The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 24, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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- Issued Dally Except Monday by
- .215 S. Commercial St, Salem, Oregon
(Portland Office, 627 Board of Trade Building. Phone Automatic
5 . 611-93
i The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for publi
cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in thla paper and alao the local news published herein.
, R. J. Hendricka Manager
; Stephen A. Stone Managing Editor
, Ralph Glorer .Cashier
rraiA Jaakostl Manager Job Dept.
TELEPHONES: Baainesa Office. 23
, , . Circulation Department, 6SS
. , ; ', Job Department, 682
v. , . Society Editor, 106
.Entered at the Postofflce In Salem, Oregon, as aecond class matter
(Copyrighted by the San Jose MercurV)
T" t "When truth, love and virtue are established in the heart
i the spirit of Christ is born in every man ; God is there in the
flesh, the Saviour, not from the penalties of wrong doing, but
--frnvthe condition of heart and life that makes man yield
to; temptation."
Indeed, true individuality i3 not attained until man is born
of jthe spirit ; before this new birth his motives, conduct and
character fluctuate with his environment, his limitations and
; his natural desires and impulses. Only when he is dominated
'by; this new spirit does he become steady, constant in all his
purposes. Only as a babe in spiritualKhe begins his up
ward way. He must grow and wax strong in the spirit, but
his growth need not be slow, laborious and accompanied with
suffering as it generally, is under the law of the physical.
He may grow easily in the light and warmth of God'p own
.spiritual sunshine into the perfect, symmetrical individual.
"Everything is upward striving,
Tis as easy now for his heart to be true
As for the grass to be green or the 3kies to blue
Tis his natural way of living."
Browning says, "My business is not to remake myself,
but to make the absolute best of what; God made." This,
however, leaves much for man to do for himself. The great
est of all gifts that God gives to His children is something
of Himself, the spirit of His Son, that enables them to grow
into oneness with Him in love, righteousness and power. To
. do this men must be active in unfolding these possibilities
In their nature and must give them the best conditions for
their growth. " Without this man can never even approach
the realization of his high and glorious cbstiny.
'Why do we not learn that the Spirit of Christ does not
abide wher6 love is not? , That peace reigns only in the soul
that breathes heavenly harmony? That virtue is the radiant
garment only of the truly pure in heart ? That the holy light
of. the Christ spirit shines out only from the inner depths
of; the purified heart upon others that they, too, may dwell
in the light? That only in the light and sunshine of love,
tnith and purity the blossoms of the spirit unfold into beauty
and grace to make the world sweeter and fairer and nobler?
' Hunger, poverty, pain are incident to the quest of self
gratification; happiness, satisfaction, peace, are the shining
ansrels. that , bear one company along the way of noble, un
selfish endeavor, righteousness and truth. -
"' But man can not go on his upward way without love as
his inspiration, his expression, his life itself. Our love must
. become so great, broad and perfect that from it we shall be
able to understand God's love.'' Every . faculty, impulse, de
t sire, action will be subdued by the influence of this love;
, ' through it discord will vanish, harmony will be established
in us and our whole nature will be hushed to hear the "silent
. oiceJi;:' '':::. , . j .;;
: The expression "power -of love" -describes vividly the
' attribute that dominates the life of the spiritually grown
f man. We can not imagine God without power. And one who
i has this divine love grown in his heart is not without power
i to benefit himself and bless his brothers. No one lives who
l has not in a measure experienced this power, and in these
supreme moments 'of highest and holiest manifestation of
rprright, 1922, rVaaorltM Editors
Lessons in Trick Cartooning
i .
.i : : . ' Big Chief Crow
(Complete the big drawing by adding, one by one, the various
linea, shown in the" series of small key pictures below)
---JLi!'0 arrivfd for . tho
The Biggest Little
V t ill llii 11
Christmas season ; atnld shouts of
welcome. ' Sproehow Mother . dtd
not seem unite so rladn iww him
as nsual. She had caught bl(tht
pr ..restless little- ball of fluff
t til llii li..
this love divine he bow3 his head in reverent awe and realizes
that he is standing on holy ground.
Spiritual activity brings a consolation and peace to the
soul that nothing else can give. One thrill of inspiration
from God gives a sweeter pleasure than anything the earth
can supply. But when Christ is truly born in a human heart,
when He has really taken up His abode there, that heart has
entered the heavenly kingdom. Full of love, of joy, of peace,
of blessings is that heart that has come into its own blessed
inheritance of this immortal kingdom.
