The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 26, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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    1 S?fL
Average for November, 1B22:
m! eisewaot la
KtriM a ad Folk Oeantiee ,
Keariy everybody read .
The Oregon Statesman
Bandar only
Dally and Sunday . 5386
A vera lor tlx months en dine
October SI, 1923:
Sands; only . -6874
Daily and Bandar 5485
Til Of
1923 YIELD
! Six or Seven Arrests For
; : Masked Outrages Expect
j I ed by Police Within Next
; - Few Days.
Inquiry- Probably : Will Not
' Get Under way Before
: Next Thursday
Delegates Will Meet In Salem
Thursday and Fix Prices
. For Next Season
f BASTROP. La., Dec. 25. The
probability that the next" chapter
la the Morehouse kidnaping In
testlgatlons would be written
soon In Mer Rouse loomed strong'
ly here tonight. .
? Attorney General v Coco s - an
I t nouncement , In ; Marksvllle, La
1? where he is spending Christmas
that the state expected to arrest
at least six or seyen more persons
I on Charges of "murder ol "Watt
,V Daniels and Thomas Richards. Is
j expected to be fulfilled in the Mer
Rouge community.
, It 13 belief ed that many of the
f men whom the state snspects as
1 ringleaders of the August white
i robed and masked mob will be
J served with -warrants before Jan
's uary 5; the date set for the open
t hearing: Devel6pments and the
i hearing may bring about arrest of
I others. Federal agents have de
it dared they; hare the ' names of
i : twenty members the mob.
; Suspect Is field ,
"The state 'believes ,T. J. Burn
ett guilty of , the charge upon
which., he was arrested Saturday,"
the attorney general declared to
day In,' speaking of - the lone 'ins
pect held in Bastrop Jail.' "We
further believe we hare the evid
ence upon which to convict those
we arrest, he added" r
Art order was issued tods? de
nying visitors permission to com-
' nii.kiwtlS nMltf svrfc In
the pretence of an ;of fleer of the
rftlllrarv Am Pnrtifttri f Henri
k,, . Iw JVfca,. a ww aw , ova avuMw
All Independent loganberry
growers are urged to take part in
the delegate convention to be held
in Salem beginning Tuesday
morning at 10 o'clock. This con
tention is-the outgrowth of two
earlier meetings of the growers.
to take up the matter of better
prices for logans.
Delegates were named at the pi if CI Aim vHPNP
most of the larger berry districts
in a close, executive session to
thresh out a definite plan for bet
ter prices. Delegates are to come
from all the cooperative canning
and f raft-handling associations -in
the valley, they being interested
precisely as are the unorganized
growers in getting at. least enough
money from their crops to pay
their crop expenses
districts not yet organized or re
presented, delegates may be chos
en to attend and sit in for the
It is so clearly recognized that
it Is going to be a big problem to
mark-nr lha inmiMriillv Kttla
known loganberry at a price from - -
26 to 50 per cent above the prices
Mrs. Helen Leary Offers to
Refute Story If Wiers
Agree to One Thing
Railroads Report Largest
Business for Many Years;
Ticket Sales Heavy
Defeat of Bahama Liquor
Fleet Takes Joy Out of
Life for Thirsty New York
. Flappers.
Governor-Elect Smith Leads
Army of Relief Workers
in Slum District
KKW YnrtK. TWr?. 25. Tra-
From the Ljuion has It that there is only
one Santa Claus, but tradition
was given the lie direct in New
York today when nearly everyone
from Governor-elect Smith
down to' the humblest citizen
donned red coat and whiskers, in
PORTLAND, Ore.. Dec. 25.
Mrs. Helen Leary told newspaper
men today that she might declare
her whole story of the killing of
a 15-year-old girl in Cash Weir's
houseboat here a' lie if "Cash and
Earl would agree to one thing."
She would not say what the "one
thing" might be.
Cash Weir, his son Earl and
Mrs. Leary, their accuser, rested
today in the Jail after prolonged
questioning. Police detectives have
planned to make an effort tomor
row to locate the body of the
girl whom Mrs. Leary said 7as
slain in the houseboat. Accord
ing to her story the body was dis
posed of in the river by Cash and
Earl Weir. Preliminary heart lg
was set for tomorrow on the
charge of murder filed against the
father and the charge or .cies
Bory after the fact agalatt the
A wonderfully good ticket bus
iness is reported from the Oregon
Electric beginning on Thursday.
