tai f r- v. ' J rv r .THE OREGON STATESMAN SALEM. OREGON THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 21, 1922 , Gjt Origins SlaUsOTTi CLA8SIl"ItD ADTKSTISEUEKT8 ' ' fcte per word: Per iassrtioa 2e 6e - 8 ..20a -ISa 12e -25 Tfcr insertions Ooe WMk (sta Insertion!) On noath .-,, ,. ,,,, , Si atonta' contract, par no. IS months' eoalract. par mo. atiopuss lot in; edvertitemsat NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY W H. Burtfurdt, Jr. . Resident Agent 871 state St. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate T. K. FORD (Over Ladd t Bmh Bank) ; ' NEW TODAY- FOR SALK- -PRUNE TREES. PHOXK OSE GUERNSEY HEIFER CALP FOR sale. Bis wacka old. Phone 2t F11 TOR BENT VODERX FURNISHED all room hotter-. $30. Phone 1000-W. SJOO. DOW7 BUY8 MODERN 4 ROOM house.' Balaam Ilka rent". Immediate " poaaNkioa. - Backa ft Hendricks. 205 V. 8. Bank Bldf. FOR BALE GOOD 8TRONO HOME- atsde tojt at Van's Tor Shop. 347 Xortt High 84. TOR 8 A LB FAT CEF.PE, CORK FEU. tor Christmas trada. Phona 9 r 2 . IOT BUTE BEAD BAO CONTAINING five or (is dollars and diamond ring biueral reward. Phone 1150-W. FOB 8 ALE SAXOPHONE AT NEARLY half price. - Term to food party. Phono Mr. Davis. 15. FOR REST JTODERS FIVE-ROOM hoo ' One room referred for storing goods. " Also good Jersey cow, fresh in j three weekt, lo aale. 201 1 Maple Ave. 3 ''"WALDO PARK" '. LOTS LEFT. V $1030 la price, with aower and gss in- , ada and pawiac pilj.' Building- re strictions, . shade; 5 block t ta Htata . House. Home terms. Beeke ft If end rieka. 205 U. 8. Bank Bldg. BARGAIN IN A TWO 8T0RY BRICK -building oa State St. W. H. (i-rabiir- borst.ft Co, 275 State St. 60-ACRE FARM MILE8 EAST OP t Labaoon: half eKtote4. Bone beavar dam. Oesponsibla aaa caa ear for $4000 at term almost' unheard of. UarrU 624 M. Capitol 1942 J. FOB BEKT 5ROOJI BlXG AUW with - fireolace. immediate poMcanon. $13 ter moath. ' W. II. Orabenherit ft CoV a7J State 8t. . 4l ACRE FARM BUILDINGS. PAVE- meal: near Salem. To eioae ett tMa com at $6750 over all. B eke ft llendricka. 205 U. 8. Bank Bldg. A , REAL BABOAI5 5-ROOM COT- taje Ujkta-aod water, cement walks, food travel at, 4 blocks from car lin. Price $1700 J $600 ah, balaace $20 .u month. Int. 6. Immediate poss ession. WV II. ttrakanhorst ft Co, 275 BUte St. . ' . APPI.E3 75 PER BOX: 9 FOR $2.00; fr 3.tK). Delivered. - Spitxenbera. Rome Beasty. . Vanderpool. Potatoes 7 Jo per 100 lb Ward K. Richardson, N. t rent, mono - fliDT KTi o lrvrn It. eowork; thrTln family. Apply at I ; 85 Center St. Pheae 994. FOB SALE OLD FIB, WOOD: 1122.J. ':.'":., PHONE WASTEO LIQITT IIOUSEKKEPIXO roons Close ia. Address "E-19. Statesmasv . ? -. JTOtt DO N0T-.KSOW.WILVT MOMENT j i a fire may destroy your me aaviuga. WAr not . protect against auch a cal aasitcf See aa today about your in- nraaca naeda. Wa write for only re ; nhla eompaaiea. . Standley ft Foley. agents. Bush Bank Bldg. TALK r HAND LACNDBY. 1$ 194 S. liiW IL raw onerstinr ander new 'wtanscoment. We make a specialty of 'band work oa iwool and silk fabrica. Also family washing; rough dry or wet. Phone ' - BARGAIN GOOD LOT ON MARKET atreot between Hummer ana inpiwi atreets. Price $500; $100 cash. i;: l Krueger , ' f 208 Oreso. Bldg. Phone 217 l : EMPLOYMENT VTATED A JAID FOB GENERAL lvi.e-ark. 883 N. Summer St. Call mornings. lfAXJ Ok FEMALB t wixTrn ltEM AND WOMEN TO take farm paper subscriptions. A good nrAtuxition ta the right . people. Ad dreaa the Paclfie Homestead. Suteemsa Bldgi Salees. Ore. i. PERSONA tsfli:.n TOO WRITE A WEALTHY. .pretty girt! Stamped envelope pioase. "Liliaa Bproul. cieveiaaa. vao. GET. MARRIED--BEST MATRIMONIAL raer published. rree tor siamp. , Correspondent. Toledo. Ohio. FOR .SALE JIEDS. PETS AND FLOWERS "THIS TEAR GIVE LIVING PRESENTS. rvFloke haa them. .. 878 Btete. s FARM P-JfEB If YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST i ferm paper, s-nd 15o to the Psnfie v Homestead, Salem, Oregoa. for a three : annntha' trial aabscriptioa. Meatioa ' thie ad. ; .-.t f pianos USED CHICKERING GRAND. IN GOOI abana. Will ariv some tonne, a l Stiff Furaiture Co. rOR. 8ALE GOOD USED MAHOO"ANV Biana laft as to sell, rrica v. terme. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co, Ma s4 department . V TOUX.TBt POULTBYMEN BEND EIGHT TWO sent wtenrpe for apecial three moatha trial "for the beat and oldest Journal is - .1.. ... . Th. articles and advertise - meattr are f epecial Interest the poultry breeders of tne oorxnwess. Xortaws raat Poultry Journal. 