon of a fine watch to Richard
Riley, for ! almost 1 40 years a
leader in the Salem band. He
used to direct the little old band
behind which most df the now
middle-aged men of Salem used
to march when they wore bare
foot, ragged urchins in the vil
lage Salem of the long ago. Hal
Pat'ton called Mr. Riley to the
floor for the ceremonial, and
made the presentation in a very
effective speech J ; The crowd
gave Riley the steamboat whistle
yell of perfect apprbval. It
''knocked him off the Christmas
tree." entirely. He couldn't
really, make a speech In j reply,
but he showed a powerful speech
Jn his face. ' ; j . ;. t
Who They Are
The initiates for tho evening
were: Clenn Niles, P. D. QuIst
enberry Harry Levy. Ed. Chas
tain, R. B. Duncan, F. L. Wagar,
R. H. Goodin Jr., Walter T.
Malloy, George Arbuckle and T.
F. Meech. ;
They are the- ones to : watch
fdr signs of a bad night.;
.(Continued from page 1)
deroth's motion was finally pass
ed. H.'.': I
Officers Make Reports
Reports of thecity officers for
the year of ,1922 were read, ad
opted and placed on file by the
council. j
The; following reports j were
adopted: ; I, , H I
The report of city recorder Earl
Race for the year 1922 was: total
receipts taken in were listed at
$3,160.23 for the year, which in
cluded $6,904.47 from i fines,
$44.60 from fees, $190.50 from
plumbing. permits. 200 from auc
tioneer's., licenses and .$82.0.66
listed under the head of miscel
laneous.' . j ' i
Sanitai-y Work Listed
The annual report of the Sani
tary Inspector and Deputy Health
Officer J. N. Skaife. According
to the report there were 25t) milk
permits issued, 196 quarantines
and releases, 11 schools inspect
ed,, one hotel, 200 sewers, 11
dairies 'and 22 8 plumbing 'inspec
tions. . Cleanups were listed at
42 and arrests three. j ' .
.The city engineer's report for
.1922. According to statistics set
forth in the report a total 'of
41,310.28 square yards of pave
ment was laid at a cost of $89,
010.74. -Two hundred and eight
building permits were issued for
buildings and repairs, aggregate
ing $693,675. Ninety cement
walk permits were issued which
included 157,680 square feet,
valued at $13,654.. ... A total of
131 sewer permit were ! issued
and 12 permits to cut pavements,
i. Police Report Heard
Retirin Chief of Police Verden
Mof f itfs report summarized was
as follows: Arrests, for the year,
554; bicycles stolen during -' the
year 16 6-, of, which
164 were re
collected in
covered; $6,904.47
fines; 437 jail sentences imposed.
5,600 complaints filed; 2,000 let
ters requesting ; information writ
ten; . 74 sidewalks notices issued;
366 street assessments -collected,
and 1,014 derelicts cared for.
The librarian's report iBhowed
that the library possessed! 17,733
volumes and 354 -pamphlets, of
which 14,229 J Included i adult
books and 317; adult pamphlets.
BookS loaned during - the year
were placed at 71,006 .and ex
pense $8,154.85. J -Of the total
revenue $7,500 included council
appropriation and $657.26 fines
and pay fiction. - : A 'slight ! de
crease was shown for the year in
book movements which, however,
was attributed largely to the fact
that employment conditions had
Improved. !
. tit y Of fleers Elected
Election, of officers for 1923
was then taken ' up land the fol
lowing were elected:
' Chief of fire department, Harry
(Buck) Hutton.
Street commissioner, ,W. S.
Low. -. : ! ..'i J
Chief ! of- police, . Walter W.
Birtchet, ; : r
City attorney. Ray Smith.
City engineeTSugh II. Rogers.
Police tnatronTHrs. Blanche
Coe. ' - 'i .,v ::.:
In addition the following
recommends were ' approved for
the fire department: W. II. Phil
lips., William Iwan. P. Friebert,
C .Thrapp, B. Faught, B. .Mills,
E. Savage, R. Gesner, W. Eber
hard, H. Savage., C. Dixson, R.
Knighton,' W. Edwards, D. John
son, V. Lindsay. ,F. Raggett D.
Ellis W. Hunt and C. Llndley.
Nine patrolmen for . the city
were, elected. They were: O. F.
Victor, Walter Thompson, George
White, Troy Branson, Marion
Putnam. Frank MInto. W. Ed
wards, Roland jParrent and F.
Shelton. j . j ,. ! ' , '
Contest Develops.; ,
A controversy over the election
ofiDr. Mary C. Rowland; to the
position of health officer devel
oped. -It was understood that
Dr. C. E. Cashatt, Who holds the
office at present, was not to be a
candidate for reappointment. It
-was with this understanding that
Dr. Rowland was selected "at the
caucus. When It H was learned
that Dr.' Cashatt desired the . of
fice this year it was decided that
the matter be referred to the city
attorney until the next meeting.
