The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 21, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' 6 J
I 1
1 n
i4 ;
fjrO, LITTLE SEAL, with your
X J. i message of hope,;
rjmir to a world as a life-saver's
rope, - j . .. .
gek you the palace and seek yon
jtpe .snea
Soft little pillow for
Chapter G of the p. E. O.will
meet today with Mrs. Oscar E.
Price. Holiday plana. will be.iU:
cussed and the program will be
in charge of lire. J. J. Evans. Kip
ling' "Light That Failed" will
be the topic for the afternoon dis
cussion. One of the largest of Christmas
parties will be that given Friday
evening in the EJita hall for the
boys and girls of Mrs. Ralph L.
White's dancing classes. More
than . 150 -youngsters will frolic
and enjoy the tree and 'other fes
tivities provided?;
The Monday Brfdge club was
entertained by Mrs. R. E. Ander
son this week. Mrs. Herbert Haid
will entertain the club at her
home January 8. , J
The AM snrfotv nf th W Tt C
.. Walter, Greennongh. will meet this afternoon at the
HV Little Seal, with message of
-cheer, . -. -
Balding up courage and easting
ait fear,
Sb you God's sunlight In castle
aid cage j .
Bright Little Beacon of lives that
' fja . saver - .
Ho.Uttl ;Seal. with
lige td-iaen.r, j
Lifting thm.'backto
road again,
yon the air of I God'iC lieavea
Mia I .
rr - i f
YWiint in gently to help them we
e. -
lifie's high
V r
I .
-t- family range
LANG'S Alaska is the
ideal range for the
smaller kitchen possess
ing all of the features
of the larger LANG'
models. The HOT AIR
DRAFT and the HOT
BLAST principle enable
it to utilize every heat
unit. .- .-..
Flames are forced
entir-ljr around the
oven, completely and
thoroughly heating
every inch of cook
ing aurfacc
LANG'S Alaska' .V. economical Your fuel bills
will be cut .down materially by -the ; use of this
satisfactory -little -kitchen stove. If you are think
ing of buying a new ran c you owe 'it to yourself
to firtt' investigate a LANG. r -r -,
.. People's Furniture Store
. Salem, Oregon
- ' for Western People
armory for the, regular, session.
Plans, for sending baskets to the
shut in- members of the' O. A. R.
and the W. R. C. will be made.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Larhmand
hare gone to California, whr
they will spend the next few
Past matrons and patrons were
honor guests Tuesday evening at
a' social evening of Chad wick
chapter of the O. E. S. The in
itiation work was put on by a
group of past matrons.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Eastman
of Marysville, Cal. are guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Th Ladies of the G. A. R. will
meet Saturday with Mrs George
F. Smith. A business meeting
will be held and plans for future
work discussed.
Thirty-five boys and girls, who
otherwise would hot have 3ny
I Christmas festivity, will be en
tertained tomorrow - evening by
the TrI L girls at the Y. W. C. A.
A' Christmas tree, with good
things to eat and presents for all
will be the happy lot of, the
children. The girls entertaining
are members of a young business
woman's club affiliated with the
Y. M. C. A.
mm put
(Continued from page 1)
though sullen when- .captured.
made no effort: to resist arrest.
A pair of rubber gloves and other
suspicious articles were discov
ered about the house which gave
strength to the suspicions of Chief
Mof fitt.
Comes From Nebraska
, Stone is understood ,to have
come here about five years ago
with his parents from Nebraska.
He is about 21 years old. When
questioned in Salem by the po
lice last night he maintained a
stolid silence as to the 'Salem
store burglaries. He is also sus
pected of several hold-ups which
have been perpetrated here dur
ing the last few months.
Both Salem stores were entered
in the same way on the night of
November 17, through the sky
light at the rear. Escape was
made through the rear door.
Cash Is Takes
fThe burglarScaped with $200
from the till of the Man's Shop,
owned by William Zosel and Ellis
Cooley, and approximately $40
from the Gwynn barber shop. In
addition several "barbers'- tools
were taken.
Stone will be arraigned before
Fudge G. E. Unruh in the Justice
court at 2 p. m. today.' .
MiUi is coming here in "Lady
BJlly," a musical romance, which
wil be seen at the Grand theatre
December 27.
"Lady Billy" is considered one
of the best musical plays the
diminutive star has ever had.
It is said to be a very funny
story, and the music has been
heralded as lasting and whistle-
able. Zelda Sears wrote the
book and lyrics and Harold
Levey wrote the music. Miss
Sears is remembered as an actress
and Harold Levey as a Victor
Herbert protege.
