The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 03, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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4 ,:
Business Change
J; O. Schwenk who has
worked la the barber business
with S. G. Hlnkle at 325 SUte
street the past few months, com
ing here from RitZTille, Wash.,
vherer he operated a shop for
a few years, has purchased the
business from , Mr. Ilinkle and
.will continue the business along
the same modern lines as for
merly conducted. Mr. Hinkle
will remain with the new owner.
Women Wanted-
To work in apples at Starr
Fruit Products Co. Report 7:30
Monday' morning. Church and
Mill streets. AdT. i
The General AW
hold an all-day; bazaar In the Sun
day school .rooms Dec 8. Dinner
6 to 8. -Adr.'' .
Card of Thanks ;
We wish to tbanx our friends
and neighbors for their kindness
and sympathy at the time of onr
mother's sickness' and death, also
for their ' beautiful r floral offer
ings. George and William Keus
cher, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Matt
con, Mr. ; and Mrs. Gustay Keus-
cher. -Adv.
Card of . Thank
I i desire to take this means
of expressing . my appreciation
for, the many acts of kindness
extended-to myself and relatives
during the last illness and fol
. The .Wonderful Dog
; in "
"Braun of the North"
"A "Knockout" Torchy
Comedy and a News
..Windus Playing
'UrilLong Trail"
i.T-i iHiLi'" n
ivv. Oor.N, 17th and Court Streets
Jno T. Stivers, Evangelist w Dr. H. C. Epley, Music Director
i , A. M. "Keep Home Fires Burning"
v v? P.M. "Where Shall I Spend Eternity?"
" Half Hour Song Service tonight, led by Dr. Epley. Special
i Music, Quartet.
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Aw! Cheer Up
Our line of Christmas toys are now on display and
never in our memory would a dollar purchase so much
happiness for the tiny tots.
Doughtori& Marcus
286 N. Commercial Phone 639
If it's hardware we have it not the biggest hardware
A- a a 1 a A.
; out
:! To Work
; at .
Report 7:30 Monday morning vnurcn ana wm o.
lowing the death of my beloved
husband. I wish to thank es
pecially the doners of the many
beautiful floral' tributes and my
husband's companions and fellow-workers
whose expressions of
sympathy helped to comfort ma
in my day of bereavement. Mrs.
Earl W. Perkins. Adv. 6
For Your Foot Comfort
Dr. Scott, Chiropodist. Masonic
Building. Adv.
Itotarlans to Prblic -
The semi-annual "ladies night"
of the Rotary club will be ob
served Wednesday evening with a
dinner party at the Marion hotel.
This will take the place of the
usual Rotary luncheon that day.
MacDonald's Fanner Al manic
At Tyler's Drug Store. adv.
Special Goose "..
And chicken dinner
Jack's Ca(te. Adv.
Governor Ritner at Marion
Governor Roy Ritner, who ar
rived in Salem yesterday from his
home in Pendleton, is making his
headquarters at the Marion hotel.
He will be in Salem at various
times between now and the time 1
Governor Ben W. Olcott returns i
irom me governors conierence in :
the east.
Claofles to be Resumed
The Willamette university work
"One Clear Call"
Milton Sills and Six
, Big Stars
Is It Elan or Anti-Ku-Klux?
And Besides, Lee Moron
- in a 2 reel comedy
good coal and light prices.
We emphasize it! It Is these
very essential features that
have caused our business to in
crease to such an extent. It
you're not a customer now an
order will make you one. Shall
we send it today?
rhone 030
ine ueau
in Apples
begins again on Monday, after the
four days' Thanksgiving vacation.
About one-third of the total stu
dent body of about 540, went to
their homes out of Salem for the
brief vacation. A3 many of the
students are regularly working
their way through school, they
haven't the money for home trips,
and they can't well leave their
Eat Sunday Dinner at the Spa
Roast turkey and cranberry
sauce or roast chicken and oys
ter dressing. Adv.
