The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 03, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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. i i
TnAiiivouiiiu wes. had
been leatared by a num
ber of charm in er ancial
ev?nts honoring guests and Sa
lem young folks home for the
holiday. Numerous smaller in
formal parties havjs. been ea
tures , of the weekj end which
ushers in the tire-Christmas
season. I
' Mrs. P. "O. -Sargent of San
the insplra-
Francisco has been
tlon for a number Qf pretty par
ties -while 'She has been the house
Kart of Mrsi T. A.
was hostess last
targe dancing party
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Goulct, Mr. at a dinner party
nnit Mm Pr.rr.or. r.rmlcv Mr onil laid for 16
Mrs. George Grirritb, Mr. and I
Mrs. John W. Harbison, Mr. anrt
Mrs. Paul Hendricks, Harry Haw- '
kins, M.T. and Mrs. R. M. Hofer, ,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H&'er, ;
Mr. and Mrs. Ersel Kay, Mr. ano
Mrs. Hollis Iiumrngn, Mr. and'
Mrs. Lou's Lachmund, Mr. and j
;Mrs. James Linn, Mr. and Mrs.,
(Frederick Lamport, Mr. and Mrs. ,
O. C. Locke. Mr. and Mrs. Wil-1
son and ElUabeth McDermott.
The other guests were: Mr. and
Mrs. ElT'n Lam pis, the Misses
Mildred Gill, Grace Humphreys,
H'len Rose. Amelia Babcock,
(Catherine Slade, Dorothy Patter
Uon, Veda Howd, Margaret Gnr
tith. Mary Rowland. Leitha Wii-
son. Ruth Barnes, Jeanette Mere
Covers were dith, Mable Ackorman. Ruth
at a prettily ap- Page. Margaret
pointed tabl centered with a Griffith, Lenta
large fuit basket. Chrysanthe- Mary Melinger, Prudence Patter
mums in yellow and white were son, Alice McKinnon, Mary West,
effectively used about the rooms Ruth Tucker, Helen Ramsden,
of the Lively home. Mary McKinnon, Margaret Brei-
The guests included Mr. and tenstein, Frances Tucker, Flor
Mrs. F. G. Sargent, Mr. and Mrs. ence Jon-w. Dorothy Kevar, Katb
Lawrence Hofer, Mr. and Mrs. leen Rogers, " Mildred Gilbert,
John J. Kooerts, air. ana .ir-. jean shipp. t-mery uui, rnnu
Ashel Bush. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Thielson. and Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Walton.
Mrs. Cal Patton will entertain
the Thursday Bridge club Mon
day afternoon.
' Th Marion county University
! of Oregon Alumni association wili
! spousor a dancing party in Salem
December 23, according to .the de
: tision of the executive committee,
Pierce, KutS , Mr ani Mr3. John j Roberts
Baumgartner, ; were hosts IJst nJeht for a dln-
ner P3rty Itefore the danee.
I Covers ue-re laid for 30 gue!t.
J Dr. and Mrs. Fred II. Thorn p
I son and their children Pegtry and
j Darid spent the Thanksgiving
holiday with Mr. Thcmpson s s
ter, Mrs. G. G. Forbes at the
Forbes' country home near Ryan
place. Portland.
Mr. and
were hosts
Ham Lytle, Miss Elizabeth !ord.
Llvealy who iV,r- antl -MrB- viiuam ilci.u-
hight for a crnii, air. ana .Mrs. Jonn ic-
or Mr. nadiary. ana Airs. Henry Mey- Thnrflav pVPnine
- I . t A r 1 f ( : T . T I . ..
Mrs Sargent at the Illahee coun-;. "r. aim ..niiuu .wer gjVing dinner
trJr clob. Several i other small i er. u t V'-
ffalrs were given for Mrs. Ser- ctt, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ol'nger.
knt during the week. Dr- w- Morse. Mrs. George'
Mrs. Theodore Arntz a: Port-jH Rodgers, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
land, who was' the! house euest I Spears, Miss Mahal Robertson,
. i " ,i.
of lira. Louis . Lajchmund for
Jean Shipp, Emery
Ringle. Gene Gill, Earl Shafer.
