THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 30. 1922 : - 'J Qt OttQan SUdtsxyurn CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Bat per words a 6. Three ineeruoae On week sl insertions) ut moutu ..20 -15 12 -.25 gis month' contract, jpor me. 12 ssontns contra, nor ma. Minimum for any aassslisement - " NORWICH UNION .FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY i - W. H. Bur chard t, Jr. Resident Agent 871 State St. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate '"': T. K. FORD i (Over Ladd At Bosh Bank) fir -NEVr fODAY7 - ""' TOR RENT NEW GARAGE; PHONE 80 F2. or 1027 R. i FOB . BUtl GRAIN AND VETCH i hay. By J. A. Pooler. S saUe nl of . city. TALK HAND LAI DRY, 180-194 8. ,l!tk Dl. o operating .faader new - ButnuM. We -make a specialty of , ; badd work on wool and silk fabrics. Ala family waehing, rough, dry or t wet. (.'tannine and iressln. rhone J. l AND a-BOOM APARTMENT. FUR- aiahad or aafarniahed, 85.00 up. 14 . ., S. 13th. Phono 8. 0 BY 84 TIKE AND RIM LOST OS, t . a Commercial hill. Finder pleaao r- . ' i tarn to Great Weatera . Garage. Ke- ward. ifOH RENT NICE FURNISHED BUN tt e-alnw on paved street. Sea Mr. Stiff at II. L .Stiff Fnmitor Co. STRONG TIRES BUILT AS YOU S- always wanted them. ' Tompkins t j Heine, 21 K. Commercial. -TOR 8ALE KNITTING MACHINE IS perfect working order. Call at Oteaon l Aat. Exchange. rviMOSS ft SPRAGUE CARS WASH lw' ed and' polUhed. Olesou's Auto Lx f change, 173 S. Liberty. ' flKE TIRES IN THE WINDOW' SPE IV, eiat lajOO.' Lloyd E, Ramsdeu. 38 Court. air ESPRIT D' AMOUR i Hvrienie foilet Requisites, - at . the Flower in the Bottis Pertain Shop, 115 N. Liberty. , 1ROOM COTTAGE FINE CONDITION; east -j front;.- lot. 60x130: basement, . bath ; North Cottar near E. Bargaia , at 33750; termi, Harris, 624 N. Cpl , toL 19.2-J. . " ' AUTO OWNERS LOOK! TIME TO ,. hats that car renslnted. Come in and look over oor work. On account of the i ; eaeeess of our Ford Special iob. it will h be continued, , Reliance Auto Painting - Col 319 -States, cor. Front St., second V- floor. Phone 937. 1 SEE U8 FOR. ANYTHING IN THE IN- J tarsnco line. Wo writ all lines. Our ' motto ia low eoat with sound Drotee- , .. two., Btandley Foley, agents. Bush . Bsnk Bldg. i FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. ; Hot and cold water, heat and gas, oa ' j, ear lino. , can i4ua-At. i BARGAIN GOOD LOT NEAR THE j, Richmond school. Prieo 9325, 925 I l cash, balance to suit. 1 : ; Krueger - Second floor. Oreiren Bldg. Phono SI 7. NIFTY NEW FIVE-ROOM BUNGAIOW oa psved street. Corner lot. Prieo . 94000. 'Terms. - ; - v . -Krueger v,: ' ' OTegoa; Bldg. -, ; r van a At. 'OH ' EXCHANGE TWO .! mtTes Jw-Woedhuria,' leeai hwaio--aad-' barn; land all in. berries and. fruitr ' Can ue fSOO worth ia stock. 380O cash: 81 70O in about three years, at ' 8. 3. C. WagMnaa, Woodbura, Oro. Mrt nisri AT LIBERTY HALL. 8AT- i orday.Dcmber 30thi - iJassy Jsmea ; ;Orebitstra: ad Pre Lunch. FOn SALE 34 LAYING-WHITE LEO- hora pullets. A. A. Bonney. Eaat "D" 5 St. t Phono 80-F11. .4 , ' - LOHTt WM8T WATCH WFTH DARK ; - wr.i ribbon, between Bank of Onn- t mefco arid Gray Bllv Reward, Phone ' MILLINER' "RECOMMENDED - BY ,1.' threa Salem . firms. Hat to order or v ; 1 remodeled.: ; 803 ' Mssonto Temple. : WANTED BOARD -AND ROOM IN i rjdvata famllv.. bv working . girL , Ad- dress "E-32,' ' Statesman. . . "WANTED BY RESPONSIBLE PARTY, 4 ' far- or- - five-room furnished - house. ! Phon 1060-J. EMPLOYr.itNT rxnAUS WOMAN OF . GOOD EDUCATION AND v plaaalnji - personality for - permanent ' -lik mrmm nrrMlfA t lull. AMI' 1 ' i. PMiMtlm ' aaanred Ity Oive phon number. Address rB. . ----- ,, a-iv, V Btatesmaa. ..:--"'. : - WANTED SEVERAL WELL KDU. . tT.atxi woman . aeeded for teaching and V t managing peftitiona with the National i i School of Shorthand ia - Washington V I .a iwim ritie. The system need ia i iahArmhand smaranteed in 30 i. ,k. .kartkuul avatem of this e commercial age. Natiooal School of - Uu.MkuJ via Orena Bide. Salem, nroMs; 508 Artisans Bide. Portland, if i Oregon. . 1 MULLS AND FEMALB - WIDE-AWAKE . WIS NEED. A SEVERAL 1 , t .1 . n . iM.)irt for ram i Wnrk. . alona . education r J i t it.M. Guaranteed salary. Seleo- tion to be mad now. Give phon'num ' Xtmt. Address. K-21.'