In addition Batty Cooper was
Ex-Champion Gets Telegram
from Tex Rickard Prom-,
ising Him Bout Soon
SEATTLE, Jan. 2. Jess Wil
lard here tonight, announced that
he had y received from Tex Rick
ard a telegram promising him a
match for the world's heavy
weight championship with Jack
Dempsey. Willard said that ' he
would, leave tomorrow for New
York to complete negotiations
with Dempsey. . I
Willard, former heavyweight
champion, boxed two two-minute
rounds with sparring partners,
but did not give them any punish
mend He seemed to be in good
condition, though somewhat fat
and was quick in his movements.
Willard Sincere
"I am sincere In trying to get
a fight with Dempsey," Willard
said, "I expect to fight him next
July and to beat hint.' ' i !
Billy Wright, former Pacific
coast welterweight champion, ob
tained a decision over Oakland
Billy Harms in six rounds. .
A bout between Mickey Han-
non, Seattle, and Jack Owens of
Aberdeen,;' lightweights, ended in
the second round i when Owens
was' being severely punished.
. Johnny Mack of Pittsburgh
knocked out Young Fossee of Ev
erett in the second round.
- A . four-round bantamweight
bout between Frankie Green of
Seattle and . Chuck Hellman; of
Portland was declared a drawi
appointed to the position of sani
tary 'inspector and Homer H.
Smith to the park board. It was
decided that the matter aP"
pointing a janitor! for the ensuing
yearand of combining the city
hall duties with those of the com
fort "station be laid on the table
until the next, meeting.
A number of petitions were
read referring to lights and va
cating of alleys which were re
ferred to the committees on lights
and streets. Several ordinance
bills were given their first read
ing. As the new fire equipment was;
expected to arrive soon the city
recorder was empowered to ad
vertise for bids on hose, the bids
to be taken under consideration!
by the committee on fire and
water. : Alderman Vandevort
moved that the council , bold a
special meeting next Monday
night to consider bids. The mo-,
tion was adopted. , ,y , ,
Committees Appointed
Following is the committee ap
pointed by Mayor Giesy, to serve
during the year.
Ways and Means W. H. Dan
cy, L. J. Simeral and H. D. Pat
ton. Budget . W. W. Rosebraugh,
B. B. Herrick, G. J. Wenderoth.J
Ordinances A. F. Marcus, W.
W. Rosebraugh, R. E. Thompson.
Health and police R. E.
Thompson, A. F. Marcus, L. J,
Simeral. ' . ; : '
. Accounts and Current expenses
H. D. Patton, W. II. Pancy, L.
J. Simeral.
Lights C. D. Alderin. H. II.
Vandevort, B. B. Herrick. '
Streets- B. B. Herrick, G.J.
Wenderoth. V. V. Rosebragh.
Printing Li H. Suter, A. H.
Moore, C. Van Patton. "."
Public buildings C. Van Pat
ton, R". E. Thompson, G. D. Alder
Public parks L. 'J. Simeral. II.
D. Patton, L. II. Suter.1 p
- Sewers G. , W. Thompson, B.
B. Herrick, A. H. Moore.
Revision of minutes Hi H.
Vandevort, C
Van Patton, L; H.
Suter. - - - :
Band A. H. Moore, G. J,
Wenderoth, W. H. Dancy.
."Licenses G.. J. Wenderoth, G.
D. Alderin, G. W. Thompson.
.Rules J. B. Giesy, L. H.
Suter, II. II. Vandevort, C. van
Patton. ' ' '.
: Fire, and water r A. F. Marcus,
G. W. Thorn psony&nd II. Dan
cy. ...
All the lodcrn
1- ClAfT f?ET
7 J vie
Pictures show" g how liquors
have been; smuggled into "the
United States have never been
taken since rum running started
'way back in 1919. This one,
secured at .a great risk, was
made just outside the three mile
limit off the Long Island Coast
by one of the men engaged in
the illicit ' transportation of
booze. The seaplane has its
berth in one of the inlets along
the coast,' flies out beyond the
limit off the Long Island coast,
takes on the booze and comes
back , under the cover of dark
ness. The,meeting is arranged
by wireless. Picture at right
Bhows a ory, loaded to capacity
with booze and Bahaman na
tives, about to leave side of
rum runner for seaplane.
Above, natives transferring
liquor from dory to seaplane, to
be taken asho where members
of the ling, waiting in high
powered automobile, ltribuf
t- .
