The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 03, 1923, Page 1, Image 1

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. Annn for nfnW !'! II I I ... i IX v., -f- a.
", nd . eUewher ta
; Marion and Polk CosBtie
Kearly rerybody read '.,'-
THe Oregon Statesman
II ?? v n i my
v Arp for ix months ending November' V T j I I I I
Sunda'y pnly 5827 J WTT S J
I Pily and Sunday 540-t !. f i ;
J MHA'K7UUUY . .. . .14 Tl . 1 . V I M m - I a
' .. I - , . . V ' ' -
i . : - :
! SEVENTY-SECOND YEAR : . : -i f : ; , , : ":
u u i I
L. ' - I. 11 ' n' i .Ill
nn iiiiip ip
nil.n lllllll : v . r i-
' lllllll illlUll.l I.I . -4 '
1 rnnpunnnDvcD
, r. iiiiiii mm n n r n
- LI UUII lNlllllilL.ll
Cherrian Initiates of Last
Night Should Be Easy to
Pick Out if They Appear
'. on Streets Today, u
Novices Lined up in Fantas-
tic Garb and Made Mis
erable by Veterans
n your, see a large, 1 earnest
man,, with, a foolish expression
ana a tender explorative hand
reach carefully behind: himself
to see If he's all there, and won
der I r tt'a true that Be is
.alive and If they, saved i the
men and children when the Walls
caved in, , ha te probably a Cher
rian initiate who sat on the jelec-
iric cumr, ur auwt on une inun
uerDoit carpet, orcierr epravung
"j .-on inos iignining-tirptea rioor
f They certainly? had things loaded
for bear at that Cherrian Initia
. Nothing Seritus Goes
There wasn't a tslngle serious
thing about, the fhole evenin
save when' the ging demanded
that every bewiesred i T member
come out from behmd his' hirsute
ambush .and atanf out In" his
' true aelfi . No bflden : masque-
4 rader was allowed) ' to h " escape
. That was serious lideed for the
rletiras;:' IThe rest jt the. program
I -... was fun only. ; I . r':
Ten victims weri run through
; the sausage " mill of inltlaiton.
i They came : out drassed and un
t dressed In the stiangest garb.
j i Glen Niles, the bllffest man. in
all Salem, T appearea In cutey
curls and 7 a : beribboned pia
nighUe. ''Some girHis this pinls-
eartered redoubtabli new ; cher-
lan whi when: he "- tsed j to play
football held down tiro positions
la' the. line. :- . f.t ,J Vv
Here Are Some kt Them
There was a : brav( Hielander;
two painfully j ; bare pugilists;
Frank Wagar as H-year old
srhool ; kid ' ;Ed Chaitainv as
Ghetto i clothier; Boh Duncaa
with the cutest j little baby blue
girl rompers,- and " pthers to.
equally ' fantastic raliAeat. . Tjke
Initiates had been dragged lo
the banquet hall k deafly In p
evening, and c&atned to; the.'U
lars.. ! They were fedi on trfys,
and they sat ou drygpds boxes,
jnnd enjoyed It as best jhey u!d
'"until it came time .to tot otand
dress f for the Dual leereoiony.
The deadly pUlow , fight bet eetl
Harry Levy and: P. Quisen
berry will go down Uto Calem
- history 'as a' moaet fbr tillow
. fighter ot all ages, t "
; - :Dandiur Girts Apfear .? j
' Slnmn Portland daU'inR nd
singing girls were Tsrought dcn
for the evening and presented
their acts very capably.' Dne 1 of
these girls was a remarkably
effective whistler also.! ptiss !
i Claire Love, of Salens, daughter
Inf Cherrian H. T- Love, was ' pre
sented as a "violin sollist, and
with Miss Lucile Roas ai accom-
nanlst. vkave charming lumbers
The Steelhammer orchesjra play
ed through the whole erenmg.
-.frun. .nntinl bananet itself was
an artistic presentation' lot how
to make' things good to tat ana
fttill nave tnera iook. ; ui w. "r
Ings or music or some ' ne "arts
that appeal .to tne7 soui m
. the bodvi They i geri iDTins
frurVW 'thttigs to eatUittil a"
o. tnnt' It natistii in
ria nemorr.'lLOWeey.4
sweetheart 4ream;
It was
generous r enough tor
ne oi
the venturesome i dyspep
(Continued on page., J)
? (Tuesday)
Maximum, temperature,.. 2V
Minimum temperatu re, 6.
River, it feet above BJTnal
Jevel,' rising; I .
