The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 02, 1923, Page 1, Image 1

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    . A ..... i.f
1 V '
ATsrsg to? Karembnr, 1922: , t -
Sunday only 1 1.5739
Dally and Sunday . ......... 58B8 .
Anngt tor aix moatha ceding
, October 31, 1923:
- Sunday- only - ; 5974
v Daily and Sunday i .M8i:
, .in lira cn c .
ilrioo &J :1V i
r ' Kearny iry:. t , .
: TheOrcgoh Statccm;
i . - 4 I. i
ii ii ii ii ii i
Exclusive iSt Louis Hostelry
; ;, f Kaiaea uy zuu foiicemen
, and Prohibition Agents
i - Pignt Ensues - ,
V n
. c oDnpRiPTnR ncn adcc
fi Orchestra fePlays ; SiohV. While
Hrnwrl ThrrAc Phiim
l' ,1 iw..i.ii,Vg WIIIIO-
naies and water 1
- alorial vraid . iinnn . --it
t hotel Ckaae here by federal pro-
- """ua sea ana police, whlcli
. resulted Jn a. rnt ngrlll..i.j
by maay of tbi ,2600 reveUers
on f the New Year there . early
' unconsUtntlonally, . Chase
dared tonight."
,j- ".Hft Aathority Sonnused
? Ulmaa said the iwarrant used
' f by; Guxo Nation, 'chief enrorce
f ment Officer, which charged Vh
man with possession nd sale ot
! Intoxicating liquors .failed ot
.i serrlea when ;it was not served
j n him, but thrust Into the rest
7 pocket of the , assistant manager.
Asserting there was no author
rt- Ity. for the search, ; Ulman said
' he was undecided as to what
. action .he . would, take In con
raecUon with the raid,; which
iv culminated Jn the driylng or the
officers from! the - main dining
C room amidst 'a shower of missiles
iVttef : slot , hadf teen : fired by
v in unidentified person, wounding
iwo men;1 ana Tonuuu- ef
' v:-v: Dranks iniinber 250
! Two hundred . and fifty men.
: guestaat the hotel; were lntoxi-
catedjand i their, .attack- on r hts
jaen was the cause of his order
lng the men to withdraw, Na
tlons declared : tonight. " r
':? Aa to whether W federal agent
V ci one' of the ' detectives, wh6
iy? i.yrtttx aim, vlired the shot,
Nations asserted ne did ? not
r, . know.i :c. i, ,; -;. -,. ;
-f, rThere were about 2$0 drunks
. in- the room and It : was - from
. them (that we met ; the opposl-
t ,; tton," NaUons continued "when
they began j throwing, things'.' nd
T pressing towards up I aw ( that,
1 A ahould we avail ourselves . of all
' the means- of resistance we could
have rightfully used, many in
, nocent peoples would - have been
. tort or ; killed. So. I told the
,!nem o get "out as nicely i and
quietly aa possiDie. '.
.... v llra. James ;. Robinson; 36
years bid, was struck In . thaj lett
ankle by the bullet, presumably
- after it had wounded two men
' John Pasdera, v 2 8, . 'was f ahot
i through the left J leg and George
a- P.- Bodi ; suffered a', wound ; in
'.Sf right fOOL 'I
' -,. ';'Ctwd Gathers '0' . "aV
r,v; the disturbance started ' soon
t: after tb agents1' chahged? their
tactics "of making a superllcJal
.- Inspection of . the ' dining 'tables
v as tey; 'walked about ; the .open
v floor space reserved for dancing
: and began to : search about the
.tables for concealed liquor, push
- x lng back uhoccupied chairs and
weaving - their - way between the
' closely; packed tables.. : i .
r The gathering ot ".-.a- crowd
around officers was signal
Virtually fall the guests to cease
dancing, although . the orchestra
' played on with full force, i The
fcrowd 7 pushed the : agents I and
' police ; against the v wall or the
n;dtningroom and then
nles began to riy. H Glasses
r fot tvAter, plates bearing the
-itreb wVtch had Just been serv
fit? war 'vasesi and even chairs
jJo furled.' -;"-f ijr-'-f :??"'' '
1VoTn became", hysterical and
ad tied th'Mr screams to the up
roar I V br the noise-makers
! f urcL Ued ' by the j?. hotel, o the
shoa4 'of the men and the
rh ytbin t ot - the ? orchestra. The
ihot virtually ended the disturb
ance ; and wafers . set about - re-i
storing order. M v ' 1 '
f" rltGON Tuesday rain west
' cloudy west portion. , . j.
