5 THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22, 1922 -wJ i 5 - 4 Cljt OttQtm SSiaitsxmi CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT 8 Rsts per word: rr insertion 2e 6 Three insertion Ou weak (tts Insertion) 8 20 ua most .. 8U months' contract, par mo. 15 IS months' contract, par so. 12 Mi Dim am (or any advertisement 25e NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY W H. Burghardt, Jr. Resident Agent . 871 SUte Bt : MONEYiTO LOAN . On Real Estate " T. K. FORD (Over Ladd & Busa Bank) NEW TODAY PUPPIES AT 12.00.. hard and Collie. CROS8F.D. 8HEP- LOST BLUE BEAJB) BAO CONTAINING fir or aix dollar and diamond ring. ' Liberal reward. ' Pbona 1150-W. WANTED MILK COWS." TUBERCC- tar tented. No-boarder. Moat etand milk teat. Address - 18 8. 25th St . or phono 1136VK, . Jfl CELT - FLTWISHKD (or rent , Seasonable. 835 Maria St. APARTMENTS , T& , Aagelua, WANTED FOUR' JERSEY MILK cows. Recently or aooa to bo freak, moat teat fOor per eaat or r. and milk 32 pound dally or better. W. E. Vincent. Jefferson Oregon.... . IS A. 4 MILES SALEM. HALF MILE fine macadam to pavement: SiWerton war; ' 1-n. enltivated, : bal. second growth (ir: springs. : fanning ' waVr: ' fine eoll: $26tH); . erm. Harris, 03d X Capitol. 1342-J. , ; ' TEAR-OLD LOOAKBERRY PL A XI H Wanted. Ward K. RicbaidM. Pboid 404. . vV. , THE PROTECTION OP TOUR HOME, business or goods I an important part . ( year basineaa. .Itia nr.bnaiaee ta t . 1 ': fnraiak reliable protection at a f t r-esonabIv coat, .Consult na nest time ' 1 yon fr-sur. fttandley ft Pole, agent. . Bus Bank Bldg. ..ruon 47 sr r . i n ... ARnT YOTJ supplied POR TOUR i'i Xa dinner 1 Do pot overlook caso of Cle Club Ginger Ala. ' Star. Bottling Works, Salem. Made by I WILL SACRIFICE MY 1920 . SPORT 4 svodel HarUy motorcycle, in . tip-top . shape (or cash. , Can giv aom terma and leaving eitr. 5 674 North Chnreh . si. : . , HAVE 1923 FORD "tJOTJPE. - LOTS OF extras. -Will giv somebody a sood . i bur If taken before Christmas. Phoi an '. i $8l-W.- ; 3 TIRST CLASS AUTO MECHANIC WILL I t repair yon ear at year gnraco or mine. . 1 References given. All work. nsrsnt-d. - Pkoms 887-W.N. 'V x-' ' 1 ' ' ' : i 1 n' 1 lS 1 L 1 ' j . rOH ENT FUrLNJSHED.' 3-ROOM apartmenV 09O UnlonT'' " aOMO'SEElEKI. ATTE7ITlpVI--Wi - have ona M U bear tittle 20 acre fama in the Telle, all nnder eoltrea- ' . Ham mA In ens. ooar 3-room house. t bam, food watt water, 3 aerea In (rait ' and berries: oa food road, near 0. E. ; ', tleetrle statien .aad paee highway Owner write na to eell. and haa pot f . .ha nrlra dam lor abort tiOlO tO ' 3.500, only $50P down. balAac long : time. Wfar not InTCtticata and b con Y 4 Tlneali Child ft BechteU 540 Stat f atroot. - Wo nly drortle raaJ.. real f estate bargnln. -. iPPtF.a 75e tf'KR B0XL.S FOB 12.00 a far SS.frS ' Delirered. Spitsenberr Km Beanir. Vanderpool. ' Pelatoee ' ' 74e per 100 lb. Word K. Richardson, :, 2895 N. FronU Pboa 444. W For Exchange . 41 ACRKS, T MILES FROM SALEM, i r on -bonie (or Maiden In.. Salem r. vompton wu -cawte, p- , t TO EXCHAN0E 3 LOTS IN PORT 5 ' Und valued fllO),- rorlot i ': x mmxk T.&nnnt tminrd bona and t lot. ft food bay for -8220, with 9 100 ; " down, balance like rent. 1 acYea, -with'Jarg 8-room honel . Fallrf City, peWsod -a , a. bararaia. tot ! ai.oo. will ink Boaee in Salam and asium aom. v. - ' ' ' Uood 8-room modern, bom fori rent. . Thomason : aatu. Rote -. - EMPLOYMENT 1 rXMAXB MAID , FOR GENERAL X i housework. 88 '3aAUs Oik TEMAZA -WAMTED -mm MEN AND WOMEN TO ' Uk (arm paper nbseriptiont. A food nratMiaiiidn an th ribt People. A drea te Paclfi Homes Uad. Sutesmaa , BMC, B4em; w. ALZ3MZH WANTED SALESMEN EXCEPTIONAL 0PP0R- . lRtitff. . . 1-IUtltlnTPB liraiMI OIK. mw MeOletrv lUndr rmcfrj, Whinf 1 to- Iowa. . " . t-wf-----;-- PEM0NAI, GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL i mfte enbiisneo. ' t Corraajpondent, Toledo. Ohio. FOR SALE BIRDS, PETf AND FL0WXXS THIS TEAR GIVR LIVING PRESENTS, , Flak haa thenw v!73 mat. FARM PAPER I TOU WAST . TO . PPT- TH ; farm , paper, 4 15 to th . Um(MJ ' RiUm.- OreiOn. (or three mo.ih.' tria. aatbeeriirtioa. Mentloa .this ad. ; . . 