t If a i r H THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON CITY TO 11 LITTLE MITZI - V 1 Mitzi, the captiratlng prima donna comedienne, who will be seen in ''Lady Billy" at" the Grand theater December 27, is an" artist whose voice alone would be any- , one else7s fortune. She is tiny, pretty, fdll of dash and not only " can she aot charmingly, but In her delightful costumes how charm- - Ing she can look. The charm of "Lady Billy" lies ,. In,an Interesting story with a background of songful musical numbers, and a foreground most of the time with Mitzi as the cen tral character. Zelda Sears wrote the book and the lyrics, and Harold Levey,1 a - protege, of Victor Herbert, com posed the' munical numbers. The story develops from an old ghost tradition of a castle in Rumania, where a beautiful countess sells a fake echo and a bogus appear ance of an ancient ancestor for commercial purposes, putting ro- , in a nee on a paying basis. But she does this once too often and falls, in love with an attractive American. The whole gathering gets trans ported to New York with the ' countess disguised as a boy vocal ist, i There are cene9 In Green- wlcb village and In the Ameri can's apartment. The, attraction Is owned by Henry W. Savage. Of music there is a wealth of vi brant songs of which Mitzi has a half dozen r parkline: numbers, such ts "Come to Arcady," "His toric Hussies." and "Goodby, Goodby." She also has some new Imitations. Trie original Liberty theater. New York production and a Henry W. Savage ensemble of beauties who can sing as well as dance. Including a special orches tra, will come to this city. ; . , V , ... j t : . : :::. y-'rv-. 1 9 ; 'it'"-1 i'OV nv, J Jlita in ?Lad BiUj,w. I BITS FOR BREAKFAST 4. Did you consider thi3 That the news of Willamette's victory put added value into every foot of real estate and every kind of business in and around Sa lem? S There are 1000 acres In broc coli in the Salem district, and preparations arc already being made for harvesting and shipping the crop. It all jroes well, it may mean something like a half mil lion new dollars for this district. The prospects are all right, so far. It would take below zero weather, at the wrong time, to change the prospects. E. A. Rhoten, live stock editdr of the Pacific Homestead, and one of the advertising men of the Northwert Poultry Journal, who has been visiting his old Iowa home and attending the Interna tional livestock show in Chicago, wired on Saturday last that it was 13 bt-low zero in Iowa, and be was starting home. He wired again yesterday from Ogden that he was making a new start for Oregon. He is due home today or tomorrow. If the balmy weath er of the past few days holdsr out here, he will no doubt enjoy the change. " By the way. he will find the Pacific Homestead has been grow ing in the five weeks or his ao sence, also the Northwest Poultry Journal, in circulation. The Astoria Report Shows $31,756.50 Relief Funds FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22, 1922 Tennis Standardization Homestead had a circulation thi9 i week above 21.0)0, and the Poul try Journal this month went to j -A re- ASTORIA, Or.. Dec. 21 port submitted at the 000 subscribers. And of the general both these papers are just getting . committee this afternoon, showed a good start in growth. They ;that q date he wm of $,lf7rt;.. are going tip the line steadily in,-,-. . . n rttMtivtA !n r.qsh for 21. (By the Representa- over 1 5 LONDON", Dec. meetin" ' Associated Press.) all h nrlnrinnl tenn)4 relief executive ""v '' 7 playing iiaiiu uei- nin-u to standardization of the rules of the game. The American standard of re- substantially tne same as used 1 the United States. ik s , The unified rules agreed .ipo-j today must be ratified by th A new international foot fault ! dividual governing bodies of ti' rule was adopted and this also is various nations. ? . j The various nations may, how- avoi m H ! tv thitt ml tnr rmrplv Rules Adopted in London dom;stic matones. the relief fund. A telegram was j quired resiliency in the ball was received from Senator Stanfie'd i also adopted. Heretofore the gov- both circulation and business They are both "best in the west," m - ' m W 1 oi tneir Kina,- ana me poultry saying he wni endeavor, to havelerning bodv of no other nation Journal is much the largest west. . bjl1 lnpllld an aDDro-iha, made a snecific rule as to the of the Rockies in both circulation priation of jjsq.OOO for continu- ! resiliency, but only, as to size and unu uuMnrss. , ing work on the Tongue Point na val base, after the existing appro priation is exhausted. Work was commenced today on With women In Cue political campaign it would seem to be the proper thing for them to have i excavation for a fireproof hotel some popular campaign candy to j building to be erected by local and beguile the voter. The men have I Seattle capital at Fifteenth and cigars. 'Exchange streets. weight. The American provision for a rest period after third fet in men's matches and after the sec ond set in women's. It was de cided, shall hereafter be univer sally followed in international contests. WtBMi JJ. jUlStt YOUR. GHPCttl, -" j Bttrr Thmn m Mumtmrd tlmmtar For Courhs and Colds. Head ache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism and All Aches and Pains t ALL DRUGGISTS 35c and 65c, jars and tubes Hospital six. $3.00 A Day Lost From business with a bad cold is worth several times the price of a bottle of our Cough Syrup. Drop in and let us wrap you up a bottle. Schaefer's Drug Store ' 132 X. Com'l. Phone, 107 " - 4 THE CONSIDERATE HUSBAND WILL GIVE HIS WIFE A ' ' "MAYTAG" ELECTRIC WASHER f i, .-. : ..-. j .. . The Greatest Washing Machine Sensation in Ten Years ; - Term if Desired Features that are exclusively "Maytag" are: Cast aluminum body that will not rust, warp or corrode; the famous gyrator that . ' cleans by water action alone and actually un tangles knotted clothes; reversible, adjustable wringer; compactness, efficien cy, economy. $10 down $10 Month ILL: STIFF FURNITURE CO. G & C STORE ,254 N. COMMERCIAL SAVES YOU MONEY On Christmas Goods Men'f Furnishings, Dry Goods, Shoes, Rubbers and VI Groceries ,"H.A few of our grocery prices: i- hulk ..White-Figs, 2 ibs. . . 