. (Monday) -
i ,faximum temperatures, fcoi;
ji Minimum temperature, 40; i
v River. 14.9 feet - above ilor-
r mal level, rising.
Ralnfill, .45 Inch. ; "
Atmosphere, cloudy'
T.'Jsl, .aonth. , s. ; j
ajagaWaBSWMwSSSSaaSSBWaMaMBMSSSlalB . - BBBBBBBBBBmm----.- - " - w? 4S
liAyy live-in.,
Graves house
Walter M. Pierce Has Option
in Residence; Secretary in :
Marion Apartments ; ;
feovernor-elect Pierce has', an
ojtlon on the residence of George
Il Graves, Twelfth and Mission
(Bteets;- for a lease v-. during his
residence here as executive of
Otegon. ' ." I ' i'
' V7ard Irvine, who has been ap
'pcflnted secretary to. Goverftor
elfct' Pierce,' will reside in Hhe
Mirlon apartmentts.j Mr: "Irvine
ls son of Mr. and Mrs,;RF. Ir
viie of the Oregon 'Journal.' i
famey R. Linn is assisting the
new governor, and his secretary to
bscome located in Salem., : ' '
fe:HeveiTeegerstrom Fled to
Parts Unknown Because
' of Fear of Klan .
t oimnD , X.n I Tan .. 1 iRv
fPt "Asaoictkted Prftsa After a
day of" exhaustive; Investigation
F:enrf carpehtery orMorenou8e
tcaight announced'-' he f believed
Cat - Harold Teegerstrom, 19
years -old, f time keeper at the
carbon plant at Sryker. , La.;" who
vis . kidnaped Friday night, was
live and had fled from this eec-
Con through fear. ;
. scape . Managed
From' reports of S the incident
eieeed together it seemed 16 uni-
i entif ied persona appeared ; at the
tlant s bunk : house, called the
toiith to the ' - door. seized an i
placed 'him1 in one of . the auto
mobiles waiting :; outside,, and
flrove off Into the woods. Whether
the' men were "masked: has not
been learned ' - V''-;""'! ; -
"What.1 occurred in: the woods
las not been disclosed but Tee-
from his captorS and reached the
kome. of ; Henry Jones, saw mill
a an, yesterday and excitedly ask
ed him for $40 with which to de
part for an unannounced destina
tion. Jones said he let him hav
tie sum and Teegerstrom de
parted, j
I V Search Started
Jones reached pastrop today
d reported the occurrence to
the sheriff.;- - , .
i Teegerstrom was to have .testl
Oed in the, open hearing . and
ials in connection . with y- the
orehouse 1 'kidnaping: and milr-
Victor Teesrerstrom. nrominelnt
tizen of Monroe, Is assisting the
Ivll authorities , and federal
;ents In locating his son.. The
lerlf f said he did not i know
whether the I youth was handled
t (Continued on page 2)
Enron is
Giesy ,and Poiilsen Began
Uuties jesterdayNew .
: Chief 'Starts Tonight.
Ralftm'n new cltv administra
tion began! yesterday when' Mayof
John B. Giesr and Cltv' Recorder
Mart Paulsen -sfficlallv ' assumed
the duties of their offices . the
former succeeding George E. H41-
vorsen. Who has teea mayor for
the last jtwo Tears, and the letter
succeeding ! Earl i' Race, for six
years the city recorder. Mr. PoUlJ
sen has not 'yet chosen his deputy
and it IS understood will -not for
some time.' ' t? ' '---'; '
All the appointive officers, who
were really selected at a caucus
of the council 10 days ago. have
not yet been ushered in tout will
beat a meeting. of the new city
council tonight, -.the .-..first official
meeting under the new adminis
tration. ' Included among; these
W -w. Birtehett. who succeeds
Verden Moffitt as chief of police.
