" ' , ,1 FIRST SECTltfU Pageg J to 8 TWO SECtlOM -. . ; , ' SEVENTH-SECOND YEAK SALEM, OREGON," J5UN0AY, MORNING,, DECEMBER 24, 1922. PRICE; ; FIVE CENTS I ' ----- - - - t 1M .. . 1 1 i lliilSyl i First Brealc in.Senatr"lrrer conpiiaoies 7giea i wo Formerly Held Steadfast Allies; ; AGAINST AMENDMENT iti .'j Many: Fatar -Reservations'.; --Cancellation of Debts , IS,' DiscOOraged nj: .. WASHINGTON, .Decif. X3. Toe r. proposal ot Senator , Borah, Re- publlcan'of Idihd," tor aa econom a 1 1c and Biaartfiament conferenco to . be called by Prftident Harding ' waX assailed tonlgnt by Senator t . juuoiuu, xktsyumiuita vt waxuornui who said . In a public itatement mat th plan: would !'dtnm:lnto ': America's lap - the economic Ills of Europe and, the reparations muddle. . . , - v Two Once Alllea r , , ( -' Senator , Johnson's statement was the first outward'eirldence'of a breach. In the ranks ot the sen ate "lrreconcllables" orer; the Borah proposal now pending on an amendment; to . the-' naTal ap : propriauon diu. Benaiars isoraa 1 and Johnson were steadfast Allies throughout the long tight against the league of tat Jons and on many I other questions .of rfore1gir aid domestic - policy -they '- hare acted -v togetherv-pthert-jt-ihe..irrecon- night to ' be opposed ' to Senator I Borah's amendment which, latp . oome veiore senate wpooii reassembles next Wsdnesda and" Senator Johnson's - public attack; V " ftT ftfttftVftVIWkVW ! MWOTftvB Senator Borah, had . n tSt conAnltfetl I with colleagues' before orfertng- the' proposal, . . j Harding Noncommittal .The administration's attitude toward the bill has not been dis ! - closed, but ; senate ; Republican , leaders' expected "'to "confer" Srtth 'President Harding before It comes 7, to a vote. Senator Watson, Re . publican of Indiana, discussed the amendment with the president to. 1 day, bur safdVhe v did net learn . Mr. Harding's posUipn. Atte hfs y White House Tisit, however, the A Indiana ceaator saldhgxwould not. support the amendment in Its' present form, but WoulCfavVr 'Wservatlons," declaring against r cancelling Europe's debts to Am t erica : and . also against commit ments under the treaty of Ver- -.ailje.., ,.;, , ? : I ! -The Democratic position on the plan also la In the maaing. Host of the Democrats have beenex pected tq give it their., support, although some have said previous- y they decided an European eco ipmlc conference la this country wouIi be impractlcaL In other ; Dembcratle ; quarters the' Borah plan is hailed aa an endorsement , ' et the Democratic position for X American cooperation in Europe- ' ' ' bng DeSaExjpMtecT -K, Prolonged.. ftifcussion ..otthe Borah and similar amendments is predicted generally x Senator ' Xing, Democrat of Utah, T, has a Conference amendment f' pending. ' ssd the btir already, contains a Bonie 1 provision' requesting.' the president to' call 'another -naval limitation conference to deal with imall vessels and aircraft not regulated by the Washington na tal treaty. EUOETrtr GETS' MEET I EUGENE, Ore., Dec 23L The t itate' convention of ' the Tarmers' 5 iJnlonL. f or. 1923, will neld In Eugene in' becenSber, according 16 anouncement .ot , Lane , .county onerabers ,whd returned today state convention . at from the Lebanon. ' ..THE WEATHER , - OREGON: Se rday fair ex ; cept rainni northwest por ' tion.. jf '; V' i-y-;,, ' , LOCAXi "WEATHER Maximum temperature, - 53. Minimum t emperature .i35.; River 4.5 feet above" normal lereV; falling, i : v4'.-:-'..-.-Rainfall.4 '.03 1 inch. Atmosphere, partly cloudy. t Wind, south; A VISIT FROM CLEMENT C. MOORE 'Twas the night before Christmas,' when all through' the house. Not a creature was stirring, nbt'eren' a" moaie; The stockings were hung" by the chimney with care, 1 In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there; The children were nestled all snug in their beds; . While. visions of sugar-plums danced through their heads; And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I In my cap. Had Just settled our brains for a long winter's nap, When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. Away to the -window I flew ltk'e a flashV Tore open the' shutters and tfcrW up the sa'sh. The moon, on the breast of the new-fallen snow, Gaye'a lustrVof midday to objects below; When .what to. my wondering eyes should appear, But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer. With a little old driver; so lively and quick X knew in a moment it must be iSt. Nick.' 1 More rapid than eagles ,hls coursers they came And he whistled and shouted' anif called them by name: "N'oW,' Daaser! