14 -1 : issued Dailv P.Tin uom h. STATESMAN. PUBLISHING COMPANY ,7,:C;.".C?mnrcial Yni5Lrrry, Z7JM 611 lii'kVjJfPR!?1 OP THB tin -lir1. u "'-"elr entitled to tha uu for publt- S tw. jLtU nTf credited to U or not otherwise credited ; to thla paper and alio the local new published herein. i ,k Hendricks Manager ' Bni. 8tOB" ........ I I "I'm-'m lianaginr Editor tJI. v i2.ll I i .Caahler -A rat,K Jaskoikl .... .... ,y; ........ Man-ier Job Dept. TELEPHONES: .'- Business Office. IS Circulation Department. 88S . Job Department, 6SS , ' Society Editor, IOC : s". StfjrEntered. at the Postofflce In Salem. Oregon; a second emBB matter If i, i. CHRISTIANITY'S (Copyrighted by the 4 There is a widespread feelinz that the world is verv bad i and sadly needs reforming, and every man seems to think it his duty to be grin with his neighbor. Seldom is a man . 4 found who recognizes that the chief trouble with the world "1s himself, and that there is no place where his efforts at ?j ' reforming it are more in demand than right at home. If most of us would nake an honest inventory of our beati V etudes and look ourselves squarly in the face we. would be -, j obliged to admit that there is ample opportunity for the exercise 'of our spirit of reform and our evangelizing, zeal , without going beyond our own selfish, weak, sinful, unre- "generate selves. ; .') J ''".yH Many centuries ago the very highest authority is re (l;ipored,tohavesai:' : ;!,; ; " Why beholdest tnoil the mote that is in thy brother's eye,.but perceivest not the beam that is i nthine own eye? 4iMfEither how canst thou say to thy brother; Brother, let me put out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself ' beholdest not theubeartl that is in thine own eye? Thou ''hypocrite, cast out firs the beam out of thine own eye, and '.''then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in rUthy brother's eye' ;) . st ; Yet this striking admohltlori, this positive command, seems to be wholly lost upon us. We go on in spite of it with our thou-art-a-sinner, I-am-more-holy-than-thou atti V tude, just as men calling themselves Christians have been if' going: on for centuries. More or less indifferent to their own spiritual condition, we ; hurl our ' maledictions against ' : those who do hot see things through our own sin-obscured, worlds-distorted vision. Those who profess to be followers of Christ not only have their opprobrious epithets for the sin- f,ynerbut they pf ten call each, other very bad name's. Arro i n gating 'to themselves' and their sectarian aggregation ex ' ( elusive' possession of the absolute truths, they engage in 5 unseemly quarrels with their neighbors, Christian as well j v as non-Christian, to the delight of the heathen, the enter- 'tainment of the Binner, and the utter discomfiture' of ;.the ' ; Is the time" fiev6r fo come when all professed lovers of 's Christ will stop forever these factional quarrels,' these selfish, come fromwhere they 5 are glad to enroll a willihg soldier from any camp in a real : i; , army lot righteousness . and,-, unmindful of , verything.,el3e, i all unit ! f or a. well-planned, !determihea, ' square-toed fight . withnhe hosts of sin? It will never be done untiljt is more : g-cnErally recognized that verbal professions of religion do ;t pot 'necessarily make of one professing it a loyal and efficient ldir.of.thejcros3; that "empty words are not the projectiles that;'are tawin the fight against Satan, and that "in every v--E3lifi3lhe.Jthati f eireth .Him .and worketh righteousness . is '.nepted with'Hini.:;:r;t,:Jv''t'- " c -l puring;the recent war in the United. War Work drives We saw 'the Catholic and the Protestant, the Jew and. the .:!QOtHjctaTianlIdver;'of his kind all working harmoniously to ' gether for the moral and spiritual benefit of the boys "over , thereof! It Was a most inspiring spectacle to those" Who hope j Cpijrit, iCSa, Aaaodated Editors TIU Uttle Papsr la the World ijjjB ' . .. hoe:S?iling (Complete the big: drawing by , lines,: shown In the series I THE SHORT STORY, JR. " 5 JOE CHANGES III9 MIND. . i " t a J,The " holiday season was nearly -i over,' "Say, we've got to do some ,!ratinVexcitlng before we go back to school, announced Jo Col lias, theleadr1 of the gang VWa haven't' had any fun at all. Ot it-sf. h ' .ft"-'-. THIT-ORKUOr; .VI'nTATTrALFlr OREGON ' St. Salem. Oreron Trade Buildm. Phona Automatic - 92 ASSOCIATED PRESS GREATEST NEED San Jose Mercurv.) adding, one by one, the various