211 Com eial atreet. Bales, wes-n. WOOD ttwtrr GRADE MILU WOOD--4 FOOT and 16-lneh. Prompt deilvery. Beso -hi-rnxt B Wells. $05 " : .Charch. Phene 1542. WOOD FOB 8ALB - LAlWS J04,K' growth and 1" o'dj r. Pali 467. - r .. INSURANCE .' i ,tmTD.ivnK fHK' BROTHERHOO',' of America a YeomSn issucslgsl rea- '.e. insurance.. Hee G. W. Moore. J dlatrioi manager.. ; Phoaa'887 W. 674 V tjnuren, ; - j . " iSCLLANE0US nuniKTMIII TREES. 15a TO 500. Lane: Morley. 746 Hignltad. 1933 CALENDARS FREE. - Smith insurance agency. HOMER H. CHRISTMAS X BIFT8.WSEI CT THEM from the Flower ia the Bottle Perfume ? Shop, US: if. Liberty St. Every 60s ;,prebaae gives, you somber, n lae . beautiful dolt. , ;'. , . , a -.,,' ' '..' i. - FOR SALE SCMCEUJUrEOUS FULLER BRC8HC3 LOCAL RfcPKE sentntivs. Grime. 1S37-J FOR 8ALE HOME GROWN FILBERTS, 1210 X. 18th. or 4111 Oregon Bide. Phono 54 office hoars. 8UUHER LUGOAGTE REDUCED W ALU paper rerananta. flatter, wallboard Velvet stair carpet. $1.35. Endurance Mill trade house paint. Kelsossiae, 10 pound. lUn mst tresses. au. Steel springs $5.00. Mas O. Bursa. 179 H. Commercial ; St. rOR BALE ; OLD KEWBPAPERS. 10 seats a beadle. Circulation depertneat. Orrgea Ststesmaa. Beautiful Oregon Rose and eleven other Oregon aoaga. together with a fiae collection of patriotic songs. eaered soars and many eld-time favor item. ALL FOR 25a (8peeisl prieee ia qaaatitr lota) Eapeciallv adaptable for aehool, eommaa- it 7 or home arai ia. Bead for Western Songster 74 pagea, bow ia its third edition. . Pabliabed by OREGOH TEACHERS .MONTHLY It rpmiwwlal 8t 8aUm. Ore FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED APARTMENT FOB REST. $91 North Commercial. FOR RENT 2 ROOM APARTMENT. $12; also downstairs apartment, reas onable. Phone 466. IXATS FOR RENT FURNISHED FLAT AT 664 ft Ferry atreet, $50 a month Phone 23. or apply at Statesman bail Beat office. HOUSES FOR RENT 3 ROOM HOUSE, AT 1052 Sacinaw street. $20 a month. Appl at btatesmsn business oltice, or pnone 23. FOR RENT A TWO-ROOM GARAGE, partially furnished ; haa electrio lights, city water, tink and cupboards, a nest little cook stove; $1 u.50 per montn. wster fnrnikhed. Mills snd Copley. Stat St. BOOMS A DESIRABLE ROOM FOR TWO FOR rent during Legislature, in modern heme, aesr Stste House. Please give references. Address ' A 101," care Ststesman. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST A CAMEO BROOCH, RETURN to Statesman offic. Reward. WANTED MlMsOX JTXOUI WANTED prRMTPHK. TOOLS. MA- ebia ry. etoek. e wm eav lor w saa stock. et Wi all en onmiaieeiea rawe ass. Weodry. the aetHaeer WANTED FURNITURE. TOOL8. ETC., Phona 511 WANTED TO BUY HOUSEHOLD FUR aitifre, toela,' miscellaaeout articles Phone 1446. It YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NUMBER one potatoes, we can handle them. Mangle Bros- Salem, Oregon. WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD- ware and furniture. B"st prices psiq. THE CAPITAL HARDWARE ft FURNITURE CO. 285 N. Commercial 8t. Phone 7 BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER AUCTIONEER OP FARM AND PER aoaal property. . Betieriee. ! i Commercial Sr., room II, ever People--Cash Store. Besideace phone 121 1-J Office phoae 430. AUCTIONEER P. N. WtJODRT. THE livestock, furniture, real estste ane- rijoaeer. Phone 511 tor ssie astes. Res. 1610 N. Summer. COL. J. B. GABLE AUCTHMkeiv fsrm and .city sales. iw . "tgn. Phoat 1440. ACETYXXNE WELDING IRON STEEL. BRASS. ALUMINUM Bring the pieces. Uso-uss nesting w. $37 Cenrt ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS HUGH R, ROBERTSON ft CO. MEM br Amerleaa Institute et Aecouniama . ..... SmJI.am ln.nl., Ta Rer viea. Portland. OraHnd M Une.pot .. Minn. Address: toil seen Portland. Ore. Auto Directnrv AUTOMOBILES THE GOOD MAXWELL GINGRICH Motor Co, 371 Uourt. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN nrrn vt ETT RICTAN: EXPERT TROU hi. hAotlnC. 218 . llign. rnono .u. D n BARTON KA IDE HATT&Klbn, . - " . . ... a t.rter and renerstor wore. m " Commercial. MVSTn.I.ITE BATTERY SERVICE. Station. Kxpert battery ana nmr.- l. Farria Bros. Phoae 1803. 41" Court. arrrnafORILE PAINTING rnnn OWNERS LUU&l we, in.r. a ram imcisi uunni ... bar only. Have your Ford painted fot Riirnrita ronr friends. Ke member, our special price on Fords is for December only. Don't mws this Aonortnaity. Reliance Auto Painting Co.. lit' State, ror. Front. 2nd floor TIRES AND ACCESSORIES 3TORAGE-r-GAR oil. GUARANTEED ,M r nr I . B tvars! uaraao, w- Capiutl - USED PARTS 11 to 1-2 OFF M1KFP Auto wrecking House. 424 orth Commercial, rboae o.a. .mi a r.BF.ASK. AI.f.MlIC r. rk n r. V...... " . 11.1 ,IQ fnr all makes, iompsim - N. Commercial. v BICYCLES AND BEPAIBINO .LOYD K. RAMSDKN DAYTON BICY eles and repsiring. 