" ... TWO SECTWIll 12 PfliVi " .- , ; - - i f : ' MS Site FIRST SECTION Paget 1 to 6 i SEVENTY-SECOND YEAK SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31, 1922 V - PRICE: FIVE CENTS 1 T nn MMM. Mi III 1 ym it 1 i. IK NEW PROJECT STATE HOUSE TO OPERATE : RESTAURANT SENATE VA L Protests of Salem Food Dis pensers Unavailing Legis lature Gives Approval flPPR Tl INDIANS NOW WORRY ABOUT BALMY WINDS A restaurant will be conducted In .the basement of the state ' Plan Jorv Settlement, Ger house during the coming session manY S War Debt 10 Belbf the legislature, despite the pro c..t,rSrl Drivier. Ponl twt : persona engaged In that resentative.; r ; BILL IS PASSE Three-Day Storm Calmed ! After Borah - Withdraws Amendment House Pro vision Left Out. 4. it if- j i'y.i r '. 'i"ti wttS ?. , . MORATORIUM URGcu -i FOR CRIPPLED NATION business in Salem. . , - . A committee of restaurant own ers conferred -with the secretary of state yesterday and offered ob jection -to the. proposed feeding leu ippiwri RLL IS of legislators and their employes I DCAnV CflD nCRATP .v. f n.f.t, AnmnA- I IllMU I I VII wwwm. tition. ' The Secretary of state inform ' ' VnShiiift of Deadlock at ?d is audience that in installing n0 important Changes v nJSSlQUUj Ul: "CrtUIUUIV rtl . restaurant in the basement aim:. I Uol( AJrl Paris' Feared-Result Not Forecasted ; . !- t' t LONTOtf,:fDec.f 30. (By : the restaurant were placed In the - WASHINGTON, Dec 30. Af- i ,As)clated.Presa) out oiwxe -"'--Z-ZZyZZl":. ".I 7-. mass of unconfirmed rumors con- r.uua inree-aay swrui "'""e," "" , i -M.tn ttiments. U19- session of the , legislature. drawal by senator Borah, Bepub- ? .. fvi.-i- .utamn nmA and the restaurant was installed itftan ot Idaho, of Ms amendment I u. ul"u"ia":r..:. r;.; orlota the 1921. meeting of, the nroiMie . a world's economic Premier Bonar Law would go to lawmakers. It has been enlarged conference, the senate today pass- H Paris Monday with a new plan recently ana win .now accommo- ed the 1325,000.000 natal appro- tnr final and complete settlement uie,i, - lpnation dui ana uju.u the restaurant in the basement of the- capitol he merely had fol lowed the instructions of the leg-i islaturev Copies of a resolution directing the Installation of the Million and Half Add ed for Costs Medicine Man and Chief of Weather Forecasters Dies Indians Need Guide I LAY GRAFT TO GOVERNMENT WAR SERVERS GOODFELLOW FROM OAKLAND ENJOYS SELF, j Stranger Gives Lavishly to Local Charities But Re fuses to Give Name Assistant Secretary of War couldn't give a little money to ahd Other OfflCialS Are helP someone to a New Year's Charged With Plan to De fraud U. S. Government. PENDLETON, Or., Dec. 38 Indians -of the Umatilla reserva tion who still follow the adrjee of the-medicine -man were today worrying about the power of win ter, now that there Is no one to bring the balmy chinoofc winds to this section. Alfalfa Jim died today. He was credited in the Cayuse tribe INDICTMENT FIRST aiJ!lr OF KIND RETURNED the grip of winter . was hardest and manv a purse was raised by Indians about this section for Ai- All Competitive Bidding Done Away With Millions the wizard did not mix hh medi cine' right. In such - cases the chlnook wind was long in mak ing- Ha appearance, the Indians say. Saturday a Etranger called on Dr. Henry Morris, of the Asso ciated Charities, and asked if he dinner. Being assured that he could, he turned over a $10 bill for the happiness fund. i ACTUAL ONLY INCREASE $10,316.68, EXPENDITURES .1 iCUI Said Squandered WASHINGTON. Dec. 30. Ben edict Crowell, formerly assistant It is operated as a concession, I jew Year's day. and