'MANOS USED CHICXERINO GRAND, i ahao. .Will glv aom t" IS .GOOD a. H L ' 'Stiff nrntthf Co.' ' . FOB SALE GOOD. USED. MAJIOGANT piano left n to , aelL , Price f200. term. H. L. BtUt rurattur v., ait deparunent ,1 , ; y J-POULTRY -r " ' " FOR SALE FAT GEW3..COR3TFED. for Chris tmur trid.i Phon t f2 POULTRYMEN SEND "OHTTWO . , cent Stamps tot apeil thrw Month trial lor the beat and olds Joj 1 th west. Tho article and advertise mnu art of ipoeial' iattrMt JW th- ' . , v.VJL( ... i th Norfhweet ' Nerthweat Poultry Journal, aw J i asercial a treat. Salem, Oregon. ' Coo ; i WOOD i FOR SALE OLD FIR WOOD, t .1122-4 ' .1- PHONF . BEST GRADE. MILL WOOD 4 FOCI 11 and 18-lneh. Prompt delivery. Roaooa k,"l. prlcaT FredPB. W.1U. 805 CJhnren. -Pho 184S.V- j - - WOOD FOR SALS f2?S? h ' rrowth and 16" old llr. . Coll 107. - INSURANCE INSURANCE THE BROTHERHOOD i of American Toomen Issues legal res v rrr Usnranc. See G. W. Moore. diatrtct manager. Phon 887-W, 674 district manager,"; If. Church.!! f f I H - I t cn jaSCEIXANEOUS rrfttTfiTMAR 'GIFTS. 8EI ECT THEM from th Flower in tno otu flK.n it K. Liberty St. Every . 60 purchase give yoa m number on th FOR SALE . ICISCELLAirEOUS FULLER BRUSUbB) LOCAL REPKJC sontatlre. Grime. 1837 J 62S CALENDARS FREE. HOMER H. nmith insurant si-aey. FOR SALE DOME GROWW FILBERTS. lilO N. 18th. or 416 Oregon Hldg. Phon 540 office hour. FOR SALE SAXOPHONE AT NEARLY half price. Terma to good party. Phono Mr. 1) aria. 15ft. SUMMER LUGGAGE REDUCED WALL paper remaanta, plaster, wall board. Velvet stair carpet, 1J5. Endaranc hick mdo hens paint. Kalaomia. 10 pound. Cotton mattreoae, f8.50. Steel spritifs $5.00. Max Cv Bare. 179 N. Commercial St. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 eenta a buadl. Circulation department. Orf-goa Statesman. Beautiful Oregon Rose and eleven other Oregon songa, together with a fine collection of patriotic songs, sacred songs and many old tia faror ites ALL FOR 25 (Special oriee ia Quantity Iota) ' Especially adaptable for school, commun ity or homo singing. Send for Western Songster :76 psgea. now in it third edition. Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY til H Commercial St Satan. Or. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR RENT, 891 North Commercial. FOR RENT 2-ROOM APARTMENT, $13; also downstairs apartment. , reas onable, mono sea. FLATS FOR RENT FURNISHED FLAT AT e4Va Ferry street, 350 a month. Phone 23, or apply at Statesman bus! nesi offie. HOUSES FOR RENT 5 ROOM HOUSE. AT 1052 Saginaw street. 820 a month. Apply at Statesman basiness office, or phone 3J. ROOMS FOR RENT THREE HOUSEKEEPING rooms; pew furniture,, new , paint and paper. Everything famished. 1207 H. Commercial atreei. Adolta only. A DESIRABLE ROOM FOR TWO FOR rent during Legislature, in modern horn, near Stat House. Pleas Sit references. Address "K 101," tare Statesman. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST A CAMEO BROOCH. RETURN to Statesman office. Reward. WANTED msoELLAjrsofjs WAirrxTj rnKBirrRS. tools. ma btnerv, stock, etc wui uy ler ek or a tomailMwa. Pson ill. Woodry. the aaetionoer. WANTED FURNITURB, TOOLS. ETC , Phone. 511. j WA5TKD TO BUY HOUSEHOLD FTR aitur. tool a, miscallaaeous - artlejea. - Phon 1440. UP TOU HAVE ABSOLUTILT Null BIB on potatoes, wo can handle Maagi Brosw Salem, Oregon. WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD wsr and furniture. Beat prices paid. TH8 CAPITAL HARDWARE ft FURNITURE 00. 2 8T5Tf. '"Commercial St. Phono 34T. 'BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEXR AUCTIONEER OP FARM AND PER1 sonal property. G. Satterlco, 180, N; Oommvrcial St., room 81, over Penpl" Cash Star. Retidenoa -phono 12U-J. Offie phon 430. AUCTIONEER P. K. WOODRY. THE livestock, furniture, real estate sue tioneer. Phone 511 (or sal dates. Re. 1610 N. Snmmer. ; COU J. B: GABLE AUCTIONEER, farm and city U. ' 160 S. High . Phoba 1446. " ' - ACETYXENB WELDING IRON STEEL. BRASS. ALUMINUM 5 Bring th piecea- Oxo-Gaa Healing Co. '38T Court. , . . ' ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS HUGH R. ROBERTSON ft CO. MEM-ber-American Institute of Aooounuats. Aeoonnuat. Auditors. Incom Tas 8r vle. Portland. Or and Minneapolis. Minn. Address: 1517 Yeen Bldg., , Portland Or. . Auto Directorx AUTOMOBILES THE GOOD MAXWELL GINGRICH MotOt Co.. Tl Cdurt ' ' ; BATTERT AND ELECTRICIAN AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROU bl shooting. 218 N. High. Phon 808. R. V. BARTON EX IDE BATTERIES, tarter and ' generator work. 171 S Commercial. PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE SUtioa. Expert battery o electrical work. Farria Bros. Phono 1803. 418 Court" - . . . AUTOMOBILE PATNTINO -FORD OWNERS. LOOK I WE ARB running a Ford ipctal during Decem ber nly. Hav your Ford painted for . Qiimrima TOUT friends. R- m ember, our special prle on Ford is h. itaMnbsr only. Don't mitt thi opportunity. Rlineo Anto Paintiag Co, 319 8 tat, cor. Front, and floor TIRES AND ACCESSORIES STORAGE GAS OIL, GUARANTEED Universal Garage. 660 a - Capitol ' USED PARTS-wl-3 to 1-2 OFF. MIKE'S a. .rm-blnr House. 