The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 31, 1922, Page 12, Image 12

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' i
mm .jii . HL ii . .uii ni f m '
1 '
Vi. ur,t-J1ll 'hofrk: William T. Xlii
".!':4.j Kdward Hrhoake. .nn,r...j.
Jumn. ,.k ..... .T
;ornin . worship, at 11:00. 8r
-'.l'lr.7foBn M" Hff QU,
I , W.l! fw My . 1-WI. I, &
",n wrlp at 7:45.
. a....vv. Dffrmun.
nxin," "At the Crass, -Road or Hito
. Vat, ''Iid Kindly Uebi" (God-
" NrmediatPa wt lit A nan. The
seniors me upstairs. Lead. Gladys
"Jhiuoh.: pler 'Friendship." Pastor
Jp. went -at :30' t study the lirst
- ohspter et JUnev .. . . - . . . . .
, J- l"roq mrttt en .Monday "sveniny at
Jaswr'e atady.. Brotherhood lunrha
as :30'n Tosdsr eventa ' The
lunrheAn will 4m followed 1 Werk f
i 'Wevr servire In tha aBiienre room ep
5 stairs, for both Men and roma pastor
. 'Ward Willie Un ( the Kirtt Pet
. feriao church heinr the seskr. Visit-
art ara orUaily wateaaaad at all ar-
. Vices, f ; , . . .'"
' BiTHAirr KErOftHED CHVS08 '
Corner of Capitol and Marion etreets.
fluaday achool 10 a.' as Kanliah preach
ing writ- It i js. fS aveninc ar
On Kw Yaar'a day i hare 0r
man aervka 10:a a .., fallowed hy the
annual rongrrf ationiU iueuBg. II. ben
ay, aaato;.... t- .t . ? . -
;.;:v . . chxjstxax :
, Pint ' Oirlntlaa church; 3. . 'j; Kvans,
miniatar. A apeiai enlistment campaign
beKina with tha marainc aemce. , Bar
Btt and farbioon, apeeialista in this line
.of work, will direct tha program. Mr.
BaraMt cornea as iddii ncoaful ean
altat. Ha poaseaaos tha qoalitiea. plena
iC and foreef al. for this type of aerirtee.
'Mr.' Harbison : ia a aoloint of . urtiinuul
' ability and a , moat ef(ctiT director of
one. Ilia wifa aaaiata as accompanist
- aud workar with rbitdreir. ? A larra e.bil
drjen'a ehorua -wilt ba one feature af th
prorTam each . ernlnr. T. M.' Barnett
will deliver tha morning . and evenlof
. aermons aa da1ao on aach etenina; dur
ing the woefc, at 7:40 o'clock. TUe unUm
p.aper .erTice will ba condnoted in fthe ;
cbnrcb Monday aveiiina., Tha rontrw
ttoa will father on Monday, Xfw Vwr't
day. at tha noon hour to haar report af
tna year 'a. urk and eniay the annnl
Tvitowihip meeting. , The eangeliti
team, will be special (tnctts for the day.
. f3oort Street Chriatian. Corner KortH
flerenleentli and Court street. Thin' la
tha laet daylaf this year. : l-t aryen
Work hard ta make it ft day of bijc at.
tendance ia the Bihla school. Remem
ber to bo aa hand at V 45 a. n. Clssaea
for all ages. Oar new teacher training
class is rawing week by week. "The
Pupil," by Welitle, is tha test, A spl -n-did
eonrae for anyone dealing with chil
dren, such aa parents and teachers. -At
u tha rooming worship boar, the . pallor
arill deliver his annnal - message. U)
abject, "Come-Up Hither.' All tnen.-';
er are ' nrged " t hear i this nessagei
Junior following observanca . of lxrd'
Hupper. There will he a baptismal ser--rine
following the morning' aermot at the
f-'irst Christian church. Intermediate C.
n. i-.nt). Heuinr C. E. :30. Kvangel
iatio aenrira 7:30, ' BrmoH, "The OH
, and the - New." A welcome for all.
Monday, New Year'e day, la our annuel
meet me nt tht ehnrrh. .' All , tha wain
Item of tha eonjrtgation ara expected to
ija'preeem. Tile meeting begina at l'
a. w. with a aalcet dinner at boob and
' election of officers and buainesa in the
afternoon. Tha church pinna to.rr.uke it
a great day af fellowahlp. ThurvUy.