John H. Carson Succeeds
Roy Shields as Presid
ent of Organization
For the first time in a month;
he Kiwanls: club me-t for its
tsgular Tuesday noon Itmcheoa
hour,; with only itself present
During the Willamette endow -
ment campaign the club turned
out almost en massa in the can -
yassing teams, and the club din
ners were merged into the .uni
versity dinners for tne last two
busy weeks. x j
There wasno imported speak
er, for the Tuesday program, the
whole time after the t dinner . be
ing devoted to the installation
tion of officers. Former presl -
dent Roy Shields, who had serv
ed both 'as provisional president i
for the first four months of the
club's life, and then as regular,
head for another, full year,
niado a fetching little address.
.President-elect John f Carson
was introduced, to say very brief-
ly that he thanked the club for;
the honor shown him. He hoped
that he could look back ion as
f'ne ; a record as1 , President
Shields. .
Sam Kozer, in the name ot
the club, presented to retiringi
President Sh'elds the club em
blem pin dreignating the honor
CiT past president.
The club attendance prize
given by C. A. Kells, was drawn
by R. H. Cooley.
i - . - :
Idaho University Beat??
. Walla Walla High School
'WALLA WALLA. .Wash.. Jan.
2. The , University . of ' Idaho,
basketball team demonstrated
its skill here tonight when it
r'efeated the Walla Walla high
school quintet by .a score of 46
to 15. The local team was clear-
ly outplayed
befing somewhat
hnnd'caDDd- by we weight and
exnerence of the varsitv; team.
The Vandals meet
the local Y-
M..C A. quintet
heTe tomorrow
I neon venien ccs In
S7hr ix- Ivo OF EA
Crt'PrYLEO SvER 7E'8D ;
h( fjw tS4C Tt-(L TuRMtTiiHI
: if j J
... N
Bryan McKittrick Makes
Visit to Old Haunts Here
! Bryan1 McKittrick, class of 22,
Willamette university, is visiting
In Salem, on his 'way back to his
.work after spending the hoJJday
Kvacatlon at his home in Wen-
6- . He'8 teachin
Areata, uaui., wun boih ui6
school classe sand with the full
athletic direction of the school in
Ms hands. He went to Berkeley
last summer, for a '."post gradu
ate" course in teaching athletics.
and the California school. was glad
; to take him on at a good salary
' uriwittripir wa a basketball and
haii star in Willamette, a let-
tpr man or seVeral vears in both
?thf4,e branches of hieher learning.
He, is Btaying at his old college
home, Sigma Tau, on Oak street.
As one of his recreations down at
Areata, "Mac" has been out deer
hunting twice. He says, that he
saw 30 deer out in the forests,
though 'he didn't succeed in get-
Jtlng one.- He is to play througn
jthe winter with the firemen's
basketball team, that Is part of a
regular athletic league in Hum
boldt county. ' u
t. '
Chicago-Coast Games .
Are Announced by Vreck
CHICAGO, Jan. 2. The first
squad of Chicago National: playr
ers, including the batteryment.
will depart ' for Catalina Island,
Cal.. February 17, Instead of Feb
ruary 22, as originally announced,
President Veeck of the Cubs said
(ponight. 1
orty-Eight Hour Weekj
Demand of Movie Actors
XEW YORK, Jan. 2. Thirty
council members of the Actors'
Equity association today began a
series of conferences at which
they hope to work out plans
guaranteeing a 48-hour week to
motion picture actors j
A standard .form of contract
with a 48-houf clause will he sub-s
mltted to Win H. Hays, 'head of
tha motion picture Jndustry, for
hU verdict .probably within a
month. , At equity headquarters
It was said reports that a strike
was contemplated to back up the
demand were absurd. y
the Beargrass Hole!
cr v ryes r ,
t ,
fit 1
9 '
Unique Service to be Install
. ed by Kafoury Brothers '
. During Coming Spring
Tofput the public in direct
contact with the Vstyles ol Ne
York) and Paris, , so that ' the
style-loving; woman may; have be
fore her eyes the up-to-the-min
ute in fashion from the centers
where fashions are
of an Ir-
that Js the function
ovation in i sales service that is
to . be started by Kafoury Broth
ers in Salem the coming spring.
' This latest development in
sales j service, which Is altogether
unique, will be through the me
dium! of daylight motion pictures
shown within the Kafoury store.
The service will open with mo
tion picture displays offspring
styles, and ' the displays as the
year ! progresses will be always
;n i keep'ng with -the season.
This ! innovation to be Intro
duced by Kafoury Brothers is
another progressive step that
calculated to do for j the buying
public exactly what i -Is be'ng
done! for the big city shoppers
hv ti ereal deDartment stores
of those centers. I j I
To show motion pictures in
daylight is unique and also sales
manship by the, mot'on p'cture
installed in the place of
Itself i is a hew idea.
foatni-A has oroved a
wherevar it has been used
Portland Ministers on
Record Against Arbuckle
2. Th
Portland Ministerial
today adopted a resolution de
claring it is unalterably opposed
to the return of Roscoe C? Ar
buckle to motion pictures though
"rejoicing in any evidence of re
pentance on the parjt of -Arbuckle."
i -
Read the Classified Ads.
am i.