387 Court. HARRY W. SCOTT Cycle Man 8. Commerei Phona 68 USED AUTOS. FOR .. 8 VLB- OR TRADE FOR ROAD -ater. late 22 Ford coup-. ; Phona lttO-M. ; ' OLk-SOV EXCHANGE -UH ED ears, ' b""h . ft'1 or nM on com an is eraa. Dail- - monthly storage. WANTED A .FEW MORE CARS TO paial r repair, Painting and repair ing bulb 'lone br. men who are experts In their line. Also a few good have in a-4 cars. , Miner's Garage, 80S N. Libert. RADIATOR ft FENDER REPAIRS RADIATORS -FENDER. BODIE8. , made . or repaired. . . J. C Heir. 349 Ferry. Auto Directory BEPAZB SHOP W ft B. AUTO REPAIR SHOP WE alae do all kinds of repairing. Sawa filed, scissors, knives and lawnmowrrt ground. Bolder id g work done. Old stoves msde new. Antes stored hy dsy or month. Wa will sell or trade yoar ad ear tor yea. Bring it in to ns. All work i nsrontaed. 175 CominereisL la rear of Keimejei Dnn Store Phone 167. CARPET AJTD BUO WEAVI3TO CARPET AND BUO WEAY1KQ Pnoae before 9 a. m. 84 F21. CAKDY SHOPS ACME CHOCOLATE 8H0P "JUST Candy." Strictly homemade. 121 S. Oommereiat. CARPET AXD FLUFF RTQS KOTICE TO THE PUBLIC WE XOW weave fluff ruga made oat of old ear- pots, any length or width yoe desire. We also re-fit, re-sew and sue carpets Festber renovating and mattress steam ing and re-msking. fkilem Carpel Cleaning and Fluff Rag Works. Phone 1154 ELEOTRXCIABS SAI EM ELECTRIC CO MASONIC Beilding. Pheae 1200. ELECTRIO FIXTURE AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1034. 222 N. Iibrty. HALIK'S ELECTRIO SHOP ELEC trieal machine repairing, contracting. 337 Court. Phone (83. ARCHIE PLEENEB, ELECTRICIAN House wiring by hour or contract. I Estimates furnished. Pboae 980. 414 Court St CHIMNEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING FURNACE . cleaning. F. Councilman. Phona 639. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. H. L. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 Huh St.; phone 283 CLEANERS AND DYERS SPICK dyers. N' SPAN CLEANERS AND 544 Btsts DBUO 8T0BE8 BREWER DRUG CO. 403 . COURT Phone 184 I WM. NEIMEYER "JUST DRUGS.' 175 K. Commercial, phone 167. FINANCIAL WANT A $8500 LOAN OX $9000 ranch. Socolofsky, 341 State. HAVE SEVERAL THOUSAND DOl,- lara to loan on first class security. H. E. Bolinger. 328 Oregon Bldg. MARION POLK COUhTY FARM LOAN association has money to loan at 6 '4 W. D Smith,. secr-tary treasurer. 803 Salem Bank of Commerce.. FARM LOANS 83 YEARS PER CENT NO COMMISSION A. C. Bohrnstedt 407 Masonic Temple. Salem, Ore. 20-YEAH FARM LOANS ON RURAL credit plan, pre-psymsnt provisions al lowed. ' We will finance yon for a leaa rat of interest than any firm oa tts coast. j Private money to Vaa oa either cltj of country property. R. W. Marsters 411 Oregon Building. rUBNAOXS - SKAGROVB FOR FURNACES 198 12th street. FURNITURE STORES OIESE FUBNITUBE CO. QUALITY furniture for lets money. 88 Court Phone 464. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW and second band furniture. S71 N. I CommereiaL FLORISTS GI T FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECE8 Delivery. O. . F. Breitbaupt, florist liS North Liberty street. Phone 380 Ladies' Wearing Apparel DRESSMAXXNa SPENCER CORSETS TO ORDER Dressmaking. Csrrie Fisher, McCor asek Bldg, ' HEM STITCHING SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING plestiag. buttons, etempiag aad oeeoue work. 82$ Oreea Bldg Pboae $79 MRU. n K If IL.L.KR HEMSTITCHING stamping, buttons. Room 10, ever ilii ler'i store. Phone 117 - BUSINESS CARDS HOTELS CAPITAL HOTEL CORNER. 8TATI and CommereiaL. rnone osu ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN. COSY 50s up. 462 State. LADIES' TAILORING W. J. MAYER. HIGH CLASS LADIES tailoring; King coats, suits and dreseet Room 7. MeCormack Bldg. i'aone 6z LAUNDRIES SAI.EM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 316 Liberty atreet. Phona 25. Oldest lsrgest best Establiabed 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Onalit work. Dromot service. 1264 Broadway. Phona 165 TRANSFEB HAULING WB MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold eooda. Our speeWlty ia pian. and furniture moving. We alo mak country trips. Wa handle the be coal and wood. Call on us for price Wa give good measure, good quslit: and good service. Larmer Transfe Go. Phona 930. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 22- State St. Phona 933. Distributer forwarding and storage our spenaltj Get our rat-s TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE I INKS J W. Parker. General Manager Central Stage Terminal Salem. Oregoi SALEM-SILVERTON DIVISION Leaves Sslem. Central Stage Terminal: 1 a. m 11 a. m.. 5 p. m Leaves Silverton. News St snd: ft a. m., 1 p. m.. 8 p. m. Satem-Indapendence-Monmouth D'v'ttoo leaves Salem Central Stage Terminal: 7 a. m.. 9 a. m. , 11 a. m.. 3 p. i It. a Leave Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 a. m.. 1 p. m.. 6:15 p. m. Leaves Independence, Beaver Hotel. 