Birtehett was elected to the office
the November 4 election, , but
because oC the -charter amend
ment adopted at that ' time mak
ing the office appointive by. the
mayor and the council Instead of
elective bytthe people, Mr. Birteh
ett takes office under the amend
ment.,. .;; i-;.l i-'A-v.:; :,..'-.;.;- f;
.-At-the meeting tonight Mayor
GlesyV will deliver a message of
some length ; setting;, forth' .the
policies ha expects to: ; follow ' as
chief executive of the city. .This
and the election of the city of fit
ccrs wlll bo tho mala, things be
UUIUill LU LltU .:
ryls the .meeting,
Tbe American expeditionary
forces ; and the American . army
of occupation either would have
thrown a deadly -fit at the? mere
thought of '" such a dinner as
Company F, OrejBon national
gukrdf Served to itself at the
armory, . New. Years night.'
Chicken -three helpings; ail
around, and f our . ' If " "anybody
wantd it;- mashed potatoes 'and
genuine yellowrlegged i gravy,
dressing with a bushel t of , gib
lots, Olives, celery, bread i and
butter, coffee, ? oranges, mince
pie full quarters and not board
ing 'housa teasers--and ice cream
and cheese 'and wafers, were on
the bill of fa ret , f
y Portions Man-Size
They." were served up -in man's
siie portions, too; portions--that
looked' like 'the Rocky mountains
leslde soma of the not-very-large
lads In the company. - But like
Napoleon's ' brave soldiers ' cross
ing the Alps, every soldier lad
climbed to the top of the mound,
clicked his heels together . and
waved his wings and crowed for
the Star Spangled Banner. It
was & glorious victory " of the
puissant fiederal eagle over the
common plebeian -.bird.
Ringle Platoon First ;
The company made" a whole
afternoon of its festivities. Start
ing in at 230, a number; of mil
itary' stunts were put on. Iji. the
platoon , drill, tho platoon com
manded, by Corporal Don Ringle
won f IrsJ place. ' They , were not
American Farm Bureau Fed
eration to Start in 140
Market Places Today '
CHICAGO. Jan. 1. (By the
Associated Press.) r- The newest
of. -the national cooperative , marketing-Institutions
fostered by the
American 'Farta Bureau; federa
tion is scheduled to open ' for bns
Iness) ; in i 14 6 , market centers ' to
morrow. It Is the Federated Fruit
and Vegetable Growers, Ine- The
new marketing company, entirely
grbweroWned'and controlled, will
sell all 'kinds of fruits and vege
tables' for local cooperative mar
keting associations. s i, f -? - j .
1 Manager "Retataecl " ' K
s jThe organization has purchased
the' 'assets and contracts i of 1 the
North 'American ' Fruit Exchange,
which, has ' .been, marketing ,qo-
operatiTe association products for
the last 11 years. ; A. B. Bute,
manager- of f the North 'American
Jfrnlti Ex'chahge. Is reUined as
manager for the federated organt-
jr.' "S. EdWards' df California is
president and' C. E." Durst ' of - Illi-
nols" secreury. - ' f 'i
t Some of the markets in Which
operations are to" begin are New
Vork, Chicago,' Philadelphia, Pitts
burgh Boston, Cleveland and St.
Louis. " -
' Carload ijois Bought
Membership Jtt ; the federated
ruit- and' yegetable growers ia in
tended to be mainly by associttlon
or exchanges, according to C.f E.
Bradfute; -newly' elected president
of the "American Farni Bureau fed
eration. 'Only cooperative asso
ciations' will be admitted. Large
individual .. growers; who ship fn
crj lots and who are not; so .lo
cated they can conveniently work
through an 'association, may join
the federation directly and market
through it but .till .have no' vote.