Henry W. Savage sponsors
Mltzl and the big scenic pro
duction that is comrgg to this
' '
t :
: .'V.
a man
tWeWe planned io mdke this a Happy Christmas
' forvur customers: We have a store lull of fresh,
" new merctiandiseUes of every conceivable
description to suit metis tastes.
Suspenders . .
Knitted Mufflers
Belts ;
Belt Buckles
Bath Bobeg
Gloves all kinds
Collar Boxes
Eagle Shirts
And remember that this is the store of
Yoa tloLm&t dtm'ioMiiojoas by tnvetifoin&Kni, stordj
; :'Kupptnhtimet Oitrcod ? ;
Others420-$25-$30 " "l ':
. " - ' j
the house of Kuppenheimer good clothes
Dr. Jack
Starts Saturday
cty. The latest gowns fr&m
Pars will be "worn by the cory
phees. . These) models rnclade
bouaoir trousers. pa Jama tea
togs. .Grecian drapes and indoor
flaoner creations.
rTle orchestra will be a special
feature. Under the direction ot
Paul Yartin some of the Liberty
theatre. New York. musicians
will play the score.
Mitzfs- helpers are Boyd Mar
shall, Mark Smith. Vira Rial.
Vera Kingston. Ethel Allis. Ed
ward Ciaannelli. Fan Bourke.
Mack Kennedy and Charles Gay.
The girls' of the ensemble are
credited' -with being young and
numerous and not only can they
tang- and dance, but they also
have the ability to act. it is
said that Mr. Savage took two
hears to gather these singing or
chids. Mitzl is only playrng a, rew
cities on this tour because of
1 contracts that call for long en
gagements n New. York and Bos
ton, Miss anything else, but
don't miss the only Mitzi. his
is one, of the season's biggest
events and this eity is fortunate
co be inclttded on the little star's
(Continued from page 1)
showed rates of 17.6, 19.5 and
20.4, respectively,
California Rate llighest
San I5ego. Cal., set the high
record for 1921 with . a s-uicide
rate of 48.7. Ran Francisco coin,
irg wcond with 37.3. Spokane.
Wash., third with 32.3 and Los
'Angeles fourth with 27.9. Dr.
Hoffman hazarded the gues that
Ithis was because of the number
ot health and fortune seekers
jho migrate yearly to th west
jcoast, many of whom fail to find
jwhat they are seeking.
Two cities in the list reported
a zero suicide rate Mass) Hon
Ohio and Newport, R. I.
Many Men Die
The analysis showed thit men
suicides preferred the shootm?
and banging routes, while the
greatest percentages of women
suicides elected poison and as
phyxiation. Almost three times
as many men as women ended
their own lives, 40.8 per cent ot
them electing fire arms and 17. X
per cent choosing the rope. Only
14.4 per cent of the femal sui
cides shot themselves and 13.4
per cent chose hanging. 1'oison
claimed 30.3 per cent ot the wo
men suicides and . asphyxiation.
20.7. Percentages for men bp
these latter methods were (re
spectively 12.5 aadd 11.1 per
cide rate per 100,000 had Increas
edd to 15.7 in 1921, as compared
with 124 in 1920. It was a
fraction higher -than the average
12.2 for the five year period
1916-1920 but companred favor
ably with figures for the three
preceding five year periods, which
That fill the field and fringe the
- - way, .
, Where h walka a mile with
')' : 5 '.-.V- . ' '., . i
And wbo'will walk a , mile with
v me i:
Along life's weary way?
A friend whoae heart has eyes to
The stars shine out o'er the dark
ening lea.
And the quiet rest at the end o'
the day,
A friend who knows, and dares to
The brave, sweet words that cheer
the way
Where he walks a mile with
With such a comrade, such a
I fain would walk till journey's
Throagfa summer sunshine, winter
And then? Farewell, we shall
meet again!
Ir. Henry Van Dyke.
A Mile Wh Me
Oh, who will walk a mile with mo
Along life's merry way?
A comrade, blithe and fulj of glee.
Who dares to laugh out lou an
And let his frolic'fahcy play.
Like a happy child, through the
flowers gay
- .
Be Cured to .Stay Curcci
mancntly cure your Piles
without cutting,-burning, ! M
stitching, anaesthetic, cbri- J
finement or unpleasant .
after-effects My patients
are reputsble mm and wotnen
In every walk of life to whom
you may refer about this painless,
aoftrargkal cure.