of. small key pictures below.) course If the girls hadn't discov ered that weak spot in the ice. that would have been a circus, Gee, wouldn't you have liked to have seen" Clementine Saunders break through ' and get her Christmas fttrralVwetf ! If Uncle Tom hadn't told yher, complained the other ; tel low....,."Say,.let tlo something to Uncle Tom. He's such a fanny j.'m- ' i t i'-V one day to see Christians stop fighting over theological non essentials and get together in this same broad spirit to work for the regeneration of the world. What U to hinder ? Nothing; nothing but the selfishness and. narrowness of many of those who think they are followers of Christ. For what is Christianity today halting and waiting in this and every community in the land? Certainly not for an old-fashioned religious revival with its excitement and appeal to fear; nor yet for a great money-making preacher evangelist to come among us to gather up the shekels and eloquently expound to us medieval theology that makes of God a rare combination of weakness and cruelty, and that often, instead of attracting men, has the effect of repelling them. Nothing of this kind is to give to religion a new and permanent impetus; for it may as well be recognized that, in this land at least, nfen have grown far enough beyond the childhood of the race so that theological scarecrows and hobgoblins cannot longer frighten them to fly for protection to the church. The threatened burning lake of fire, Resided over, by the devil with his cloven hoof and horns and his fork upon which he is to catch the unrepentant sinner hurled from the earth, has lost most of its hold upon the imagination of this intelligent and. matter-of-fact age. In the future men are to be attracted to religion if they get it at all, and are not to be. attracted by moving picture or vaudeville shows either, but by the drawing power of harmony, love and righteousness. Religion. is today waiting for more humble, every-day evangels of "righteousness; for more individual men aod women who have overcome themselves; who are sa; wholly dominated by the love, the spirit of Christ that they are willing glad to give, not only their money to the church, but themselves to the world, and who in their daily life exemplify to men the beauty, attractiveness, power and glory of the truly Christian life. Enough of these is Christianity's greatest need. Are you trying to become such an evangel? Among the missing again this year Tom and Jerry. Anybody seen 'em? For Salem 1923 will be the best year yet. Though 1922 was not half bad, in material prog ress. A windy day yesterday. But the real thing will begin a week from- Monday, under the big bronze dome. The New Year resolution this time will no doubt be a swearing off from buying any more moon shine that is just as likely to kill as not. There is a local clergyman in thtis town too popular that a member of the congregation was never known to pull a watch on him during a sermon. Los An geles Times. If 1923 can start-the peniten tiary on the way to be .self sup porting. It will be a 'great thing for the taxpayers and for the penitentiary,- ;too, and the men who serve time there. SUCCESS SCHEDULE FOR 1923 Made your plans for the new yearyet? A mighty good 'plan Is to have a plan, to khbw what you are go ing to do, sayg a well known writer. Not only resolve to do certain, things which, you know you ought to do, but also map out. a-schedule or blueprint -and old duck and thinks we're all so crazy about him, it would be no end of fun." . "Say, that, is an , idea. Let's fix up a box with a lot of trash in it and make ,him think it's some thing swell we are giving him. Joe can jnake . the presentation speech and we'll go and see the fun when ,4.he, ( old man gets fooled." ..,v "AH right," agreed Joe. I'll tell him we're even crazier about him that he thinks we are. He's kind of cracked, isn't he? Tells at the Post Office how all the boys Just worship him. Say, we'll have some fun with him." The boys soon filled a small box with stones and started up the hill to Uncle Tom's. "Gee. what are you going to say?" asked Boyd as he trudged along beside Joe. "Oh, I've got a good line to hand him," Joe replied, confident of himself. And indeed he had. He told poor old Uncle Tom how much the fellows all thought of him and how proud they all were to have him for their friend- All the time he held the littlebox of stones behind his back. Then he told how they had wanted to give their old