The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 20, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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12 Fazes
- V
College Witness m
" Riot Case Tells of Whole-
' sale MUrder Weah Barbed
Wire Fence. f
, Crippled Superintendent is
First Led Away and Shot
Others Are Hunted
MARION, iuv Dec.7 i9-(By
the Associated Press.) The flret
survivor to take the. witness stand
Robert Officer, a graduate of the
. University of Pennsylvania, testi
fied today at the trial ot five men
charged with murder in connec
tion with, the killing of 20 non
union men fa the Ilerrln riot.
- , Attack Related
Officer, a bookkeeper at . the
uri ab , sua
strip, mine where., the. trouble
waned, told ot the attack on the
nMncrtw thn aft blriinn nf Til no 9(1. I
arhca.k:thre..natoniiiiaer,,weriaAv- their first dav. thev firot in
snot ana aiuea. ; v . .
DOia J nicer oa vuiuutu - o
Hunter, ot the adjutant general's
ffice la Springfield; another wit
ness, said that - there ; 'irere no
agreements . between' the ' non
onion workers and - the local , of
ficials ot the UniUd.Ulne.Work
era for truce and a safe conduct
of the' , besieged -workers out of
the district ' j
" Officer sald,tfcat Cotonel.Hunt-
er bad talked tentnrove " the
telephohe and said fiat W. J. eLtt
ter. the owner, bad authorized me
surrender of the ii3perty- v
1 , mite FU lUlaed ;
Just before nightfall, the wit
ness testified, those In the mine
raised a white flag but the snip-
lag from surroundings hills con
tinued all night and the flag was
; ldwered at daybreak when the non
union men took refuge In some
1 i fmlrhl ears; ' Then the fierceness
ot .the attick increased and the
l A besieged decided' to surrender.
riislnr a white flag, he said
f After being assured of their
1 f' safety, according" toUhe' witness,
"i the 48 non-union men were led
n from the mihV C. K. McDbwelT,
' the superintendent, limping pain
fully along on his, wooden, leg.
The crowd consiantljr, ..increased
ahd Officer quoted one of its lead
: era whom he could identify
; snouting: r.-'f :tc .w vrfj-- 1
- Would "GItw cnanc'
"They're nothing but ' strike
breakers and we - ought - to kill
them all." '':-.rUi
About a mile from the mine the
; witness said.f McDoWell .was led
l' away by two men. V Other wit-
nesses bave testified that the
, crippled superintendent was slain
at this spot.
(Then the crowd marched about
: two miles further ea were it
lined the remaining 47 prisoners
up before a barbed wire fence in
front 'of a, elnmn of woods'. Off !
cer -aaid.'- " ''v ?
i "We're going to gire jrou
' chance for your lives," be quoted
one of the leaders a fnoutlng,
, , and , thea the tiring begin.
H1 like Waive
Officer said be dropped at1 the
' first discharge and , rolled under
the fence, fleeing while the crowd
C was hunting down those who had
escaned the rain of lead. He de-
' scribed the crowd eia 'howling
if like olTee." but lhl wai atrlck-
a from the record on an objec
tion by the defense,
Only those who. hive guns can
enter the woods," the Witness sua
he heard one of tne mob leaden
cry. It was at the barbed wire
that other witnesses have testi-
find ii bodies were found. Four
'V (Continued on page 6)
OREGON Wednesday, fair
except rain In ; northwest por
tion. " ; . '-' :;,'f L- ;,?'
-:. (Tuesday) -: ;
Maximum temperature, 63.
Minimum temperature, 41.
iRirer. 1.5 feet- above normal
level; rising. '
Rainfall, .0- Inch;
Atmosphere, cloudy. '(
Wind, south, '"
Counsellor Hancher said
ters since last midnight "Not
ance, we have to get and
pledged is reported, I am perfectly confidents of two
things:- First, that the constituency at large, incldding
Portland. 'Will respond with
our expectations; second-that
afresh Wednesday afternoon
paper is necessary to cover all
the home city.