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen! On, Comet! 'oh. Cupid! on, bonder and Blltzen! v To the top of the porch, to the. top of the wall! Now, dash away, dash away, dash away all!" As dry jeaves that before the wild hurricane fly, When th'ey meet with ah obsU'clermouiit to' the sky. So,' up to the house-top' the courses ttiej flew, With ' a sleigh full of tbys',-ani .it. Nicnofas too'. , . Arid then In a twinkling I heard on the roof ? The pranemfg and Rawing pf each little hoof, y ; As I drew in my. head arid was turning around, ' Dowtf the chimney St, Nicholas came with a bound. C He was dressed all in fur from his head to his foot, -And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot; A bundle of toys he had flung on his back. And he looked like a peddler just' opening his pack. . His eyes how they twinkled!; his dimples how merry! His cheeks were like roses,' his nose like a cherry; His droll little mouth eras drawn' up like' a bow ' And the beard on his chin was as white, as the snow. The stump of a pipe he held And the smoke it encircled . He had a broad face, and a little round belly That shook, when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly.. He was ahubhy, and plumjj-a right Jolty old elf ' v i. - i Ano. i jaugnea wnen i saw mm in tpiie ok wijoil. A witfk'of his eye and a twist of his head Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread. He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work; And-filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk, 'i' An'd Kylng his finger aside of his nose, And giving a nod, up the cnimner he rose. f He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, $, iAn-J they all flew like the down of a thjstle. , , v. v- 6ut i heard him exclaim, 'ere he drovebut of sight : "Happy Christmas to all, and Protests, from Pulpit orr.Ar buckle Avail Little-rBi- ? : v lie"Ves Action Fair ' LOS ANGELES, .Dec. 'Fla't Is 'decision refusal lo reconsider his d srantina Roscoe Arbuckle a chance to return to the films was contained in a message today from Will "H. Hays, chief of the movlni picture industry, to the session of the West Lake Presbyterian church and various Los' Angeles pastors who have protested against Comedies. Believes In Falrplay Mr. Hays' message to the churchmen, which closes with ahdeslwlPersbnaI'' regards an best, wishes lOTLa h.appy. Christmas to you all," says in part: "Everything which I said last Sunday, night is reiterated and emphasised. ,. 5? "Aif Uiat time I declared and dd no asserand have .always and shalt; always insls:" 'Any evfl which is In motion pictures can be removed, and all the good r talned at the place where the pic tures are' made, at the time they fare made by the men who make them and" no" alibi, is possible. TThe purposes ofvour associar tlon are: Establishing and main taining the highest possible artis tic and moral standards ot motion pictur production and4 developing the educational as well as the en tertainment value and he gen eral usefulness of motion pic tures. . r ' ' "Would GivV Chance ! j "This is no reinstatement of Arbuckle nor any attempt to re Instate him. Neither ydu npI can do that jiThlsis slmpl-a declaration' that I shalj not stand in the way of this man having his chance to go to work and make good If he can. , . T -I neithet ;;. sponsor, him - nor sUnd In his way, but in a spirit; of Christian charity and American WILL H. HAYS DARING THEFT STANDS PAT IDE-II I (Cpntlnued on para a). ST. NICHOLAS tight in his teeth, his head like a wreath. to all a goodnight!" RoDDers; smash window in Jewelry Store in Broad Daylight and Escape NEW YORK, Dec. 23. - De scending; from, an automobile into the midst of the throng of holiday shoppers... on iJTppec . Broadway, three men tonight smashed the window of a jewerfjr store With a brick wrapped in towels and es caped with seventy-one diamond rings which they snatched ,. from trays in the display windows.' The rings were valuedNit 316, 000. Brick