The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 03, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Adcle GarrlMn(t New Phase of
For a wonder, jMandy had built
'the fire In Moth r Graham's bed
room with "neatness and dis
patch." . It was blazing merrily
when I went in to inspect it. Af
ter turning down the sheets and
running- a hot, water bottle over
them that there bight be no pos
sibility of a chill for her, I went
back to the sitting (room, where
she sat still shivering, thongh her
heavy bathrobe was wrapped
aronnd her, and she was huddled
over to the fire.)
; "Come,, mother," I touched her
shoulder, and she looked up at
me pitifully. t '
"Do you suppose I am going to
be 111, Margaret?!" she asked, and
there was distinct fright In her
eyes. ;'.''!'. " : ' f '. .-'!'
"Not seriouslyTat any rate," I
evaded. "I think ton are over
tired, and have caught a bad cold.
But well hare yon all right short
ly. And you'll feel a great deal
better In bed. Just lean on me.
I hare everything ready for you. M
: "I guess I don't hare to be car
ried yet," she said with a flash
of the spirit she had shown a
few minutes earlier. So I step
ped back to let her try the walk
alone, keeping near enough, how
ever, to catch her If she should
have overestimated her strength.
, My mother-in-ilaw, however, la
; one of the pluckiest women lever
' have known, I was certain that
,she would not ask my assistance
tfblis7 she were compelled to do
i r so. And I was right in my surr
mUe, Her Indomitable spirit car--'rled
her through the room, across
the hall, and into, her own room,
where she sank panting but tri
umphant npon the bed.
t "There! .You 'see!" she said
childishly,, and I smiled down at
her indulgently, f ,
, I Madge at the Helm
"I see that you're determined
to have your own way," I said,
w, , 4 "Tint, itiaw I'm coins to
have mine. Just cuddle down
under the?e covert and let me
take yonr shoes and stockings off.
There." I adjusted the hot water
bag comforUbly agalnsi ; hf
spine. - - 'Til get another for your
feet directly, and. we'll soon get
. you warm. ; : -', s .
: MM V -1 I M L . f Tl 1 AWA
1 I iin i ijjcucTw
get warm again," she said, with
" she was suffering a reaction from
the burst of spirit which had 'car
ried her across he hall.
"Oh, yes you j will," I said, al-
lUOUga III J ueniv w a num. j kiiu
' foreboding. Illness In N Mother
Graham alwars alarms me greatly
because , of her weak heart, al
though she hasj been In better
nrauu iiui lua suvs iah m vw
at any time alncej I have known
I Working swiftly, I took off her
shoes and stockings, put another
hot water bag to her. feet, piled
: covers on her, prepared a dose of
heart drops, and gave It to her.
As I finished administering it, a
light knock sounded pn the door
"I telephoned Jim Page." she
said, tersely, characteristically
wasting no words, "and he will
be here almost at once. Now,
what is the matter, and what can
I do for you?' '
"I am afraid Mother Graham
has influenza." I said, secretly
quaking for fear she might think
we ought to take her to a hospi
tal if she were suffering from so
infections a disease, but determ
ined not to mince matters. "Of
course. Dr. Paige will know, but
her symptoms are very much like
those of the rest of us, who all
had it last winter. So, of course,
you must not come near. But if
Mandy could cook us things "
"Don't worry, child." She laid
a capable, thin-veined hand on my
shoulder. "That's what we're
here for, to help each other. And
everybody In the town has had
influenza, so nobody's afraid of
It. Mandy, of course, will do any
thing you wish, and so will I."
l,Margaret!" My mother-in-
law's high-pitched voice called me
Mrs. Lukens smiled cheerily.
"Send Mandy over for anything
you want," she admonished, van
ishing down the hall, leaving be
hind her an assurance of aid and
good-will that strengthened me
to meet whatever might be be-
ore me.
(To be continued.)
Mrs. Neighbors. They tell me
your son is in the college football
Mr3. Malaprop Yes, indeed.
Mrs. Neighbors Do you know
what position he plays?
Mrs. Malaprop Ain't sure,
but I think he's one ol the draw
backs. Dallas 1 News.
Y No 0ae1'Afra!L
"Who Is thatt" my mother-in-
law demanded.