Rainfall, 1.09! Inch.
Atmosphere, cloudy
Wind, nbrjhwest. ?
Motorists From Salem to Sil-
verton Prefer Brush Creek
Route to PaTement
(Special to Tae Statesman.)
Tha overflow from the Pudding
river three miles west of Sil
verton on '.tfte Salem-Siirerton
pavement ! has i. reached such1 a
height, noir that 'most travelers
prefer th old :Bush 1 creek road
which is In a' ough condition.
Some motorists still ' travel the
D&vement and ; report It as ail
right as losg' as they can stay
oh the : pavement, but it is dif
ficult driving as they are guided
by the position of the telephone
joles and fences. It is report
ed that one ' car drove off the
navement Into the ditch Sunday
night and had to be twed out.
It is said that it the' rain con
tinues much longer the road will
be entirely impassable.
Republicans and Free Stat
ers Contest for Control
of Consulate
NEW YORK, Jan. 2. Republi
can Irish competing with Free
Staters tor possession -.lot the Irish
consulate ' tonight ! picketed the
city kali, parading in front of the
building: with ! placards danouno-
Ing "ilayor Hylan's police."
1 'fhe 4'tiB'ishatpitacle-;''octir-'
' . . ' i . . ' . i
ring as me .somewara iiubbu
throngs were passing through city
hall park for Brooklyn bridge, at
trie ted a great crowd. '
AlacSwlniejr Case Resented
"What. Is Sir Basil Thomson's
one banner was inscribed.
' Others read: I .
- iSir Basil Is here to teach
Uayor Hylan's police 'black and
Un methods." ' ;
."Sir Basil !Thoms6n of Scot
land f Yard . -was entertained by,
Mayor ' Hylan's committee while
Mayor Hylan's police assaulted
Muriel MacSwIney."
Lieutenant Gegan acts as
udge and Jury. The American
courts to the rear."
"England did not let Sir Basil
manhandle Mrs. MacSwiney as
Mayor Hylan's Lieutenant Gegan
did." ?"! '-... - . i. ! : i '
' Riot Barely Averted
Mayor jHylan was in his offic9.
when: the' demonstration began,
bnt he, slipped from a side , door;
reached his motor car without be-
ng observed ! and was driven
swiftly away.
When a policeman. Informed
Mrs. Gertrude Corless, .
the pickets, that the mayor had
gone home, they disbanded after
having been Ion duty for nearly
two 'hours, - j ' ? r'
traffic through City Hall park, in
the evening rush hour, there was
no disorder.
Tonight the Republicans land
Free Staters declared a temporary
truce at the Irish consulate after
clash, for ; possession which
Btopped just short : of being a riot
during the morning. But it was
not a friendly truce.
Repartee Kxchanged
"We're stIlMnside.' said Lind
say ' Crawford, named as' counsel
by the Free Staters who has tak-
en possession ot.tne oinces.
"Yes, and we are still standing
here," replied Arthur Briscoe,
lieutenant to Mrs. Muriel Mac
Swiney.; in charge of the Republi
can siege forces, who are trying
to get their 'consular nominee in
to the consul's chair.
A holiday agreement .signed by
the two factions last Saturday was
largely responsible for the near
riot today. It provided that no
representative of Neither side
should' enter ' the consulate until j
9 o'clock today. : : I
Republicans Roughly Handled
Nine o'clock brought Mr. Craw
ford, accompanied by Prof. Theo
dore Smiddy, Free State envoy to
Washington. They first; heard,
then saw a crowd of men and wo
men packed in the narrow hall
outside; tne consulate doors." j
v Seme one recognised them and
as they pushed and Wiled their
way through tie throng to the
office doors, hey were jostled
(Continued og page X
- V - ' 'I -
Man Whose Career Began
on Killing Floor in Peoria,
IHin 1890 Elevated to
High Position. ;
J. Ogden Armour Retires
from Presidency to Give
Attention Elsewhere
CHICAGO, Jan. 2. (Byuhe
Associated Press.) A self-made
man, who started his business
career back in 1890 on the cattle
killing floor at E. Godel & Son's
packing" bouse in Peoria. 111., to
day became the president of Ar
mour & Co., one of the biggest
packing concerns in the world.
F. Edson White "Ed" to the
thousands of Armour employes-
is the jnew president's name, jj
Ogdea Armour Retires ? Ji
J. Ogden Armour, who has di
rected the destinies of . the busi
ness since his father, -Philip D.
