The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 08, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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1 1 M
SdwoI Health Good
"Dr. J. O. Matthisi official phy
sician for the "Salem schools,
pronounces the state of v health
of Salem students good. Aside
frcta one case of diphtheria, he
says there Is no contagion in the
' .
4Iem Hospital Pledgee
Are due. Please make checks
to salera Hospital and mail to
if...W. Meyers, Po. Box 344.
, i a .
(yirk Conducts Inquiry-
WilI T. Kirk of the state in-
lusfrlal accident commission has
turned from Bearer Hill, Curry
punty, where he " Investigated
beneath of Joseph Kronsteiner,
i coal miner who dropped dead
a a mine November 5. A peti
ion' signed by 67 persons, asked
jj Investigation. This was based
in ihe belief "that gas caused
he miner's death. An autopsy
tdicated that the death was due
p natural causes. -- .
ncaied through prayer. Hun
dreds of children hare been heal
ed in their meetings through the
country. Some, sick children
have been brought in here and
received healing. Parents are
urged to bring their , children as
near the hour as possible for tf iau Muu. T,ala
Loses Spotlight f
Walter. Spauld in g reported that
his side-ray spotlight was stolen
from -his car while - parked in
front of the Perry drag store last
night. 1
necessary instruction before pray
er. No admission is charged and
all are welcome.
We have placed on sale "5 of
our smartest hats at $7. 3D each.
See our windows. The French
Shop, 115 High street. Adv.
rack's Ca
133 3. Com. St. A good place to
at. Tables and counter.-Adv.
ton I Horn
To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Free
TJonday, on route 4, was born an
lght-pound boy. The baby was
tamed Donald King.
f ; .
tale of Cooked Food
And fancy articles by the Ladies
Vld of the Scandinavian church.
;aturday, Dec. 9. Welch Electric
tore, on State st. Come here and
uy your Christmas sifts. Adv.
xtotw Hoar at Iublie library ' '
Friday afternoon at, 4 o'clock;
fcturday moraing;' at ! o'clock.1
tis Florence " ettitt,-. cnHdren,'
ibrarfan will ten famous legend.
irtsimaa Bn?nar f
Leslie M. E. church, Dec. 8.
F,ancy work, aprons, cooked
bod. candy, rugs, quilts for sale.
-Adv. '
pecial Meeting Announced
A, special meeting Is announced
a the W. C. T., U. hall .for sick
nd afflicted children. Evange-
UtjBetts of New York who. has
een noiatng special meetings
or the past month with "unusual
ucifws has decided to ' hold a
pecial healing meeting for sick
nd af filleted chlklrmvSaturday
ftcrnoon at 2 o clock. The evan
;elist Bays , there 'are . many sick
hlldren in , Salem r beyond., all
liuaan help that ' ought ..tat be
M '
Mrs. W. n. Edward Dies
Mrs. W. II. Edwards of Tacoma
died at her home there yesterday.
Mrs, Edwards has many friends
in Salem, having lived here for
mere than 30 years before the
family moved to Tacoma 10 years
ago.. One son, A. J. Edwards,
head pressman of the Oreeon
Statesman, left last night for Ta
coma. It is not known here
whether burial will be in Salem
or Tacoma. The wilowr and
three children, beside A. J. Ed
wards, survive.
Men, Women and Children
-Are being healed. at W. C. T. U.
hall. Special healing service for
sick and afflicted children Satur
day afternoon at 2. Admission
free. Adv. '
Speeder Fined
II, H. Sampson was charged
with speeding yesterday and de-'
posited a bond of $10 for his ap
pearance in police court Decem
ber 8.
Plaaso make your check pay
able tp Salem Hospital and mail
check to H. W. Meyers. Po.
Box 344.
was the first night of the. great
new transmitting service from the
Oregonfan, and the music came is
as fine as if from the next room.
An excellent program was ren
dered, worthy the dedication of a
great plant.
Pledges are I hie
And bills must be paid. Please
make your check payable to
Salem Hospital and mail to H.
W. Meyers, Po. Box 344.
Accident Reported
P. II. Kaker of 1168 North
Eighteenth street reported that
while driving west on Chemeketa
street he collided with another
car. Little damage was done.
Wheel Stolen
'Delsos Griffin of 690 South
Twentyrfirst street reported yes
terday to the police that his bi
cycle had been stolen from the
Y. M. C. A.
Beautiful For Coats
Capes, chokers, etc., 1." percent
to 40 per cent reductions. The
French Shop. Adv.