424 North Commercial. Phone 533. OILS, GREASE,- ALEMITE JSBVICE fotTaU make. .Tompkins H", 2i N. Commercial. BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LOYD K. RAMSDES DAYTON B1CT elea and repnlring.- 887 Court. HARRY W. ' SCOTT 'Th Cycle Man 147 8. Commercial Phon 68 USED AUTOS e'OR SVL& OK TRADE. FOR .ROAD ster, late '22 Ford coupe. Phon r -rl 140; M. . -V- fflt'r ' -r OLESO t T r.XCHANGnV-USED ears, bough'. nld nr. sold en eommia ' iion. Dnily r- wwmfhly tornf. - WANTED A FEW MORE CARS TO paint or repair. Painting nnd -repair-. ' Ing both 'one by 'men who ar experts la thir line. Alao ft few good boy tn as-d ears. Ulnar' Garage. 803 ft. Libortr. - RADIATOR FENDER SEP AIRS RADIATORS FENDERS. BODIES, mad or repaired. J. C 3ir. 849 Auto Directory REPAIR SHOP W ft B. AUTO REPAIR SHOP WE ale do all kinds of repairing. Sawa filed, scissors, kaivr and lawnmowrrs ground. Soldering work dose. Old stoves mad aw. Autos stored by day or month . We will sell or trade your used ear for yon. Briug it ia to ns. All work t uannteed. 175 N. Commercial. la rear ( Neimeyez Drag Store. Phone 167. CARPET AND RUG WEAVING CARPET AND RUG WEAV1NO m. 84 F21. Pnon before 9 a CANDY SHOPS ACME CHOCOLATE SHOP "JUST Candy." Strictly homemade. 121 8. OommerciaL CARPET AND FLUFF RUGS NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC WE NOW weave fluff ruga made out of old car pets, sny length or width yoa desir. We also re-fit, re-sew and sue carpets. Feather renovating and mattress steam ing and re-making. Saiem Carpet Cleaning and Fluff Rag Works. Phon 1154 ELECTRICIANS SAI EM ELECTRIC CO MASONIC Building. Phon 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY Co. Phon 1934. 222 N. Liberty. HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP ELEO tricai machine repairiag, contracting. 337 Court. Phane 484. ARCHIE FLEENER, ELECTRICIAN Hons wiring by hoar or contract. Estimate furnished. Phon 980. 414 Court St CHIMNEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING FURNACE cleaning. F. Councilman. Phone 639. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. H. L. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 High St.; phon 283 CLEANERS AND DYERS SPICK 'N' SPAN CLEANERS AND dyers. 544 State DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG Phon 184. CO. 405 COURT WM. NEIMEYER "JUST DRUGS." 17S N. Commercial, phon 167. FINANCIAL WANT ranch, A 33500 LOAN ON Soeolofsky, 34 L State. 39000 MARION-POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN association has money to loan at 6V W. D Smith, secretary-treasurer. 303 Salem Bank of Commerce. FARM LOANS 83 YEARS 6 PER CENT NO COMMISSION A. C. Bohrnstedt 407 Mnsonia Temple, BsJem, Or. 20-YEAR FARM LOANS ON RURAL ortdrt plan, pre-pjrmnt provisions al lowed. W will finance yon for a lose rate of interest than any firm on tt. coast. Private money to loan on either city or country property. "R. W. Marsters 411 Oregon Building. FURNACES 8EAGROVE FOR 12th street. FURNACES 198 S FURNITURE STORES GIE8B FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for leae- money. 878 Court Phon 464. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORK NEW rod second hand fumitur. 271 N. QpmmorciaL ....... . FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECES. Delivery O. F. Breithaupt. florist l-jn North Liberty street, Pben 880 I adies' Wearing ADDarel DRE8SMASIN0 SPENCER CORSETS TO ORDER Dressmaking. Oarria Fisher, McCor aaek Bldg. HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING, staitiag. bntine.:tampinc and' aoodl work. 129 Oregon Bid. Phono 379 MRS. a B. MILLED HEMSTITCHING atamping. button a. Room 10, ver Mil Mr' store. Phon 117 BUSINESS CARDS HOTELS CAPITAL HOTEL CORNER, 8TATE nnd Commercial Phone 630. ARLINGTON HOTEL 50 up. 462 State. CLEAN, COSY LADIES' TAILORING W. J. MAYER, HIGH CLAS8 LADIE8 tailoring; long costs, suits and draases Room 7. MeConnaek Bldg. Pkoae 692 LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 316 8 Liberty street. Phone 25. Oldest largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt service. 1264 Broadway. Phone 105 YALE HAND LAUNDRY. 186-194 8 15th St bow nneratlnr under ne management. We make a enecialty of band work on wool and. ailk fabrics Also family washing, rough dry or wet Phon 8. TRANSFER HAULING WR MOVE. . 8T0RE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Our specialty ia plane and furniture moving.. We also maki on n trr trips. We handle the best coal and wood. Call on us for price W give good measur. good quslitj and good service, , Larmer Traoafei Co. Phone 930. CAPITAL CITY . TRANSFER CO. 22f State 8L Phono 933. Distribstlag forwarding and storage our specialty Gel our rates TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE TINES j W. Parker. General Manager Central Stare Terminal Salem. Oregon 8ALEM-SILVKRTON DIVISION Loaves Salem, Central Stags Ternisal: 7n.mlla.m-. 