Armour, Sr., died In 1901, retires
from the presidency and becomes
chairman of the board. Philip
IV Armour III was designated
first vice president. '
Mr; White, will have under his
direction .not only Armour & Co.
of Illinois, with Its-more than a
billion dollars of 'business ' each
yea r, , but 5 also iArmoura4.jCo.i Of
Delaware, ""the":- newiy organised
subsidiary. If the proposed pur
cnase or Morris & Co. goes
through and Mr. Armour said
today he probably would have: an
announcement to make on that
matter before long Mr. White
will be head of the greatest pack
ing Industry ever created. ; j;
White Still Young Man I v
Born at Peoria, 111., September
10, 1873 he is still less than 50
years 'old Mr. White obtained
his education in the public school
there. At 17 he went to. work on
the killing floor of the Peoria
Packing house.. At 20 he was in
faan Francisco working for the
Western Meat company..
Two years! there and he came
to Chicago, the center of the meat
packing, universe, and went ; to
work for Armour & Co. as an In
spector in the car route depart
ment. Six months later he was
a clerk in f the dressed beef de
partment, and a year later 'he or
ganized and became the first
manager of the shop department.
Within 10 years Mr. White was
assistant to Arthur Meeker, one
of the vice presidents of the com
pany. In January, 1921, tihey
made him a director, and two
years later gave him a vice presi
He was married in 1900 to Miss
Lillian Parson of Collingwood
Ont. They have three children
Armour Slakes Record
, The passing of , J. Ogden Ar
mour from the active control of
me company enas tor nim a pet
rlod of mtre ; than, 35 years de-
votea to development or the in
dustry- Mr. Armour gave up his
last year at Yale to enter the
packing plant and! learn from the
bottom every detail of the bus!
ness he was de&tined to control
After a year of apprenticeship in
every branch of the concern., h
assumed the executive 1 responsi
bilities of the industry and man
aged it for 17 years until, on the
death of his father 1n 1901, he
assumed complete control, jf :
. Interests Are Varied j: 1
In recent years he has shifted
much of that' burden to other
shoulders, including those of h'
two nephews, Philip D. Armour
III, and Lester1 Armour, f; The
former has been a vice president
for several years and th latter is
a director. ; " ; L
Besides remaining as chairman
of the board. Mr.' Armour wil,l
devote his time to other business
i ROME, Jan. 2. (By' the As
sociated Press) The Vatican to
day f Issued a ' denial of a ; report
originating in 'Berlin that Pope
Pius was soon to urge the inter
vention of America to bring about
the economic and moral rrecon
structlon of Europev '
.'. - I -i .. ' t ' :;'..'' . ': '.!.' A ' i. . "
Mrs. Ferguiort of Klamath
County Elected President
of Superintendents
Mrs. Twyk; Ferguson, county
school supeiintendent of Klam
ath county, vas elected president
of the Oregon j Association f
County School j Superintendents
which held al business session at
the state house yesterday. L. p.
Gibs'on or Hood River county was
elected vice president and Josiajh
Wills of Polk county secretary.
Several Important changes . ih
school laws are advocated vby the
superintendents and they went
on record yesterday accordingly.
To further the . consolidation
movement ; I he superintendents
took action favoring an ' increase
n the apportionment to consolid
ated districts from $100 to $200
for each district in the consolida
tion. ' - .
Another change favored Is one
to allow districts to raise money
for the construction of , gymna
siums and teacherages. j While
money has been raised for these
purposes heretbfore the attorney
general has ruled recently! that
under he law i money can- he
legally raised only to construct
buildings for class work- if v
The superintendents decided to
put on the dental essay
again, this year that was
successful last year. It is under
the direction of the State! Dental
The euperintendents concluded
the day With a dinner at the Gray
Frank Carman Believed Im
plicated in Robbery ot
Jewels from Woman
NEW YORK, Jan. 2.f-Frank
Carman, an artist, tonight was
placed under arrest charged, with
grand larceny! in "having ' acted
In cjoncert with, two - others not
yet apprehended" in the f theft ot
$150,000 in jewels and cash from
Mrs.; Charles P. Huko : SchoeJl-
kopf, wife of a wealthy! Buffalo
brokr," during a New Year's par
ty in Carman's apartment off
Fifth avenue, j . ! I . -
Itobbery Kept Dark
That "the. robbery had taken
place was not disclosed! by the
police until the husband of j the
victim arrived to aid authorities
in apprehending the perpetrators.