7:16( foid-week church school. A splen
did course has been, outlined and a jfood
nitendaace Is plaaaed far by thoae la
charge. Jnt toe thing all Christian
people need. Anybody weleoma. ; R. U
i i nmin, piiwn,
- "VTeetlnga In the Vi. Vr T. t. ha'.l, 'or
' tier Commercial f and Ferry streets. Sun-
- - day aertriees: ferarhing . at 8 o'clock.
I 2'mdar-school a o'clock. - Evangelistie
aerriee 7:80. Tha meetings are int -rde-nominations!
and old .and new- friends
re invited. 1 Services Friday afternoon
1-30 and evening 7:30. The Friday ser
vice is largely on tha subject of divine
liealing. And there will be prayer lor
. Last Monday. wa bad a lino baptismal
eervice. 20 bcin immersed. Rev. and
Mr. l( .Coswell .pastors, 425 X. Winter
tracts'' , V . ';'
' -iTirati Congregational - ehnrch, liberty
and Center street: W. C. Kantner, minis
ters, Sunday achool at 10 - a. with
' full corps of teachers. Classes for all
ages, fipend tha last day of the year in
. the Sunday school; II. it. Mead. It
a,' m. Preaching service, with reception
of-uierubersv Subject af address, "Writ'
dng One's Life oltok." , Brief talk for
the "younger people, t. P . .8. C-- E. at
B Tr-m x AH young people Invited.
' At 7.00 p a tha ehurclt ehoroi of 12
voices will by specie! request repeat tha
e.ntata wiiich they m eplendldlv gave
H-'..:- i ''
v . -
I 1. 1
--' "v x. . ''. - ' -s -a- k - j
r-:.;;:,,VK:;-;iv;vn Xt-i
V 4. ;e-w4 ,''- ... '..V--. ' ' "t il--. , , . 3-- -tV ' t c4"'
XT., i: h .".l.. ;, ' f t - sP,i'
";-:;t:-iA -f". .-;:''1;t--"J- JvVAKS Pastor -s
ft : MRSIIARBISON, accompanist and children's
lat Kgaday aftemnon. AU who heard
it hm QDito in th dciTira for Us reur'i
tiaa. 'Cninn mtiaii m ohaerranra of
the Werk of Prr will W held in
on clmrrhe. Tha arriea eomin ta
tkla vharrk Wednfwtay rniair. A warn,
eordwl invitation to the pablie to attend
tbeM aerriee.
, St., Paul's elrch. 'The lit He ehnrch
around tha corner." Key. II. D. Oism
bers,- rector. Th aaual service will, be
held. Holy Eaaehaiht 7:30 .i m.
Thia will I'e a good time It bejria prepar
ation for thoae New Tear resnlitttona in
regard to ear relation with Ood. The
church school meets at ft: 45 and every
Btndevt shonld ba ia tehir Clae. The
11 o'clock service will We morning pray
er with sermon on Xew Year's tho)rtta.
The rested choir--will reader the wajtic,
With, a S"U by -Mr. t-eoa Jeintieon, Tha
Yaung People's society mill meerat C:-10
p.-n., at -which time Mr. Barton will girt
a talk, on "lla'dio." Two tnunical num
bers will be given. Miss Psloms Prooty
Is the leader. The recor completes hi
first- year . as rector aad ho wouki " be
lunch encouraged if every member woald
attend the. services on this last dar of
the year. : The annual parish meeting
will bo-held on Tuesday in the .church at
8 p. m. Every member shonlil pUn to
attend and, shew interest in the report
of the lat year's work and tht etectevn
of the officers for the year 1923.
Chemeketa Mtreet Kvangelical chnckj'
P. W. I.auner, pastor Xermnn at 1 1 a
ra. Sabjeet. "The Holy Spirit." Ser
Bion at 7:30 p. m. This will be tho be
ginning of a revival meeting. Bev. ,V.
If. Bademaeher of i Albany will pr.'h
every evening during the we: k. Ir,
Kadcmaeher wafc one tl th five preach
ers participatinjr. iu tha Albany meeting.