6 p. m Leave Silrerton. New Stand: 8 n. mv 1 p. m 6 p. m. talem-Independeace-Moumouth D'v'rlon Leave Salem Central Stage Terminal: T a. m.. 9 a. m. . 11 a. m, 3 p. d. m. -Loave aUn month, Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 a. m., 1 p. m, 6:15 p. m. Leave Independence, Beaver Hotel. 8:80 a. m, 10 a m4 1:15 p. m. 4 p. Wa sake' connection at Salem to al eert ( tho volley. Extra trip b appointment J. W. PARKER. General Manager. SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND aolln second hand furniture. Tool and ,Junk. S20 N. CommerciaL Phono 492 wivrtn F.VERVTHINO . IS CLOTH I iv and shoes. Beat price paid. Cap ital Exchange. 343 N. OommriaL Phon 1368 W. BUSINESS CARDS SCAVENGERS T SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. refute of all kinds removed. Cestpools lcnd. Pfauoo 167 or 1595-W. BOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE (PUC- ceaeor to Neal Scavenger) Bar cage a4 refaa of all kinds removed ly the muuth. Reasonable rale. Pkonea: Office 529, residme 2058. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVKS REBUILT AXD REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, eixe 2d to 2 lachea high. Paint, oils and varmahes. etc.. logon berry and hop book. hlm t-ice and StOT Work. 2oU Court street. Phon 124. MEDICA MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. MEN'S STORE ED. CUASTAIN CLOTHING CO. SUITS and overcoata. Use my ataira: it paya. 8u5 8uu St MACHINE SHOP THE CROSS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC Steam boiler, vnlraniter and tub plates. Perry C. Campbell, 317 , V Liberty. II. AND M. CO. SPECIALTY GRIND en and welders. Automotive service. 490 Ferry. Phone 804. MACHINISTS WECHTEK ft SMITH MACH1KISTS engineer, welders. Heald eylindet grinding service. ry. Phone 662-345 rVr MUSICAL SALEM CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC All branches taught, diploma granted. John R. Sit, director. 1237 OoarV Pbon 628. RAG AND JAZZ PIANO PLAYING 12 lessons gusranteed. Watermaa - System. F. B. Clark, mgr., MeOornack Bldg. MUSIO STORES GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO- graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano atudies. Repairing phono graphs and saving machines. 432 Stat. Salem. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Siano tuner. Leave order W ill I usis Store JACK CLEMENT SALEM'S OLD piano tuner, ia back. Call, write or phone 1774, tho Song Shep, opposit th Court Hous. NOODLE PARLORS WA HONG NOODLE HOUSE. 439 Ferry. BIN 8IN NOODLE HOUSE CHOP uey. 40c; put tea rice, zue; nooaies. nee, zuc: Doeaies. 60s. 189 8. Lib- 30c; fried noodle, rty. NURSERIES FOR SALE PRUNE TREES. PHONE 10O-F3S. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruiti, ornamental!. Capital City Nur. scry Co., 426 Oregon Bldg. Phone 75. FOR SALE OREGON CHAIrlO? gooseberry plants. P. W. WoIkKI 0. Boi 131. Salem. FRUIT LAND NURSERY HAS A SALES yard at Cherry City Feed Bam, 4 Ferry BtreeL Trees ready for plant ing. See m before baying. Phone 1140-M. PAFERHANGING AND PAINTING PHONE. GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. PRINTING ROWLAND PRINTING CO. . JOB printing, Maeonlc Temple. PLUMBING PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone I397-J. . Shop. 127 Union street, A. U Godfrey. PIANOS TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A new Victor or Brunswick. it. L. BtUl Furniture Co., Musio Dept. SHERMAN. C AY ft CO., PIANOS Ste'nwaye. Duo-Art and others. Moor Musio House, 415 Court street and Maaonio, Tempi. RESTAURANTS HUB RESTAURANT .M08T REASON- abl pric. Joan son Barry. lav a High. VARIETY STORES SALEM VARIETY STORE CHINA ware, glassware, toys, notion, and mil linery. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWER CO. Office. 801 South Oommercial St. Ten per cent discount on domeatie flat rate paid in advance. No deductions for absence or sny cause unlet water is shut off your premises. WOOD SAWS WOOD SAWING PHONE 1131. country. Ed. Sproed. CITY, LODGE DIRhCTORY UNITED SPAN18H WAR VETERANS Camp 5, Armory. First, third Monday PROFESSIONAL CHIROPODISTS OR. 8. P. SCOTT. GRADUATE NA tional University Sciences. Chicago Masonic Temple. Fhone 640. CHIROPRACTORS DR. 8. R. SMITH. CHIROPRACTOR. 833 Oregon Bldg. Phon 664. OR. LENA A. BOONE. CHIROPRACTOR. 475 S. CbmmareiaL Hours 10 to 13; 1 to S. Phon 1415. DRS. SCOTT ft SCOFIELD. P. S. C Chiroprsctors, 414-19 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phona 87; rea. BZS-ii. OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL CO. SUITE 801 Oregon Building. GLASSES FITTED BY. THE BOW Op tical Co, 825 Stat street, opposite Ladd ft Bush Bank, "Us Quality Proven Shur-ona. DBTJOLESa PHYSICIANS MAGNETIC HEALING DR. A Franta. Aim to and ehronie Cn Phono 780. 