?, Statesman. r vmm MEN " AND WOMEN TO v take farm paper subscriptions. A good ' njtan to the riht BOOpI. i- dreas th Paciff Homestead. Bta teaman V Bldg, Salem, Or. PERSONAL: i" iTirni ir9 .. WTAHtNO t TO MARRY. - Hooklaa. frao. Address . Horn Clab, Fii L-Box 23 Grand Rspids. Mkh. -- ' ' tamm i.GET HAURIED-BE8TVATRIMONIAL . . . tiitwf .siuiuvn. . Correspondent, Toledo. ObUt. FOR .SALE ; x attBPS. PET AKP FLOWERS t t THIS YEAR GIV LIVING PRESENTS. - r . rati aaa .w. yx: - TARMPAFEB 9. . wtt want TO GET THB BEST h naner. send 15 to th Pseific HocaMtead, Salem, Oregon, for three amaatha' trial aabssrisitoa. sseauoa this ad. . LIVESTOCK 12 GQAT3 TOR SALE. PHONE 494. IOB SALE OR TRADE FOB COW. . work team. 1906 N. 5th. I' FOR SALE 60 HEAD OF CHOICE .t.An n-a la lamb soon. Ad- drea P. E. Tbomaaon. Turner. Phon i"1 0, Turner. '. ;v. ;U8KD CHICKERINO ORAND, JN GOOD - ahan. Will sir seme term. U L. j ' Stiff Furnitur Co. FOR SALE GOOD USED MAHOGANY plan left as to tell. Prieo 9200, -.terms... H. L. SUft. f uraitnr Co- Ata- FOR SALE POULTRY POULTRY KEEPERS HI GRADE baby chicks for less at Needkame, 55 o State St. Order early. POCLTRYMEV SEND EIGHT TWO cent a tamp for special three months' trial for the Wit and oldeat Journal in the west. The articles and advertise ment are of special Interest Vo the poultry .breeders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Oom atereial street, 8-ilem. Oregon. WOOD 18INCH OLD Phono 77-F2. FIR FOB SALE. BEST GRADE MILL WOOD 4 FOOT , and la-inch. Prompt delivery. Reason bis price. Fred B. Wells. 305 8 Church. Phone 1542. WOOD FXJB SALE LARGE SECOND growth and 10" old fir. Call 14C7. MISCELLANEOUS FULLER BRUSHES LOCAL REPRE tentative. Grimes, 1937-J 1923 CALENDARS FREE. Smith, insurance ag.-ney. HOMER H. APPLES 75a PER BOX 3 FOR 32.00 5 for 33.00. Delivered. Spitxenoerg. Roma Bauty. Vandernool. Potatoes 75o per 100 lb. Ward K. Richardson. 2395 N. Front. Phone 494. 8UMMEB I UGGAOE REDUCED WALL paper remnants, plaeter, wallboard Velvet stair carpet, $1.35. Endurance Mgh grade boose paint. Kalsomine, 10c pound. Cotton- mattresses. 38.50. Steel springs 35.00. Max O. Bursa. 179 N. Oommereial St. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 seat n bundle. Circulation department. Oregon Statesman. Beautiful Oregon Rose and eleven other Oregon songs, together wftn a line collection of patriotic songs. acred songs and many old-time favor ite. ALL FOB 25 (Special prices in quantity lots) Especially adaptable for school, commun ity or homo singing. Send for Western Songster 78 pages, now in its third odltioa. Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 31 f A Commercial fU. RaUre. Ore. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED APARTMENT FOB RENT. 891 North Commercial. FOR RENT 5-ROOM APARTMENT. with sleeping porch, water, lights and telephone free. Call 2022 J. ., FLATS FOR RENT FIVE ROOM FURNISHED fist. Modern except furnace. Close in. - References required. Address I -2 4, csre Statesasa. FOR RENT FURNISHED FLAT AT CftdVa Ferry street. 950 a monta. Phon 23, or apply at Statesman busl aesa office. BOOMS FOR 1 RENT THREE NICELY TOR- ndahed rooms. Electric to cook on. Wood, light and water furnished. 8. Commercial. Adults only. 1207 HOUSES HOUSE AND f APARTMENT Phone 205C-J. FOR adults. FOB RENT 5 ROOM HOUSE. AT 1052 Saginaw street. zu a mourn, appu at Statesman business office, or phone 33v -a FOR RENT 4-ROOM HOUSE, -RANGE gas plate, linoleum on aitcnea ana bath, ehed4vUvos Ajiiiu ' Aale?-. laonh-a of Mrs. H. PStith. 333 BUto 8t.? or ' pbnr W5f drrtnr ti boss houra.-' . .... ., . WANTED MISCBLLAKEOUfl WANTED FUNITpRE.. T00L8, ETC.. Pho 611. I ? ; WANTED TO RUT HOUSEHOLD FUR niture. v tools. J miscellaneous "r81- Phxnr 144 tuV !, .', . WSNTKD fBQOO 138. OF GOOD .1.. ,i bar. . Call on - Andrew Weinman. 201 N. Coiainercial, Salem. Oregon. I W -e w 1 vrrnri'TtVITnilE. TOOLS. MA chinerr. stocks ete,k Will buy for cash wr -sell on commission. . Phone ' Woodry. ths uctioneef 511 WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD- wara and foraiture. pncea jwiu THB CAPITAL HARDWARE . ft FURNITURE CO. 385 . Commercial St. 847 BUSINESS CARDS i AUCTIONEER irwinvtrtt OF FARM AND PKR- mwv. v - . ....1 MMMvte.. u. aaiiariee. lov s. Comnrereial St, room 81. over People's Cash Store. Residence phono iziw, Office phone 430. . .. AUCTIONEER F. N. WOODRY, TKE H.Mtni-k-. furniture, real estate auc tioneer. Phono 511 for tela dates. Ren. 1610 N. Summer. COL. J. B. GABLE AUVt'iwaaan. farm and city seies. iov a. Phone 1448. ACETYLS KB WELDING IRON STEEL, BRASS. ALUMINUM Brine th piaoea, uxo-uaa onuas v. 837 Court. ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS CTTTftrt R. ROBERTSON CO. Mass Aeeonatantsi Auditors. Income Tax Ser Tiee. Portland, Or., and Minneapolis, Min. Address: 1517 Yeoa Bldg Portland. Or. Auto Directory AUTOMOBILES THE GOOD MAaWELu oinwmva Motor Co, 871 Court. BATTEBY AXS ELECTRICIAK AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TBOU tie shooting. 31B . niga. rnon aw H-'D. BARTON EXIDE BAIltnitn, T . . .W ' HI N Oommereial. PHKRTO-L1TE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expers oawry an -,..k. rarria Broa. Pboaa 1803. 