Li J : WEDNESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 13, 1922 i.i .,.., . . i tic: iiHCfiiiN vra'i'ii'vuii w iikkiitu . ' - - r - - villi - - - ..-j . ...... . ... ii w- - - 1 "" i if n I II i I n i ni f n f n i n n i i i f i I " I 1 U S J. Li LJ U Li Lii ; w In ) r ' - h I r l i I ? v : I V) -A n U I i 1 r Sr V -Mr1 u I VO VVU LJ VyU- U , I i: . . . : . : v Like a clap of thunder from a clear sky comes this announcement of greatest interest to every family of Salem f I and vicinity, affording, as it does, the opportunity to save at the very time everyone is wanting merchandise of this character-not a rew odds and ends, but every item comprising this immense stock or standard, seasonable merchandise without reserve, consisting of thousands of dollars worth of lou Ask Us Why? Seven years ago we embarked in business in Sa lera and during this time have enjoyed a liberal share of the public's patronage. However, now cine to the failing health of the senior member of. this firm thi more has been made necessary. '' Signed GALE & CO. Goods, Notions, Shoes, Ladies' Coats, Suits Dresses, Waists, Corsets and Millinery. Men s, Women's and Children's Hosiery, Underwear. Men's Work Clothing, Blankets, Etc., will be put on sale ginning Thursday, Decembe Corset Department Cenplne Warner'i Corseti ;oi'i : f2.0Q and f20 Warner' Corset , . .j. . ..........,$1.50 .$1.98 $2.98 ......$3.98 fXOO QiuUty, Wwn?- Corets . LADIES' HANDKERCHIEF ' Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs Fancy bordered Handkerchiefs. in Christmas boxes. Per box 39c, 59c to $1.49 400 Quality Warner's CorseU 50 Qnalltr Warner'a Corsets Silk Department S0-Jncli Imperial Crepe, yard 86-lach SUk; , PopUn, all colors . . . , SO-inch' Bilk. Taffeta, black SO-inch Silk' Mewaline, black. . . Sd.lnch Chiffon Taffetas, yard. 4(Mnch .Silk Georgette, yard 86-Inch Satin DacheM, yard . . . . . .'404nch Crfpe de Chinee, yard. 86-inch All Silk Messalines, yard . : . j ' - ... . 40-inch Satin CharmeoseV yard . ..49c 88c $1.00 $1.00 $1.78 $1.59 $1.98 ....... $1.78 $1.78 $1.98 K.. : Dress Goods -1 r. Pep artment 86-lnch Halt .Wool Serge, yard..... 65c 69c 98c $1.48 $1.18 $1.98 $1.98 $2.49 $2.88 $2.69 86-lnch Half Wool Tricotino, yard .... . 58-lnch Wool Blixed Shirting, yard SO-tnch All Wool Storm Serge, yard. . . ... ; 864nch All Wool Storm Serge. . . . ........ 564nch All Wool French Serge 58-lnch Wool Tweed Coating 56-inch Velonr Coating 50-inch All Wool Broadcloth ..... 56-inch All Wool. Trlcotlno ........ Wash Goods a nd Do rri esti cs i 80-inch Cotton Challice, yard ....... ' Cttrtaln Scrim, White and Ecru, yard . . . White Outing . Flannel, yard , Amoskeag Utility . Ginghams, yard '. . . Norwood Quality Ginghams, yard ' ... ' S2-inch Zephyr Ginghams, yard .'. S6-inch Percale,' beat grade, yard 42-Inch Peqnofc Pillow Tubing, yard Heary Cotton Toweling, yard .... i .... I Fancy Figured Batiste, yard I .':7V 'V-.;;-i .- :. ; ... 14c 9c 16c 16c 19c 23 c 79c 39c 9c 19c AClosing-Qut jSale Every article of our entire stock will be offered for sale without a single exception at prices that will prove the GREATEST SAVING EVENT OF A DECADL Giving the public what they want when . they want it Note the prices quoted herewith and come opening day, I THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14th Ladies' Handkerchiefs Plain White Hemstitched Hand kerchiefs. Each 5c Mens Shirts Men's Dress Shirts. - Big as sortment. All sizes. Ladies' Skirts and Waists Ladies Plaid Wool Skirts, each. . Fancy Striped Prunella Skirts .. Ladies Voile Waists, each. . Ladies White Jean Middies,.. Ladies Bungalow Aprons. Figured Crepe KLmonas, each. $3.38 $5.88 ... 