The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 03, 1922, Page 14, Image 14

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    SUKD'AV M0KmG7l)EGEMBER 3, 1922
3 Y?
li-i .. t ."' ' . 5 -4 . t ' -
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III UN. I I " 1 "
Pim Bsotist chorea. Willlsm T.
MilSfcen. Minister. Bible school at 9:45.
4 word aVchuakt, suierintedent. - Morn
ing, worship at 11:00. . Quartet. "II Tea
M ' tsspcr. Hersnea. A
, Mi4M'i! Oleic".' ' Lord's Sanger at the
close of U morning sermon. B. Y. P. U.
wti tl 6:30. Tho lesder will be Mise
Lucille MeCleaa end taa toaic "Others."
Tha Intermediates will asset downstairs
at the asm boar. Pastor' class at
:3) Come in the-spirit of devotion
end bring yoor Bibles. Dr. Geo; H.
Young wilt meet with the jovog folks st
' Starlit llt Will Huuk tai WAMna iuvmiU ilnr.
She bat. been wanting; one wui give iPeciei nDtt, at nigh - My
i -.,- " ' ' .- Sonl -for Help' Wagner-8hlismyer).
..1 A Viaiora. are cordially , welcomed M U
JCr SGQft USe A SaipmtDt oerrieeo.. Brotherhood en Taoedsy ea-
-- i ... m w . i .1 if. n . -
i Ha - vxpwtva mat Jar. xrjua, pas
Lr of. the CorvaUi rhaich, will give bis
ire l are, Binjaming ut . tba .Moral
8qtd. Prijrcr sarriea em Thsrsday
eTeninf. Kefaltr monthly. Basic ees Meet-
. Boy tire good wife one of I
those beanlifcl DaTenportx
of a niiaber oh Tery new f jfft.,
UO-10-date StYieS andLlnjt TealtT; sod officers eoaaeU of ths
. 1 " " V" IT . , .T-BiM tcbooi o IVidsy eTeainc.
coTcrlnj: tare now on our
sales floor and we can as
sre you prices will be no
lower, on .this dais o goods
izx -tent laiae 'to coine,
Ckmhtri. & CHanihers
Corner of Caoitttl and Marias itrutL
Sua day obooi, 10 a. m. German preach.
id service 11 a. m. Mo cvonlag Mrrica.
M. Denny, pastor!
R. J, R. Buck, naitar. , Tha hasnt.
inl Mtrie known, a th "Forty Hoar'
AdoratioB. ia beinr held ia 8t. Joaesh'a
ehiuschv. and the Br GaKirra. Tkoasau.
ot U lUdatoiae. Portland., is nrcsnhioc
Utv-aeymooi: Soadar morniar maaaea
.wiH'hsv a :00 and-10:00 o-'rlark. and
ha. AdoraUoa. will elaaa with, mfiutn
And benediction at 7:30 serriees. ETsry-
oo.wnuer VMMiic ar not it cordially
inaad t aUend.
mnoleaats are inrited. This is ie Son
day nearest to St. Andrew's v-ay, in
which is eehhratnl the callinp of St.
Andrew who, when called, went and
brought hi brother to Chriaf. The
ehnrch settoal meets at 9:45 and thn day
that the children are to bring; their of
ferings for the Indian family in northern
Tinnesota. A second elebration of the
Holy Eucharist at 11 a. m., with sermon.
by the rector. The rhoir will hare spe
cial mueie which will be mo-st rerereat
and inspiring. All are moat cordially in
vited to worship with us. At 6:30 in the
evening the Young ePople's society will
meet, with the following program: Orran
solo by Mice Myrtle Knowland. and a
vocal solo. "Voice in tho Wilderness."
by Leon Jennisoa. Addres by V. 8.
Barton of the Salem Electric company on
"Radio." The annual ejection o! offi
cer will take place. All young people
are invited and others who are interested
in the subject of '"Radio."