35 8 Breyman Bloek. NATUR0PATHI0 PHYSICIANS - DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic disease. 415 Oregun Bldg. PtMine w OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DRS. ' WHITE AND U. S. Bank Bldg. MARSHALL 30 DR. F08TER 404 OREGON Phones 756. 202 4-J. BLBG DR. W. L. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC nhvsieian and 1 surgeon. Kirlcavjlle a-radoate. 404-405 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phone, office 919; res. 614. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physicisn and 8urgeon. 403-404 Ore gon Bldg. Phone, of floe 1394; res. ftS-FV PROFFESIONAL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN'S BROKEN ARCHES AND OTHER DE formiues f the feet corrected witheat loss of time iriui your occapation. Drs. Whit A Marshall. C. 8. Bank Btdg. REAL ESTATE IP YOU HAVE PROPERTY FOR SALE, that is prieed right, phone 347. M. J. Hunt BARGAIN GOOD LOT ON MARKET siree between Hammer and Capital atrt-et. Price 8500; 100 cash. Krueger 208 Oregon Bldg. Phone 217 HAVE BUYER POR SEVEN OR EIGHT room hous within eight blocks of uni versity. M. J, Hunt Ladd ft Bush Bldg. Trading Specialty Portland incom and residence property In exchange for farms, orcharda and lands in th Valley. Com and see na. we may a ya n service. T-i r-i n tx ine rieming Kealty CO. I 341 State 8t. ANDERSON ft RUPERT Bns ease r to Laflnr ft If a INSURANCE REAL ESTATE BONDS LOANS 404-1 Oregon Bid. Wood's Bargains N'ew bungalow 31800, eaay terms. Good house, fiv block out, lot 82x165, o paved street, 85000, eaiy terms. Want a house as payment on a 40-acre fsrsr n pared highway. Want a Buiek Dodge car aa payment on a close i home. Went a horn payment or choice five-acre tract. Small house fo' rent. 38.06.- P. L. Wood. 841 State St. STRICTLY . . MODERN- HOUSE BE tween Court and State streets in East Salem. This. haa. everything yon want and i a bargain at 35000. Good terms can be arranged. Winnie Pettyjohn -83 H Stat St; EIGHT-ROOM . HOUSE IN. NO. 1 CON- dition. Large grounds. 35250. Cor per lot, house snd barn.. .91900. Six room house and some furniture. 31850. Gertrude J. M. Page 492 N. Cottage. Worth While XTa have a -neat little three-room house and lovely lot with paved street. Has bath, toilet, electric lights, a blocks to car. Pric $1950, $600 down and pay meuta by the month. W hsv a lovely lot on which the own er has built a very neat garage with two rooms, a folding bed; has city water, electric lights, toilet snd sink. Price $800, $300 down and $12 per month. Wo hav- 51& acres one mile 'east of the State hospital, all in cultivation; no building-i : 8225 per acre on very easy terms if desired. See See Mills & Copley 331 Va State St. Exchanges HAVE A CASH CUSTOMER FOR A strictly modern 6-room houte. 30 acres, with modern improvements; photos can be teen at my office. Want a Salem residence, about $4000; price $8504. 22 acres, 2 miles out, fair improvements, electricity in the house, on good road, only $3700, $1400 cash, balance to be assumed. 60 acre, finest bottom, on pavement; fair improvement, running water; will take Salem residence to $4000; price $150 per acre. - Soeolofsky - 341 8tte. Good Buys Business opportunity on Sisu St., with 20 foot front. Close-in business property, 82x165, with two dwellings. Price 812,000. 5-room plastered eottsge, lights, water and toilet. Price 31700; 8600 down, balance 320 per month, interest 6. 6-room modern home, best Vocation ia Salem, near. State House, large lot Price $16,000; $5000 cash, balance time. New five-room bungalow, with cement basement ' near Stat St. car. Price $4000. $2500 down. 9-room modern home aouta Salem, on paved street, near ear line. Price , 35250; $1000 down, balance $25 per month. Real Estate ft Fire Insurance. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 Stat St., . S. Bank Bldg. We Trade- 'What yon don't want fur whst you do want." Do you wsnt 4 lots in Port land, well located, plenty of fruit Price $1600. mortgage $500, fo Salem lots. 4 -room bungalow Hubbard worth $1000, clear of debt, for Salem lot or lots. General store, small town doing fine business, including store bailding and 7 room modern home, $15,000, for small rancn near aome good town in th Valley. Large list of fine alfalfa and fruit ranches irrigated at Kennewick, Hermiston and Boise, Idaho, for Sslem snd Valley farms Many Eastern Oregon and Washington stock and gram farms for valley farms. Middle n est farms, Nebraska, Kan Colo., Wis., Minn., Dak- Mont and Wyoming, for various kinds of farm in the West. We have hundreds of listing to exchange. See ns for an; kind ol trades. A. W. Estes Realty Co. 416 Oregon Building. PUBLIC NOTICES FIRST NOTICE OP EXECUTRIX Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Nora B. Ritchie, has this day been appointed by the County Court of Marion County, Oregon, as executrix or the Last Will and Testament and Estate of Catharine Ritchie, de ceased. All persons having claims aeainst said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verhuea, to me nnaw- siened at her residence. ZZ6& North 5th Street, Salem, Oregon Or to her attorney, Carey F. Mar tin, 413 Masonic Temple building within six months from the date of this notice. Dated December 9, 1922. NORA B. RITCHIE, FTPcntrix of the Estate ot Catharine Ritchie, Deceased. Carey F. Martin, Attorney for Estate. MINNEAPOLIS WHEAT MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 21. Wheat, cash: No. 1 northern 1.24 ei.32. Decembe 1.23; May 1.23 H; July 1.19 BUENOS AIRES WHEAT RITKNOS AIRES. Dec. 21. Opening, wheat February 1.20 down l-2c: March 1.21, no com parjson. iltT SHOWS T Buying Operations of Pro fessional Interests Seem To Rule Street NEW YORK, Dec. 21. Buying operations of professional Inter ests particularly in the oil croup and a broader investment demand for some of the high grade rail road shares, imparted a strong tone to prices in today's stock market. By far the most Interesting fea ture was the sensational rise In Mexican petroleum which opened at 2 62, up four points and a new 1.I.V . J - , 1. - A 1L. mib ritutu iur iub jear suu uien soared up to 322. often lumping flva nnd t&n ru-iinte .rtofu'Afi aaloe all of 1500 share lots. It dropped back to 300 at the close. Buying of the stock was generally believ ed to have resulted from belated covering operations of venture some short interests. Railroad shares were Inclined to be sluggish in the early part of the session, but they became act ive later. There were indications that the so-called January reinvestment demand was a factor in the late buying. Pan-American issues were heav ily traded in following . the re markable spurt in Mexican petro leum approximately 95 per cent of the stock of which is pwned by the Pan-American company. Announcement that the season al shutdowns in the motor Indus try would be shorter than usual this year, because of the- unprece dented year end activity, resulted in a brisk 'buying of Studebaker, Motor accessories also - were strong. Call money opened at 4V4 per cent and held that rate until just before the close, when it advanced to five. The time money busi ness continued quiet with. 4 bid and five per cent offered, for the longer maturities, some 60 and 90 day loans .being arranged at 7-8. Little new commercial paper Is coming into the market. the rate holding at 4 3-4 per cent. Foreign exchanges were steady. Demand sterling was weak at the opening selling at 4.61 3-8, but it recovered to 4.64 1-4 before the end of the day. Slight improve ment took place in all the other important European remittances. OF HT SELLS Big Purchase for Shipmen To Europe Does Much to Boost Market CHICAGO, Dec. 21. Asser tions that more than 1,000,000 bushels had been bought for ship ment to Europe did a good deal today to lift prices in the wheat market here. The close was strong, half to 1 5-8 net higher with May 1.25 1-2 to 1.25 5-8; and July 1.14 12 to 1.14 58. Corn finished at 7-8 off to 3-8 advance oats up 1-4 to 5-8 and provisions varying from 20 cents decline to five-cents gain. It was only in the last hour of trading that tho wheat market showed any decided upward im petus. Earlier, the sellers out numbered the buyers, with the bulk of the offerings coming from holders who are in a position to realize profits. This class of sell ing appeared to have exhausted itself about mid-day, and at about the same time the pit became aware that export business on liberal scale had been in progress and that speculators on the bear side apparently had over-reached themselves at least for the time being. The fact that a consider able part of the foreign partici pating was to be filled by ship ments from ports on the Gulf of Mexico tended to make the ad vance of the wheat market rather brisk al last. Corn and oats were governed largely by action of wheat, but corn displayed less power to rally. Large receipts of corn here count ed as a bearish factor. Provisions were dull but for the most part held fairly steady in line with hogs. DAIRY POTATOES PORTLAND. Dec. 21. Butter prints extras 51c; prints extras 48; prime first 