. I fancy it is Mrs. Lukens," I
answered. '
"Well, dont let her In here!"
i she commanded, and I remem
bered her aversion to having any
stranger near her when she is
;i won't.7 I
opened the door
promised, as
and stepped into
the hall, closing jit carefully after
me. "''
As had guessed, Mrs. Lukens
was standing , in
look at her calm, kind "face made
my heart a -bit;
ksk person in
me. ' - '
the hall, and one
lighter at the
prospect of fatihr the tare of a
a land strange to
i, tx-mmJ- - - ' "- - 1 I,
tearing her intended 1 marriage
would deprive him ot control over
her" estate. William F. Jardlne
legal guardian of Dorothy Gordon.
has bad her connnea in an insane
asvlum at Waveriy. Mass since
March. 1921. Every elort Is being
taken by John Gardiner, uncle ol
the girl, said to! be perfectly sane;
t- har iardine imorcd as guard
"The Gold Diggers" on Tour
for First Time After Pro
nounced Success
Thousands of women have kid
ney and bladder trouble and
never suspect It.
Women's complaints often
prove to be nothing else but kid
ney trouble, or the result of kid
ney or bladder disease.
If the kidneys are not in a
healthy condition, they maycause
the other organs to bwome diseased.
Pain in the back, headache,
loss of ambition, nervousness, are
often times symptoms of kidney
Don't delay starting treatment.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a phy
sician's prescription, obtained at
any drug st6re,'mayte just the
remedy needed to overcome such
conditions. - .
Get a medium or large size bot
tle immediately from any drug
store. '
However, If you wish first to
test this great preparation send
ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghampton, N. Y., for a sample
bottle. When writing, be sure
and mention this paper. Adv.
David Belasco's production of
Avery Hopwood's famously suc
cessful comedy "The Gold Dig
gers,'' that ran for two years in
New York, and for a season in
Chicago, and that is now touring
for the first time will be seen at
the Grand theater, Salem, tomor
row evening
In this comedy Mr" Hopwood,
the most prolific and prosperous
of American playwrights brings
into view a fascinating group of
New York chorus girls, together
with their male admirers, and
leads them through a maze of
merry complications which may
or may not be true to life. The
young women of this province
of society are according to the
playwright, devotees of the art of
extracting money from the pock
ets of their friends through per
fectly legal means. These are
"the gold diggers."
The money so easily got is as
easily spent, to the enrichment
of dealers in all feminine luxuries
and to the added gaiety of the
nation. Of the group concerned
in the play there is one, Jerry
Lamar by name whose ambitions
rise above the mere getting and
spending of money, and it Is
around her exploits in advancing
the love affairs of a friend, as
well as capturing a matrimonial
prize for herself, that the plot is
There is not a little true-ringing
sentiment in the play but this
serves chiefly to bring the humor
of the story into higher relief.
The main purpose of "The' Gold
Diggers" is laughter, and the
critics of New York and Chicago
agree that it serves that purpose
most admirably.
Mr. Belaseo has staged the
comedy with the same artistic
care that he would bestow upon,
his most serious dramatic orf,
ing, and the touch of his genius
is to be seen in every detail of
the presentation. The larre com
pany is headed by Gertrude Van
derbiH, who is well known to
playgoers of this city, and who
last season won distinction by her
performance as Jerry Lamar
through the long run of "The Gold
Diggers" in Chicago. Amonx the
other members of the company
are a number of young actresses
who are noted for their beauty
as well as for their dramatic accomplishments.
The company in its entirely is
tains in all of Mr. Belasco's or-jraine Lally, Winifred Barry. Cora
ganizations and the play will be (Williams. Daisy Rudd, Ursule
precise'y the! t-uu Deusru, Miner-
ine vaisa, juarpueriie Ausua, l.u-
presented here in
same fashion that it was at the
Lyceum theater, New York.
Among the weli known players in
the cast are Charles Hammond.
David Glassford, Thomas M. Rey
nolds, Day Manson. Harry Alex
ander Richard W. Haines, Harry
up to the high standard that ob- 1 D. Shook. Walter Hagerty. Lor-
ci'.e Adams,
Sally Bergman and
The death of iron. Bellamy Stor
er, who, during the Roosevelt ad
ministration, was ambassador to
Austria, recalls the sensational
My 22Vf8 acre farm, stock, machinery and household furniture,
at my home, 2 miles from Salem city limits on the bottom
road to Boys Training School, on Tuesday, December 5, 1922,
commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., all the following: Farm of
22 1-2 acres, 20 acres in cultivation, 2 1-2 acres timber. 1 1-2
acres family fruit and strawberries, 5-room bouse with electric
lights, barn 40x20 feet, garage and chicken coops, good well
of water; barn is arranged for dairy purposes; place all well
woven wire fenced. There will be sold with the above ranch,
a lease on 70 acres with 16 acres in growing wheat, 10 acres
plowed, the balance pasture. Terms and price of the lease
will be announced at day of1 sale. Stock, farm machinery,
furniture; 5 good cows, some giving milk, some coniing'fresh,
1 young calf, 3 horses, 2 good workers, 1 single driver, 1
young calf, 50 chickens, 2 wagons, 1 4-section harrow. 1 cream
separator, 1 hay rake, 1 feed cutter, 100 egg incubator and
brooder, 1 top buggy, some grain, 1 plow, 1 Bet work har
ness, hay and straw in barn; two bedsteads, 2 springs, 2 mat
tresses, dresser, 1 leather Davenport. 1 rocket, 1 range stove,
1 heater, 1 large dining table, 6 chairs, 1 kitchen cabinet. 1
Singer sewing machine, 1 wash tub, 1 washing machine, cream
cans, 15 sacks good potatoes, fruit jars, dishes, milk pails,
small tools and other articles.