J. S. HirschL an insurance brok
er, to whom Mr. Schoellkopf re
f erred all inquiries concerning the
robbery, said that Mrs. Schoell
kopf had. recognized one of her
three assailants as a man whom
she had played cards with during
the party in j the Carman apart
ment. The party consisted of
five couples, , including Mrs.
Schoellkopf and her host. She
arrived at the apartment i on the
fifth floor shortly before 10
o'clock. L '
About 10 o'clock a man knock
ed at the door and announced he
had -a bottle he would ike tc
share, according to Hirsch's ver
sion", presumed to have been told
hjimi by Mrs. Schoellkjopf.' In
vited to join, ; the Carman! party,
he produced a bottle of cham
pagne. . j ' j
At 12:45 a.m. the stranger left
the apartment, saying he1 lived
downstairs. " - & -
Mrs. I Shoellkopf' left next, say
ing she would .wait in the1 lobby
downstairs for the others jto es
cort her . to her hotel. As" (she
descended the staircase between
the fourth and fifth , floors she
sawa. man standing in the hall
before a partly opened door,
Hirscn related, the man sprang
at her and pressed a handker
chief saturated with chloroform
to her nose.
Beaten by Two Men
Two men rushed through the
partly opened door and carried
Mrs. Schoellkopf Into an apart
ment. She recalled being beaten
in the ; face, bound with rope and
sagged, while two men stripped
off her Jewels, as a third covered
her with a pistol. . ' l
The trio fled from the anaTt
ment j after throwing a blanket
over their victim. She quickly
freed herself and rehurned vto
Carman's apartment," j .
flRTIQT Plili
njr I iu i i u I
10 BPTIlir I III
.1 hi 1 1 1 u r i iu
Halvorsen Turns Over Reins
to Giesyand Aldermen
Are Sworn in-Spectators
'A pa Dporonr
nib I I WOtHlla
Hitch is Encountered When
Choice of Health Offic
er is Taken up
' The first meeting of the new
city council under Mayor John
B. Giesy last night proved to be
a, busy1 one. .,
Incoming aldermen and those
who had not been previously.
sworn in took path of office be
fore the common council. Fol
lowing, the reading of Mayor
Giesy 's message ( annual reports
of city officers were read after
which the election to office of
the several aspirants was taken
up. Further business included
reports of committees, the fixing
of a special meeting date to con
sider bids on hose for the city
fire department, the , announce
ment of committees, for the year
1923 and the reading of ordin
ance bills.
! The only hitch was over the
election of city health officer, a
contest developing between Dr.
Mary Rowland Dr. C. E. Cashatt.
The matter was deferred.
Ovation Given Retiring Ones
! . . . l
The meeting was called to or
der jy retiring Mayor George E.
Halvorsen !who immediately ad
journed the old council sine die.
Simultaneously four councilmen,
James McClellanrt,fEd- Schunke,
O. Lv. Scott and F. Li.' Utter ceased
to hold office." !As they retired
with George Halvorsen from the
council chambers; they were 'giv
en an ovation by the assembled
aldermen and 50 or niore citizens
who had assembled toi witness the
first meeting of the year.
Following the assemblage of the
new council incoming aldermen
and those who had not been pre
viously sworn in ook the oath of
office. Those, who rtook the
pledge were Aldermen B. B. Her-
t o,..o r- vo r.o w
U. 11. ouivi , .nit 4 nwii,
W. Rosebraugh and
L. J. Sim-
-Light Causes Agitation
( -,
Reporting on old'-buslness, Ald:
ferman Mo6re, who lhad been in-
iestlglatin'g the.' removal of the
light at Ferry and LFront streets
to he block facing the darkened
Spuulding j lumber yards, recom
mended that it be left where it
was. , Alderman Wenderoth im
mediately moved that the light be
moved one block north. His mo -
tion gave rise to much agitation
in the council chamber. Alder
man Van Patton claimed, that if
the . light were removed) to the
Spaulding corner the police would
never be able to catchthe boot
leggers who, it was asserted, op
erated in the , darkened recess of
he lumber yard. Alderman Wen-
(Continued; on page 2)
r ; . - -
Recovery of . 510 Stolen
J i
Autos and Arrest of 0t-
fenders is Reported
The recovery of 510 automobiles sire that a spirit of harmony and
stolen by the members . of one cooperation prevail in all depart
ring of automobile thieves and ments during my administration,
the arrest of approximately one fr real success can never be
hundred members of the ring in achieved with dissension 'In tfee
the last few months, were dis- ranks ot workers,
closed today by B. W. McMay, an "Important as is the business
investigator ot the Pacific Coast of a private corporation. Btill
Underwriters' conference.; ; more Important are the municipal
During December 168 cars affairs of a city, affecting as it
were stolen in San Francisco and does -every man, r woman and child
all but one were recovered. One within its confines. It 13 the
group i of the ' conspirators stole solemn duty of those entrusted
the ears and another ran them with its Interests to be true to
Into Mexico and disposed, of tpem, their trust," safeguard 1 the public
Ip' Lbs Angeles 389 cars were funds, and tork every dollar of
stolen and 308 recovered,' . . .! j Ipubllo' funds expended, tho tax-
Promise made to fulfill
Ca'reful business administration promised with policy
that fqr every dollar expended
a dollar's worth. L
Constructive criticism from public invited. j
Retiring administration praised for collection of de
linquent assessments and Summer street improvement.
