THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 27. 1222 .7; i .- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Kale M rii Per insertion Three Insertioas Oh week (six Insertion) una noun 20e Bis months contract, par 13 months' eontroct, par ISo Mr ma. 1 4 Mia imam for say sdvertissment Z5c NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY W. II. Burghardt, Jr. flesldent Agent 871 State St :h MONEY TLOArTT" t::' '.--.; On Real Estate , .,, . . V ' T. K. FORD " " ; (Over Idd A Bush Bank) NEW TODAY i-TABSISIIED KITCHEN WALL PAPER. . beautiful, Jisx V. Bursa, J7 ft, CammaTreiaL --zz. ; . ; TOR 6ALE ROOMING I10L8E. IS t rooms, good proportion,- cheap rest. I ' Compton Baal Estst. 409 State ftt. f- VHT KOT PIACK YOUR-IJitTBANCK Lwith an trifT and company of more : ::. thla iqnartCT century stsndingt We mb giver yoa high clsss service and at' . lowest cost. " Staadley ft Polar, agents. 3 MeMinnville Co, Bush Bank Bldg. r PERFECTION " OIL HEATERS. AM, ." titee. many prices' Mas O. Buren, 179 CLEO CLUB GINGER ALE WILL , i . , please yon, specially is this so in cold 'weather. It la brae inc. Made in ' - Salem by star Boitling; Works. . i , . . ... - 7S-CENT CLOTH WINDOW. . SHADES. . Max O. Baron, 179 !. Commercial. LOANS ON THE EASY PAYMENT ' piss, esa repay at any time without ' extra charge - 417. Oregon Bids. TOR REST 5-ROOM APARTMENT, with sleeping porch, water, lights and telephone free.. Call 2022 J., FRACTIONAL "" ACRE ' ' JEFFERSON , aichwar. BisinToala to Califoraio. lots of traffic, buildioc suitable for store or aerrtc station. Kaerifice If told this i week. Phono 1391M. , - APPI.tS S 1.00 .PER. BQXl 8 EOR , 92.85:. 5 for $4.50. Delivered. , Splts- esherc. Red Cheek Pippin, Gsm, Cooa , River, Vaaderpool. Wsrd K. Richard 39a K- Front. Phone 494. 37 INCH TAPE8TRY RUOS, $2.50. Mas O. Buren, 179 ft Commercial. 133 WILL BUY GOOD ' LOT ONE block afreet ar in north.. 'Salem. ' 2j r cash and $5 a month. - , M.J, Hunt Ladd Bush Bldg . ' NEW 1 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE Market street wast of 12th $4800. Will UkV bonto aad lot. worth $2000! or light onto ia eickango. Jiarxis. 824 , N.Capitol. 1943 .1.. .... : HIGH CHAIRS. FITTED WITH ALUM- . inum trsvs. - Mas O. Bursa. 179 N. Commercial. . - .. ., , , . FOR REXT TWOi FURNISHED houses. Phono 141 or esll at room 1 , 303 Oregon Building. . . FOR RALE-CfJtSSY NEW' BUNOA i low. ut. north of Stats Stre- L Price $4000; " Terma.-..... i fc - , : Wi G, ' Krueger 'Oregon Bldg. Phone 217. CANVAS c-BABT JUMPERS. MAX. O. Bureui 179 N. CommereisLv rUK REST -O-HUUd .rivuior.. n.a.iur ras' plate, linoleum en kitchen and atk, ahades, etc.'- Close tn." Adnl only. ' Inquire of Mrs. H. P. Stlt!; 333 Rtata Ht. at .-Bhoaa, .1550. . durinc buai- . -4 i BEALTiFLVCCT OUT rRIE7.ES kaliHtmiaed walls. Mss O. Buren. , ft. Commercial. .. FOR 179 t . -- ... - A1TAW MODERN- COTTAGE, "LARGS RO)M8. pantry,., .aiemrteuy. irom. - Sad back porch, basement, concrete . foundation., larce lot. 50x300, cetneut , walks, law flowers, fruit and .- nut ' trtes. fine' garden ground. Urge garage, everything u ia-first css eonditma; fries $3250; oomo tarat. -This' propor r iawell worth $4000. See Cbilds.A BecUl. ' 540 Btsto Street. . . . t ' : KOTICK . t r Notice "is" theftybyrgiTen that I have impounded-the 'following de scribed - flogs in compliance 'with Ordinance Tf o." 1404 to wit : J One Australian . "Shepherd, white breast, glass, eyes, also collar, weight, about thirty, pounds. .One female, 'Shepherd, black, with white feett wetetit about twenty ' pounds.'. One male. Shepherd, with ring around neck, weight i about ilfty pounds.' - One male, Black I Shepherd. : v with I white ! breast, white, front feet, weight about forty' pounds, : One small, black and tan body white spotted , on legs, long tall, curls oyer back, collar with tag attached, marked ' Roseburg, 1921; Number on eol- lar, '69. ' weight about twelve pouarls. One female Fox Terrier, mostly white, some black spots, ; has 'collar ; weight about sixteen pounds. The above decrib!d ' dogs will be killed if not redeem l ed by owners, oil or before Decem- ber 31st, 1J2S, as provided In said -Ordinance. ; '; V- '; ' . W. S. LOW, 'Street Commissioner. EMPLOYitNT , YXMALB. . WANTED A- MAID FOB GENERAL 'it i housework. 