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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1922)
x t V S I !! J ( s i . U ! i CITY NEWS. IN BRIEF I i aaaM mmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmmummmm ; Furniture .store; fancy work " and cooked food sale, held by ' ; Xmerlcan War kothers.Adr. license- Iaue&- A marriage license was, issued to Lafayette drokett and . fcellie . E. Neltder in' the county clerk's office yesterday. The former Is Jj a resident of Marlon, the latter . of Salem. ' Many Want Citizenship A total of fire -would-be citizens, all from ML Angel, filed declar- atlon of Intentions in the county j clerk's office yesterday. . They i were Werner Joseph. Flury, Franz Amgarten, Arnold Rolthlln, Mar- tin Huesser and! Alfred A.. Hu- Watch for Announcement Of Vick Bros. 3rd 'Annual Auto Show. Enclosed cars will be featured. AdT. Accident . Reported ' v J. CFuUmerjof 1760 Market street had , an automobile collis ion at Liberty, between State and Court streets, ; yesterday. Little damage was reported. The name of the other driver was not as certained. Tour Price Is, our price, auctions today. Two furniture 10 '1,'b. and L. Stiff. Adr. 1:30: p. iB,'.,,. H4 Boundary Board; Meets The district boundary board met at the court house yesterday afternoon to determine1 the boun daries of . districts : 22,89 and i 8. The boundary between 8 and 89 was corrected and a part ; of -22 was .annexed to ' 8 The- board Matinee Last Time - 4The Cowboy . . . And The Lady" . Starting Tonight, Thomaa ; Meghan in Saw lTomorrow!, . COMEDY k, - NEWS LADD & BVSHi BANKERS , ,,. EsUUished 1868 ' General Banking Business Office Honrs from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. ,", ''1 rv i i mm .in ii u 1 i i . in I' I I ..' 1 t - . ' ' J . ' 7' ' i i i i i i LARIMER TRANSFER PHONE 030 Mm 1 DOUGH f ON: 4if rt 286 N. Commercial 1 ; K 6. . - IG DANCE Tonight AT THE My Webb's 8 'A ' r "r. 8:45 l:.'Ail-Wdcomb i . ' . i . . " THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON la . composed of the con&tr com missioners, school superintendent and county Judge. Cooked Food Sale today at Stiff's, furniture store. We are counting on the friends, of our boys American War Mothers. AdT. Whee-1 Gone . H. L, Webb of 378 , BelleYUO reported the theft of a Flying Merkle bicycle from bis home yesterday erenlng. , i .i. .... , i- &; For Your Sunday Dinner-U$ ' Choice stew' meat at thn Center Meat Market jl56 State at.-Adr. Many Accommodated 1 ; . The floaters made it -an even dozen t at the j police station! last night. Free cots attracted the following: Ole Gender B. F.Gen ty,' Bj. Centy, C. S. Stewart. Henry Johnson. Frank McCou. John Mc- Multen, Lawrence Montgomery, Adam? Astamus, Floyd Taylor, J. O'Nelt and Tom Carey. . Thi Yer - GiTing presents. - Flake, State has them. AdT. 213 Bakery Robbed The .pake Rite bakery reported the theft of- $5 in small change from its till Thursday erenlng. Entrance had' been made from the rear, presumably through a win dow. . .. ... . Mrs. Sehellberg' Will Hold Her bazaar until Christmas at 159 Court street. Opposite. the Cottage. AdT. Takes Short Jaunt ' " Marie Addlehart of 555, South Nineteenth.. , street,. - disappeared LeAviNQ TODAY Two i Big Features .. . Dnstin Farnnm in "ThfTTran 61 Tne and Kuth Roland f - TOMORROW "The Infidel" With Katherine McDonald EVERY SHOVELFUL we put In your cellar means Just so much icomfort- Erery lump will be a beat producer, not a single piece of slate or stone in the entire load. Why, pay for the. latter when for the same money you can get all coal by ordering, here? Also handle briauettes and wood. ; Toys loys toys For Tery child and erery purse EVFRYOIIE WELCOME . s & MARCUS Phone 639 ARMORY Piece Dixie' Bani P. U r - -A A- from , her tome, about , J , p. m. yesterday. . . Police were nqtiftod and a , search was . commenced. She reappeared of her own' accord a few hours later, howeTer. Dresses for Children t Aprons, pillow cases,, handker chiefs, etc.. for sale at 'Stifrs furniture store. AdT. Turkey Gone . Martin Viesko reported, to the police yestesday that someone had stolen a large fat. turkey- from his house. He wants it for Christmas. December Victor Brunswick records are 4 j here. Moores Music House. Adf. Speeder Forfeits H. H. Samson, who was fined $10 for speeding j, .short time ago, failed to report yesterday at the station and forfeited his bond. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our friends for kindness and assistance in onr recent sad bereavement, nad also , for the beautiful ' floral E. A. Thatcher Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jlyan Mr. 'and Mrs. Jack Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Wm. V. Meade AdT. . . yfr Wheel Found Mrs. . Laskey of 201 Mission street reported that' there was a bicycle left -near her "home which had been there for several days. Today at 10 a. m And 1 : 3 0 i p. - m. Twa.- big fr- nlture . auctions. Stiff Furniture Co. AdT. Cruelty Allege s v 1 iiecause, sue says, be cursed her. slapped, her, kicked her and finally threatened her life, Fran ces May Stapleton filed suit for aiyorce in tne circuit court yes terday, against Cornelias Henry Stapleton. The complaint alleges that he had a Tlolent temper and since their marriage bas treated her in a cruel and inhuman man ner. The Stapletons were married in Vancouver, Wash., in- May, 1919. Classes In Wax Work- Saturday 'till 9 p. m. all ladies linrited. Commercial Book store. AdT. Suit Filed H. X). Madden filed suit in jus tice court yesterday against A. C. and Mrs. A. C. Haag for collection of $45 due, on. goods which he alleges Quarrie &. Co. of Chicago sold them in NoTember, 1919. Vick Brothers Are , preparing to hold their 3rd Annual Auto Show. Watch for dates. AdT. Special Rate Allowed The public serrice commission yesterday, authorized a special re- House Peters . Matt Moore and Virginia Valli in "tne itora" See the big fire and storm Scenes "Yon Know How 'Tis" SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE Buys and Sells New and Second Hand Furniture, Tools.: Machinery and all kinds of JUXK. Highest cash prices paid. 3 Commercial t . Phone 402 SAVE $ $ $ by buying your "hardware and tornitrjre at The Capital Hard ware & Furniture Co., 285 No. Commercial St Phone 947. FOB GIFTS THAT LAST " KARTMAN BROS. Diamonds, Watches, i .c Jewelry and Silverware. Phone 1255, - Salem, , Oregon Capiimjtink Co. WANTS .AH kinds of junk and second-hand goods. v W pay foil yalne. US Center, Ctreet ' '.?vr. Phone 43-'-- ductlon on the freight' rate ror sawlogs, on less than statutory notice, from Flynn- tp Cortaliis on the Southern Pacific railway, the ratai being 1.25. per 1009 feet. Shippers heretofore . hate jbejen carrying logs by track, but tthe county court , of Benton county has, issued an order that logs shall not' be hauled on the highways. The emergency rate crder was issued by the public serrice commission to prereat the closing1 down of the sawmill. Salem Hospital Pledges r Are due. , Please make checks, to Salem Hospital . and mail to H. W. Meyers, Po. Box 344. Stiff Farnitore Wm-conduct two auction sales today 10 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. AdT, One Fatally. Reported-. . Only one fatal accident out of a total of 536 industrial cas uallties was reported to the state industrial accident commission for the week ending December 7. The fatal case was: Leonard M. Drack, a highway foreman who lired in Portland. Of. the total number of accidents report ed 30 were from firms and cor porations that hare rejected the provisions of the compensation act and 13 were from public utility corporations that are not subject to the act. High Pressure Steam Boiler ; Eight horsepower Tertical type, for sale at a bargain. See It at The Gray Belle. AdT. Hospital Record Broken Within the last week the state hospital fior the insane has re ceived 26 male patients nad fire females, the largest number ever received in a week's time. This brings the total up .-to 1858, which has been surpassed pre viously. . Bills Must' be Paid Please make your check day- able to Salem Hospital and mail check to H. W. Meyers, ' Po. Box 344. Fancy Work . . And cooked food . sale, begin ning at 10:30 at Stiff's furniture store. Adr. Will Give Dances Here The younger set in Salem will be especially pleased to learn that Miller and McCarty, representing Billy Webb's Dixie Orchestra, Are making arrangements for con ducting a series of high-class Sat urday night dances at the Armory. ' The followers of the radio have doubtless had the plea sure of listening to concerts given by this ' versatile organization, who are always headllners on any bill in which they appear. New. Shipment Of Tan-tailed goldfish. r Also globes and supply fish cakes'. 