He further said, that "with Portland pledging a total
of $350,000, as it will, including the Collins gift, it is un
conceivable that Salem will
When the Willamette endowment subscription totals got
up to $1,151,177 fast night, the
deeo sizh of relief. Less than $100,000 yet to go! Only
Wtip on abort dav to do it in.
- Less than $100,000 to raise. It looks easy, ror so spien
a state and citv utilitv aa Willamette has been. With the
rest of the million and a quarter already pledged, and reaay
to be brought to Salem to work forever for the people of the
community and for the people
to be had merely for the asking. ' . ..
. wwi. thev're flskinir: and
The "200 club" made up of Salem women who expect to get
. . - - 4-
t L -A- VETl
zyu more suhj
night lor $loUU. ineir report I"" n
lass .mnnrin Thpv organized Monday, ana oruiues-
fA maVp it all nn todav.
Moslem Fear of Outside Ag
gression Threatens, Near
Eastern Conference
LAUSANNE, Dec. 13.-, (By the
Associated Press) Turkish fears
Of submarines, Turkish fears of
Bwiftly flying military airplanes
laden with bombs and, generally,
Turkish fears of aggressions from
without that will put Constantin
ople In danger have tonight placed
the whole lausanne conference in
Jeopardy. .
The United States is silent on
the situation but the allied lead
ers say tonight that they have ut
tered their last word on the ques-
ion of liberty of the straits. To
morrow the Turks must say yes or
no to the allied project.
Few Already Gone
The British experts. Admiral
Keyes and General Burdett Stuart,
already have left for England, be
lieving their work to have been
completed, and the French experts
are "preparing to depart tomorrow
night at the conclusion of the
"last session" for discussion of the
straits. Whether a rupture will
come on the straits problems de
pends chiefly on whether the en
tente diplomats and their experts
pti remove the ii Turkish : fears.
This they are trying to do tonight.
Turks Suspicion . :
The diplomats are endeavoring
to convince the Angora statesman
that the straits project is essen
tially framed to meet conditions
in times of peace and that tne ai-
( Continued on page 6)
rae 0f QJaverS of ClTCUS
pernor tn Ro PlaH n
Hands of Jury Soon
MOUNT HOLLY, N. J., Dec. 19.
The fate, or Mrs. Doris Brunen
and, her brother, Harry C Mohr,
charged with the slaying of John
T. Brunen, circus owner. Is ex
pected to be In the hands of the
Jury tomorrow.
The defense has five more wit
nesses to testify and the prosecu
tion will then proceed with tho
rebuttal, ' v -
Brunen was shot on March 10,
while reading a newspaper at the
window ot his home In Riverside,
N. J. v Charles . M. Powell, ' con
fessed slayer, testified that he had
killed the showman at the Instiga
- '.- t ' v ! w J A c .
tion of Mrs. Brunen and Mohr. .
at the Willamette headquar
withstanding: the heavy bal
notwithstanding everything
a (irand total fully equal to
Salem will rally anew and
and respond with whatever
reasonable expectations from
fall short." ,
campaign committee breathed
but the coal that near!
of the state ana worm, u ougni
srettine at reasi pan oi v
maaI tilfma1 t TlTWfTl MPQ IjIXl
their firat $1500. They hope
Very little report came in yes
terday from outside of Salem ex
cept what came from Portland.-
l Frfend Is Ananymous v
The Salem' subscriptions be
tween Monday and Tuesday noon
amounted 'to - f 8,38S,lrat,'part of
thift was .already counted, in the
report issued Monday night ,.at
midnight. One gratifying an
nouncement was made that an
anonymous frfend In-Salem had
decided Monday night to make np
the last 110,000 on top of his
original subscription, to put Sa
lem and the university to the!
good. This will be available, if
the others bring the. fund up so
that the $10,000 will complete
the fund. Mrs. Gertrude 3. M.
Page was the record-making cap
tain in yesterday's reports with
pledges of $2,185.
Senator McXary Hclp
Announcement was made it
yesterday's luncheon of a gratify
ing subscription from Senator Mc
Nary, now in Washington. An
other report was made ot a Wil
lamette alumnae, a widow, and
ill down in California, who sent
$10 which she said she didn't
dare to spare, but she- must help
the school that helped her
Henry E. Morris, in reporting the
amount,: told; that much of her
story. It made a profound im
pression. ,-It isn't over,", said Dr. J. W.
