The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 26, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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Mix. in "Do and Dare,"
two reel comedy and other sub
jects. . .?....
Bert Lytell and Betty Comp
lon In "To Have, and to Hold,"
i, Wg special bill for holiday
week.- :'j
Harold Lloyd in "Dr. Jack,"
hla beat comedy.,, Now playing
fifth week, in Portland, Ore.
f Under Two Flags," the film
version of Oulda's immortal tale
or. undying lore, which held the
stage ot the world for many years
in' a dramatized version of the
nqvl, -presents one of the great
stories of all times through , the
tmpefior medium of the screen.
It comes to Salem soon.
1 Priscllla Dean, the star, is dir
ected by Tod Browning, the same
combination responsible for "The
'Virgin of tamboul."
- Supporting Miss Dean are such
stellar artists as James Kirkwood,
, John Davidson, Ethel Grey Terry,
. Stuart Holmes, Fred Cavens, W.
;H. Bainbrldge, -Burton Law and
i Bobby Mack.
Even "Foolish Wives" had
) scarcely better sets and scenic effects.-
The gamut of Algerian
; architecture is run, from narrow
' alleys to barracks ' and boudoirs
of Oriental Splendor.
. The eminent physician, Dr. von
Saulsbourg, was having the time
of his life at the mansion of the
father of the Sick-Little-Well-Girl
His yearly fee sounded like the
German war debt, and the, doctor
was making sure that it would
not stop. jTDark rooms, medicines,
sanitariums and absolute quiet
,were incruded in his prescriptions
that is, until the arrival of Dr.
Jack. Y
When that young man with the
winning smile was brought to the
j household by, the family lawyer,
things ' began to happen so fast
. that the ' eminent physician
- thought he was caught in the com
bination of a tornado .and a three
ringed circus.' Drv Jack "had sun
shine methods. He also built alr
castles around himself and the
Girl. ; Instead of ' a thermometer
he placed a' stick of peppermint
candy, in the Girl's mouth. ' He
fell In love with his patient and
whooped it - up , for, all he was
worth in fact, things became so
lively that the older doctor left
the house with the seat of. his
pants mlsBlng. And the Girl be
came Dr. Jack's patient for the
vest ot her : life.' At' the Grand
Theatre.. hy-' r:r;V
Not to be surpassed by the mul
titudes of champions and antag
onists of the modern flapper, Tom
Mix, now at the Liberty theatre
in "Do and Dare," comes to light
with" this expression.
"I think the flapper is a great
institution. She is the bread and
butter of more than half of the
American writers. Without the
flapper to assail or uphold, many
writers would be back to the lathe
and the shaving strop. And look
at the jokesmiths. They've used
the mother-in-law and prohibition
gags till they are frayed at the
edges. What wojild they do if
the flapper didn't exist? So you
see the subject at hand is not an
evil but a necessity."
defeat which thjr claimed the
Bahama rum fleet had met at
the hands of the dry navy, point
ed as proof of the fact that the
west side court, which usually
boarts many drunks on Christmas
day, had no offenders before it.
Police assigned to watch restau
rants and cabarets reported they
had seen no liquor law violations
along the great white way.
(Continued from page 1)
"' ' " mm r ir
Prohibition officials who assert
ed that Broadway had experienc
ed the dryest Christmas eve in
its history, largely because of the
Coming Soon
Jy I 1
I 1
PQfSO-ltf DEANl ,
Cut out this slip, enclose with
5c and mail it to Foley & Co.,
2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, III.,
writing your name and address
clearly. Ton will receive in re
turn a trial package containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
for coughs, colds and croup; Foley
Kidney Pills for pains in sides and
back; rheumatism, backache, kid
ney and bladder ailments; and
Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole
some and thoroughly cleansing
cathartic for constipation, bilious
ness, headaches, and sluggish
bowels. Sold everywhere.- Adv. 1
CHRISTMAS afternoon at four
O'clock in the chapel of Wal
ler hall, Miss Lida Fake became
the bride of .E. T. Brown. Both
are members of the faculty of
Willamette university, and Dr.
Carl Gregg Doaey, president of
Willamette, officiated at the mar
riage service.
The bride was gowned in a
charming frock of white satin and
canton crepe trimmed with lace of
exquisite daintiness. Her long
veil was caught with real orange
blossoms. She carried a shower
The bride was attended by a
group of younger college women.
Miss Nell Fake, Miss Genevieve
Phillips. Miss Grace Brainard and
Miss Louise Schrleber. Tfny
Marie Patton carried the ring- She
wore a pretty pink frock.
Miss Kathleen LaRout sang "At
Dawning." before the service, and
Prof. T. S. Roberts played Men
delssohn's wedding march. Fol
lowing the service an informal re
ception wss held, and later the
happy pair left for California.
They will return early in the new
year and take up their residence
at 475 North Capitol street.
Mrs. Brown is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Fake and is a
graduate of Milwaukee-Downer
college. Mr. Brown is a graduate
of the University of Washington
and a member of Willamette uni
versity faculty.
-A group of women from the
Woman's club chorus went to the
Old People's home Friday night to
sing carols for the residents there.
Those going out included: Mrs.