Evening chnreh ferriee at J.30 p. m. A
service desirned to make' the outsider
fel at home. Punt servie and sermon
by the pastor. Sobj-ct, "The Mount of
Religions Instruction." Bring a frimd
with von. Onee a month we have a
church family sapper at the Wednesday
tion meet every Sunday in ry ha!U
Cocrt and High streets (upstair) for
Bible study. Hours from 10 to 13. Ait
interested in Bible study welcome. Wei
iiesday. Decemher 6, there wiil be a fre
public lecture at 8 p. m. in t'nion hall en
Court stre-t. over the Aaserican Railway
fcxpress office; subject. "Satan Empire
Palling Millions Now Living Will Never
Die." bv B. H, Boyd of Brooklyn, New
Yrk. Satan's wicked influence kaa long
baea fflt ia every part of la warid and
Christ th richtful King now invisible is
""beginning to reign; hence the distress of
aatinas of waira Jesus spote. laesr
treablen will soon reach a climax and
disappear, followed quickly by peace and
prosperity as Jeaua sssumes control. Mr.
Boyd is a forceful speaker. Don't fail to
hear this lecture. It is entirely free.
Sundar meetings at the Salvation
evening prayer service. Bring your : Array hall will be in charge of Brigadier
lunch and share with ns in this evening
Of social and religious fellowship. Sap
per at 6:30 p. m. Religious stcdy
claeaea at 7:30: song and praise service
S:15. Public invited.
South Salem Friends, corner nf S. Com
Bereial and Waahington. Sunday school
at 10 a. m., Carl Miller, superintendent.
Morning worship at 11. Evening service
at 7:30. Rev. Alpheaa Rees of New berg
will hsve charge at both services. C K.
at 6:30.
Those r.Iahogany . Gate
teg tables have amTed.ant)
Xirst. Christian, Center - and Hieh
treeta.. J. J.' Xvaoa, minister. Our new
Bible school rooms are assuming shana
and sis and writ ba reedv bv tha doit
of the year. A special feature will be
given esco undy at the assembly period
m uaition to- the excellent ehaik illustrs
tiona by T. E. MeCroakav.. At a-an
the Young People's Ecclesiastical club
wiU hold it second meetinc. Mrs. A.
Ai. carpM will have charge of the re
freshmeBU, and tha Girl's circle wiU give
the program. At the 11 o'clock servica
thr ladirs f. tha misaieaarv sacietv will
obrre. their annual day, not for ' the
purpose of extra offering bat fax-historic
ss oaucstional.. purpose. Mrs. W. E.
Highland Friends. Hia-hland avenne
and North Church street. I. U and Ida
J. Lee, pastors. Bible school at 10 a. m..
Clifton Ross, iupt One school is doing
good work and is well attended, but we
have room for othrra and you will find a
real welcome. Moraine worship at 11.
Christian Endeavor at 6:30 c. m. Preach
ing at 7 :30 p. m. The evening service
will be in coarse of a number of our
young people who are home- from school ;
they will have their musical instruments
snd there will be excellent music a num
ber of special songs, evangelistic mci
aagesv and we expect specially good
service. Young people's prayer meeting
and Bible study on Monday at 7:30 p. m.
Prayer meeting on Thursday at 7:30
p. m. The publie is cordially invited.
Don t ml the Sunday evening service,
it will be fine.
.185 S. Commercial street (upstair).
Services Sundays, 10. a. m. and 7.30 n. m.
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m conducted by the
Irish evangelist.. We pray for tha heal
ing of -tha sick. Come and hear the- full
Gospel for-soul and body. Everybody'
Tho evening sermon . will
thOV A Vss ftltrl rrtahnmmr t Osbom and Mrs. Barton Z. Rins will
p deliver thermeessge Mrs. Harr Styles
- . '-- m- - I w'" presiao.
cads bf one of ; the best
raBtmri ifc tMes! in
ihe east :: Very csderaialy
Chrjf.btrs & Cfenbers
' ""S--
tie tot and also ones
lift Hi
lariv enoiifi "for a ?tA ISnT -
... . " ' VV; " .'U'vy-vV; . : I Spend Eternity t" '
4 ' t ' t,-. an N fw. .If i.M f wiU bo a big otoaina. s
oaDjr; 4 el losa me giri v tw epai
m a ' - mm i m as sv i
OX irCZHi. IU.1V ICiUl liac t "" cnavrrs u . truly
t fi ' 1 -v.c. van in tn' cnurch
f ft nmn. - nrr are oesniiu y ? ssiimi. Ye w
- f r.. ' I sua. for. tha' last., tlm.