Hurled The robbery was carried out with the utmost daring. Parking their expensive looking car in the line of automobiles which stood at the-WriV twq,ot., the;tbandits! a ahionably attired, strolled non chalantly toward, , the j jeweler's display window; leaving a , third companion at the "wheeK f Aldose n persons were inspect ing the iewels.tehfnd the "glass; when one of the new arrivals quietly drew from under his arm what appeared to be a parcel the brick wrapped fV towels. oW any of the pedestrians realised wha was happen loir tfie parcel was hurled at the windowTahat- L tering the thick plate .glass, and making the gems readily . acces sible. ': ' r -' . I ' Alarm Too Late ' Gathering up two trays' ;Con talning the seventy-one'" vatuable rings, the bandit pair quietly withdrew to the curb', climbed into their car and disappeared into the sireim of traffic' alone the"brliliantly lighted thbrough- fara -?-''. -j. i-.. .h b Two customers int. eigh't clerks' were in thq atort when the rob1 bery occrfrre A vToo laie how ever, to frustrate the. robbery or enable the police to prevent their escape,' the clerks gave' the' alarni. HOOVER ADDS SUM OF $100.00 TO CAMPAIGN Check for Willamelte Univer sity Endowment Comes from Commerce &e?y "Just to show my sympathy, 1 enclose a small subscription ' for Willamette university," reads a letter i received yesterday by Dr, H. E. Morris' from Herbert Hoov er. The check Inclosed was for 3100. Secretary of Commerce Hoover stated in the letter that he was a member ot endowment , commit tees of two other colleges, to saj nothing of several relief commis sions, "until my income is ab sorbed." A number of small subscrip tions have- been received since the actual campaign closed Thursday night. Many of these come from over the state, while a few are local, one for 1 50 having' been re ceived yesterday. Indian School Expects to Put Out Championship Team This Season . Salem Indian, school at Chema wa is putting wrestling on ita regular athletic course this year. Ellis White; former, captain of the Salem high school wrestling squad and one of the best heavyweights ever developed in this part ot the state, is coaching the team, giving the . grapplers three nights ' a week. They : are said to oe de veloping rapidly into a team of rare ability. The Indian lads, with only a little coaching, took on a series ot high., school meets .last year that .practically gave ; them the interseholastlc championship on their record. They decisively de ieated Salem high and the Oregon City team. They had only a light schedule., but they made the most of it while it lasted. They fad ,ftpmeI.nieiiVwho,: with'. proper coaching looked capable of wor)d championships within their weight classes;, last',., hard'; powerful lit tle, men .Who looked able to win uny where . in, the world. Not many of lasl,year's,,teauv are bajk in school this year, though' Bry rOW,' one of their-best, is to return after the holidays. A series of meets is being ar ranged to include among others the freshmen from both O. A. C. and Oregon, Oregon City high school and some matches from the Portland schools. On Christmas day, as one of the student sJuiM at the school, the Alaska Indians are to meet the wrestiers from "the states." While several of the champions of last year were from Alaska, they were nt all from Polarbear lantL. and the. states team is ex pected, to put up a vigorous de fense. 300 Prisoners Released In Dublin iff Fortnight : DUBLIN, Dec. 23. - (By the Associated Press) Nearly 31)0 prisoners' have been released in the past . fortnight, it was stated at Free State military headquar ters today,. Although the, major ity of them were .given, pielrff rpe dom in the last few days it was 1c no wise a Christmas arrange-, ment. ," , The. course of signing, a pledge nt, tOj beaarms against the gov ernment had been opened to all prisoners for. a considerable time, the officials said. Peasants Believe New : Star of Bethlehem Herb . ANGERS. . France,. Dec 23.