friend a little token of their love and respect. Joe's fa ther was an after-dinner speaker and he had often 'heard him make such speeches.; 4 J , ; M ' -.,this i ha rhearia the fellows giggle,, but. the old man's-, eyes follow it. That's1 the way folks get things done, and it's the way you will succeed In getting them done. You have visions of. what yon would like so much to accom plish in this life. Well, decide how what it is that you would like to achieve during 1923. Write the whole thing In black and white and look at it and thnk it over seriously, then resolve that you will do these things. As the weeks and months' of 1923 go by you can check off the items realized. This Is a wonderful plan and will prove a decided help to' you, if you will be earnest and strong willed about' it and if you will follow the plan.' Don't be a quit ter. Be game. Be" a eport about it. Think what disastrous results would follow if aa' engineer failed to adhere to the blueprints of 'a bridge the construction of which he was supervising.'' , Let's get down to-brass-tacks about this success schedule for the new year. Suppose you take pencil and paper right this very minute-and write oat you Bched- ule for the month of January.: Do you wish to start a, ; savings account? Jot it down and then be sure to start it. But. have a FUTURE DATES December 81, . Snndaj Etk "Mid Bight Follies," Grmn4 theater. Monday. Jan. 1. Y. M. C. A. "Open Honse," for unjbody? Kew Year' day afternoon and evening January 5, Friday Elvin M. Ow!ey, national oommander of American Legion te be in Salem. January 8, Monday Inangnratioa GoTernor-elect Walter V. Pierce. January 8, Monday Leeialatnre meets mmn HOTtOB FLAT WOUE Edited by Joha H. Millar were fixed on Joe's face. Joe thought he had never seen such kind and sympathetic old eyes. Why, there were actually tears in them! He had done hfa work too well. He talked on, repeating what he had already said. He could not bring himself to hand the box of stones to the childissh old man. Suddenly Joe stopped talking. He transferred the box of stones to his left hand and his right went deep in his pocket. "We couldn't think of anything good enough to get you, so we are just going to give the money and let you buy what you want." He ex tended a crisp new' ffve dollar bill, one of his Christmas pres ents. As the boys walked slowly down the hill, Joe still carried the box of stones. "I couldn't do it." he said. "He's just like a baby. I was glad to spend my Christmas money that way." "Well, you needn't think we're going to let you give it all." said Boyd. "I guess not," chorused the others, their hands all In their pockets. PICTURE PUZZLE FORM A WORD-SQUARE FROM WOROJ PICTURED HERE x FOR 5 ALL. A PLT Frem tac WESTKlDiO Anave to feiterdar'ac. Hydrant, hi naftimer," haa; faajg,v kaok, head, fcaad. 9) a3 -: istft - v definite "thine that yon wish to aave your money for. Say, for example that yon will safe and bay, e eood encyclopedia.'" That will be one concrete thing tht you can accomplish daring the new year. Or it mi?ht be that yoa would want to save up enough for your wife to have a vacation the coming summer. Now If you will divide January into weeks and make a page for each week it may be a. more con siderable help to youl Following this, you could subdivide all of the remaining months of the year Into weeks. Yoa would then have, a schedule of 52 pages. Yon might plan to accomplish one thing for every week of the year and by December 31 yoa would have achieved 52 necessary things. . Think what a wonderful com fort this would give you. It would mean real progress. You did not accomplish much last year, did you? Try thla suc cess schedule for the. good year 1923 and see how strong and re sourceful it will make you. Are you game? Then keep it up for the years to come. Don't expect to win a battle unless you draw the plans of bat tle. THE NEW YEAR Everyone wishes everyone else a happy New Year; and with good reason. This happens wherever a new year begins, for people are much the same wherever there is air to breathe and the sun shines enough to make life possible. The real sentiment, . not actu ally expressed, is usually that you may have a happier new year than the one just ended the bulk of mankind never being so happy that an Increase of happiness would not be welcomed. But "Happy New Year" is obviously the - right thing to say, since it contains- no hint that you recent experience in the world might be made more joyful. We can