The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 03, 1922, Page 11, Image 11

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    SioxyMM&ildwei Compact
Retold tor D.A: RJWnmon
The story of the
compact'' was retoM recently for
jthe members of t le ' Daughters
!of the Revolution. Mrs. C. C.
jBest precn.te tfflcetcji o( , the
historical event and read the com
pact Itself,' -The piper wu read
at the last meeting, of the Daugh
ters wheit they met with "Hn. wl
H.. Byrd for the' a mnal' Novem
ber meeting, the birthday of the
local chapter, v u
The story of the Mayflower
compact- as read by Mrs. Best,
was as .follows; J . rS
""The Colonists ol the! Mayflow
er were Englishmen of the period
of J608, at which time they fled
toTIolland. The . nane Pilgrims
was" Riven to the Plymouth colon
ial by Governor William Brad
ford, who was. a passenger on 'the
Mayflower. V"V !
1 Tbe Pilgrim separated himself
from' the established ehnrch and
L then, rather than worship con
trary to his Conscience, was com
pelled tov leave his native land.
They were contemptuously called
Separatists, i c . " ,
"i "Pilgrims Held that church . and
state should be separated. ' They
were dimple country folk, not ac
quainted,, with, , trades. . For .12
long- years they had labored to
gether, in . Holland., Without .-any.
means to carry forward their ex
pdus to Amerjca,, they., turned to
a company of London merchants
for, laid. Their only ' collateral
was .the, pledge, of the' labor- of
their r hands for ,. seven .years: in
the forests.
"After many 'grievous- disap
pointments . they sailed, almost
"Prisoners . of". HartUsg' by J.
D. Beres-ord. -
i .. "The . Wnite Kimr by Edward
Aid en. Jewel t - ' ..'
'His ;Seren Highness'' by H.
C- Bailey.
-Carnac's Folly" by Gilbert
by Ot
sign, but .those who would live
WV ,a Peace and harmony, Parker.
mysr do so' Then ealllng for
Ink ana qultf, signed his name,
followed , by Master Bradford.
Edward Wiasfbw was third.
Elder. Brewstet lourtb- Isaac
AUerton firth .Cataia Standtah,
sixths etc.. until all 41 had signed.
Th vColOftlst- werr. not-.satisfied
la.ppaertne ancient form ofjtev-
ernment, but Put In execution EBd men, by Bernard Sexton.
their new plan at once. I "Sophie" by Madame Segor.
As the last man signed the "Orchard and Meadow'1 by Zoe
compact. Master Bradford M :
"Since Master John Carver ha- "Alice and Tom" by; Kate Lou,
bee our ship' governor. I move lBe
1 thaUhe be confirmed as our land '
governor.' . With a roar of voices f 1 A V fZivl Uir,c
iue new, government was now out I
into, execution, all voting as one 'NattnnaV Pri7P
Children's Books
; 'Interesting Neighbors
rver .p eJnkins.
'.'More Jataka Tales" retold by
Elleu C. Babbitt.
"The Scotefi Twins" by Lucy
Fitch Perkins.
'"Gray Wolf Stories", Indian
mystery tales of coyote animals
man. , . 1 .
!"-hey : remained at c.n
month knA . fnnr Marjorie Stone ot.Munc
wnkh tlme hree trips of captor- tIon Citr sophomore la. home ec
anon were made, and on Friday, onowlcs at the - Oregon Agri-
cnristmaa day, ther sailed for lonttnr!
Plymouth, Where final settle- on of th winner i, th dress
uiiit was iuaue.
Old People's ;
design, contest lust closed by. the
WComen's Ilcane . Companion. Miss
Stonewas a member of the w$-
w.eij s varsity debate te$m from
the college ' which' debated the
University ft- bi California last
tprlngV ' : i '
Tkt. -vn .... f.. w
lUOnUQV Night 1tbir -teesa,, Tb! coat of the
r The Old People's home which w. ' Mii.hrnwn ratine
win De completed and ready for I trimmed" cleverly with fgzag
11 Ha aarltr In K villi.. . - ' . . . ' . . -
- ..j unes or rose; tan ana lavenaer
benefit frdm the concert to be yarn couched - oh ' with" brown
siven;. tomorrow; evening by the yarn
vYoman's rClob chorus. . This. Is
tor. Alice Thompson of the Grant
school presided ' a T this p lano. '
When de Banjo Plays. . . Wilson
Comrades of the Road... .Wilson.