Harry M. Styles. Mrs. J. E. Hut
cheson. Miss Angela McCullough.
Mrs. W. E. Anderson, Miss Eva
Ferree, Mrs. V. E. Kuhn and Miss
Joy Turner, accompanist.
Saturday evening another group
visited the Marion hotel, the Elks
club rooms, the Spa and the Gray
Belle and 12 private homes where
shut-ins and invalids live. Those
going out at this time were Mrs.
C. E. Gilbertson, Mrs. E. V. Mc
Meachan. Mrs. T. H. Galloway.
Mrs. A. J. Rahn, Mrs. Merle Rose
crans and Mrs. W. E. Anderson.
Sunday evening a quartet visit
ed the hospitals. Miss Dorothy
Pearc played the accompani
ments for the group. They were
Miss Marie Schwab, Miss Nellie
Schwab, Dan Landenberg and
Harry Pearson.
Walter A. Barsch of Oakland,
Cal., is a guest for the holidays at
the home of Mrs. John A. Carson.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Carson
spent the holidays with Mrs. Car
son's parents in Roseburg.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Anderson
spent Christmas in Portland as
guests of Mrs. Anderson V mother
and sister.
Mrs. J. Jacobs of West Salem
was hostess Wednesday evening
for a birthday party honoring her
son, James B. Jr., and Harry
Creacy. Those present were Del
la Douglass, Helen Sands. Lucy
Needham, Alice Creacy, Frances
Hunt, Fern Miller, Waneta and
Bernice Wood, Claudin Gerth
and Dessa Jacobs; James Jacobs,
Harry, Claud and Len Creacy,
Harold and Edward Watxling,
Chartes eNedham. Floyd Moore,
Robert Miles, Leslie Smith, James
Byers and Homer Phillips.
Miss Beatrice Wolte was mar
ried yesterday to Howard Kauff
at the parsonage of the Center
Street Methodist church. Both
are of Mill City. Rev. G. S. Roe
derof officiated. They will make
their home in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Carson
spent Christmas with Mrs. Car
son's family in Marquim.
Be Cured to Stay Cured I
I GUARANTEE to per- '
manentry cure your Piles . ,
without cutting, burning,
stitching, anaesthetic, con- " 1
tenement or unpleasant
after-effects. My patients. 3 4
are repetable men and women .
in every walk of life to whom
you may refer about this painless, - t
eoaurgkal cure.
If you we a sufferer from Pile:;
Fistula, Flre or other rectal j i
disease, call or write today far ;
nay FREE booklet. ; o
C t el irtwtwl 1 1 .
tail to carm fwtt PiUa, - !
... i . . ..
! ""- "
l 1 '- raf
: in - --'
Sale Begins Wednesday, December 27, S a. m.
Your Chance to Purchase High-Grade Garmenfc
at a Big Saving
Every Garment in the House Is Greatly Reduced
Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts,
Furs, Kimonas, Bathrobes,
Children's Coats, Children's Wool Dresses
Women's Bine or Brown
Polo Cloth Coat. Regu
lar $25.00 value, on sale
Women's Blue Polo Cloth
Coat.reg. $19.75 value,
on sale
Seal Plush Coat, fur
trimmed, short model
very specially priced. ..
One Rack Full of
Women's Heavy Warm Coats
Special Lot, Ctl d TC
$35.00 Values, on sale ipLV.iD
Every coat is worthy of consideration, in style, fabric, work
manship and in value-giving. They are principally in the new
wanted sports models, made of wool polo materials and some in the
mannish novelty mixtures. You will find they look and wear well.
Women's Fur Trimmed Coats-Every
One Greatly Reduced.
Women's Fur Trimmed
Suits, $75.00 value, on sale
Women's Pamelaine Suit
Regular $95.00 value, on sale,
Are Greatly Reduced.
One special group of squirrels,
fox and fitch chokers, former
values to $19.50, Now on Sale
A Bargain
Women's full length fine
plush coat, regular $35.00
value,o n sale
Women's Dresses
One Special Lot
Lovely dresses, made of tricotine silk, wool jersey and serge,
extremely good styles for everyday wear. They are serviceable as
well as good looking. Former $15.00 values, very special
One Rack Full of Dresses
Stylish Models, Prices Very Much Reduced.
$35.00 Values.
Many women will be here to select one or more of these charnV
ing dresses. Material U3ed in these dresses are tricotine serge, taf
feta, poiret twill, satin, velvet, satin crepe. You will find some ar
tistically designed dresses with the modish softly hanging draper
ies, every style is becoming and desirable.
Children's Wool Coat Sweaters
Suit of Marleen in navy blue,
trimmed with black astrachan ;
coat is on slenderizing lines,
smartly buttoned; new mode
skirt. i r g
This suit is of unusual charm,
hip line suit, trimmed with seal-ette.
All Children's Coats Reduced
Regular $ 4.95 Child's Coats, on Sale $2.98
Regular $ 5,50 Child's Coats, on Sale $3.75
Regular. $ 9.75 Child's Coats, on Sale $7.75
Regular $12.50 Child's Coats, on Sale. -....$9.75
466 State St.
383 Alder St.