not at. the expense of the state. CACFJSES . House Provision Ignored Debate on the Borah amend ment was not resumed and the Although there has been an increase of S23,717Q in the sounty school and library fund, interest on bonds and high school and county school tuitions, theslanon county budget a mtie later, he came back to which was approved by, the budget committee 'yesterday. ask if they; could find him somejjhows an increase over last year of only $10,316.63. ;This little gtri who hadn t had enough I is due to the fact that through strict economy, expenses in kite lauvus cuuiiij vinvca HiV4 afivttaviuu ibtiiio ander the general .fund were cut approximately. $13,000. Tht year budget i caUa lor a taxation or si,io&. set. t as against $1,096,047.76 j last year. The county has nothing to' do with appropriation a of . cities, school districts, special taxes and oad districts. It was the In creases in these various depart ments, all added to the . county budget, which , caused the alight increase In this year's budget. The county school " and ; library of a Christmas to last dreary year to come. They found a little girl who thought Santa. Claus was dead and buried, and that Christmas was forgotten He took her around to some 'of the stores and bought her $10 worth of glad raiment. Then he came back to the Asso ciated Charities, with a smile that wouldn't come off. "I want the addresses of two families that need a New Year's dinner, and H S HOUNDS LEO ASTRA! I secretary of war and six other war-time officials of the war de- n going to take the stuff my partment were charged today ia - Fellows, this is the most I DivOfCed Wife Of. Harvester fund increased $5,026.20. iriter- lun lve naa in years: Ana n . 5--- rinopo Uh Ho lMt W bought almost a waronload of an indictment returned by a spec ial grand jury here with conspira cy. to defraud the government and with delaying and defeating the administration of law. . Contract Fraud Charged The seven doiendants were said by the jury to have partic ipated unlawfully in the award bill also was passed without men-j ajj MorehOUSe Settles DOWIl of contracts let by the government for Friday KluxTtenks, Said Diminishing of Germany's .war obligations, s Concession limit Reached After the breakdown of the al lied nremlera' discussions on December 11. It was nopea in Downing r street "that the yrencii attitude '-would change to agree with that of the BrltisH govern ment. The last fortnight, howev er," hag shown even greater sep aration between the policies of thi two rovernmeuts. a & result he British premier esterdavt subniltted tfr.hir aom- . . t,irk it is stated, raarlts h, C b m ia v " ,i ' " . a ' . - ' " n 1 I a . ' - - I a-u " - - 1 - the llmitUn Britisn concession-. LaSt 'MinUie hUSn rrevailsl France and lUly wun a view xoithc-ute in the Morehouse ia- nrm 01 starrett and van viecK in Mfttnr nonartmpnt-i. Ugreement limiting vessels under Inaplng and murder cases. - land Thompson, Starrett company, til-i.iww.- ........ l.oAft alr-f not eor. .m. f.ni .th-rtite- goodies and chartered a taxi to take them around. "But he wouldn't tell his name "I'm a Goodfellow from Oak land." he said, "but you need to know any more." KinfJ Goes tO Opera While t on bonds voted by the peo- Ronnrtorc Hunt Hpt Pw $Me.oo ana high school uvpvi tviw . .nt count school tuition 110.- 025r making a , total , Increase of 12S.717.20 which was rnt down CHICAGO. DeC ,30. (My in m tKltg' Ikrnnrrh MnnAm don 1 1 Associated Press.) Newspaper- . . ...