Wiliard Marshall, Ralph Olson,
Donald Davison, David Adolph.
Max Moon. Bernard Nutting, Rol
and Reinhait, Frank Patterson, j MJs8 Zoe Stockton pn Saturday
Charles Co fey. F. Deckebach. 'evening entertai ned at di nner r or
I Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Theo
dore Arntz of Portland Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Lachmund were ho3ts, Edwin Armstrong, J. Murns, tn pleasure of Miss Couine Bur-
at a Thanks-sLari nagedom, K.oia .ctienaa, person, who has been the house
Thanksgiving, was ! an honored
truest at several parties during
her short visit in $alem.
Honoring Mr. and Mrs. F. G.
Sargent of San Francisco, their
Mr. and Mrs. J. Shelly Sauer
man, Mr. and Mrs. Horner Smitn,
Mrs. Margaret Lovelace, Six. La
fuerge, Mr. and Mrs.- Thielson.
Miss Nell Thielson, Mr. amd Mrs.
T. C. Simth Jr., Paul Wallace,
Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Schucking,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Farrar. Mr.
party. The guests! John Caughell, Jonn .M'nio, rtay
included Mr. and Mrs. Arntz, unond lionesteeie, naipn vam-r
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Smith Jr.. 'Lewis West, Wyndham Buren
i.r an,! tra i shpiiv Saner-! Herhert Darby. Richard Slater
man, Mrs. Folsom and L. Le-jPaul Staley
furty. bur Bailey,
Bronze and yellow chrysanth- j Jones,
mums with yellow canuies maae iiien,
house guests, Mr. jand Mrs. T. 'and Mrs. Fred Williams, Mr. and
A, Livesly were holts last night; Mrs. U. G. Shipkv, Col. and
at a large dancing party at the Mrs. George A. White, J'm
Illahee Country club. The club Young, Mr. and Mrs. Percy
rooms were lovely j with great Young, Mr. land Mrs, William
yellow and white j chrysanthe-1 Walton, Mr. 'and ' "Mrs. Fritz
mums and quantities of autumn Slade. and Mr. and Mrs. Earl C.
a pretty color note on the dn
ner table.
Mrs. Clarence Thompson was
hostess Friday at a pretty lunch
eon party in the Peacock-room erf
the Gray lieile. Mrs. Theodore
4 Arnt was guest of honor for the
Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence Hofer at a d'nner party,
guest cil Mrs. W. I. Staley lor
the last few weeks.
The table was most attractive
with red satin streamers from
the chandelier to the table corn
ers, a crystal bowl of red rose
buds and fern, surrounded by
red candles in rrvstal ctlrka
Morris f0rmeti tne centerpiece.
ArthUr j TU bvonlnv urao onant Ti'ith
Monday uu.ld. at Lausanne
American War Mothers at Com
mercial club rooms.
Salem Music Teachers associa
tion, with Mrs. Bertha Junk jWelch
Darby. 679 N. Cottage. 1 1
W. C. T. U. at nail.
St. Paul's Guild, with Mrs.
James Walton, 1077 Center.
Story Telling section of Arts
league at library.
Modern Writers section o? Arts
league, with Mrs. Byron Brunk,
134". Highland ave.
Chapter G of P. E. O., with Mrs.
G. W. Laflar.
Raphatarlan club, with Mrs. A.
A. Siewert.
Woman's Missionary society of
First Presbyterian church.
Salem Woman's club at Cham
ber of Commerce. '
Ladies of G. A. R.