Hun. lav v hoo! at li a. m ; '. A. Spriaa
ee soperintoodent. Kvwngeii-al tS:3U p Mis AUx '.mu
leader. Kt-rtiion at f run land at J, p. n
Everylmdv. is cordislly invited to attend
all of themj services.
Ron ill Salem Friend rlianli, Snutli
(joviiiieri-isl and Wahlnittjii sttre-ta:
Nathan' Swabb; pastor. Hible ochool 10
a. m. Morning worship II o'clock. C.
K. t:3i p. m and evening service for
worship 7:no, followe.1 by the inonthlv
meeting Of the church. Dr. t'arl K.
Miller, superintendent Kible s.l.ool. Mrs.
Kva Kightling.-r. president V. .
Highlind Friends, Hirhland arenne
ad North Chureli Mreet: 1. (J. and Ida
J. Lee, pastors. Bible school at l a.m.
Clifton Ross, guntuinuuuiiiiuunuiitiiiumiuu
Clifton Koss, aupfrintendent. Heps rata
claHsrooms for most of iti" classes. 'Inr
school ix being well organised and t'ie
first- Snnday in J.annary will be promo
tion duy. Preaching services at 1 1 a. in.
an 7-Si p. h. The revival meetings
are still in progress and some people are
getting saved, licv. Clyde Thomas will
preach both ' morning and evening.
Christian Kndeavor at 0:30 p. BVt; Vira
Loll, loader. You are cordialljJinvitea
tu ail uut a rvices.
East State and Kighteenth afreets: O.
Koehler, pastor." Sunday school at 9.43
ft. - in. - Divine service at ' 10 :3ft ft ,m.
Mylvester bv iltevotion nt 7:1(1 p. in.
On New Year preaching s-rvire and Holy
Communion at 10:30 a. in. Bible stndt
and prayer meeting on Thursday at 7:30
p. m. Bible school on Saturday' from 9
te 12 a. m.
Scandinavian M. K. church, l.'th and
Mill at ; larid O. Hassel. pastor. Snn.
lay morning sermon at 11 o'clock ind
Sunday school at 12; Oust Anderson,
superintendent, Tho Watchnight ser
vice will commence at 8 p. m. with de
votion, followed by a social hour and
concluded with prsyer, beginning the
sew year in the Lord's house. Mid
week service Wednesday H p. m. Tt.e
monthly Sunday school meeting on Fri
day evening 7:3 Oo'cloek at the ehnrch.
Electro a of officers. - Welcome to this
meeting. ,
?' Leslie : Methodist Kpiscopal chircli
South Commercial and Mrer streets. II.
V: ' Pemberten, pastor. Sunday school
meets at 9:45 a. nv. : K. A, Khoten, su
perintendent F.pworth league at 8 p. m.
this Hnaday 'The evening service will be
a Watcbntght aaeeting Following the
league meeting at 8 will be an old fash
lone love feast. Rev. E. C. Hickman,
D. P.. will address this meeting Kev.
A. 8. -Mnlligan will have charge of the
boar ; At 10 o'clock there will be a
aociali hoar. At 11 o'clock tne wath
meeting wilt begin. The pastor will
, preach at thia honr. Morning woip
at IX a' clock. Hennon sabjeet, "Bal
ancing Life' a Accounts." ' We cordially
invite yon to spend this last Sunday of
the year with na in worship and praise.
Come for the meeting in the evening and
ecrin the W Xear In a devout man
ner. Tt will be a richer and hsppier
CUy, Mo Minister and Director
enlistment: campaign
' OPENING TODAY AT -.. ,'-..
' " '
yesr. Iavite year freind to come. Y-u
will be beartily welcomed re thin hoe
like cherea with its good feKowship.
Jssnn l.e Memorial M'E.- en:-,-h
corner . North Winter and ' Jeff r n
streets; Thomas Aehenon,- paato.-. f'sr!
Officer in charge of junior" choroh. Heffiv
lsr services will 'be held at this eYifeii
on tbe coming Iord's day and we cor
dialty invito the pohHc to joio with it
in the services of " the dsy. Snndaj
school wil! convnaat 9:45. a. m. witH
three separate departments functiinin;;.
Wo are aoecialiaina in thin kind of work.
You will feet at home with as. Clse
for all. Two public services at II' a tn.
One for voung people UownMairs. Res.