More, the birth of Christ in the heart of man gives
strength to the arm, power to endure fatigue, courage to
faltering feet, capacity to work happily and successfully. It
makes the doing of every duty a joy, and takes away all feel
ing of humiliation or burden, if such formerly existed. It
gives fortitude to meet every trial and ability to surmount
every difficulty. It gives strength to bear even the cross
cheerfully, patiently, thankfully. It softens the heart to the
cry of distress and moves it to relieve the needy and heal
the broken in heart or body. It glorifies the way of service.
It enables one himself to partake of the living bread and to
break it unto the famished multitude.
Let no man deceive himself. If Christ be born in him he
will show the fruits of the spirit. He who docs the work,
who lives the life, of Christ, is a son of God ; none other is.
In the purity, harmonyland love of a human heart Christ is
born through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Star of
Bethlehem shines with effulgent light over the cradle, of the
Divine Babe; the wise man beholds its radiance and is guided
by it to the beautiful, spiritual, divine life.
In the wonder of the experience of this spiritual birth
humbly and gratefully the heart turns to the Father of Love
as man dedicates all that hp is, all his powers and possessions,
to the service of this new life born in his soul.
"Where charity stands watching
And faith holds wide the door
The dark'night wakes, the glory breaks,
And Christ comes once more.
O Holy Child of Bethlehem,
Descend on us we pray!
Cast out our sin and enter in ;
Be born in- us today."
Why worry about the hereaf
ter. We'll all go just where we
belong. Exchange.
David Lloyd George is making
a perfectly splendid John the Bap
tist. The wilderness seems to be
holding out. Exchange.
Methodists in Chicago are go
ing to build a downtown temple
of their faith which will cost over
$4,000,000. It will cover almost
half of a big city block and will
be 21 stories in height. It will
be in the heart of things and
conducted on practical lines. In
its way it will be the greatest
religious edifice in the country.
To even glimpse it would make
the eyes of John Wesley pop .with
"Some say, that ever 'gainst that
season comes
Wherein our Saviour's birth is
The bird of dawning singeth all
night long;
And then, they say, no spirit can
walk abroad;
Derprober 24 and 25. Sunday and Mon
day Supreme directors of Yeomen to be
ia Salem. -
December 35, Monday Chritmss.
December 27, Vedneday Company F
imoker at armory.
December 81. Sunday Elka "Mid
nigh Follies," Grand theater.
Monday. Jan. 1. Y. M, C. A. "Open
House," for everybody. New Year'a day
afternoon and evening
January 5, Friday Elrin M. OwsIst.
national commander -of American Legion,
to be in Salem.
January 8. Monday Inauguration, of
GovernAr-eleet Walter M Pierce.
Jannary 8. Monday Legislature meet.
Paper la the World
hidden under his coat. "Oh, Dick,
not a dog!" she said.
"A dog!" the rest of the fam
ily echoed, but in quite different
tones. That was just what they
had wanted above everything else.
"It seems to me 1 nave enough
with five children around, with
out having a dog under my feet
all day.too."
There was a loud crash and
five Bcreams. "Oh, he's knoocked
over the lamp,'' they cried. Mrs.
Jones flashed an I-told-you-so
look at her brother and went off
to pick up the pieces, while the
rest of tht family searched for
the poor little scared puppy.
During the course of the after
noon the baby's new doll was
chewed up. the library curtains
were fringed at the bottom, the
tablecloth' was jerked off, and
several of the dishes were broken,
the best cushion was torn, and
Mrs. Jones new fur-lind slippers
were twice rescued from the little
puppy. Poor Uncle Dick had Just
about decided that he would have
to take his Christmas present
The little dog had been missing
for nearly five minutes. Mrs.
Jones had visions of her best bed
spread In ribbons. A hunt was
started, but no dog could be
found. Finally Uncle Dick dis
covered tracks leading out the
front door. They disappeared at
the road where there were marks
in the snow made by a horse and
"He's been stolen." Uncle Dick
cried. Quickly he got out the ma
chine and he and his sister were
off down the road after the buggy.
They drew, up beside It. Mrs.
Jones' eyes flashed. "That's our
little dog." she said. ''We .think a
great deal of him. and -'would not
lose him" for Knythtng; 7-
Mrs.- Jones held' theiitlfe
The- nights are wholesome; then
no planets strike.
No fairy takes, nor witch hath
power to charm;
So hallow'd and so gracious is the
A party of Chicago men have
started for Mesopotamia to locate
the Garden of Eden. Those east
ern sharps are off the track. The
location of the garden ha,s long
ago been recognized to exist in
southern California, but, with our
well known modesty, we have
failed to say much about it. Los
Angeles Times. (In, many sum
mer days down there, it. takes a
wide stretch of the imagination
to come to such a conclusion.