8:30 a. m., 10 a m.. 1:15 p. m. 4 p. I s-an -- - - W make 'connections at Salem to al carta af tha volley. Extra tripe b appointment. J. W. PARKER. General Manager. SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS ANT sella second hand furniture. Tools anH - iunk. 320 N. Commercial. Phona 492 WAVTED EVERYTHING IS CLOTH and shoes. Beat prieea paid. Cap ital Exchange. 842 N. CommereiaL Pboae 1368 W. SCAVENGERS a A I. KM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, refase of all. kinds removed. Cesspools cleaned. rUonener or 1595 w. BUSINESS CARDS SC.WEXGKRS Knnq HriVTvnrit service (suc cessor to Ncal Scavenger) Garbage ana refuse of all kinds removed ey ih month. Reasonable ra'ee. Phoaea: Office 529. residence 2034. STOVES AXD STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AXD REPAIRED 40 rears' esperience. Depot Nationa fen re. aiiea 24 to 23 inches bih. Painu. oils snd vsrnishes. etc, wgsa berrr and bop hook. Balem f-liee and Sicvo Works. 250 Conrt street. Psoas 124. MEDICAX MOUNTAIN BALM COUGU REMEDY Phone 517 W. MUX'S STORE ED. CHASTAIN CI-OTHINO CO. SUITS and ovareeata. ' Uaa mj ataira: it paya. ana State St MACHINE SHOP THE CROSS AUTOMATIC F.LEvTlul Steam boilers, valeaniteri and tube plates. .Perry C. Campbell, 317 K. Liberty. H AND M. CO. SPECIALTY GRIND- era and welders. Automotive sereiee. 490 Ferry. Phona 864. MACHINISTS WECHTER ft SMITH MACHINISTS. engineer. weMera. Hesld evlindet grinding service. Phne 562 345 F-r ry. MUSIC AT. SALEM CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC All branches taught, diplomas granted John R. Sites, director. 1237 Court Phona 626 RAO AND JAZZ PIANO PLAYING 12 lessons gisr.mteed. Wstermsn System. P. B. Clsrk. mgr.. McCornsek Bldg. MUSIO STORES GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO- araDha. aeanne machinea. sheet music. and pisno studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing mscnines. 3J State. Salem. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED nis no tuner. Leave orders Will t Musis Store JACK CLEMENT SALEM 8 Of D piano tuner, is back. Call, write or phono 1774, the Bong Bbep, opposite the Court House. NOODLE PARLORS WA HONG NOODLE HOUSE. 439 Ferry. BIN SIN NOODLE HOUSE CHOP suer. 40c: puffed rice. 20c; noodles. 20c; fried noodles. 60c 189 S. srty. Lib- NURSERIES COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City ftar- sery Co.. 426 Oregon Bldg. mono 7S FOB SALE OREGON CHAMPION gooseberry plants. P. W. Woelke. Rt- 9. BOX 131. B3icm. FRUITLAND NURSERY HAS A 8 ALES yard at Cherry City Feed Barn, 544 Ferry 8treet. Trees ready for plant ing. See me before buying. Phoa 1140-M. FAFERHANGINr- AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper banging, tinting, etc Reliable workman. PRINTING ' ' ' ROWLAND PRINTING CO. JOB printing. Masonic Temple. PLUMBING PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 1307-J. Shop, 1Z. Union street. A. L. Godfrer. PIANOS TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A new Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Still Furniture Co., Music Dept. SHERMAN. CT AY ft CO.. PIANOS Ste'nwaye Duo-Art and others. Moore i Music Hbuae, 415 Court street and Mssonia Temple. RESTAURANTS HUB RESTAURANT MOST REASON- able prices. Johnson Bsrry. 169 S. High. VARIETY STORES SALEM VARIETY 8TORE CHINA ware, glastwsre, toys, notions, and mil linery. WATER SAI.EM WATER. LIUliT ft POWTR 00 Office, 301 South Commercial St. Tee per cent discount on domestic fist rates' psid in advsncr. No deduction, for alienee or any csuse unless watei ia ahut off your premis s. WOOD SAWS WOOD SAWING PHONE 1131. CITY country. Ed. Sproed. LODGE DIRtCTbRV la i I mi ii il' ssgjasaaeaas UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS Camp 5, Armory, First, third Mondays PROFESSIONAL CHIROPODISTS OR. S. F. SCOTT. GRADUATE N A tional University Sciences. Chiesgi Masonic Temple. Phone 640. CHIROPRACTORS B 8. R 8MITH. CHIROPRACTOR 833 Oregoa Bldg. Phone 664. JR. LENA A. BOONE. CHIROPBACTOh 475 8. Commercial. Hoars 10 te is 1 to S. Phone 1418. nes snoTT ft scofield. p. s c Chiropractors. 414 19 L. S. Bank BIO Phona 87; r-s. 828-R. OPTICIANS Vf ORRIS OPTICAL CO. SUITE 301 Oregon Building. GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW Of tical Co.. 335 State atreet. oppose Ladd ft Bush Bsnk. "Use Qsaiit Proven 8hnr ons." DBTJQLBSa PHYSICIANS tfAGNKTIQ HEALING DR. A. I Frsnts. AeaU and chrome diseases Phone 780. 