1 1 THET OREGON STATESMAN SALEM. OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31, 1522 PLEDG Or! -Ht 1 ES ARE DUE ITAL FUND IB Salem Life-Saving Home ..-Needs Money Due 1 J. January first i - i . . 4 i Hoping to start the' New Year la a splendidly helpful, L humane wax, the Salem hospital board earnestly urges all subscribers to the hospital fond to take op their $iptes and pledges the first of the coming week .The Ward is ready U go ahead with the last lap of the hospital construction that de pends on the cash payment of the pledges now-outstanding. They have to have the money In light, 16 do the construction work. ; i They hope to hare the funds ready to begin pouring the floors, ?n, Monday, January 8 th. The loora are to be concreted, with all the. wiring, water pipes, air ftucts, telephone Conduits and other communications completely covered. The tile partitions yfor the separate rooms are ready for setting and 1 this work Is to be pushed along as rapidly as pos sible. " Indeed, If the subscribers pay up thejr pledges the , whole hospital will be finished ready for Use within a very short time. p Plans have '.been accepted for a new sterilizing outfit for the- sur gery, the finest of the kind-that modern science -, knows. This will do the sterilizing tor all the operators 4n the whole., surgery, where aYmany as Tour orflve op erations can be carried on" at one time. - There will nerer be a case Of surgical contagion in the new fialenl hospital when the splendid ew life-saTing equipment is la- stalled . ,.-;. REPORTERS LOSE r ; ELUSIVE DIVORCEE ; (Continued from page 1) looked as k though she might be the advance guard of a waiting arty, tripped up the - steps. .Social editors peering through the Iron fence,' said $, waf Mrs. (Martin B. Pike. - Poet Come i( A second car ! arrived. , ' Miss 'Harriett Monroe, poet and editor ,of a poetry, magazine followed 'up the red carpeted , steps. . A long wait. . Two o'clock 'tame and passed, then ' three empty cars appeared and Mrs. .McCormick accompanied by sev eral friends came down the steps and ; wero whisked away while reporters raced for a nearby taxicab fleet. The chase i ended when Mrs. McCormick was dis covered entertaining' her friends la her box at the opera, watch ing Foedor Chaliapin. the Rus sian basso, wield his broom in the Brocken scene of Meflsto fele. . Breaks Traffic . Rules - While breathless reporters heaved a sigh of relief, the hotel guard was discovering it had misplaced Mr, Krdaa again. Four minutes later he -was found stepping into his" coupe.- Motor mounted police trailed the-elusive Swiss into the Loop. He parked and went Chopping: for two phonograph recerds. walked about ' a bit and admired - the store windows, theft returned to his car where an Irate traffic policeman .was waiting; with a slip directing Mr. Krenn to ap pear n court Tuesday and ex plain a violation of the traffic laws. Bfeesages Waylaid Next the chase led back to the radio shop. A short wait and the caralcade returned to the hotel, .when Mr. Krenn went up to his suite. There a much flustered Mr. Dato who had been waiting in his employer's rooms, burst into roluble French. Some OVERHAULED AND REBUILT TYPEWRITERS Remingtons $35 to $50 Underwoods $4Q to - $60 V: $Ve rent, sell, overhaul l and rebuild all makes of machines. " " Agents Remington, Stan ard and" Portable type - writers. - - , Happy :iWew Year - . It is our sincerest desire on this occasion to express our appreciation for your cooperation in making this store a success. LLVi" .. This New Year finds us ready to meet your needs in all kinds of footwear, newest styles at popular prices. Featuring only the ktest styles direct from Eastern style centers, lor. toe 'coming year, Jasi'yRbttle- 5 W THE WALK-OVER STORE SALEM, OREGON 167 N. COM'L STREET To Our Friends and Patrons MAY : "... . . . . Be a happy and prosperous year for you all -.We offer an expression of Appreciation of your generous patronage and best wishes for s . -o the New Year 4 4 THE MAN'S SHOP Vm. A. Zozcl 416 State St, Ellis E. Cooley of the newspaper guard who had remained to' watch the hotel suite, volunteered explanations. Correspondents seeking private interviews had hit on the expe dient of sticking notes under his door, but watchful rivals prompt. ly fished them out again. Mr. Dato, waiting within, had been vainly trying to catch one of these elusive envelopes as it ap peared and