Mrs. John Brophy I Mr. and Mra. Georta Rlchm
last night at a din-wre hosts Thursday at a family
... . . . idinner. Those included war
ner partv tor eignt guests. , - - -
Those bidden included Mr. and ", U . " rv
Mrs. Ralph C.lover. Maxine Glov
er, Mr. and Mr. Z. J. R.ggs,
Mr. and Mrs. Eatl Daue, Miss
Evlvn Stevenson and Budu 1
and Mrs. John Brophy and irc
11. B. Brophy.
'Read the Classified ArJs
Flegel of Portland; ChaunceyiMr. and Mrs.
F. H.
tinted Oregon grapej.
The guest 1'st included Mr. .Bishop. Bert Cameron. Silverton: i"ere charming
and Mrs. F. G. Sargent, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. William Poorman. evening.
IMra. Edwin Baker, iMr. and Mrs. : Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Poorman, I Those present included Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Powell, Miss Mrs. William H. Burghardt, Mr.
Bruce Putnam. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Frank Andrea. Mr. and
Hugh McCammon, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. James
C. B. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. F. Mrs. Ho -er.
G Mvers Mr nrl Mrs Z. .1. .
Linn and Mr. and
f-eorge Brown, Mrj and Mrs.
John J. Robert, Mr. and Mrs.
fCllf ord Brown, Mr. and Mrs.
jWilliam H. BurghaTdt, Mr. and
iMrj. Aihal Bush, Mr. and Mrs.
jA . musd, Air, ana Mrs. frlce Riggs, Mr. and Mrs. K'nney, I The annual Thankseivine hoil
w. Hyrd, Mr. and: Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Cannon, day dance for T. A. alumnae was
Andrea, Mr. and Mra. WUliam'Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Dany. Miss sponsored Friday evening by the
Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Russet Cat- Lou Thompson, James Marr, active members. Patrons and
lln, Mr. and Mrs. John Carson, Harry Orl and Mrs. Oswald We3t. Patronesses for the affair were
Mr. and Mra. Allan Carson, Mr. Mr and Mrs. J.
and Mra. Chester Cdx, Miss Cath- Mrs. O. C. Locke was a charm- and Mrs. C. J.
erine Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Cur- Ing hostess Friday at the Gray Mrs. B. Jones.
ts Cross. Mr. and, Mrs. Frank Belle honoring. Mrs. F. G. Sar-I Special guests for the party
uuruin, enns. unjoin .. Jr., air. gent. Covers were laid for four were! Edna Howd. Loma Cool-
Dyer, Mr. Jat the pretty luncheon table. lidge. Ruth SchultE. Nancy Wll-
C. Nelson,
W. ' Connel
David Eyre, Mr.
Dan Fry Jr., jCarl Gabriel- Mr. and
Maj. and Mrai. Dusenberry, 'wero hosts Wednesday
!son. Francis Ward, Dorothy Esch,
Livesly Marjorle Burghart, Ruth Snow,
evening Mary Jano Albert, Elsie Mangu-
Ted Purvine, WU
Milton Steiner. Evan
Asel Eoff, Russell Em
Arthur Rosebraugh. Vick
Williams, Roy St'ckles
Baker, Harry Baker,
koss, rraun kuiwu - ;caras and music. Covers were'
Wilson. I laid for Miss Couine Burgerson,
'Miss Joy Turner, Miss Katheryn
Guests for the week end in Sa-jGunnell. Mr. and Mrs. James
lem include number who are .Xlcholison, S. B. Elliot, J. o.
vr- known here from previous Mouser, , B. Ro .f . Mrs. J. L.
visits or who have formerly mafle
their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Slade or
Portland aro house guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John J. Roberts.
Stockton and the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Penney
had as their guests for a fam
ily dinner Thanksgiving day, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Flegel jand Mrs. G. C. Ellison, George
are house guests of Mrs. Flegel's anci Viola Ellison of Portland
aunt, Mrs. Milton L Meyers jand Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Walch-
Miss Mildred Apperson of Mc- er, Helen and Perry Walcher.