Cantata. "Skipper Ireson's :
Ride" Coerno
Salem High School Chorus
Lena Belle Tartar, Director. -Lonise
Findley, accompanist
Vtolhl ,
Melody ...... .Tschaikowsslry
ScaoD. Resraaria KreUler
Leoanrd Ckatwick
Cecil, Deacoa at. the piano
PUoo ,
Splnnleid. UXolt
Juba Dance ' Dett
Cecil Deacon
College Songs . ... .....
..... . . .Oregon Normal Girls
Eventine Grey
Last Night Traditional
Jnanita Cheney Manning
Alice Thompson at- the piano.
Sole Dane Springtime
. I Geneievtt Barbour ...
Louise Findley at the piano.
. Wednesday. .
Romance Rubinstein
I vs. CJaxe- Love ,
LocUe.Ross at the piano,
Piano - : .
Whispering Wind WoUenJuupt
Serenade ... . CampbeHsTiptoa
Eugepia Savage
Vocal - ft-m
Song of India. . . --..--.
j . Rinsky-Karsakof f
I Did Not Know. . . . . .Finden
Mrs. Feteahetlan
Alice. Tbompeoa at. the piano
ThJ&dresa design .was chosen
the t first . concert the chorus , will from., one jot. .bernfteshmaJt. prob-
vr? .1 ni ' iaterwtj .. - ' Urlce ' ot 'any drii. 'mbmHtcd ' in
nr nana m an , w n vrrm m w ' a . - - - -
. - .cm I Intereat Th nniwo will - V nto. .7T r Hf
given at the First Methodist J dress may be secttred from ' the
chqrch, Monday night. pattera dnartis f of the ' Wo
Paul ; Petri, of Portland, is dl- man's Home. Companion,
recting the chords for the second ,-Two. $25. prfzaflk. -were . given,
year. Miss .Dorothy Pearco will one. .prise AULten. 5 prizes,
be accompanist for the chorus and Miss , Stone., aud4' Grace .Dentop
Miss Lena Belle Tartar and Stew- of Woodlake, Calif., wh wpn.the.
art Wi Tully of Corvafllis will be other ss& priz were; tbe only
soloists .. tar . f ha , Avnin r . Eiris irom me west wno won
TT i - - . . " - 1 ...
xuiijr win, sing one groop oi v..,
, houses and fed ; upon the- bread
of -corn. to found a nation .
"The j Mayflower . brought ; over
f ome of the noblest men and wo
men, and ' likewise some' whose
characters were not ' above : re
proach. Thus was humanity both
at its worst and .best? on, thisjoy-.
age of the Mayflower, -. ,n '' .'
; "Master. Carter was ship's gov-
. ' V . , "v,""w tnree wH which are his own
would followrtheir landing, a pa- c0mnO8lHnT1.
per tealled a Compact was drawn J The.. .'program for the evening
T 3' ! viking, Song-, . . Taylor
cabin, before- their ' landing"? at I Tn nrn
- f i .V I .. oo ...... jjxvavf wca
wiw or;wlthout a xnartof, if tney I Cborns ' , - u , f
were wiuingv,jko, sg U , ; Tnen,
n a clear, calm voice he read this
v ...
-- vol -
(a) To a Hilltop
(b) Where My Songs With
Wings Provided . . . ." Hahn
I; , (cH If f I ' Were , King t . .Tipton
. a Stewart WV Tnllr. r
The Night Has a Thousand"
ntgr81eep lttla Baby o Mine.
.V-l I V -v- - .Darnett
Music of Spring ....Duna
Chours .