Hancher, representing the Metho
dist board of education. "We
never thought we'd get ahead and
have time to loaf on the-job. As
it is, we're not yet near up. The
money, will have to come in to
day far faster than ever before
If we save the university."
It waa announced yesterday that
every man in the Bishop store had
gotten in on the honor roil, mak
ing the whole big store 109 per
cent for Willamette. This caused
a hearty cheer. y-
. Chairman Urges Haste ;
There was still $38,408 to raise
to complete the Salem quota, at
the noon report Tuesday. Chair
man John McXary urged the city
to stand by its own good name
and raise the last dollar as a
moral duty.
"Salem never did fall to do the
right thing-in a big. moral ques
tion," -be said.
. The chairman, commended es
pecially the work of Dr. Morris
in the campaign, saying that the
city should . be congratulated on
having so worthy a citizen. He
poke of Willamette a ; having
furnished more big men for Ore
gon than any other institution in
the history of the state.
President Doney expressed the
heartfelt thanks of Willamette for
the great work done by the Ro
tary, Kiwanis and Lions clubs,
and the Realtors, who have been
Joining in with the endowment
campaign so heartily.
.Lockley Boost University
' Fred Lockley ot Portland spoke
briefly, to tray, that Willamette is
the one institution that made Sa
lem the, state capital, and that
sets Salem up above other cities
of like size and mere business Im
portance. v
Joe Nee. Willamette student
(Continued on page i)
Aeroplane Traffic Cop Ar
rests Car Driver Who
Thinks Himself Immune
SAN JOSE, Cal., Dec. 19. Bad
luck literally ratned on Dominic
Bifiore today when a "John Doe"
summons charging him with
speeding fell in front of his auto
mobile -on a highway near here.
Looking up he saw an airplane
circling about. It developed later
that Robert Byers. traffic officer,
was "taking the air" with an
aviator friend. Byers saw Bifi
ore on the highway far below him
jroing at a comfortable clip. Pull
ing a summons' from his pocket.1
Byers had the airplane swoop
down and dropped the paper in
front of the automobil?. Biffore
stopped and picked it up:
Holdup of Portland Assay
Office Nets Thieves $50.60
Metal Fools Them
PORTLAND, Or., Dec. 19.
Two -men tonight learned that
all is not gold that glitters'
when they held up the Montana
Assay office here, robbed the
manager, H- B. Williams of $50
and .carried off in money belts
which they wore, several pounds
of gleaming copper, under the
Impression that it was gold.
The metal was heaped in nug
gets fresh from the purtryJng
oC the blast furnace" in box
upon ie assay-office counter.
Manager Williams reported to the
police that the men, armed wftfc
revolvers entered shortly be tare
closing time and ordered him' to
hold up bis -bands. .They .took
$50 from him, he said, and then
proceeded . to fill their money
belts with the copper. Williams
said the copper was worth ap
proximately 60 cents.
. Following the holdup the rob
bers left the assay, office and
disappeared in the crowds,
mi be
LNewspaperman . Yields
Long illness runerai
At Independence
, Theodore M. (Ted) Irvine, 30
years old, newspaperman, died at
the Deaconess hospital yesterday
after an Illness of many weeks.
Mr. Irvine' bad been employed
as reporter and copy desk man on
the Spokane Chronicle, Portland
Oregonlaa, Oregon Journal, Tele
gram, Salem Statesman and else
where. - Six months ago, while
living in Portland, be came to
Salem and ' accepted employment
on The Statesman. He was soon
compelled to take to his bed, how
ever, and though he returned to
Ms work at times, was unable to
continue because of his illness
which .at first v waa not considered
serious, v In addition to his news-
Da ner work he had done some
rltfng for-magazines and bad
ambitions-for more extensive work
at fiction writing. As a news
paper -writer , and desk man ne
was highly competent. During
the World war he was a musician
tn the In fan try service.