and the pnctlt quite
than last, yeai ltof now
. and have ; one I laic away
ba given br the -castor. Tha nnmn
rill b directed, bv tha. runt womannf
tht circle and short talk bv a lavman
on the quostion "What. Mast I Do to Bo
Bsvedl" The entire services of the day
wi . iatj. 9. wveresi to au. l"
UOurt Street Christian. Cornar V Ifih
and Court ' streets. Are von rains- tn ha
one: of o, ji5 ea)peted' In Bible school
wort nig . torwsrd campaign closes today.
lK s all work to make it a record da
in the. history of the-chnreh. If von
waui io eotna and . havar Bw.arai t..
pnon-lo.J and a way will bo provided;
ah tne eonrerta during tho meeting will
be asked to occupy the front seats. De
cision service will be conducted srsin bv
tne evangelist at the closing servica of
the Bibla school. Aimiim hi..t .u
will preeedo the decisfoa. Tha mornioa
- eonvorta - and church.
Keep the Homo Fires Bnrnlne " T
wa,-wr aear is. i ner wut b- a brt-
tiamai aervie at 8:30 p. m, at the first
CbrUtfan chnreh. All those who eontem
pwto puttug on their -Lord 1n baptism
are reuaeated .to he. there ChristUn En-
OeaVOr 030 S. m. . Kvanveli.tia ani.a
. i.v pt m. oong Service led bv Dr. Ft.
MltsMtaeot4no -onoV special
Where Shall t
ewetna service cm early.
now closing Is the great'
ana la ibum a. .
ward movement for. tha ln-.l - .hnk
woooVrfullr can-
of Christ
nt to hear
Pnt.Ha, ad.
to alf tha sarvicea w tt.M .. .t..
vravm sjonrrecatinnai. twait
1 i a,aCT7.i, -Clayton JodyV minister.
Saaday . ScbooL and- ehawh. a. .kl-.
ervieo at 10 . a. Classes for all acesj
sv special' program, and- a short devotional
lervioo. Jueior ChrioUas Eadearor at
?1 -va niw " lat'tmodiate Endeavos
o 6:80. Evening (ervic of son c and
warsnin vjm Hmma .t t-stn CL-kiu.
: "" 'lug,, uur uerasgs. ' . Tho
"" euurco meeting will be held on
i Tfcorsday evening,, December- 7th. Pei-
vwaaip- aupper a o o'clock followed, by
ITl """"t as :o. . a cordial wel
oai- at an out services.
r irst IJoneraa-atiiuial .kn.k i . .. . .
! and Center street.. VT. C. Kantner, mln
1 Utos- W a., m. 8uadr, seho with
t sao wf atu , Wo aro : oropatinc foe
umstmai aad. woulo bo. pleased to, hart
yoo oomo and Join with as ia this prep
aration.' Wa ara making ar4.i .o..
; V? thoachool juas aeinteveating a
as. oiaa. auserintendant:
U aW m, lajimaav hv naainar "Pk. .
'f5J in?Jir'f tt tho . Vision. , of
Ood; This will be preceded by story
eermonette to tha Toons- folks "r.,.
iwufl. aj n. . m . .1 nnlna h'n
" Dwlg Clsrko, loader. 2:30 p. m.-i
Salem district Sunday school eoaventioa
will meet a rbia ehnn-h - ..i
. . xytrMora irem l'oraand will . bo
o.l5reM,,l mU Wwmo. AJ1 -Snn.
ISpOSSIDle JOr if achoor worker are urged to ho prosl
s e I :30 . m. The following mii k
wnro rvrrnffs I hei in tha eeiin . t.i
w.:j n J -".; oi sao .neu an organ vol-
ak alit hsml Pictures. Throua-h tl
'r- ,r ""rr to..-.;w.;
a. W r ri -f ,."'wt wrsavHOav.-,,Th
hne ant oi rortvnora inXdro
. . in Bsr and 'ten
minutes. .Everybody -invited; -Mid-wooh
aaursoay ai. 7.90 P. OU.
, fss uurcn,. o uiemeketa r stiMt,
?? ?orning aervlees at 11 i. n.
mnjeoa ot lesson, sermon : "God the Only
9asVd Sunday school at
-o a. m. Wadneadav wn;n u . .
ial meetin at . a'ewt i.IIT!!