25-38 Breymaa Block WATUBOPATHIO PHYSICIANS nil A RI.AIT.HTKR ACUTE AM chronic diseases. 41a Oregon oiag Phona 1 10. OSTEOPATHIO PHYSICIANS 1)R9. WHITE AXD MARSHAL.! so' U. S. Bank Bldg. DR. FOSTER. 404 OREGON BLDG Phones 75U. 2024-J. DR. W. L. MERCER OSTEOPATHIt phytirisa snd surgeon. Kirisvillc graduate. 404 405 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Phoa-. office 919: res. o"14. DR. JOHN L. LYX0H OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. 403-40 Ore on Bldg. Phonea. office 1394; res 58 F3. BROKEN ARCHES AXD OTHER DE form i ties of the feet corrected without loss of time from your ocrupaHoe. Drs. White ft Marshall. U. 8. Bank 1 tiiog. REAL ESTATE TO TRADE 330 ACRE FARM IX Wsvbingtoa. Mo-:t sll in crop. Price $?0 per sere. ici term near Salem. WiU pay some difference. Thomason 311', Stita Street. FOP. SALE 4 ROOM BUNGALOW. paved street.- corner: sy terms: 32100. Comptou Resl Estste, 460 Sut St. FOR SLE APARTMENT HOUSE OF 1( roons with basement; on car l.oe Pries $4250. Terms. Krueger Oregon Bald:n;. Phone 217. IP YOU HAVE PROPERTY FOR SALE. thmt ia priced right, phone 347. M. J. Hunt HAVE BUYER FOR SEVEN OR EIGHT- room house wiUua eight blocks of not versitj. M, J, Hunt Lsdd ft Bush Bldg. Trading Specialty Portlaad income and residence property ta exeaaag lor farms, erraarda an4 lands ia the Valley. Come and see as. wa may do yea a service. The Fleming Realty Co. 341 Bute St. ANDERSON A RUPERT Successors to Laflar ft Leilat INSURANCE REAL ESTATE BONDS LOANS 06 T Oregoa Bldg. Wood's Bargains New bungalow $1800, easy terms. Go house, five blocks out, lot 82x.l6.. o psved street. $5000, easy terms. Wsal a house aa payment on a 40-arre farm en paved highway. Want a Buick o Dodge car as payment on s close is home. Want a home ss psyraent or choice five-scre tract. Small house to' rent. $8.UO. F. L. Wood. 341 State St. STRICTLY MODERN HOUSE BE tween Court and State streets in Essv Salem. This hss everything you went and is a bsrgain at $5000. Good terms can be arranged. Winnie Pettyjohn 331 Vt State St. WE WOULD LIKE TO LIST YOUR property either for aale or trade. Call us up. Phona 175. Thomason Bll gut. Street. FOR 8 ALE NEW SIX-ROOM BUNOA low with basement and garage. Near tha McKmley school. Price $3750. $7j0 casli Krueger Oregon Building. Phone 217. GOOD HOME ON PAVED STREET Will take and car line. Price 83000. car not over $1000. Thomason S31H State Street. E.IGHT ROOM HOUSE IX NO. 1 COX- dition. Larg grounds. $V20. Cor ner lot, bouse and barn. .$1900. Six room house and some furniture. $1850. Gertrude J. M. Page 492 N. Cottage. Worth While h' have a neat little three-room house and lovely lot with paved atreet. Haa bath, toilet, electric Hj-hu, 3 blocks to car. Price $1950, $600 down and pay ments by the month. We have a lovely lot on which the own er has built a ry neat garage with two rooms, a folding bed; has city wster, electric lights, toilet and aink. Price $800,. $300 down and $12 per month. We have 5Vi acres one mile esst of the State hospital, ail in cultivation; no buildings: $225 per sere oa very easy terms if desired. See See Mills & Copley 331V Ststs St. BUNGALOW BARGAINS Modern bungslow, 5 rooms .. $2?00 Modern bungslow, 5 rooms 3800 Modern bungalow, 6 rooms 4500 Modern bungslow, 5 rooms - 700 Modern bungalow, 5 rooms 2730 Modern house. 8 rooms 6000 Modern house, 8 rooms 4300 Modern house, tf rooms 3150 Cosy cottsge, 5 rooms 1100 Terms on any of abova properties. Some choice vacant lots cheap $200 and up. Let Chtlds ft Bechtel at 540 State street know your wants. Exchanges HAVE A CASH CUSTOMER FOR strictly modern 6-rootn house. JO acres, with modern improvem-ii's : photos can be seen st my oliice. aut a SaletS reskl-nce, about $IOOO; price $8309. 22 acres, 2 miles out, fair improvements, electricity in the hmue, on good rosd, only $.1700, $1400 esh; balance to he assumed. 60 acres, finest bottom, on patement: fair Improvements, running wat-r; will take Salem residencn to 91000; price $150 per acre. Socolofsky 341 State. Good Buys Business opportunity on State St., with 20-foot front. Close-in busine-ss property. 82x165, with two dwellines. Price $12,000. o room plastered cottsge, lights, water and toilet. Price $17od; $00 down. balance $20 pei month, interest 6. fi-room modern home, lest Jocation in Salem, near State House, large lot. Price $16,000; $5000 cash, balance time. New five-room bungalow, with cement l.ssenunt near .State St. car. I'rice $4000. $2500 down. 9-roora modern home south ralem. on paved street, near car liDe. 1'ri $2"0; SUXlO down, balance 2.) per month. K'-sl Estate k Kir- Insursnce. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co, 275 State St.. . S. Bank Bldg. We Trade 'What you don't want for what you do want." Do you want 4 lots iu Port land, well located. plenty of fruit Price $1600. mortgage $500, for Salem lots. 4 room bungalow Hubbard worth $1000, clear of debt, for Kaleoi lot or lots. General store, small lw doina- fine busiuess. including store building and 7-roora mod rn home S15.00O. for small ranch near some wnnA town in the Valley. Large list fine alfalfa and fruit ranches irrigated st Kennewick. Hermiston snd Bois Idaho, for Sslem snd Valley farms Manv Eastern Oregon and Washingto stock snd grain farms for Valley farms Middle West farms. N-braska. Kan folo.. Wis.. Minn., Dak., .Mont., an Wvomine. for vsrious kinds of farm in the West. We have hundreds of listing to exchange. See us for I kind of trsrte. A. W. Estes Realty Co. I ; (ir-gnn Tt'iildins. BIK-NOS AIRES WHEAT HrEXOS AIRES. Dec. 20. Opening, wheat. December, 1.26 up c; February, 1 1.200 yt. up i4c ; FRUIT vew vnBK Dee. 20. Evano - rated apples, quiet; prunes quiet, apricots and- peaches quiet. public notices nnipr nimurMLMT $150,000.00 ROAD BONDS OF MARION COUNTY. OREGON' Sealed proposals will be receiT-1 ed by the County Court of Marion County. Oregon, at the court house In Salem, in said county, until December 28, 1922, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon of said day, for the purchase of $150,000.00 permanent road bonds of Marion county, Oregon, part of an issue of $850,000.00 authorized at an election held June 3, 1 SIS. The bonds now offered for sa'e shall be dated July 15. 1920; $85,000.00 there of shall mature July IS, 1931, and $65.0,00.00 thereof shall ma ture July-15, 1932, and shall be in denominations of $50.00 or multiples thereof up to the sum of $1,000.00, to suit the purchas er, and shall bear interest at the rate of five and one-half (54$) per cent per annum, payable semi annually. I All bidders are required to en- ci use wua meir oia a cerwuea 1 1 . 1. . i i m. a . t t . check payable to the order of Marion county, Oregon, and drawn upon an incorporated bank or trust company to the amount of two per cent of the par value of the bonds bid for. and the check of the successful bidder will be applied by the county in part payment of the purchase price or to secure the county against loss resulting from the failure of the bidder to corap!y with the terms of the bid submit ted. No bid will be received for a price of less than par and ao crued interest, and the bonds will be sold to the highesf bidder. The County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The proposals should be address ed to U. G. Boyer, County Clerk, Salem, Marion county, Oregon, and marked "Proposals for Road Bonds." The successful bidders will be furnished with the opin ion of Messrs. Storey, Thorndyke. Palmer & Dodge, of Boston. Mas sachusetts, that the bonds are a valid obligation of Marlon county, Oregon. By order of the County Court. U. G. BOYER, Clerk.- I BRUSH COLLEGE Next Friday night, Dec 22. at 8 o'clock, a Christmas program will be given in the school house. On Sunday at the regular Sun day schol hour another Christ mas program will be given to which all are welcome. Archie Ewing has been con fined to his bed for a week with a severe attack of influenza. He is improving. Superintendent Joshia Wills as a visitor at the school one day last week. Peter Schindler spent Sunday with his brother at Mountain View. The women of the grange are planning a program to be given in February. The men will give one later, and those giving the best program will be entertained by the losers at a supper. Arthur Utley, Fred Ewing and Mr. Allen were Dallas visitors last week. Brush Crfllege won second prize the Marion and Polk county corn snow which was neid in Salem last week. The Sweet Briar club will have a 1 o clock cnristmas dinner at Miss Taylor next Friday. Lu A. Grote .vent to Portland on business last inursaay Mr. Cunningham and family ave moved into the Darby house ecently vacated by Frank Kun kle and family. Miss Margaret Stelner will play next Wednesday evening at Mrs Denton's musical recital in Sa lem. Joe Jarger and son Andrew visited Mr. and Mrs. .Joe W II- vert of Hopewell last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Chafioe of Alberta, Canada, are expected to arrive this week to visit re latives here. Mrs. D. Gibson has been quite 11 for the past week. Harvev Olson will leave soon for Bend, where he will worn Mrs. D. Hogan. who was vis iting her sister, Mrs. rrank Mun- koii. lias riurnen to