,'Mr." Irvine is survived, by his
widow, Mrs. Sylvia Irvine; his
mother,.' Mrs. Elia Hart.of Inde
pendence,- and a brother, Roy C
Irvine, -publisher of a newspaper
at La- Crosse, Wash .
The funeral service will beheld
In the Presbyterian church at In
dependence Thursday at 10 o'clock
a. m, and ' Interment will be ia
the L O.' O. F. ' cemetery at Inde
PORLAND. Or.. Dec. 19.
The . tanker Richmond, of the
Standard Oil: company, due here
early today "was anchored in the
Columbia river near Walker's
island, according to ; reports re
ceived here tonight
- The eteamer wa delayed be
cause of large masses of floating
Hi EN)
Committee in Absence of
Keller Proceeding With
Hearing on Its Own in
itiative 0HNS0N CLAIMS WAS
IVoodruff Changes Opinions
When 6 of 8 Cases Are
Found Prosecuted
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. Pro
ceedings before the house Judi
ciary committee with the impeach.
ment charges brought against At
torney General Daugherty by Rep-1
resentative Keller, Republican.
Minnesota, appeared today to be
nearing an end. In fact, it was
indicated that the scope of future
hearings would depend to a large
measure upon the nature of In
formation to be laid before the
committee by Representative
Woodruff, Republican, Michigan,
after his examination of docu
ment at the department of Jus
tice. -
Keller Withdraws
After a brief public discuss to
day at Which additional evid
ence was received, the committee
decided in executive meeting to
hear Mr. Woodruff tomorrow.
Mr. Kellei" having withdrawn
from the prosecution of his
charge the committee is proceed
ing with the hearing on its own
initiative,' had before it today Mr.
Woodruff and Representative
Johnson, Republican, South Dak-
eta. Both emphasized that thev
had had ne part in the drafting ot
the Keller charges and that they
were appearing solely tn response
to ah Invitation from-Chairman
Volstead. . - ? . . ,
War Department Blamed !
Declaring he Jad beehJ Vdrag-
ttejfctiqs, nepresen
tative Johnson sad the charges he
bad made in the. house relating to
alleged; war, frauds had been di
rected at the war department. It
the committee. wanted to go into
these charges he waa preparing to
give the names of. witnesses to
support them., he continued. add
ing that there were officers In? the
department who "should be court-
martialed instead of promoted."
6 of 8 Cases Tried
Representative Woodruff .also
told the coram ft tee that since, he
made his charges in the house last
April of a failure by Mr. Daugher-
ty to prosecute war fraud cases,
suits had been brought in Six( of
the eight or nine instances he had
cited and that necessarily this had
changed, toe situation materially
Ha added that it Jwas not his pur
pose to embarrass tfie attorney
(Continued orj page 2)
. If the Willamette endowment campaign should-fajl to
day ; "... . -
And it might fail ; it WILL fail, if the money isn't put up.
It isn't George's duty to pay this money; that is it
t his any more than it is yours. Georera mv snffo. if
the effort fails, but so will YOU.
Willamette brought Salem into beinir. Willkmptt. h
been'3 greatest asset to a thinking world. Willam
ette brought, to Salem the state capital, with all that such
distinction mieans. Eola and Salem were once rivals for the
capital, and Salem won; Eola lost and look at Eola today!
He was a profound philosopher who said, "How sharper
than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless 4 child!" t
The sin of ingratitude, of forgetfulnes3, of slackensm,
of taking benefits and neglecting or refusing4o pay the
honest price this is the great and Unpardonable sin. i
Hundreds of splendid people have been paying their debt
to the pioneers who founded Willamette and in so dding
founded and glorified Salem. This appeal is not for them.
But the Willamette campaign might fail, if those who
haven't yet paid their debt, do not come through today.