East State and Eicfateenth streets : Geo.
Koehler, pastor. Sunday school at 0:45
a. nr. Preaehiog servica In : English at
10:30 a. m. Luther leagae- at 2 :30 o. m.
Bible study and prayer meeting on. Thors
day at 7:30 p, m. Bibla school on Sat
urday from 0 to 13 .m. Catechetical
instruction from 1 to 8 p. m.
St. John's. 16U and A streets, two
blocks- north of Center. . H. W. Cross.
paator. Sunday morning,- 10:30, Holy
Oommnnwa. Preparatory at 10 Also
communion in English tha following Sun
day evening. Ladies' Aid Wednesday 3
p. m. at tho horn of Mrs. Chss. Kreft,
1095 ZOUt street. We extend a cordial
invitation to all stranger and chnreh I ess
to worsmn wiwna. ,
Scandinavian M. K. church, l'lh and
Mill streets: David C. Hassel, pastor.
Sunday morainf; worship at 11 o'clock.
Sunday school 12 o'clock. Oust Anderson,
superintendent. . Evening service at 8
o'clock. Mid-week service Wednesday
evening a,t 8 o'clock. Saturday, Decem
ber 9th. the Ladies' Aid society will hold
a sal - of cooked food and fancy work at
Welch Electric store, on State street.
Yen arti cordially invited to attend these
Leslie Methodist Episcopal church.
South Oommereisl snd Myers streets; H.
P. Pemberton. pastor. You are cordially
invited to attend the following services
in this church, Sunday: Sunday school at
9:45 a. ra. E. A. Rhoten, superintendent.
Clasei for you and your children. A
knowledge of the Bible is one of life's
greatest assets. This school, ia here for
th purpose of helping you secure that
knowledge. Epworth league at 6:30.
The young people invite others to attend.
It is an interesting- and profitable hour.
Morning worship at 11 o clock. Sermon
"abject, "The Compassionate Christ."
Evening meeting st 7:30. Subject, "The
Divine Chemist." You will find all of
these meetings worth your while. Good
singing and fine fellowship mark them
alL Wa will, be glad to see you.
First Methodist Episcopal church, cor
ner State and Church streets; Blaine E.
Kirkpatrick, minister. Class meeting,
9:15 a. m. in the northwest corner room.
G. P. Litchfield, leader. Strangers and
visitors welcome. Sunday school. 9.43,
H. P. Shsnds, acting superintendent
Morning worship 11 o'clock. Dr. E. E.
Gilbert will preach; subject, "An Ade
qnate CTiareh for the World 'a Need."
Sperial musle by the choir under the di
rection of Prof. W, E. Hobton. Epworta
league social hour as usual; all yotfz
people are cordially invited. Epworta
leagues will hold their usaal meetings at
6:30. Evening service at 7:30. Dr. J.
D. McCormick, professor of Bible ia
Kimball School of Theology, will give
the evening address. Yon can not afford
to miss this. Thursday night there will
bo tho nsusl church nicht service'
Bring your suppers and come for the
Aar m. I i U i-l-m .n will I J i Jt
vouons and yon who', have heard bin
know what a treat is ia store for you.
The study classes. wiU b conducted 'as
usual. ' ' S-
Jons) Hsr. who commands the Oregon
division of the Salvation Army. Holiness
meeting. 11 a. m. Company meeting
(Sunday school). 2 p. at. . F. L.. or
young people's meeting. 6:13 p. a. Big
Salvation rally with special music and
Singing. 7 :45.
Corner of 5tb and Gaines. Sabbath
school st 10:30. Prof. A. C. Nelson,
superintendent. A live iatrct is being
manifested in the study of gods dealing
with ancient Israel. The annual week of
prayer this year will begin the 9th snd
riot- on the 16th. Meetings will be
held every day. If there ever wa a
time when God's people needed to seek
Him it surely is now. "When thou
ssidst 'Seek ye my face'; my hesrt said
unto thee, 'Tby face. Lord, will I
seek.' " Come! N. C- Ernstson, pastor.