Only associations may vote." ?
'The federation will be primar
ily 'a car lot distribution organi
sation and' cannot' handle the pro
duct : pf small isolated growers iih
less organized So they can prop
erly standardize , their 'products
and ship In .full car lots. It would
be Impracticable for the organiza
tion ta Ima'fket rotjsolated small
growers as individuals, -;f 4, 'V ';-,
8-' . X .
ry all ; thai churches of ' Eugene
yeslerdaiy t took a-;-'tote'; on fwheth
er'or not v the,; rktty f Arbuckfe
pictures , should be ": shown ; here
and 1 there., waa a,, large' majority
against: lt according 4 to - , announcement-
of members 5 of - the
ministerial - anifiiv today, j. ,
able to boast ; that in general
this nlatoon' drill was UD. . to
West ; Point standards, : but the
boys ;are certainly gaining stead
ily,- according to General White,
who witnessed ; the drill. rln
squad : drill, the I squad headed by
Corporal George R. Welch took
first place. -' ' ' ' :,''
Corporal Ringje won first
place In i the drill-down, - with
private Forrest I H- Pollock sec
ond. Sergeant Hugh Martin was
first in the "monkey drill," with
Corporal ? WoIch second. Welch
took the first place-in the equip
ment race' with Corporal Rlngli
second. " ' ' 1 ' ' '
Tls Was Funny ' ,
In the wheelbarrow race Welch ,
and Ringlei were given a tie with
Furdy and j Brunkel.' , This was
the , funniest ejrent r of. the : day.
Starting in pairs, one man
"wheels? - his buddy the length
of the hall and there tney
change posUions! for . the trip back
to the starting point. Ringles
and Welch made the race in the
shortest time, . but . they were
penalized i . because of their fali-
in. and the cdod form of tn?
other team gave a tie verdict..
At the dinner, served in the
basement; under the persoriai
supervision ' of Sergeant Harry
riant and Cook ' Merle CrossSn,
the company had one of the. most
elaborate spreads in tho history
of Saleni military, i The meal
was enlfrened I by " occasional
iv the . comoany. with
(Continued-on pago 2) , i-
k is
T I :
ci rai mm
ullii i uuiaw
Cabin Where i Hammer Mur
deress Remained in Hid
ing for 4 Days, Located f
..- r; .-'-' t:;4-
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Jan.l l
Dlscovery of a "cabin in a lonely
canyon, near Los Angeles, where
Mrs. Clara - Phillips, "hammer,
murderer, who; escaped from the
Los Angeles. county Jail Decem
ber : 5, 'concealed herself. ' for at
least four days," after tho jail-
break, was announced at the sher
lff's office tonight. ' ..
. V First Real Clew ;
The statement was made that
Armour L. Phillips, husband of
the ' convicted murderer,- was
known to have "purchased food at.
a grocery near the cabin for. tour
days after his wife's' escape," -and
that-another -man whose Identity
has i not i been learned, delivered
the food at tbe cabin.
The officers declined to . name
the exact location of the cabin,
but declared . their Investigations
proved. It had been occupied " re
cently.':; '' ,-' ; : J.
y They said this discovery offered
them the first "real clew", to the
whereabouts of Mrs. 'Phillips and
that' it Would be followed by an
intensified effort to' locate her, ; ,
Among their first steps, it, was
stated, would be a requestlonlng
of Phillips, Who wojuid be asked
to explain his alleged purchases
of food' and , to name the man who
made the deliveries. , V .' .i : -
- 'jl-'J w :V--:- r-
f j 1 Two Involved ';M-'V:':,;;;
5 According to -Frank De War,
deputy sheriff, 'Phillips "appeared
at the grocery on four consecutive
days Immediately after his wife's
escape, paid for a supply of f5pd.
ordered that some of it be cooked
and told the - proprie'tor-'anotber
man would call for it later. .To
ward evening, each day, the Sec
ond man would arrive, obtain the
food and hurry, away. , ; "
-The grocer is Bald to have given
the officers a good description of
the man. . , -
- Phillips : recently announced
plans to return , to -shls former
home In Houston,'-' Texas but;'!
believed still to be in or near 'Los
Angeles," officers said. - V'f.'.