- in other denartment mpn keeninE vtxu aooui . iu tion of the hoose provision re- i questing the president , to negotl? kte with the principal naval pow7 ers for further armament Umltar tlonl This provision remaining In the bill will go to the presi during the war and after the ar mistice involving expenditures totalling hundreds of millions of dollars and in which some of their number had a pecuniary in- BAETROP.La., Dec. ,30. (By I terest. ..Those named as conspir- dent ' and will not eome Before-1 v Associated Press.) More- 1 ators with Mr. Crowell were: the senate and house conferees. I Bouse settled down tonightltol William A. Starrett of New It requests the president to nego-1 ftWait ihe coming of Friday wfcen York, engineer and architect, said Hate with ' Great Britain, Japan, ! the state' would lay its cards ; on to have been a member of the s HAW RESIGNS lake shore mansion of Mrs.' Edith! Rockefeller McCormlck, watching 0 T !P In its broad principles the plan la said U be w follows: - ' iPirat. any -reparations program " agf adr: poir ! Paris' tnust be ii -4ne.. whkb, willv put a del- llnitft end. to the . wrangling; of the 42,100, Apply 10-000 tons and aircraft not eov-.:-Th-.fallore of the" state toetl Inc., and later associated with the ered'by -the arms conference motion its dragnet during the I Oeorge A. Fuller company, gen- treatles; :i ; ' ; ' Dart week. Has given the imprest eral contractors. He was chair- Benator King, Democrat, Utah, I Bion -that additional arrests will man of the war department's com Ml! A total -of ;42,100. -applications I jj.o offer his amendment pro- not be made before the day of J mittee on emergency construction, Tftftr-vnree -rears mnd-gtve anop- . 192S "motor vehicle licenses (., - iand and sea armament tho nnon hearinefi connected with the council of j portunity for the general econ- had been received at the offices limltatJon c0nference Klan Busy national defense. omlc reconstruction of Europe. 0, the gecretary of state last night. Shipping Bill Due ' The Ku Ktux Klan of the Mny latUcted Hontoriom Needed Of these, more than 900 applica- nassjge of the naval bill, realm nf Louisiana also had ag- Morton C. Tuttle of Boston, CAiir ft moratorium ior uer-iti0ns were receieu uci BCWUVI " . ... I . PnpUs f rncrciw ; s: v There ,was an ( increase this ivo-ucr "'"r:; "-r: year in county; school pupils of for symptoms that .her rumored ( ..ed marriage to Edwin Krenn, young 1 - :i,V' '.WWII w. ahnnt to the OSt f Of School tuition, f TO . "Inff.At (Mi r.M mAa. fruitless day. 1 : - ? ir.t . iti.. tMA-ratnaT aava fc.VV , J nd ilhotoJ Pnmnt.l , county rshtrif ts of Hce. paperraen and women and P0to-i ....v. graphers surrounded ! the honso u - ' at every vantage point, wttn aa- Y, -:,r-'w::ri through cutting1 down expend! .1 fures In j, the circuit 'court de- ditional - details stationed across district , Attorneys , office., and s ( if ond, moratorium for Ger- tlons were received over m fa administration shipping ; bill Unts in the field.-lt was reported, Mass., said to be general manager . I . . .tt.tnd Mff I ...!. .tho atnta. nenartment. 1 . . . I - ... ln . V. AKo.thon. rnnav.,n(nn many is essential ur , i,uuis' . - which ' has - been taia.aBiae em-t0 learn If tne organizations were i wi " from twQ to four, years in which it W estimated by porarily was placed in poslUen responsible for the outrage on the and formerly a member of the time OermWT mnDuw.u ury w m.v . " ' or resumption of debate when Bastrop-Mer Rouge highway otf emergency couMrucuuu cumwn t.hilfCS tne mir? UUU license iui """" I o, mam .7. n nntWtd. tv. lr. 91 when fl-m M-ee undergo general financial reform will be issued during the , Protracted sDeeche re- Lher. nf old - Morehouse fam- nnder allied ..uperrlslon. but lot uu. 1"w"Klon.g "United In a charge by Senator r allied irecelvershlp. l . the year 1921 a total of 54 .0 71 1 -Rnnhilcan. Utah, that fll- . After Three Yfiars Ser vice; to Enter Business and auditor for the state corpor ation department, has submitted his resignation to T. B. Handley, state --corporation dommtesJo(nflr to become effective at once. Mr. i.500,000.000. wnicn y at tne . Ts-i ter Senator. Smoofs statement. all returning from the Bastrop cele- Iana forthcoming after Germany ..