The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 31, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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NEW v TEAR'S with attendant the innpira
t Hon-, for numerous social
groups tonight and tomorrow.
Mfiny watch, parties will be giren
tt addltioirto midnight matinees
and Irolics at the different thea
ters, "AT;,-. "... .
C Judge and Mrs. George If. Bur
AfeU will entertain with their an
,na open house for friends New
Years, the occasion of their forty,
hird . wedding anniversary. ? This
is a Tear ! cn.'.tnm nf Judfa aiA
. Mrs Burnett, and their hostk of
mends. In Salem will - Join with
them again this year, in the cele
bration. -
-Ml Mr; Harry Clay,. who wltfi'Dr.
Glay, were, house guests of Mr.
-and Mrs. A. N. Bush for the
' Christmas holidays, was the in
a spiration for reveral delightful af
fairs during her short Tisit.
i. Mr. and Mrs. Bush were hosts
Christmas eTe for a delightful
. holiday dinner party at which
r coTers were placed for ten.
Bright red carnations were used
. ' On the pretty dinner table where
places were marked . by unusual
n faTors representing the peoples
from foreign shores '
! The guests entertained includ
ed Dr. and Mrs. Clay, Mr. and
f Mrs. . Asahel Bush, Dr. and Mrs.
; C. A. Downs and Mr. and Mrs. W.
Conner Dyer, v " ' " (
. Mrs". Clay was the Inspiration
for a pretty afternoon affair on
tuerday, the day after Ctarlut
t tnas. when Mrs. E, C..- Cross en-
' tcrtalned old ' friends. . Joint
' hostesses for the occasion' were
Mrs. Curtis B. Cross and Mr.
i Prince W. Byrd. '
p ; Ied roses and red taper? on
the tea table lent a pretty holi
day air which., blended in with
Ihe holiday greens and festive
' spirit. Mrs. A N. Bush and Mrs.
, TIenry Meyers presided at the tea
table. Assisting In serving worft
' .Mrs. T. C. Smith.-; Mrs. Frank W.
" purbln and Mrs. .Henry B. Thlel-
I ron. Assisting I in the dinlng-
room were Mrs. W. Conner Dyer,
rs. Kenn Powell ana Mrs.
Harry Hawkins. Miss Nell Thiel
.' f on and Miss Eliza Nolan assist
1 ed In the reception rooms.
. .'p .- . ... , ' - .. f:
4 Entertaining Tor Miss Edith
I fierce anjl "Miss Carmen Espia
ls ose .Mr. Raymond Walsh was
; ostess Friday afternoon for a
: number of the :' younger maids
' find matrons. Miss Pierce is a
daughter ofM1,rihd'Mr3. Walter
;, Pierce- of U Grande, and Is a
house , guest of - Miss Margaret
: (Joodln, as.iMIss Esptnose. '
Miss' Espinose is a member of
(be .faculty at the University-of
' - Oregon ' where Miss Pierce . Is a
-y itudent. , Assisting Mrs. Walsh
t urig -the afternoon were Miss
Marie Churchill and Miss Prls
I (ilia Fry.
i, Sf Mrs. E. ; CJ Cross and ' Mrs.
; Prince W. Byrd went to Portland
' Friday and will spend J seTeral
, days there. .
Mrs. Frederick Lamport was
Kostea Thursday for the Bridge
Luncheon club. Polnsettas cen-
ifred the pretty : luncheon table
and Christmas tree cards marked
r ' f the places for the guests. - Bridge
; ' was played during the afternoon
1 ? hours. - : .7;j'A'' '
' '; Special guests for the day in
cluded Mrs. Frits Slade, Mrs. T.
I . LiTesley, -Mrs. Homer Egan,
Mrs. Cough and Miss- Catherine
The Thursday Bridge club
met last week with Mrs. E. L.
. Kapphahn. .Christmas decora
tions were used about the rooms.
Mrs. E. C. Quinn and Mrs. C. I.
, Inman assisted In serving.
? I Special guests for the evening
I were 1 Mrs. L. W. Gleason and
fMrs. U. ,3. Page. Mrs. Charles
"Knowland will entertain in the
club In two weeks.
New Year's
We Will Remain Closed All
Day Monday
Salem Store
Mr. andI rs. C. M. In man en
tertained Friday at a Christmas
party for the members of the
Tano "500'' club. Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Johnson will be hosts for
the club at the next meeting.
Members of the Tano club are
Mr. and Mrs! R. C. Hunter. Mr.
and Mrs. L. W. Gleason, Mr. and
Mrs. E. L Kapphahn, Mr and
Mrs. Cal Patton, Mr. and iMrs.
Clyde Johnson and Mr. and Mrs.