Bike Cone
Leon Perry of R3T, Summer
street reported that his wheel
was Htolen from the First Chris
tian church yesterday.
A Classified A a
Will bring you a buyer. Adv.
HiglaH Pressure Bream Boiler .
jEight T "horsepower," vertical
iyppifor .sale at a bargain. See
it at "The " Gray Belle. Adv.
Nine Get Reds
5 The following were issued free
sleeping i quarters at the station
last night: Bill Payne, Len Carey,
Ed Williams. C. E. Carter, J. Don
inger, William Salllnger, - George
Covlln, Ralph Racknor andf Geo.
Coleman Will Speak
Norman F. Coleman, president
of the Loyal L?don of Loggers
and Lumbermen, is to address
the Chamber of Commerce at
luncheon Monday noon on the
subject "The New Place of Labor
in Industry." Mr. . Coleman ts
rated as a speaker of very un
usual charm and strength, who
has a vital message lor every
body to hear. A Crowded house
is hoped for, to greet him and
ear what he has to say for
the good of industrial America's
Gets 30 Days
John Harris who was accused
of stealing the bicycle owned
by Merle Ivey, circuit court
elerk,' : waa ' arraigned before
Judge G. E." Unruh in the Justice
court yesterday but pleaded
guilty. He was sentenced to 30
days in the county Jail. ,
-! mi HI I ..IUlA
' 11.. .' : t mmMt' r
i he Lady
1 Mary Miles Minter
' and
Tom Moore '
v tCkming Saturday
"The Man Who,
Saw Tomorrow
Big Two Feature Show
"The Trail of the Axe"
Ruth Roland
"The Timber Queen
." ; :: Also '
Established 1S68
: - . v. , - -
' General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 am. to 3 p. m.
Rank Files Suit
The Farmers State bank or
Wilhonville (filed suit in the cir
cuit court against Alex and
Helen Scarbach yesterday for col
Unique Collection Assem
bled, at Salem Public
Library for Week
Books to, the right and books
to the left, . and how is one to
know which ones "he ought to
I!!"00,"1 .,1.5 "df. attorne cided to pick out the books which
they considered no hoy should
fees with Interest of 10 per cent
from December 1, 1920
miss reading. It is found that a
boy seldom reads more than 230
weeks Jumher, shipments moved
by water. This amounted to -S .
5il.0t fetf whlch"l,58,0J7
feet ,more4 coastwise and Intar
coastal, ajad 10.945.570 feet ei'
port. Rail shipments amouated
rnfflied 'domestic cargo orders I
toiai ioj,59,5Za leet; unfilled
export orders, 78.448.717 feet,
and unfilled rail trade orders, S,
140 cars.
In 48 weeks production has been feet; new business,
3, S5 7,125.3 18 leet, and shipments
3,753,427,831 feet.
books during his boyhood, and
that certain books should not be
missing from this list. The list
Is being used by the Salem lib-
Bank to Sue
The United ' States National
bank filed suit against John
Greene In the circuit court yes-
terdav for collection of 12.
or transfer of an Elgin Sedan rar ring good oook wee
to their name which is said to Fifty-three boys voted for
bo worth the equivalent of S2.- Treasure Island as one that
300. The complaint alleges that should by all means be read. The
the defendant has repeatedly re- can or the Wild received 48
fused to turn over the property votes, wnue "The Jungle" and
to them. "The Black Arrow" each received
44 votes. "Bob, the Son of Bat
Effective Next Sumlav ue- was cnosen by 4 2 boys;
Lee Gilbert Gone; Many
Creditors Are Waiting
Lee L. Gilbert, local automo
bile dealer, It became known yes
terday, has departed ffor Califor
nia, leaving many creditors and
a heavily mortgaged stock o
motor vehicles at his place of
business. The creditors are en
deavoring to see their way out.
Eviction proceedings have been
instituted by the owner of the
building in which Gilbert did
business. He left his creditors
in possession of his few assets.
It is not believed the loss in any
case will be great. The United
States National bank, principal
Wild Ufe Resources . . ? ,
4iCapablerof Increase
YTARHlXfi-mv k;rw. r.l The
atfoa, " wiW ' Sources
game, fur-bea flag animals and
oiras -eapitaraea "on "fthe toasts
of a si per cent annual Income,
represent a sum possibly exceed
ing 11.000.000 aad through in
telligent management are
capable ol a great increase. Dr.