- venice u. u0 w. . VgaTnlof fenators. uniting In expediting bration and witnessed the high- en a fair chance of make good her UpM ISMa or a fallal the naT&1 bm fc mob waft gene questions, will' be obtained by 15.798 over the year it. - nonhn-.. waRhIn- m-iv.n imU Cl Protracted speeches re- members of old ' Morehouse fam- Siemens w. iunaon oi Lieve chare- bv Senator nw kldnniMd. two floceed I land. 0hio' sald to be vice Dres under allied ; receivership, j .-V the year 1921a total r "' ' Smoot, Republican. Utah, that til- and two murdered. ldent nd KeneraVmanager of the Third, reduction, of the' repar-UppUcatlons for 1922 motor ye tw.,,.. nf th rnort made bv Crowell-Lundorff-Little company. 0n. .;t0Ut0Ua.PP .topped soon af- the score, of persons who were XSJZ was a member of the emer gency construction committee obligations, wlll'be obtamea w iiw over ine ""' or Jone8t .Republican, Washing- robed ad masked reaUa slmi-l " ?lT' P". " J . .cendln scale of ? economic The secretary of tate announc vr ,.t. f .innlr U:. V. .t. v. .v! Trn irm Canada and formerly associated " . , .. . ; '- I - . l 1 . Ik.ft ; MAIAM ,V.n B L LUU. . llkt VIW1B v -l--- O I 1411 LU LllBh 1, u WJ. mw (- I ... . t c j - -..i i-. -r- t- i gfl-iaBl mgub iuk ia" i . , . . v. I ... . wi -a an a-r I wiiii ino iuumpauu-oitirreii nuu '....',. j.,nnn . . rV hnTA annlied lOriDlU. S uunvc, I rviau u 6w . - n0r A Fnllor onmnatilo. British official circic iuwv.. --'- -' . MT WAdn.dav he would caU no !n InTMtlratoni into More. I" " - . f.nm faria iu lueir iiw.uk,i - l . . . .. . . ... . I . - i ouu niau niiu iuc eiuciscui, tua- tj. , v,-rormed aeiimte. uu-inoi. nT9 ucou v..-,4 -i . I . tumiu.nco. iVnr to bo enforced 1 be molested by the Jratfic officers, commmee w .u l' ' v. . John H. McGlbbons of Balti- !r?-.K...n.- beginning nwhers ot cars who have not rules with a view to cnecKing iu- culaUon that the raembersnip or more and Chicago, said to have P.ftrnnrfltinn flffir.ial IpavoeL Mr irnn'a eonnty surreyors office, tin ad . I I iflMnn nii wava wsHa am aasin "Knrai ",n,B . Total expense of the county At 10:30 their watcninirwau-i out, of the. general fund i es- Ing had Its first Jolt, when them mated at S403.SS9.54 less $2 8, vw j T7 oru m. 41ia a I o -, " I s w u'vu : tw f ci o ' itci. ' iAicrca . ' r.rCJ ' :::mr;:: Host Mr. Krenn., Five minutes on.county deposits, etc.. or l found four blocks away strolling I which will bo expended for tUM down the avenue. Reporters and purposes is estimated at .1X78,. photographers lell into une anai 265.60, for county? school anl tne procession movea on. ai nisi library fund, 1150,834.40; , I ot ronirt innn n ta riraf nnainPH.ii.ii. . . . oi in i . x. i iuikii bculwi luna idj.juu ana ou.w w. venture ln America. Mr. Krenn for . reeral road fnnd for dl rr flur vnrir ntv An nrivnrn nni. i . -" - . ."1 ' k. .,, "; T" rl8l0ppea Ior coherence wun tricts otside the city of Saletn ;'to acot a resale Pol ?Wl!L ?!?:Lkln5 total of ? I. - - ilia wuiciuiiio uic'i . iuoj l ma, 36f.4f.. - :,'f. -, : .. M sinoii nov yei ouuuuuvcu. 