Officer will preach. One in the auditor
ium for .adults: the oasto.- in rharg-e.
The morn in? meesaces and special music
will be appropriate to the season. One
of the. outstanding event of the year
wiH be lb evening gathering. From
7:30 till, midnight tbero will be ao.-ne
form of serrice. 7.30 to 8:30 regwlsr
preaching service. 8:45 to 9:45 league
service with special features, 10 to 11
p. m. lunch, to 2 p. ra.. Watchniglit e.
vice. Come and stay for sny or for all
of the services. A good time ia assured.
From 5 p m. on New Year's day thi
ladies of the church will serve a chicken
dinner and render an entertaining pro
gram in the charch dining hall. I'ro
Hieeed for the new Old People's home.
Public invited. Levotional meeting on
Wednesday evening. 7:30, discussion of
plans for city wide Methodist Kvane-I-utic
movement at this meeting.
The First Methodist Kpiscopal ehnrch.
eorne rChurcn and FlAti-- street: Blaine
K. Kirkpatrick. miniHer. Class meeting
at ;15, ii. F. Litchfield, leader. Hnn
day school at 9:4.1. H. K. Shank, actiny.
superinenden. With ths beginning of
the New Year we expect to start our
"indav school's operations in earnent.
Why not start today t Everybody is in
vited to come and join one of our clash
es. Morning s-rvice at 11 -o'clock.
-Special mnsie. by the choir under the ili
reefion of Prof. F,. W. Moboon. Hern.on
by the paMor m. he subject. "Finish.-d
niid l'ninisbd Business." a sermon 'or
the end t the year, hp worth leagne at
7 o'clock instead of C.Sd. Simon Neher
is leader. The second snd third chap
ters will meet as usual. Watchsieht
service from 8 to 12. A very inter sting
ant! uispiratfonaf program is. being ar
ranged, including a number of talks by
different, laymen and two special ad
dresses, one by Dr. C .El. Powell, and the
other by Dr. K. C. Hickman. There
will be a brief Intermission dnring the
program at which light refreshments
will be served. The closing moments of
the yesr will be spent in consecration
and dedication to the work which is to
he done by the church in these coming
weeks. Members and friends of the con
gregation are cordially invited to join in
this Watchnight service with ns.
Week of prayer. Services each night
during the coming week, 7 :30 o'clock,
Monday, at .the Christian church; Tues
Uy at the li.ntist church: Wednesday at
the Congregational church: Thursday at
the Presbyterian church: Friday at the
First Methodist Episcopal church.
First Presbyterian church; Ward Wil
lis Ing. minister. 9:3tt a. m., Sunday
achool. Owing to the illness of Superin
tendent H. K. Barrett. Assistant Superin
tendent Dr. O. H. Kent will have charge
of the services for the day. lepartmeut
and classes for al lajres and evervbodv
welcome. ll:0O a. n. Sermon, "All
Things New," by the minister. The
choir will sing. "The Coming of the
King." bv Stiilts. 5:00 p. m. New
Year's Eve vesper service. This is a
charch family meeting and all members
of the .church are expected to be pres
ent. .V brief review of the history of
the progress of the ehnrch will be given,
and letters read from former pastors and
members of the, church. Prophetic fore
easts of the work for the coming year
will also 'be made by representatives of
the different departments of church ac
tivity. The mieting is open to the pub
lie. 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor so
cieie. Our chnroTs will participate In the
Week ot l-rayer io ue helu in i
down town churches at 7.30 each even
Castle Chapel I'nited Brethren cburrh,
corner of 17th and Nebraska avenue.
George Chapman, pastor. Sunday school
10 a .m.j C. P. Wells, superintendent.
Classea for ale agea. Preaching services
11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Junior En
deavor 6":30. Senior Endeavor 6:30, sub
ject lessons from a New Year's psalm -leader,
Pearl Koerner. Official board
meeting Tuesday evening, 7 :30. I-adies
Aaid Wednesday Prayer meeting Thurs
day evening. ,7 :80. p. ra We we-lcome
you with ns. Come and bring a friend
and worship with as.
ic-Firei United Brethren choroh, 12th
and Mission; C. S. John-on, pastor. Sun
day school st 10 a .m.: ) ft. Bowman,
of the -7
, . .
friend il " ;T
1 ' ,
LaMMMiBaaaMiaaBaMw imi i i i-sw aasswsa
superintendent. Preaching services at
11, huhjeet, "Time and Decay.'- Junior
t 1'.. ai :t p. bi.: Mrs.. Itnrns. superin
tendent. Senior C E. st .:jt; Hilda
Rerkey, president. Preaching at 7:30.