300 Delegates Hope to :
, ; Settle Mining Strike
' CHICAGO, Jan.. 1. -Three hun
dred coal operators and miners,
officials, from j the bituminous
fields of the United States, will
meet - here,; Wednesday1 to renew
their negotiations looking toward
peace' la Lthe coal mining ' Indus
try. ' t -r. - .-.
The sessions, some j. separately
and. others jointly, will continue
three days. An attempt will be
.made ' to reach ' some agreement
tor elimination of strikes, lock
outs jtnd other ' trouble.,-: for a
stated period.- A eon terence. held
bere several . weeks .Ago -failed tq
settle tbe problems ot the Indus
try. , -
"' r aVff
Complete -American Legion
ceremony, to Mark Ser-
vices at Armory Tonight
Tonight at. the armory for the
first time, f since Capital post,
American; legion, ; was founded,
the -installation of officers is to
be ' put on- with the full j ritual,
i In the past the officers have
been taking their posts without
any 'great ceremony. They B)mp
ly went in knd sat down to" their
jobs. This year the full impos
ing ritual of the Legion, a
noble, patriotic I program that
touches almost every phase ot
American national life and aspir
ation, is ,to bo staged with the
Installation, and it is the, ? urgent
wish, of the Legion heads that
every 'member, and every soldier
of the "World war in this dis
trict shall attend and reeL.'that
the sentiments are his and., his
children's forever.
. An entertainment program is
to be staged In addition to the
regular Installation, with . locai
talent appearing ; in musical and
ether offerings.- Following this,,
Jobnny . Jones ; Is jto have ; charge
of the catering 'for - a modest
luncheon that promises to start
the new year in a delightfully
full-stomached fashion. : 4 f
t All World war soldiers, wheth
er 1 members of the wgion or
not, ' are urged to attend. - The
Legion1 hopes to ; make its mem
bership this yer .100 - per .cent
and this Is the ; first big gun
campaign, for new members.
The service opens at 8 o'clock.
pe is suteo
i rnh i mm nrrinr
tun LAuU Umbt
Salem Man" Expected to Re
ceive . Appointment : . as i
(RegistraLia:Partlarid :
. . Walter L. Toose. Sr.; of Sa
lem, to 'all appearances will be
the next register, of the- .federal
land of rice' in Portland, for i it
Is known ; that both - Senators . Mc-
Nary and Stan field are- consid
ering blm ' for tbe place and j it
Is helieed wlttioiit doubt that
he Will be their i recommendation
t6 the president , "j
. It ; is not probable that the
position .will come to Mr.. Tooze
before . next . August, -j since) : the
term of Alex Sweek, the: incum
bent, does 'not expire until 'that
tie. Mr. Sweek; however, - has
been mentioned ' as a possible
state . appointee -to some state
office "by ; Governor Pierce,, ana
should ' this be the case his : res
ignation-might 'come be tore the
summer months, in which event
Mr.; Tooe io doubt would have
the office earlier :than now ex
pected.' . 1 ; -
Mr. . Tooze . has been -j. one , 01
the "most ardent Republican cam-
naieners in Oregon for many
years: and worked diligen tly both
for McpJary ana -;.otaniieia - .nu
ir ' respective j' campaigns;
E!ks nFoflies!' Delights. Ca
- pacity House at Theater
on tve of New Year
;- ;A capacity; house at the. Grand
theatre greeted the-Elks Midnight
Pojlies performance on New
ear'S eve, and the - show, which
Was' yaudevllle In; character fol-;
lowing thej U ' Vclock rltualishc
ceremonies IS -j pronounced j to
ttave'-been jtirst class. r-'.;i-ri
The Elks .orcbestra, one of the
best Elk musical organizations in
the United StateB, pleased the big
crowd with- number of selec
lloh8. Tbe vaudeville was varied
in -character. . i ,
As' midnight and the new year
approached J .preparation was
made; 1 -' The . audience j was fur
nished. With noise making instru
ments ofmapy jktnds' and with
''serpentine.' At. the stroke of
12 : the noi3e and tbe, jazx 'started
and the theatre became a bedlam,
while the- crowd on ; the ' lower
.floor . was "soon enmeshed In the
serpentine'-' thrown .from the
baIC0?T. Md tft gaUgrlesrjjJ'j.'liold a "rurvey on' her. i-, 2
. i ' t a. - a a- a av m m - k i u i - a & ;
Big Clean-Up of Cases is
Expected After Justice
Pierce BUtler Receives
f Judicial Oath
Constitutionality! of Federal
Power Act to Be Decid
ed Upon First
supreme court will t meet tomor
row after a three weeks recess.
