The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 26, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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; f Issued Dally Except Monday by "j '
,i ' 21S 8. Cnmmarelal Kf Ralin. Omron
'(Portland Office, 627 Board of
m: The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the nse for oubli
cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited
; in this paper and also the local
R. J. Hendricks
Stephen A. Stone ;
ttaipa mover
Ftakk Jaskoski
f-ilS."V "
t. . .
Business Office, 23
Circulation Department, 5 S3
Job Department, 683
Society Editor, 10
"Entered at the Postotflce in Salem. Oregon, as second class matter
: (I'M
suit , (
'- The Statesman has been
; copy, of the London Time3 of December 5, containing a
Northern Ireland supplement, devoted exhaustive to all
phases of the resources and activities of the six northern
''coimties of Ireland, known as Ulster
And .there, are many interesting things in regard to that
section of that historical insular country--rj
. ;$ut.the thing to which the writer wishes to call especial
, attention is the linen industry centering around the city of
Belfast. The fact is, the big things of Ulster are the flax
manufacturing and ship building industries, and the various
':side issues connected with those industries.
I, . , learned from this supplement that there are 35,000
, farmers in Ulster cultivating flax, but that the individual
acreage is usually very, small mostly les sthan five acres;
"principally much less.
So they produce flax that makes only about 9500 tons
annually of fiber, whereas their factories must have at least
40,000 tons a year to Veep them all going on full time. They
have received normally 25,000 tons from Russia, 4000 from
1 Belgium, and 1500 tons from the Dutch.
. A writer at Belfast in this supplement says: "Supplies
. will, not approach pre-war dimensions until two or three
years" after Russian has settled down." The writer adds:
"This will not be for a very long time."
' There were before the war 2,000,000 flax growing peas
ants in Russia. ,
I The same writer predicts that at least for two or three
years, and perhaps for six or seven years, it will be difficult
to keep 50 per cent of the spendles of Ulster busy
And he says they must depend for any increase in flax
production on Ireland, France, Belgium and Holland. He
puts Canada Egypt and British East Africa, where experi
ments in growing flax, fo? fiber for fine linens have been
tried, out of the running. ,
t.But he overlooks 'Salem, Oregon, and the Willamette
duced as is grown in Belgium, and finer than can be pro
duced in either France or Holland
And where our people could furnish all the deficiencies
in world supplyand keep all the spindles going full time.
a; But the big thing for this district is to spin the twines
and 'make the fine linens here at home, where our markets
aro prdtected. by tariff duties
r?vTa transfer the artivities of the flax and linen 'Industries'
to this valley to Salem.
.Modern inventions in pulling and scutching arid retting
flax will aid the Willamette valley wonderfully in transfer
ring this great industry to this section.
;- Salem can be sending fifty millions of dollars worth of
flax, manufactures to market in a few years -annually ; to
Copyright, 1923, AwocUted Editor.
J ' 1 ' 1
Cj Boy Adventurers
: y-''
The Cruise
' x9.ui!?Pe Garibaldi's fathrer
KopftdV,. that his son, who later
In , life was to help In uniting
tbe states of Italy Inton one na
tion, would study for the pirest
hood. t Oaribaldl liked adventure
and didn't show much Interest
lit? his father's plan. He would
sit tor hours and listen to the
storing tales of Bailors who
lounged? .about the docks : of
Nice, where he lived.
' These storiea fired his blood
and made him long tor a chance
. to' j hay such adventures him
Ffelf. He heard pt the battles
' which h'a" countrymen had with
the Australians, and how often
th Italians were forced to flee
for their liTes before the enemy,
who were more experienced in
fighting. , H hoped that some
day he would be able to help
his country. V ;
Plan to Kail
, Giuseppe liked to talk over
with the other boys the adven
j tures which had been told him
v by , the old sailors, and they
listened eagerly ' to all that .he
Bald. ; That's how he and two
of the "boys happened to plan
to, salt In a small boat, which
one of them owned, for Genoa,
rome distance away. The scheme
wis to. Btart , early the next day.
Init-tbey were on hand, and. with
' food which ; they had 'managed
to,, get from - their ' homes on
the aly, .they started.
Trade Building. Pbone Automatic
- 93
news published herein.
Managing Editor
Manager Job Dept.
furnished by a friend with a
The Blcgea Little Paper la the World
of Garibaldi
The day was bright, the lake
was smooth, and thoy had a fine
time as they . went along. In
the afternoon the sky became
cloudy. It was gradually grow
ing dark. A. stiff wind had
sprung up and the lake was very
choppy. The white-crested waves
rose . higher and higer,. and the
boys, who . were quite a distance
from the . shore, were having
great trouble in reaching it.
