The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 21, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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    Mnun punnpcn i
Jury Acquits Mri. 6'rtinen
Brother Convicted pf Cir
cus Man's Death
20.Mrt; ports 'fcrpnenV tonight
was acquitted and herr brother.
Harry C. .Molir waV fotuja ' ftifity
of : murder in - the first degree
in connection frHti ;' th e staring
of the' former's . hushancT. I'Woh
est" John T;-.-. Brunen,'; ,' circus
owner.;. .The Jury ricoinmen'ded
that Mohr be , sentenced to,
Imprisonment at hard labor;
.The Jury" had been out" abbot
tbTee hours. 'Ok request of Wal
ter 8. Keown, counsel for the
defense, 'sentence' .was .deferred
until "after1 the Christmas holi
days. Justice Samuel Ksttscb, set
ting January? at, the date., .At
that time, Mr. Keown said, he
would "move for a" new ' trlalr" ;
' - Mrs, ' Branen Faint V
At thejforeman,-Walter Mills,
an aged farmer; Announced the
verdict, Mrs. Brunei gTaaped
Mohrs Vband tobbin , rob.
Harry! Oh, Harry!" She then
falntea-Wjf,?. bead : 'Btrlting: a
chair as ; she fell.. '.Mohr,' his
hands shackled , and;- two sUte
troopers elutcninr hits, arm,"" lean
ed erf ef "aid caressed his sister.
Hazel Brunen," daughter of the
slain ' show ? man, who testified
for the prosecution was . not In
the court when the verdict was
' ' Moscow celeftrateo a rather peaceful anniversary ot thf tanwna
"reototloir which overthrew th power of the Czar. Picture ihowa
wilttary unit to; "Red Sooare- eelebrattog with, tanks, armored
motor ;srj. field uowitzeri and raany other "wat, mstrnmecta.
he remonstrated with : them,
thereupon : they attack htm, took
his' podcetbooav containing I
and tiedd him across the tracks1.
Then .they " feft., Tod worked
several mfnutet to free himseir,
according to the officer's accoant
of the conversation and managed
lo roll his body 'om tne track
just as the ' train hove in sight
Todd' has. "lived here several
years and is well known. He
said he thought he could identify
his assailants.
(contisned trom page 1) ,
buckle .became
Angeles District
public, the Los
Federation of
Women's clubs met. and by
four to one rote adopted V o
ti6n endorsing itaf ptftvionf action
Wken shortly, after the (fomedlan't
arrest la San francisco : In .iwn
uktiotf ..vmif thvdetatli of.jVIrt
ginia vRappe; screeit' actressy, tn
opposing - his return "to taotlon
picture. '
; :'
( 1)
to ba w4kened early today by
thremen jwhOdemanded to
know'hfs bueineteu After, learn
ing ,! hisA plight tjief departed
down tb tracki'(the -chief - said
To doUlfilA' iUa. irsl . ' i feiM
1 Tied to. Track 't
.Sq6nth4'-sdund' ot-hammeTiag
caused him- to", follow :t the JLrlo,
and fcfotthd" them : apparently at
timEtinr la remove a. rail. 3hiet
Ferris , quoted Todd at saying
.By Ella McMnnn
trunk. You struggle and strug
gle; perspiration breaks but on
vour brow and npper Hp and
tears run In rivers from your eyes.
I am not afraid cf small pox, or
hydrophobia, of delirium tremens
or the "Second Coming of Christ,
but a person with a COLD, Ob,
my! I should feel safer by far
to have a roaring hlppopottomus
walk into our front room and sit
mail, althosgh before, be , got
through his route it was so dark
he had to. use a, lantern to read
the name on the : lettersr And
then I think 1 of Frank 'Litchfield
and Jay Cox who served faithfully
and long out of the Salem post
office, and I am sure that but for
the vieci&itudes of their occupa
tion, they would not now be sleep
ing out on the hill.
? N6w; what I am going to say
will keep a tot f people from
sending me Christmas : presents,
and so yon tee how unselifjsn I
ant deliberately Mf stir up' few
hundreds of good people "before
they, hire dropped their packages
in thenau: ?v' ; t ' '
:; I think .that' etery person with
a .cougtt oV.cpld.'who Is ?ircnla.t-
lng about the stfeeta and In the
stores , at , this teasonj should be
fined a million dollars and sent to
the federal prison at Leavenworth.