ULT.A.I- ft
1AM- it.L ii
hi E V
A 147"
OJLo siAr
Six Suits Are Filed
By Marion Auto Company
The jMarion Automobile com
pany "brought suit against six in
dividuals in the . justice courtj yes
terday. I Suit . was filed , against
C. E. Tim me for collection of a
promissory note, for $23.18, which
he is alleged to have givei the
company December .18, 192. . .
George Baker, it is dlleged,
bought jwares and merchandise of
the company aggregating $1.64
which he has since refused td pay,
it is claimed. ; i ,
H. LML Baker purchased goods
from the company on". Julj( !?3,"
19-21, to the extent of $(5.06
which he is alleged to have failed
to pay for. - ' j
Certain services and materials
were, furnished L. L. Miliar to
the value of $75. none of which
was paid, according to '.the (com
plaint, j , t-: - . .' Y"'
Frank Ford on September 27,
1921, had certain repairs done to
his car! valued at $3.28 which,
the complaint alleges, was never
paid. I ' .; . "J- j- - . "'.' ;
Ralph Swjartx gave his prbmls
sory note for $20;S3, due in 60
days. iThe note was not j paid
when due, the complaint asserts:
Foreign War Veterans
1 Will Install Tonight
Installation of officers wU be
the chief business atithe meeting
of Marlon Post No. 661 Veterans
of Foreign Wars, at the armory
tonightj .- Department Command
er Bolton Hamble, a member of
Marion i Post, will be the install
ing officer. 1 -
Commander-Elect Allan Carson
has already announced that Al
lan Jones will the the new ad
jutant .and the names of thd oth
er appointive officers will be an
nouncedtonight. '. j
Several candidates aretb be
obligated - and , an exceplipnally
gpod program, has been prepared.'
All members of the post are . ex
pected to attend, -r S
of Ball Players
Involves Coast Star
CHICAGO, Jan. 2. Outfjelder
Turner jBarber of the Chicago Na
tionals '.today was released td ,the
Brooklyn Nationals in exchange
for Outfielder Hood, who was re
called by the Dodgers from; the
Portland club of the Pacific fcoast
league.! Hood will go to the Los
Angeled club of the Pacific boast
league in part payment for pitch
er Nick; Dumovich, it was- an
nounced by President Veecfc to
day. ! - K - -- - -;r:
I- ,.,r. Lsnuine ':y--- :
Ford flirts : 1
II l J . i
All made of thej highest quklity material, hy
good workmen and by the most efficient methods.
From the smallest gear to
1 They Are
If you would get the utmost vdue for your raeney,
! 1 - i ' 'I i ; ; -.. '
Demand GenuinejEbrd Parts
j Buy them from lis and yo are assured of
260 N. High Street
"1 , TVi
Toledo Football Team
Due in San Francisco
" . i .. - . . . t
The Scott high school football
team of j Toledo, Ohio,, claimant
of the- national interscholastic
title, is to arrive In San Francis
tfo Wednesday from Corvallis,
Or., where it defeated the Cor
vallis s high team New Year's day,
according to a message received
here today from Fred L. -Siebert,
manager of the team. . The mes
sage was sent from Grants Pass,
Or. i. " ' -: ..
Boxers of Note Will ;
. Meet at Hotel Astor
.: th. i .
NEW YORK, Jan. 2. The
third annual convention of the
National Boxing association to be'
held at the Hotel: Astor January
15 and 18 will bring together a
notable gathering t of " boxing of
ficials, Tex CfRourke, "secretary
of the association, announced tonight.-
Representatives of England.
France, Australia, Canada and
Cuba are expected to attend, in
addition to boxing commissioners
representing the 21 states in
Whichthe.! ringsiort is governed
by regulatory bodies.
Strangler Lewis to Meet
Jiu Jitzu .Champ Grappler
i 'J .
STOCKTON i , CaL, Jan. 2.
"Strangler" Iewis, heavyweight
wrestling chanpion of the world,
meets Taro Xiyake, claimant : of :
the Japanese Jul jltsu title, in a
mixed? match here January .11.
.j (Continued from, page 1)
flesh.wdund, i The man was h
In-th-ilplr -.
RuBsolHwaT arrested, for at
tempted burglary and fbr" carry
if . - i ? I
v I
ing a conceiled weapon. He was
quoted by the police as saying he y
had commuted 14 burglaries in '.
the theatrical district.
Jletirn Engagement
Starts Tomorrow
( graijd;
popular Prices
f -r
the motor block itself.
low 4 1
' ' i