U you are a sufferer from Tkm o
Fittula, Future or btber rental
disease, call o wtite tody fcr''' "
my FREE booklet. '
Cost of treatment retiof if 1
fail t cttae ywr P Jm. "
emiQn this pupca whcm writing
rr j
Kwong Fook & Co.
AH Kinds Holiday -Goods
On Sale Baskets, Silk Handkerchiefs,1 Chin Ware,
Silk Kinionos, Waists, Blouses, Tables Covers." -;
AH kinds Slippers, Gents' and Ladies Furnishing
Goods, etc. '
Chinese Bazaar
264 Commercial Street
, ,
The Christmas Sale Sensations Lead Onward
When Prices Get Lower It's B ecause We Put Them Down
The usual last-minute rush for Christmas shop
pers begins tomorrow morning. This store with
its bright and cheery Christmas spirit, is giving
values such Marion county shoppers never
heard of. T
Us a im
A smiling, helpful and courteous staff of
e are ready to help you io select your needs
Gingham, yd. 1 ,19c
Medium Size Pieces
Wash pans, stew pans and other
valuable articles, made of pearl
gray enamelware, values to 39c.
Your choice 1 Q
Thursday at XC
Ladles' Well Made kerchiefs
Five of these dainty little handker
chiefs, will make a nice little gift
package. Regular values 10c
each. On sale Thursday,
these prices will help, too. I
- i
Dress Ties . . .T. '19c
the 5 of them, at
Men's Good Leather
j Work Gloves
Menl Here's a good glove for you.
It is sturdy and staunch and made
for hard wear. You'll be stunned
when you hear 10
fe .-:
the price, at only ,. J
Embroidered Ladies'
Kerchiefs 19c
jt' " 1 '-'- -- -- H ii.ji.-l-' :. - , I,- - jh3
2 Pairs Children's Stockings
Regular 25c and 29c per pair jChild- r t
ten's School Stockings, with ex- Xz
ceedingly good wearing qualities.
Thursday only, 2 pairs, ffQ
Special y .....4 .. 1 J C
. 3 Cans 15c size Talcum
Regular 15c size, fragrantly scented
talcum powder, of very j good
quality. It's a bargain price that
buys three cans here 1Q
Thursday at . JLC
Lace Trimmed Bureau Scarfs
A little gift that will be much in
order. Lace trimmed bureau
scarfs, really worth OOc each; Go
on sale Thursday
32-inch Amoskeag
Dress Shirts
. . .
Boys' Flannelette 98c Pajamas
Large and small sizes. "Values to
98c in the lot, placed in the bar
gain basement for Thursday's op
portunity selling, 1 Q
at only laV,
Some slightly soiled
Roll of Fine Cotton Batting
Sanitary Fleece Cotton Batting,
small rolL Regular 27c. Goes on
sale Thursday 1 Q
special at JliC
Christmas Tree Ornaments
2 at 25c values, go at.. .
4 at 10c values, go at ....
3 at 15c values, go at -TinseL
5 yards, go at
1 pounds Candy
Picnic Shoulders :
3 cans Standard Corn.
Can Hershey Cocoa
Can solid pack Tomatoes
4 Bars regular 2 for 15c
01-0 Palm Soap
Grocery Department
1 Pound Mixed
Oregon Walnuts
and other nuts
Grocery Department
A counter stacked full of values to 75c go on sale
Teddy Bears, mechanical toys, four wheeled "Wagons, and
other big toy values go on sale A A
Thursday lJC
Hot Coffee Served in
One Large Counter Infants'
Flannelette Underskirts, gowns and
Rubber Pants, including a range
of sizes in all the above mentioned
articles. Some values to 50cj each.
Go on sale Thursday, Qq
Nicely Trimmed Silk Boudoir
People! They are bargains at 75c,
such nicely trimmed boudoir caps
would be acceptable to finy wom
an. Special Thursday 1A
only ; 1; , IjlC
Children's Bungalow
Gingham Aprons
Children's well trimmed bungalow
Aprons, made of Gingham, m col
ors that will sure please j you.
They are easily worth 50c teach,'' ,
but they go on sale 1 A
Thursday only ...jlilC-';
Men's and Boys' Dresi
One large lot men's and boyg
bospenders. This opportunity
puce wm maxe ouymg easy on
inursuay. They go at
per pair ;
19c. (
: ; '
V. .