98c ... 98c ... 88c $1.46 Table Damask 60-inch Mercerized Table Damask, yard. 64-inch Mercerized Tablo Damask, yard . . . 70-inch Mercerized Table Damask, yard 70-inch Halt Linen Table Damask, yard. ..... . . 70-inch All Pure Linen Table Damask, yard . ... 59c ...77c ... 88c $1.59 $1.88 OYS Boys' Percale Blouses, price to close". Indian Robes Size 60x80 inches. Special to close, each $4.98 Umbrellas In Silk or Glorias, fancy han dles, suitable for Xmas presents Greatly Reduced Store Closes Wednesday, Sale Starts Thursday. Inasmuch as every article must be re-marked for this, SALEM'S GREATEST SAVING EVENT, our store will be closed all day Wednesday. Be waiting when sale starts at 9:30 a. m. Thursday Pequot Sheets Bleached Pequot Sheets. Size Slz90 inches. Each $1.59 Cotton BatU Three lb. quilted Cotton Batts, Size 72x90 inches. Each 88c Table Napkins Full size Table Napkins. Size 18x18 inches. Each 14c Bath Towels Turkish Bath Toweli, special each 19c Men's Furnishings Men's White HandJcerchJefs, each. Men's Linen Collars, each Men's Sox, black and brown, pair. . . 6c 9c 11c ..... 19c 19c 28c $1.39 Shoe Department Shoes for Men, Women and tliildrcn at greatly reduced prices Men's Wool Mixed Socks, pair Men's Boston and Paris Garters, pair. Men's Wool Mixed Sox (natural) pair Men's Jumbo Knit Sweaters, each. ... . to close. Ladies Drown and rtlack OA FOKDS AXU PUMPS Latest Style Special tMlier styles at $4.75 $3.75 Cotton Batts 2 lb. full size Cotton Batts Size 72x90 inches, each 79c Me's Union Suits aien s winter weight Union Suits. Each $1.59 Rain Coats Men's Rubber lined Raincoats, Special each $3.98 Wool Process Batts Three lb. wool process Datts Size 72x90 inch, each $1.79 t Comer Court and Commercial. Streets ALE s OREGO V -7 V Mb 3 Bloomers and Brassieres Children's Knit Bloomers. Women's Fancy Crepe Bloomers 19 c 49 c .... 79c 29c Women's Quality Brassieres . 03C Women's Corset Covers and Brassieres . . 79c Muslin Envelope Chemise Women's Black Sateen Bloomers . . , Women's White and Pink Bloomers. ..64c Ladies1 Underwear Women's Light Weight Vests, each. . (!? Women's Light Weight Union Suit Women's Medium Weight Union Suits Women's Heavy Weight Union Salts. ' 'j Hosiery Department ..18c 54c $1.15 $1.79 i .. 14c Women's Hose, black and white, pair.. WraienViFashioned Hose, black and white, pair.... 33 C 3fercerized Hose, Black, brown and white, pair...... OC Ladies Heather Mixed Hose, pair u4C Ladies Pure Thread Silk Hose, pair ....,. ..... 98c Children's Black Ribbed Hose, pair ;... 15c Boys' Extra Heavy Ribbed Hose, pair 38c Ladies' Coats Entire line of Ladies' Coats, plain or far trimmed cloth rclour and velvets Every coat priced at special PRICES TO CLOSE Ladies' Suits i rPrt1is.ui,.iitc,os,oit " - . - $14.75 Ladies' Dresses I Women'. Wool .ml Silk Dre.e., htM Mjl. best ouUty Millinery Department 7KZeI ,mt.,I' ,8tock must Ko nIc Price. Entire, line 1 nuu-ked sneclal for Oil . c " fej AT HALF PRICE Washable Kid Gloves JUack Gray and White waahahl Kin r:i. tJ1". Special at " ""T" ,Kfi ws ' $U9 i . .. i Night Gowns j p Women's Outing Flannel Night Gowns Special each 98c I w "" """"---"" 1 U SMSSWSSSSSS?S . ' 1.1 f - i - I 1 ""'