47c Bntterfat Portland delivery: -No. 1 sour cream 53c. Potatoes: Buying price locals 50c; selling price 60 90c. FRUIT NEW YORK, Dec. 21. Evapor ated apples quiet but steady prunes easy; apricots quiet peaches dulL LIVERPOOL WHEAT LIVERPOOL, , Dec.. 21. Close Wheat 3-8 d. lower to 3-4 d. high er: December 10s. 9 l-4d.; March 10s, 5-8d.; May 9s, 9 5-8d. Classified Ads. In The Statesman Bring Results STRUNG 1 MILLION BUSHELS HOLD! fl HUSBAND Adele Garrison's New rtutse of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHA1TEU US THE WAV MOTHER GRAHAM OBJECTED TO THE TRIP I entered into preparations for the canoe trip to Blue's Bridge with the zest of a small girl going on her first Sunday school picnic. The love of the out-of-doors and the unusual is Ingrained in every inch of me. and this trip promised both. What shall I wear?" I asked Dicky anxiously, for I knew noth Ing of the place to which we were going, beyond the tact that one secured there, "a perfectly corking dinner," in Dicky's enthusiastic phraseology. I wondered it it were some exclusive place where one's costume would be criticised. "Anything from a nightdress to a ball gown," Dicky replied, teas- ingly. "But, dispassionately speaking, I shouldn't advise either extreme. Try a happy medium. Militant Mother Graham. . "With the limited experience both of you have had with canoea, X should think your bathing suits would be the wisest apparel." bis mother put in dryly. "Of all the crazy things to do anyway, this going off on a canoe trip with all you've got In front ot you. Mar garet, is the limit! Of course. Richard hasn't a grain of common aense, but yon re a woman, you ought to have some Idea of what ycftfve got before you." f 'But, mother, dear," I protest ed, "my things are packed, almost down to my toothbrush, and the clothes for my journey are all laid out. It won't take me five mln utes to put the last articles in my email bag when I dress tomorrow and there Isn't a thing else to do. a e know you wouldn t let me take care of Junior if I did stay at noihe." "I should say not!" she declar ed emphatically, with an adoring glance toward her Idolized grand son, who .was 'building himself wonderful house ot blocks upon the floor. Then it came tumbling down each time jnst before it was completed, appeared to detract no whit from his gargling enjoyment of his work. "I've had to do without that blessed baby all the time I was sick. I guess I'll hate him all I want now. "But that's beside the mark." she went, on, returning like homing pigeon to her original subject. '.'You'll tumble into that river aa sure as anything, and then where will your trip North be?" "Ob mother, say not so!" Dicky Implored, stretching his arms toward her in a burlesque appeal. "Don't wish as anything like that!" "I don't want to bear anything from you," she turned on him quickly. "You're the one that' responsible for all this. Don't think yoa can poll the wool over my eyes, young man. Margaret would have been starting North by this time except for your film flam about - those reservations. Don't tell me you couldn't get any accommodations until the day after tomorrow. I know better! Dicky Takes Precautions. "You can ask the ticket agent." her son rejoined flippantly. "I Intend to," his mother re plied, significantly. Into her son s eyes for a mo ment flashed a startled look which confirmed the suspicion had entertained that he had par posely misrepresented the earliest date upon which he could get res ervations in order to give me the trip to Blue's Bridge. But his reply to his mother waa prompt and disarming. "That's right. Nothing like settling things at headquarters Just let me know when you are ready and I'll take you over." "I think I can manage to get there by myself," she said, tartly bending over her sewing again and evidently dismissing as as unworthy of consideration. Dicky glanced furtively at me There was such a boy-caught- stealing-jam look upon his face that I could nQt resist the tempta tion to assure him of my under standing of his ruse and forgive ness of it. There was no chance however, to expres my feeling in any other way than by a alow. comprehending wink. Dicky started, and his face lighted with appreciative glee. He blew me a kiss over his mother': unsuspecting head, and spoke quickly but casually: "Seriously speaking, Madge, I wear that wool jersey salt yours, with your golf hose and your stoutest, heaviest shoes. That wool skating cap you used to wear last winter should be the thing for your .head, but I don't suppose you brought it along." "It's in my trunk," I said de murely. "Ob, wise young woman! Dicky paraphrased. "Well, then you re complete except that yoa ought to take along - an -extra sweater or coat for an emergency, And now, if you'll excuse me, I've got aome packing ot my own to do." . He sauntered leisurely out of the door, but I saw him pass the window hurriedly a minute later, and guessed that he had gone to fortify th ticket asent acalnst any Inquiry hrs snsplclons mother mlfht choose to make. , ; ' ....... r 6 , norm .