The sales were good enough to
make it look as if the war was
still on and there were shipyards
at both ends of the line and every
body travelling both ways. The
rush was still continuing Monday,
the sales from the Salem office
being still almost as good as just
before Christmas. The bad
weather made the 'regular" steel
rail lines especially popular.
The best travel in many years
is reported from the Southern
Pacific passenger department.
They have kept the trains crowd
ed, both ways, to such an extent
that most of them have been run
ning double, two sections and all
crowded at that. The car windows
have looked like movie pictures
of the starving Near Easters go-
ins somewhere to be fed, hundreds
and thousands of them, clutter
ing up the whole landscape.
Eastern Eleven Put Across
Victory Before Big Crowd
at San Diego Final
Score Is 21 to 13.
More Than 35,000 Fans See
Westerners Lose Game
Battle Reported
Governor Louis H. Bean Says
He Will Transact Official
Business at Home
EUGENE. Ore- Dec. 25.
Eugene today became the capital
of Oregon and will continue so for
another day by virtue of its being
the residence of Louis E. Bean,
speaker of the Oregon house of
representatives, who is acting
governor in the absence from the
state of Roy Ritner, president of
tire senate who has been acting In
that capacity since Governor Ben
Olcott has been in the east for
several weeks.
Mr. Bean said he would not go
to Salem but transact all business
of the executive position in
Seattle Home Is Scene of
Christmas Tragedy; Slay
er Turns Gun on Self and
Commits Suicide. '"
Ferry Boat Operator Broods
Over Imaginary Wrong
Liquor is Found
It was a city of Santas. The
that have ruled for te past two new governor was the first to set
years. The delegates set their tne iaenion. ueturning irom
meeting for Thursday bo that they midnight mass to his apartment
would have three full days if ne- In the Hotel Baltimore, he mount-
cessary before even a Sunday in- fed a stepladder and began string-
terrupuon. xney expect to spend ing glistening ornaments on a R p. , . Q,,ffnrQH
most or all of the three days in sturdy Christmas tree. Then D0Y na IT' tWV OUIIUUlltU
getting all thedata and laying out plain "father Al Smith he seat- When Fife Interrupts
a definite course of action. ed himself on a low stool beneath
i What they do decide to offer! the tree and began distributing
to the growers of the state will tne iamuy s gins
be made public at a mass conven-1 Santa Is Welcomed
tion of growers to he called later .Meanwhile other Santas were
by the president, H. H. Mumtord harnessing their theoretical rein
of Liberty.
Christmas Program
I who are many, are rallying to his
- The " state forces penetrating
into the mystery and the populace
! of Morehouse relaxed today under
the spirit of Christmas.
The ' troops stationed here and
4 at Mer Rouge rested on their
X arms as the town folk brought J
. them good things to eat and help
ed them to be merry. t- 'V
Governor Parker was at- his
- desk at Baton Rouge summariz
y ing the developments- of the past
week, which began with the troop
movement that succeeded in lo
4 , eating the bodies of two men be
lieved by the state to have been
killed by the mob. " The governor
V dispensed with the' traditional
i dinner with his aged mother and
. relatives at New Orleans to re
t ;main at his post.
' Inquiry to Proceed
. i.t A conference of those conduct
ing the inquiry was announced to
day for Thursday at New Orleans.
t At that time plans for the hearing
will , he outlined and the findings
of the coroner's Jury which held
the Inquest over the bodies of
Daniels and Richards will be dis
cussed. w
; A The bodies, lying In cool water
y at the bottom of the lake four
- iii i in ueiurH umax biiul b.u s.ud
i JVsearface by unidentified midnight
I riiraamltsri vera tlM rn nlft
been well preserved: The hands
Sind limbs were : missing. The
. pathologists are not In a position
,to state whether these parts were
hacked off by the executioners.
The physiicans declared evid
ifcnce showed that the men were
beaten ' and their bones were
broken before they died. I
Q Department of Justice men are
seeking to locate Dr. B. M. Mc
, Koln. former' mayor of - .Mer
Rouge, wanted for- Interrogation.