Subject. "The Restorer of Years."
Prayer meeting at 8 o'clock every Wed
nesday evening. All are welcome.
Rev. J. R. Buck, psstnr. Ma on
Sunday: Low mass at S:00 and hiili
mass with sermon by pastor at 10:m.
Benediction follows. Masses on New
Year's day at 7:00 and 9:00 o'clock. On
First Friday there will be but one mass
at 8 o'clock, but communion Will be dis
tributed at 7:00. Exposition follows
and benediction at 3:00, Saturday, the
Epiphany, msas will be af 7 o'clock.
Everyone welcome to all services.
Cottage and Chemeketa streets: Rev.
Martin Fereshetian, minister. Church
school at 10:00 a. m., graded instruc
tion. Clasa for adults in the psychol
ogy of religion Mr. Fereshetian will lec
ture abnormal psychology and its rela
tion to certain so called religious experi
ences. Discussion by members of the
class. By request Mrs. M. Fereshetian.
the contralto soloist of the charch. will
repeat the Christmas musical program.
Mrs. W. A. Denton at the organ. . De
votional services at 11:00 a. m. Sub
ject of the sermon, "The Book of Judg
ment." Mussolini is Devotee
of Game of Fencing
ROME. Nov. 28. Prmler Mus
solini, despite the great amount
of work before him, and the long
hours he spends each day at his
desk, finds time every morning to
indulge In his favorite pastime of
fencing. For one hour after
breakfast he crosses swords with
afamous professor, and only a
few days ago when his companion,
tired from his exertions, showed
signs of faltering, Mussolini took
on two of the professor's assist
ants for the remainder of the
He is one of the best amateur
swordsmen of Italy, 'and has
fought innumerable duels in
which there Is no record of his
ever coming out second best.
National Savings Paper
Proves Popular in Poland
LONDON, Dec. 19. National
Sayings Certificates sold to No
vember 11 ttal 601,479,281
pounds sterling. When the cer
tificates were changed from 15
shillings and 6 pence to 16 shil
lings, there was a temporary lull.
but since there has been a sharp
increase in demand, and the cer
tificates are now one of the most
popular investments in the coun
try. For each sixteen shillings
invested the buyer gets one pound
sterling at the end of five years.
Adele Garrison's New PhAM of
Swiftly as I hurried, mv moth-
r A- i i . . ..
ci-iu-mw was aireaay in me liv
ing room when I entered it. I
guessed that she had been hover
ing near the hall door, waiting
to pounce upon Dicky as soon as
ne returned. I heard her -voice,
shrill. Impatient, as I turned the
' "Well, what did you do!" she
asked. "Don't stand there- like a
S tough ton bottle, but say , some
thing!' ;
Whatever a Stoughton bottle
may - be I , have not the . faintest
And Many of Them.
correctly. Hut it was my moth-!
er's favorite adjuration in my
childish days, and from my mother-in-law's
frequent us,e of it I
imagine that Dicky's childish ears
also became attuned to it. Some
day I'm going to take a day off
and find out what it really is,
and why it should thus be maligned.-
"I'll say something, and thta
in a hurry," Dicky growled, as I
opened the door, "if I don't get
fconie breakfast right away.
You've routed me out, and trot
ted me down there without pt
thing to eat, and now I'll not
open my' mouth except to throw
in some food until I'm filled up.
I'm hollow to my toes."
Feeding Dicky.
He glared at me, as if I, in
stead of his mother, had Issued
the ultimatum which had pent
him to the ticket office before
breakfast. But I knew that he
was not angry at me, but, in his
own parlance, was making a
"goat" of me, and as I was wild
ly anxious to know the result of
his trip I applied a cruse of oil
to the troubled waters which I
saw rising.
"I think breakfast is all
ready," I said gayly.- "At least
I smell the coffee, and Mandy
is not supposed to make that un
Extends to you its best wishes for a happy and
Prosperous New Year
Oleson Auto Exchange
Ford Parts
All made of the highest quality material, by
good workmen and by the most efficient methods.