Finally a heavy gust of wind
overturned the little boat and
they were thrown into the cold
Parents Reduce Them
In the meantime they had
been missed at home. Some
one had seen them start in the
morning, and. much to their re
lie', the'r parents soon came up
In a larger boat and rescued
them. This .incident convinced
Giuseppe's father of his Bon's
fondness for the sea and for
adventure, and so he gave up
h's plan to have him study for
the church.
. During Garibaldi's youth and
early manhood Italy was not the
united and powerful nation that
it Is today. He had shown great
skill and bravery as a sold'er,
and ho was placed at the . head
of an army of patriots who hoped
to form one kingdom. Garibaldi
was very popular with his' men,
and in some cases they fought
under his banner against forces
our home markets, here in the United States, if she will be
stir herself.
There never was such an opportunity for such an accom
plishment as there i3 right now.
It would be the biggest thing in Oregon, for all time. It
can be started right now, with the right kind of leadership
and organization.
Is there a small boy or girl in
all Salem or any in any part of
the surrounding country 'who
does not now know there is a
Santa Claus?
A week from next Monday, and
Salem will be entertaining the
three houses of the legislature
and Governor Pierce will have all
three houses on his hands.
Many new people are coming to
Salem now. There is room for all
of them, in the city and sur
rounding country, if Salem will
stick to her basic industries, and
develop them.
If there is any btlated Indi
vidual who did not catch the
spirit during the recent miHIon
and a quarter campaign for Wil
lamette university, who would
now be pleased to relieve his con
science, if not redeem his soul,
and add his proper quota to make
the endowment still larger, it is
confidently asserted by the writ
er hereof (albeit without author,
ity), that President Doney will be
glad to hear from him or her
and to go, at any hour of the day
or night, in response to such a
summons. The endowment of
Willamette university will never
grow too large though It
Is predicted it will grow steadily.
And a number of new buildings,
more than now provided for, are
and will be needed.
It Is a crime against the tax
payers of Oregon that the state
penitentiary costs them $200,000 a
year, when it is capable of main
taining itself, and capable of do
ing this better than it has been
maintained in the past, or la1
maintained now. But the great
est crime in the present system
is against the men themselves,
some 150 of them necessarily
kept in idleness, and most of the
balance of them deprived of the
privilege of receiving a small
daily wage for their work. The
December 24 and 25, Similar and Man-
"T Supreme directora of Yromen to be
la Salem.
December 2S, Monday Chrlitmai.
December 27, Wednesday Company P
smoker at armory.
December 81, Sunday El kg 'Mid
night Folliea." Grand theater.
Monday. Jan. 1. Y. M. C. A. "Open
Houae." for rerybody. New Year'a day
afternoon and evening
January 5. Friday Elvin M. Owsley.
national commander of American Legion,
to be in Salam.
January 8, Monday Inauguration of
Governor-elect Walter M. Pierce.
Jannarv 8. Monday Legislature meet
muhc larger in numbers simply
because they loved their leader.
He gained some gTeat victories,
an'd finally, in 1870, Italy be
came united into one kingdom,
and to-day is one of the great
nations of the world.
Little O-San shivered and
drew her fur coat closely about
her as she looked out at the
snow that drifted lazily against
the windows of the limousine.
O-San's father was a very
wealthy importer, and lire to
O-San meant only the big stone
house, her father's office, and
the limousine between the two.
She looked out now a little cur
'ously at the people hurrying
down the streets. Then she
sank back in her cozy seat and
stared at the back of her chau
feur's head, as she always did
when they entered the, narrow
streets between the ugly houses
in the poorest section of the
city, which they had to pass on
the way to the office.
Suddenly the car stopped, and
the chauffeur jumped out. O-San
timidly opened the door and put
her head out. "What is it.
Hiroshigi?" she asked.
He came toward her, carry
ing a funny looking bundle. "A
boy," he said simply. "The
streets are slippery. Pardon.
Honorable Miss, but I must put
him inside. We will go at once
to the hospital."
O-San moved over and Btared
at the boy dumped in beside
her. He was very small and
w'xened, and tears streaked his
dirty face." "It's broke entire
ly," he walled.
"Your arm?" she asked polite-
lpy, in her perfect English.
"Naw. Though I guess that's
broke too. Hut it's me sled.
Santa Claus brung it, see? And
I had to go and git run over
and by a Jap doll, too. Gee!"
He kept on sobbing.