uer iiuim- in Redmond. Mrs. E. Schindler of Mountain View, who underwent an opera tion not long ago. is getting along satisfactorily. J. A. Walker of Roseburg was wiuitintr his sister. M T8. ITanK Munsou last Saturday. Mr anrl Mrs. W. L. Davis ot iiniivwnod were Euests ot Mr anH Mrs. Frank Olson last aun day. t J. Lehman had the mis or tune to be struck in the face by a piece of wood which flew from ih iathf wrhere he was wor in. W. D Goosline will b giaa whn rood old Oregon wesiner returns, as he Is feeding & head of cattle. m r anrl Mrs McCarter hav given tfp their California trip o account of the severe weather Loval Whitney not only ha tonsilitis, but a specialist states aic has an abscess in his lie saauvr -""- far. Arthur Buell spnt the wee end here with his parents. He is an O. A. C. student. Bill Iehman of Salem was a recent visitor of his cousin. Bob Lehman. Mrs. Peter Krall and daugh ter, Katie, have been Hi for the f ast few days. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Utley sirend Utley 'nml family of Salem will ' Christmas at the Arthur home here. rnmr v uvl viliii UNCERTAIN onfusion Reigns on Stock Market Short Pressure Takes Haffd t NEW YORK. Dec. 20. The confusing movement of prices in today's stock market reflected the speculative uncertainty oTer the ultimate trend, trading again be ing largely a professional affair Speculators for the advance took the railraod shares in hand short ly after the opening and appeared to be making good progress when short pressure was directed to wards some of the steels, equip ments and other speculative fa vorites, the market thereafter ex hibiting marked irregularity. Steel shares tailed to respond to the optimistic tone of me weekly trade reviews, which in dicated unusual year-end activity with prospects for a continuance of a high production rate into the early months next year. Railroad slocks generally failed to hold their early gains. Copper shares made no response to any increase in the price of red metal bringing it to 14 cents a pound, the recent strength of these issues apparently dis counted this action. Call money opened at 44, and eased off to 4H. then to 4, where it closed. Time money continued to be quoted at 44 bid and 5 per cent offered, some 60 and 90 day loans being made at 4 per cent. Commercial paper trading continued quiet with light new paper coming into the market. Foreign exchanges were weak at the opening of business, but recovered somewhat later. De mand sterling was quoted around 4.62, and French fraprs .42 cents. The Canadian dollar was at a discount of : of 1 per cent. WHEAT VALUES Heavy Selling for Profits is Cause Operations Ner vous Towards Close CHICAGO, Dee. 20. Heavy felling to realize profits led to sharp breaks in the value of wheat, corn and oats today after some new high price records for the season had been touched. The wheat market closed nervous, to 2 He net lower, with May at 1.24 to $1.24Vs and July 1.13 to $1.13. Corn finished to lc down; oats off to lc, and provisions varying from 7 cents decline to 5 cents advance. With an advance In Liverpool Quotations tending to lift prices here, the way was opened for holders of wheat to unload to ad vantage, and the opportunity was quickly rasped. Selling here Quickly broadened and gains which had been scored at the opening 'were much more than wiped out, the market at one time showing a fall of as much at 3 cents a bushel. Export business which develop ed during the downward swings of the wheat market led to price rallies in the latter half of the day. A report that Italyhad re moved the import duty on flour was also of some assistance to bulls. 1 On the other hand, legislation which niight Help to enhance val ues appeared to be moving slow ly and it was only with aggres sive support from large houses that the market was upheld in the final dealings. Corn and oats as we'l as wheat were subjected to much greater spiling pressure than has appear ed for some time. In addition to liberal receipts of torn hfre. free offerings to arrive had a depres sing effect and both corn and oats showed Ierg rallying power than wheat, although export business in corn was of some effect. Provisions, were firmer with hog values but receded later when the hog market lost its gains. SILVERTON NEWS SILVERTON. Ore.. Dec. 19. (Special to The Statesman) O G. Larson, who has been practic ing attorney at Silverton for sev eral years is moving to Portland and will be located in the McKay building there. Misn Paulina Dumas of Port land is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Z. Taskar. Mrs. Ralph Veaton has return ed to her