Assertion made that remote sections of city should
nop be neglected by administration. -
Practice of economy should-not cause city to be nig
gardly when welfare of the
Need of i better -equipment in street department pomfc-
Practice of allowing vacant lots to become overgrown
,h weeds deplored. j '. j
Emphatic stand taken for prevalence of law and order.
Moral-conditions of city to have, particular attention.
Definite programs" for bridge and sewer improvement
urged.;: ' ; .
City garbage dump declared menace and council asked
to give early relief from condition. ' V
Need of ladders and other equipment in fire depart
ment seen; . - ; '
; Following is the full text of j
Mayor John J B. Giesy's message!
to the city council last night:
"To the membera of the com-!i
mon council of the city of Salem,
Oregon: ' ' j. j- " .' : .' :
- "Gentlemen:
Ing of genuine
It Is with a feel-;-optimism
that Ii
enter upon my duties as chief ex-i
ecutive of the city of Salen.. I
am proud of jour city. l am proud;
of her people and the spirit of
nrnerresaive -. endeavor which la
characteristic of them. " y
, Mayor Proud of Hi Realm j
I "I sincerely appreciate the hon- j
or conferred upon me and the .ex-1
pression of confidence reposed in
me by the people of this city, for j
it Is indeed an honor to serve In "
the? capacity, of mayor of such a
city as hours. In business sta
bility, our capital city ranks sec-;
ond to nonej Her beauty is a de
light and inspiration to aljl who
come withirt her boundaries'. . Sa
lem enjoys 'industrial peace, and
there is no city of her size which
can boast pf more law-abiding
citizens. The abundant prosperity.
and successj ' which we have ' en
joyed should spur. us on to yet
greater and I more lasting achieve
ments. - -j j -
"Our business men have re
that they
demonstrated the fact
have the" best interests
lof the city iat heart. Our labor
. .'I
ing class is composed of men and
woriien, thoroughly loyal, and of
whom any community might well
be proud, j ' " -1
! - - .
Orowth ChallenKes Officials
"Salem Is a growing city and
rapidly becoming' an industrial
center. Surrounded as it is by-
a -rich, productive farming com
munity. It j may well': be looked
upon as the hub of the Willam
ette valley! Fruit raising and
numerous Other productive indus-
I tries are rapidly being developed.
The various state institutions lo-
cated ; here fmake substantial con
tribution ' tb the wealth of our
city. All o these Influences have
joined in rpaking Salem what she
is today, nd carry a challenge
to those responsible, for the con
duct of the city's affairs to so
intelligently and efficiently gov
ern the clfy that, -as the capital
clty,.8he may serve as an example
of good government throughout
the state of Oregon. ,
"ampaijn Plelge ReoaJIol
"As a candidate for the' office
of mayor, I pledgedmyselt to the
people of Saleia for a clean, eco
nomical, business administration,
the strict enforcement of all ordi
nances and a square deal to all.
11 8h,a11 bG """T1"'
I n n11 a : a fulfill n n f ninn fr
rtT:r::, "V Hc rhe
I hearty cooperation ' of all mem
bers of the council and of every
officer and department of our city
government. It Is my sincere ae-
campaign .pledges.
the taxpayer should receive
m . ' ; : .
people is at stake. i
. i . v.: :. i . ' -
B. G
payer should
worth. '
receive a dollar's
Public Cooperation Asked
"I appeal toi all citizens of Sa
lem for their "cooperation and
helpful assistance. ! Remember
that careless, destructive criticism
of those who represent you In the
city's affairs only calls; forth re
sentment, while honfest, construc-
will always be re-
ceived in the spirit in which gyen
and an earnest endeavor made to
remedy the conditioiji which made
it necessary
"There has
ress in the c
been marked prog-
ty's affairs during
the past two y
ears under the able
leadership of
my worthy prede-
cessor, ueorge
E. Halvorsen. The
aldermen who: have; so' faithfully
served with him' ar4t also entitled
to' their full share of the credit
The collec tlOnof-a j large amount
of delinquent 1 street assessmehts.