, The mayor quit Mer Bouse foK
lowing an attempt to assassinate
him. . He went to Monroe and
then to New Orleans and ttpoa de
parting from there' declared he
Has en route for Johns Hopkins
university at Baltimore, tor. a post
25. Two children. WHlison, 10
veitra and Barbara. 8. suffocated in
aeer lur a snowiess journey i hntnn horn tmlav Bhnrt1v af.
around town. There were private ter th6 parerjts Waynard Watts
oanias gaiore, out u was me oan- ftnd M Watts' had finished dec
tas m nospitais ana prisons, orating tnerr Christmas tree
street corner santas ana sanias A fIre Dfolre out ln tne base.
In missions that drew the most ment and Bpread rapidly through
eyes. It seemed as If New York h fl(-t fioor rooms. Watts
the great city of nearly six mil- dashed through the smoke and
lion souls had harkened to the flame the children's hedroom
cry of darker, war-time days and but failing to find them there
was giving until u nun. ra- from tne house, believinz the
Not even prison bars could little ones already dead.
Cinhtere Arrive In Qalam shut out the Christmas cheer. In When the flames were checked,
.w..v.. "in.w hi - ww viii th Tombs, that forblddinr build- firemen found the bodiea of the
ing with its bridge of sighs, Santa children ln the bathroom where
strode the stone-flagged . corrl-1 they had gone to escape the
dors, his pack on his back. A smoke.
real Christmas dinner, with mince
"Jimmy Duffy" of Aberdeen Die "Xln was spread oerore a&u
sounds like one of the last of mea ana ze womeiL
the Celtic kings, and those who! Dinner-Is Enoyjed
have seen him fight say that On Ellis Island, that famous
he is precisely like all his an- gateway of the immigrants, 1500
cestors of the Hibernian line- I future Americans ate their first
he's there with the goods. HelChrirtmas dinner in America un-i
arrived in Salem on the 24th. 1 fler the very shadow of Lady Llb-
tor his-match with Chick Rocco erty.
of Portland, Wednesday night,! Into the hospitals, where the
at-the Company-F. boxing pro-I grownups and the youngsters lay
gram. Duffy started In yester- on their beds in pain, marched the
day morning at 11 o'clock, with fed-clad figure with his toys and
Phil Bayes, oC Salem, who Is to sweets. At hie entry, eyes that I
meet Brick Coyle of Vancouver a moment before had been dull
Ready for Battle Next
Wednesday Night
the same evening, and they had
hot and heavy for a train-
ng bout, Duffy shoVs remark
able class ; no faster, more prom.
and empty, lighted up.
the Santas were the stage folsJ0" S5' ton,fht f? be,ni hel(
frm nrn.Hw,v ,nH.i' to the Richland county grand jury
lslnr boxer has ever appeared I into .i.m in tho homo. nf-n,Jon charges of murder in connec-
In Salem. lhnnMfl .m. h .ma h. Soi. tion with the death yesterday oi
Rnem worked out Monday I ii .i ii j I Ralnh Lonxley. 32, after he drank
- i Thiun ai in j lanaiua, .tkry iiuvicu. i - : . .
eventna. at 5 o'clock' and ap-1 nra.rfin. (,. thn.. v I moonshine wniskey at a
enara aealn tonight at the 8ameLu mas party." Two other men who
w . . . , vviuiu MU , tuu uiuoviucui . ... i J
hour. He looks neavier man i at th h office partooK oi tne liquor were onaa
when he mathced'up with Bayea Tnn wa, nnf 1nnr MAMv led and a score made ill
year ago, or Wltn AiaCKJe I tn rrrT tha rrv nt "XTflrrv Phrtnt
montn past; ne cenamij iuu i maga
fit for a long nara roatcn.
Rocco has established a good fh eetln, untll tne ve
j -u a ssm v wn
recora inoruu, oU -" heavens were full of good cheer,
sppwiranwa iio.o """"" I Christman Etk Drr
(Continued on page 5)
Tuesday occasional rain
, w , ...
'Maximum temperature, 52,
Minimum temperature, n.