885 N. Summer 81, Call I " moraiags. ' MAXJb Ok FEMALB "l WANTED MEN!' AND'i WOMEN TO : take farm paper sobvcriptwas. a go"" - propositioa to the right . people. Ad . ; areas the Psclfio Homestead; Sutesmas ' j BkU SalMt. Ore, .. ...,. ,. . . PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEtrT-MATRIMONIAL paper , published. ; Free v for stamp. -t CorrespondenW .Toledo., Oh so. 1 , - EPILEPTICS WOULD- YOU CAR TO - learn about new rational treatment 16' immediate relief of epilepsy. .PoeiUve- ly stopping all aeiaures -froiu first da v use. Information free. SpeviaHat," , Drawer C;?. . Under, .Wyomlnj;. ,. , FORSjlE : . ' BIRPS. PETS AND FLOWERS THIS YEAR OIVK LIVINf PRE8KNT8 ; Flako has ihaaa. ; 873 Biato. . 1 ' - rARM PAPER , IP YOU WANT . TO GET THB BEST farm Doner. sad 15c -ta the Paoifie Hooieatiif, Salem, Oregon, for a three '.months trial subscription. . Msauoa : : i ad ' .. : 't PIAJ08 n :". r- UHKD CH1CKERINQ GRAND,- IN 0JOI - shape. Wilt give soiae .terms. . II L. Stiff Furniture Co. rOR SALE GOOD USED MAHOGANY ! '. piano left as to selL. Price $200, . terms. H. L. Stiff Furniturs Co- Ma li dspsrtmsBt. .- ; - PERSONAL POULTRYMER SEJiD EIGHT TWO ant HtBM for special thraa months trial far the best and oldest Journal to the west. The artielen and advertise ments ere of special iateraat to the poultry breeders of the Northwest. aortowest Poultry Journal, 211 Cem-m-rcial street. B.lem. Orcon. ',. WOOD 16-1XCH OLD FIB KOB SALE. Phono 77-F2. FOR flALE OLD FIR WOOD. TIIONE 1123-J BEST GRADE MILL WOOD 4 FOOT ana lo-iaea. rrempt delivery. Roaaoa able price. - Fred . . Wells, - SOS 8. Church, Phone 1542. WOOD FOR 8 ALB LARGE 8ECOMD g-rowth and IS" eld fir. Call 1467. MiaCELLAJTBOUa FULLER BRUSHES LOCAL REPRE- aontatrvo, Grimee. 1237-J U2S CALENDARS FREE. HOMER II. BiniUi iasuraaea sr ncy. CHRI8TMA8 GIFTS. 8EIECT THEM from the Flower, ia the BotUo Perfume Shop, lis ft. Liberty St Erery 60 porehaaa iea ya a nuaaber on the beautiful doll. SUMMER I COOACne REDUCED WALL paper remnanta, plaster, wallboard VolToi atair cantot. I1JS. Eadanaea high grade house paint. Kalsomine. lOe pavad. Gotten matt rasa es, ft0.6O. Steel tpringa $5.00. Mas O. Bnreo, 17 V. Qommercial St, FOR SALE OLD STEWSPAPERS. 10 ante a bundle. Circulation department. vregoa, (Mateaman. . Beautiful Oregon Rose end eleven other Oregon songs, together wtta a fine collection of patriotic songs. sacred soacg and many old-tuna favor ittt ALL FOB 25e (Special prices ia auanstitr lots) Especially adaptable for echoel. commun ity or homo aiaginf. 8cnd for Western Songster 7S page, now in its third edition. . Puhliahed-by OREGON TEACHERS MOVTHLT SIS 8.- Cora mareial St. Rale in. Ora, FOR. RENT FLATS FOR. RENT FIVE ROOM FURNISHED flat. Mod'Tn except furnace. Close in. . , References required. Address I -34, cars. Statesman. - FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED, APARTMENT FOB RENT. 891 North Oamaaorolat. FLATS FOB RENT FURNISHED FLAT AT 664Vfc Ferry afreet. $30 a month. Phooe 13.' or apply at Statesman buti O'ss elfwa. . - HOUSE ) FOR RENT 5 ROOil HOUSE AT 1052 Bastnew street. S20 a month. Appl at Statesman. business. off ic-;. or pbone 23. , ROOMS A DESIRABLE ROOM FOB TWO FOR rent during Legislature, in modern heme, near Stafe Houae. Pleass give references.- - Addmas ,-'U 101." care Statesman. . , , LOST AND FOUND UQ8Y L08T LADD ft BUSH .CHECK BOOK; 85 in I S snd 2 s.. Phone 669 J. LOST .OR STOLEN LARGE . DARK yeitow come, answers to me name oi chep. Collar number 7j. Kewsrd, Call 7-F5, Jdfferaon, 'Herbert Lotaey. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED FURNITURE, T00L8. ETC., Phono 511. .r . T . . WANTED TO BUY HOUSEHOLD FUR aiture, tools, miscellaneous articles. Phons 14 48. TaTAN-T-Kn vnsurrrnKT toola. ma klmar-r asaek. ate - WU1 aav tor onus or aofl oa aommlaaioa. Phoao 811 Woodry. tko aoetioaoer. WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD- ware and furnHure." Bst prices paid , THB CAPITAL HARDWARE . A FURNITURE CO. 28S N. Commercial St. " phana 047. BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEXB AUCTIONEER OF FARM AND PER sonal . aroocxty. . O. .Sallerleo. 1 80 H. Comnrercial 8t.. room 31. ever .People's Cash Store, Residence pbone 131 1-J. Office phono 430. AUCTIONEER .F.", K. WOODRY. THE livestock, furniture, real .eatate auoA tioneer. ' Phono 511 for ssls dates. Res. 1610 tL-Sammrr. . . COU - J. B. GABLE AUCTIONEER. farm aad city sales.. .160 B.viiia. Phooe-1446. - . .-' . i ACETTLEWB WELDIKO ? IRON RTEEL. .BRASS. ALUMINUM Biag the pieces. Oxo-Gaa HeaUng ue. 87 Court. ACCOUNTANTS ASP AUDITORS HUGH R. ROBERTSON A CO. MEM br American Institute or-Accountants Arcountanta Auditors. lacome Tax Ber vino. Portland. Ore, and Minneapolis. ; Minn. Address: 1517 Yeoa Bldg, Portland. Orr.