KanaasV for life. That la If it is
a first offense, but - If . second
offense,' I should deal With ' them
severely.' , 3Iy mother, contracted
the . cough from'' infant six
weeks ago. -The j infant hat re-!
coyered, but my motfier(. still Jart
the dithes - In the cupboard When
she -('cbaghs; ; By. Wetrlng ' tree
men's - heavy 'sweaters'- day. ' .and
nighty drinking i gfllon. jOf ; boil
ing water every, day. and. saying:
"Every day : In every d way,, I am
better and better' I managed to
recover in one.waek-Iv '
But It was no Joke. The cough
seises you when yeu least - expect
It Yon , may , he. admiring the
scenery, or putting stigar in your
coffee, or saying your prayers,
when ail. at otce you. have to grab
your; waistline : s0L?iht yenr ret
tebr ae - may not. become- dismem
bered,' and you arer heartily glad
that your - head and limbs are se
curely fastened upon V the main feet
At this season of good will
which may be the last for many
of us, I would suggest that while
we are remembering the sick, the
aged, the unhappy and the, dear
ones oY bur own household we re
member our rural mail carrier. I
don't mean . to . remember how
many times we have found letters
in our boxes that didn't belong
to us, or how. often our mail went
visiting, or how bored we have
been when the mail was late, etc.
but to remember that the rural
carriers; are, human beings- and
that they, hiava given, us loyal
service that cannot be measured
In dollars' . and cents. , Without
him. or "her there would, be n.o
Christmas in the country. " He ia
Santa Clan's on a large scale. And
he is the friend, confidant, con
fessor and. advisor of ? us all
throughout .the. year. .
. H knows when1 the olds cow
cow! goes . dry and 'the' hena stop
laying... He knows when there is
family trouble, and when the boys
run Away and mothers are worried
about the letters coming to their
girls. He knows when We are
hard up and when bur corns are
bothering us; and yet, I think,
that nib priest ever buried secrets
more deeply in his bosom. And
What a tough time they have all
been having, these last few weeks
of bad weather when they biave
so uncomplainingly traveled .over
bod ToaflsV . And always when 1
get to talklnir about heroes, t re
member that during tne big storm
of three years ago our carrier,
"Route Bight; ; ai he has been
called In Aur family tor more than
20 years,, plowed through; three
of snow and delivered ' our
Pep Club Organized
By Siiverton Girls
SILVERTON. Or.. Dec. 20.
(Special to The Statesman.)
The girls of the Siiverton high
school have organized a club to
be known as the Pep club which
will correspond to me boys
Orangemen club. An examination
consisting of. school yells . and
rally songs is to . be passed be
fore any girl student can be
admitted to the. club.
The enrollment has been set at
a quota of 50. Any girl who is
a member of the student body
is eligible to membership if she
can pass the required examina
tion. Those whb pass will be
placed on the waiting list after
the quota of 50 has been
Miss Haiel Hartman was elect
ed president; Miss Ruth" Fluhrer,
vice president; Miss Doris Riches,
secretary-treasurer; Miss Kather-
Ine Lemmonn. sergeat-at-arms;
ana Miss Eleanor Aaams, yen
Four Implicated irt Shooting
Case With Otticer
Must Leave
, SEATTLE, Wash"., Dec. 20.
Richard Holbrook and three other
students: who were with! him . in
the early morning of November
2 0 when ,ne ,-was shot by Police
man j: u. KariDerg.xoaay. were
susnended by the University of
Washington. Karlberg, who was
suspended after the shooting, fs
to be restored, to duty. Holbrook
Is' recovering. . i . -
"The discipline committee feels
thai its' action fs' drastic," said
Dean; John JT. Condon, its chair
man. . "But we must and shall
stop Intoxication among ' college
Holbrook, Casper Schneider
and. Hubert Lewis were- suspend
ed, until January 1, 1924, and
Wayine Allen, until .- January. 1,
1925. All lose credit .for work
done, a the current quarter.
Karlberg says that his pistol
was. discharged when Holbrook
threw at. him a . traffic e sign,
which the students had picked up
and carried toward a fraternity
koeiiijt''w V.-'v.-..
I im . . , . . ' - - Z 1 '
I V-';
... . . . -'':.r. ' I'-.-t
M -
Thlj fine t!i;Ltly
Ly". .'.' ,tr
Edison, VictroM and Gratoiidlas
'J 'zti ; is tie ? greatest Kit o! tea 1 bargains ever offered in
I.,,, .V. 'if I -
$75 Mew
t J Phonograph ?