Estimates may vary a3 to the exact financial value of (the
University to Salem, but everybody will agree that it is a
valuable business and social asset. It' has been selling; its
tuition for less than cost; the state, the city has reaped the
reward, and. a few loyal friends have paidthe tuition deficit
and given the state the splendid service, v
It would be a fine thing to think back over these 80
years of service, and come in out of the fog, today; with a
good-will offering and a payment on this almost century-old
account. r - ;
If the money isn't in tonight, the campaign fails, and it
is all void. Salem will lose the $1,150,000 already pledged,
most of which is from outside the city. ,y
Dynamite tiootleg Sends 1 Of
ficer to Hospital and Burns
Hands of Another
NEW YORK. Dec. 19. Patrol
man Donohue. custodian of one of
the police department storehouses
tor seized liquor, today found one
specimen in a five-gallon can
which had eaten its way. through
the container and was trickling
out on the floor.
Deciding it was too potent. for
human consumption, be ' called
James Puzio. an assistant and to
gether they lifted the can and
started to pour its contents into
the gutter. ,
As they tilted It upi the
"liquor" exploded and set fire to
Puziqrs clothing.. He was burned
so badly that he had to go to a
hospital for treatment. The pa
trolman's hands were severely
lllffi DEI
Czar of Moviedom Wishes
Actor -Merry" Christmas"
V Reported Better
Will H HaySi coordinating , head
of the -motion picture industry,
late today visited Wallace Reid,
film actor, at the Hollywood san
it&tiura where he is suffering
from a nervous breakdown and
expressed the hope that Reid
would.. jBoon . be - fully recovered
from his -illness. - , ..
Haya met r Mrs. Reid at the
sanitarium. ' and -accompanied - her
to the bedside of her, husband.
He shook hands with Reid . said
that he hoped be Was .getting
along well , and would soon t. be
himself again and added that he
had come to wish him . a Merry
Christmas before returning to
the east, .
After" the.' Interview. which
lasted.'.b'ui h. . minute'er two,', Mr
Hays remarked, that the patient
looked much . better than reports
bad' )ed him- to believe.' Reid
spoke t clearly, he said, his eyes
appeared normal and m every
v. ay seemed to be in an encour
aging mental and , physical con
dition. . : ' '
The motion picture head added
that his visit had been impelled
by a general Interest in any one
connected with the film industry
as well as his persoUalj friend
ship and sympathy for Reid,
whom he has met several times
in the course of his association
with motion picture people., t
SEATTLE,' jYVash. ' Dec..lS.
Francis M. Glenn, former post
master at Willapa, near Ray
mond, Wash., was Indicted by a
federal grand jury: here; today.
He is accused of ; . embeiiling
$2,0o5 from the government.
WORTH $500,000;
NEW YORK, r Dec., 19.An ocean j goino; bajf;et laden
with 4,000 cases of holiday whiskey valued by prohibition
officials at half a million dollars, was captured inside Sandy.
Hook tonight" by the former snb-chaserj Hanson of the pro
hibition navy. . '
The prize was 3aid by Zone Chief Appleby to have been
one of a fleet of rum smuggling craft which left Nassau, Ba
hamas three weeks ago and has been off the coast outside
the three-mile limit awaiting a chance to run the Christmas
blockade. ' " '" j'--: '
The rum runner was seized after the government signal
station at-Sandy Hook had tipped off the authorities that a
suspicious looking erf t, with dim lights, jwas heading in v
The vigilance of the prohibition navy - was at a high
pitch tonight the belief, being that with Christmas only ta
few days away, the liquor fleet halted in its efforts to get
its stock into port by motorboats, would. now, take desperate
gambles on their rich cargo.
No Trace Yet Found of Fedf
eral Reserve Robbers :
Large Rewards Offered j
DENVER, Colo., Dec. 19. -Denver
state and federal authorities
tonight after a day and a night
spent In searching for the mask
ed bandits who yesterday mdrnlaf
shot and killed Charles (Linton
stole a consignment of $200,0oi
from' federal reserve guards and
then made their escape in one of
the. most .daring and sensational
daylight holdnps ever staged ia
the west, were without tangible
clues as to the Identity of the
Rewards Large
Police, spurred by the offering
of a reward ot $10,000 for the
bandits, dead or alive, by the city
and county of Denver and by an
additional reward aggregating
$5000 offered by the Kansas City
Federal Reserve bank, admitted
that although they bad many
clues that promised possibilities,
they were still far from the solu
tion of the holdup.