41 Court. STORAGE STORAGE, 83.30 MONTHLY. Di.AU storsce 93.00 monthly, rerry ot. usr- sge. 544 Ferry. TIKES AND ACCESSORIES STORAGE GAS OIL. GUARANTEED mo.Mii,. Universal uarare. now Capitol. ' U8ED PARTS 1-8 to 1-2 OFF. MIKE S Anut wreekinr. Mouse. i Commercial. Phono 523. - orifl r.BVlSK '.F.MITE SERVICE - .. .,.!. for all msV"- Tompkins m ueme, N. Commercial. BICYCLES AND EEPAIBINO LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON Uicx cle and repairing. 887 court. ; HARRY W. . . .SCOTT Th Cycl Van 447' S. Commercial I i t i I ' i. i Auto Directory USED AUT0I OLKSON'S AUTO EXCHANGE UHED ears, bought, sold or sold on commis sion. Daily or monthly storage. RADIATOR PENDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS, BODIES, made or repaired. J. C Bair, 349 Ferry. REPAIR SHOP WANTED A FEW MORE CARS TO paint or repair. Painting and repair ing both done by men who are experts in tbeir line. Alao a few good buye in used ears. Miner's Garage. 803 N. Liberty. W. ft B. ACTO REPAIR SHOP WE also do all kinds of repairing. Saw filed, scissors, knives and lawnmowers fro and. Soldering work done. Ola stoves made new. Autos stored by dsy or month. We will sell or trsde your used ear for you. Bring it ia to as. All work t uan.nted. 175 N. Commercial. In rear of Neimeyet Drug Store. Phone 167. BUSINESS CARDS CARPET AND RUO WEAVTNO CARPET AND RUG WEAVING Phone before 9 a. m. 84 F21. CANDT SHOPS " ACME CHOCOLATE SHOP "JUST Candy." Strictly homemade. 121 8. Oommereial. CARPET AND FLU IT BUGS NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC WE NOW weave fluff rugs made oat ef old car pets, any length or width you desire. We also re-fit, re-sew and sue carpets. Feather renovating and mattress steam ing sod re-making. eVilem Csrpet Cleaning sad Fluff Rug Works. Phone 1154 EDUCATIOXAI INVESTIGATE! NEW SYSTEM OF shorthand; no strokes. We guarantee to teach you ia 30 days. National School of Shorthand. 212 Oregon Bldg. ELECTRICIANS SAI.EM ELECTRIC CO MASONIC Building. Phone 1200. ELECTRI0 FIXTURE AND SUPPLY Co. Phono 1934. 222 N. Ubirty. HALIK'S ELECTRIC 8HOP ELEC- triral machine repairing, contracting. 337 Court. Phjn S8 ARCHIE FLEENER, ELECTRICIAN House wiring by hour or contract. Estimates furnished. Phone 980, 414 Court St CHIMNEY SWEEPS - CHIMNEY SWEEPING FURNACE cleaning. F. Councilman. Phone 839.. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. H. L. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 15.1 High St.; phone 283 CLEANERS AND DYERS SPICK 'N' SPAN CLEANERS AND dyer. 544 But DRUG STORES BREWEB DRUG CO. 405 COURT Phon 184 WM. NEIMEYER "JUST DRUGS." 178 N. Commercial, phone 187. FINANCIAL WANT A 93500 LOAN ON 99000 ranch. Socolofsky, 341 8tat. 1 1 LOANS ON THE EASY PAYMENT plan, can repay at aay time without extra charge. 417 Oregon Bldg. 8700 TO 91200 TO LOAN ON REAL estate. Ladd A 1 Buia Bldg. 20-YEAR FARM' LOANS ON RURAL credit plan, pro-payment provisions al lowed. Wo will f iaaaco you for a lose rat- of interest than' any firm oa th coast - - Privat money to loaa.oa either city r eoantry property. R. W. Marsters - 411 Oregon Building. MARION-POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN ataoetatMB has atonay to loan at 64 W. D Smith, secretary-treasurer. 803 Salem Bank of Commerce. ;u FARM LOANS ... .89 YEARS I 8 PEB CENT NO COMMISSION A, C. Bohrnstedt . 407 Masonic Temple, Salem. Or. FURNACES SEAGROVB FOB FURNACES 198 8 12th street. FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECES Delivery O. F. Breithsupt. florist 128 North Liberty street. Phon 880 rURHITURB STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furnitur for lest money. 378 Court Phone 464. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW and second hand furniture. 371 N Commercial. Ladies' Wearing Apparel DRESSMAKING SPENCER CORSETS TO ORDER Dressmaking. Carrie Fisher. McCor aack Bldg. HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING ' pleating, burtons,- stnmprng and needle work. 320 Oregon Bldg. Phone 379 MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING stamping buttons. Room 10, over Mil lor s store. Phone 117. HOTELS CAPITAL HOTEL CORNER, STATE and Commercial. Phon 630 ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN. COSY 60 up. 463 Stat. LADIES' TAILORING W. J. MAYER. HIGH CLASS LADIES tailoring; long coats, raits and dresses Room 7. MeCormaek Bldg. Phon 6V LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 319 8 , Liberty street. Phon 25. Oldtst ' largest best, Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt service. 1264 Broadway. Phone 165 YALE HAND LAUNDRY. 