1 bundled the shon's books under r. onaw s remKuawuu WBBi their arms and -departed for ! the filed witn me more tnan a year i McCormtck mansion, where the ago," said a statement Issued byUntire newspaper guard mobilized Mr. Handley yesterday. "binceiand stood at attention. it l..lA4 I " men hb uu ireueuu iuoibicu i Tt MAn't h Innr in w1t. upon being relieved of his duties. I Shor., twn nnlfoPme-, footmen but realizing the importance of unroUed tne red partT carpet tne position to wnicn ne naaoecn down the front 8tepa and erected the Morehouse klan is dwindling represented a bonding company. against; tne - - " for licenses ind tare fiUbnsters. January 18.; ' 7 r Li. in ooeratln their mach- x0 Cbanees Important s through resignations of those, it. . h . f contractors and -J' VV. the American jnes after midnight tonight will No important changes ln j the 1 is Bald, who do not want the no- k 8sociated during the war with rretarv of state last night is be subject to arrest and prosecu-1 paval bill were made by the sen- toriety tnai mignt iohow the construction committee. , - -mi.i- -.--.- ... - i tn extent tne addition or. i- ugu im uptu T a . t Viin nr't na urillSu i lvu. - - i ... . . .a vI oiucs a. incoio, uuofcuu uu "4ortVielstand. Mw reserve train- are expected to be Springfield, Mass.. former general recommendation for a non-poUU- ;t .Because otne usuai o.tm. i, purposes iw ioa.u.,a- r manager of Fred T. Ley and com- - ' " . - , 1 IhA I .nnrutlon in ine moior c-1 rtlt Innal Tor fftrnedn COnSirUCllOIl. I luuuceui as, n en as e-"' -J cal board OI exp n.in.v Li.i. j i m h moret.i i.(i... ii..iniiui m.niin Imav Ha mad 1 CLtion ii not new. the BrlUsh hlcle department, it may.be more I the utter -designed to.maintaln may be made to suffer. I onrSatblsTstatn places than a -week before some of the the Newport.1 R. 1., and other 0 r- consldentaat.nia iAt Mor whosa aonlicatlons are Bf,t,ftn- . it:I ..ll jf l--. Olftlt WnHUb lb1 . ii.i T,nlHon. lonerators whose appiicauons France, ia an MAi their nlatea. ,- -- i-'--- , 1 nrltlsh jofflclauipmr ia wi"ainow uu . I The senate rejectea an amena-j to consider the posslbilty of aiMore than iuu persons ment hy senator McKellar. Dem-U deadlock at Paris, tor such a re- of 19Z3 licenses w iu. -f ocrat of Tennessee to cut the uU would be regarded as disas- the hall, of 'the-capitol building tsonnel ot 86. Uous; The allied representatives when the uto-rtm"'?n: 000 men, authorized by the house mnst arree among themselves ior, ea ior bu;u. lo CZJ to 67,000 men. The present ur ippi.wiu " ... I strength is' 86,00 WILL GET FREEDOM assigned, I was reluctant cept his resignation. Work Praised "The position of examiner o ac- over it is a gaily .striped awning. Guests Arrive A bulletin was dispatched' to the r newflnanea- nfflren. ' Photo- not as enviame one ana tne au- Rraphers climbed nearby trees 1 ues are noi anogeiaer piCaBi. Bearch of better vantage points. In the performance ot his duties Next a ljm0U8lne arrived and a Mr. snaw nas Deen vigorous auu a8hiona51 gowned guest, who inorougn, ana nas necessarily in Harding! Will Release Agita tors from Prison if They v Leave Country . I 1 i i. nninted out there Is no "of assistance from America. British ly , as the day progressed, and it was necessary, to .keep a Jorce ot em- ,000 men. The BrttSi deb funding tomM pboy.es at work rjr th? oon .T.f J -miotea to obtain hour. Clerks remained on duty " i rVhich could pos- until six o'clock last night -ihi have a beneficial effect upon : .i.ti... v tannarv 15.1 ..a: .. Fans nesn"wuB-"' -i -t7 l." when the temporary moratorium Ufiather CaUSeS Number tVSSZ of r Accidentsin.Salcm reparations schedule ova?2ya - - . ' - - - -volving the payment 0f 100.