Vinnville is the house gueet of group oj! 25 of her young
Dr. and Mrs C. H. Robertson, classmates and friends surprised
Mrs. Warren Truitt of Mos-jKathryn Rowe on her eleventh
cow, Idaho, who has been the jbirthday, November 27. The
house guest of Mrs. A. :s. fcjusn , decorations and refreshments.
lor several weeks returnd Tues
day to her home. While in Sa
lem she was the inspiration tfor
a number of delightful affairs".
Mrs. Bush entertained with a
large tea in honor of Mrs. Truitt.
Mrs. John Rottle entertained
with a birthday dinner for Mr.
Tlottle Tuesday evening. Covers
for seven guests were laid at the
pretty table centered with
birthday cake.
which were suggestive of Thanks
giving, were of a combination of
pfnk and white.
Mrs. Rowe was assisted in the
entertaining and serving by Mrs.
Many Simpson.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hofer
left Fiiday for San Francisco
where they will make their home.
They have been the inspiration
a for several delightful parties dur
ing the last week.
Gained by wearing
Frolaset Corsets
Renska L. Swart
Corset Sieclallst
115 Liberty Street
An Assured Welcome
for Hosiery
DID you ever hear of a Woman having
too many pairs of hose ? No and
neither did we!
That's why they're such popular
Christmas gifts. We have a wonderfully
complete stock of Hosiery for selection,
from the sheerest silks to the heaviest
Particularly interesting are the deli
cate shadings for evening wear.
Where it pays to "Pay At Yor Go."
v.. ". r r . , ." - . .. .
II ' III IS LIH3.S. ; f I w jv v ?, ,
'''JpL ;
1 c ...
That Will Be Appreciated Christmas Morn
Doubtless one of your Gift Shopping problems is, wonder
ing what to Give To Relatives, Mother, Grandmother, Wife
Mother-in-law, Sister, Daughter, or Baby, to Intimate Friends
Fellow Club Members, or Neighbors.
Everything that's dear to a woman
. .... - .
Come to Toyland Bring the youngsters, they probably have made out Christmas lists
a foot Ions already and expect everything to come down the chimney, but bring them to
Toyland anyway. ; . x .
X That are dressed and undressed and sleep, some that flirt Bisque Dolls, Rag Dolls,
-"5 Metal Dolls. Rubber Dolls- rfelectric Trains. Sanitarv Rae Dolls. Staam Enerines: Iron
Trains, Merry-Go-Rounds, Dogs, Bears, Cats, Horses, Monkeys, Elephants, Brooms, Stoves, Games,
Blocks, Mechanical Boats, Clowns, Birds, Lambs, Rubber Dolls and many other things too numerous
to mention. . .
Furs Gloves Jewelry Dress Silks
Suits Hankies Combs Dress Goods
Dresses Blouses Bags Table Linens
Kimonos Waists Vanities Madiera
Skirts Umbrellas Beads Bed Spreads
Petticoats Neckwear Bar Pins Blankets
Corsets Ribbons Ear Rings 9obes
Underwear Camisoles Bracelets Comforters
Gowns Silk Hose Pearls Pillows
Everything for Babies Fountain Pens Silver and Gold Pencils Sweaters
Gifts You Make Will Please
What you can do with ribbon isn't worth talking about. Many
things can be made of rillon. Priced at vard
The gift one makes is usually appreciat
ed most Even a dainty, hand made hanky
is big enough to carry a big Christmas mes
sage. New dainty Checks and Stripes, suitable for
children's dresses and A
lingerie, priced yard 25c to 4"C
Handkerchief Linen, in colors. Q
At a yard plUt7
Handkerchief Linen, in White. tf0 fA
At $1.50, $2.00 and, p.0U
New Paisley and Bulgarian Silks. f0 QQ
At, a yard $t.uO
New Handkerchief, 3 ply; in plain CQ,
and check, all colors, yard mUC
IS Shopping Days
l 1
s ana uous are located in
Our Downstairs Store
Salem' Store
466 tate St
' Portland Silk Shop
383 Alder St.