273 State street. Adv. 10 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. ,. Are the hours for our big fur niture . auctions today. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. AdT. To Portland Convention A. N. Pierce,- manager of the Marion hotel, is attending,, the Oregon Hotel Men's convention in Portland this week. James Linn, owner of the Marion, was unabjfe to attend because of the Illness of Mrs. Linn, who is convalescing from several -weeks', illness. he underwent a serious operation in Portland, bnt has now returned to Salem. Select Your Christmas Records Now. Moores Music House. AdT. See Those Attractive Price On choice steaks and roasts, at the Center , Meat Market 456 State streets Adv. Hit by Car Miss Margaret Gehrke ,was knocked. to the pavement by an automobile at High and State streets last night. She was taken to the Willamette sanitarium .but was reported to have injuries other than a severe ner voas shock. DEED TROMBLEY Mrs. Eliza Tromb ley died at her home at Sidney, Oregon. Dec. 7, 1922. Mrs. Trombley was 80 years old i and is survived by Mr. Frank Trombley. Funeral services in charge of Webb and . Chough will be held at the residence at Sidney, Dec. 9th, at 1 p. m, Di iterment in Sidney cemetery. WILSON In this city, at a local hospital. Dec. 8. 1922, at 1:15 p. m Wm. Wilson, at the age of 85 years. The bodwas shipped by Webb and Clough to Roseburg for burial.. Mr. Wil son was an old soldier. - , Ri 'gdon & Son's MORTUARY TJn equaled Serrice Webb & Clough Leading Foceral - Directors Expert EisbaJbers Seal Sale Extended Thar sale of the Christmas seals mill be opened in rarious booths throughout the 'bwslnes district today in addition to the booth: which has been doing business in I the postoffic daring the week. Booths will be maintained in Mil ler's, Kaioury'. Worth & Gray, People's Cash store. Ladd & Bosh. Bank of Commerce and Unitled States National bank. The Salem Woman's club is in charge of the seal sale la Marion county, and Mrs, Fred H. Thompson is chair man in charge. Mrs. John Car son, is la charge of the rural dis tricts outside of Salem, and Mrs. GroTer Bellinger is In charge of the Salem mail' campaign. A daaaiftod Ads-. Will bringr yo a buyert Adr. Pledges are Due And bills must be naid. Please make your check payable to Salem Hospital and mail- to H. w. Meyers, Po. Box 344. s West Salem and Summits Services at the West Salem Methodist churchwlll be held as follows: Sunday school. 9:45: i?n. worth league, 6:30; preaching, 7:30. Services at the Summit Methodist church Sunday will be as iouows: Sunday school. 10 o'clock; preaching at 11 o'clock. The public is invited to attend. Effective Next Sunday Oregon and Liberty theatres. Doors open fifteen minutes ear lier. On Sundays and continuous performances, shows 'start promptly at 1, 4, 6 and 8 o'clock. On week days shows start at 2, 4, 7 and 9 o'clock. AdT. LFlakes for Potted Plants 273 State, phone 6b6. Adr. Williams Returns Fred A. Williams, counsel for the Automotive Carriers' 'associa tion, has returned from a trip into southern Oregon, where he spoke before a number, of Commercial clubs, including those at Medford and Grants Pass, and also at the winter fair at Ashland. Never Could Ton- Get such values as- at our two big auction sales today. 10 al- m.! and .1:30 n. . m. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Adv. 1 Not Returning Home Only two Willamette students register from Abtoria. They are Miss Hilda Hageman, who lives at the Delta Phi house, and Miss Edith. Mason, who lives in Laus anne hall. Neither of the girls plan to go home before the uni versity closes, December 21, as the homes o'f both girls' were un damaged by the fire whichvswept Astoria' yesterday. Legal Blanks' Get them at The Statesman of fice. Catalog on application. act. Bazaar ls . PIanneo The Woman's Alliance of th rUnltarian church met Friday aft- ci uuuu wain taars. i. Huston in North Salem. . They are to hold a bazaar on December 16. A pro gram of study was