"" """" ' "" ' 11 ' '" ' I I . ,r . y- r-wg , ' 2? ': ' THE OREGON STATESlIAN.' SALEM, OBECON ' THURSDAY MORNINfl. DECEMBER 7. 1922 - J IMWIJ SELLING SALEM DISTRICT; . I ; : v Company I : We Will Give Our Best Efforts i Salem, Oregon '' '"'' ' " Devoted to Showing Salem District People the Advantages and Opportunities of Their Own Country and Its Cities and Towns. The Way to Build Up Your Home Town The Surest Way to Get More and Larger Is to Patronize Your Home People Industries Is to Support Those You Have Selling Salem District is a continuation of the Salem Slogan and Pep and Progress Campaign At all times to assist ta any posible way the devel opment ot the fruit and berry Industries rn this tsJ-v ley. Quality bruits, Proper growing, a; i . Proper packing, Intelligent selling, Courteous tr atrnent, :, Community service, on Ureg 1i Are the steps to business .success- - DEHYDRATED and CANNED ' FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Oregon Products -I ' i King's Food Products Company Salem PortlandThe Dalles ,-v ''( :-'v ! Oregon Gideon Stolz Company Salem - Oregon j. I. ' ' ! ? ' ' Manafaetnrara of' i Pure Cider J Vinegar j Carbonated Beverages and!- ' y Lime-Sulphur i Solution ' Traelt dellwy to all pun ot tht , v WHlametto Talley , J. L. Busick & Son GROCERIES .- Stores: - - SALEM ALBANY WOODB "Eventually Ton Will . X Buy al BUSICK'S" NELSON BROS. -: Wana Air f urumeei, plumblnf, ketinf m4 sheet metcl work, tia d :Til tootug fnn Jo tiias im tin tad slniied Iron WWII.. .' ' 1- , 'i ."f S&S Camkta St- Pkona 1906 t DUie Health Bread 5 Ask Your Grocer "y i Coming or Going? I lis When golne on business or pleasure take the street , car tor comfort , safety and , coarenience. Aways at Your Service Southern Pacific: Lines ii"'. " ' Th 8Utama baa b anpplyV .nt Ikt winla tl tkt erttieal job printfaf trada ' 'Proof positiT w ar priatara of worth sad BMrit. i - ' - ! Modern analpmant aad idaaa ara tha anea that (at by. STATESMAN PUBLISHING raaaa t3 a 613. 8x a. Caa'l St. A FOR MRS AND YEARS "1 IIIIE1KS," 1 HOLLOW IE IIS This Style of House Is Cool Winter and Saves Fuel; The Low Cost of Holl Favor. (The following is from a re- ent number of The Permanent Builder,, of Chicago, the only magazine in the world devoted ex clusively to permanent .building materials and methods:) , Far, too many people , have an Idea that to be distinctive and at tractive a home must be more or less pretentious, worked out with what they call an ''interesting treatment" bays, balconies and buttresses, and a few arches and columns for good measure. The man with a limited amount of money to Invest jnjthome should get away from ?that im pression right at the start. That style of treatment immediately runs up building cost in a star tling manner. -v f The everlasting admiration of simplicity with beautiful propor tions is, unfortunately, often lost sight of. For centuries, the world has extolled the extraordin ary character of the ancient Greek temples. Yet the beauty of these structures results very largely from their simplicity, from their rhassiveness. and the mathematical accuracy of propor tions. ; And so "The Winnetka" has a simplicity, a certain massiveness, and fine proportions to thank for Ed. CHASTAIN CLOTHING C . - 303 State SJ Men's and fioyng Men's Clothing ana yurnishinffs Vtm my suJrs, 'it pays SALEM IRON WORKS Eatabliihad J860 v - 1 iv rtt Founders, Machinists and Blacksmiths Corner Front SlaU 8t?" Manufacturers of the Shand pomp for irrigation and othrr purpoaea. Correpondenr solic ited. Irritation information aop plied. Makera of Salem Iron Worka Draa; $awa. HOTEL . BLIGH 100 rooms of Solid Comfort A Home Away From Home F. N. WOODRY Salem's Leading -Auctioneer Sells Everything That Is ' Loose or for Sale 1010 North Summer St. Salem, Oregoa This campaign of publicity for community upbuilding has been made possible by the advertisements placed on these pages by our public spirited business men men whose untiring efforts have builded our present recognized prosperity and who are ever striving for greater and yet greater progress as the years go by. II E .THAT IS CM in Summer and Warm in and It Is Built for All Time ow Tile Is a Factor in Its Its delightful charm. While not to be forgotten is the fact that the builder's money goes toward the purchase of thoroughly high grade construction which really gives the home comfort, enjoy ment, and livablenesa, and not toward non-essential fol-de-rol designed to catch the eye of the casual passer-by. As for the interior arrangement of this home, it would be hard to commend it too highly. The im mense porch with out-swinging casement windows, which wel comes one on entering, provides an. extra, spacious living room in winter and a cool, refreshing open-air retreat in 'summer. It derives its light and air from three sides. Through the French doors, a delightful viata invites one into the large living room artistically lighted by the sunlight pouring in through a series of five case ment windows. The wall spaces permit a well balanced placing of furniture so essential to social hospitality. A small archway provides space for a wrap closet and also gives a unique approach to the dining room. Double glass doors open ing opto the porch immeasurably Theo. M. Barr Plumbing, Heating and Tinning 1G4 S. Commercial St. SALEM, Ore. Buy the Oregon Made Furnaces W. W. ROSEBRAUGH CO. Foundry and Machine Shop 17th & Oak, Sts.. Salem, Or. Phone 886 Wi Are Ont After Two Millions We are now paring over three quarters of a million dollars a rear to the dairymen of this section for milk. 