' '- ' '
urn C'?v v. crfc
(.ft m " ,' ,-. v-
. sj : " , : .
$100 New
. a':
v 50caweekv
; $1. down
I r-t I
P-honQgraph .
$S0 $75
$1 down $1 down
$1 a week $1.25 a week
Victrola Graionola
like new a real tray
$59 $23
I ' ., ' ' ' ' ' ,
$1 down $1 down
V $1 a week Jl awet
l , 1 vl : 1
Sl.t)0 DOAlN
, ca nay ttltct any phonograph ia ocr entire itock and pay only one dollar idown and we will hold
- if toxical
v J
GEO. C. WILL ViU BIdft., 433 State Street
GHABlfr i BURfiS: : j
Tnniriiftrf n finr7
those absolutely
Gets ' Knockout irf Third
at Dallas Bayes Loses
Decision to Coyle
DALLAS. Or Dec. 20. (Spe
cial to The Statesman.) "Rough
House" Charley Burns of Portland,-
127 pounds, won by a knock
out from Tiger Florei, 129 pounds
in the third round of a scheduled
10-round bout here tonight. It
was a slam-bang affair and a
good fight while it lasted.
Fibres was virtually knocked
out in the second round, but was
saved by the gong. He lasted IS
seconds fn the third.
In the semi-windup Brick Coyle
of Vancouver was given a decis
ion over Phil Bayes of Salem In
six rounds. The decision did not
satisfy all the spectators. The
boys are featherweights.
In the first preliminary Forrest
Pollock of Salem won a 4-round
decision over Kid Davis of Sa
lem. Benny Dotson, 122 pounds; of
Portland, and Kewpie Riley, 124
pounds of Portland, boxed a four
round draw.
An exhibition bout was staged
by the Bowers twins of Sheridan.
passed except
needed. . w
I have in. mind now some ed
ucational bills, the uniform nrar
rii?o and divorce law beinc pre
pared, and a bill relating to
illegitimate children which I sfeatt
i no doubt support," she said.
Miss Rainey state she cannot
at j understand why laws relating to
women and children should al
ways be linked together.
"They are two entirely separ
ate matters, just as mcch as are
laws relating to men and child
ren," she declared. "I favor the
best possible care of the sick and
injured war veterans, and a state
bonus for all Indiana soldiers of
the World war when economic
conditions permit."
Miss Rainey is a business wo
man and a student. She has been
connected with one of the oldest
law firms . in Indiana for more
than 25 years. Miss Rainey chose
to go even farther ahead and has
been studying law at nights for
the last four years. She said she
expects to graduate thfs year. She
came to Indfanapbti's from
Waynetown in Montgomery coun
ty, and for a time was a country
school teacher.
Peters composed th board- dH
rectorv-, w -,f'-w
.The state banking department
has arranged with, the fifficerl of
the new bask to take over 8S per
eenf of ; the" saving deposits and
45 per cenrof the conrmCTCtal dei
posits of th former Bank of Sher
wood Which was dosed November
13 last. The new bank will take
ofer approved assets that will
qual the percentage of thie' de
posit liabilities. " The remaining
assets of the Bank ot Sherwood
will be placed In the "hands' ot a
deputy from the bankttrg depart
ment to be appointed later7 hird
wilt be liquidated f of the benefit
of the depositors, i The indica
tion! are, according tofir. Bratn
welt. that tae savrng depositors'
will recover about-$ eents if th
do! far a"nd t he ommerictat depos
iibrs about S cents.
F6lC RENT -Three he&sekeepfag
rooms; ne?, furniture.
. paint and ,.paper.
furnished. 1207 SJ
at 'streets'. ' Adult only.
Polk County' Prunes Are ;
Sent East for Christmas
Woman Student and Law
yer Will Sit With. General
State Assembly
Sherwood Organization
Take Place of Depository
Recently Closed
ted to the house of the Indiana
general- assembly without having
made a speech or without having
taken an active part In. her cam
paign, Miss Elizabeth Rainey of
Indianapolis Is truly choice of
the people.,; Miss Rainey was the
only woman in Indiana to win a
position greater than a county of
fke5 She was elected on the Re
publican ticket She made the
race at the request of two nbn
partfsan clubs the Woman
City club and the Woman's De
partment club of Indianapolis.