Based upon the record it made on
returning from thef former j long
rectus, when by opinions and or
ders it removed 78 cases from the
docket,' court habitues expect an
other big cleaning, up after. Asso
ciate Justice Pierce Butler-of St,
Paul has bad the judicial bath' ad
ministered to - him by tbe chief
justice, making him a member of
the court. - - '
. Butler Goes Up
";" .'- - ' '. ' .- i -. - -'-t . '
' ' Justice Butler will have tbe pe
culiar experience of not occupying
the seat at the foot of the bench:
Justices - of the court are seated
In - order of seniority - of service
and it is, customary for the;
member , to gorto the end of : the
bench to the left of the chief 'Ju
tlce.ff As the resignation of Justice
Pitney took effect today, r how
ever, Justice; -Butler will 'have
stepped up - the- ladder one rung
when he dons his official robes
tomorrow; - and the chair at the
extreme left of the bench will be
vacant. - '
- A -number; of Important -'cases
are down ' for- argument during
the week, incuKiin'g, the appeals ot
'fneXmericanT'and foreign steam
ship companies In the liquor
cases. : These are expected to be
reached Thursday. . -
r Power Act Up - j ;!
The first argument ' the j coiirt
will hear "will be upon the motion
of the government to dismiss the
original . case i brought by - the
state of New York challenging the
constitutionality ;of ; the federal
power act. The , state contends
that the federal government's
control over waterways within Its
borders Is limited . to navigable
streams and ' over , them only -in
matters relating to navigation,
while the government insists that
the state has failed; to present a
.-Vs (Continued on page 2)
Satsuma Limps Into Port
vv i in 0 leering uear uis
abled; Rails smashed
ASTORIA, Or., Jan. l.witn
her master severely injured, her
steering gear disabled, one rail
smashed and her. deck gear par
tially disrupted the - crippled
steamer Satsuma, a victim of the
recent heavy -gale, limped into
port today.
The Satsuma was enroute from
the ,: Orient via Comox, r B. C,
where she stopped . for fuel, to
New Orleansi with general Orien
tal'; cargo. . Dring - the gale- on
Sunday night ' the steamer was
continuously swept : by the ter
rifle seas, the chains of her
steam - steering gear- and casting
of. ber head -gear, were ? broken.
Temporary repairs were made.
however, and the craft was able
to make her war " unaided to
ward the Columbia. . . ,-. . ;
.- Sunday morning Captain Jones,
master of the SatBuma, was
standing "near the engine room
skylight directing the naviga
tion of his vessel when a heavy
breaker rolled on board, : smash
ing one ot -1 the rails, throwing
a lifeboat from its decks and
striking Captain Jones, knocked
him down The captain sustain
ed two fractured ribs, as cwell
as ' several scalp wounds and
there is a 1 possibility tie .was
hurt internally.- On arrival here
he was taken to the hospital lor
treatment, Repairs are being
made to the stfartrier and Cap
tain 'James, Hyates, ; Lloyd sur
veyor,; will ; arrive tomorrow and
Chicago Spends ' $6,000,000
"Ushering in New Year
Caf es Do Large Business v
Chicago; Jan.", i.-chicago
spent; ,000,000 ushering In the
New - Year; according, to figures
prepared tonight, based oh returns
from seven of the largest hotels
and six of the leading cafes..'