-f-The superstitious peasants in tnl district who are preparing to cele brate Christmas, are mystified bj a hpse bright light which has ap peared in the heavens" for' the past two days and are asking' "is) this a new star of Bethlehem?" The light hat a varying appear ance., now like a luminous star 'and agin like small crescent .of the vaoom 4Th official meteotOj logical' services are, puzzled and thus far have been unable to ex plainlts prolonged presence, al though attributing it to a meteor r ..J . U i J - ft, ... . . ft i . .MMMMHfttlMa -- ' -. ... . Marion' Coun Qrganization - With 700 Farmer Mem 1 bers- Wiir Back Proposal Here to Limit. MOVE IS DECLARED TO BE ECONOMICAL Progress Toward Greater Membership' and Better Financing Reported , The Marion County Farm bu reau", with 700 members at pres ent, and af campaign in sight to Increase the . membership largely, is,' preparing' to back with all Its might the; proposal of a coun ty farm .agent. . . A meeting of the bureau, held Saturday at the Chamber of Com merce rooms, devoted most of its time toMhJs matter of a coun ty. Agent. In" eastern Oregon, where the bureau Is- very strong, the "County agent is found to be the Ideal executive for the bet ter-farming work ana most of the counties have such public offi cials. .Fanner Support Asked It has not appealed Quite so strongly .to, the Marion . county cout,; which took ;the, ground that .the farmers themselves had not' spoken .decisively in favor of "'the expenditure.,' The bureau isttow.. nlan'alng ja secure the farmers endorsement of, such an; appointment, beginning with Its own membership, and spread ing to commercial clubs, coopera tives .and whatever organized or unorganized' influence can be en listed. The bureau believes that a capable county agent is an ec onomic investment In any county. . Five years ago, when the Sta'te Horticultural society met in Sa lem, the delegates from one of the great fruit-growing counties of southern Oregon insisted that their county agent, an especially capable expert, had been Worth 1400,000 a year to their county. That's a lot of money but they stuck to their figures and all over the state the bureaus claim profit like in Kind though not always so remarkable in figures. The meeting discussed briefly the State Chamber of Commerce pia'n to advertise the products and develop the markets ot Ore gon outside the state. This was taken up at length at the recent slate farm bureau convention in Portland. , Plans for a better financial standing1 and increased business activity for the county zoiye were" discussed. They will be elaborated upon at the next meet ing in January. The bureau ex pects to get on better financial basis and carry on a more ag gressive campaign of farm- mar keting betterments. Sidney Miller of Woodburn is president and H. G. King of Salem, route 6, is the secretary of the Marion county zone. IJ. S. FOR GIFTS Ebert Acknowledges Private Financial Relief for Teuton Needy JBERLIN, Dec. 23. President Ebert. In a Christmas communi cation, cordially acknowledged private financial relief from the Unjted States for the benefit or Ge.rmany's hcildren, invalids and needy. The reports received to date Indicate that the foreign donations for this cause far out strip those of last year. The New York Staas Zeitung alone collected $45,000 for Ger many and flS.OOO for Austria, these sums being converted re spectively into 500,006,000 marks and 100,000.000 marks. Street collections In Chicago, and. Phila delphia netted libera sums. Other I generous J contributions were received from South Ameri ca, Norway, Holland and Switzerland,- . : GERMANY THANKS DOG AND MAN SHARE COVER AT STATION Wanderer and Four - footed Pal Snooze Together, and Have for Four Years "Can ye give me and me pal a bed?" . -r The question was put to cTief Moffitt at the police station' late Thursday night. It. came from a "floater" who had wandered in to escape the cold night air. Appar ently he was alone. The chief looked surprised. "Who's the pal?" ho asked. The floater pointed to the floor. By his side was a little brown shaggy dog with wistful eyes. The chief found a vacant cot for the wanderer. Early in the morning the night sergeant had occasion to enter the Jail. A strange sight was there for him. Huddled up on the small cot lay the "floater" and his little four footed friend, sound asleep. Only the little animal's head and fore paws were visible above the cov er. His body, man-like, was stretched out in the same man ner as his master. In the morning someone asked the knight of the road how