. - THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 3. 1922 f'fll.f till II .f .-'-,...- i ' ' T ' . Iianed Daily Except Monday by THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY' ' ''"! " I . 215' 8. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon . (Portland Office, 27 Board of Trade Building. Phone Automatic ' v-- . , ..! 611-93 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is ezclosirely entitled to the use for publi cation of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news published herein. R. J. Hendricks Manager Stephen A. Stone Managing Editor Ralph Glover Cashier FraiA Jaakoakl Manager Job Dept. TELEPHONES: Business Office, 23 s Circulation Department, 683 ' Job Department, 583 , Society Editor, 108 Entered at the Postoffice In Salem, Oregon, as . second class matter r. WHY YOUNG PEOPLE NEGLECT RELIQION f - - :,. ' (Copyrighted by the San Jose Mercury) ; Two professors at Harvard University recently arranged a religious service in the chapel of that great institution es pecially for the members of the freshman class who had just entered the University. It was expected that practically all the freshmen would attend this service, although such at tendance was not specifically required. Instead of attending seven hundred 'and sixty absented themselves, and only twenty were present to greet the two professors who con ducted the service, j : ' This incident has aroused rather wide discussion in the eastern press as to the cause or causes lwr the prevailing re ligious indifference among the young people of this genera tion. There fs a wide difference of opinion as to what ha3 caused this indifference. The Manchester (N. H.) Union is certain that it is the bringing up and the entire neglect of, religious training m the home. It declares: ' 1f the intelligent and well-trained people will not ' attend their home church, we can not really expect their offspring to go voluntarily to a college chapel service even if it is arranged in their honor" ; and "The evidence -inclines one to the belief that the large majority of the ' present generation or fathers and mothehrs have lost : contact with Christianity as the Nazarene preached and ; practiced it. They, certainly have no right, therefore, ; '. tor criticize their sons and daughters who happen to be :in college for not attending a religious service." ' Others seem Inclined to ascribe much of the prevailing religious indifference to the colleges and universities of the land. President Thompson of the Ohio State University criticizes-our state educational institutions for their failure to teach the principles of religion. He says : "A boy might become a bachelor or master in almost any one of the best state institutions and yet be as ignorant of the Bible, tie mor al and spiritual truth which it represents and the funda mental principles of religion, their nature and value to so ciety, as if he had been educated in a non-Christian country." . Prof. Power of the University of Southern California, a Methodist institution, is inclined to blame also the denom inational schools.' He writes in the New York Herald: 'V "It is "noticeable that ' in most of these institutions the departments and schools of religion are the weak est points of the whole organization. The student, un ' less particularly interested in religious courses, may go through the college course entirely untouched and unaf fected by any religious , influence. Hi3 spfrttuaTand re-" ligiousf growth1 and development have stood still while his intellectual and physical development have reached . their highest po wers. His pre-university philosophy of ; life and religion are no longer adequate, and he goes into ." cornmercial life4 uninterested in the church or in relig- iousproblemsV ( . x It should, be' Iborne In mind. that under bur philosophy of yerTrmentr our state institutions - of learning are not allowed to-give religious instruction, the performance of that .duty, being left to the church and the home. 7 Our state educational institutions can not, ; therefore be jusly criti cized for not teaching ? the principles of religion. But this is not because most intelligent Americans do not believe in teaching the principles of religion to the young, but bcause they believe in religious freedom. The truth is that without religious education and the development of the higher ele ments in man, neither the young, the middle aged nor the old will have anything in them to enable them to control or to even wish