186-194 S 12th MS- now operating under new management. We make a sperialty o' band work on wool and silk fabrics Also family wsshing, rough dry or wet Phone 8. TRANSFER HAULINO CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 Stat St. Phone 933. Distributing, forwarding and storage onr specialty ..jet our rates WR MOVE. STORE AND 8HIP HOU8E hold goods. Our apeetnlty is pisno and furniture moving. We alo make ' 'country trips. W handle ths best coal and wood. Call oa us for price Wa eire rood measure, rood anility 1" and good service; - Larmsr Transfer BUSINESS CARDS TRANSPORTATION -PARKER'S STAGE IJNES 3 W. Parker, General Manager Central Stage Terminal Salem, Oregon SALEM SILVfcKTON DIVISION Leaves Salem, Central felaga Terminal: 7 a. m 11 a- m.. 5 p. m Leaves Silverton, ews Stand: i a. m., 1 p. n 8 p. m. Salem-Iudependence-Monmouth Dv'tion : Leaves Salem Central Stage Terminal: 7 a. m., t i. m. , 11 i. n., 1 p. nv 3 n. m. Leaves Monmouth. Monmouth Hotel: 0:15 a. ni- 1 p. -. 6:15 p. m. Leaves Independence, Beaver Hotel. 8;3u a. id, 10 a ni- 1:15 p. m. 4 p. m. :39. We make connections at Salem to sll parts of the volley. Extra trips b appointment. J. W. PARKER, General Manager. SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND sells set-oad'hand furniture. Toola ai4 junk. 320 N. CommTcial. Phone 492 WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH tng and shoes. Best price fAid. Cap ital Exchange. 342 N. Cotuiueroutl. Phone 1368-W. SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE refaae of all kinda removed. . Cesspool, cleaned. Phone 167 or 1595 W. 8003 SCAVENGER 8ERVICE ( SCO- ..uv ia n mi Meavanear i tiaroaaa ao ndu at all kind removed by the month. Reasonable rales. Phones Office 529. reaidenc 205a. STOVES AND 8T0VE REPAIRING 8TOVFS REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, sixes 2d to 23 inches bigli. Paints, oils and varnishes, etc.. logan l,.rrr and hin hooks. Salem fence and Stove Work. 230 Court street. Phone 124. MESICAJ MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phon 517 W. KEN'S STORE ED. CHASTAIN CLOTHING CO. SUITS and overcoats. Use my stairs: it pays 805 State St. MACHINE SHOP THE CROSS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC Steam boilers, vulcanixer and luoe plates. Perry C. Campbell. 317 Liberty. N. II. AND M. CO. SPECIALTY GRIND- ers and welders. Automotive service. 410 Ferry. Phone 804. MUSICAL SALEM CONSERVATORY OP MU810 All branches taught, diplomas granteu. John R. Sites, director. 1237 Court. Phone 626 RAG AND JAZZ PIANO PLAYING 12 lessons guaranteed. Waterman System. F. B. Clark, mgr., McCornack Bldg. MACHINIST WECHTEB a SMITH MACHINISTS, engineers, welders, Heald cylinder grinding service, ry. Phone 502 345 Fer- MUSI0 STORES GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO- graphs, sewing machines, sheet music, and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines. 432 Stat. Salem. PIANO TUNERS' EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Leav orders Will Moait Btor JACK CLEMENT SALEM' 8 OLD piano tuner, is back. Call, writ on phone 1774, the Bong Shop, opposite th Court Hons. .. NOODLE PARLORS WA HONG NOODLK HOUSE, 439 Kerry. BIN SIN NOODLE HOUSE CHOP aaav. 40e: ouffed rice. 20c: noodl ill SOe: fried noodles. 60s. 189 8. Li rty. NURSERIES COMPLETE LINE TREES 8 MALI fruits, ornamentals. Capital City Nur serjr Co., 426 Oregon Bldg. Phon 75. PAP ERH ANQING V3D PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc Reliable workman. PRINTING ROWLAND PRINTING CO. JOB printing. Masonic Temple. PLUMBING PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COH work. Phone 1397-J. Shop, 12 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. PIANOS TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A new Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Still Furniture Co.. Mnsie Dept. 8HERMAN. CT VY CO.. PIANOS Btenwaye. Duo-Art and others. Moore' r Music Hooee, 415 Court street and Masonic Temple. RESTAURANTS HUB RESTAURANT MOST REASON able pncea. Johnson Barry. 159 S High. . VARIETY STORES SALEM VARIETY STORE CHINA ware, glassware, toys, notions, aad mil linery. T WATER 8ALEM WATER. LIGHT a POWER CO Offic. 801 South Commercial St. Ten per cent discount on domestic flat ratee Da id in advance. No deduction for absence or any cause unless water is shut off your premises. WOOD SAWS WOOD SAWING PHONE 1131. country. Ed. Sproed. CITY LODGE DIRtCTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS Camp 5, Armory. First, third Mondays PROFESSIONAL CHIROPODISTS OR. 8. F. BCOTT. GRADUATE NA tional University Sciences, Chicago Masonic Tempi. Phon 640. CHIROPRACTORS OB. 8. R, SMITH. CHIROPRACTOR. 