- . accldent8 were re- paymentsmcn ru.u'" " . riii. ons.have been more nam- OUccu uuvciio ia TRX POSITION L 'I".- " ,nt Indebtedness to collisions - - """-T- i ... totut of erous than, usual. Mnuoww Grew uniarn aio - - r- r. collisions, reported: Commissioner Should no; agreement be reach- (Continued n page 2) ' THEWEATHER; ' OREGON: Sunday, fair. LOCAL WEATHER v v (Saturday) Maximum temperature, 62. Minimum temperature, 45. : v River, 11.8 above i normals falling. Rainfall, .71. Atmosphere, , cloudy.' ; AVI n A vnh pany, inc., general contractors to whom the first contract for con struction of a national army can tonment was awarded. He was secretary to the construction com mittee in the war department dur ing the war. First Returned The indictment was the first of its kind to be returned as a result of investigations of war fraud cases initiated by Attorney Gen- Qnprial ' Dlnnpr; Pr02ramSieral Daugherty. Others are ex- bpecjai.umner ciogidnio ed to follow comp,etion of the presentation of evidence by de partment of justice agents whicn is said to be rapidly approaching the stage for jury consideration. After identifying the defend ants, the indictment recites at and Entertainments to Feature Day curred the displeasure of some persons bent on conducting a shoe-string business in thlst state. I have received much commenda tion of his work, and he has made many friends for himself and this department. Salary Low "Mr. Shaw has made consider able sacrifice in remaining with the department in that the iwU- ary is low when compared with the duties performed." Mr. Shaw is a resident of Til-! lamook county. Before entering the employ of the corporation de partment he worked in tho Ladd & Bush bank in SaSem. and other lii-.i.'. 1 (Continued on page 4) M TO Special dialers, nvslcal and ti4.M : Mwan on1 . rwml Uierij yv.u, " I the Amprnrv Ttem ftours will leaiureine UM. ...v. brouht aDout DT the ,war and of Newf Year at the various state I J goyern. m.iuu. ment labored, particularly em- At the penitentiary a vauae- j the lmportJtnce to the ville performance will be staged .JX" nf DIM ior financial institutions J. A. McClaln of route 3. col lided with Karl -Munainger . w,,, n..,i- waa eleo. was riding a. wheel at State and 8Ute tax .commissioner, to Church w street,-.jauna.nBe 8BCceed Frank K. Lovell, who has handle oars were 4 J reigned .because of ill -health Dr. 5. r. scou ot " . - Mr. Fisher has served as dep SUte collidad with another man commissioner for In a.car wteo gave,nis , nam - vmr. , pfior to asWilburMUler. .; 1 Lit.. L Lum he wa. ronntv W. C Prlvett of route 9 re- vw""" wm,: J" " ported an accident on the high- fr V uu u"1' The other -man s nam was lven .w- , the state tax "suUed " . " cWmission. compoVd.ot thfe, gov. E. H. Mclntyre of route 3 re- ernor, j - f wfwen Com-1 treasurer. Jr. rianer WHin:i.- Siranrrty . ... - ji I construction Drocrara out ot In the forenoon, unaer me aircv-i " . v.v n ttltch manaeer wmcn grew me greai J.i.u- - i . i . ... . i.i tliMtor A anee al din- lonnieuvB. uu8c icimiu., cs a v - ner will be served at noon. In houses and nospuais. the afternoon the convicts Will be Each of the seven defendants. given the freedom of the yards. I the indictment asserted conceiv - New Year's dinner at the Ore- ed the fraudulent scheme and gon state , hospital here will plan of getting control for their served at noon, followed by. ! Dr0fu and benefit and moving picture show, in the audi- fQT tne gaint profit and benefit torium of the institution. - thrir nagt and future clients Other institutions which have j . empioyers and their friends. arranged special program ior if tne administratIon of the im tho holiday Indudevvt&e state emergency construction home for tw feeble minded, etate i m o the united SUtes ... .. ... . . i !!