From the smallest gear to the motor block itself,
They Are Perfection
If you would get the utmost value for your money.
Demand Genuine Ford Parts
Buy them from us and you are assured of
260 N. High Street
til the last thing."
"What .Mandy is supposed ti
Effective Jan. 1st.
High" Grade Tires from
"The Cycle Man"
147 S. Commercial St
Used Car Center
Salem, Oregon
do; Bd'jt kit "she doses, are two
Vm-t different tWn.?. Interposed
mw Taother4-law-tarlly. "Bo
this case yow ara rlfcht, for I oaY
been superinteading Dreai
myself and It has been done right.
We can eat at once.
She swept majestically toward
the door, and I pa.d a silent trib
ute to her ability as a strategist.
She will tight to the last ditch,
but no one realizes more quickly
or clearlT than she when that
narticular part of the battlefield
has been reached. And her re
treats are always conducted as if
they were triumphalv marches.
Dicky stalked gloomily to the
dining room and ate hi breafc
fast in silence, relaxing only
when his third cup of coffee had
been disposed of.
Reservations Cancelled.
"That little my down there is
all right," he announced at last.
rising and stretching his arms
above his head. "He's only do
ing his duty In warning people
There'd be a nice mess it he let
em go on and they piled up "at
Richmond, with eye ry hotel full.
and restaurants turning away
people for want of food. The sit
pation's bad, with no hope of im
provement that I can see. for sey
eral days. All we can do ia to
sit tight down here,"
It took a few seconds for, his
meaning to fitter through ny
brain, aud my mother-in-law was
as1 obtuse as I. But at last she
caught it,' and her voice and face
were furious as she turned on ber
"Richard Graham." she ex-
1'pjfirt'tt;wiiiiw ttij'iiis.iiittiitf)(wifii
1 wJti 11 tUwiibUisii I MWMtitiiitjiaMututUi i
We are moving into our new home, 474
South Commercial Street; our service dt-
partment is moved and we are taking care of
all service asd repair work; our parts , acces
sories and of lice will be moved by Tuesday,
January 2nd.
Our new home
. - -a
floors and basement and especially designed
and built to enable us to give prompt,, ef
ficient, economical, and constant service. We
have a man on duty 24 hours a day. and will
take daily and monthly storage.
Phone 423
VmjVmM'M '"""Ili-liilll - .i.,. :U.,.,..A.,:. .U,,.... .:. .. 1
In Your New
berger;pipe or
!.t' r S: :-J
)r .... -ii -i .. .
is -1
. 1 .
:S -! .- ; ' 1 '
I 1 -
ciainled hotly. "Ho you mean
to iei! nie that yoa gave op yonf k
roMrvattoa ?-' ' ' ;
'That's just; what dd. n-,
er. er." h uk). v atautly, ; but,
casting a furtive; look; otnneaslj
oes in reality na appeal tor
aid at me. "ITe tftld you mere
no manner of uise getting at ck
at Richmond. . We might
be here, where we're i ffomtorts
Me.M"- '''- F.
"And iyoa went through, tn
war! "' she said with a bltternesi
of intonation '" that made . mf
smother a. laugh In spite or tot
own anger at Dicgy . ? VCom
Margaret let's" go :to your fath.
er. I'll wager' he's: not afraid t
go North with you.". . - - c - )
-"Dicky's face ' flushed ' brici
red. - ' ' : X4 j
"Aw, -mother, cut that, stuff
out." he : said; angrily.- . -wnji
rood does that do? Madgw ean
start any mort than I carv b4
what's the use of making a rowTl
A Eudden .- suspicion , aasalle4 '
me. Bnt I did not need to toIc
it. My doughty,mother-!n-law aV
tended to that. . " '
,-. "Of course she's going lp start. V
she said. "She told tha ticket
agent this morning to keep her
reservation open, - that she woald f
go as far as sho could.. gH : ?
Dicky cast another glance ril
me. but his jJ,one was full of brav
ado as he replied: J T v;; r
"Well, as it happen?, I'm run
ning this trip,: and -I. rertalnlj
dont propose, to let Madge ' gdt
where I won't-go myself. ? So ;
just told the little chap to can
eel her reservation atso." , i
(To be continued.) i
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