833 Oregon Bldg. Phone 664. DR. LENA A. BOONE, CHIROPRACTOR 475 B. Commercial. Hoars 10 to 18 1 to 8. Phon 1415. DRS. SCOTT a 8COFIELD. P. 8. 0. Chiropractors. 414-19 U. S. Bank Bldg Phone 87; r-a. bzb-ic OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL CO. SUITE 30L ' Oregon Building. GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OP tical Co., 935 Stat street, opposiU Ladd a Bush Bank. "Us Quality PfM shar-ona. DBUGLE88 PHYSICIAN 9 MAGNETIC HEALING DR. A. L F rants. Acute and chronic Cisea. Phono T80. 35-28 Brcymaa Block. NATUBOPATHIO PHYSICIANS - DR. A. SLAUGHTEB ACUTE ANt rhroai diseases. 419 Or go Bldg' BUSINESS CARDS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR9. WHITE AND U. S. Bank Bldg. MARSHALL 208 DR. FOSTER Phones 750, 4i4 2024 J OKKtrGN BLDU. DR. W. L. MERCKK OSJTEOPATHJC physician and surgeon. KirVsville graduate, 4U4 405 L. 8. National Bank B.dg. Phone, office 919; res. til 4. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Phjrs-.riau and Surgeon. 403 40 Ore gon Bldg. Phones, office 1394; res. Se-FS. BROKEN ARCHES AND OTHER DE foraitiea of the feet corrected without loss of time from your - occupation. Drs. Whit ft Marshall. U. S. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE 3125 WILL BUY GOOD LOT block street ear ia north Salem. ONE 325 easii and t' a month. M. J. Hunt Ladd a Bush Bldg. STRICTLY MODERN HOUSE BE tweea Court and Slate streets in East Salem. This has everything you want and is a bargain at 950UO. Good terms can ba arranged. Winnie Pettyjohn 3314 Stat at. TO TRAITE 320 ACRES IN CANADA 1 all ia cultivation, f. need and cro fenced, rood buildings, 2 wells sal spring; sll machinery, feed and seed tb bead of stock. Price for all. 81 2.0OO. Will take small farm or city property. A bargain in a 7 -room modern hclse, paved street and csr line. Will taks a good car not over 910O0. We have a rasb buyer for a new house oa-North 5th Street. i bouses for rent. Thomason 331 Ifr State Street. FOR SALE OR TRADE A real paving apartment house, 16 rooms, 6 apartments furnished. In come 9135 per month. Splendid loca uu. ul seil at sacrifice tor a quirk desL Price 97000, terms. B-autiful iot en paved street, 8550 terms. Mod ern house, 6 rooms, 83250. Fine 70 acre farm, 97500; and 20-acre farm, improved, jU0 down. Price 92500. Furniafaed 5 room bungalow for rent, close in. For real, real estate bar gains see Chillis & Beentel, 540 Stale street. Best Buys 11 ROOM MODERN APARTMENT house 33000, 920OO cash, balance monthly at 7, 60x100 ft. lot on pavement. 9650. 7.31 screa, running water, V acre tim ber, best of fishing, 2 logans, 1 acre strawberries, 3 miles from Salem, 910O0, 9-10O cash, balance at 79. 30 acres, all in cultivation, 6-room bouse, barn, 1 mile from creamery, all fenced, on rock road, 4 miles troni Salem. Price t.'lOOO, 91300 rash, bal ance monthly at 7. Socolofsky 34 State Si. Trading Specialty Portland income and residence property ia exchange for farms, orchards and land in the Valley. Come and see as, we may do you a service. The Fleming Realty Co. 841 State St. FOR SALE ROOMING HOUSE, 12 rooms, good proposition, cheap rent. Comptoa Heal Estate. 469 Stat St. ANDERSON A RUPERT (Successors to Laflar a Lafbr) INSURANCE REAL ESTATE BONDS, LOANS 406-7 Oregon Bldg. Good Buys Business opportunity on State St., with 20 foot front. Close-in business property, 82x165, with two dwellings. Price 812.000. 5 room plastered cottage, lights, water and toilet. Price 91700; 8000 down, balance 820 pei month, interest 6. 6-room modern home, best location in 8alem, near State House, large lot. Price 816,000; 95000 cash, balance time. New five-room bungalow, with cement basement near State St. car. Price 94000. 92500 down. 9-room modern home south Salem, on paved street, near car line. Price 85250; 91000 down, balance 925 per month. Real Estate k Fire Insurance. W. H, Grabenhorst & Co, 275 Stat St., . S. Bank Bldg. Wood's Bargains New bungalow 91800, easy terms. Good house, five blocks out, lot 82x165. or paved street, 85000, easy terms. Wan a house as payment on a 40-aere fara oa paved highway. Want a Buick o Dodge car as payment on a close ia home. Want a horn as payment or choice five-acre tract. Small honse fo re nt, 88.00. F. L. Wood. 341 State St Worth While A nice 6-room bouse' in good condition, well located. Price only 31700, 9300 cash, balance easy payments. See ns for bargaina in houses. Let ns write your insurance. Mills & Copley 331 V, State St. I HAVE MANY BEAUTIFUL HOMES for sale for you to choose from. Gertrude J. M, Page 492 N. 'Oottaga, St. We Trade "What yon don't want for what you do want." Do you want 4 lots in Port land, well located, plenty of fruit. Prieo 91600, mortgage 3500, for Salem lots. 4 room bungalow Hubbard, worth 91000, clear of debt, for Salem lot or lots. General store, small town, doing fin business, including store building and 7 room . modtm borne. 