-- school jor tne oiina, xuoercuioBi dur,ng the wgr hospital, state training school ior Millions Wasted boys, industrial school for girls I jt wag next charged that the ami the state school for the Olcott Expected Home Tonight; Gone Six Weeks Acting Governor Roy Rltner, who has been occupying the exe cutive chair here for the past three weeks, departed last night for Pendleton. Governor Ben W. Olcott has telegraphed that he will return to Salem tonight. Governor Olcott has been spend ing the past five weeks in the east attending the governors con ference and other meetings. f He spent Christmas with his parents at Long Beach, Cal., and was a visitor in San Francisco yester day. , KNOCKS GIRL OUT CHICAGO, Dec. 30. A robber this afternoon held up Miss' Katherene Donovan, head book keeper of the Palmer House, fa mous old hotel of world's fair days, knocked her unconscious and escaped with from 15000 to U0.000 of the hotel's funds. WASHINGTON, V: Dec. . 30. Eight former members of the Industrial Workers, of the World, sentenced four years ago to. vary ing terms; in Levenwortn peniten tiary . for consplacy and yiola- tton of wa-tlme legislation, ' were' offered freedom today by Presi dent Harding on condition r; that they leave t tho United States.l Sixty days were allowed - for the - prisoners to . arrange - their I ncomes Show 8.ffaIrs to ; dyoru tvon, a dobqi oeing reqairea uur Ing the interval which - will ; en- sue before their sailing tor tome foreign', land.. . XU. V;. . According to orriclals of the department of Justice the decis ion to commute the eight senten ces to expire Immediately- was reached after a'rovlew of reports made to ! President Harding in scores of jesses' the view, of the prosecuting attorney and tho pre siding Judge being .attached in each case; ."" . : ' ''"l.- . Operatin Large Increase Strike Causes Some Loss WASHINGTON, Dec. 30. On the basis of telegraphic reports from the national railways, Juliui II. Parmalce, director ot the bu reau of. railway economics today predicted an era ot prosperity for the railroads for the coming year. Net operating Incomes increas ed $145,000,000 during the year. Mr. Far ma lee said, and represent ed a return of 4.05 per cent on the valuation fixed by the inter state commerce commission. In 1921 the rate was 3.3 per cent, while the previous year it was a small fraction of one per cent. Gross revenues were greater than in 1921 by $30,000,000, he said while operating expenses have been reduced nearly $ 14 0,000,- 000. Taxes were the heaviest on record, being 120,000,000 great er than in 1921 and reaching nearly 1300,000,000. The shopmen's strike cost ? the systems heavily, Mr. Parmalee stated., and the passenger traffic was the smallest since 1916 for the year, but the latter service, School Superintendents t ; Gather for Week's VVcrk County school ; superintendents from all sections of Oregon gath ered in Salem yesterday prepara tory to grading the papers ln the recent teachers' examinations, i It will require a week to complete this work, the rstate superinten dent ot sfchools said. - -Part of each afternoon during the next week will be given over to meetings of the County School Superintendents' association. The speakers ; will Include "J. A. Churchill, I state superintendent of public instruction, and other ed ucators of . prominence , in th3 he added, now shows an-increase, northwests blind V (Contlnuedpnpaga.fi. m minor damages, - . v .