E. W. Nelson, chief of the bio
logical survey, states in his an
nual report made public tonight.
Certain forms of wild life,
however, annually destroy forage
crops and other property exceed
ing $500,000,000 in value, a loss
which. Dr. Nelson says, may be
largely prevented by properly
directed efforts. Stock-killing
wolves, the house rat, the pratrie
dog and others are included In
Oregon and Liberty theatres. "Captains Courageons" by 39. and Lrd;tor A n woi,ld not ,os6
... . -rtttn rt Cm-A. tlo.," V,.. t . '
Doors open fifteen minutes ear
lier. On Sundays and continuous
performances, shows start
promptly at 2. 4. 6 and 8 o'clock. clnb were:
wnite Fang."
and 9 o'clock. Adv.
Otto of the Silver Hand" by 36 h-fll1r
Other books listed by the Boys'
Sues to Collect
Suit to collect $4,500 and in
terest was filed in the circuit
court yesterday by Jacob Weigei
against Ralph L. Hook et al. The
plaintiff alleges that he loaned
),U(J0.,pn a piece of property
which .was later transfered to the
above defendants. A judgment
of $4,500, the amount still un
paid with interest from August
1920 and $300 attorney fs is
asked by the plaintiff.
Parents, Bring Your Sck
And afflicted children to W. C.
T. U. hall. Commercial and Ferry
streets. Let God heal them.
Evangelist Betts will pray for
children Saturday afternoon, 2
o'clock. Admission free. Adv.
Bids for Building
The state board of control Is
advertising for bids for the build
ings for the employment Institu
tion for the blind, in Portland,
which was provided for by the
last legislature. There will be' a
number of buildings. The bids
are to he in by the 12th. Salem
contractors have no doubt noticed
the advertisement, which has been
running in The Statesman, and
they will likely give the contrac-
ttora of other parts of the state a
run for their money.
Legal Blanks
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalogs on application.
Company Fined
The J. T. " Bond company of
Tacoma, 'Wash.,, was fined $20
in the justice court yesterday
for branding candy which is be
ing sold in local markets.
Suit Filed
Suit was filed
in the justice
"Wild Animals I have Known."
"With the Indians in the Rock
"Black Beauty."
"Adventures of Tom Sawyer."
"Arabian Nights."
"Biography of a Grizzly."
"A Christmas Carol."
"The Deerslayer."
"From the Earth to the Moon."
"Gulliver's Travels."
"Hans Brinker."
"Huckleberry Finn."
"In the Great Apache Forest."
"Jim Davis."
"The Prince and the Pauper."
"Red Fox."
"Robinson Crusoe."
"Rolf In the Woods."
"The Story of a Bad Boy."
"Swiss Family Robinson."
"Tanglewood Tales."
"The Three Musketeers." .
"Tom Brown's School Days."
,"To jt of the World in Eighty
"Tha Trail of the Sandhill
"Twenty Thousand Leagues
But teh solemn fact 1 that the
old town manages to get along
in tpite of the fact that you took
ycur annual vacation. Surprised,
vere you not? Exchange.
How Fat Actress
Was Made Slim
Mtny t.i people now djw'tid ntirly
upon -Manual lr-riptioa 1 iits lor
reducing and rontrulling fat. One cWver
jftrwi tell that h rrdured steadily
.tad easiir by using Uin new form ot the
famous Marmola Preirriytion, and rr
rj taiciar MarnioU 'Prescription Tahleta
sever I time a year, krrps her weiirTu
jiwrt rizbt. . All rood rtmaginU toll Mar-
inula Prescription Tablet at on dollar
for rase, or if you prater you ran
stars re t.ieci direct from toe nimolt
Co.. 461 a Woodward Ave.. Irtroit. -Mich.
If ran have not tried taeia do ae. They
are barmlea and affective.
court yesterday by G. E. McAtee j Under the Sea."
against- George Mansfield for
$43.50 which it is claimed Is
owing the Farmers Hardware,
company for merchandise pur
ft Bazaar and Cooked Food
Sale will be held all day Fri
day, Dec. 8, at the First M. E.
church. Chicken dinner from 6
to 8. 60c. Adv.
Iladio Entertains Many
. Scores and hundreds of people
were entertained last night by the
Oregonlan concert, as it was re
ceived and reproduced at the Sa-
For school children. 1 Kates
very moderate.