Women Wanted
To work in apples at Starr
Fruit Product Co. Report 7:30
Monday morning. Church and
Mill streets. Adv.
Here From Athena
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Basler of
Athena spent the Thanksgiving
vacation with Mrs. Basler's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. DeLong,
of 1108 Chemeketa street. Mrs.
Basler was Miss Evelyn Deling
before her marriage. Mr. Basler,
who was graduated from Willam
ette in 1921, Is now in his second
year with the Athen hish school.
This year his football team won
the pastern Ore eon chamDionshiD.
j le piaye(j on nc Bearcat
team dur,ng hIa 8tay in willam-
Drs. White and Marshall
Osteopathic physicians, U. S. Bid.
A Thanksgiving Roy
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Gile arc
celebrating and receiving the con
gratulations of their friends over
the arrival of a fine boy at their
home on Thursday morning, No
vember 20. His name is H. S.
Junior. It was a very happy
Thanksgiving day celebration in
the Gile household.
Fitted at Tyler's Drug Store by
an expert In the business.1 adv.
Hearing Waived-
Fred Moran, alleged moral per
vert, who was locked up in the
Mary Pickford
' ' Everybody's Favorite ' '
Her Greatest Success
"Little Lord
For all children from 6
to 60
Hugh R. Robertson & Co.
Member American Institute of
Accountants. Accountants: Audit
ors: Income Tax Service.
Portland, Ore., and Minneapolis,
Address: 1517 Yeon Bldg.
Portland, Ore.
SAVE $ $ $
by buying your hardware and
furniture at The Capital Hard
ware & Furniture Co., 285 No.
Commercial St. Phone 947.
Diamonds, Watches,
Jewelry and Silverware.
Phone 1255, Salem Oregon
Stein bock
Junk Co.
Is always in the market
for all kinds of
Jnnk, Rags, Rubber,
Sacks, SPECIAL, Pa
per 40c per hundred,
Magazines 60c per
hundred, bundled.
We also buy and sell
used furniture.
Top cash prices paid.
Shone 523. 402 N. Com'l
Capital Junk
All kinds of jnnk and
second-hand goods. We
pay full value.
215 Center Street
Fhosa S3
city jail Friday night pending a
trial in the justice court yesterday
afternoon, waived hearing and
was bound over to the grand jury.
Bail was fixed at $1,000, which he
was unable to furnish. He will
remain in the county jail until ac
tion is taken by the grand jury.
Do Your Feet Hurt?
Dr. Scott, Chiropodist.
640. Adv.
Speeder Arrested
B. R. Smith of Corvallis was ar
rested by county officers for
speeding yesterday. He was said
to be traveling between 35 and
40 miles an hour.
Elks Attention
Memorial services Sunday. Dec.
S, 1922, 2:30 p. m. Grand Opera
house, Salem. The public is In
vited to attend. (Elks meet at
club.) Elks' Memorial Commit
tee. Adv.
Two Autos Hit
W. F. Bowen of South Winter
street and George Gutsehow re
ported having collided with one
another at High 'and Judson
streets late yesterday afternoon.
Minor damages were suffered.
Wheel Stolen
Perry Anderson of 1811 North
Fourteenth street reported that
his Harley Davidson bicycle had
been stolen from Chemeketa and
South Commercial streets.
For Loans See
G. W. Laflar, 417 Oregon Bldg.
Accident Reported
John Titus of route 1 and W. S.
Fitts reported having had an ac
cident on South High street. No
damage resulted. Their cars
came together.
High Pressure Steam Boiler
Eight horsepower, vertical
type, for sale at a bargain. See
it at The Qray Belle. Adv.
Cars Hit
Tom Storey of route 6 reported
having had an accident last night
at Commercial and Court streets.
J. S. Vancleave of route 1 report
ed an accident last night at Com
mercial and Court streets. He
collided with a car belonging to a
Miss Bush.
Eat Sunday Dinner at the Spa
Roast ' turkey and cranberry
sauce or roast chicken and oys
ter dressing. Adv.