-- - ,Auta Directory !autctm6bile8 THE UOOD MAXWELL GINGRICH Motor Oo, 87 1 Court, . ' t ATTEBT AND ELECTRICIAN AUTO ELECTRICIAir: EXPERT TROU- OIO aiSOOWJlg. - ( .P ft . . iivu. . " , R, D. BARTON t IDE BATTERIES. Starter and ssaerator work. , Hi o CommorsiaL . - - -. ' PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Sutioa, Expert battery snd einrtricai werk. Farrio Bros. Phonk 1103. 41 Court. . ' ; T -., AUTOMOBILE PAINTING - - " FORD" OWNERB i LOOK I V--WB AR run nine k Ford Special during Ueteem her only. Hev your. Ford painted foi Xmaa. Surprise Tour friends. Jte member. Trr special price oa Fords i '.. for Decsmbor' only. ' Don't mias this opportunity. Relisaco Auto Paiatiag Ca, 819 SutO eor. Front. 2nd fl" STORAGE HTORAUK $3."iO MONTHLY. DEAD . atorSgo $3 no, m .ntbir. t erry t. uar- i MC.:-S44.Ferrry f v.-. ' TIRES AND ACCESSOBTKS STORAGE GAS OIL. GUAR--VNTEEO repairing. . . Uatvsrsal Us rage. sou '. Capitol -;. .-:,.. . USED PARTS 1-8 W V7 OFF. MIKE'S Aato WTeckmr Honsa: - 438" ftortb s' Commercial. Phoao 533. OILS. CREASE, ALEMITE -SERVICE for all makes. Tompkins A Jlciue, 219 N. Commercial, v Auto Directory BICYCLES AMD REPAIRING LLOTD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY eteo a 1 repairing. 387 Court. HARRY W. SCOTT Tba Cycle Van' 147 8. Commercial Phons 88 USED AUTOS OUiOOS-B AUTO EXCHANGE USED cart, bought, told or sold on commie ion. Daily or monthly storage. RADIATOR 4 FEVDEB REPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS. BODIES. maoa or repaired. , J. C. Bair. 849 Ferry. V BXPAZB SHOP WANTED A FEW MORE CARS TO paint or repair.' Painting nod repair- log botk dona by men wbo are experts ia their line. Also a few rn.i Ur. in 'd cars. Miser's Oaraa-e. 03 X Liberty. W A B. AUTO REPAIR SHOP WC also do all kinds of ranairiav Rial filed, trisaori, knives and lawnmowert grwuao. Boldenng work dona. Old store aula aaw. A atom mtn-A 1. ay or rnontlv We will seU or trsde yonr osad car foi job. Bring it in to s. . n wore jaaranieed. 175 H. Commercial. In rear of Ktu. Drug Storo. Pkona 167. BUSINESS CARDS CARPET AND BUG WEAVING C P.T..AND. RUO WEAVING none before 9 a. m. 84 F21. CAVDT SHOPS ACMff CHOCOLATE SHOP "JL'ST Candy." Strictly boaiemada. 121 8. Commercial. CARPET AMD IXUFF RUO8 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC WE NOW weave fluff rugs made nut ef old ear pets, any length or width you desire. Wo also re-fit, c-irw and-site carpets. Feather renovating and mattress stesra Ing and re-making. Salem Carpet Cleaning and Fluff Rag Works. Phone 1154 ELECTRICIANS , SAf EM , ELECTRIC CO MASONIC Building. Phone 12o0. ELECTRIC. FIXTURB AND SUPPLY Co. Phono 1934. 222 N. Lib. rty. HAMK'S ELECTRIC SHOP ELEC trieal machine repairing, contracting. BAT Court. Phoe 8 ARCHIE FLEENER, ELECTRICIAN House wiring -by ho:ir or contract. EatlmaUa furaiahe-L Phone 980, 414 Court St CHIMNEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING FUR N A C E cleaning. F. Councilman. Phone 63!). 1 ' CHIVE SB PHYSICIAN DR. H..U HUM CURES ANY KNOWN dJsrasa. 153 Hi-h St.; phone 2R3 CLEANERS AND DTER8 SPICK N' SPAN CLEANERS AND dvers. '644 fitsts SRVO STORES BREWER DRUG CO. 405 COURT Phone 184 WM. NEIMETER 'JUST -DRUGS.' 175 N. ComaierciaL phono 1 67. rtMAMCIAIr WANT A " $8500 ' LOAN ON Socolofsky, 341 Stste. ' $9000 -ranch. 20-YEAR FARM LOANS ON RURAL credit plan, pre payment provisions si lowed. We will finance yon fur a less rat of interest than any firm on the coast. Private money to loan oa either cit or coun'ry 11 Oregon Building. MARION POLK COTjNTY FARM IX1AN amtriatton has moneiy to loan at 64 .W. D 8mith. seertary-trvasurer. 303 Salens - Bank of Commerce. FIRM LOANS - 83 YEARS PER CENT NO COMMISSION A. C, Bohrnstedt 407 Masonie Temple. Salem, Ore. ruRNACia SEAGROVE FOR FURNACES 198 S 12th street. FURNITURE STORES GIESB FURNITURB CO. QUALITY furniture for less money. 378 Court Phons 44 . PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW snd second hand-furniture. 271 N Commercial. . -, rXORIBTS CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECES Delivery J. F. Breithaupt. florist 138 North Liberty street. , Phono 3tn Ladies' Wearing Aoparel DRESSMAKING SPENCER CORSETS TO ORDER Irises making. Carrie Fisher. McOor aaek Bldg. .... HEMSTITCH 1NQ SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING pleating, bottoaa. sUmpiag and needle work. 839 Orcoa BlCg. Phoao S79 VRS. 0. B. MILLER HEMSTITCHING stamping, buttons. Room 10. over Mil ler's stoe. Phoas.117. - HOTELS CAPITAL , HOTEL " CORNER. STAT I aad ComatsrcioL. Phono -830 ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN. COSY S0 up: 482tate-. ' ' LADIES TAILORINO w.' . Mayer, high class laimkh tailoring; long coals, suits and areeees Room 7. MeCorwocK BMg. i"ose ow LAUNDRIES . SALEM LAUNDRY- COMPANY. 