'Marion Butter" Is the Beat Batter Mora Cows and Better Cows la tha crying need MARION CREAMERY & PRODUCE CO. - Salem, Ore. Phone 2 188 Salem Carpet Cleaning; ami FLUFF RUG WORKS AH size of ling and Fluff Rugs Woven Old Mattress Steaming and Remaking Otto Zwicker, Prop. Phone 1154 13 H & Wilbur Strecta 3 -c -if- SM ""' -in a mm,,, tt m tJJtfr, 'v: "THE WIXETK.M HOLLOW increase the pleasure of the meals served there. The kitchen is light and well arranged. Wall cases save many steps and much extra work. The refrigerator stands conveniently in the entry, where it can be filled without enterjng the kitch en. The small rear hall is a hub from which convenient access may be had to the living room, kitchen, both bedrooms, bath room, linen closet, and the base ment. It is a short cut which greatly simplifies the housewife's daily tasks. The bedrooms are a good size and are well lighted and aired by windows on two sides. Hollow Tile Made Here The Salem Brick and Tile com pany, one of the largest and most progressive of the manufacturing institutions of Salem, is specializ ing on hollow tile for the con struction of residences and indus trial and business and other build ings. ( Following are some of the ar guments in favor of holl6w tile: Ua'lding Your Own Home What joy there is in planning your own home! It is a fascinating, all-engrossing occupation! In jour own home, you want to put into definite form your Ideas of what a home should be; yon want to give expression to your artistic tastes: you want to real ize your right to secure comforts, conveniences, and the feeling of permanence. . You want the exterior treat ment of your home to be indica tiva of jour personality. Your , plans for the rooms receive the , most careful consideration. The plumbing, the heating apparatus. the fixtures, all the permanent equipment, must be of the highest type. It is right that you should give earnest and careful attention to 'hesa details. They are all im portant. "For a man's house is his castle." 1 Hollow tile satisfies the hopes and aims of the home builder as no other material can. WOlamette Valley Prune Association " The oldest Association In the Northwest. W.T.JENKS Secretary and Manager Trade .& Hifeh Sts. -lf , Oregon , fS JOURS i eyesight specialists, r II MORRIS OPTICAL CO. I SO 1 -3 Oregon Bhlgi K Salem, Oregon ; fl A call today may save . II needless pain and suffer- Ij inr in the fitttirn II TP vi "' ij I 11 ' - TILE STUCCO HOUSE With it the possibilities are abundant for making the home at tractive and substantial. Comfort and convenience, per manence, economy in initial ex pense, and lessened cost of up keep are all things that make hollow tile the most suitable ma terial for the home. Then, too, it has another ad vantage, for hollow tile possesses the quality that makes it safe against a communicated fire. The hollow tile home provides everything that we might reason ably expect in any building and, in addition, comfort not possible with any other material. Surely, in the building of your home, too much importance can not be placed on the masonry ma terial, for it is the structure on hich the exterior and interior of your home will depend for satis factory wear and permanence. As a. hollow tile structure will not rust, sag, shrink, nor require re pairs or replacements, the prob lem of maintenance is reduced to a minimum. Doesn't this mean something to you, who are mak ing an important investment in a home of your own? Hollow tile, because of its cellu lar construction, is impervious to heat, cold or moisture. The con fined air cells make it a non-conductor. Thus, heat cannot pene trate to the interior in summer, affording a pleasant,, cool refuge on a hot summer's day. And, on the same principle, the chilling cold of winter cannot pierce a hollow tile wall, so that there will be no heat wasted, and the con sumption of fuel is reduced to a minimum, even in the severest winter weather. f Ready with Their Help The gentlemanly officers of the Salem Brick and Tile company are always ready with plans and suggestions for those who wish to investigate this form of construe tion. Their factory and offices are near the junction of the Fair Grounds road with North Summer and North Capitol streets in Salem. THE WHITER SIT The List Is Complete, and mere Is a bpecial Herds man's Course, Too (Following is a current bulletin or the department of industria journalism, Oregon Agricultura college) : Short courees