35c ; Del Monte oYal. large Sardines, 2 for 25c V- Bulk Seedless. Sultv Raisins, 2 lbs .29c Mixed Nuts, lb. .. 23c 2 standard Tomatoes ..... .25c Morgan (those good tomatoes).. .. 15c VU?e;I?rlcss Bad - 25c P lbs- Blue-BoseRice :......T. 25c V Tie sooner you get acquainted with our store, the - ' j : sooner we both profit s ' 254 N. COMMERCIAL' A " Phone 560 for deUvery - Open evenings 'until after Christmas - .0?.-- WA G TUT 11 Steady Growth for 16 Years Indicates Public Approval Largest Dental Organization in the World 25 Offices on the Pacific Coast 2 Offices in Los Angeles Over 1,000,000 Patients cared for 90,000 Treated in . Los Angeles Alone m 450 Dentists, Nurses and Employees working under cooperative, profit sharing plan ? - Work done by speci alization, assuring better dentistry Organization, big purchasing power, system, permits most reasonable prices Work performed on sensitive teeth without pain - 1 Guarantee on all work, good in any office , .j, E Second Los Angeles Office Is Opened to Care for Large Practice j; Sixteen years ago Dr. Parker opened his first office in Los Angeles He had a new idea in dentistry an idea that the public could be served better, faster, easier and at less cost by what has since come to be known as group dentistry (a number of specialists practicing together under one head), than tinder the old method of one man, in one office, handling all the various branches of dentistry alone. He was a keen student and thinker as well as a good den tist and business man... Statistics showed that 80 per cent or the people never went near a dentist people whose health and very life were threatened by neglect of their teeth. There seemed to be three outstanding reasons for this condition fear of pain cost of dentistry and ignorance. Dr. Parker believed there was a remedy for all three, and there was, as he has since demonstrated... Dentistry could be performed painlessly and he perfected a local anaes thetic that permits working on the most sensitive tooth without pain by simply blocking the nerve at the base of that tooth. By a system of organization, grouping a num ber of specialists together under one roof with but one overhead expense, buying supplies in large quantities and handling more patients, the cost of good dentistry was reduced very materially. By public lectures and distribution of booklets on the care of teeth, by paid newspaper space and other means of advertising it was possible to inform the public of the necessity for the proper care of their teeth. ; w f i , ' I tfil 3 X&HSSJ There were many doubting Thomases in those days folk who said the idea was not practical that dentistry was a profession and to mix business with it would spoil the whole scheme of things... They even went so far as to say advertising dentistry was a crime in fact there are still a number of the old school who have not learned that adver tising is the most powerful force for the development of the good in all things. No service or product will stand the searchlight of publicity it hasn't solid worth behind it. Like any new idea, it took a lon time to make other dentists believe in the E. R. Parker System. They disliked the idea of joining forces with some one else. It took a lot of work and patience to convince them that by associating with a successful organization they could do more for their profession, the public and themselves than they could alone. The old idea was for a dentist to try to spread himself thin over all the branches of dentistry. Naturally he did some things better than others and just as naturally the things he didn't do well were slighted. They did not understand the logic of specialization as practiced in the E. R. Parker System. ..Here each man was given that part of dentistry to do which he was best adapted and naturally he became highly skilled and efficient in that work. Here dentists through asso ciation had the advantage of study and comparison of work. to "organize and skillful dentists Dr. Painless Parker To overcome the prejudice of dentists1 practice together and to attract the mos to his organization, Dr. Parker put the-business on a co- operative basis. He made partners of all his associates. and while he still maintained control of the E. It. Parker system, each dentist was permitted to buy an interest. ? This step had a great effect on the morale of-the System., Every member is constantly striving to better his work increasing his own efficiency and that of his associates. The E. R. Parker System is his business and he guards its good name as he does his own. That Dr. Parker's idea was sound is shown by the record of the growth of the E. R. Parker System both here and in other large -cities. (See list below). In sixteen years 90,000 patients have had their dental wants cared for in Los Angeles alone and today a second office is being opened up to help care for this practice. -This new, office is lo cated at 104 W. Seventh Street, comer Main Street, and has been pro nounced the most completely equipped dental office of its kind in the world. ' V .VHff jgfflic The offices of the E. R. Parker System are different than the average dentist's office... Here you will find no elaborate furnishings no costly rugs or pictures but, and it's a great big but, too you will find every modern and scientific appliance, including the X-ray. There is nothing ' here for show; the offices are plain and simple, but they are comfortable and scrupulously clean. There are trained attendants who will take care of your every want down to minding the baby when necessary. There's a cheerful, clean, glad to see you, willing to help, come djain atmosphere that you'll like. You are cordially invited to call at either of our Los Angeles offices for examination of your teeth and advice. There is no charge or obligation for this service. i ' 4 ifi at PAINLESS PARKER DENTIST R. PARKER SYSTEM:. . 'WP" 205 Gray Building, Corner State and Liberty over Hartman Bros: Jewelry Store. "TTTTiSSTn 111 Will iiiTm ...... . ;