8t Liberty atrwtv Phons -23. fHd st largest beat, 'Established loBB. CAPITAL CTTY flTEAM 'LAUNDRY Oualiry work, prompt service. 1284 Broadway. -Phone 165 YALE. HAND. LAUNDRY. 186-194 .12lh .St- bow operating, under nee- vnanaxement. We. make a soacialty band work ' oa 'wool and silk fabric Also fsmilyaashingroujjh drv or wet f BDBI e. -TBAVSTEJtr HAULUTO w Move, store and ship house . bold goods.". Our speemlty Is piano Load furniture moving. We also make eon o try trips. ' .We handle the beat coal and wood. Call on us' for price -We give good measure, good eaelity and good service. Lermer, Trsaafer Co.1 Pbone 930. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 - State St. . Phono 833. Diotribetiag, forwarding end storage our specialty. : fist oar rse- I BUSINESS CARDS TRAJfSPOBTATIOB PARKER'S STAGE USES J. W. Parker. General Manager Central 8age Terminal Saiam. Oregon SALEM-SILVtRTOX DIVISION Loaves Salem, Central Stage Terminal. 7 a. m, 11a- n., 5 p. m Lea Tea SilrenoD, Kears Stand: S a. m., 1 p. ra- p. m. Salem-Inderendence-Monmonth lv!ion : Leaves Sal m Central Stage Teensinal : 7 e m., 9 a. m. , 11 a. m, 3 p. m. p. m. 1 Loaves Monatouth, Moemonth Hotel:' :15 a. a, I p. m, 6:1S p. m. Leaves Independence, Beaver Hotel. S:30 a. m, 10 a m, 1:15 p. m. 4 p. m. .:30. i We make connections at Slwa to all parte of the volley. Extra trips 1) appointment. J. W. PARKER. General Manager. SECOND HAND GOODS T. SALEM BAROAHf HOUSE BUYS AND aoUa second-hand f urn Hare. Tools and junk. 320 N. Commercial. Phone 3 WANTED EVEBTTHIXO-IN CLOTH tng and aaoea. Boat prices paid. Cap ital Exchange. 343 K. Commercial. Phone 1368 W SCAVENGERS SALEM . SCAVENGERS OAttBAGK. refuse of all kinds removed. Cesspools cleaned. Phone 167 or 1595 W SOOS SCAVENGER 8ERVICE (SUO eessor to Keal Scavenger) Garbage aad refuse of all kinds removed by the month. Reasonable rates. Phones: Office 529. residence 2058. STOVES AND STOVE BEPAIEINO 8TOVF8 REBUILT AND REPAIREIt- 40 years' experience. Depot Nations' fence, cue 26 to 2 iacbea hie" Paint, oil and varnishes, etc. logon berry and hop hooks. Salem f.-aee and Sieve Works. 230 Court street. Pbaas 124. MEDICAV MOUNTAIN BALM COUGU REMEDY- Phone 517 W. MEN'S STORE ED. OHA8TAIN CLOTHING CO. BCIT8 end overcoats. Lsa my stairs: 'It pays. 305 Bute St. MACHINE SHOP THE CROS8 AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC Su-am boilers, vnlcantsers and tune plates. Perry C. Campbell. 317 N. Liberty. H. AND M. CO. SPECIALTY GB1ND- ers and welders. Automotive service. 490 Ferry. Pbone 84. MUSICAL SALEM CONSERVATORY OP MUSIO All branches tsurht, diplomas granted. John R. Sites, director. 1237 Court Phon 626 RAG AND JAZZ PIANO PLAYING 12 lessons -guarsnteed. Wstermsn System. F. B. Clark, mgr., McCoruack BMg. . ' , ' " KACHINISCa WECHTER 8 SMITH - MACHINISTS. Hesld cylinder engineers, welders, grinding service, ry. Phone 662 345 Fer MUSIO 8T0REI GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet music, aad piano studies. Repsirlng phono graphs and sewing machines. 432 Stats. Salem. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Leave ordera Will s Uuam Store - JACK CLEMENT SALEM'S OT D piano tnnar, is bsck. Call, write of phone 1774. tbo Song Shop, opposite the Court House. ROOD LB PARLORS WA HONG NOODLE HOUSE, 433 Ferry. BIN SIN NOODLE HOUSE CHOP skey, 40c; puffed rice, 20e: noodles, 20s: fried noodles. 60c 189 8. Lib erty. NURSERIES COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City finr sery Co., 426 Oregon Bldg. Phone 75 FOR SALE OREGON CHAMPION gooseberry plants. P. W. Woelks. U 9. Box 131. Salem. FRUITLASD NURSERY HAS A SALES vard at Cherrv City Feed Barn, 544 Ferry Street. Trees ready for P' ing.. See' mo before buying. Phon 1140 M, FAFERHANOIKG AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc Reliable workman. PRINT IN Q ROWLAND PRINTING CO. JOB printing. Masonic Temple. PLUMBING PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL werk. Phone 1397 J. Sbop. 1 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. PIANOS TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FUR new Victor Or Brunswick. 11. L, btui Furniture Co.. Mnsic Dept. SHERMAN. C AY A CO.. PIANOS etenways. Duo-Art aod others. Moore' Musie Houae. 415 Court street aad Maxonie Temple. RESTAURANTS HUB RESTAURANT MOST REASON able t rices. Johnson Barry. 159 S High. VARIETY STORES SALKM VARIETY STORE CHINA ware, glassware, toys, notions, and mil linery. WATER RA1.F.M WATER. LIGHT A POWER CO Office. 