(a At Little. Thought. .Tully
(b) Forever More , . . . . .TuUy
(s Tho! Tree Toad . . 1 .Tally
Stewart W. Tully.
tompact. whjch Is the foundation
'"'r 'In the name lot Gad, Amen;
We. whose names are nnderwrit
ten, the Joy alt subjects of our
dread soveralghe
the rrace' of
, alne, France' and Ireland,' king.
defender of - the faith,, etc., hav
ing undertaken, for the glorle of
God, and , advancemente of
.t,he Christian,' Jalth, an4.t honor
Of our king and eountrie, a voy
A delightful musical feature of
th week .was th sau si cale given
by, Lena. Belle Tartar honoring .a
large circle., of personal friends
and associates. Tha church was
filled to overflowing with, listen
ers who receive Miss Tartar with
enthusiasm and bursts of ap
plause '
- - Miss, Tartar Is ths possessor of
a beautiful contralto voice, which
is mellow and clear and appealing
in quality. The program, was se
lected with the purpose of dis
playing - range and - vocal tech
nlane,; Miss Tartar graciously-responded,
to numerous encores, and
receive .many beautiful flowers.
' Alice Thompson, director, of
music in the Grant Junior high
school,1 accompanied Miss Tartar
at the piano' and gave splendid
support- and sympathetic inter
pretations. Mrs:' Thompson Is
I comparatively new to, Salem pausf-
cal circles and was a happy sur
prise with her splendid wbrk and
Prof. T. fiv
ardiness in Applying for
Licenses Certain to Cre
ate. Congestion
"Notwithstanding there are
over 15,000 more motor vehicles
in the state of, Oregon at this
time than there were at the same
time a year ago, fewer applica
tions for 1923 licenses have been
filed with the secretary of state
up to this time than there were
for 1922 licenses up to the, same
period last year, says Sam A.
Korer, secretary of state.
"This means' that there will be
a congestion in. the motor. 'vehicle
division .of the department around
the first of the year as to make
It Impossible to Issue licenses
promptly upon. receipt of the applications.
Worse Every Tear,
"There seems to be a growing
tendency on the part of th mo
tor vehicle , owner, as evidenced
by a reference to the experience
of the1 last three years, to defer
taking, steps toward, the renewal'
of his, motor vehicle license, which
Is necessary "by. the. first of each
year if Jt'is hls' desrreUo operate
his vehicle continuously. 5'
"It Is economically' unwise and
physically impossible .a maintain
a trained, force, to meet, posipUy
every demand which may bo made
upon the department in connect
tion with, its administrative work.
Motor vehicle owners are there
for urged to present their ap
plications to the secretary of state
Just fas soon as possible so that
they may be equipped with their
1123 licenses when January 1st
next, rolls around, and the1 - labor
incident thereto more equitably
, FJrst JkfaJlJng December 13
"The motor vehicle law, pro
vides that .the annual licenses ex
pire with - the' calendar yearn s
that the importance of. displaying
1923 tags on all motor vehicles
operated ' on " January -1 next; is
apparent. ' No 1923. motor vehicle
license plates wllj he mailedtrom
the' dBparfment"betore'Deeembef
l, 122, so as to avoid asmuch
a9loesilletSBiBaoa? with the
1922 Plate. ; as there has been
a tendency in years pat on 4he
par oi some motor vehicle own
ers' to affix their license plates tor
the ensuing1" year before they can
a nwiuiiy aiiaenea le tneir
cars. r;
If motor vehkle owners will
spply promptly for 1 their 1911
license, a reasonable assnraaee
can be given them that by Janm-
ary 1 their 1921 tags will be in
their possession, aad again by so
doing they will afford a public
convenience, and. also aid those
charged with the enforcement of
the traffic laws in the perform
ance of their duties."
"Does CoL Gore com, of fight
ing stock?"
Tes; "both of his parents were
members of ' a church choir.