al ways say, "Happy New Year, with "God bless you" added, it you please, with offense to no body and' cheer to everybody The Chinese, whose new year cornea early in the spring, as our own did as late, as 1752, when by act of the British parliament March 25 was displaced by Janu ary 1 the Chinese have for al most countless generations , gloVi dusly celebrated their new year's day with festivities and flre- rworks.' The Chinese are a wise folk in their peculiar -way. They have the keenest sort of humor and it is part of their practical religion to extract from life all the joy in it. If they had not cul tivated this gift, they must have expired of their many miseries in war, pestilence and famine, The fact that they never miss the opportunity on their new year's day to liquidate their sorrows, so far as may be, reveals the prac tical virtue in a new year's day as a moment ior relaxation ana felicitations. If there were no new year's day by decree primarily of the solar system and the endless round of the hotand cold seasons, it would be necessary to invent one. The calendar brought order into the world by giving mankind a sys tem of reckoning time. When the human race discovered that there were approximately 365 days in the round of the four sea sons, .it became ready for busi ness1 and started the series of causes and effect that finally produced Mr. Rockefeller, Mr. Harriman and railroad time ta bles. We became a going concern her on earth, and that was a very- great and practical achievement But the calendar did more than that. It gave us the new year's day and the new year's day brdught with it that priceless op portunity to address ourselves at regular intervals to the ameni ties of life. There Is something divine in its good temper. Its high spirits, its perennial hope of bet ter things .and its courageous the end of forward march" to time. A WARNING TO FACULTIES We are glad to see an Ameri can institution adopting the style set by the Greeks in the case of unsuccessful ministers. A dis patch from Beaver Falls. Pa., an Bounces that the failure of the Hobart college football team to win glory this year has caused the resignation of Dr. A. A. John ston, president ot the college, and of the professor ot mathematics as well. That is something like It puts football where it belongs as the paramount issue in our col leges and it teaches these profes sors that if they insist on keep ing the football team busy with studies they do so at their peril Let the team fall, down and off goes the head of the president of the Institution. That will im press on the faculty that they would better look out. First . t . .4 . imngg must, come nrst. Kansas City Star. ? - . f - SUNDAY MORNTNGTDECE5rBERri3iri922 ACTS OP PR01TIDEXCE A Providence preacher Is beta? sued for divorcend the wife in cludes the names. of 122 other women In her- bill of complaint. She says her husband has a mag netic personality. He must have all of that unless the wife is merely jealous. So far as press dispatches go, this is believed to be the longest roll, of "other wo men" yet offered in a divorce court. The preacher must have been flying in the face of Provi dence. This never could have happened In Hollywood. Los Angeles Times. CHURCH SERVICE RT RADIO A. good, churchman expresses himself enthusiastically over the advantages of the radio. He says he can sit in his arm chair on Sunday ' morning . over a late breakfast and enjoy a good Ha vana and at the same time "list en in" on the service as it pro ceeds in his favorite church. And when he hears the rtiink of the coin falling in the collection bag he can do his share of the contri bution by rattling some change in his trousers pocket. Independent Artists Regulate Exhibits PARIS, Dee. SO. The Society of Independent Artists has just resolved to regulate Itself. Its principal ; characteristic, hereto-. fore, has been the entire absence of regulations froto its annual salon. Members Bent any sort of a picture and it was? hang in any sort of a way without, regard to its class, merit or subject. The eccentricities of the Inde pendent's salon sufficed to make it a success, and with, success came the necessity for regulation. The regulations, however, amount to little more than to limit the number of pictures sent in. The quality still depends upon the taste and talent of the artist. There will, as of old, be no jury mercilessly to, reject, and the art ists will be permitted to -set a price on all pictures. shown. Much