815,001), for small ranch near some good town in the Valley. Large list of fine alfalfa and fruit ranches irrirated. at Krnnewick, Hermiston and Boise, Idaho, for Salem and Valley farms. Many Eastern Oregon and Washington stock snd grain farms for Valley farms Middle West farms, Nebraska. Kan.. Colo.. Wis., Minn., Dak.. Mont., and -Wyoming.-for - vsrious kinds of farms in the West. We have hundreds of listing to exchange. See us for anj kind of trades. A. W. Estes Realty Co. 41 Oret-on Bnildint BUTTER PRICES PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 29. Butter: prints, extras, 51c; cubes, extras, 4 8c; prime firsts. 47; but terfat, Portland delivery: No. 1 sour cream, 53c. Potatoes; buying price,, locals, 50c; selling price 60 Q 90c. MINNEAPOLIS WHEAT MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 29. Wheat: Cash No. 1 northern 1.19 7-8 1.28 7-8c; December 1.19 1.1C 1-2; May 1.20 7-8; July 7-8. ) PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that I have Impounded the following de scribed dogs in compliance with Ordinance No. 14 04 to wit: One Australian Shepherd. white breast, glass eyes, also collar, weight about thirty pounds. One female. Shepherd, black, with white feet, weight about twenty pounds. One male. Shepherd, with ring around neck, weight about fifty pounds. One male. breast white front feet, weight j about forty pounds. One small. uisnu uuuj.wane 5pww uu 1U,,8 iau' curis er a.ll.- .JsL s. m x 1 1 ouar viun tag auaciiea. marKea Roseburg. 1921. Number on col- iar. o. weigm anout twelve pounas. one lemaie r ox Terrier, mostly white, some black spots, has collar; weight about sixteen pounds. The above described dogs will be killed if not redeem ed by owners, on or before Decem ber 31st, 1922, as provided in said Ordinance. W. S. LOW. Street Comnjissioner. KXKCLTOK'S FIRST NOT1CK To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Edgar B. Perrine. has. by an order of the County Court for Marion County, State of Oregon, been this day op- pointed the executor of the Last Will and Testament and estate of Lucy A. Johnson, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned at Salem. Oregon, or to Carey F. Martin, attorney for said estate, at 413 Masonic Temple Bu'lding, Salem, Oregon, within six months of the date of this notice. Dated at- Salem. Oregon, thif 15th day of December, 1922. EDGAR B. PERRINE. Executor of the Last will ana Testament and Estate of Lucy A. Johnson, deceased. Carey F. Martin, Attorney for Estate. 11 Adele fJarrlson's New Phase of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER 198 WHAT MOTHER GRAHAM ORDERED DICKY TO DO "What's the matter, mother?" Dicky inquired meekly, as be strolled into his mother's room with an air of care-free leisure that I suspected was assumed for the occasion. "Matter" his mother ejaculat ed. "Matter! I should think there was enough the matter. Hasn't Margaret told you about that gralfter of a ticket agent? I just know some of these old timers down here paid him a good penny to scare you into giving up your reservations." "Who's given up any reserva tions?'" Dicky asked belligerent ly, looking at me. "Not I." I returned lightly. glad, indeed, that his truculence had taken this turn. If only he would share my 'determination to get as far North as possible in spite of the railroad strike, everything would be all right. "Fortunately, Margaret got a little firmness in her backbone for a wonder, and told him she would hold on to her reservation, and get as far as she could on it." his mother interrupted "And I want you to hurry down there and find out what really is the matter?' "May I inquire," Dicky asked mockingly, looking at me, "what you and mother have decided about my reservation? You have evidently decided for yourself. What did you plan for sonny to do?" "You'll Not Waft." I know it! I told myself grim ly. No matter what I had de cided concerning the reserva tions. Dicky would have found something to wound his vanity iu the arrangement. There was a distinct weariness in my tone as I replied. "I would not have presumed so far. Perhaps you remember that you absolutely refused to get up and see the man, so there was but one thing for me to do. I decided my own course, and 1 told him that you would come down to see him as soon as you dressed." Dicky stared frankly. Then, unexpectedly he laughed hrtily. ani patted my shoulder. "And a very proper proceed ing, too, old top." he said. "Couldn's have dono it better myself. "Now, if somebody'II rustle me some breakfast I'll