The seven' biggest loop - hotels
reported that 11.500 merry-mak
ers spent $231,200 speeding the
partingyear: andV welcoming the
new comer. :in the; six cafes 20',
500 5 revellers - parted with. $307,-
500 for tha-iame purpose. ' -
- There aremore than 400 hotels
and 500 cafes-in the city.- f , .
The8 hotel and cafe -men esti
mated that, one-fifth 'of tbe city's
population - made merry - last
night. The expenditure by each
guest ranged, from $8 to $15 In
most of the downtown hotels. '
Afternoon and Evening New
Year Program Put on at
. , Salem Y. M. C.-A.
i I - 1
V An -estimated -2000 -people at
tended tbe Y. M. C. A. open honse
New -Year's day afternoon -and
new-fevening to enjoy 'one of the most
delightful programs ever, present
ed at that popular men's home. ,
; j The afternoon program was de-.
voted largely to general sociabil
ity, to literary and musical offer,
ings in' the "main - lobby, .and to
more or Vlees Impromptu athletic
events ! in the gymnasium. ; The
volleyball game between the Ro
tarlans and the ; KIwanlans was
won by . tne itotarians after a
fierce 'jtussle, that had all the.mer-
JtaJLpehwnecfr if ' not of- trained
team skill on either side.
. .Auxiliary Serves Visitors
The Woman's auxiliary t served
light refreshments all through the
afternoon and evening,"- fruit
punch and wafers With the tables
presided " over ; by. dainty ,;young
girls from the high school.
.The swimming events that were
to have had a star place, on the
day's ! program A came to.f anun-
dramatic end.; On Sunday' Secre
tary KelisandV Physical ' Director
Boardman had spelled each other
all .day ' to -'keep . the ; furnaces hot
to heat the water for a wonder
ful swimming New Year's day.
They left for their homes late
Sunday night, patting .themselves
(Continued en page 2)
Amount-in Excess of $230,-
- 000,000 Placed By Sys-
tern LobdelJ Says v
! - .- . -" .. .- t . ..-
- WASHINGTON'! Jan. 1 .Plac
ing loans in excess of $230,000,-'
000. the federal farm loan .system
experienced its greatest' period , of
expansion in '1922,- Commissioner
Lobdell of the federal farm ' loan
board declared tonight In a New
Year's greeting to American farm
ers.. ; The year's V record for .ex
tension of' credit represents loans
more i-than'. double ' tbe;- amount
placed in any one year since tbe
termination of the . system. ! -
The - expanded operations cul
minated in the declaration of
dividends by six of the nro re pros
perous farm loan banks aggre
gating more than, one million dol
lars; Mr. Lobdell declared , -Tho
other land banks paid their regu
lar dividends of 8 per cent,' .he
reported., ' t ; - , ' ' -'-. .'
"We believe this distribution to
the farm borrowers is a transaction
. f . fc. ' . 1 L- ! M 1 -'I- il 1-1 'A
wunoui preceaeni in me niiiiorr
of agricultural finance," the com
missioner said, in a statement: on
behalf' of ithe board. . . ' '" i
: ''To .the - farmers outside .the
system we are pleaaed ' to convey
the assurance of every ; prospect
of a' continued supply of loanable
funds; at reasonable rates and' on
easy term wherever adequate ser
curity is offered. ; To one and, all
we express the ' hope that wise
legislation and sou nd' practices in
cooperative marketing and buying
may.' speedily bring you relatively
as; close to the purchasers of your
products and those from whom
you must; purchase as .tho. farm
loan system " has brought you " to
the! sources .of financial supply,
. rA ); '";f;'' ; '.'" " .-- -Y?: :V... ';! y
nPFf t
i .