SU Louis- Globe-Democrat.
regular monthly social and basi-
ness meetlcr or the SttnSTTtf
Sunday school das was held at
the- church sodal hall last Fri
day evening. A program was I
given. Several pupUs, under th
leadership ot Miss Mabel Duncan,
gave aa interestlag Thanksgiving
play. Earl Officer of Salen de
livered two monologues in negro
dialect wkJch were received with
great enthusiasm. Some chorns
singing . and. games, followed by
refreshments, completed Hie eve
ning program.
Mr. snd Mrs. Jay Cook are th
parents of a baby girl weighing
74 ponnds..
Mrs. IL,B. Carpenter t who has
been ill for several days, is on
the road to recovery.
-A Thanksgiving rvl
held at the church Thursday mor
ning. r:" - - . '
Mrs. A. Hawthorn spent this
weer wtth- Mr:' as 1 Mrs.R, D.
Carpenter.:'' " : . ' ' ,"
Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown of Dun-
deeX)r, spent Thanksgiving wltn.
Mr. aai Mrs. Earl MeAbee. - Rev.
Mr-Ahee was theig former-pastor.
lire, i p. t A--. .Henxtngsesi Kpeat
the week-end in Portland vUIting
rh,tlTtfs:-' :.-r
H'Uw-Uow did Ton OsttagUUlX
th ehtidreit " from their' nother
at the beach, last sammerT " ..
Phil -I" always said; -Ilello.'
kiddles, enioying yourselTeaT :
and tf they 'reseated it aad. there
were sny husbandUlwooki na
men around, I beat iU Legion
Weekly. "
Fetid" Bey la In bad at Con
suntlnople. There ls aa aactent
taaA flsh-Uke smeU about th
i . .
-s f
Roberts was accompanist at the
organ for two of, the musical num
bers." and ' played with his usual
artistic charm.
announce the opening oi :ane?y&ore.
at 12S North High Street .
' ' . ' ;,..... ...
Nineteen Hundrl IJTwtwp - . . " ";
Tm CHOICEST of Oregon grown floeca will, kI?V0
As heretofore the kimwe be to combine Quality SBrri.tnlSJiU
are invitect td call either rtejbe.aite
when the store will be open for. inspection only.
ik. to plant the first colonIe ln From twLand ot' tne tw'
themortherne parts of Virginia. I ti
i a . , , i uiub iw ........ twiiuiB
dp Ty. these Presents, solemnly Th Moon, Drops Low. . .Cadmant
and nvutuallyi in the presence of Mornin: 1 w-Ut-
uu, uu4uuo ui nuuuicr, 1 incidental solo
gemer into a citu ooay poiiucK, Phnma
, . . . i . .
ior our oeiier oraermg ana pres-1 ;
' . . . . I TT IT
rrvaiion ana iurinerance oi ine I t.v. u n i
ends -aforesaid; r apd,, y rertue eas Wednesday tor ithe Bridge
nereoi, xo enacie, consxuue., anaMuncheon clttb Hleb score went!
ffame, such, Just and, eqhall laws. I to , Mp. ptii , TinrtM.- --umJ'
f aenancee, acts, - ;onstnutrons carl Nelson will entertain the
apd offices, from time to time, aslclub December 15.
snail be thought most meets ana I Mrs. Clifford Irwin won hi&n
convenient, for; th general! good l score at the " prervious meeting, ot
oi me voionie. - unio wnicn we i the. club when Mrs. Homer Egan
promise all due submission and I was hostess ifor the group of
have hereunder ' subscribed our
names at Cap Codd. the 11th of
.JTpvember, in the year of the
raigne of . our. : Bovereigne lord.
King James, of England, rrance1,
aad Ireland-1, the-' eighteenth, arid
of Scotland,.'1 the fifty-fourth
Anno DomlnL . 1C20. r
(Takr j from . "Documenjts ?U I Mn a
lust rnH v W i AWieriran History. tliDger Price.
,a. v t.: v J , "i; The Whitrt CavA.; br- "WlWmm
Mnifh rnnnsitlon followPi?. hnt I"' oivwuaiu. . .1 y;
M'aBter fTarver broneht matters to H "Freshman Dorn, Pitcher.-by
an Irrua ontcklv br tilaclne the Lesiei. w. ViUUK. , . ... J. h : .
iM our wish to f ore . anvone . to VP- r lsaoei uorniDrooK.