Free lunch at noon bring your cups.
Terms On personal property, is cash. On farm, suitably
terms, announced day of sale. Geo. Satterlee, auctioneer;
Phone 430, D. D. Socolofsky, Agent. Phone 970. Christ
Schaper, owner.
On Real Fine
Kayser Italian Silk
Kayser's genuine Italian Silk Vest. Regular pric
Closing out price plIO
Genuine Italian Silk Bloomers. Regular price J A
$4.75. Closing out price
Beautiful crepe de chine Teddys. Regular price A
$6.75. Closing out price vtCOD
Save on Your Christmas Shopping
$4.25 Kayser Italian -Silk Hose
Special, $2.95
Real hand-made blouses of voile, regular
values to $6.50
Special, $2.98
Georgette and Crepe de Chine Waists and
Blouses, values to $9.50
Special, $4.98
Better Gifts for Less
Wonderful assortment of pure linen hand
kerchiefs. Values to $1.50 each
Dainty Gift Shop Gift3
Each a complete gift
Dainty gifts from our Infants' depart
18 Shopping
Days Till
. f - '
Corner State and Liberty
Shop in
episode, when the wife of tha di.
lomat was "My Dear Maria. u
the remarkable letters written
RooseYelt and published by Mr.
Storer in defense of her co&tea
tion that her husband, had beta
unfairly treated. Bellamy Storci
was an Ohio man and , his wifa
was Maria Lonsworth, a sister o
Congressman Nick" Loncworth.
-T a?' V
fea &?fP
Wm$M$ SIR & pip .
This will be the result of purchasing one of our HIGH GRADE
Pianos or Player Pianos. No home is complete xwithout x MUfr-i- .
SIC. A small payment now will hold any one of the following -V:
instruments for XMAS delivery. (Steinway;9 (eber;9 i,A
Chase, Krakauer, Kurtzman, Emerson, Brambach Grand, Pre?
mier,Steinert and others. Also thewonderfnV'Duc Art -which ,
brings the world's best artists into your home. $750 and up fir, , . ;',
New player pianos from $395 up. ;
"Terms" Small payment down and very small monthly
payments. Let us talk it over with you.
oores music i
f 415 Court, Salem
k ' . '1 1
As its name suggests, this suite presents
something distinctly attractive in bedroom
furnishing. It is a real achievement in furni
ture craftsmanship n example of the finest
design and workmanship. All hardwood, two
tine finish; center-guided drawers will not
bind nor stick; boxed-in-bottoms prevent small
articles from slipping Out through.. i
Extra Special HEATERS
Regular $30 all steel body, cast top. bottom and
linings; all nicely nickel trimmed; finished from
the ground tip. Burns wood or coal.
Special $23 JO
And get that rug cleaned Tree. We think we
have a little more cleaner for the money than any
one else; let us demonstrate the
Hamilton Beach Electric
For wood, coal or gas. or In
straight wood and coal. Finished
in bine, gray or white and black.
Can be furnished in steel or all
oast. Priced from $59 and up.
Your Btove taken in as part payment.
We have for your inspection
the well known sewing machines
- THE FREE. There is nothing
better, in fact very few makes as
good. Xote the display in onr
east window. Terms can be ar
ranged to suit. Let us demon
strate the new FREE WESTIXO
sell for less.
? ' . II
Beautiful 3riece Overstuffed
Davenport, chair and rocker in
rose, taupe and blue, special
Beautiful Overstuffed Davenport
In rose, taupe and blue, special
$49 JO
Trade in your old goods
as part payment on new.
We always allow more.
C. S.
340 Court St
Salem, Ore.
Let us fnrnhh your,
home for y3 price from
our exchange department.
Jss- ' i . r