Accidents Reported
Lloyd Smith of 480 South 23
street reported that as he was
driving east on State street he
collided with another person go
ing south on Church.! Minor
damages resulted. Pj J talz-
niser or rouie reported a colli
sion last night at Commercial and
Court streets. Little damage re
sulted. Elks Attention
Memorial services Sunday. Dec,
3, 192, 2:30 p. m. Grand Opera
house, Salem. The public Is in
vited to attend. (Elks meet at
club.) Elks' Memorial Commit
tee. Adv.
Divorce Asked
A total of $75 per month ali
mony is asked by Mrs. Mary Holl
weg in her divorce complaint
against her husband, Louis Holl
weg, filed in the circuit court yes
terday. She charges that in Aug.
nst, 1922 he left her and that
later she found that he was living
with another woman at .La
Grande. Mrs. Hollweg asks for
the custody of their child with
50 a month alimony for Its sup
port and education as well as $25
a month for herself. The Holl-
wegs were married in October,
Legal Blanks
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Cataiog on application.
8. O. STONE. lfj.
General Office Practioa
Cancers Treated
Office, Tyler's Drug Store
157 8. Commercial Street
Buys and Sells New and Second
Hand Furniture, Tools.- Machinery
and all kinds of JUNK. Highest
cash prices paid.
320 N. Commercial Phone 492
Fan Baits. OrcrcoktC 8ho. Mo. Wt
carry an A l line at half prica.
Wr alto bay all kiada f clothlnt
43 N. Commercial Pfcon 1868-W
162 Vi Com'l. St. Phone 297
Merchants' Lunch ........ .S.V
Noodles -S3c
American Dlahca CoJneae,Dlshea
Open 11 a.m. to "1 a.m.
Mrs. Gardner Sues
That she suffered two and a
half years of misery during which
time her husband cursed her for
going to church, refused to let her
girl friends see her, and generally
mistreated her, are I ly a few of
the complaints alleged by Mary
Gardner in her suit for divorce
from John Gardner, filed in the
circuit court yesterday. Accord
ing to the complaint, he refused
to supply medical attention dat
ing her sickness and in June,
1920. she left him to live with
her parents. Since that time the
plaintiff states he has contributed
nothing to her support. They
were married in February, 1918.
Students' Special Trains Today
To Corvallis and Eugene Sun
day Corvallis special train leaves
Salem 6:25 p.m: Albany, 7:1& p.
m. Arrive Corvallis 7:40 p.m. Eu
gene special train leave Salem at
6:40 p. m., Albany 7:30 p. m., ar
rive Eugene 8:45 p. m. These
trains handle passengers only
lor Corvallis and Eugene, respec
tively. Oregon Electric Ry. Co.,
J. W. Ritchie. Agt. Adv.
Liccnse Issued
A marriage license was issued
to Roscal B. Winslow and Ida L.
Lae of Silverton in the county
clerk's office yesterday.
The Salem Women's Club
Chjorus, in concert Methodist
church next Monday night, bene
fit .of Old People's, home. Adults
$1; students 50c.
Many Get Pillows
The bed line at the police sta
tion last night again assumed
large proportions. The following
were given pillows: Howard Kir-
by, Dwight Rexroad, Bill Johnson.
E. Berg, Charles Warren, R. Hall,
E. Frandle, H. G. Keen, W
Rogers, W. McCan and Paul Bint.
Classified Aa
Will bring you a buyer.-
John Ashim, sheriff of Til-
amcok county, was in Salem
Justice L. T. Harris ofi the
supreme court will deliver the
Elks memorial address at Corval
lis today.
H. C. Todd of Silver Falls visit
ed in Salem yesterday. lie Is a
Marion county teacher.