1 I IT,. . T t 1 TTI.l , i
Lawrencevllle story, by Owen!
"Johnnie Kelly," by Wllbtir S.
I ' L . &. -
'iVl -- . W . ' AY mm M M S ; 111
If I a.V I,' E 'I
I ir the mjiMi?r i
i .. . ' ' ' w
' New Books
"New Plays from Old Tales,"
by, Harriet Sabra Wright. -i'J.'
Blue Magic," by Edith, Bal-j
Tr u : r
Our complete line ot Christ
mas, gifts are on display now.
iToys, games, books," dolls, sta
tionery,' fancy handkerchiefs,
felt and leather house slippers,
fancy Christmas boxes of men's
' arm bands,, " garters and : sus
,pgnders singly, or in sets, etc.,
etc. ' j i
Perhaps you have been woh
deringf how.' you could spend
your Christmas , allowance : to
bes .adyantage. Your wonder
ment will -change to a happy
surprise when you see our
bountiful display and the un
paralelled -valaee. we give you.
And see oar complete line of
Electrical Specialties
jsas3t3l I Boyer.
"Many Children."
by,. ,'Mrsy
H i
NOW,! -
with us. and we will - deliver
when directed.
: Only quality flowers
plants furnished. .
Florist and Pecorator
:V3 if "Boys olr the Ages. ; their
pf I dreams and their crafts, by Laura
ra.' r: a i -- M
m i wooiey. scales.
l.'VS t f .1 t T T .-.
a Day in a Colonial Home,
by Delia. R. Prescott.
The Threat of Sitting Bull." a
story , of the time of Caster, by
D. Lange. : -r?- K '
'Ilippy Holidays, by Frances
G.. Wickes.
"Ted and-the Telephone," by
Sara Ware Basse tt.
Miss Maffefs'.Chrlstmss Par
ty. , by Samuel " McChord Croth-
1 'Travels and "Adventures ot Ra
phael Pumpelly," by Raphael
"The Treasure of the Isle ot
,Mist. br William Woodthorpe
Haas? Candy
For Christmas
Ihe Ace is The Place
Exclusive- agents :
Th, New, 'Keavens",;, recent j iV
123 N. Liberty St.
Salem TelegTatph'. Florist;;
. i sw r i
developments 'in astronomy de-l
scribed bv Geortrn Ellerv Hale.i
IIAA4 .. I
x-uuac oovi i directors o the; Mt:. WiisoKr on-
sertatory. -. ; s y - -
i Rao4' Pas" in Square Hotea",
by Qrisonr Swett'Mardsn; -
"Indians of th' Southwest'
Pliny Earle Goddard. . v rW;
North American' Indians . of
Now is the time to drop a
gentle hint to husband, son
or brother that 'yon, would ap
predate one of. our Ivory pieces
for Xmas. k. . ..: .
.- -. . -i. j
; Our Display Comnleie
Brewer Drri; Ock
-;:;cotretti ; .
Ray L fturmo?
"Our Hardware Wear"
PA WHY I' Jon to
yruu4 get your candy dir
ect' from Factory. AJways
fresh and low- price. T '
Hazel Candy Factory
Cininrclal & Miller Street
Tfr.w Won id Ton1 Snend 15 for Christmas -
Salem's Leading Merchants are going to give $60 In
prizes for the best answers to the above, questidnr ,
Prizes to be awarded m tn,e iouowmg mmsuivr-,
Besti answer . . i . . . . . 1 10 CluT Check
Second answer. ... ..... .115, CluiChock
Third answer f 5 Club Check
Next fiT aniwers . . ; : . ; . , : Club Cftec
rhecVs will be riven at the office ' of the Statesman
necemfter zz. or will be mailed toTron it reqwestea ana
will be good tor face value at. any one of, we.urms. sa-
vertising in this column. - , .