Wasn't it a southern California
horse thief who wanted to take
his blanket with him when he
was bumped off by the' vigilance
HEM. (Phillips Brooks.)
O little town of Bethlehem.
How still we Bee thee lie!
Above thy deep and dreamless
sleep , , -r .- .
The silent stars go by;
Yet in thy dark 'streets shineth
. The everlasting Light;
The hopes and fears ol all the
Are met In thee tonight.
For Christ is born of Mary,.
And, gathered alt above,
While mortals sleep, the angels
Their watch of wondering love.
O morning stars, together
Edited by John H. Miliar
puppy tight as they drove quickly
back to the anxiously awaiting
family. She did not notice the I-told-you-so
expression i in her
brother's eyes as lie chuckled
over the wheel.
1 :
TSVirrvi iiim4AIIAP0 ..l
j V W 111 w wvi w WWWIW
of the uuorcta, pictured
-aMer--4,.sitds'; . Iarts3U)
0lsat " 7'" .;.:.,-';.
Proclaim the holy birth!
And praises sing to God the King.
And peace to men on earth.
How silently, how silenlly,
The wondrous gift is given!
So God imparts to human hearts
The blessings of His heaven.
No ear may hear His coming.
But in this world of sin.
Where meek souls will receive
Him still,
The dear Christ enters in.
O holy child of Bethlehem!
Descend to us, we pray;
Cast out sin, and enter in,
Be born in us today.
We hear the Christmas angels
The great glad tidings tell;
Oh. come to us, abide with us.
Our Lord Emmanuel!
By Donald A. Fraser. Victoria.
Victoria, B. C, Canada.
Out of the midnight shadows,
Across the starry sky, 1
Peals faint, far-distant music
Of bells in clangor high;
The hil'.s take up the tone-waves;
The vales out-lengthen them,
Be still, my heart, and listen;
Tis the bells of Bethlehem!
Nearer, and ever nearer.
The sweet, wild chiming floats.
Until the air is throbbing
With the music of their notes;
There's soothing In their singing;
There's calm in hearing them,
O God, outpour the message
Of the bells of Bethlehem!
Roll on, ye waves of ocean.
The echoes of their song;
Ye great broad prairies hearken,
And send the strains along;
Ye deep dark plnewoods! whisper
The secrets learned of them;
Ye snow-crowned monarch moun
tains. Shout forth of Bethlehem!
O little towns and hamlets.
The blessing comes to you.
And noisy, cruel cities.
Ye share the gladness, too.
AH, all can learn their meaning,
If ye but list to them;
For Christ's heart sings to our
In the bells of Bethlehem.
"Peace, peace, to troubled mor
tals; Goodwill to brother men,"
O Earth, hear, cease thy striving!
Hear, and grow Mill again.
Rin?, Bells, till ye one morning,
Ring Wrong's last requiem;
Then shall Earth's unthralle
Bless the bells of Bethlehem.
(By the late Frank P. Church,
in the editorial page of the New
York Sun.)
We take pleasure in answering
at once and thus prominently the
communication below, expressing
at the same time our great grati
To all our patrons and
friends we extend our
sincere wishes for a
very, very merry
Christmas day.
fication that its faithful author
is numbered among the friends
of The Sun:
"Dear Editor: I am 8 years
"Some of my little friends say
there is no Santa Claus.
'Papa says 'If you see it in The
Sun it's so.'
"Please tell me the truth; is
there a Santa Clans?"
' Virginia O'Hanlon."
Virginia, your tittle friends are
wrong. They have been affected
by the scepticism of a sceptical
age. They do not believe except
they see. They think that
nothing can be which is not
comprehensible by their little
minds. All minds, Virginia,
whether they be men's or child
ren'a, are little. In this great
universe of ours man is a mere
insect, an ant, in his intellect, as
compared with the boundless
world about him. as measured by
the intelligence capable of grasp
ing the whole of truth and knowl
edge. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa
Claus. He exists as certainly as
love and generosity and devotion
exiFt, and you know that they
abound and give to your life its
highest beauty and joy. Alas!
how dreary would be the world
if there were no Santa Claus! It
would be as dreary as if there
were no Virginias. There would
be no childlike faith then, no
poetry, no romance to make tol
erable this" existence. We should
have no enjoyment, except In the
sense and sight. The eternal
light with which childhood fills
the world would be extinguished.