to control those animal appetites, passions and instincts that are in every man. It is the lack of this, edu cation and development that makes the drunkard, the dope fiend, the bootlegger, the thief, the highwayman, the moral pervert, the murderer. Let the religious education and de velopment of the young be wholly neglected for a few gen erations and this country would go down in moral filth and rottenness like old Greece or Rome. But what of the church in its relation to the young? The Baltimore Sun in discussing this subject lays upon the church the principal responsibility for the religious indiffer ence, not alone of the young, but of the people generally. The Sun declares that betterments intended merely to pro mote the material welfare of the church have been greatly overworked. It concludes: "Is it too much to hope, then, that while the denom inational leaders have betterments in mind they will evolve, if not a better religion, at least a better presenta tion of its fundamentals ? Why has there not been evolved any more effective method of making men Detter tnan by precept and deliverance of what used to be called a 'gospel message? ? There are those who believe that un adulterated religion will accomplish more for the world than louder beating of tom-toms. Many units in nearly all branches and denominations of the church are too much impregnated with medievalism to have much influence with the young. Its message in order to reach our educated and most intelligent young people, and these will largely lead the rest, must be brought strictly up to date. It must recognize and accept the facts and truths demonstrated by our modern progress and development and the discoveries of science. No church or other organization that, for example, still maintains that the earth is flat, and that the world and everything on it was made in six literal days and has not been evolved by countless ages of develop ment from small beginnings, will get much hold on the modern young man or young woman. And finally, if the church wishes to regain its influence over the young, it must cease the old spiritual legerdemain of promising something for nothing; of promising spiritual re wards without effort at attainment on the part of the recip ient. Most young men and women of this age have a very lively and well grounded suspicion that they are not likely to get very much in any line for which they do not work, and work hard, whether the object be success in business, edu cation of the mind or spiritual development and richss. Let the church help to strengthen this :wholesome conVictionjin stead of helping to destroy it, and strive to bring home to the young the truth that spiritual treasures are more worth acquiring than anything the world can supply. Let it try to demonstrate this not alone by verbal promises of rewards in the shadowy future, but by living exemplifications of that "pure religion and undefiled" which all men instinctively ad mire when manifested in life and character, and the world will not long be told that the young people of thi3 day are indifferent to religion. exempt from the payment of the war tax. Hitherto only symphony concerts hare been exempt. Why not exempt the movies? , Looks as if there might be a "pull? con cealed somewhere. Under the impetus of a $30,000 gift the national Audnbon society is conducting a campaign of edu cation in behalf of the birds among the school children of the United States and Canada. One million, seven hundred thousand children have been enrolled. Henry Ford will be asked to J assist' in the construction of the Victory highway through Utah and Nevada. . J3ut Henry is very hard of hearing in. such cases and he may not have anything left since his contribution to the de feat of UnKed States Senator Townsend in Michigan. Exchange. National thrift week will begin January 17.. So . far as we are I personally concerned we would be better fixed to celebrate a later date. We are- likely to be suffer ing from the financial cramps growing out of holiday expendi tures about that time. Howevar, let there be no delay on our ac count. Exchange. Looks Ike the return of nor malcy in China. They are .kid naping missionaries over there. Why is It that there are many people In this town who will be lieve in the predictions of a palm. 1st who decline to believe the Christian religion?. Can anyone say? Irrigation is the big thing at the present stage of development of the fruit industry in the Sa lem district. The time" to' plan and prepare is, now,-not after the dry spell comes in June and July. The cooperative flax companv should live and expand, by all means. The penitentiary plant should' not interfere with this. On the contrary, it should help it; and it will, if properly managed. The United States treasury has held that the Chicago Opera com. pany is an "educational, body and the receipts are, therefore. - Li FUTURE DATES December 3, Sunday ElkV tnaut) memorial ierrica. Deceraber 8. Friday Reunion of Com pany M. ... December 12, Tueaday -Saiain aaaool district budget meeting. V December 12, Tueaday School budget Meeting at high school. December 14. 