River, 1 2.5 feet j above nor
mal level. Rising.
Rainfall, .04 Inch. .V 4
Atmosphere, . cloudy.
Wind, south.
Fayette County Coal Field
Scene of Shooting irf
Christmas Parties
Physician Declares Singer
Has Chance Crisis Said
to Have Been Passed
UNIONTOWN, Pa., Dec. 25.
Four men were killed during the
Christmas celebrations in the Yay-
ette county coal field last night
and today. One of the dead is
Frank Hall, formerly of Kansas
City, Mo., but at the time of his
death a member of the H. C.
Frick Coke company's police force.
Hall was shot to death today
when he attempted to arrest
"Pomp" Allen, a negro who had
engaged in an argument with a
number of companions. Allen
fired one shot and Hall, although
fatally wounded, pulled his re
volver and killed his assailant.
The shooting occurred at Oates,
a mining camp near here.
Ed Lindsay, a negro, was killed
in a revolver duel at Footdale. A
third negro was killed in a pitch
ed battle at Buffington.
Dec. 25. The east proved super
ior to the west in football today
when the West Virginia team of
Morgantown. W. Va.t triumphed
over the Gonzaga university elev
en of Spokane, Wash., in San
Diego's second annual inter-sectional
gridiron contest. The game
was declared one of the most
thrilling seen In Southern Calif
ornia this season.
Both elevens resorted to for
ward passes for their offense and PARIS. Dec. 25. (By the As-
if Gonzaga had not fumbled thelsoclated Press) PronouAced Im-
ball so much in the first half the provement was noted today ln the
score might have been different, condition of Sarah Bernhardt
Three long runs thrilled the While not attempting to minimize
spectators. Captain Mereditn oil me seriousness ot ner case, me
West Virginia, intercepted a pass attending physicians this after
and ran 80 yards in the second I noon expressed the belief that she
period to a touchdown. In the 1 was out of danger for the present
last half, Matt Bross, an 1 8-year-1 at least
old freshman who was substitut- It seemed almost as though that
ed for right halfhack Garrity of miracle which the medical men
Gonzaga, completed two runs of said was necessary to save the
more than 50 yards. Both of life of the 'divine" Sarah had
Bross runs started the Bulldogs happened
on the way to touchdowns. Nar- Maurice Bernhardt, her son,
diccl for West Virgiinia and said - tonight that Improvement
Stockton for Gonzaga played a was so marked that the doctors
slashinK eame for their respect-1 had permitted several intimate
ive teams.
Teams in Fight Shape
The contest was one of the first
seen here where both teams on
almost every other play used a
forward pass. Only enough
friends to visit the patient.
Reports that Mme. Bernhardt
was dying spread throughout the
city, yesterday following her re
lapse in the early morning hoars
when she suffered a fainting spell
similar to that with which she was
straight football was used to keep r trcken Ugt gunday dnrtng
me oilier ream iruiu kuius men
Two Are Held Following
Death of Man After Drink
ing Moonshine
SHELBY, Ohio, Dec. 25. Phil
lip Weiganot, 36, and Lester El-
Elston was arrested today on
his 40-acre farm an a warrant
During the day the radio took wori1 tobr. WeIga..,V!!'he?,fr;
raignca uuiu uieu auuimcu so.ub
the liquor, which the authorities
believed contained wood alcohol,
Commerce Commission
Will Elect This Week
WASHINGTON", Dec. 25. In
terstate commerce commissioners
will hold their annual election
this week to select a new chair
man to serve during 1923. The
choice is expected to fall to Com
missioner B. II. Meyer, who has
previously served one year term
in the chairmanship. According
to the commission's custom,
Chairman C. C. McChord. having
served one year, will retire from
the post but retain regular duties
as a commissioner.
the final rehearsal of the new
Guitry play In which she was to
have appeared the following even
These reports caused her home
t r Ha Koq Inrnrl all Haw tnttaw hu
halfback, sent the ball 30 yards promJnent 80Clalt pomical and
defense "to combat the aerial at
West Virginia started the scor
ing in the first period. With the
ball in-midfield, Nardaccf right
to Simon, left halfback. The
Gonzaga line could not repulse
the mountaineer attack and the
ball was further advanced until
when on the 12-yard line Nardaccl
theatrical personages, all eager to
know of her condition
What she needs is complete
rest for many weeks, her doctors
say, but to the energetic star the
slipped through right tackle, Plac- Wea of inactlTlty la most repul8
ing me uau ueuiuu luu (uai puma, i
KKDerg, auanerDacK, aaaea tne
try for a point with a place kick
The second period was filled
with thrills for the spectators
"Rest? I can't rest If I did
I would die," she is reported to
have told her advisers
Cable messages have been re
SEATTLE, Wash., Dec. 21.