aereed unon. book reviews and social problems, to cover an extended course last ing several months. Rev. Martin Fereshetian gave an address on the Chrisamas customs of many lands .gathered partly by reading but largely in '. his own personal travels. Two weeks from yester day Mrs. Fereshetian and Mrs Halite Parrish Hinges are to sing a number of the world's great hymns, and Rev. Mr. Fereshetians will tell the story of the hymns as they were produced and given to the world. The December 21 meeting is to be held in. Channing hall ,in the church, with Mrs. Lizzie Smith and Mrs. W. J. CuL ver as' hostesses. War Mothers' Sale Fancy work and cooked . food today at Stiff's furniture store. AdT. Storm Blocks Plans A meeting of the Parent-Teach er association of Liberty district Was called fOr; Friday night to talk, over a number, of community problems, including that of elect ing a delegate to the big - logan berry convention on December 20 Because of ; the stormy night. , the meeting was not largely enough attended to make it a representa tive gathering, and another Diet ing will be held Monday, night. Dec. 1, to elect the delegate. All Liberty people are u-ged to at tend. COUGHS ANC COLDS tS WIVTER Indoor sedentary life in winter has a direct bearing on the preva lence of coughs and colds. Keep the bowels active and overcome constipation with Foley's Cathar tic Tablets. Colds, cough, croup, throat, chest and bronchial trouble quick relieved with Foley's Honey and Tar. 'Contains no oplatot -ingredients printed on the wrap per. Largest selling cough medi cine in the world. "Fo'ey's llon ey and Tar Js wonderful or at tacks of coughs and colds." writes W. H. Gray, Venice, California. Adv. There does not seem to be any chance for the adoption of the rule by the senate doing away with seniority. The trouble s tK'-- re too many statesmen laere'wh?-have nothing" but sen iority to boist oL - - , SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER ,9, 1922, PERSONAL Sherman Gootaler visited in the cUy.tor a sh'ort time yesterday. He is engaged in farming at N'orth Howell. J. S. Kaafman, patrolman of road district No. 15. was a visitor in the city yesterday. His -resi dence is south of Silrerton. A. W. Moore, biological assist ant in the United States depart ment of agrienltare. waa a visitor in Salem yesterday. His home is In Portland. . . Willard Stevens of North How ell was a visitor at the court house yesterday.- He U -engmsed in farming near Howell. ! P. P. Etzel of Tern" Kldlre was in the city yesterday. He is clerk of the school district at Fern Ridge. Edward Schunke of the Roth Grocery .company is attending the state convention of the . Oregon Retail Merchants association in Portland. Mr, Schunke is a di rector of the association. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin R. Cohn arrived last night from Seattle to spend several weeks with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cohn. I HEW CORPORATIONS 1 Crossley ft Falling,- Inc., of Portland yesterday filed articles of incorporation,- showing capi talization otf 15,000. .The incor porators are , J. T. Crossley, H. R. Falling and Baltls Allen. The firm will do an advertising bus iness. Articles also were tiled yes terday by the Mutual Finance company of Portland,, capital ized at $10,000. The incorpora tors are Alma D. Katz, Walter A. Gosa and J. B. Macken. A permit to operate in Ore- gon was Issued to the oiarieia Tire company of Akron, O. The firm is capitalized at 150.000 W. H. Sperber of Portland is named as attorney in fact for Oregon. Resolutions' of dissolu Hon were filed by the Lebanon Plumbing & Heating company ot Lebanon. TROUBLED .WITH WEAK KIDNEYS . ' Have been troubled with weak kidneys since childhood," writes Mrs. G. Hyde, Benzonia, Michi gan. "Now past forty and have had terrible backache and that tired out feeling, hardly able to do my work. By using Foley Kid ney. Pills accompanied with Foley Cathartic Tablets I soon felt like a new person." Backache, rheu matic pains, dizziness and blurred vision are symptoms ot kidney trouble. Foley Kidney" Pills give quick relief, Adv. OBnVARY -1 William R. ' Jones passed away at his home about 8 miles south of Sllverton. November; 29, 1922, at 7:45 a. m., after an illness of