Enthusiasm at Convention of Growers MONTREAL, Dec. 30. Much enthusiasm wis evoked at the fall meeting of the Pomologies 1 and Fruit Grpwtng society of, the Province of , uetec by the an nouncement' of tie discovery at Abbotsford of a seedless and coreless variety ot the Fameuse appje. . Professor F. C. Sears of the Amherst (Mass.;' Horticultural college who - was - present, ex amined the fruit and pronounced it Fameuse .in every essential detail! He said if it could be reproduced', it would prove of great 'value; The seedless apple was dis covered by accident and the ex hibitor had no idea4bow it was developed. He believes, how ever, .that the variety could be perpetuated by grafts. Orderly Australia Is Alarmed at Crime Wave SYDNEY, Australia, Dec. 30. So accustomed is Australia to having a law-abiding citizenry, that a total of 654 persons charg ed with crime in six months in a city of 800,000 Sydney is con sidered a crime wave, and the pre mier of the state has called a con ference to deal with the problem. It will be proposed that the minimum jail sentence be six months. ' Although all but 18 4 of the 654-persons arraigned were convicted or pleaded guilty, it is felt that the judiciary has shown undue leniency in dealing with criminal eases. grateful thanks a very large patronage from this Udr merchandising of lnrnmp anri lnrliitfrw rpnrptntpr' in th rr served by our stores. The farming, the railroading: stock-raising, M mining, fruit growing, lumbering, fishing and even the commerce jJ of the seas, have all played their part in helping SKAGGS STORES W give to each community uniform, low prices, based on a general low overhead cost We enter the New Year with the determination that our stores will be the stores of continued community service and to merit in every way the patronage we hope to receive. Here's wishing a Happy and Prosperous New Year to alL r HIM; TUD tT .-.! nllllUHLMIUIll I : . ' WEEK PiilEO Organizations Join in Mak ing Arrangements for ior Yearly Event - Eighteen .organltations will co operate in putting: on Thrift week - in Salem this year. Plans for the , week's, campaign were made ;t V" luncheon at the Y. MiC.r-A." - Friday - ; jAjaong those:. representing var ious clubs and crvlc units, were: D. ; W.' Eyre, chapman for the tankerai. George Griffith, Ro tary dub: N. D. Elliott, Klwanls club i Allen Kafoury,. Lions' club; : C; ' Bohrnstedt, Realtors : R- EL 'Duncan, - Chamber ot Com merce? ' Boy Scouts". Howard Zln- ser; Building & 'Loan. T. M. Hicks: Y. W. q. A., Mrs. Alice H. Dodd; city library, Miss Flora . Spring As a prophecy uy"A L i i 11 -.... -t i -..l It!! J u iv in 1 1923 ISl Happy New.Tear - i 1 3 May. the coming year erase your- ( c$ i. . troubles.;and sorroSv, briri'clieer.-' . . 7 kfy ' hppines3 'and prosperity-. n:yeryj.. -XP side. ' "N:; '. ' - "P - This is the heartfelt ' wish fejf " (j ES Miller's. ' , .'. - &3 s. in , -. - ;.R -1923 :n;;.::-t 'win uuminaie me new- sensoiir initial . display -of Spring .Dresses . fortell the season's style trend.' This showing of Jovely taffeta ,, silk frocks for Spring is a triumph! : It proves Miller's reputation for.' accurate style prediction.. - ; , ...s- 1 1923 alem's Leadinj "Liberty at 'oday the personnel of SKAGGS STORES area has grown very large htis year. Every kind V Case;' BusIaeM Men's" league, , M.j Ti . Madsen; "Mintsferlan "assoela lion, . Rev. W. N Loai ;- Ameri can . lfkn.", George Griffith; :ity schools. Supertn ten dent I . George Hug;, Underwriters, : J. HT Nich olson; Y. M C A.. C. A. Kells . Working committees were mil a T.llowlli . : Publicity. George "'Griffith. Paul Wa!lac, J If. Nicholson C:" Finance, - for es-. say prizes, David Eyre. , Minute men speakersT Div IC E.? Morris, Allen Kafoufyl Essaya In schools George- Hug. 3P iT. Hicks: Book! and. lUterature, - Miss Flora Case ; Ministerial -t4 churches; Rev I W. W. ImtV; f ? V ' ? These - committees will mee' again next: week; tof rplat whai ' they havej oa tltoed in their sev erat 'depirtnjeaiti 11:? ' 'Spend Time and, Money, Wise ly. - the motto of Thrift - week Is ; 9 be explained" andurg from & number ;ot angles.' Owr Yoar Own Home,- 'Start JPDl Account; "Make a, WI1U' tin; eurance," and other ayi to b stressed,, indicate some of th features. ' The whole" prograri will be announced later, -i ) ' Tinie ; - ; f X of the ideas which " I. Lli A Department Court Street ID acknowledge with' community in 1922. ' A - it nnrfhtiratf wat M fs ,t . 4 If.W nair, ami. V? Jit-