Rejection of his advances . Jsst
spring, believes Helen En gel, ,1
years old and pretty, caused Emtl
Neuriter, 40, a ferryboat operator,
that after fortifying himself with
drink, he entered her home hero
today and turned Christmas Joy
Into tragedy by killing her two
sisters and one of her brothers
and then committing suicide.
Neuriter, when he came into the
house, asked for Helen.
Helen says that Neuriter . at
tempted to shoot her when she
repelled him la the spring. Neur
iter took to the Engel home today
three pistols and two pockettuli
of cartridges.
Ambushed in Yoodhrd
Neuriter, according to the cor
oner, ambushed himself in the
woodshed at the Engel home,
waiting until' D. S. Engel, father
of Helen, came out of the house,
leaving his family, around, the
Christmas tree distributing girts.
Engel says that Neuriter leveled
two pistols, at him and ordered
him into the house. In the house
Neuriter ordered . Engel to Jock
all doors. .
!'Oet , HeleaXoe me," Neuriter
la alleged to bave shouted with '
the pistols still In his hands. "I
am here for business and I'm go
ing to kill Helen; I'll kill - you
all." .- t.. . -
Girl Dies FlghUag
Anna Engel, 17, sister of Helen, v
sprang to the defense of the fam
ily and sought to wrest the pi ,
tols from Neuriter, A bullet tort
through her arm and into hei J
Leaping over Ann's body, ac
cording to the story pieced to- i
gether by Coroner W. li. Corson,
who talked to all the surviving
members of the family, Neuriter
commenced shooting at Helen, at.3
Ernest, her brother, 15 and at Mr.
and Mrs. Engel. Helen and Er
nest jumped out of a window and
the parents fled through the
front door. ; ''
Babe Shot Don a .
As the parents ran they saw
Each team tried forward passes frQm many countric8 ,n. thelr daughter Llllle, aged, i
In Salem
stamped Jim t " boxer of But the note of tragedy-inerl- b" Ped not guilty to the
ability snd lnterest. He is prom-1 . . . . . ,,,,,,.,, ,f charges of murder.
- - . t I iw: " suit w u.v? miu .... . f .
ised a matcn wn ueorsie 1 f . f An investigation inio nongiey
of Portland, one of the North- deatn was begun today bT Coro
west stars of the ring. If he ,:: ;: .,"" wftv h hn. Leber. Samples of the whia
win. here on Wednesday; it Is "' .JJTrW ave been sent to the state
pn toi wurm ,u T"? a tren .n,lnH tha chemist for an analysis
snow, cyclones ana Ruueiauj - t .
temtherweiichts climb into was hung for baby's pres
A tine white oe". wu,.c ";
nignt were saia to De ayiag, wm
Crew of Eight Believed Lost
With Boat Now Missing
For Four Days
on almost every other play. Many
were for gains of 30 yards, but
neither eleven could get the ball
over to the other's line until, when
after Gonzaga had carried the
ball to the Mountaineer 25-yard
line. Captain Meredith of the West
eluding the United States, expres-j standing ln a chair With two dolts
sing the hope for recovery.
Discussing his mother's condi
tion, Maurice Bernhardt told the
Associated Press:
We believe she is out of dan
ger, although at her age it Is un-
Virginians intercepted a Gonzaga gafe tQ make predictlon9 untn 8ne
pass ana ran ov jius muuuui
recover, physicians said tonight.
Than tineHanA ind WifA rtnar
" I H. . 1 '
reled. In the night the wife rireman IS
Walla Walla Fire
(Continued on page 6)
his Christmas Cheer Given
WALLA WALLA, Wash., Dec.