301 South Commercial St. Ten, oer cent discount on domestic fla ratoo paid in advance. No deduction forobscnce or any cause uulena wate ia shut off your premises. WOOD SAWS WOOD SAWING PHONE' 1131. country. Ed. Sproed. CITY LODGE DfR'r-CTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETEBANf Camp 5. Armory. First, third Mondays PROFESSIONAL CHIROPODISTS OR. 8. F. BCOTT. GRADUATE NA tional University Sciences, Chicagn Masonic Temple. Phone 640. CHIROPRACTORS DR. - 8. R SMITH, CHIROPRAOTOR. 823 Oregon Bldg. Panne 864, PB LENA A BOONE CHIROPRACTOR 478 & Commercial. Hoars It U 13. 1 to &. rbooe 3418. DRS. fiCOTT SCOFlELn. P. 8. C.. ClUroproetora, 414-19 U. S. Bank Bldg Phone 87; res. 828R. OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL CO. Oregoo Building. -SUITE SOL GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OP - ties! Co, 333 State street, opposite ' 'Ledd A Bush Bank, "Use Vluality proven Bhnr obs." PROFESSIONAL DBUOLESS FHTS2CIANS MAGNETIC HEALING DR. A. Fraata, A cava and caraoia diaaae Too, - ttrrvasaa Baaek. RATUROPATHIO PHTSICIANS DR. A. 6LAI GHTi;K ACCTK AND rhroaic durutl. 415 Oregwa Qidt Phona 110. OSTEOPATHIC PHTSICIAVS DE3. WHITE AND U. 8. Book Bldg. MARSHALL 30 DR. FOSTER 404 0UEOOX BLDU. Phones 756. 2024-J. DR. W. L. MERCEB Ot3TEOPATHIC physician and surgeon. Kiritsville graduate. 404-405 L. 8. National Bank Bldg. Phone, office 919; re. ffl4. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physieian and Surgeon, 403-40 Ore gon r5uig- rtuM, ofdoa 1994: res. 5A-F5. BROKEN, ARCHES AND OTHER DB forfnitiea of the feet corrected without rose ei time irom your occupation, Irs. Whit A Maraaall. U. d. Baak REAL ESTATE HOME BCILT TO SUIT. SMALL PAY men. .down, balance mLnlbly. Pbone 1875-R. . FOR SALE MODERN NEW FIVE room bungalow on North Summer St. Lot 50x150. Price $3650. Terms. W. G, Krueger Oregon Uld. Trading Specialty Portland income and residence property a exchaace. for farma. orchards and ianda ia the Valley. Come and see ua. we may do you a service. The Fleming Realty Co. 841 Stat 8t. ANDERSON A RUPERT Saceeeaora to Laflar A Loflar INSURANCE REAL E8TATB BONDS LOANS 406-7 Orsgoa Bids. Exchanges HAVE A CASH CUSTOMER FOB atrictly modern 6 room home 0 acres, with modern improvements; photos can be seen at my office. Want a Salem residence, about $4000; price Balm. 22 aores. 2 miles out, fair improvements, electricity m the limine, on rood road only ?H700, $1400 caah. balance to be assumed 60 acres, finest bottom, on pavement fair improvements, running wat-r: will take Salem residence to $4000; price xaau per acre. Socolofsky 311 State. . Good Buys Business opportunity on State St with 20-foot front. lose in business property, 82x165, with two dwellings. Price $12,000. o room pasr-a co'tage, lienis, wrsfer and toilot. Price $1700; .(H down balance $20 pei monUi, interest 6 6-room modern home, Iwst location Salem, near Slate llous-. Urge lot Price $16,000; $5000 cub, balance time. ftew live-room bungalow, with cement basement near State St. car. Price $1000. $2500 down. 9 -room modern home south Salem, on paved street, near car line. Price $5250; $1000 down, bslance $25 per montn. Ral Eatate A Fire Inanrsnce. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 Ststs St.. . S. Baak. Bldg. Wood's Bargains New bungalow $1800. easy terms. Goo" house, five blocks out. lot 82x165, or psvej street. $.00O, easy terms. Wan1 a house as payment on a 40-acre far on paved highway. Want a Buick o Dolge car as psyment on a close is home. Wsnt a homo as payment or choice five-acre tract. Small house fo rent, $S.OO. F. -L. Wood. 341 Stste St STRICTLY MODERN HOUSE BE tween Court aod Stste streets in East Salem. This has everything you want and ia a bargain at $50O0. Good terms Can be arranged. Winnie Pettyjohn . 831 H State St. Special acres, moat alt in' fruit: good modern house, good barn and chicken hu"S, 4 mile from car line. Priced very low for $5000; will take house in Salem not over $2000. Itto acres nesr Hood River. Will trade fur Canada Innil Thomason 331 Vi State Street. HAVE MANY BEAUTIFUL HOMES for sale for you to choose from. Gertrude J. M. Page 492 N. Cottage St. Worth While A nice fi room house in good condition, well located. Price only $1700, $300 cash, balance easy payments. See us for bsrgains in houses. Let us write your insurant:-. Mills & Copley 331 , State St. We Trade 'What you don't wsnt for what you do want." Do you want 4 lots in Port land, well located, plenty of fruit. Price $1600, mortgage 8500, for Salem lots. 4 room bungalow Hubbard, worth $1000, clear of debt, for Salem lot or lots. General store, small town. doing