Detectives and patrolmen, the
entire department haying been on
duty during the day, were ' dis
patched throughout the city many'
times today in investigating the
numerous clues that came to the
attention of the police.
. Continued questioning of eve
Witnesses and other persons
throughout the day by Chief It.
R. Williams and Captain of De
tectives Washington Rinker failed
to shed any additional light on the
identity of the men responsible
for the robbery. .
Well Known Salem Man
Passes Away Body
Be Brought Here
Thomas E. Canfield, native of
Salem and well known to nearfly
everyone who has been here for
a period of years, dropped dead
Monday at San Diego, Cat., ac
cording to advice received by
friends here.
Mr. Ca afield is believed to have
been about 50 years old. His
home here was at Thirteenth and
Cbemeketa . streets. . He la sur
vived by one son. Earl Canfield
of Los Angeles, who will bring
the body to Salem for burial.
probably the latter part of this
week. Mr. Cau field was a mem
ber of the Salem lodge of Elks.
He left here for California sev
eral years ago. His mother died
in Salem about 10 years ago and
his father about 35 years ago.
EUGENE, Or., Dec. 19. - The
school in the Fairview district, a
populous community west of Eu
gene, was closed today on account
of an epidemic of diptheria. One
death has occurred among the pu
pils and every one In the school
was exposed.
Appleby declared there were
at present) more rum smuggling
craft eff the New Jersey and hong
Island coasts than' ever before,
with cargoes worth millions' bt
dollars. ' The skippers are grow
ing desperate' at their Inability to
Tttn the gauntlet and establish,
connection with, their bootlegging
partners ashore, he asserted, .
1 1 1 DEFIES
Imperial ( Wizard ' Doesn't
. Care What Governor. Allen:
Thinks-About Order
WASHINGTON, Dec, . It.- Eirt
pbaslzing that he, had not sought
the conversation he had- yester
day with Governor Allen of Kan
sas, Dr. Hi W. Etans of Dallas,
Tex., imperial wizard of the Ku
Klux- Klanj said today be bad
"listened to; Mr. Allen'" two or
three minutes fn. Which he said
he was in hearty sympathy with,
the klan principles, but register
ed some objection to the klau
regalia." . . . '...,
Reealla to Buy
The klau maskf will &
taken off, be asserted, saying it
was cart lot the organization's
lodge regalia nd; nerer would be
abolished! - -' "xt -V.'VV
"I came to Washington on im
portant business," said Mr. Evans
"and had no intention of wast
ing any time twlth Mr.. Allen, it
makes little or no difference
what Gofernor Allen says, "and
what be does means even less. " ,
The .flew Imperial ; wizard r pt
the Invisible - empire held con
fab wUh klan otriclals' In bis
hotel here today, but so bint of
what was consWered was dis
closed. HA was: accompanied
Washington: by :a group bt blgH
officials of the order. i
:i Klan lMdnd . ' " -"The
spirit, of klan kraft, be
said, "has" enwrapped the United
States In mantle of love J tor
the country which deslgningvaftd
ambitious, cannot , break, and in a
few brief years the influence of
the klan will have so engulfed
the thougbt of. the country that
we can expect Intelligent legisla
tion from the. congress of , tne
t nited States which ; will dra
down the jwhite flag o? supine
inerta from our legislative halls
and raise Hn its place the mil-,
itant flag of red, white and blue,
which means the thing nearest,
the heart
lof every real Ameri-
SILVERTON, Or.. Dec. 19.
(Special tojTbe Statesman.) The
2-year-old baby son of Mr. ad
Mrs. Chester Johnson died at the
Johnson heme east of SJlvertoa
Sunday night. The' Infant had'
been ill lot some time. -
How Would You Spend:
$50.00 for Christinas?
Salem's Leadm 1
'Merchanti i ' !
Are gointf. to l Help you i
solve this problem," and ,
carnfthe $50.00; v
For the solutlou see page 4 1
. r " Second Section 1
.1- -t y 'i
m - :-Ly