25. Ohe fireman was seriously
injured and damage amounting to
$10,000 sustained in a fire which
early this morning broke out in
the Whitehouse-Drumheller fur-
the ring Wednesday night
Phil Bayes takes on another
ri nrtrv - nnvie. ior a six-
rmnA bout. Bayes lost their arose, passed the stocking Santa
match at Dallas, a week na pacaea, enierea me oamroom
whit la recarded
an tinfalr decision; neither he! the way to the hospital.
nor his friends bel,ieve that the
Vancouver lad can do It again.
nir tnv kind of conamons
ti.trsi haa alwavs given
a V . ... a !! . .
flead best here In Baiem, ana DV Afner Can Men O War niture store, one or me largest
.nv vmild eo out to see him I 1 stores in the city. The fire start-
who wouldn't go to any other CONSTANTINOPLE, Dec. 25. ed In a pile of sacks on which
like event because they believe ijne American cruiser Pittsburgh, some linseed oil had accidentally
in him. I eleven American destroyers) and I been spilled some days ago. Heat
BUI Hunt of Salem and Earl J tw0 other Bhlps, lying In the Bos-j generated and caused spontaneous
ctnttii of Euxene. heavyweights, I nhoni. v Christmas cheer to combustion. The loss Is covered
put on one oV the- four-round I J,eTerai thousand refugee orphans, by Insurance, it was said tonight
up a lot of Teai ooxing mw hundreds of whom were picked up I
nrellminaries. Hunt has picked la tht. Btreta of Constantinople POOR REMEMBERED
he started In, a raw but tre- h ... j can relief workers head-
mendously earnest mauler, a I-j hv Mr. ElB.e white af Grin- MADRID. Dec. 25. The king
year ago, and the crowd laughed neuf iowa. The warships were and queen -observed the Chrlst
at his awkwardness while theer- . decorated. Turkev dinners I mas eve festival In the-same man-
ing his coursge. He is gaining f served and there were gifts ner as the majority of their sub-
skill and eonnaence. ana iuC. - -Tervone from the Christmas Meets, exchanging gins 01 simple
are many who would give """Jtrees. Tens of thousands gath-j character and passing the evening
to see Wm In another match like Ij fc0 Wa.terfront at night- "at home." The king and queen
bis last one witn "ne faU i& watCn the illuminations of imade their customary generous
CLEVELAND, O., Dec. 25.
The mystery surrounding the dis
appearance of the Tug Cornell,
missing for four days, remained
unsolved tonight, and for the first
time It was conceded by vessel
men that the tng, with its crew
of eight, probably had gone down.
Four tugs which spent Christmas
cruising Lake Erie, late today re
ported they failed to find any
trace of the missing vessel.
The Cornell, thoroughly dried
out by more than a season of in
activity had taken fire, and the
crew had sacrificed its chances of
escape by remaining too long to
fight the flames, was the explan
ation most commonly suggested by
Cleveland vesselmen tonight.
Ji. B. Shaver, superintendent of
th government air field here.
todav received orders from the
postmaster general to enlist all
air mail machines in the search
for the Cornell.
The Cornell's disappearance
parallels that of the Pere Mar
quette and Bessmer car ferry No
2 between Conneaut, Ohio and the
Canadian side in December 1909
No trace of the ferry or its crew
oposition to the second touch
down. Ekberg again added the
extra point.
Vsum is Sensational
The third and last Mountaineer
score came in the third period
"when a 16-yard forward pass,
Nardaccl to Simon, placed the ball
over the goal line. Ekberg kick
ed goal for the try for the point.
Both Gonzaga touchdowns came
in the last period. Stockton of
Gonzaga sent a short pass to
Bross, who ran 55 yards through
a broken Mountaineer team for a
A series of passes averaging 10
to 20 yards carried the ball to the
two-yard line. Bross made the
second touchdown, slipping past
center. Stockton kicked goal and
the game ended soon afterward.
The concrete stands, which seat
almost 35,000 persons were about
one-third filled.
W. Va. (21) Pos.
Graham L.E.
Howard L.T.
Settron L.G.
P. Hill C.
Mahan R.G.
Meredith (c) R.T.
Hawkins R.E.
Ekberg Q B.