fine business, including store building and 7 room mod-rn home. $15,000. for small ranch near some good town in the Valley. Large tint of fine alfalfa and fruit ranches irrigated, at Kennewick, Hermiton and Bois", Idaho, for Salem and alley farms Many Eastern Oregon and Washington stock and grain farms for Valley farms Middle West ' farms. N'braska. Ksn. Coin.. Wis, Minn., Dak, Mont., aad Wyoming, for various kmda of farms in the Vet.t- We have hundred of listing to exchange. See us for any kind of trades. A. W. Estes Realty Co. 416 Oregon Building. FRUIT NEW YORK. Dec. 26. Evap orated apples dull; prime state 10 1-4 10 3-4c; prunes quiet, Californias 916 1-2, Oregon 7I2c; apricots firm, choice 24 2Se. extra choice 26 27c, fan cy 39,30c; peaches steady, choice 12 12 14 1-4, ex4ra choice 14 12 15 l-4c . fancy 16 1-2 18c. MINNEAPOLIS WHEAT PORTLAND, Dec. 26. Butter; Prints extras, 51c: cubes extras, 48c; prime firsts. 47c. Butterfat, Portland delivery No. 1, 53c. Potatoes Buying price, 50c; telling price, 60 at 90c. UTMIKEI its im Yesterday's Quotations Are Firm at Same r.gure As" Saturday CHICAGO. Dec. 26. Prospects of imported export business tend ed today to give an upward tilt to values in the wheat market. Closing quotations were firm at the same as Saturday's finish to cent higher, with May 1.25 Vi to 11.25 and July SI. 14V to $1.14 H Corn finished unchang ed to half a cent advance; oats at H to Uc decline to He gain. and proTlsions fhowing a rise varying from 7 cents to 20 cents. Highest prices of the day In the wheatmarket came after word was received that according to Secretary Hoover an outflow of gold from the United States was helping to restore the buying pow er of countries to, which the gold traveled. Earlier there was1 intimations also that a good export business might be looked for tomorrow when European markets resumed activity after the Christmas stand still. Estimates that 500,000 bushels had been bought today for trans-Atlantic shipment were likewise a bullish influence. Announcement tnat the United States visible supply of wheat showed an increase of only 528,- 000 burhels for the week, where as a mucn larger gam naa Deen looked for, counted somewhat as a handicap to bears. Throughout the day it was noticeable that there was an absence of any de cided pressure to sell, notwith standing that primary receipts over the Christmas holiday were about the largest ever known, es pecially in the southwert. Although big arrivals of corn here had a depressing effect at first on prices for corn and oats, a rally took place later as a re sult of wheat strength. Provisions were strengthened by an early upturn in the hog market and by liberal export clearances of lard. IE IS SU1N ON STREET Speculative Confidence in Business Conditions for New Year Appears NEW YORK. Dec. 26. Stock prices generally exhibited a firm tone at the beginning of the closing week of the year. Except for an advance in crude oil prices In the Wyoming field, there were no particular outside news de velopments to account for the rise, the buying reflecting specu lative confidence in business con ditions during the fTrst part of next year and aggresfdve pool op erations in special shares. Buying of Studebaker and oth er motor shares apparently was in anticipation of increased sales following the winter shows which begin in this vicinity next month. Baldwin was bought heavily on speculative expectation that the yearly report will show the com mon dividend fully earned and a sizeable sum carried to surplus. American sugar stocks were strong despite announcements of a cut in the refined product by some of the larger companies. Rail shares' moved in a con flicting manner. November earn ings statements published thus far with the exception of Lacka wanna compared favorably with those of November of last year. Call money opened at 4s per cent but - advanced to 5 during the noon hour and thence to 5, where it closed. There were no changes in time money and com mercial paper rates, business in each being dull. With the London markets closed because of the boxing holi day, business in foreign exchang es was quiet with no apparent change in rates. Fifty Women Will try to Keep Los Angeles Dry LOS ANGELES, Dec. - . Fifty women will bo appointed spocial prohibition agents to keep Los Angeles dry on New Year's eve, it was announced today by Harold H. Uolley. "dry" enforce ment director here. "There was too much Christ mas spirit," said Dolley. "W did not receive cooperation prom ised by cafe owners. So we will see what women agents can du New Year's eve. They