Inman.. . '
, .Miss Mabel aair Patrick be
come .the ride of Karl Andrew
Chapter at'a' prettj' wedding, on
Thursday .afternoon.' The bride
is the daughter of Mr. and. Mrs.
A. M. Patrick and has until re
cently been employed at the of
fice of the 'state Superintendent of
The rooms of the Patrick home
were decortated ' with Oregon
greenery and Tirld poinsettaa.
Rct. Ward Willis Long officiated
at the impressive v ying service.
An, informal reception followed
the marriage service and the
young couple left later for a short
wedding trip" to Portland and
other northern points.
Mr. Chapler, who la now em
ployed in the Salem office of the
Associated Oil company, was a
member of the class of 1917 of
Willametto unWersity and pnlist
ed Just before commencement.
He went overseas and served
with" a machine gun company un
til the clorfe of the war.
Mrs. Chapler's family are pio
neer residents of Polk county and
have horts of friends in both Ma
rion and Polk counties. Mr. and
Mrs. Chapter, will , make their
home after January 1 at 1165
South High street.
A dainty Christmas dance by
Nancy Thielsen and an attractive
toe number by Jeanette Sykes
were' the features, of an informal
dance given by Mrs. Ralph White
and the members of her advanced
ballet class Friday evening, in
Derby hall. Approximately r.O
couples were present' to enjoy an
evening's t dancing in the gaily
decorated hall, made attractive
with fir boughs, shaded lights
and Christmas greenery.
,J Mildred Tickle, Margaret
White, Nancy Thielsen, Florence
Howe, Nan Putnam, Thelma Rob
inson, Marie yBriggs, Elizabeth
LeVy.Fay Wassam, Grace Gore,
Fay Hendrickson, Vivian Har
groTe, Frances Parker, Alice Put-
The Way to Gain
"Corset Comfort"
v to wear Frolawt oret.
Fitted to the Individual figure
Renska L Swart
Corset Kpoclallst
113 Ubeirty Street
Portland Silk Shop
383 Alder St.
nam, Helen Ramsden. Evelyji
Stevenson, Molly Schwabauer,
Xelle Thielsen, Iaura Wagner,
Valerie Briggs and Luella Patton
were hostesses with Mrs. White.
The guest list included Mr. and
Mrs. Dwight Parr, Mr. and Mrs.
Horace Sykes, Mr. and Mrs. C.
F. Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Kirk, and Mr. and Mrs. Has.
Smith; Kathleen Walsh, Iner,
Frye Georgia Bonesteele, Loret
ta Miller, thelma Robinson, Lil
lian Jaquet. Ruth Austin, Ruth.
Tucker, Lois Wheeler, Macyle
Hunter, Grace Holt, Jeanette
Sykes, Vivian Nelson, Nan Put
nam, Alice Forbes, Florence Cart
wright, Edna Sim on ton; Messrs.
Leo G. Spitzbart, K. Pease. Gar
net Harra, Harold Mero, Edwin
Chastain. Norwain Kennedy, O.
K. DeWitt, Harry Levy. Harold
Larsen, Earl White, Ralph White.
Rex Adolph. Saul Janz, Ralph
Artz, Ed Cleary, Lester Evans,
Edwin Armstrong, Kenneth Wil
son, Russell Uonesteele, LeRoy
Gard. Dwiht Quisenberry, James
Marr, Willard Marshall, Fred
Mangis, Oliver Meyers, J. K. Si
monton. Charles Goodwin. Adolph
Glatt, Carl Pease, Harold Miller,
Armin Berger, Lyle Bartholomew,
William Tickle, Jack Minto. Ches
ter Kurtz, James Waj?ner, Clar
ence Haider and Andrew Vincent.
Mrs. Josie L. Stewart is the
guest of Mrs.1 R:-J. Hendricks.
Mrs. Stewart itf chaperon at the
Pi Beta Phi house in Corvallis
and will return on Tuesday.
Miss Helen Moore, member of
the faculty of the Orejron Agri
cultural college and Miss Ruth
Moore, a student there, has spent
the holiday vacation with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Moore in Salem. They will re
turn to Corvallis Monday.
We Guarantee That Every Article You Buy
Will Satisfy You Perfectly J
At These Prices You Should Lay in a Supply To Last You for the Whole Year to Come. Shop
. in the Morning Hours Thereby Avoiding the Afternoon Crowds
REMEMBER This Is a CLEARANCE SALE and Sale Prices Will Hold as Long as the Goods Last
Outing Flannel
White Good Grade
January I n
Clearance I I.. .
Sale I UYd
(lovd QuaUtv
Greatly Reduced
Miss Winnifred Holt, Who Helped
Blind Students,
News of the ensapenient of Miss Win-ifred Holt of Burling
ton, Vt., to Rufu Graves Mather, a prominent Connecticut law
yer,, is of international interest owing to the work of Miss Holt
for the blind in this country, ; France, Italy and Poland.