That "Jap doll" stuns. O-San
looked at him hopelessly. "What
is Santa Claus?" sh asked, lie
looked at her pityingly and for
got his pain as he explained
tti. mtnrv II vns art ovnltnH
.. . , .
that O-San warmed np and be-
A2! ft
penitentiary that is a world model
for discipline, for work of refor
mation, is the one at Stillwater,
Minnesota. The people of Min
nesota have paid no taxes to sup
port that institution since 1905,
and it has built up a surplus of
over i4,oo,uuu irom us twine
factory and its cisal comes from
Yucatan, Mexico, and its manila
hemp from the Philippines and
it was badly penalized in war
times by very high prices for raw
materials. The Oregon peniten
tiary, with its flax plant equipped
to spin twine, can support itself,
and give every man and woman
in the institution who works a
daily wage, as the Minnesota
prison does. This system teach
es the habit of work, which U
very important and there can be
no reformation without it. And
I A - 1 At .
u leacnes meinoas or work, use
ful to the men and society on the
outside. It allows of a true re
formatory system, as contemplat
ed by the men who wrote the Ore
gon Constitution. Nothing else
can provide this. The Oregon
penitentiary, is well conducted
now, for its equipment; for its op
portunities; after the style of reg
ulation without Industries, or
adequate and appropriate indus
tries. But it can never- be a
model prison, and it can never
support itself, without these in
dustries; these kinds of indus
tries. Providing spinning ma
chinery and the building of i
large flax warehouse on the out
side, and proper authority and
proper management, will result in
a self supporting Institution, and
in a modern prison.
North Pacific Lumber 1
Plant Will Be Sold
PORTLAND, Dec. 25. The
North Pacific Lumber company's
plant, one of the oldest lumber
manufacturing institutions in the
northwest, which has been " Idle
for several years, is to be taken
over by a syndicate of logging in
terests headed by Henry Turrish
of the Western Timber company,
it was said today. Negotiations
which have been pending for the
past month are expected to . he
completed Tuesday when signV
tures are attached to necessity
The opening of this plant which
saws nearly 300,000 feet eacb
eight hour shift, will give work to
six hundred men.
Edited by Joha H. Millar
gan to talk. too. She
most sorry when they
was al
reached the hospital. "You ain't no doll,"
he said when he left her.
"You're a regular girl. Merry
"Hiroshigi!" She exclaimed,
after, they had left the boy.
"Did you hear what he said?
Listen! There are bells. See
the pretty snow and all the can
dles in the windows. It's Christ
"It's been Christmas all day,"
answered Hiroshigi.
"Yes, but I've just found it
for the first time, Hirishogi.
We're not going to the office
for my father. We're going back
to the housf? to wrap up some
things. And you shall take them
to the boy in the hospital. And
tell him they're from the Hon
orable Miss Santa Claus."
Answer to last puiile: Cart. ajar. raee.
B4 M
Miss Jennie Baker Head of
Instruction Under Fed
eral Aid
A scohol for the training of
waiters and waitresses, the first
of its kind established on the
r-acific coat, has been opened
in Salem under the direction ot
the state department for voca
tional work. The expense of con
ducting the school is defrayed
by the federal government and
the applicants for training, and
no appropriation of any kind is
asked from this state.
The first of the 14 classes in
cluded in the course was held
in the dining room of the Mar
ion hotel here last week. The
classroom has been donated by
Al Pierce, manager of the hotel,
and Miss Jennie Baker is act
ing as instructor. Miss Baker
has been employed as super
visor of the dining room in the
Marion hotel for more than ten
years, and was said by her em
ployer to be one of the most
e'ficient women serving iu this
capacity on the Pacific coast.
She is paid for her work out
ol the federal appropriation.
E. E. Elliott, vocational direct
or for Oregon, in a statement
today said that the theory upon
which the federal government
proposes to promote vocational
education is based upon the idea
tnat the improvement of the
civic and technical intplliepnpe
of the people who are engaged
in the various productive indus
tries of the country is one of
the best educational movements
that it can undertake.
On this theory the government
makes the various states cer
tain appropriations whch are
to be spent through s:ate agen
cies In definite lines of instruc
tion. One of these lines is do
signed to assist the various
trades and industries in train
ing and improving the techni
cal work of those employed.
In many of these trades, it
was said, there is no such thing
as an apprentice system, and no
organized scheme by which a
person desiring to enter the
trade can learn even the foun
dation facts of the particular
ci aft except by the unsatisfact
ory method of "picking it up."
Tnere is no opportunity for
any workman, even though skill
ed and competent, to study his
trade in a systematic manner.
All this justifies the efforts of
the federal government to pro
vide such instruction, Mr. Elliot
"A class for the instruction
and- improvement of those emV
ployed or wishing to enter em
ployment as a rofesslonal
waiter or waitress," eaid Mr.
Elliott,, "is Just as djesirable
an undertaking as a similar
class for any other trade or
profession. There are in 'the city
of Salem today fully as many
people earning their living as
waiters in hotels and other eat
ing houses as there are carpen
'There is an actual shortage
of Buch competent workers. One
of tho most nonular establish
ments in the city recently car
ried an advertisement for two
months calling for ten additional
helpers and had difficulty In
obtaining these.