Mrs. Amanda White of Indian
apolis, who has been a guest of
her nephew, Elmer White, has
gone to Newport where she will
spend the winter with a daugh
Glenn Roberts of Eugene spent
the Thanksgiving week-end with
his mother, Mrs. Belle Roberts,
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Smith
arrived In Salem this week from
New York, making the trip In
four weeks by automobile. They
will spend the winter with their
son, Roy H. Smith, and may lo
cate here permanently.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wilson of
Vancouver, B. C, spent several
days in Salem this week. They
went from here to Eugene where
they will visit for a few weeks
before returning to Vancouver.
MARION Roy W. Ritner, Pen
dleton; Walter Butler, Sacramen
to; Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Old, Hebo.
T. Besbeck, Mr. and Mrs. E. J
Haskins, Los Angeles; Mr. and
Mrs. M. A. Procker, Astoria.; Al
ton L. Collier, Ostrander. Wash.;
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hill Spokane
BLIGH Walter Flamgon, Che-
halis; R. B. Henry, G. I. Resto,
Portland; H. W. Dilley. Orville;
Funeral services for the late
James D. Mann will be held Mon
day, Dec. 4, at 10:30 a. m. from
the Rirdon mortuary. Interment
City View cemetery.
MUTHS IdaMuths died Dec. 2, at
5:40 a. m. Born in Baden
Germany. Nov. 7, 1855. aged 67
years, 25 days. She is survived
by 7 children: William lan
Emma Folkes, Marie Stringer
all of Salem: Mrs. Geo. C. L
Snyder and Robert Muths of
Portland, Or.? Charles R. Iwan,
Arlington, Or.; Louise Young
Eugene. Or. The funeral will
be held Monday at 10:11 a. m
from the Webb & Clongh chap
el. Interment in City View
NORTHRIDGE In this city Dec
2. Mrs. William Northridge
age 74 years, a former resident
of Ashland, Or. The body was
forwarded to Ashland for fun
eral services and interment by
the Rigdon mortuary.
Rigdon & Son's
Cneqnaled Service
Webb & Clougb
Leading Fuseral
Expert Eobalaen
Rained in Salem yesterday
V s s
Rained real rain, and rained
people and automobiles from all
directions. It was a busy day.
If there are any bears on Salem
left, let them watch the growth
and development of 1923. Lota
of good things headed this way.
A Salem cynic suggests that
one way to prevent traffic con
gestion is to sell autos for cash
Statistics show 4359 men were
killed by gas last year sixteen
inhaled it, 43 threw lighted
matches in it, and 4300 stepped
on it.
But the ISth amendment does
not prohibit football with a kick
in it.
In Italy the man who is prem-
ier is the man who gets t here '
fustest with the mostest men.
s s s
When the unspeakable Turk
meets the unpronounceable Greek.
he thoughts they think would
not look nice in a Sunday school
s s s
A lot of fine things are happon-
ng and in the air and on the
carpet and In the lap of the gods
for Salem; but the biggest and
best of them all Is the rolling up
of that million and a quarter en
dowment and building fund for
Willamette university. That will
mean a radiation and broadcast
ing of benefits and Influences
that will reach around the world
and last till the earth grows old
and the stars grow cold and the
judgment days unfold.
P. Lulay, Stayton; E. Sanborn,
Grants Pass.
TERMINAL G .Hughes, Mr.
and Mrs. R. A. Swanson, Albany;
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Savald, Med
ford; H. F. Haldenau, Lebanon;
C. Groshin, Independence.
College Representatives
Gather at Bible School
EUGENE, Or., Dec. 1. Repre
sentatives of eight independent
colleges of Oregon met here to
day, for their ani ual conference.
The sessions are being held at the
Eugene Bible university. Other
institutions represented at the
conference are Pacific university.
Forest Grove, Pacific college.
Newberg; Philomath college. Phil
omath; Llnfield college, JdcMlnn-
vllle; Albany college, r Albany;
Reed college, Portland, and Wil
lamette university, Salem.