Not believe tn Santa Claus!
Yon might as well not believe In
fairies! You might get your papa
to hire men to watch in all the
chimneys on Christmas .Eve to
catch Santa Claus, but evem if
they did not see Santa Claus com
ing down, what would that prove?
Nobody sees Santa Claus, but
that is no sign that there is no
Santa Claus. The most real
things In the world are things
that neither children nor men can
fee. Did you ever see fairies
dancing on the lawn? Of course
not, but that's no proof that they
are not there. Nobody can con
ceive or imagine all the wonders
there are unseen and unseeable
in the world.
You may tear apart the baby's
rattle and see what makes the
noise inside, but there is a veil
covering the nnseen world which
not the strongest man, nor even
the united strength of all the
strongpt men tha,t ever live(d,
could tear apart. Only faith,
fancy, poetry, love, romance, can
push aside that curtain and view
and picture th supernal beauty
That Will Stand
Hard Wear
Since starting in the hardware business in Salem our business has
grown with such unbelievable rapidity that we can scarcely believe it
ourselves. '
We believe that our policy of square deals to all is appreciated
and intend to continue in exactly the same fashion.
For your information, we are listing a few of the articles in stock:
Carpenter Tools
Machinists9 Tools
These are but a few of the articles which our stock contains, but they
will serve to ive you an idea of the varied selection.
Come in at any time and you will receive a square deal, a cordial
welcome, and courteous treatment
Square Deal Hardware
We believe in the policy of always dealing fairly and squarely
everyone. If we have ever unintentionally wronged you in a deal.
you come and tell us of it!
and glory beyond. Is it all real?
Ah. Virginia, in all this world
there is nothing else real and
No Santa Claus! Thank God!
; he lives, and he lives forever. A
j thousand years from now, Vir
j ginia. nay, ten times ten thou
j sand years from now, he will con
itinue to make glad the heart of
By James Edward Hungerford.
On his baby knees, he muttered:
"Now I lay me down t' sleep";
Lisping soft, the words be ut
tered: "Pray th Lord my sonl t
Little head all mussed and
"It I die before I wake";
Little voice fast growing drowsy;
'Pray th Lord my sonl t
"Take dood care uv my dear
Always first Tn ev'ry prayer;
"Don't fordet my baby bruvver
An' uv Daddy, take dood care;
Drowsily, the words he lisped
Little angel face alight.
And his lips, the angels kissed
As he prayed on Christmas'
"Thank you, Dod. vat Santy's
bringing .
Me jus' heaps an' heaps uv
In Your New
Kitchen Utensils
Stoves ' v ;
Ranges i
Cutlery T
"7 J.i
1 . ; ,4 ... . .. .
1. .-,1
' 5 v C r .
,: ' ?
J W-
' """""1
I p.
Angels over him were wiagiajj
-jjoni ioraet pore dlTls t
boys. j
What ain't dot no one Vj
em 'j
Give 'em heaps an heapi J
flngs"; , 1
And God's angels smiled abo
them, , j
Whom he'd prayed for ii
01 Kings. .(
la lH joarntr t Ufa, if a 4 mj
succeed. . . 1
And la aTa yoa'vs UU . '
SH ..... .V. - . I
- - - - j v j m izvsm
Thar la ao aa to Mass bat,
, .. km ; i !
U ar t ym lara, win' ba fetta U fa
Tkaa all tta. wU4 Tatt vkkli jm
So let st to work for tfe Ckrkt tad aw
For "wVr warkers tfttr" '
Aa4 tata wUl Tm plaa U aaif stioa k
Ia tkat city (hat mtct ffreva !.
Lm. kalp a to work for Tkao kr Trj
And to keep cartel Yd pura froa si
A ad then in lh hoina roniD( after IW
day, .:
A glorioas tatrring ia. '
Aad thea tor taa gift of all gitu that
Tho Sarionr to tar a from sla,
V will lay what vt'n brvugkl - aaj
oursclTra at his ft.
Aad oar real Oriaiasaa dar will torts.
Baleai, Ore. ' . ; I
v , I,-;. $ :.
The ball of a'bootieaxer in Nlv
York was placed at 10 1.000. It
took nearly all his small change.
Home Install al
More Heat
Less Fuel
See It Before
You Buy : .
Made in
Saei72 i , -
80S North LtbeftT 1
Phone 1048-M: . .
We are entirely closing
out our stock u of
wrenches of all stylet
and are putting a price
on them that will more
them quickly. i
PHONE 1650
- with,