Jason lee Memorial M. E. church. eor
or North Winter and Jefferson streets,
welcomes all classes to its services. We
preach a gospel that will meet the need
of all and our services are such that all
who -will can receive benefit. We are
suxs yea, would feel, at home in tha fol
lowing- service on tha coming Lord'i
day: Sunday school; with rousinc so nit
services in .the various- departments at
9:45 a. m- and with classes for all ares.
Two services ot Public worship at 11
s. m. Young people 8 to 16 ofiwnstair :
adults, in tho auditorium. "1 he-Call of
Our Nearest Neighbor." At IS:! p. m.
Un Scharft will- lead an enthusiast!
testimony and praise service in the Sun
day school room. At 6:30 tho young
people will meet lor' devotional service,
rVtme it 6 n 'clock snd ret acquainted.
Coftagi and Curiur-ii. streets; Rev
Martin Fereahetian, minister. Church
school at 10 :00 a. m. Graded instruction.
Class for adult in the psychology of re
ligion. The Sunday has been set said
by President Harding for the considers
tion of the Near Eastern problem. The
minister has, therefore, tsken for hi ser
mon, "Ths New Dsrk Ages. Mrs. M
Fereshetisn will offer as a contralto solo,
"Come Ye Blessed." Mrs. W. A. Denton
will preside at the organ. The Alliaice
meeting which was postponed will tke
piaco next xmuy aiiernoou wun airs, yj,
First United Brethren church, 12th snd
Mission. C. S. Johnson, pastor. Sunday.
school at 10 a. m., O. B. Bowman, supt.
Preaching service st 11. Subject,-"The
Sin of L'nbekief." Junior C E. at 5
p. m., Mrs. Burns, supt. Senior C. E. st
5:30, HiklA Berk'-y, pres. Preaching at
7:30. Subject. "Two Destinies." Prsv
or meeting every Wednesday evening at
o o ctoeK. everybody welcome
Caetle Chapel United Brethren churclt,
comer of 17th Mr et and Nebraska ave.
10 a. m.. Sunday school: ax class for you,
Ward Willis Long, minister. 9:46 a.m.
Sabbath school, Mr. H. B. Barrett,
supt. 11:00 a. m. Address, "The
Dawning." by the Rev. Graver C. Birt di
et of Bogota, South America. The choir
will sing "Light of the World,'- by
Bracket. 6:80 p. m. Christian En
deavor societies. 7:30 p. m. Popular
evening service. The choir will sing
JOTiey That Trust in the Lord" (Frey).
There will be a short session of congre
gational singing, and the Rev. Birtchet
will speak on the subject, "An Aban.
doned People." Tuesday evening, 6:80,
tha Men's club monthly dinner. The
boys of the junior snd intermediate de
partments of the Sunday school will - bo
guests of tho elnb. Tho program is ia
charge of. tho committee on boys' work;
Mr. C. E. KeKlis, chairman; phone 225.
Thursday evening, 7:25, last session of
the School of Missions. 2.30' o. ra. Fri
day the Women's Missionary society will
meet in church parlors. A musical pro
gram entitled "Christmas Carols" is be
ing prepared by Mrs. Wsrd Willis Long,
Mrs. A. F. Marcus and Mrs. Arthur
Rahn. r
L BS. A.
International Bible Students
219 State St.
Cor. Front St Phone 937
256 State St
while the stock: is large.
- i aaa
bcautital Tennessee'e cedar,
both t plani i; asd; . copper
tnnuned;' - Getyonrs now
as it will be
us to 'get
cedar ones ar 5, lanch; less
":. - la a' 1 i ti, ,. slew' I; alii Ij!-
price, but very- line nerer-
the, lets. U"s;v.', 13'",
- axnbtrt' ! & Chaxabert
eept Snnday. tni&lZuT iTUm
9:30 p. m. All are erHi.n, TJI." IT
w so oux rciatiing
Table - Lainptt Piano
S 4 - i.
Lampf , Pndge Las:pst Jan-
CHXXSTZAJT AlTD asT8ffjtrjwr
AiLlAltOB -
Vr aawaal V B I n
UrfT i"wain tao W. C. T.
' vmmerwat and rerrr ntreetas
iZZZ tTr ' 2 Am th ftooon
ZIJaI" Pl music, t ,11
oemrioe.. The .! .1 ' Z., "
all; the
, Pollychroiae
sticks, as welt as ww colors
.- . -ia
Hosts' 4hMa, -,it - r. .