long the two had been traveling to gether. "Oh, about four years," he answered. "We always travels together an sleeps together." The floater's name,' according to the police book, was George Anderson. His little friend for got to register. MODIFIES STORY Declares She Did Not Wit ness Girl's Murder Found m ir With Body x PORTLAND, Dec. 28. Mrs. Helen Leary, police officers said tonight, has modified her story of the alleged murder of a girl on a houseboat here last Septem ber by Cah Weir, 65-year-old riyerman. She now declares", ac cording, to, the officers, that she did not witness the murder but that she found Weir In the house boat with the girl's dead body. She fought Weir, she said, and blackened one of his eyes. Her original story of the disposal of the girl's body by Weir and his son, Cept. Earl Weir, remained unchanged. The two Weirs were still being held In Jail tonight, the father charged with murder and the son with being an accessory after the fact, but the officers said Mrs. Leary's? modification of the origi nal story had weakened the case. Alaska Shivers With Zero Temperature and South America Swelters t WASHINGTON, Dec. 23. Christmas weather Will ob served in various manners throughout the world, depending to a large extent upon the tem perature which will rary from zero In Alaska to balmy summer weather in South America. The thermometer stood at SO degrees today at Colon, Panama, and swimming parties and out door church services will appar ently be in order there on the hol idays. Similar and eren higher tem peratures were reported from some South American countries and from southern Europe. On the other hand, bob-sleds and skates are expected to be in evi dence in some western and north ern states of this country with the mercury at the freezing point. Across the Atlantic. London re ported a temperature of 46 . de grees while it was 40 degrees at Paris and 38 at Copenhagen. . Temperatures in the United States today ranged from 76 de grees at Los Angeles and 61 de grees at Jacksonville to 32' de grees at Salt Lake City and - at Buffalo, N. T.' -"v. MI HELEN LE ran to ir FOB CHRISTMAS iAfJI-PKODMOKS. DESTROYER 1 HIH; . LOSS IS $35O03 LOS ANGELES, Dec. 23. Fire" at Universal City.' a Suburb, late" today destroyed 1,100.000 feet of; film at the Universal, studios, gutted one building ; and : resulted in the injury of one man. Damage was estimated at $350,000, including- the value of the, motion picture film: v ' Between 35 and 40 productions' were included In the" de stroyed prints. The negatives from which the prints were made.were saved. Workers of Salvation Army DistriDUte Baskets to Poor in Salem I Christmas cheer was brought to many yesterday through the Sal vation army. - The organisation was used as the distributing agent by many. Among the many who helped distribute the- Christmas baskets all reported that the poor who received the baskets freely expressed their gratitude, f; ' v,;; . Each basket contained tugar, rice, beans, i corn, celery, jar honey, canned fruit, potatoes, ap ples and roast beef or chicken and fn some cases there was also but ter and bread; coffee and milk. About 9D Imskrtswere sent out and there are a few who have sent in their names since the distribu tion, and Captain Holbrook says they will not be forgotten. People' Are Loyal The newspapers, according, to Captain Holbrook, were a great help in making the day's festivi ties a success and he says that he reels grateful to the good people of Salem who stood by the Salva tion army in its e forts to reach all the needy in the city. There was hot a name of a person given in but that was personally visited and efforts were made to provide for all. There was a, big gather ing at the hall for the big Christ mas tree that was a sucess from every point of view. Candy and fruit were there for all and it was a happy gathering of kiddies and how they did cheer when Senta made bis appearance. .. The" program was given by the Salvation army Sunday school and the children played their parts well. Program Given Captain Henry J Moris acted as chairman of the evening and the folowing program was rendered: Loyalty class, "Silent Night"; recitation, Colin Morris; dialogue. "Mr. Cigarette"; Solo, Grace Bar ker; recitation, Harry