go down, interview the lad, and find out what'sthe matter." "You'll not wait for break fast." his mother declared grim ly. "It's only a tep down there, and the walk w'll just give you at appetite. You hurry along now, and your breaktast will be ready when you get back." "If you think I nerd anything to give me an appetite!" Dicky grumbled. "You may not need It, but you'll get it." hi:- mother retort ed. "And doa't dawdle on your 1 way. I just know h.'s o!d jour reservations to some one else." Madge's Decision. Dicky threw his mother an appealing look, me a humorously lesigD'txl one, aud went out ot the room. In another minute we heard the front door clow with something very nearly re sembling a slam. "I'll go and stir that Mandy up a b'.i," Mother Graham said. Irisii.g. "He'll probably be In a I tearing rage wh- be gets back. ! ani ft ara't nnf Kina lib at r fat 1 hot breakfast to falm a man QOWn vuh which blt of philosophy. garnered bv werv womaa of any Experience with masculinity, she hurried out of the room, leaving me to speculate as to Dicky's probable attitude toward the sit uatlon upon his return. Beneath the calm mask which I was exerting all my will power to wear, I was really wild with anxiety to get Nort'a to my home and the arduous tasks which there awaited me. To dismantle the house, find .nother. and get the furniture moved all by the tirst of May these were the duties which looxed large before me. Two precious dayj of the three weeks were already gone, sur reptitiously filched by ' Dicky in order to get In the trip to Blue's Bridge. In the face of this new turn of arfaira 1 re gretted for the first time that I had yielded to my own desire for the trip, and forbore to punc ture the vary palpable pretence of not being ablo to get reser vations which Dicky had made. I knew that he had no Idea ot the labor before me, and would lend a .willing eir to the ticket agent's account of the perils or the return journey. I rose and went back to my own rooai in search 01 sometning with wh'ch to busy mjself. But everything of mine savo the very last things, requiring about five minutes' work, was already packed. With th Hidden thought however, that it might bo a long time before my trunk would reach Now York, if the railroad str'ke continued. I wondered II I would not better repack, and crntrive to carry more things with me. Then my common sons? came to the rescue, telling me that In a precarious railroad journey like the one before me I would better travel as light as possible and I already had 'n suitcase and bag everything that I needed lor two or three weeks, even if my trunk did not arrive. So I Bt to work to make cur room tidy and pick up after Dicky, who never by any chance hang up any clothing or puts anything in its proper place. I had only Just finished when I heard, the hall door open, and I hurried Into th living room to learn what he had decided. (To Be Continued) Business Prospects for Next Year Appear Favorable Market is Strong NEW YORK. Dec. 29. The marked strength of today's stock market generally was construed &8 an indication ot the financial community's optimism concern Irr'g the industrial and business outlook for the next year. The bidding up of stocks was ac cepted in the face of a heavy volume of cash sale resorted to in order to establish tax loss es, higher call money rates and the restriction of out of town business by the crippled wire service resulting from the storm. Speculators for the advance paid little attention to outside news developments although buy :ng of railroad shares undoub tedly was influenced in part, by the better November earnings statements and the record-break 11. g car loadings for this season of the year. Tho apparent hitch 11: the Lausanna peace negotia lions faUed to materially atct either the foreign exchanges. which fluctuated Irregularly within narrow limits, or the wheat market which was inclined to eas A brisk rite in the steel shares in the final dealings was due to a run-In of the short Interests particularly in the independent issues and fresh buying based on the steadily improving condi tlons ia the industry. Equipments were less active and moved within a narrower ranee than vest:rday. OH shares were in good demand. I emand sterling got down be- lcw 4.C4 for a slight fractional loss, but French. Ital'an. Bel gian and German rates showed blight Improvement. Call money opened at l per cent. advanrt! rO : '-. anil 1 I ice iu b.a, unnc it closed. Ttrae money and com mercial paper :ates were un changed with business qu'et. . A 1 .1 .. .A . V . 1 .