.k. ""-i" not to
Sfl-- Afr S
-. ---- "nr nacns a 7 :8(j
big. jubilee aervice. All a JliJLZI ii
ia !TTTC- Th -ck will be InitTirH.
4. snd prsyoi with at sn oerviees!
134.X. Chnreh st. J.. J. Gillesnie
psrtor., Sonday ooLlO sm ood
, PreVh,n,t st 11 a. in.
r" swrioe: as ut y.i ji C
p. m, Sunday af loraooa Yonng Poool.".
ZZZ teviceT 5o!
.likiJ": '17.Ke church
: - f unuren nt rmm,.
n.. tha .k v ' . ;t: t .r .
rwr - - -tw -- r -vrwesussticai rear.
Cmit peopi, should begin thT reai
- iheroi will i
! teleUaiien of the Holy Eucharao. to
"hjch all aea . and boys who aro com-
for Economics! TrmptUti
The 1923 SUPERIOR Chevrolet
5-Passenger Sedan
lit 1922 Chevrolet led the world in closed car sties, chiefly because of
the Sedan. This new Fisher Body Sedan is completely eclipsing its pre-
deceisor because:
'.I " ' ' -.
QyAIJTY,has been still further improved by more artistic design and
added equipment.
ECONOMY has been still further increased by engineering refinements
and greatly increased facilities.
SERVICE is now offered on a flat rate basis by 10,000 dealers and.
. service stations..
PRICEtSof-die new line remain the same in spite o adcleriequipment
and more expensive construction, which have greatly increased value.
Morning worship 11 a. a. - Christian En
deavor, 6:50, Walter wells, president ;
topic, "Better Spesking." tOinsccration
meeting). Susie Chamberlin. leader.
3 Jontor C. K. meeting, iire. Pointer,
superintendent. Evening worship, 7:SO.
Offioiar board. Monday- evening. Ladies'
Aid. Wednesday. Thnrsdsy even int.
7.30k praver meeting -W ii. A. Friday
afternoon, 2 p. m. Everyone rs invited
te these services. Cvme and wornip
with . George Ohapipao. paster.
Snnday School Convention
A Sundar school convention of the Ore-
roa Conterence t ree 'Metaait cnarea is
in progreas at North w inter and siarket.
Ta program is fall 01 interesting
things. Rev. J. B. Lots of CUicago, the
general Sunday school secretary of te
Free Methodist chnreh. a man full of
spirit and fire, will speak each evening.
Tne convention win ix- in marge ci
Rev. D. M. Higbeo, the Oreyon Confer
ence Sunday school o-retry, 01 rort-
Rev. W. N. Coffee, the district elder.
will speak Sunday morning. Everybody
welcome to come and enjoy this feast
with ns." K?v. E. T. Harrington, pastor.
Ths Salem district Sunday school con
vention will be held this sfternoon st the
First Congrsgatjonal church beginning at
2:30. Dr. Geo. Young of Portland will
speak on "Bringing Lp Father," and
Rev. Walter au Nsri will apeak on tne
subject, "Working Together."
airs. V. W. RHidell will sing and Roger
Comstoek of Silverton will give a reading.
The nominating commute composed of
Rev. Osyton Judy, Rev. Leo snd Rev.
Lanner will report, ant? new officers will
be elected for the coming year.
i : : !
The Germans are , sid - to - oa
eating much more candy and
drinking less beer. Whether they
are Improving or not the doctor
of the tutor will hare to decide.
Exchange. -
- 3 i
, Commissioner l-andls ha n't
that major leagae' haaebaQ p
era cannot play ; winter
whether or not they tt a aalary
And eome of them caat do ra,c
In that line In the anramor Uaa.k
CSaSSill m """"
Just LtR a Woman
Junior was impatiently waiting
to accompany his mother to the
neighborhood grocery.
"Do you have to put on another
dress?" he askd her.
"I. think so," she replied.
However, after adding a freeh
ohash, she came out in the same
dress, whereupon Junior, mnch
relieved that the suspense was so
soon over, exclaimed:
"Why, you didn't change your
dress at all you just changed
your mind."