Anxious: Spirit Reflected ii
; Allied Circles ScparcL
; Action By . Franca I:
; Feared '-r
Italian Delegation Has 'Vlzn
; : to Submit to Council '
; Terms Unknown
PARIS, Jan. 1. (By The As
sociafl Press. ) -The : . prima .
ministers of France,'. Great L'rit
ain and' Belgium, tosethor. -wita.
the Marquis D(?lla Torre tta, r-"
presenting the - Italian premier,,
will go into conference tomor
row which ris regarded as t:
final . effort of the allies t
reach a ; collective settlement ct
the reparations question.
.' There was a sober and -eves
anxious spirit ' in all?ed circles
tonight In face of the probabil
ity that, if the conference falls,
separate - and direct action by
France win . follow.
' To Consider Moratorium .
The meeting is a continuation
of last 'month's premiers confer
once in London which was callcl
toi examine; whether any - practi
cal', results could, come' Irom a.
general, economic congress
Main ;que'fitlons to 'le "dec!
are; first, whether a ' mora
mm can be granted to Cz:
m. :V A.
ana, second, upon wht ttrr
France and . Great Taluin r 3
Sharply divided in policy, r 1 a
French insist upon seizor t!
productive resourceaof C t car
u:;.the -J??i 'fca-iX.-ct;' - -
and in ; the ; Ruhr valley 1.3 f,u:,f.
antees, .that when tha. 'mora
torium' terminates, Germany vi!i.
resume' her reparations pay'
raents,1..' . '
, Tho ; British gbverhment thor ,
oughly ' disapproves stern pnal .
ties and desirwa to work out a
plan under. which Germany would
bo allowed a moratorium of at
least two years, this time to 03
employed, la so 'recognizing her
resources . that she may-vsuccess-fully
shoulder ; her debts.
' .-Jaw View Important
Any settlement likely to do
successful depends in Mr. Bonar
Law's view, on some; form of.'. in
ternational:' loan for .Germany and
together iwith . his associates on
the, British delegation, he has
received . with approval - the sug
gestion 'of t the ; American secre-
tary of state that .an International
committee determine the "amount
of reparations to be expected
The , conviction held hr 1're-
mlor Poincare. bf. Franc is. that
a change of heart on tho part
ot; Germany IS required aoove
all rother considerations. " '
He believes Germany's plana
tor th future are based on a
policy of resistance to the ex
cursion ' of the Versailles ; treaty ,
and that 'any effort to help her
he regards as useless . untH tS''
Berlin .- goyernment ' decides in-
earnest, to J fulfill .-.Us obligations.
Extension of the present par
tial '.moratorium, which expires
on 'January 15 and the raisins
of cash for uermany in .,iu
international market, -will. in. the
French view, . bo - .nuiunea
the) continued ; German oppost
t'.on to5 payment of .h'T debts; so
that action r such , aa France now
contemplates will be eventually
forced upon n the-. aiues. 4 . -; 5
, .. Italians Have nans
The t Belgian and Italian gov
ernments appear now 1 i"
more toward the French view
than toward ' the ; Britiih, ; b ut
with, wm; disposition; to i?,
The Italian; delegation has a
plan which it will present to tfca
coancU after Toincare and ; Bonar
Law have explained 'the French,
and British; viewpoints. Thi
conciliatory , program calls: for
guarantees ' to satisry . Frr.'
but without' penalties so a3 to
meet tho British objection, rely
ing upon such action by Uer- ,
many as 'Would f have the result
of making - the guarantees pro
ductive" without the use ot fdrce.
' The Belgian prom ier, M. , T he u-
London-f last August to , brinrr
Lloyd iGeorge V and".-Poincare t -gether,
also . seeks to harmc
the French and British pro
grams,: which -it Is .nnd'.' -rtoo ' ,
bs thinks Could 8;done. if r
: CpntIaaed oa pa;j S).;--.
n ; h?$& m-:PHmyji ;;t-r;.,;i , ; -.