15 and 10 Marion county corn ahow. . December 15 and 16, Friday and Sat nrday Meeting of fruit growers . at Wood burn. v ; . December 25. Monday Christmas. -' December 81, Sunday Elks "Mid night Follies," Grand theater. January 8, Monday Inauguration of Governor-elect Walter M. Pierce. January 8, Monday Legislature meets. 4 .' fowxra - . TTJDT '; HTOtOB FIAT WOBX Copyright, 1022, AModated Editor The Blgeat little Paper la the World Edited by John H. Millar Lessons in Trick Cartooning . .j, . i t " ! ; - .. ...... . I . V. ; .. " ' -" ' . r - T', The "Sea Gull" (Complete the big drawing by adding, one by one, the tarious ' lines, shown in the sreies of small key pictures ImpIow) THE SHORT STORY, JR. ; the Voice qv behXy a. Benjamin Alarm Clock was his full name, but they ; called " him Benny A. for short. ! VHurrah, hurrah, hurrah!" he shouted, "it's time to get up. Hurrah!" "Mercy," groaned old , Grand father Clock. "It's a pity you couldn't keep still at this time of the morning and let a fellow sleep. . A person of. my age shouldn't have his' early morning rest disturbed." Oh, you're such a 1 staid old fossil," grunted Benny A. disgustedly.- '.'Weren't you ever young In your life?" Grandfather Clock looked pained. "Yes," he answered with dignity, "but I was never boister ous, and I always showed respect for my elders. The young people of those days were far different from the present day. There weren't any of these fast tickers then, and no painted faces or gold-tipped hands. And as for these frivolous little wTlst watch es." Grandfather Clock sighed, "they're bold faced, fancy dressed dolls! I'm glad to say we never heard of such things." 'Whew, what a -pokey old time you must hare had," declared Benny A., laughing. "I'm glad I'm a present-day clock." , Grandfather Clock smiled rem iniscently. "Not so pokey a you might think," he replied, "and I haven't always been so staid and quiet either. There was a time when I made as much noise as you ever thought of making. I believe I made more," he added proudly. "Well." said Benny A., "then you shouldn't bo so hard on me." "Oh." Grandfather Clock hast ened to assure hjm, "I made my noise at proper times., Every hour I sang forth, and 1 had a beautiful bass voice, too. Not one of these cracked, jazzy voices that you hear every day now." "Like mine, I suppose you mean to infer," snapped Benny A. He was beginning to get angry- at Grandfather Clock. Well. yours isn't as sweet and soft as it might be," Grandfather replied quietly. "Hrt," sniffed Benny A., "why don't you sing forth in your beau tiful bass voice now? I'd like to hear you." "I'm old and .my voice is ruined," sighed old Grandfather Clock. "Alas, you are a bold, dis respectful clock, but some day you, too, will know what it is to be old." 'Not if I know it!" Benny A. grunted. Grandfather Clock made him tired with his queer, old fashioned ways. He'd just show the old fossil. "Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!" he shouted, louder than evec. "HUR RAH!" There was a whirr, a crash, and then a . loud bang. Benny A. ticked slowly and pain fully. ' "Why, what's the matter?" asked Grandfather Clock. "Oh, I've lost my voice. It's cracked!" wailed Benny A. "I told you so, I told jou so." ticked Grandfather Clock. I PICTURE PUZZLE I a . . . . 