will b6 sent to tho leading tafes and hotels. They will be In evening gowns, instructed to enter into festivities, obtain the ' names ot violators of dry laws, and even make arrests at tables, if condi tions warrant that." DAIRY IWATOES MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 26. Cash. No. 1 northern wheat. $1.2 at $1.30; December, $1.22; May, $1.22; July $1.18. ,6,1 A dole GarriaoB'o New rbe of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER 194 THE WISH THAT TUGGED MADGE'S HEART AT Dicky looked at his watch as I moved abruptly away from the bridgi railin?. "Why tha mad rush, old dear? he queried. "We've still got a good margin beforo Whist.lng Sam'i schedule." "I thought I saw a snake down there," I replied, with a nienda clous little shudder. "Besides. 11 waut to see that little camp over beyond. It fascinates mc, - 10 "I'd like t look at it. too, new senators. They will be chos Uicky assented, falling into step eB from among scientists, men ot bsido me. Ills manner was as Indifferent I as if he had never heard of tho man named Tim. I cast a fur ttve glance at him. Was he real ly unconscious of the man's iden ttty. had Hugh Grantland kept io himself ail details of Grace Drap er's arrival and banishment, or was my husband only pretending ignorance? Since hi memorable talk with me concerning ray ex posure of Rita Brown I never hare been quite certain how much he does or does not know of iuy af fairs But. of course. Question or comment was impossible for me so I simply walked demurely at his side until we reached the rus tic camp, also of Whistling Sam's fashioning. It was a strangely attractive littla building, its site a gentle eminence from which one caught delightful glimpses of the river, the bridge and the winding auto road. "It's Just one big room with a washroom adjoining, and this ver anda," Dicky observed, as I climbed the steps of the broad veranda, and exclaimed in. de lightful admiration at the com fortable looking rustic benches scattered about the veranda. Rutwhcn-I caught sight of the Immense fireplace Inside, a won derful fire of logs blazing In its deep throat, I lost all interest tn the veranda, and rushed toward it with the childl.-ih glee I always , feel on seeing a big fireplace. Oh. Dicky," 1 exclaimed "Isn't this wonderful ?" What always makes you so daffy about a fireplace?" Dicky Inquired curiously. "You always set as if you wero 7 years old. and expected Santa Claus to come right down the chimney. Not that the old boy couldn't get down this one easily, at that." he Bald, surveying the big opening Critically, wingering Tim "If you'd been brought up over a hole in the floor with hot air coming up from a furnace when the furnace chose to work, you'd be daffy about one, too," I retort ed, hotly. "I always longed tor a fireplace when I was a child but I never had a chauce to live beside one until I was grown tip." "Well, she shall always have a fireplace as long As her husband ran bold a pencil and draw little pieces for the papers, so she shall." Dicky teased, slipping his arm around my shoulders, but hastily taking it away again, as a chorus of ohs and aha sounded from the steps. . A second later a itroup of tourists from the other canoes filed into tho room. Dicky and I, with a lingering glance at the antlered deer heads decor ating the walls, the big fustic table strewn with magazines and smokers' conveniences, and the comfortable-looking cots standing against thn walls, walked down the steps and toward the dining ha.L Dicky's nonsensical moods al ways raise my spirits uo matter what depressing Influence!) rh.iy be near mc. And even the siKht of the man named Tim. lounging on the boat landing, with his face turned toward the entranr ,of the dining hall, failed to oppress me, as had my previous glimpses of him. After all. there was noth ing to be feared from ihs man himself. It was simply because ho was an emissary of Grace Dra per that 1 dreided seeing him or speaking to him. And, I told nu'sclf, I really had no warrant for believ.'ng that he had any mes sago for me or any desire to see me. But 1 knew that my tor menting cnrlosity, founded on my dread of Grace Draper, would make me seek an opportunity to Tint a sinrle question to him. Madge Makes Opportunity. 