Rebuilt and Fully
Remington, $40 and up
Underwoods, $40 and up
Machines Sent for Examin
w' ation
Terms $5 monthly if desired
Late models rented, 3
Months $7.50
Book Store
Remington Typewriter Co.
What your eyes need
in glasses can be de
termined to an abso
lute optical and
mathematical exact
ness under our meth
ods of scientific eye
101-6 Oregon Bldg.
Oregon's Largest Optical
Phone 2JJ for appo'ntment
Willamette Forward Cam
paigners to Report on
Progress of Work
The first of the regular com-
. . , . , ,
mette forward campaign is to t;
held at the Marion Mond.y ri !
with all tho rAmmlti -,irkfN
in attendance. The na.n meet-S
ings are to last sll throuch
week, when the workers gt to-J
gether and report their success.!
With 60 workers in the two
"armies" led by Generals Henry
Morris nad Paul Wallace, and
with many other committeemen
and regular workers, the dinners j
promise to be real events in the;
matter of get acquainted enthu
siasm. As the campaign Is to end
20, two- weeks from
next Wednesday night, the time
is getting short for the money
to got in. The organ Irat Ion
work has been perfected all over
the state, as it is here in Salem,
and the next few days are ex-
pected to show a great flood of
. Down In Klamath county re-
cently an old Indian brought In
a grimy dollar which be said
he wanted to give for the col
lege. It looked like a fortune
to him, but he gave it up for
the good of the cause. He re
membered the spirit in which, the
college was founded, 80 years
ago to bring better life tof his
own people and he wanted to
Always brings its quota of colds and coughs. A hotllc
of our Cough Syrup will work wonders. . '
135 N. Commercial
"Try the Peiiblar
Don't Suffer With Your Feet
Take this Ad and ? 1.00 to . .
DR. S. F. SCOTT, Chiropodist
(Graduate National I'nUenrity of Sciences, Chicago) -301
Modern methods, scientifically tjplied, will da wonder
to relieve Corns, Callous, buuious, ingrown nails, weak
arches, etc. f I u
Don't overlook ihU opportunity for foot coratort
this offer for only a few days. Evenings by appointment.
Beautiful reception parlor rnrlerri private treating room
Phone C4.0 for Appointment
To Save Waiting, and Do It NOW
ABSOLUTELY no hurt no sfter effects,
no elaborate and ezprntire preparation
imply an application of
Twilight Sleep
For the Teeth
and I then can extract your teeth, fill ttem or
perform the most intricate dental operation
all without hurting you in the lease
Twilight Sleep For the Teeth,
pat the teeth to sleep, not the
patient It can be secured no
where else in this city except at
this office. Its use permits better
dentistry by far and makes a
visit to the dentist merely an inci
dent of your shopping tour.
That Is tKe
Twilight Sleep
Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg. '
PHONE 1313
help seep It fc-olnr. It would
take a lot, or peopi. sivms "
iollar ch. to meet the endow-
real demands. It cerUiaiy
oicht to b worth mors thaa
a dollar to every person in urf
gon. ;'i:"V
No tabulation of subscriptions
Las bn - mtdo sine Thursday.
One will fc issued Monday, how
ever, hoTviBE the receipts up
to that date. It will" take mora
than S20.M0 a day to raise the
required tata by December .
The sntscilptions may be ps'd
h will be most wel-
cae Dm las ?neri bijiu
1 J'r . . ,.
iuag o-a - - -
In Twenty Years
Whaf will you be dolngt
Will you be worth mora than
you are?
That depends entl-ely on:
what you are doing now.
Decide TODAY what yea
would like to be. thea vttk
toward that end. "
If you are not PRnPAR
ED tor better-paid work
how can ou epei. to be
worth more .in twenty yearst
iHii t put off taking pec
l.i i preparation longer, (."all
and let ns show you how ve
can help you prophre for the
future TV'v an,) lUM Clas-
Capital Business
Drug Store
Phone 197
Dru Uoie First",
Music and danclnc I n.m. to 1 a.m
: : -5"--' " .. .,. HO