- CHAPTER 190 v-- WHY MADGfi WAS STARTLED AT SIC.I1T OP THE GUIDE. , Dicky made record time on tho little trip .whose destination A suspected to be the railroad tick et office, came backT l10 the house as fiirreptitiously ts he bad left it and went- directly "to ou room. HIh usual luck was with him, tor his mother "ww ed on placidly, supposing him. to be, packing, and it was onljr when he passed the window I overlook ed, for the ; second .tlmeIa " te turning thut i Tentured to make, any changu in my own position which might attract the keen ob- rervatlon ot my mother-in-law. "I think I'll ro to ee hoir Dicky Is setting along.."-. I re marked casually, rising and pat ting ap my work.1 , "ThatVtheIfsTsenaTBTi thing I've heard you say today,-. , nia mother retorted. "You'll prob ably find him wrapping hit golt sticks in his drer shirts, l.wtsh. you'd keep him busy long1 enough for me to go down'to the ticket office and backV ; v V , (Continued on page IV AUCTION At Staffs Anciion House Saturday ; ' . . 1:30 PJI. : Complete Outfits r Of Home Furnishing will be old tt auction. Everything will go to the highest bidder? u -V i Beds ,to furnish sever! . comfortable homes. . ' Mattresses and Springs , Dining Tables t, Piano Lamps ;,ranffes -.. " ' 1 Library Tables Stand tables' ; :. 4 ! A large 'assortment of rns; pictures dishes, kit chen utensils, chairs and rockers, . desks, tools and everything to completely furnish a home. - 1:30 pan. SATURDAY 1 Cor.lOoxiTt..ar4 Liberty - i .-fc Stmts i:: I SALEM MARKETS i SALEM MABJCSTS Priee quoted ar rnieslo aa4 a price received by farmers. . Ke.rotat price are -fives eieept a noted. K..t wbat 31.10 :-- i , N S wheat 31.08. . A No. 3 Red srssst, tacked. 1.8T. ' Cheef bar, 320. ' , . Oat bar 320(231. . . Clever hsy, 891Q23. - EOOS, BUTTS AMD atTTKATAT Ecf. roUiL. 4o. i t . . ' Creamery batter 63 Q 68. ' . s. Bntterfat. deUTered, 83. '. r Mv Uilk, 82.4 wt. t .j 'if 'A POULTtt .1 Jr Old roMtors a. -.'. ''t ".jy Broiler 1. i !t' v-t''- ! ' Hens, lifht. 18. ., , - . lians, bearr, !. ' h , FOBX. afXTTTOB ASTD BXCT 1 Hers, top. 8c. , l.i noes. o. . "'- - Premed hogt, 13II3A. Top real, drrssed. 124IH, i:4 Cow, SfeOe. rtOTII Banana If. Weil $10 10.50. - "I Snrri nrancM 8T.OU.- t California sraperrnit. 84 T5C J.O0. 4-" - V" rionda gTasxtrnit. $700. Krapir rrape tO lb. " ... ,; . , Cranberries $3 bK. 4 ; ' ' . Itataa. SO.TS. . ; : . l' " Jap orange 2 bosdla. , tf f WslnaU SO lb. - r-ftrt-r-.'..,,.-, Filbert 30 lb. r , , a, Almond Sfte, ' ' ' ! BratU 1ft lb. - ' - . - VETABtXS Vv': Canliflewv 3..i3. " tteS $4.50 enteV' V ' " v.stoes $s.oe. . ? ; -n - t . Portland Paying Prlcq BOOS, TOTJLTBT AVD HZAXmT - l BUTTKRFAT FIRM , No. 1 rhdrninf rreem, 626c 6e f. h. Portland; .anderrrsdes. MKrf Slei ' ' - EOOS WEAK . ,-. ; Carrent receipt. 87a3; . wblt bea nerie 43644. . - - IIVE POfLTRT DirVOBAUZED (Lese rommUslon) HcsTj.bens. 23 lb.: do i;rit,-le; sprfars, 'lTtfi 18e; old roosters. 10c; darks, wtille Pekin, younc 1SQ20C.; drssed ducks, 23&23e; tmr keys. No. 1 dressed. SSffSffe.;. Vo. t. 83 35e; do live. 266J28; rees,' 1J&16: da drrsied. 23W24c. . - , DRESSED MEATS VEAK fle commission) Cboiro liftit bog. : 12, 13; nndearrade.9 lOGlXe; top grades real, 12V 3ej nnder jradtj, 8fc HAT ATD OBATJf . : HAY FIRM. SCARCB - (DeliTer Portland) Valley timothy 32 ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, $24 ton; alfalfa, 21 ton; clover, $21 to; straw. ' 19 ton; (rain bar. $23 ton. GRAJK HIGHER ' Bid prices (track Portland fn ear lota) Wheat options. $1.18'1.25j Bsart or blnestem, $1.50; oats, $S3J0S: 3T.S0; Eastern yellow com, J 32.T598 4. 00; bar ley, S'4.00; millmn. aL.tH)fa 81 J0. FBTTT. FRCIT 8TKADT Apple. S0c$i.S0,fcrdinf to var- iety and pack); wr RO75c box. VEGETABLES VEGETABLES rlTEADr i Oregon potatoes. 50Q8Oo rwt.t Oregon eabbage, nominal; parsnips, $1.00 sack V carrots. $1 aack; onion. $1.733 cvl: csaliUowr. $1.50ei.T5 dosea. , 'OOi ' 1 ' ' WOOL STOW , ' ' -Half Wood and -fin. 8$40e; tnr eighths bleed. 82Q5e; qaarfr blood. SO) 32e; low oasrter snd braid, Sif3S7s " Batted or rotted wool, 232Ac; , . iJS?7Te,"2ra0rVnf WTwabrortoa and Idabm mebr clip brin 3 to S cent lest than valler wooi.l HOPS OCTET - . . ?Str,MI BO"li crop; (i Veooufaljdoll.. , z ' - pwAw aw