Now secures a Velocipede for yonr child this Christmas. aq
siaes at the lowest prices , , - : ,
Secures a Bicycle tor your boy or glr which ' la the most
appreciated present you can give. Call in and let na expUta
our plan. , -.
Harry W. Scott
"TUB, CYCLE MAN,,V " . .
sjargeet Csclo Store in tho state, outside of PorUatvl'
ea O .V. - ' - " 'j'
, Al . aUUWU.VVUUlKiU&l HUCVi. 5.4.
Some Distiiicrive Features
Streamline body design with high
hood; vacaum feed and rear gasoline
tank on all' models; drum type head
lamps with legal lenses.. Curtains open
with doors, of open niodels. Closed
models have plate glass Ternstedt
regulated windows, straight side cord
tires, sun visor, windshield wiper and
dash light. The Sedanette is equipped
with auto trunk on rear.
Prices f. o. b. Salem
Two Passenger Roadster $ 642
Five Passenger Touring .... 663
Two Passenger Utility Coupe 880
Four Passenger Sedanette.... 1055
Five Passenger Sedan 1065
Light Delivery Truck 627
P. 0.
See these remarkable cars. Study the specifications
Nothing,. Compares With Chevrolet
.DLAJN0- . . , .
:-0 ;. Salem Dallas' '' ' .
A. I. E0FP
ia wa ar-aw a w aj ii a i
11 mm
I 1 Wl I .aassssw
iu i via u
- Z J-
For the motorist who must face all kinds of weather.
it. a i ?H a aa ia .a '"
urese xiems win mean comiorx ior nimseu ana more satis
factory operation 6f his car. Visit "Western Autorr for
any and an of'the things you need.
Kiiigston Heater
It ctanrps onto the exhaust mani
fold . Kid diverts pure heated ' air
into yonr car through a register
Ideated in the front floor board.
The register can bd regulated to
furnish, just the amount of heat
ywHn tt ' for comfort Fully
graxiteed---easily installed.
Price Complete, $3.75
Basmar for Dodga. . . ... SS.OO
Boaatar tar Kajcwell ..... rs.. .S5.00
Reawer for Chevrolet... ......SS
''Hi u.
i 'ii'.vH,;;
Your top is the most conspicuous part of your
car and upon its appearance depends the whole
appearance of your car. Glance at the prices be
low and see how very little it costs you to put a
brand new- waterproof top on your car. These
covers come complete with tape and tacks for
Ford Roadster
Ford Touring .
K Stem -:rt
t H U MM It W J-L -HJ-IL 'JfTfl" 'II II n Irrr-i-'teamw.aa.'-a. I
II ' '
- ' T .... L r , K ' .
f Ufu '
Our Price $4.95: v
Your windshield kept clean continuously with ao
effort on your part. Connects with intake manifold
and operates on vacuum principle. Very easily Install-
J ..J i i .... .
eu buu pracucaitj luoesirucilDie. -
. .$5.4,5
o 0o3O
lanT- aa aaaf m I M r s m
ear Ur
1 V
kentad ay ash ai ass woaj I
I 4W
eaJta tks "worr-aroT-
eyttsdsn Mom, t sad L
1M "MOT-SfoT- sad
aro shsftsrad lets fwa.
v Anco "Hbt Spot"
For Terd Care
'An attachment ; that" applies
heat to the intake manlfnM'tA
: insure complete conwravm tt !
.. oline into combustible gasH It's almost
tt8? -"with the low-grade gaso
of. today jf you. want arood mile-
-'-i- -j; cipiui in coia weather. We are
-; '.reanTOcd this manifold, will satisfy
rj .-;yoam e,very way and we back it with
'S-poney-back guarantee. Try it for
V-BO days. csh Price, $5.63
To be POSltiye TOUT rar1iaiA. .a.a 1
t's Freexe Proof . Per nackajre. 95c
. i
1 T:
WhyNotZ Motor Gifts for Christmas?
I SrOHtS cr. Court and High Streets ST0SES
..l -Phone 796 - 2 . Zte
aaaMaaaaaaaawaBB.; . - . -i t I
ltLtU. nJsAr Ac v'ur" kJJ-'? m iLi... I Vvtf ' ! . - no