that offer Oregon farmers who can find time take them the best and newest Ideas in modern farming practices in Oregon, have been arranged by the state agricultural college to start January 2 at Corvallis. t The grounds, buildings, eq itp ment and most of all the staff of specialists that have made the Oregon college famous the civil ized world over, will be available for use by the short course men and women. Resources of rural ES Ml im Oregon not yet recognized fully, or fully used, will be pointed out as well as time will permit. Fol lowing are the seven courses an nounced: Tractor mechanics, Jan. 2 March "17; general agriculture, same; horticulture, same; dairy herdsmen's course, Jan 2 June 10; dairy manuracturlng, Jan. 2 27; Jan. 28 Feb. 24; horti cultural products, Feb. 5 24; bee culture, March 19 24. Full information can be had on application to the registrar. O.A.C., Corvallis, Ore. Dairy Herdsman's Course Unique Men are wanted to take charge of dairy herds and handle them to get best returns, and they are hard to find, so a new course was added recently to the O.A.C. short courses, designed to fit men for this work. This course for the dairy herdsman gives practical work in caring for the college dairy stock under supervision of college specialists. Much person al supervision is necessary and only a limited number of men will be enrolled in the course. This number has been cut down after trial, and already several applications are in. For partic ulars write P. M. Brandt, chief of dairy husbandry, at Corvallis. STARTED WITH i Methods of Mint Growing Used by Jake Brown in Irish Bend, Near Monroe Editor Statesman: Five years ago I started in rais ing mint near Monroe, in Irish Bend. I plow every year just as though there was nothing there, hen work the ground all down good and every few days harrow to keep the weeds down and when the mint gets about two or three inches high take the cultiva tor and row it up again and culti vate good. Next year I am going to try discing the ground both ways. I think that will work fine on this sandy soil. The finer the ground is worked the better you can hold the moisture. I cut it with a hoe. At first I started with one acre. I found that was a big Job, cutting with a hoe, so have been using a mower since. I now have 20 acres. The first year I sold for $4 a pourVJ; second year, $7.60; third year, $5.25; next, $1.30; and this year's crop isn't sold. The prospects don't look very good at present, but may come back, as so many mint growers are plowing up their mint, as the price is low and the buyers have a large supply on hand. Yours truly. JAKE BROWN. Junction City, Or., Rt. 4, Dec. 4. 1922. ACRE, NOW HAS 20 sizes il rr U U U DAIN TILE. gV-Va-ywjJ Salem Brick lijp5 and Tile Co. -asS'"'- Salem. Oregon yAmm. l aaaa)aaj ' ' "mq Why gutter with Stomach Trouble when Chiropractic win Remove the Cause J ' t' . a ia i ia ia- ia ar - ia- 4' - PARTITION T1LH LOAD BEARING TILE ta-MAki. 1 rWfe METHODS OF WALL CONSTRUCTION V. PACIFIC WOOL GROWERS CLOSE THE 1 LAT Association Members Receive Ten Cents Per Pound Above the Outside Prices An Explanation of What uuuperauve Marketing The Pacific Cooperative Wool Growers have just mailed checks to members covering mohair sold in the association's spring pool. Mohair of all grades averaged 43c net through the association as compared with the prevailing country price of 33c. Sales were made by the association through out the period from May until October and tho price received by each member is the average pool price for each grading resulting Trora orderly marketing of the mo hair during these months. Statis tics gathered by the association from mohair . growers, county agents, dealers, and country bank ers show- that the price paid for the 1922 Oregon clip of mohair sold outside averaged less than 33c. Some 400 mohair shippers within the association received a differential of 10c per pound more Jhan the outside prieo as a ang Co. Your Health Begins When Yea Phone 87 for an appointment Drs. SCOTT & SCO FIELD P. 8, 0. Chiropractors Ray Laboratory 414 to 419 U. 8. Natl Bk. Bid. Honrs 10 to 12 a.nu and 2 to 0 pjn, lit '-.a t. : v a . a;.'.' : - - 1 ; V- ' I ' ' T tX)R OUTER WALaLS COfefcita aui.. 4 VERY Means. result of orderly cooperative mar keting. Graded and Sorted In additfon the association graded and sorted its mohair In accordance with commercial and mill requirements. This results in the careful growers of good mohair receiving the actual value of their product, which is practi cally impossible when mohair la bought, unsorted at a flat price per pound at country points. A a result, a number ot association members who produce a fine typ of mohair received 60c a pound for their clip. At the same time a number of members who pro duce an inferior grade of hair re ceived less than they would have received it they had sold in the country in an ungraded condition. The selling . of the mohair sorted is a liberal education for mem- (Continued on page S.) PRCES 1 i r i. "a .1' ti i