Simons L.H. '
Nordacci R.H.
Martin F.B.
Score by periods:
West Virginia 7 7 7 0 21
Gonzaga OK) 0 13 13
West Virginia scoring: touch
down: Nardaccl. Meredith, Sim
ons. Points from touchdown:
Ekberg (3).
Gonzaga scoring: Touchdown,
Stockton, Bross. Point from try
has completely recovered. She is
still very weak and needs a long
(Continued on page 5)
that she had climbed to take
from the Christmas tree bagged
to her breast. She was ' found
dead with a bullet hole . In. er,
forehead. ' . .
Hans, a brother. J4w'as
crouching ln a dark corner of his
bedroom when Neuriter entered. -Here
his body and that of Neurit- "
(Continued on page I)
Gonzaga (13)
Busch (c
of 30 men ever wag found,
T"- th nifht after Chritm, when all
through the houe
Every nnul was a bed and a (till as a
mouse ;
Th Bto-kini,-s ( M lately St. Kicholal"
Were emptied of all that waa eatable
there ;
Thi darlinra liad duly been tucked in
their beds.
With Try full tmarh and paina in
their head!).
I -was dot ins away in my new rot too cap.
And Nancy wn rather far cone in a nap.
When oat in the nur ry (here arose sorb
a clatter.
1 prsn from my sleep, crjinir, "What is
tlM matter T
I flew to each bedside, still halt in a
Tore open the curtain and threw off the
While the licht of a candle ser.ed clearly
to show
Th. nit.n. n 1 i t af th. obtecta h.lAw :
tor what to the tatber a fond eye ib.oa.ld I
Bat the pale little face of each sick littl
For each pet that had crammed itself
foil as a tick
I knew in a moment now felt like Old
Their poises were rapid, their breathinja
the tame:
What their atoniachs rejected I'll mention
by name;
Now turkey, now staffing, plum-pudding,
of coarse.
And custards and crullers, and cranberry
Before not raged Nature all went to the
Tea; lullypnps. flapdoodle, dinner and all.
Like pellets which urchins from pop-guns
1 y.
Went fig, cuts and raisins, jams, jelly
and pie.
Till each error of diet wae brougb to
my riew.
To the shame of mamma and Santa Ctaaa,
I turned front the sight, to my bedrooai
stepped back.
And brought out a vial marked "Fare
Ipecac. '
Waea my Baser oxcJaiaed. for taar aui
teiSM tassksi tvcfa . .
"Don't yon think yea Dad better, lev. '
so for the doctor!"
I weat, end was scarcely back tusder tor
roof. . '
When I beard th sharp clatter of 1J -
'Jalap' hoof:
I might say I hardly had turned myself
WTien the doctor eame into the room with'
a bound.
Ho wae covered with mad from hie head
to hta foot.
And the suit he had ea wta hie very best '
ui: .
He hardly had time to put that on his
And he looked like a Falitaff half fnddl.rf .
witn sack.
His eyes. how. they twinkled! Had the '
doctor t merry I .
HU cheeks looked like Port and hit
breath smelt like Sherry: '.
He hadn't been shared for a fortnight or '
so, - "
And his beard nor his skia Wasn't ae";
'whir. L .-,
But inspecting their tongues', la spite of
their teeth.
j And drawing hta watch from his waist- -e
) coat beneath.
He felt each pulse, saying, "Each little
.Mast get rid" here he laughed "of
the rest of that Jelly."
I gazed ea each chubby, plump, sick little
And groaned, whejj he said so, in spite
of myself; - . ...
But a wink of hia eye. when he bhraickad
our rred. ' - -
Sog m te know I fcad nothing to
He didn't prescribe, but ho Went straight'
to hia work.
And dosed alt the rest, gare his tronsera
And adding directions, while blowing hta
He buttoned hit coat, front hie chair ho
Then IU Jumped fai hia gig, gse !
"Jalap" a whistle. . . .
And "Jalap" dashed off ea though
pricked by a thistle; k-
But the doctor exclaimed, as h drore oat
of eight,
"They'll ail well tomorrow. 1 Oopd-
sjbt iHSail fiwa;SiUl,-
(Continued-28 ES? 5i h lieej.