home at The Dalles afte spending; a few days at Silverton Victor Madsen returned to hU Silverton home after six weeks' stay in eastern Oregon. Pearl Wood has returned t Silverton from California, where he was recently called by th death of his father. Wilbur Scott has taken the local salesmanship of the Max well. The Silver Falls Timber com pany will close down for its an nual repair-Mind clean-up Monday BREAK 1 evening. It will asain rwss""" operations In about-loaF w-jcb.. Logging In the new cantp mw tha snow W E PV lbe firt of the year. The Silrton cpromunuy Christmas tree is now up on us customary puce at the iitersec- tion ot Main and First streets. A ifonp of friends mei n . . a.wr all at tb surprisxa yum. a..- -- --- Hall hont,OU Howell raiw eii' nrday nighC , Abut 30 friends and neighbors wfta present. Mr. and Mrs. uiwjTnce omuw of Salem spent the cek-end at Silverton. " , Many of the SUverton rrm will be open V nithtjJuiInr lW week. ' I Miss Marlon Cnase otahe sil verton high school faculty spent the week-end at Portland. s Miss Ella Svsrvart and Ed win Svnrvarl left Saturday for South . Dakota, where they will spend the Christmas holidays, ? DAIRY TOTATQES PORTLAND. De. 20. Butter:; Prints extras. 51c; cubes extras; 48c; prime firsts. 47c. Bntterfat, Portland delivery: Ko. 1 aour cream, oxe roiaiow; price, locals 50c; selling price to, at 90c. . - .t... MVKHl'OOIa GR.UX LIVERPOOL, Dec. 20. - Cloe wheat, lttd to 2d higher. AUCTION At Stiff Action; House Saturday 1:30 VXL Complete Outfits Of Home Funmhirijp will be sold at auction. Kvcry thing will go to the highest bidder, Beds to furnish serer&l coxnf orUble homes. ' Mattresses and Springs Dining Tables u Piano Lamps : Ranges Library Tables ; Stand tables ! A large assortment of rags, pictures, dishes, kit chen utensils, chairs r and rockers, desks, tools and everything to completely furnish a home. 1 :30 p.72LATURDAY r a IB as i l'f an., fcaiMla fc Cor. Court and Liberty Streets " flitpii ft invpf- aYALJ.I r,LAfflYEf a V ' t BALZU mCARXSTS Prieea a noted are waotvaale and at ' prices n-cied bf farmers. Ne rata, price are givea vaults mm aiv. no. i wneat si.iu i No 9 wheat $1.08. ' . No. 8 Red wheat, sacked, $1.07, fheet hay, $20. Oat hav $ JOINS'. f novrr ha jr. bsfeu, $2 1ft 12. EOOa, BuTTEa AJ.D atUTTZXTAT Ksita. retail. 44. , Creamer batter S3S3e. hutterfat, delivered, fie. Milk, $2.45 ewt. , roVLTXT . J Old roosters Se. Broilers 1st. Hens, light, ISe. . .jj liens, heavy. Ie. " ' P0SK. MTJTT0W AHD tZZt , Hojts, tT. Ils012e. ' ' . . Live hots. Be. . " Oresaed boca. l$H0ISe. Top eal. dreaaed, 12VfeQl$4 Toh steers IZQU9. Ous. etdiue. ' .... ; raurM, . Letnens $101Q.&0. ! . ws e. () im California grapefruit, fre 5.00. . riur.nl a graiMiralt, Si (AO. Wmn'ra erapea IIW. h. Cranberries $2 box. - t tia. ).it - -v , Tap oranges $2 bundle. ' . IUTI . Wslnets 80s Ih. rdberts 20e Ih. ' Almonds 21c. Braali ISe n VEOCTABIJBS ' '- Caulii'loaar $2.2.1. He.H littuf i t..y crate. . - Tomatoes $3.Mi. Portland Baying Priees 4 " EOOS, POTJX.TKT AJTD ACHAT a. HI TTERKAT 4o Hf;ilKK . -No. I churnine rrestn, .12s-64e U e). . i'ortlau'l; unrt'irrades. &i6Me. , EGOS KlttiC ' ' Cnrrnt receipts 4347e; whit haa neriei, 4849V ,,i UVK I'OI.TRY WEAK " ( -onjmiHn) llravr hens, 22e ll.: do l1(.ht, Mr; pris, Ta ISr : eld rmlr-. nir; ducks, white Pekia. young. lS(3 20k.: dressed durka. 'i3'i2r; ter ke.s. No. 1 dreseed, 35 9 3o - Ke. 2. 33 ffi 35c; do live, 28(i28c; feeae, 151c; do drr.ed. 23Cfl24-. , , tlKKSSKI- MEATS WEAK ' ' ' ! rommUsion) Choir light hot. !2!4Al3; und';radea, 1 0 tt I f-; toa gr.da vtal, I2t(nte; nder$radee, $Q He. HAY AJTD CKAIK --j HAV FIRM. HCARTE ' (Iielivred Portland) Valley timothy $2 ton; Eastern Oregon timothf, $24 ton; alfalfa. $21 ton: elorrr. $21 tea; atraw, $9 ton; grain bar. $22 ton. - GRAIX HIOHCR f -C I Bid prices (trark Portland in ear loia) Wheat options, $1.181.2.; Maart r l)luetesn. Sl.S'1: . et, SS3JMic ilTO; Eastern vellow corn. 932.75 t.fl; bar It y, 4.O0; millmn. MMH 310. t- TZXJTT - , 'j ' FRtTIT STEADY '. - , Apple. VcH1.5o I according to Var iety and pack) : pcara r.o& 7Je bog. t e. VKOCTABLC8 VEOETABLKM MTEADY ? X Oregon potatoes, SOQSOe ewt.r Oregoa cabbage, nominal; parsnips. SI.OO aack; carrots, $1 sack: onions, $1,756.2 rsrt.; cauliflower, Sl.i1.73 dosen. ' ' 01 : --' WOOL 810 W ; Half blood snd fine, 3Si4(V; three- eightha Mood. 82i? 35e: ajvafW hom4, 89 : f32c; lew quarter and braid. 2SQ2ts; kustted or retted wool. 2225e, ( NOTE Esstern Oregoa. Waeshlnctea and Idaho ranch clips arias; 3 to $ cents less thsn vsllev wool.) HOPS QUIET ' : V HOPS 1321 crop, aaialaal: aew cron 1