- LIVERPOOL WHEAT LIVERPOOL, Dec. 29. Close: wheat, December 10s. 8 l-2d, or 2d. lower; March 10s. 1 l-2d. 1 3-8d.ower; May, 9s. lOd. or 1 1-8 d. Tower. STOCK OUTLOOK HELD QPTIMSTIG PIE SKIS ' OCCUR IN H . ,-JVf :; 1 Radical Bearish Movements Affect Market Corn Shows an Increase' CHICAGO. Dec. 29. Wheat underwent a material setback la price today, largely as th result of radical bearish views which a leading trader here expressed relative to conditions affecting ' the market. Values at the close) were unsettled. 4 to 2H cents net lower, with May tl.22 to 81.22H and July $1.1 2 to 11.12. f Corn f inifhed unchanged to I cent higher; oats down IV t to c. and provisions oft S to 22 cents. Heavy selling associated with the pronounced bearish opinions which were attracting general no-." tice put the wheat market on the downgrade from the outset. Most . of the selling appeared to be for eastern and Chicago holders, and after the close it was estimated that fully 20.000.000 bushels ot . wheat owned by auch laterests had been liquidated In the last three days. It was only after price bad shown an extreme decline of S cents a bushel as compared with yesterday's top figures that buy ers became sufficiently numerous . to give the market a two-sided - appearance. According to the bear state- merit which received so much at? tention, the United States at pres ent has 92.000,000 bushels more wheat available than was the case . year ago. In addition, the world's visible, supply l 45,000, 000 bushels larger than the aver-' age of the last 20 years. 'Weak ness of the Liverpool market and of European exchanges acted fur ther as a handicap on the wheat' bulls here. Resides, primary re ceipts were quadruple those of a year ago and indications pointed to timely moisture In the winter crop belt. , . . Corn was firmer as a result of lessened receipts here and ot ac- , tivity on the part ot exporters. Oats were depressed by selling' ascribed to elevator. . . Provisions went lover with the hog market. . . , FOREIGN MARKETS , BUENOS AIRES, Dec. 21. Opening; Wheat, February 1.19 1-4. down 3-4; March 1.20 1-4. down 2-4. " fruit ;'----r;y.--:;-f - , , I' :. NEW YORK, Dec. 29.- Evapo rated apples, dull; prunes steady; apricots firm; peaches, quiet. I SALEM MARKETS ' . , Prices quoted ars wholesale at prlcea received by farmers. No rat, prieo are givaa except ae aoted. 1" ' N. 1 wheat 81.10 N 9 wht $1.08. No. 8 Bod wheat, sacked, 11.07. Cheet hay. 820. Oat bay 820 22. Clover hay, baled, 881022, " EOOS, BUTTEB AHO UTTZftlAT Eggs, wholes!, 83c . i Creamery butter 84058. d Butterfat. delivered, . V, j ' ' Milk. 82.45 ewt. r 1 FOVX.TXT, . V Old roosters Sc. - . . B roll re l&c v Heat, light. 12. Hens, heavy. ia. PORK, KTJTTOB AMD BZZT 1 Hogs. top. 8 Be. ' Liv hogs. 8e. . Draased hogs. . 12 I24. Top veal, dressed, 110 11 U. Top steers, 1IQ12. ' ' Cows, f 9c .; 1 rluTII . Wsnanss 11 Lemonsi 810 Q 10.50. Nsve oranges 88,S04.7& California g rap fro it, 8.T55.00. j grapefruit, 17(48. "rj tapir rrapea 10 lb. h Cranberries 82 boa. Hates, 0'.7. ' -T- Jap oranges 2 km"tl, - nnt --' Walaate 20 lb. - ' : ' '- Filbert SO lb, , t - Almonds 16a, Brasil IS, lb. TEOBTABZJM Cauliflower 82.23. an Uttace. Imperial aVII.y, 85.2. -Head lettuce. 84.25. Tomatoes 88.00. ,. r-f.,, I Portland Buying Priccj BQO.I. OTn.TBT AJfD IfXATaV BLTTERPAT FIRM No. 1 churning cream. 526e53e f. Portland; undergrade. S051. b. Mut WKAK ft Current receipts 32 61 34c: whiia a... neries, 36fe 88e delivered, storara ,. 35c. LIVE POULTRY STEADY ' ,. (L5, . commissma) Heavy hens, l?o lb.; do light, le; springs. 17Ql8e: ofcfJ roosters. 10c; ducks, white Pkin yoaog. I520c; dr-s.ed ducks, 2323c; tar, keys. No. 1 dressed. 35088.; Ko. 2. 88 r35e: do live. 2t28e; geese, 16&16C2 do dressed, 23Q24e. DREH&EO MEATS BTEADV commission) Choice light jMrs. 12I2H: undergrade. lOtolir lie? 12V3e; aadergraoea. Sltf' HAT STEADY - . (Delivered Portland) Van, timothy. 831 ton; Eastern Oregoa timetbv 84 alfalfa, 821 ton; elover. R 89 toa; grain hay. 82 ton. ' GRAIN--O.UIET Bid price (track Portland ia rsr lot Wbeat options S1.15(Tl.x4 Bate m blnestem 81.48, 1.49 ; ,,, Tl.Xl ?VrV'UoW 0rtt' .4O0: br Vf.SO; Eastern yellow corn 332 75QJ4 b.rley g4; millrT,n $T3l iO rxort FRCIT STEADY ... Apple. SOe 81-50 (according t var. ity and pack): pear 60i75 boa. . VEGETABLES . VEGETABLES. STEADY Oregon potatoes. 5UQ60 ewt.; Otoco rsbbag. nominal; parsnips, 81.00 ek carrots. 81 sack: oaieas. 81.7562 ewt cauliflower. 81.5001.75 doses. VvoOX. f WOOL 81 (OW l' Half blood and fin. S540c: thro, eighth blood, 82(3 85c; quarter blood. SO) e2e; low sartor and brsid, 25a27a--malted or cotted wool. 22Q2SC 'NOTE Eastern Oregon, Wasshlart and Idaho r.aeh clip bring 2 twi eW lets than vallev wool.) m "V v H0P8 QTJTFT - " Phon 08 nwa 110. 9U dspartmenl. . Co. Paon 930.