Being a member of the general
assembly is tl new to Miss Rain
eyf .but hd has some rfeflifte
ivt'iC0Bcera,I? the. activities of
thit body. . She, favor the so
called short , ballot and (a of the
opinion that no law be
The Citizens' Bank 6f Sher
wood, a new organization to take
the place of the defunct Bank ot
Sherwood, was yesterday issued a
charter by Frank C. BramWell,
state superintendent of banks,
and it opened for business yester
day. The capitalization is $25,
O90 and the surplus $5000. The
officers are: . President, K. C.
Schulmerich of. Hillsboro; vice
presidents, J. E. Morbach and J.
C. Leedy; cashier, William C.
Christenson. These with W. F.
Young; A. C. Kruger and W.' L.
cut TmS 6tJT- ir is woRrri
, Cut but this slip, enclose with
5c and mail. It to Fbjey & Co.,
2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111.,
writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive in re
turn a trial package containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
for coughs, colds and croup; Foley
Kidney Pills for. pains in sides and
bark; rheumatism, backache, kid
ney and bladder ailments; and
FoI6y Cathartic Tablets, a whole
some and ( thoroughly cleansing
cathartic for constipation, bilious
ness, headaches, and sluggish
poweis. Sold., everywhere. Adv.
DALLAS. "Or.- Dee;' MtSpei
cial to The' Statesman.! Prunes'
raised in this vicinity, will,, get
a lot of free ;adrertsng this year
as many of the 'local people are
sendng the fruit to eastern rela
tives and friends as gifts. The
local expressoffice has already
shipped several hundred boxes
and they continue to come in for
shipment. - , . . .
Read the Classified Ads.
wkk a mmr, tloiej
acK. "food doct not aoundk
1-.. J : 1 j. -inMit
U. bhk doziM ai WL
9 The mkb a Ud iKhr
UuU U a&fiodwkh aetacg U
lUptttikK iuibtRU .
f tu teoMdy wsa mix ttpbtvt&r
aU mcaif WucabnUl p&tm
:(mad tfrengtWetwy OocSj fo&dioa.'
q tt to& mm&xt of peepU U
have tuowsJuIIy uwd Di. IWtsu'k
Umem me&oDO, recoamcaded lor aft
.aOanW onftJticM, effet Um slroDgesi
jwmiHtt eadacjciacnl (of j ' -
P tAitcrs or Uuid
04 Htt
II m
TTtUtt V. 8, Of?ounl Spt1i1
Long Look
Into the future, add: up ithe, possibilities
suotract the impossibilities and' then de
cid ivh'ere -you should be ten years front
today. , '
. , - - ' . . .
If. your, thinking is not faulty, and .M
ti-ill open a Savings Account now and lay
away, some fixed ardouHt'e'tfeh Week or -month
yoirr financial future will be guar,
anteed from today oh. " '
This" bank alio W8 r r
3 Compound Interest on Savings -
United States fcatidital Bank
"The Batok Thii Serrfw Buifi"
t ? Member Federal Reserve Systeni
U' -agWtluaJ- 'mwmm-t'jiim j.r.-f- iff t..i H .-..,. ;J, .. . 4
Oiir showing of good, dependable household gddds was
hevet more complete than it is today listed Below ate
iew of the many ysefut Xmas goods that We hive foi
your inspection. j
Breakfast Sets
Candle Sticks
Carpet Sweepers
Cedar Chests
China Closets
Conches m ' : "
Desks T
Dining Room
Dressing Tables
Trade in yonr old Goods
ai pari payment
on new
Electric Lairips 1 ? Sewing Canufets ) V"
Electric Sweepers . . Smoking Stands , 1
End Tables FJdor Lamps Xi ,
Ferneriers Stand Lamps
Mall Mirrors TeatijonS
Hati Trees Waste BaskeU 'V i
KilcSen Cabinets Wardrobes T
Ladies' Desks , Pictur ' 1
Lamps 'ii Gate Leg fables '!
Magazine Racks Davenport Pillows
Medicine Cabinets ' Spinet Desks
tiinoTt j 21 Bridge Lessons i ,
Mnjic Cabincb Piahos I
Otfice'Fnrnito Sewing Machines !
Pedestals -r tt.i
. . . FeraDishes 1
Ranges ' , , - -: ' X :
Auto Robes !5 r
Rockers Wm: - . 'ZX IX
Rugs . ,;";" Crockery
Settees ' Xl ' eeiWafe
ie ciii furnliH your
at M prib6 from tmr
y Exchange department -
I Usefuil Xitias Presents''
k p
. 4
, i
'i 1
A . . I
; 'v ' 1
1 1
( If A'
r.. .