1 1 What m rhvmin words lre nie?. The important thing in any prison system is steady employ ment for the convicts. Idleness is bad there, as elsewhere -worse there than any where els3. The dvelopment of the flax industry in the Oregon state penitentiary will provide employment and wages for all idle men; it. will make the service reformatory and educational. And It will relieve the taxpayers of Oregon of the burden of the cost of the prison; all of it. with money to spare. country urging Americans into the League of Nations. Senator Bo rah is a champion of free speech, but prefers to make all the speeches hinieelf. He thinks the Clemenceau utterances should be suppressed. Ife should be given no encouragement or considera tion. It would be some task to silence the Frenchman In the land of the free and the home of the brave. Even those who differ and disapprove would hardly have the courage to deny him a plat form. Neither xis he to be denied the privilege of criticising the American failure to participate In the perpetuation of peace through the League of Nations. The Am ericans are doing it themselves and can endure it further from the lips of a Frenchman as repre senting those who have suffered much through this nonparticipa- tion. Apparently. Senator Borah would extend the right hand af fellowship to Russia, but, out side of that, would, have no for eign relations worthy of the name. Ir he were, to visit France the mayor of Paris would hardly wel come him with a bras band, but he would at least be permitted to talk himself Into hysteria if he wished. He is the last man in the world who should remonstrate acainst the appearance of the French Tiger on Amercan soil. Senator Borah Is one of the most charmingly inconsistent men who ever carried a monkey wrench. CXEAX1XG THE WORLD The Epworth League is engag ing in a brisk campaign against the cussedhess of cussing. The league la endeavoring to end all forms of profanity. The speech of the nation is to be purified and made sweet. It is admitted that the task is a heavy one, but the crusade is undertaken with en thusiasm. It would be a fine thing if the causes for profanity could be removed. Then the temptation to indulging in viol ent speech would be lacking. It some of our business men would cut oat golf they would not curse half as much as they do. One of them thinks the enactment of a constitutional amendment tor bidding profanity would be neces sary to make a complete Job of it. and even then some of the vo ciferous millionaires would bo hiring vocal bootleggers to In dulge their pyrotechnics. There's a task ahead. THE MOVIES' IX SCRJTTXrJS "Sit In darkness." Isaiah xlU- 7. "The stars appeared." Nehe-, mlah. Iv:21 ah pieaant pictures. Isaiah 11:10. - -The sound of the grinding; Is low." Ecclf slastes , 11:4. "Clap your hands, all ye peo- ple Psalma xiviltl Boston Transcript, . , . - 2a. GRUNERT AUTO TOPS 256 State St TAMING THE TIGER (Los Angeles Times.) Senator Borah wants Clemen ceau muzzled. The Idaho states man is of the opinion that the French visitor is a blood-thirsty person who was largely respon sible for tbe war and should not be permitted to travel over tiys SEEING RED Trotzky says that the Commune in Russia will sit tight until the Red revolution sweeps the world. He says that in less than five years the earth will be ablaze with its fires and that all govern ment in Europe and America will then pass under the domination of the Moscow Internationale. The soviet system will prevail everywhere on this continent and capital will be extinguished. We will have a sweet-scenfed country when the Trotzkys succe3d In obliterating government, property, initiative, religion, society and the home. Yet there are a lot of sup posedly sane citizens in America who would extend aid and com fort to the Moscow regime. yr T" Xmas Suggestions Automotive Accessories that would make a practical and acceptable gift to your motor ing friends Moto-Meters, Mirrors, Bar Cap; Rtepriate," Parking Lamps, Robe Ixx-kaFlaah Lights, 8. A M. Spotlights, Kauffman Spotlights; Inner Tubes; Kay. IJpe Stop Signals, Exhaust - Heaters," Cuno Cigar Lighters; Pyrene Fire Extinguisher, Mayo-Kkinnrr Automatic Windshield Cleaners. 2-. . " ; . .' " " . -' J - , Practical Gifts at Low ai SL00 We can furnish any of the above items, neatly put up, with Christ mas wrapping. ' Smith & Watkins 147 N. HIGH ST. PHONE 44 Hmln)B(Ql 1 SAVE SAVE Get that Christmas Phonograph now. Come in and see these Wonderful Bargains andyou will be convinced. Make your own terms within reason. SPECIAL WhOe They Last $175.00 Victor Converto Consoles cut to I W3r$ fl II 1 J I It's a real buy We have only a few of these machines so first come, first served Act Quick. Antwei to fetterday'a: Theiaaa. This Victrola SLIGHTLY USED only $99.00 Very Easy Terms Few Other Real Buys $75.00 Victor Outfit : $37.50 $165.00 Columbia Grafanola ; $112.50 $125.00 Brunswick $99.00 $75.00 Concerto ;. , ..$35.00 $65.00 Pathe . $210 $125.00 Pathe '. :...XZZIIZZIZ$67.50 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY TERMS AS LOW AS $1.00 PER WEEK ti