the manyj blocks of pew pavement
constructed, and especially ithe
improvement of North Summer
street and the connecting link
Known as me foniana roaa; mese
accomplishments alone make a I
Charter Amendments Considered
Anotner. notewortny accom
plishment was the ; successful
campaign which resulted In j the
adoption or an amendment to. the
"'" ru,,ua 1
purchase of additional eoulpment
-""".f r
one oi iuo i(iernten who ra
the great need fori better protec
tion against the fire hazard, 1 can
testify to the sincerity; of the; mo
tives of the city's representatives j
who were responsible for the pre
sentation of this measure ta the
3ucn - .. m.oiiiy
r;: 'I TT r " 1 , "
iiiiiFui mmo ui lilts llliiiici f mas
brought to their .attention. "
The -charter amendment
viding for the appointment
marshal, by the mayor with; the
consent of a majority of the coun
cil is another achievement i des
tined to serve the best Interests
of the people. A solemn obliga
tion how rest3 upon the" mayor
and council to see to it that this
sacred trust is faithfully I exe-
... ) .
; Ear Given to Itiblic Wants
' "As a premilinairy reference to
the various departments of our
- i - ,- " --r I ; - i
(Continued qa page Z)j ;
Thief Fires Into Crowd.
Clubbed into Unconscious
ness by-Policeman.
Autos of Pursued and Pur
suer Zig-Zag Rapidly
in Crowded Street
NEW YORK. Jan. 2. The
Great White Way trembled to-
aay wnen an alleged .Durgiar
fired several shots into a
crowd pursuing him, "hit a
man and a woman and flCd in
a commandeered taxicab. r
t A few:miuute3 later it ex
perienced a thrill, when a po-.
Iiceman, giving chase in an
other car. throuffh tangled
traffic, jumped to , the run
ning board of -the fleeing ma-
cnine and oeat its occupant
flnconscious with the butt of
his own revolver.
" Empty Gun Saves Cop
I The man, who. identified him-"
self as John Russo of West
Orange,. N. J., was ajleged by the
police Ao haVe been caught in an
ineffectual attempt" to break into
a theatrical rooming bouse Iu
West: Forty-fourth street. H
broke through a 4 crowd . which
surged about him, levelled his
automatic and fired 10 shots.
Dashing to Broadway, he pointed
ms weapon at the first taxi driver
he : saw and ' .forced him to race,
down town. - .
Patrolman Halstead, off datf
and riding in his , own notor,
caught sight of the taxi and see
ing the crowd headed by several
policemen running after it, gave
Both cars zig-zagged : through
traffic at breakneck speedV while
crowds on' the sidewalks watched"
spellbound. At Forty-third street
the cars came abreast:
Russo pointed his pistol at Hal-
stead and pulled the trigger. . It
was-empty. ' ; - -
" Burglaries Admitted
Halstead Jammed on his brakes
and took a flying leap. He land
ed on- the taxicab's run oins:
board, pulled jthe mpty weapon
from Russo's hand and using it as
a club, beat' his anarrv nncon.
scious. ' : " ; '
The woman struck by one cf
Russo's shots suffered a slight
(Continued on page 21
NatiorwWili Sacrifice All Won '
On Field Of Battle to
Aid Conference
-paris. Jan. 2.-(By Tho As-
soclated Press.) -Belgium Is pre-
pared to sacrffice
one of its most
sacred prerograUves. voir on the
u ji.
in in attempt to save the situa
tion and effect a settlement o
the reparations - Question, and
bring the ; conference to a suc
cessful conclusion, said Henri
; to eWt billion marks
left in Belgium , occupied ter-
armistice doubtless would, play
a treat toIa In the conference.
- BVelgium, he said, was prepared
by coming to terms for the re
demption of these paper marics
at the rate of two fifths of their
gold value.' r .
"This conference, cannot, must
not, end m fallure.j'V said Mr.
" " - v. ... ...3 r ' ......
will take the lead la the way e
making concessions, .and do 1
Utmost to settle finally one ai
for . all time this J reparatis
auestlon. - If we , fall tcrei
will not be our faults t
'J ,
t mm ft