disappeared. There fore he was puzzld and baf fled. Mrs. McCormick has been free to marry again since Thursday, when one year had elapsed since her divorce of Harold McCor mick, the harvester magnate who last summer married Gana lYalaska, opera singer, in Paris. LAY GRAFT TO v WAR SERVERS (Continued from, page 1) Read the Classified Ads. defendants "each knowing well the premises aforesaid did unlaw fully and feloniously conspire to defraud, the United States by unlawfully and corrupt-' iy delaying, impeding, obstruct ing, perverting, prejudicing, con travening and defeating the ad ministration of its laws and law ful regulations Violations of federal statutes relating to the procurement of services of contractors for the building construction program of the war department was charged in one count. In this reference the indictment said the defend ants caused all competitive bid ding to be done away with in con nection with the administration of substantially all building con struction which involved expen diture of hundreds of millions of dollars. and included among other things, sixteen national canton ments, sixteen national guard camps, huge port terminals, many warehouses, hospitals, aviation fields, ordinance plants and for tifications, comprising over 590 separate contracts. Officers Deceived The indictment recited the names of numerous army officers who, it was said, were deceived, misled and overridden by tfie de fendants, causing great waste of money appropriated by congress and unjustifiable profits to the defendants and their associates. Officers regularly reporting before the administration of construc tion work who found themselves out of harmony with the plans of the conspirators,-the Indictment continued, were replaced by oth ers, as a part of the program of the defendants to "procure con trol of the determination of the policy and plan to be nsed in the administration of said construc tion program of the United States and for themselves and the other conspirators." Daugherty Silent Forty-seven overt acts were en umerated and others without number were charged in the gen eral accusation. In a formal statement issued tonight by Attorney General Daugherty, it was said the in dictments spoke for themselves and the responsibility of future action now rested upon the courts. . . "I feel that it would-be highly improper for me to comment upon a grand Jury act,on., Mr. Daugh erty saidi "it iso. wouio ,oe manifestly improper for me to discuss .. what . further similar steps may be taken or are in con templation by the department of justice." Limit Weight of Traffic Oh Central Howell Road So numerous have been the complaints coming In to the county court regarding , damage done to newly constructed roads by trucks that the county has decided to .limit". the- weight of traffic on? certain roads- Here after according to county offi cials, only a maximum of 4000 pounds Trill be allowed bo tho road north from Central Howell school to the, 1 ; ferry Xrom prAlri - :H 'i'i,n. Yesterday , a' delegation ? bet with the county court, calling attention toj the condition of roads. Furtier meeting ot com-, mittees are ftxpected to take place In regard to the Wood burn district. . ... ' . I r; vtj ' The recent heavy .frost is said responsible fri the loosening up of the. road's, ' although tht rains are expected 'to beat ths j gravel back. ,' . PHlCHEStER Dill 4 . " I 1 1U JI U rZ V " w B i IMBSSSSJBl SSSSSSllllMSBSWSBWBSSBBMBSnSSSSSJ. 1 1 1 ' ' ; s --v . il TUT TC" j; J 3 s Q nil Y ; - eady Growth for Seven ears ; Indicates I tab EC Approval r c Seven years ago Dr. barker opened his office in Salem. He had a new idea in dentistry an idea that the public could be served better, faster, easier and at less? cost by what has since come to be known as group dentistry (a number of specialists practicing together under one head) than under the old method of one man, in one office, handling all the various branches ' of jflentistry alone. Largest Dental Organization in the World 25 Offices on the Pacific Coast Large Offices in Salem Over 1,000,000 Patients Cared For 35,000 Treated in Salem Alone 450 Dentists, Norses and Em ployees working under cooperative, profit sharing . plan Work done by specialization, as suring better dentistry. Organization, big purchasing power, system, permits most reasonable fprices Work performed on sensitive Ueth without pain Guarantee on all work, good