'Few people realize the ac
tual training and preparation
which is needed to make a suc
cessful worker in this line. A
good waiter Is vastly more than
i slinger of hash, or smasher of
crockery. Upon the character of
service and the treatment given
patrons depends the actual suc
cess of the business of catering
to the upblic as purveyors of
Approximately 13 persons at
tended the opening class. The
.Instruction starts in the kitchen,
where the food is assembled
and follows step by step the
operations of a successful wa'ter
until the patron is served and
the dishes are removed.
Miss Baker said today that
pfficient waiters and waitresses
are difficult to obtain, despite
that thousands of men and wo
men havi entered this profes
sion. She attributed the short
age of help in this line to the
fact that many purveyors of
food, who are trained under un
satisfactory conditions, drop out
of the work when they find that
they cannot hold a position in
a modern hotel or eating re
sort. "The old-time system of call
ing out 'ham and are gone.
Miss Baker said, "and in Its
place there has been installed
a modernized and highly respect
able method of serving patrons.
To develop Into an efficient
vraiter or waitress on must
work hard, and subdue the hard
knocks that go with the oc
cupation. Service is demanded
bv the public. By this I mean
prompt attention. Delays are in
excusable and will not be tol
erated by the proprietor of a
first-class hotel. His patrons
must be satisfied, and dining
room sprvirn is pquany as e-
spntisl as th? matter of provid
ing a room.
"No patron should be rushed
while eating his food. I mean
by this that he or she should
be given ample time between
courses, and that the dishes
should not be removed prema
turely. Neither should the de
lay between courses be too pro
longed. Serve the food prompt
ly, be courteous and by all
means use your head, fs the
advice that has been imparted
by Miss Baker to her students.
"Although sometimes un
avoidable, the dropping of dishes
ic the dining room is a vital
mistake. It often causes con
fusion, and in the minds of
many people leaves the impres
sion that the waiter or wait
ress is not trained and efficient.
A smooth operating dining room,
in charge of trained workers is
as essential to the success ot the
hotel, as is the treatment that
they are accorded at the desk."
Miss Baker declared that the
members of the class had taken
an active interest in the work,
and that with the completion
of the course many of them
will be able to bold responsible
positions. Others, who lack the
ability to grasp quickly the es
sential traits of the calling, may
need actual work in their line
before attaining the success de
sirable. Before coming to Salem Miss
Baker lived at Eugene. She has
been employed in a number of
leading hotels in tile west, and
was recommended' highly to in
vestigators for the federal gov
ernment. In her work she is
receiving the co-operation or Mr.
Elliott and the hotel manage
Hope you enjoyed it
But if you did not get enough
There will be two more Sun
days come together next Sunday
and Monday.
It is to be presumed that the
promises of economy did not in
clude the lady clerks of the legis
lature. Any way, if any promises
of that kind were made they will
be broken.
S m
President Doney or Willamette
university make the wedding cere
mony so beautiful, it is a wonder
more matches are not made up
at Willamette. Wasn't It the
senior class of year before last
"Mjr grandchild could get no
relief whatever from a very bad
croupy cough," writes Peter Lan
dis, Meyersdale, Pa., "until ! gave
him Foley's Honey and Tar. It
is a great help tor chest and
throat trouble." Coughs, colds,
croup, throat, chest and bronchial
irritations quickly relieved with
Foley's Honey and Tar. Contains
no opiates ingredients printed
on the wrapper. Stood the test
of time serving three generations.
Sold everywhere. Adv.
Betty Compson
I" ' utrs s
M V) . V n -1 '
mm a . s -r- . :-jMr- v..y-. m Art mm m
aa -fv . "s- - -v-k . v. ........ iy i' an . , - . iv. m t . mm m
II c j
The Thealre IV-antiful
up there that all was engaged
but one and the class was rep
resented by an odd number? .
One who wears his welcome out
never had any welcome to wear
His friends are always telling
the parlor comedian that he ought
to write a book.
This is bully broccoli weather.
The more rain the more broccoli;
and the more money.
s s s
Santa Claus even got down the
chimney at the big Salem paper
mill. He left two days of extra
pay "for all the employees. He is
growing to be a practical Santa
Claus, in some of his acts. j
: s J
A philosopher's best philosophy
concerns the troubles of others
not his own.
A good deal of the bread cast
upon the waters gets soaked and
goes down.
II Hi? Ill 1111 II
, , . ......
v- (PammotwtlX I
X:l V Gidun id I
Theodore Kosloff
One of the most beautiful love romances ever writ
ten. You'll enjoy every minute of it and then wish for
An ambitious- youth will re
member that the goose which laid,
the golden eggs is dead, and be-l
sides she never-existed. ". 4
w s
Nobody loves a crawfish, but he
always backs out when condition
are favorable. Most persons know:
less. 1
Colds or Influenza
and as a ,
Preventive j
Tk laxmthrm
and Bert Lytell
Harold Windus
Playing "Miserere"
' . - 4
IL II ax