AD-Iinen Stevens
Very Good Quality
Genuine Devonshire
N: Imitat'uu
Sa?em SI ore
to i Stalest.
Will Marry Soon
All Silk, Colors
All Silk, Colors
Ivoy Handles
A Christmas recital was given
Wednesday arternoon by tne
piano pupils of Miss Margarei
Fisher at her home. The play-
Mrs. George Kraus and Miss
Orletta Kraus of Aurora were
guests of Salem friends during
the week.
Open house will be held at the
Y. W. C. A. tomorrow, Monday,
from 3 to 5 o'clock. It is
hoped that Miss Marion Wyman.
the new general secretary, will
arrive in time to meet the guests.
Miss Wyman comes from Lin
coln, Nebraska.
The social committee in charge
of the open house today include
Mrs. George G. Brown, Mrs. W.
Connel Dyer, Mrs. A. J. Ilann,
Mrs. U. G.- Shipley.
The association is especially
anxious that those calling may
find it possible to bring gift of
books for the library of the
Y. W. C. A.
A benefit supper will be given
tonight at the Jason Lee church.
The Old People's home room to
be furnished by the church Is the
object of the benefit. The women
of the church will be in charge.
A chicken supper will be served
and the public is being invited.
Miss Pearl Kapphahn had as
her guest during the holidays her
cousins, Esther and Marjory An
derson of Portland. They re
turned home Friday evening.
The Adolynke club was enter
tained this week by Mrs. Oral
Lemmon at her home in the Mar
ion apartments. Mrs. Earl Paul
son will entertain the club again
in two weeks.
Mrs. J. C. Griffith will enter
tain with a family dinner party
tomorrow. Several Portland
guests will be Included in the
list of those entertained.
Canton Crepes
and Satins
$3.75 Value. Short length
January J 0 9
Clearance f Vfl
Sale L
Limited Quantity
mm f
PiriUnd Silk Shop
:J33 Alder Street
era. Tnainy appearing for the first
time made a creditable showing.
The program for the afternoon
was as follows:
Bumbla Bee Spaulding
S'ng Robin Sing Spaulding
Beatrice Evans
Tommy Touselhead Lauson
Vesper Bells Krogman
Helen Chambers
Song of the Rosebud Erb
Dorothy Moore
Dancing Daisies Spaulding
Signs of Spring Rowe
Mary Hickman
Duet Beyers
Margaret McCoy Miss Fisher
LUtlc White Kitten bro
The Spider Erb
Josephine Evans
Rose Petals Lawson
Dancing Class Zeicner
Gertrude WInslow
Duet .i Beyers
Margery Moyer Miss Fisher
Butterfly Dance Miles
The Australian Dance .... Packer
Louglnq Brietxke
Friends Again Voigt
Grace White
Ivy Leaf
Santa Clau Guards ..Krogmon
Madolyn Moyer
Merry Lads and Lasses. .San ford
The Lonely Rose Courtney
Doris Clarke
Moon Winks Stevens
, t Audrey Ashby
Evening by the Sea ....Karoly
Rose Fay Helns
Maxlne Marsh
Chiming Bells Ganchals
Neva Stolzheise
Cheer Up Re
Japanese Lullabye ...Greenwald
Blair Foley
Mounta'n Pink .Spaulding
The Brownies' Carnival . Anthony
Madolyn McKillop
Scotch Dance Baker
Cloydlne Mathews
Sabbath Chimes Behr
Margaret Morehouse
In Dreamland Verncr
Marion Breti
The new governor-general of
Ireland is Tim Healy. Thought
Tim was dead. He was much in
the limelight during the days ot
Charles Stewart Parnell and Mrs.
Shea. Remember?
and Crepe de Chine
Brown Muslin
?6 Inches
Gvnd Qual't
Rockefeller's Daughter ?. c
Keeps Future Plans Secret f
CHICAGO. Dec. 2S. Follow;- J"
ing the printing of numerous
reports that Mrs. Edith Rocke
feller McCormack, divorced a, y
year ago today from Harold F.
McCormack. chaiircan of . the
board of directors of the Inter-!!
rational Harvester company, ex-
pected to marry Edward Krenn.
Swiss architect, Mrs. McCormkk
refused today to cenfirm or dny .
;he reports. V
"Not now, or ever," sh said,
when asked to make a statement. fe
"Whom I marry 'a nobodya
business, but my own." Krenn
also refused Interviewed. i
And the expression of our
appreciation of your past
liberal patronage with the
pleasant anticipation of
your business in 1923. ,
Salem's Telegraph Florist
123 N. Liberty, phone 3S0
Read the Classified Ads.
(iood Patterns
Cotton Challies
Pretty Patterns
Watch Our
Window Displays
Sales Merchandise
4 J
V .'I
' i -