'Better hurry a bit. old dear," Dicky admonished. "We've less than the five minutes allotted us by Whistling Sam to get ready for dinner. And our friends at the camp are hurrying behind us. I understand it's a point ot honor at these dinners not to delay the servico by a second. Whistling Sam's a temperamental cook." I hurried accordingly. Wash ing my hands and arranging my hair and hat in a rustic wash room where two or three other women were hastily primping. I joined Dicky and sat down with him at precisely the moment and ia the place Whistling Sam indi cated. , "111 tell tho world he's got a right to be temperamental," Dicky said, as we finished one of the most delicious meals I have ever tasted ia ray ; lu- - A" ' now. ta for an interview witii him. How about it? Want to t go along and listen t my spiel. I grasped at the opportunity for finding the man named Tiai. "I dont think I do." I said. "I'd much ralher 6 and ait tm that lovely lifti veranda up there. Put you . can't see him now. H)'il be too busy. Suppose yoa come oul with nt3 for a stroll mxxi a siaolte. and then go to see) him? " : " v.:. i : "Sometimes ou really have an idea." said Dicky, a we lert ine , dining room. (To bo Continued.) 24 New Senators to Be Appointed by Mussolini ROME, Dec. 2. (By the As- aociated Pre.) Premier Musso- llnl has decided to appoint H letters, artists and politicians. They will include representatives from the new provinces who hav contributed to the work ot nav tional ' reconstruction. . Signor Murs-olinl has not yet fixed a date for the reassembling ot parliament. TWO AUCTIONS STIFF'S Auction House Saturday 1:30 p. tn. Complete Outfits . Of home f urnishinjrs will be sold at auction. Every thing wiM go to the high est bidder. Beds to furnish several comfortable homes. Mattresses and Springs. Dining Tables v i Piano Lamps v Ranges - I.ibrarv Tables 5 " Ftrtnd Tables A Jarre assortment " of., , rockers, .desks., tools, ' kitchen utensils, chairs ruPTt, hictnrev dishes, -; and everything to com pletely furnish a home. 10:30 a. m. and 1:30 p m. Saturday Cor. Court and Liberty Streets F. N. Woodry The Auctioneer SALEM MARKETS , 4 - , SALEM MARKETS 1 . '- Prieee quoted are wboteaale and as ' prices r-ceived by farmers. No rets) price are given eveept as aetad. lso. I wseel 91.IO No 8 wheat 8l.e. . ': - No. 8 Rod wb,ot. sacked, f 1.07. Cheet hay, 330 Oat bay $209 22. Clover hay, baled, 2123. ' BOOB. BUTTER AND BUTTXEFAT Eggs, retsil. 40ft 42c Creamery butter AiMSSe, , Buterfat. delivered. 62c- Milk, 8248 rwt. ' POULTRY ' ' N Old rooetar 8a. . . " ' "" Brwilerc IS. ' ',! Hens, light 18. , Hens, heavy, lac. - -. FORK, MUTTON AND BEEP ' Hogs, top, frlc . . -4 -Live Hogs. e. ... Dressed hogs. 12641214. Top veal, dressed. 1212,4. Top steers, lift 13. V '.- Cuwt, 8&re. - . "i FRUITS ... . ... . Bansaaa tie. . , Iemons t lOtn lO.fiO. ' Navel oranges. l,1.iO3 1,7$. , 1 California grapefruit. 34.75(2 5.00. H Flor.ds grapefruit. 74aa. ' Empire grape Ifte It, - t Cranberries (2 boa. ' .'? Dates. 81.7 V ; ; Jap orange 82 bnndle. nuts 'r'-yi;sZ' Walnuts ne lb. 1 Piihorte Oa 18. Almonds 2Se. BrssU Ito Ih. - - t, TEOFTABZXS J Cauliflower 2.75. . l.ettue. lmH-ri.l eVIIey. $i.2i. ' Head lllu.-e, 94.23. I Portland Buying Prleea , ; -4 BOOS. POULTRY AMD MEATS. BI'TTKRFAT FIRM ( 5 No 1 churning cresm. S2Wf,3e f. o. b. Portland; undergradee. fifHlc. , rxmi steady Current receipts 35XSc; while hen nerie. J 0 6, 41c dHveTed. i LIVE POULTRY NOMINAL j (Lea coumissioo) Heavy bena. 22 ' lb-: do licht, lie; springs, 11 Oil; old. , rooate-a. lOe; ducks, whit Pekin. yoong.V la&fjnr.; Sr ssel ducks. 232 c; tor keys. No. 1 dressed. ,t5tf3oc,; No. 2. 83 t35c; d live. geese, l&ulecit; da dresaed. 24v34c. DRiJiSED MEATS NOMINAL ;, tls commission) Choice light hogs, 12 ; 12Vi : ondergrad-, . 10 fa. 12c; to? gr.dcs veal, 12 4a ijj 3e undergrsdes. IU lie. HAY STEADY SCARCE T fDdlver'd Portland) Valley tim-'Ky ' 321 ton; Kaatern Oregon timothy. 824;. alfalfa. 821 ton: clover, f2l ton; atraw. ' 3 ton; grain hay. 823 ton. - GRAIN QUI ET f BM price (track Portland in car lots! Wheat option 31. IS 1.34: Baart or 1lueteia SI. 18 1.49; a. 8?3Vf ,? Eastern yellow corn, f 32.75 1 34 IW; bar 37.30; KsNtera yellow corn .12.75W 34; " barley $Ut; millrnn S.Ifti3ta0. i FRUIT , , J- P FRUIT STEADY Apples. iVici3 ,1.50 (according to esr-" icty and pack!: pre S7Sc bos. VEGETABLES - VEGETABLES STEADY '1 , Orrgoor potatoea. &UQ60e rwt; Oregon" cabbage, nominal-r parsnrps. 91. on aa-k eomrta. tt aach; onion. 81,78(3 cwt.: cauliftowrr, tt-504f 1.7S dosen. .. i. ..... . WOOL ' 7 v, U ' ' WOOle BfW . -. -Half blood, snd fine, 3irt40e; three elghtho Wood. 8-3.'; blend. SO G 32c; lew quarter end braid, 2it37s: , matted a r rotted wool. '2323e. J NOTE -Eastern Oregon, WaaeblngtHI aod Idaho ranch clioa bring 3 to 8 oentS ' tesa than valley1 wnel.t HOPS WUIET i tiopft 1221 crop, nominal; new ercs. ffltfBs lb. ,-