in any office He was a keen student and thinker as well as a good den tist and business man. Statistics showed that 80 per cent of the people never went j tear a ' dentist people whose health and very life were threal end by neglect of their teeth. - . There seemed to-be three outstanding reasons for this con dition fearjof ain--ccjst of dentistry and ignorance. Dr. Parker believed there wis a remedy for all three, and there was, as he has since demonstrated. Dentistry could be per formed painlessly and he perfected a local anaesthetic that permits working on the most sensitive tooth without pain by ' 'A' simply blocking the nerve at the base of that tooth. By a system of organization, grouping a number of specialists to gether under one roof -with but one overhead expense, buying supplies in large quantities and handling more patients, the cost of good dentistry was reduced very materially. By public lectures aid distribution of booklets on the care of teeth, by paid newspaper space and other means of advertising, it was possible to inform the pub lic of the necessity for the proper care of the teeth. There were many doubting Thomases in those' days---folk who said the idea was not practical that dentistry was a profession and to mix business with it would ispoil. the whole scheme of. things. They even went so far as to say advertising dentistry was a crime in fact there are still a number of the old school who have not learned that adver tising is the most powerful force for the development ,of the good in all things. No service or products will stand the searchlight of publicity if it hasn't solid worth behind it. Like any new idea, it tdok a long time to make other dentists believe in the E. R. Parker System. They disliked the idea of joining forces with someone else. It took a lot of work and patience to convince them that by associating with a successful organization they could do -more, for their profession, the public and themselves than-they could alone. The old idea was for a dentist to try to spread himself thin over all the branches of dentistry. Naturally, he did some things. better than others and just as naturally the things he didn't do well were slighted. They did not understand the: logic of specialization as practiced in the E. E. Parker System, Here each man was given that part of dentistry to do which hex was best adapted and. naturally he became ; highly skilled and efficient in jihat work. Here dentists, through !' association, had the advantage of study and comparison' of' work. ' . . L. 1 4 ..aJ.V. t "i Dr. rainless Parker practice together and to attract the' most skillfni 'dentists -v' to his organization, Dr. Parker nut the business 'on a cooper- : ative basis. He made partners of all his associates, and while ,;, . , . f . .- 4.. .. . he still maintained control of the E. B. Parker System, each dentist was permitted to buy an interest. ' . r "" . . m mm m . a m ' a mm - xms step naa a great eiiect on tne morale 01 me system. , ' -..,...- Every member is constantly striving to better his work, in creasing his own efficiency and that of. his associates. The ' E. R. Parker System is his business and he guards its good ' name as he does his own. " ; ' A" ' ' ' - - . - . ' , , . I growth of the E. R. Parker System both here and in other large dues. (See list below.) In seven years 35,000 patients. have, had theirjleflt, wants cared for in Salem alone. This new office is located at corner '" State and Liberty streets. if 'mf:''3' ' ... . r ! 1 The offices of the E. R. Parker System are different 'than the average dentist's office. Here you will find no elaborate furnishings, no costly rugs or pictures but, and it's a great, big but, too; you will find every v modern and scientific appliance, including the X-ray. There is nothing here for show; the offices are plain and simple, but the"y are comfortable ji and scrupulously clean. There are trained assistants who will take care . of your every want, down to minding the baby when necessary. There's ?i a cheerful, clean, glad to see you, willing to help, come again atmosphere that youH like. c f L" .... . . - y'yLC. You are cordially invited to call at our Salem offices for examination of your teeth and advice. There is no charge oi- obligation for this service. .... i " i Painless mm eiist Hm R. PARKER SYSTEM r? 205 Gray BIdg., Corner. State and liberty over Man Bros. Jewelry Store ; i