The Little Lady's Store
1090 Center St, Cor. 12th
we put In your cellar means
Just so much tomfort.- Every
lump will be. a. heat producer,
not a single piece of slate or
atone in the entire load. Why
I! pay for the latter when for the
kfi. mh inn cot all
coal hv orderlnr -here? -Also
rhandle briquettes and wood;
ill (fLLitittttm&
! I1 i
Our Toy Land
Is the delight of C7ery child
that has been in our Btore. Bring
In the little tots; we like to see
the joy light up their face and
light up the whole store.
28 N. Commercial.
Phone 639
by buying your hardware and
furniture at The Capital Hard
ware & Furniture Co., 28S No,
Commercial St," Phone 947,
Diamonds, "Watches,
.Jewelry and Silverware.
Phone 1255, Salem, Oregon
( Center Meat A
has a car load of Eastern Oreg
on 'choice steers, and will give
the people of -Salem a chance
to buy first class meats at
wholesale prices. Don't forget
,the place, 456 State street.
(Formerly Capital Cash Mkt.)
Capital Junk
All , kinds of junk and
second-hand goods. We
.pay full value.
JZI& Center Street
' Phone 398
H. k. Keen of Bhaw was a! vl&l.
tor in the city yesterday. He is.
engaged In farming near Shaw.
M. L. Jones of Brooks, a far
mer In that vicinity, visited In the
city for a short time yesterday.
Eugene Courtney of the Bank
of Woodburn was a husiness visi
tor to Salem Thursday.
"Two Years Before the Mast."
"Uncle Tom's Cabin."
"Westward Ho!'
"King Arthur and His Knights'
"La4, a Dog."
"The Last of the Mohicans."
"Little Women."
"Lorna Doone."
"The Man Without a Country."
"aten of Iron."
"The Merchant of Venice.'
"The Merry Adventures of Ro
bin Hood."
"Monarch, the Big Bear."
"Mysterious Island.'
"Oliver Twist."
"On the Waroath
"The Boys Life of Theodore
3 Boxes for. $2
While they last
Spitzenberg, Rome Beauty
Vanderpools. Spotted ap
ples, 25c per box.
Kraut cabbage, $1.25 per
100 lb. Pumpkins for cow
feed, 50c per 100 lb.
Delivered. Phone your
Ward K. Richardson
2395 N. Front Phone 494
the destructive class and the sur-
y la-direcilnr 'Tta energies to
their exterminations
Sound, .
SmwtuF HOtnttd irv
fjJkticomttctio ' ,
th fillet cant tprtoi
You'll fed well rrpaid for the
trouble of replacing your ola
mattress the first night you
sleep on the modem, sanitirv
SanotuF, its so soft, so'sprxngy, so oomfprttblc v
No outside cotton tufts to tear out. No wrinkles '
is tied (mtrieiniide;kparrate4medd .,
structionwhichholds the filler nrinly and solkflyv '
in place so that it cannoc possibly spread or Jc-, x
come lumpy. Theseareiustarcw.of,the sided
points of superiority of the SancuF'Ask ydur
dealer to explain these points. s (,
The SanofTiFlsinade in a sanitary fectoty, packed
arad dehvered in a sanitary caxtoa, Four types of
nuers, eacn me nest otts JOnd. rrices: ,
$30 ana w woramma ntverxo tpreaom.
Good Furniture
MARION A. R. Nichols, Mr. and Lumber Production IS
Mrs: D. K. MacCarthv. Corvallts:
E. D. Stent. Spokane; W. K
Cook, Moline, III.; H. T. Holden.
H. Anderson, Eugene; J. L.
Peterson, D. McCarma, H. H
Haynes, C. E. Moline, G. C. Nick
erson, w. H. Adams, R. F.
Montgomery, F. B. Lusen, O. M.
Brewster, Portland.
BLIGH B. Applegate, R. C,
Wilcox, S. S. Duncan, Portland;
G. H. Johnson, Worcester, Mass.;
Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed. Noel. Th e
Dalles; G. F. Wright, Woodburn;'
C. A. Tomeson, Tacoma: Mr. and
Mrs. H. F. Cooper, Powers; J.
C. Dunn, Cloverdale, Wash.
TERMINAL A. A. Bensteny,
Independence; G. EI Mitchell,
R. B
Peterson, Frank Rahn, Astoria;
U W.'J Miller, Eugene; M
Eaton,- Buffalo.