Todd; song; "Sunshine", class; recitation, Louisa Mayou; solos, "The Deaf Little Baby," "Beautiful Christ"; recitation, Mary Albright; recita tion, Francis Mayon. There were a number of other songs and recita tions by Tommy Todd, the Barker family, Audry Jefferiea and Fanny Shultt. The goodly amount of provis ions that were given to the Salva tion army shows, . says Captain Holbrook, that the people of Sa lem have not forgotten the work of the organization. Xceds Not All Met . Mrs. Captain Holbrook is a wel fare worker with a vast experience having always shown that she knows how to reach the hearts of the poor and needy and is always willing to give her best for their help, and comfort. And as lon as there are goods to distribute they will te given and the. Salva tion army officers in the city will do their best to see that all is done to alleviate distress regard less o the cause. . There is still some need for furniture and baby clothes. CARS COLLIDE CHICAGO, Dec 23. Several persons were shaken up when two passenger trains were involved in a minor accident at Mossville', Ills., today bat no one was seri ously Injured, according to offi cials here today: One train was sideswlped by the Other as it was Uaking a siding. . , - . - ....- - Besides the one man.' Edward Bush, a film ' cutter, who was said to be seriously injured,' four others were slightly burned or overcome by smoke. They were Norman eKrryV an actor, fred Archer, head' ot the art title do-' partment and! Frank Atkinson and Edward Curtis, film cutters. How the fire started " could not be learned. The flames burst -our suddenly and the studio fire department, assisted by "extras". property men-and actors, waged a sharp battle ' tot extinguish them: ; The V? prints . destroyed were all insured but. Universal officials said , their . loss would defer the release of productions at least a month. Former' Deputy Sheriff Be lieved Connected With .1 Death of Men- BASTROP, La Dee: J 3. With a tenseness unequalled so far in the kaleidoscopic developments of the last few days, citizens' of thii. , community tonight learned - of ar arrest this afternoon on a murder . charge In' connection with - th death of two men presumably af -the hands of a white robed sanl' i masked mob. tT, J. Burnett ot sykea, La'., wai the tman arrested, j The arrest here Is believed the forerunner .of many' more"; . Buf- , nett is a former deputy snorlff. , ' Gnu 3Iounted - Machine guns were mounted on the jail this afternoon, and. arrested! will , face: 4 the : u bp those opening . hearings, ordered today by the at torney general, .under guard , of state troops. A . The Monroe national guard on duty at Mer Rouge in connection with the efforts tof-locate'.' the bodies i?bf Wat Daniels,,! and Thomas Richards, alleged victims of the mob, are en route here to join the New Orleans machine gun company and the Alexandria infantry company tented on the. courthouse and jail square.'. An Inquest was conducted be- ' hind closed doors at Mer Rouge this afternoon over the - bodies t cast up by Lake LaFourche yes terday after unidentified dyna-. -miters had made an effort to re more them from their . watery grave of four months. ' New Orleans pathologists con- -ducted an autopsy to determine how the men came to .their deaths., and declared the examination re vealed that the men had- been flogged and some bones broken . before they died. : Trouble Exprctal I " : . r '; The bodies were turned over to relatives and friends today.'- The dead men were members ot fami lies who were pioneers in this parish and their acquaintanceship is numbered by the hundreds. Many relieve the surrender 'of the bodies to the kin and the de-. parture of the troops may kindle : the outbreak between the hostile " camps created V at IMer Rouge -since the August kidnaping.; - Trouble started in Morehouse 1 last summer when an alleged at tempt was made to assassinate Dr. B. M. McKoin. former mayor of Mer Rouge. r GROCEU KILLED t 4 MINNEAPOLIS, Dec 23. Orrille P. Walby, was shot and In stantly killed tonight by a Jrob ber, Who paused to take' about 2 In small change before he fled. Walby was standing behind a counter, his Tands ra ised in the peoina In the S .The ( in the! air, when the gunman ttreA. bullet struck: tne grocer heart and he died Instantly, f t