three weeks with bronchial pneu monia. being at the time of ihla death 73 years, 2 months and 24 days old. William R. Jones was born near Gaston, Yamhill eounty. Sep. tember 5, 1849. His family, therefore, antedates those of the gold seekers of 1849, and was established here in 1847 by Field ing Jones, his father, who was born In the state of Kentucky. - Three days. after the birth of Mr. Jones hia mother died, and the little motherless William was taken to the home of Andrew Schuck near Hubbard, where be remained until 4 years old, when he went to live with his father who, in the meantime, had mar ried again. , At the age of 14 he went to live with his brother-in-law, James Cooley, and in Febru ary, 1665, enlisted in company B, First Oregon Volunteer Infantry, for a year's service. From Van couver, Wash., he was sent, to Camp Lyons, it being the mission of his regiment to establish a fort at that place. During the service" he saw a great deal of Tadlan warfare, and bad many narrow escapes, his ad ventures being confined principal, ly to the battles of eastern Ore- Never As Good as Now We have- constant daily reminders that our optical service was never as com plete as it is today. Ability, quality and integrity goes into each and every pair of glasses furnished by us. MORRIS OPTICAL CO. SO 1-6 Oregon Bldg.' . Oregon's Largest Optical Institution Phone 2SS for appointment SALEM. OBXCON -rrr- gon. He" was wounded July U 1865 Oaa battle on' tie fork.4 ot the Malheur,,. After hia military experiences he returned to Mairfoa county and forked in a sawmill for about four months, and No vember S. 1874, married Susan A. Cooley. ; j , After hia marriage Mr. Jones located on a fsrm on French prairie, and after four years re moved to Clackamas ; . county. wnere he IlTed for six years. In 189S he purchased the farm which consists of 97 acrea ahnnf eight miles south of Saverton. and where he lived until the time of. hi death. Mr. Jones was a Republican in politics, and took an active part in the Dolfticai af- hrf WATCH THIS SPACE EACH MORNING ' ' j Umbrellas for Christina! The ever welcome gift Fancy satimbbrder, heavy SHE umBHIliV with hanj carved amW handle and farrow.;'- - Pnc3 at $1148 Pore silk; ivory tip and-Tihg harfdld'BubstailtMy fnade and well finished. : ? " ? Pniii at $10.75 , A well designed , umbrella for", dally,- use"- Is - the' crooked nandle, heavy silk meed there it Pays to tpz?- ' - eing plaugMered We are rediieUr kfjIut'fyt not as fast as we had hoped, consequently we offer you the following specials. ,v- ssaasssssssssBrassa3SBaaBB The best valley flour, . good . 10 lb. Bag Best Pastry. Hlour bread and pastry. 49 lb. 35c $1.39 1 10 lb. Ba? Hraham Flour No. 1 Libby's Apple Butter - -" v - ., .. v ' WAc , BROojwa X No. li,refrular $1.25 : 22-ojf. Orington Apple Butter 80c . . in glass - '- 20c Ko. 2, reguUr II , ' 55c .-:) ' Blue Bell Corn Flakes, 3 for - . SOAPS MZ Crenwh Oil Toilet, 3 for 1 Shredded Wheat Biscuit 25c " " ' lVC White Wonder Laundry. : , 7. for . .. . CANNED GOODS ;25q Iji No. 1 Ileinz Pork and Beans, Fairbant'a Tar Soap 2 for : $ for . 25c 25c ' . No. 2V2 Robels Pears - 'HiZ - . voiiee ; aOc ' Royal Club, 1 lb: tin No. 2 Robels Peaches , 4 c ,r . 20c Royal rnobi' 3 rb. tin - No. 2Y Tri-State R. A. . . , Cherries M. J. Bji lb. tin " ' . , .. , 20c . - ..i 42c :. Small dealers are welcome. Whole stock ani ai or pan of fixtures for sale. . r Space will not permit us to mention the many other bar gains, but afice it to say we are goiiyr to move this stock before Christmas and wiH price our goods to accomplish our desire. , -. , fairs of his county. , Fraternally. he waa a member ot the Slivertoa lodge.night ot Pythlaa. 1 Mr. Jones was highly honored and respected br all who kaeir hha. lie leaves his widow, two sons, six grandchildren and a sis ter, Mrs. Whitney of Woodhura The remains were laid to rest be neath a mound of flowers In the Mount Hope cemetery, ; nffK00FI!:GC0UGniv i if, Ho "cure" but hetpe to ft V V. chicepartayame of coughing. V VAPOHUQ is T TMBRELLAS in rMriy iiew V designs f?ave. inade their appearance this year. .- . ' i :: 1. ' '- i, .Our stock contains the very latest creations such covered model at P&$ A$ YOtJ GO" 1 " - - -if t. saBsssBMSssasvw 'X. i'Jijri v;-