Names of winners. wUl be punusnea in tnis eouinui
either December 21 or 22, or;bqth. All answers mnst .ha,
in the noatoffice or delivered at this oxrica nor, uier. uiaa.
9 a. m., Decemoer xu. 'inis. wm aaawjff, v.
contestants.: .. ; .. ... i -
irl vonr answers to the: above Question yon are to
imagine yon are buying presents for. father mother, big
brother (age 20), big sister (age 18, little brother (ag
8. little sister face 81. and; one other person grandma.
grandpa., or a friend. Then yoe most buy- something for
The presents selected heed, not he article appearing
in this column, but they must, fee from, tirma wos as
appear here perhaps something, you've, seen, on a per?
sonal shopping trip.
watch these ads. closely, they appear Sunday, wed
nesday. Friday, of each week until Christmas and, arrange"
"onr'list to -th.e best advantage.
Write, your letter plainly.' on oa side r your-psper,
" - - -.: .m m - s m m m
and tell tn your own way wnac yon wouio euy wim
for the family that is suggested here. i
Address alL answers to Christinas Contest Editor, care
The Statesman, Salem, ; oregoiu:-, ; !-';::'f
Photos of yourself made at
Mrs, Trover's Gift Shop.
. Sittings Made Night or Day
165 N. Liberty Stw
$2.00 nov
Secures a Bicycle for your
boy this Christmas. Call in
and let us explain our plan
no. obligation to bay. '
Harry W. Scgit:
"The Cycle Majii
. 147 SowComl
Solve Vont gift problems with
Pendleton JFroaucts
For Motaer: "A beautiful Bed
.- Wi-jJtei et pare vtrgin. wooL,
" Or- Sr -bathrobe.
For; Patlier; A'Bathrohe or
Auto Robe.
For : Bwcet heart or Sistert A
gewUj. Indian i.blanket -
anawi, scan, poirow or oaia-
robe. j
"For Him" A steamer rog
Shrine or Elks' Robe
Ve invite you to come to
see our . display of Pendle-
ton Products.
C P.Bishop, Prop.
'rrnTCTrTA&'l i (
ii ti.-illLil.
1 ( i mt
Qne cannot make a misi&Ke
books. la prist:' -
' w ' j '
mory of Mankrad -
OntMne of Bctenee-
Boston Cook Book
Bible. ; 1
the twu grea-esl
There's alvrays place and
time for a good book
' ,. .
Xmas Cards and Seals on dls
--.r-- play -
The, Commercial
Book Store
la N. Conamerclal
ShoD for Tilen
The Xmas
Newest in Hata, Shirts, Pajama-, Glores,
Neckwear, Etc, at Popular Piees
For the Whole Family
Dolls, Toys, Cbiaaware,
Glassware, etc ,
Salem Variety
- 1S2 No. Corpnercial .
Furs That Fit
Your Personality
! You will find : V
them at Salem's
Exclusive Fur Store i f;
West Put Co. "'
521 Court SU
rm. A, Zosel
416 State St.
ECiaE. Cooley
"Quality Brand' DisBpaa
Sale Starts Monday 4th V
10-e.nart Dishpans, 91 each; 14-qnart Dishpans, $149
eacb; 17-qnars msApaas
"The Winche-tex: Store" r
After 35 years in the leather
business we feel ' that we afe
competent to Judge the best
values and we carry these alone
170 So. Commercial
111 111
- fl I St - s ssBBBBsssssssassBSBBaa-assssa-B
...... 1 " 1 '. 1 . I - " . " V" " - - .
-v..- - M.VMr -t-v JS-ftXfiiZSi
WIH sid you In mak
ing a -clean sweep .of
your Amas snopptav
Archie FlcQricz
44 Court St. V
5f ;i
wwtwrnir v ,-...-- H -i v
I I a t fi1.l.hit ft. -a - it vrri--1 I W t ftfft-E
i ni t i n i n i - t t i -i im m -i -mm m tut m i i i in 7 kN .. kt1
-.--.--.- Mi ji . , - .-"V, t'