6 Per Cent Below Normal
One hundred and forty-five
mills reporting to West Coast
Lumbermen's association for the
week ending December 2, manu
factured .89473,981 feet of lum
ber, sold 75,489.101 feet and
shipped 71.403,607 feet.
Production for reporting mills
was 6 per cent below normal and
new business 16 per cent below
production. Shipments were 5
per cent below tiew business.
Forty per cent of all new busi
ness taken during the week was
for future water delivery. This I
amounted to 30,549,101 feet, ot
Sturgeon, Tillamook; Carl which 19,592,505 feet was for
domestic cargo delivery and 10,-
956,596 feet for overseas ship
ment. New business for delivery
by rail amounted to 1498 cars.
Forty-three per cent of the
Is the thing that we strive
to understand Just' a little
better 7 than does anyone
else in town.
If your eyes are beginning
to play you tricks come in
and let; us treat you.
101-5 Oregon Bids.
Oregon's Largest Optical
Phone 23$ for appointment
YACH In this city, at a local
hospital Dec. 6, 1922, at 5:05
p. m., Frank Tach, aged 56
years. Survived by his widow,
Mrs. Frank Yach of Cloverdale,
Or., ' two sons, D. A. Yach of
Cloverdale and Clarence Yach
or Prescott, Arli., and one
daughter. Mrs. R. R. Pool ot
Alameda. Cal. .Funeral serv
ices will be held In the Webb
& Clough chapel Dec. 8. at 2:30
p. m., Rev. Mr. Evans officiat
ing. Interment In City View
Rigdon & Son's
TJnequaled Serriec
Webb & Clough
Leading Fuceral
Expert Embahners
SPE C .1 ALSL. ":
Christmas Shopping Made Easy Here .
Ladies9 Dresses ; Complete; Stocky
Each and Every One Reduced in Felt SHpptS f
Price. None Reserved ASpecia
... n .in rii i Ladies' Felt Slippers. In many pleasing
All Decidedly Reduced styles and sites at jwr-parr "ry
... ' SI. 40 S1.70 Sl.O.5.
Many of charmmg new models in the .Men's Felt Slippers, values that's hard
most favorite materials; silks, wool?? to equal, an sizes, at per pair flJS, fl4,
laces and novelty fahrics, demanded by , , V. .7 r " T"
.i , ' c ti i ii Children's and misses' Felt Slippers In
the seekers of smart dresses ; all an excellent range of -colors, sizes and
evening dresses included. styles at per pair 89c, OjHc, $1JSV;
CorSetS Colgate's Talcum Powder AprOtlS
" (all odors), per Can .. 11c
One lot of front and Shell Hair Pins, do not Ladies' Percale Aprons,
back lace Corsets, made of brfa fad split' taper in checks, stripes, dots
good quality coutil, some PNlckelSafety p7ns, with an floral tterns,'. all
elastic tops and inserts. protected coil, every' size; sizes; specially priced for
Specially priced at per one dozen on card, per card today's selling at each
pair - $1,00 79c.
Lux, soap flakes, special
Second Floor today, per box 9c Second Floor
I Baby's Turkish Bibs, -
white with blue or pink t- y .
Men's Shirts eTei...r tancy ?MS
Zenith, lemon cleaning Fancv Straw Waste Pa.
Men's Dlain blue Cham- cream, the top notch of - J"la
.ueu s piain Diue v.ndm- If 4 , , per Baskets in fhree styles
bray gmgham ork shirts ?or to'ay.9 8eH1 ,'t ... 49c very usef nij , for the
sizes 14i2 to 17 ; specially Knitted Worsted Yarns. home. or. office. Specially
priced for today's selling big skeins, many shades to. rtf eI, ' -
at each ' 59c choose from. Specially priced at each 5
u..uv prtcea ,t per skein ..-..41k; Second Floor 1 'v''
Ladies? Silk Hose Dress Ginghams
Christmas sale of ladies' A limited, quantity 'of. ;2t-f"r? k
c. TT . i vi i lncn ncy Dress Ging- '
Silk Hosiery, colors black, ham Advise early, shop-
cordovan, navy, white, ping on these; specially
nude, beige, gray; all siz- priced. for today's selling
es, special priced tft ( at - 1 1
at per pair V ' per yard . XrlC
Worth & Gray Department Store
Phone 132 177 N. Liberty Street
"' ''' in. in hi.